The Negative Impact of Stress in Academic Performance To Students

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The Negative Impact of Stress in Academic Performance to Students

Julio David R. Fabugais

Grade 10- St. Mark
Basic Education Department



This project will look at the issue of academic stress among students, its origins, symptoms, and
strategies to manage it in order to improve student performance. One of the goals of this research
is to figure out what the link is between the two variables. Academic achievement is one of the
most important factors for students in higher education. The grade point average (GPA) is a
measure of academic accomplishment (G.P.A). Despite the fact that we live in the millennium
period, where education is available to all, there are still certain variations in student
performance (Meyer, 1959). The body's nonspecific reaction mechanisms to demands or
stressors placed on it are referred to as stress (Meyer, 1959). It's a way of seeing and dealing with
environmental dangers and obstacles. Academic anxiety is a regular occurrence among
university students. Academic stress may be apparent in students' daily actions.

Student’s report experiencing academic stress at regular intervals during each semester, with the
most significant sources of academic stress being from taking and studying for tests, grade
competitiveness, and the enormous quantity of knowledge to understand in each class. Academic
stress is a problem for both students and society because it prevents students from learning entire
intellectual information that is required to promote development and advancement in society. As
a result, academic stress is a problem for both students and society. Based on the
aforementioned, the purpose of this study is to investigate academic stress among university
students with the goal of prescribing a course of action.

II. Statement of the Problem: The main problem of this research is for the
researcher to know the negative effects of stress to academic performance of
students. Specifically, it answers the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents according to:

1.2 Sex
1.3 Age

2. How stressed do you feel during academic year?

3. What are the usual cause of stress in your life?
4. How do you cope us this stressed?


The purpose of this study was to gather information on the negative effects of
stress to academic performance of students in their academic year. Scholars have
conducted several studies to determine the characteristics that influence a student's
academic performance and achievements at various educational levels. According
to a research, a student's educational performance and accomplishment is highly
influenced by the socioeconomic position of their parents and guardians (Graetz;
1995). Considine and Zappala discovered comparable results in their research,
finding that social standing and family wealth are both positively connected with a
student's academic achievement (Considine and Zappala; 2002). Some researchers
discovered that a student's former academic achievement has an impact on their
current academic performance. It has also been discovered that students' self-
confidence in terms of academics and managerial talents, as well as how they
manage their academic workload, has an impact on their academic success
(achievement) (Richardson, 2011; Yip, 2009). Sleeping patterns have a significant
impact on student performance, according to research. Short sleepers, long
sleepers, and ordinary sleepers are the three groups they fall under. Short sleepers
are defined as those who sleep for less than six hours. Exercise, sleeping
habits/wake-up time, and their nutrition regimen have the greatest impact on
health-related concerns, and hence have a substantial impact on a student's
academic performance (Hammer et al., 1998).


To achieve the purpose of the study, the researcher utilized the descriptive
correlational method through survey approach utilizing an online questionnaire or
Google form to gather data. The survey questionnaire focused on the perceptions
of the respondents on how stresses can affect negatively to the performance of
students int their academic.

The study was conducted to random High School students at Dumaguete City
Schools with a response of 23.


The focus of this study is to know how stress can affect student’s life. The
instrument used was a self-made questionnaire via Google forms. The respondents'
personal information was collected in the first section of the questionnaire at St.
Paul University in Dumaguete. The survey questions concern the deleterious
impact of stress on pupils' academic performance.”

The study questionnaire was pre-tested with a group of Grade 10 students from St.
Paul University Dumaguete's Junior High School program, and the questions were
subjected to the Cronbach's Alpha test to determine internal consistency and
reliability. The result of the internal reliability test, 0.52, was regarded as "Poor”.
As a result, no alterations or alterations to the items of the dependent variables
indicated were made. The pre-test and final administration of the questionnaire
were both done with the same questionnaire. On the 5-point Likert scale below,
respondents' views and beliefs on the indicated dependent variables were assessed
or expressed.
Chapter 2
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Table 1.1 Gender

Table 1.1 shows the gender of each respondent. There are 12 (52.2%) male
respondents and 11 (47.8%) female respondents, in total of 23 (100 %)
respondents. This means that the perceptions, beliefs and opinions regarding the
negative effect of stress during online classes and face to face will represent both
male and female respondents. In which the highest number of participants are the
female. It is most significant that most of the female students are more affected of
their academic performance because of stressed.

