Ritiktiwari Exp 10 Edc

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Expt. No.
Page No.

nAim To shudy V1chorochersthc of CommonDase
Con fiquraion.

Apparahus Tran sistor esistor mulhmele rP power

SUpply Conn wikes BTead b0or.d

Theory I n commonbase onhquro hon the base

i5 made Common_ to both inpui 3- out po

INPUT CHARACTERSTCS is onhtined by plodhng a

CorNe blu I 8 VER Keepinq vohageVeg Constant
Tnpu t anami Re sistan t ii) -Raio of chonge in
base ltageLOvER) *o the esolhnq chanae in
em mier u enA ( l z ) a1_constan Collecter emiBer oltage


OuTPUT CHA RACTE RSTICS CurUes are otHed blw Te 6 Ves

keepina C o n S t o n

dyonOmic esisance_
DH pu1

Paocedute :
ConhquTaion O8 CircUit transistor
usina PNP
volhage Ves by adushns Ne TO min pos sible
posihon Repeat tes e sH pS
Take he mu lthmeH measo hn Ves_ C.onnect measue ic
www w.

vee (VEs

PNP +ransis tor in CB Con roHOn


Expt. No. Page No.

Repea aboeSieps
Plot Me.
input s output charoaclersh C

Output charaskrSiC of CR_coniquaHon a e obBain


Pxecauhon :

MaKe Conn. caelly

TaKe h e eadinq CoreHy-
Handle Opparaus co rkecHl

Teacher's Signature


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