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Direction: In a long bond paper, answer the following question.

1. Interpret the last line of the passage: “I am as the moon that walks the
sky not knowing what menace the cruel hills may hold in store; high
though she sweeps, her light may suddenly be blotted out.” ( one
paragraph only).
-this means, for he is the moon that travels in space. he will continue to
travel everywhere. Even if he is full of fear because he also does not
know what will happen in the future or even if it will bring him disaster.
he will continue to travel even if his light goes out.


Direction: In a long bond paper, answer the following question.

1. What virtue can be seen in the life of Rama? ( 3-5 sentences only)

Kind and Generous- Not only was Rama kind and affectionate, but he
was generous and considerate with feelings for those around him. He
was very honest and completely free of flamboyance.


Direction: In a long bond paper, answer the following question. (one

paragraph only.)

1. What is the Hindu’s beliefs regarding the soul?

Hindus believe that the soul is immortal and that it transmigrates to a new existence on
earth upon the body's death. It depends on the amount of good or evil done in the previous
life, whether this life is better or bad than the previous one.

In a long bond paper, write your reflection about the topic. ( 3-5
sentences only)
Africa has seen the birth of many major historical innovations. Human evolution
has taken place in Africa, including the use of fire, food production through
plant cultivation and animal domestication, as well as the development of
sophisticated instruments and the hunting of iron arms. Other historical events
such as the slave trade, which played a critical role in Western economic
power Africans and Their History chronicles in fascinating detail African
history from prehistoric times through the present. This concise and
authoritative overview of the diverse peoples and societies of Africa now
covers recent events.


1.Story Map. Choose 5 important events from the, “The Life on a Slave Ship” and arrange it
in its proper sequence.

1. On board, the speaker is taken to the slave ship full of fear.

2. One of the crew approached the speaker, handing him a glass of wine with a small
amount of liquor on it. The speaker did not take it instead, as afraid, one of the blacks with
whom he had a conversation, get it, and give it to him.

3. The speaker was carried down under the decks, where he was met with the unpleasant
smell of the place he had put in and heard the sound of crying. He was made sick by living in
there, not wanting to eat and wanting death to save him from his own grief.

4. The slave ship stayed on the coast, and the speaker saw one vessel approaching to their
ship. And the white men are shouting, and back on board their ship.
5. The speaker along with the other slaves on the ship were sold in the white men’s manner,
Which is through a signal provided by the beat of the drum, and the buyers rush at once into
the yard where the slaves are confined, and make choice of that parcel they like best.

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