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1. Dosanjh, Amanjot
2. Dixit, Karan
3. Miclat, Maria C.
4. Cheng, Yee Yan
5. Leong, Kelvin C.
6. Yeong, Chai T.

Project Title
Production of open day presentation to school colleges

As a member of the group I agree to meet the following criteria until the group
work is complete and all written work is submitted:

1. General

• Treat the beliefs and opinions of the group members with respect
• Demonstrate excellent personal organisational skills and timekeeping
• Have an unbiased relationshop within the group
• Communicate effectively with the rest of the group; includes any problem
with the allocated work or completion of tasks.
• Members should help out each other if one encounters any problem.

2. Project work

• Contribute equally towards the project compared with other

group members. This contribution may be in the form of written work or
research but must be agreed as an equal part by other group members
• Complete all tasks to the highest possible standard through the use
of primary and secondary research
• Use a variety of research sources
• Aim to develop a deep understanding of the topic area and any
specific areas allocated by the group.
• Present all written work in an appropriate format with full
references and to be aware of the rules and regulations in realtion to
• Show an understanding and knowledge of the criteria and
requirements of the work being undertaken and if in doubt gain
clarification from the module tutor.
• With regards to presentations, make an effort to be professional in
every respect.
• In any communication with an organisation act in a professional
manner, as you are representing the University.
• Be honest in details recored in personal logs and when involved in
peer assessment and self-appraisal.

3. Meetings

• Attend all group meetings and study sessions at the agreed time and for
the complete duration of the project.
• Attend the group meetings with a pro-active attitude with the aim of
contributing positively towards the meeting. This requires full
commitment from the group and turns all the phones to silent mode.
• Complete by agreed dealines, all allocated work and action points agreed
at the meeting and report back to the group by the agreed dates.

4. Disciplinary procedure

• Must attend all the meetings not later than 15 minutes than the time
that agreed. Members who are late more than 2 times will have to buy the
rest of the group member a cup of coffee. And please remember to inform
the other group members that you will be late for the meetings.
• Failure to attend any of the meetings without any reasonable excuse will
have to buy the rest of the group members a cup of coffee and snacks.
• Members who miss all the meetings and completed no tasks
satisfactorily on time, the person will need to buy lunch for the whole
group member.
• Member who never participates in any activities will be reported
directly to the module tutor without any furter notice.

5. Declaration

I have read the attached contractual terms for the completion of this group
piece of work. As a member of the group, I agree to be bound by its terms
and conditions.

I understand that the group may take furter action if it is perceived that I
have been breach of this contract.

Name Contact Details Signature Date

Dosanjh, Amanjot

Dixit, Karan

Miclat, Maria C.

Cheng, Yee Yan

Leong, Kelvin C.

Yeong, Chai T.

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