Lyrinx E. Gluma (Lit 117) Finals

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Name: Lyrinx E. Gluma Date: 1/11/21

Course: BSED ENGLISH Set: 3-B
Literary Text: An Enemy of the People
Writer: Henrik Ibsen


1. Protagonist Doctor Thomas Stockmann

2. Antagonist Mayor Peter Stockmann
3. Setting coastal town in the south of Norway
4. Conflict The minority vs. the majority
5. Symbol Polluted Water
6. Point of View third-person
7. Mood ironic, somewhat cynical, mostly objective
8. Theme Women, Family, and Duty

B. Write your criticism in an essay form about the short story using the
structuralism. The following guide questions will help you in constructing your

1. How do the characters, narrators, speakers, or other voices heard in the work
reveal difference?
2. How do the elements of the work’s plot or overall action suggest a meaningful
pattern? What changes, adjustments, transformations, shifts of tone, attitude,
behavior, or feeling do you find?
3. What system of relations could be used to link this work with others of its kind?
4. How are the work’s primary images and events related to one another?
5. What elements of differentiation exist, and what do they signify?

-The variations heard in the work between characters, narrators, speakers, or other
voices are often due to their distinct approach to the situation. It's how they respond
in a culture where higher ups have the power to control the group to be the victim.
The tale "An Enemy of the People" is related to corruption that persists until today in
which politicians are arrogant and public power is misused. The story wishes to let its
readers know that it can be very difficult to stand up for reality and justice, and that
much of the facts can also be sacrificed. Things which they treasure. He reveals how
little glory there is to remain true to one's beliefs, And how many obstacles one will
face. Relatives, friends, and past relations may also be part of these obstacles.
People are given authority in this play, but they are people who are ignorant and swift
to anger and disapproval. They are easily influenced by people in positions of
authority who focus on that ignorance and influence people to accept something that
they would not naturally support in what is still present today. We must, therefore, be
brave enough to fight for what is right and take a stand to conquer and resolve this
unfortunate circumstance.

Name: Lyrinx E. Gluma Date: 1/11/21

Course: BSED ENGLISH Set: 3-B
Literary Text: Feast of the Dead
Writer: Cevdet Kudret


1. Protagonist Gulnaz – Dursun Agha’s wife

2. Antagonist the grocer / vendor
3. Setting Agha’s house
4. Conflict man vs. nature
5. Symbol the white house – government
6. Point of View third-person
7. Mood devastation / disaster
8. Theme Hope , fear

B. Write your criticism in an essay form about the short story using
deconstructionism approach. The following guide questions will help you in
constructing your criticism:

1. How do the characters or objects from the text assume meaning from its context,
from its (always shifting) position in relation to other meanings, texts, or objects?
2. What are the historical, cultural, social, and political processes that have brought
this text into being?
3. What ideology does the story seem to promote-what is its main theme-and how
does conflicting evidence in the text show the limitations of that ideology?

Cevdet Kudret's "Feast of the Dead" tale was about a husband and a father who
died suddenly, leaving behind his family. Gulnaz, his wife and his two sons are
placed in a terrible position by his passing. Nowadays, this situation is also occurring
in our society. Change in the economic and political life refects on the literature that
time, the quest for change continued until the proclamation of the Republic. The
distinguishing characteristic of the era of the literature was concerned with the
intellectual content rather than the aesthetic value. Muslim culture has shown us
what convictions they have regarding deaths and funerals. Their practice of giving
food or a gift of compassion is almost similar, and only natural, to other traditions.
This story made us understand that, for the sake of our family, we must be powerful
no matter what. In order to survive and liberate ourselves from misery and
destruction, we have to have trust and acceptance.

