GE9 Quiz 3

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GE – 9 QUIZ - 3

1. For all answers, a difference of 0.01 is not accepted as correct answer.
2. Complete the table below.
3. Write your answers on the space provided from 1 to 7.
4. Show your solution for each question from 1 to 7.
5. Encircle your answer after each solution from 1 to 7.
6. Do not round off numbers.

1. The sample of 20 families gave the following data on the number of children per
family. 0, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 5, 3, 3, 4, 5, 0.

a.) mean

Class F Xi FiXi CF
0-1 3 0.5 1.5 3
2-3 6 2.5 15 9
4-5 8 4.5 36 17

k = 1.1 + 3 Log n
k = 1.1 + 3 Log 7
= 3.888
cw = 7/4 = 1.75 ~ 2

a.) mean = ⅀ fixi/n

= 72/20

= 3.6

b.) Median
= Lb+[(n/2 – cfp)/fmd] c
= 3.5+[(10–9)/8]2
= 3.5+(1/8)2
= 3.5+0.25

= 3.75
c.) Mode
= Lb +[d1/d1+d2]c
= 3.5[c
= 3.5[1/1+5]2
= 3.5[1/6]2

2. A sample of 15 supermarkets reported the following prices of sugar per kilo.

P24, P24.50, P25, P24.50 P23.50 P24.25 P24.50

P24, P22.75 P23, P23.50 P23.25 P23.75 P24.25

Find the average price of sugar per kilo.
M = ⅀f/n

3. The average of four numbers is 40. The third is 12 more than the second. The second is
five times the first. The fourth is 8 less than the first. Find the numbers.

The numbers are: ____, ____, ____, ____.

x+5 x + ( 5 x+12 ) + x−8

40 = 13+5(13)+[5(13)+12]+(13-8)

13+ 65+77+5
40 = 160/4

40 = 40
4. The mean height of Anna, Lucy, Pearl, and Tess is 66 inches. What is the height of Cora
if the mean height of the five girls is 70 inches? Height of Cora =

Mean = ⅀ fixi/n
66 = ⅀ fixi/4
⅀ fixi = 164 inches
Let ⅀ fixi = x+264
x = height of cora
70 = x+264/5
x+264 = 350
x = 350-264
= 86 inches

5. The six departments of a company, consisting of 22, 32, 18, 16, 10, and 12 employees
have an equal monthly salary of P7,200.00, P7,600.00, P6,900.00,
P8,200.00, P7,800.00, P7,200.00, respectively. What is the mean
monthly salary of all the employees of the company?

Mean monthly salary = ⅀ fixi/n

= 7,200+7,600+6,900+8,200+7,800+7,200/n

6. The distribution of scores of 50 students in a statistics test is given in the table below.
If the teacher decided to pass the upper 50% of the students, what is the passing

Scores Number of Students

91 - 97 2
84 – 90 3
77 – 83 10
70 – 76 15
63 – 69 11
56 – 62 6
49 – 55 3
The passing score =
cfp = 20 f = 15 c = 7

class 70-26 , Lb = 69.5

50n/100 = 50(50)/100 = 25
= 69.5 [25-20/15]7

7. The distribution of ages of 64 orphans residing at Valencia City are given below.

Ages(years) No. of Orphans

1–3 4
4–6 8
7–9 10
10 – 12 14
13 – 15 12
16 – 18 16

Find The:
a. Mean age =
= ⅀ fixi/n

b. Median age =
= Lb+[(n/2)-cfp)/fmd]c
= 15.50[(32-48)/16]7
= 15.50-7

c. Modal age =
d1 = 16-12 = 4
d2 = 16-0 = 16
Lb = 15.50
Mode = Lb[d1/d1+d2]c
= 15.50+[4/94+16)]7
= 15.50+(4/20)7
= 15.50+1.4

d. Q1 = Lb+[(n/4-cfp)/fq]c
n/4 = 64/4 = 16
class 16-18
Lb = 15.5
cfp = 48
fq = 16

Q = 15.6+[16-48/16]7
= 15.6+(-14)

e. What percent of the orphans are above 12.5 years old? =

= 12+16=28
= 28/64(100)

f. How many orphans are less than 9.5 years old? =

= 8+4=12
= 12/64(100)

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