A. Serial Monogamy: Marriage (Merriam Webster) Monogamy

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Marriage (Merriam Webster) Monogamy

 State of being united to a person of the  Form of marriage in which one man
opposite sex as husband or wife in a marries one woman.
consensual & contractual relationship  Most common & acceptable form of
recognized by law marriage
 The state of being united to a person A. Serial Monogamy
of the same sex in a relationship like In many societies individuals are
that of a traditional marriage [same- permitted to marry again often on the
sex marriage] b: the mutual relation of death of the first spouse/after divorce
married persons [Wedlock] c: the bu t they cannot have more than one
institution whereby individuals are spouse & at the same time.
joined in marriage B. Straight Monogamy
Remarriage is not allowed
Group Marriage
Polygyny • Marriage of two or more woman with
 Form of polygamy marriage in which two or more men
one man marries more than one • Husbands are common husbands &
woman at a given time. wives are common wives
 Two types: Sororal polygyny & • Children are regarded as the children
nonsororal polygyny of the entire group as a whole
• Sororal polygyny- A type of
marriage in which the wives are RULES OF MARRIAGE:
invariably the sisters. It is often  No society gives absolute freedom to
called sororate. its members to select their partner
• Non-sororal polygyny- Type of  Endogamy & Exogamy are the two
marriage in which the wives are main rules that condition marital
not related as sisters. choice.
 Endogamy
Polyandry • rule of marriage in which the life-
 It is the marriage of one woman with partners are to be selected within
more than one man. the group
 Less common than polygyny • Marriage within the group (eg.
 Two types: Fraternal Polyandry & Non- The group may be caste, class,
fraternal Polyandry tribe, race, village, religious
• Fraternal Polyandry - several groups, etc,)
brothers share the same wife the • In caste, endogamy marriage has
practice can be called Aldephic or to take place within the caste
fraternal polyandry. This practice • Caste endogamy, class endogamy,
of being mate, actual or potential sub caste endogamy, race
is called Levirate. It is prevalent endogamy, and tribal endogamy,
among Todas. etc.
• Non-fraternal Polyandry - In this • Brahmin has to marry a Brahmin
type, the husband need not have • In sub caste endoghamy, it is
any close relationship prior to the limited to the sub caste groups
marriage. The wife goes to spend *Caste-group of people in India
some time with each husband. So *Brahmin-  are the caste from which
as a woman lives with one of her Hindu priests are drawn, and are
husband; the others have no claim responsible for teaching and
over her. maintaining sacred knowledge.
 Exogamy 8) Matthew 5:32 Adultery is the only
• It is a rule o marriage in which an biblically acceptable reason for divorce
individual has to marry outside his 9) Isaiah 62:5 An ideal marriage
own group. It prohibits marrying relationship mirrors God’s loving
within the group. The so-called relationship with His people. (see also
blood relatives shall neither have Isaiah 54:5; Ephesians 5:25)
marital connections nor sexual 10) Proverbs 31:10 A strong marriage
contacts among themselves. relationship is a precious thing

5 ROLES OF MARRIAGE PARTNERS: • “The Ideal Wife” (Proverbs 31)

1. Best Friends in marriage • “The Good Marriage” (Ruth & Boaz)-
2. Next of kin Book of Ruth
3. Sexual partners in marriage • “The Bad Marriage” (Samson and
4. Managing marital finances Delilah) Book of Judges Chapter 14,15,
5. Parents in marriage & 16

According to many Christian 4 INVIOLABLE MARRIAGE PRINCIPLE:

denominations, Christian marriage is the • A man shall leave his father & mother
union between a man and a woman, SEVERANCE-act of separation
instituted and ordained by God as the • And shall cleave to his wife-
lifelong relationship between one man as PERMANENCE
husband, and one woman as wife. • They shall be become one flesh-UNITY
• and the man & woman were both
The bible has a lot to say about naked & were not ashamed-INTIMACY
marriage, so let’s make a “Top Ten List” of
the most important Bible texts about RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS BETWEEN
1) Mark 10:6-9 God instituted marriage & FAMILY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES
gives His blessing (see also Genesis
1:27,28; Hebrews 13:4) • Art. 68 The husband and wife are
2) Genesis 2:18 God created humans with obliged to live together, observe
an innate need & desire for the close mutual love, respect, and fidelity and
bond that marriage provides. (see also render mutual help and support
Proverbs 18:22)
3) Genesis 2:23,24 Husband & wife • Art. 69 The husband and wife shall fix
become “one” in the marriage bond. the family domicile. In case of
(see also Matthew 19:5,6) disagreement, the court shall decide.
4) Ecclesiastes 9:9 Marriage is lifelong  The court may exempt one spouse
commitment (see also Proverbs 5:18) from living with the other if the
5) Ephesians 5:28, 33 Husbands and latter should live abroad or there
wives are to love and respect each are other valid & compelling
other. reasons for the exemption
6) II Corinthians 6:14 Husbands and
wives should be bonded together with • Art. 70 Spouses are jointly resp. For the
a similarity of beliefs, goals, and support of the family. The expenses for
objectives. (see also Deuteronomy such support and other conjugal
7:3,4; Genesis 24:3,4). obligations shall be paid from the
7) Exodus 20:17 Husbands and wives are community property and in the
to be sexually faithful to each other in absence thereof from the income or
the marriage relationship. (see also fruits of their separate properties. In
Leviticus 18:20) case of insufficiency or absence of said
income or fruits, such obligations shall
be satisfied from the separate
properties (IIIa)

• Act 72 When one of the spouses

neglects his/her duties to the conjugal
union or commit acts which tend to
bring danger, dishonor or injury to the
other or to the family, the aggrieved
party may apply to the court for relief
• Act 73 Their spouse may exercise any
legitimate prof., occupation, business
or activity without the consent of the
other. The latter mat object only on
valid, serious…


• Assisted Reproductive Tech.

Refers to the method used to
achieve pregnancy through the use of
artificial or partial artificial

• Artificial Insemination (AI)

Act through which the sperm is
placed into a female’s uterus (intra-
uterine method) or into the cervix
(intra-cervical method)

Two processes:
 Homologous (from the husband)
 Heterologous (from another

• In-vitro Fertilization
 An artificial process through which
the egg cells are fertilized by the
sperm outside of the woman’s
reporoductive tract
 “In Vitro”, Latin word means “in a
 The procedure is known as TVOR
(Transvaginal Ovum Retrieval)
 AZH (Assisted Zona Hatching)

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