Name: Lyrinx E. Gluma Date: 1/11/21

Course: BSED ENGLISH Set: 3-B
Literary Text: Things Fall Apart
Writer: Chinua Achebe


1. Protagonist Okonkwo
2. Antagonist Christian’s and white men
3. Setting Umuofia
4. Conflict Man vs. society
5. Symbol fire, yams, and locusts
6. Point of View Third-person
7. Mood Somber and Tragic
8. Theme Struggle of self worth, Tragedy


Umuofia, Africa in 1890’s; Unoka as Okonkwo’s father was

known for the biggest failre in all Umuofian History.

Okonkwo prides himself being the leader of Umofia, or at least,

Rising being nothing like his father.He has a three wives and an array of
Okonkwo attends the funeral of Ezeudu, and as they are paying
Climax their respects, Okonkwo accidentally shoots someone. The
people of Umuofia are outraged by his actions and Okonko and
his family are thrown out of Umuofia.
Okonkwo and his family go to live where his uncle, Uchendu
Falling lives. He is forced to be away from Umuofia for seven years.
Okonkwo plans to rebuild his life for that time being. Uchendu
Action helps Okonkwo get settled and begin farming again.
Once the fine is paid the prisoners are released, Okonkwo goes
back home. Ekwefi, his second wife and Ezinma his daugther
notice how badly he has been beaten. One of the commisioners
goes to see Obrierika, a friend of Okonkwo, he can lead him to
Denouement Okonkwo. As they approach a tree outside, they see Okonkwo
hanged himself. Obrierika yells at the commioners, talking about
how courages and important Okonkwo was, and demand that he
bury Okonkwo. Later on in his life, he wrote a book of Okonko’s
C. Using the guide questions included in the module, write your criticism in an
essay form about the summary using the post-colonial criticism.

Achebe writes Things Fall Apart to encourage his fellow countrymen to take
advantage of the educational system that the missionaries introduced to them so as
to better their lives. He is determined to take the modern African Literature genre to
greater heights as well as to prove to the Europeans the value of the African culture.
In the writing of Things Fall Apart, Achebe describes the history of Igbo; he does so
describing both the perfections and imperfections of their culture and traditions that
made them different from Western cultures. For example, their beliefs in the power of
ancestral gods, the sacrifice of young boys, the killing of twins and the oppression of
women to name a few. In the novel, the reader is also made aware of the arrival of
white missionaries in Umuofia as well as the reactions of Igbo to their arrival.
Although the arrival of the missionaries had some benefits to Igbo, there were also a
number of challenges that faced the future of Igbo. Post-colonialism expresses the
opposite idea of colonialism. Hence, post-colonialism literature is a consequence of
colonialism. Through literature we understand the primary focus of Achebe’s Things
Fall Apart: a novel written by an individual who grew up under colonial rule in
response to the effects of colonialism on his culture, Achebe writes back at the
writings of European writers and the misrepresentation of Africa in their writings.
However, the literature does not show the colonised as victims of colonialism, but
rather it shows that they are confused about their sense of belonging.

Name: Lyrinx E. Gluma Date: 1/11/21

Course: BSED ENGLISH Set: 3-B
Literary Text: Hamlet
Writer: William Shakespeare


1. Protagonist Prince Hamlet

2. Antagonist Claudius
3. Setting Elsinore, a remote royal castle in Denmark
4. Conflict man vs. man
5. Symbol Spirit – represents guidance
Sword - represents power
6. Point of View third-person
7. Mood Dark and depressed
8. Theme Tragic , revenge, death

B. Write your criticism in an essay form about the short story using the post-
modern criticism. The following guide questions will help you in constructing
your criticism:

1. What are some historical events that influence the writer to write the story?
2. How would characters and events in this story have been viewed by the writer’s
3. Does the story reveal or contradict the prevailing values of the time in which it was
4. Do any of the characters correspond to types of government, such as a
dictatorship, democracy, communism, socialism, fascism, etc.? What attitudes
toward these political structures/systems are expressed in the work?