Table 1.2 Age

5 (16.1%)

Table 1.2 As seen in the table 1.2, there are 5 (16.1%) that are aged 15 years old,
11 (47.8%) who are 16 years old and 3 (13%) that are 17 years old. Where the
highest number of age is 16 years old followed by 17 years old and 15 years old.
This means that the perceptions, beliefs, and opinions regarding negative effects of
stress to academic performance of students. It shows that most of the respondents
are aging 16 yrs. old.

Table 1.3 Perception of respondents on how stress they are during academic
As seen in the table 1.3, there are 9 (39.1%) experience almost stress during their academic year,
7 (30.4%) of students experience moderately stress during their academic year, 6 (26.1%) of
students said that they are most stressed during their academic year and 1 (4.3%) of student
experienced stress during their academic year. This shows that most of the students are
experiencing moderately stressed during their studies.

Table 2: Perceptions of respondents on the causes of their stress in their life

As seen in this result 16 (69.9%) of students answered that they are likely stress
because of their studies during their academic year, 4 (17.4%) of the respondents
answered that they are stress because of their family issues and 3 (13%) of the
students are stress because of friends’ issues & social issues. This shows that most
of the cause of stress in their life of the respondents are caused by studies during
their academic year.
Table 3: Perceptions of respondents on how they cope up their stressed.

In this graph, it shows how the students cope up their stresses. It shows that 12 (52.2%) of
students cope their stresses by bonding with their friends, 10 (43.5%) of students cope their
stress by going to church or (praying with it), 10 (43.5%) of students cope their stresses by
having bond in their families, 9 (39.1%) of the students cope their stresses by doing other things
that can relieve the stress they experienced and 6 (26.1%) of the students cope their stress by
reading books or writing. This shows that most of the respondents cope their stress by bonding
with their friends.


Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

1.1There are 12 (52.2%) male respondents and11 (47.8%) female respondents, in total of 23(100
%) respondents.
1.2 there are 5 (16.1%) that are aged 15 years old, 11 (47.8%) who are 16 years old and 3 (13%)
that are 17 years old. Where the highest number of age is 16 years old followed by 17 years old
and 15 years old.
1. The three components with the highest weighted mean are: Can be used for easier
communication Wx=3.68 STD= 0.65 (Strongly Agree), Can be used for easier access to
materials and easier storage of information STD=3.52 Wx=3.52(Strongly Agree), and Enhances
creativity in presentation STD=0.57 Wx=3.45(Strongly Agree).
2. The computed p value of the identified independent variable such as Gender, Year Level and
Age are not significant to 0.05 alpha. This leads to the acceptance of the null hypothesis that
there is no significant relationship between stress and academic performance to Gender, Year
Level and Age. This shows the significant relationship between perceptions of respondents on
the negative effect of stress to academic year.
3. The computed p value of the identified independent variable such as Gender, Year Level and
Age are not significant to 0.05 alpha. This leads to the acceptance of the null hypothesis that
there is no significant relationship between Perceptions of respondents on the negative effect of
stress to academic performance of students. This shows the significant relationship between
perceptions of respondents on the negative effect of stress and academic performance.
Based on the findings the following conclusions were formulated:
1.1 The perceptions on how stress can affect the students’ performance will represent most male
respondents in this study
1.2 1.1 The perceptions on how stress can affect the students represents mostly the Grade 10
students in Dumaguete Schools.
1.3The perceptions on how gadgets can affect the students will represents the age range of 15-17
years old respondents.
1.4 Most of the respondents are moderately stress in their academic year
1.5 Most of the respondents answered that they are stress because of their studies.
1.6 Most of the respondents cope their stress by bonding with their friends.
 In this study, we recommend a wider response to evaluate accurately on the negative
effect of stress to academic performance.
 We recommend to look for more RRL (Review of Related Literature).
 We recommend to base it on higher levels like senior high and college to fully show the
accurate result if there’s a relationship of stress to academic performance of students.

The body's response to a problem is stress. Although stress is commonly thought to be
negative, it may be beneficial in some ways. The appropriate type of pressure may sharpen
your mind. Reflexes and the mind Stress are the body's normal response to a variety of stimuli
in reaction to difficulties. Regardless of her age or grade, a student's capacity to learn can be
harmed when she is exposed to excessive amounts of stress or chronic stress memorize, as well
as lead and obtain high marks to a state of low physical, emotional, and mental well-being by a
parent may assist their child by understanding about typical stresses to help a youngster cope
with unpleasant or persistent stress.

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