New York Botanical Garden Titan Arum or Corpse Flower

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Life Cycle of the Titan-Arum

Courtesy Chicago Botanic Garden

Flower cycle
Once every four to five years, it
produces a flower.
itan Arum Leaf cycle
Most years, the spike
grows into a huge leaf with
complex leaflets.

Roughly a
week before
opening, the While the plant
frills on the is dormant, its
spathe can underground corm
be seen. A spike emerges waits to begin a
from the corm after new cycle.
the dormant period.

The spathe dies

back after two
months, and the
The leaf falls
plant becomes
over and dies
dormant again.
The flower after 12 to 18
withers a day months, and the
after it opens. plant becomes The leaves gather
dormant again. energy from the
sun and store it
in the corm. It will
Berry-like fruits need this energy
grow on the spadix. to bloom.
The fully blooming Birds eat the fruits
flower smells like and help disperse
a dead animal and the seeds.
attracts pollinators.

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