Shakespeare had been influenced by world events such as the Reformation, the
Renaissance, and emergent tragedies upon writing Hamlet. "It portrays the new and
emerging ideas from the renaissance. Shakespeare's personal life played a
significant role in the creation of Hamlet. In the article titled "Shakespeare's
Biography", it illustrates that the death of Hamnet, Shakespeare's son, influenced
Shakespeare due to the fact that Hamlet was written shortly after Hamnet passed
away. Hamlet's background info explains that from the world events--such as the
reformation--we can infer Hamlet expresses new ideas which contrasts from the
Catholic and Protestant beliefs. Moreover, the Renaissance had brought an
emphasis on dramatization of art, power of expressions, and an involvement into the
deeper sight into human nature which can forebode that Shakespeare's Hamlet may
reflect those ideas. Lastly, the emergence of tragedies such as Kyd Thomas's
Spanish Tragedy had influenced Shakespeare's work. Shakespeare had many
influences for Hamlet; the 12th-century history of Denmark, Icelandic sagas, Kyd
Thomas’s The Spanish Tragedy, and the death of Shakespeare’s own son Hamnet
amongst them. Not many textbooks, or even scholars, note the influence of the tragic
Tale of Kullervo

Name: Lyrinx E. Gluma Date: 1/11/21

Course: BSED ENGLISH Set: 3-B
Literary Text: The Gift of Magi
Writer: O. Henry


1. Protagonist Della and Jim

2. Antagonist Poverty
3. Setting In a apartment at New york
4. Conflict Man vs. Nature
5. Symbol Myrrh - an embalming oil, is a symbol of death.
Gold - a metal, is a symbol of earthly kingship
6. Point of View Third-person
7. Mood Gloomy and Miserable
8. Theme Selflessness, love and poverty


The two primary characters, Jim and Della, are living a meager
life. Money, though, is not as significant as their relationship.
Della has very long brown hair, which in the story is compared to
Exposition flowing brown water and also said to be more exquisite than the
jewels of any queen. Jim was once a well-paid worker, earning
thirty dollars a week from his work.
When Christmas is near, Della doesn't have enough money to
Rising buy a Christmas gift to Jim. At first, even though she put a penny
aside every day, Della doesn't know how she's going to get Jim
Action the perfect gift so she can finally give Jim a gift. But that hasn't
been enough. Della, anxiously, considered selling her hair, her
most prized possession.
Della is cutting her hair off and anxiously waiting for Jim to come
home from work. Della does not know what Jim's reaction will be
Climax when he first steps through the door; will he still love her? Is he
going to like his gift that she gave up her most precious
possession that she sold to get him? Or does he no longer want
to be with her.
Once Della's new appearance without her long, beautiful hair. Jim
Falling tells Della that no matter what she does with her hair, he will love
her. "Nothing like a haircut could make me love you any less."
Action ~Jim.

Ultimately, Jim and Della are happy with each other's gifts, but at
the moment, they are futile. Jim sold his precious watch to buy
the hair comb she had wanted for quite a while for her. And I n
Denouement order to buy Jim a gold chain for his watch, Della sold her hair.
They were thinking not only about themselves, they were thinking
about each other.

C. Write your criticism in an essay form about the short story using the reader
response criticism. The following guide questions will help you in constructing your

1. How do I respond to this work?

2. How does the story shape may response?
3. How might other readers respond?

Can money actually buy happiness? Throughout the short story "The Gift of the
Magi" by O. Henry, I thouroughly think about this question. Henry does a fabulous job
of portraying Della's thoughts and emotions. I believe that Henry did this to try and
get the reader to understand exactly what, people who are in trouble financially, go

The protagonist of this short story, who's name is Della, is very poor, but she is very
grateful to her husband Jim. She is happy that Jim is in her life, and she wants to get
him a special present for Christmas. However, she doesn't have enough money, so
she has to sell her hair to be able to afford the present.

This short story made me think about the world as a whole more, and think outside
our community where we are fortunate enough to afford everything without making
personal sacrifices. Unfortunately there are many people in this world who encounter
situations similar to the one Della was in, because money just doesn't grow on trees.

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