Amadeus SKY Suite by Optym: Taking Your Airline Network Profitability To The MAX

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Amadeus SKY Suite

By Optym
Taking your airline network
profitability to the MAX
The SKY Suite includes:
Amadeus SkyMAX By Optym for schedule optimisation

Amadeus SkySYM By Optym for schedule simulation

Amadeus SkyCAST By Optym for schedule forecasting

Amadeus SkyPLAN By Optym for route frequency optimisation

Amadeus SkyWORKS By Optym for schedule editing and management

Amadeus Sky Suite
by Optym
The Integrated Network Planning System
Deciding when and where to fly determines the profitability and success of any airline. Yet
network planning and scheduling, regardless of the airline’s size or type, is a very complex
task. You need to simultaneously optimise multiple objectives: profitability and operational
performance across, potentially, thousands of flights. And you need to do this in a way that
optimises the entire network, while also keeping an eye on the competition. Due to the
complexity involved in developing flight schedules, however, airline planners often have to
focus on individual flights, which can create missed optimisation opportunities across the
entire network.

The Amadeus SKY Suite By Optym is an integrated schedule development platform, including
breakthrough capabilities for schedule optimisation, fleet optimisation, demand forecasting,
schedule reliability, and route frequency planning that can help airlines unlock tens to
hundreds of millions of dollars annually in additional profits from their flight schedules.

Key benefits for airlines from the Amadeus SKY

Suite By Optym include:

A new way to develop optimal Maximised network profitability Superior strategic planning and
flight schedules. Clean-sheet by solving flight timing optimisa- flexibility, allowing for the evalu-
scheduling allows airlines to tion and fleet optimisation simul- ation of multiple what-if scenar-
build optimal schedules from taneously, based on more accu- ios in hours, not days or weeks.
scratch without the limitations rate demand forecasting.
of previous schedules.

Faster production of schedules, Enhanced schedule quality and Greater schedule reliability and
providing planners with more consistency through an intelligent operational performance; sched-
time to focus on enhancing prof- schedule editor that auto-cor- ules are not only more profitable,
itability and efficiency, instead rects scheduling problems. but are also more robust to re-
of concentrating on just building al-world disruptions..
feasible schedules.
Amadeus SkyMAX
By Optym
Flight Schedule Optimisation System
Amadeus SkyMAX By Optym determines the best times for each flight to trade-off non-stop
and connecting revenue, matches the right fleet capacity with demand to minimise spill
across the entire network, and honors multiple operational constraints to generate a flyable
schedule. SkyMAX’s revolutionary clean-sheet scheduling can increase revenue of an airline
by as much as 3% .

Key Features:
Multiple Optimisation Modes: SkyMAX’s optimisation Evaluation Mode: Given a flight schedule, SkyMAX
modes allow network planners to perform a variety of what- generates itineraries, calculates passenger flows, and
if scenarios and customise schedules to fit each airline’s calculates all financial key performance indicators
unique objectives. (KPIs).

Clean-Sheet Scheduling Mode: SkyMAX is the Automatic Correction of Constraint Rules:

first software solution that offers clean-sheet scheduling, Unlike other optimisers, SkyMAX has the ability to both
automatically building a schedule from scratch. The system detect infeasibilities and automatically adjust the input
optimises flight departure times, fleet type assignments, constraints to resolve these infeasibilities.
and aircraft routings simultaneously – a task once thought
impossible. Advanced User Experience: SkyMAX is a multi-
user, multi-scenario system that facilitates real-time
Improvement Mode: SkyMAX can also improve upon decision-making, enabling users to monitor various
an existing flight schedule’s profitability while satisfying all optimisation jobs from different perspectives and
operational constraints. analyse them using tables, charts, maps, and route
Key Maximised Profitability:
SkyMAX balances network profitability and operational
Benefits constraints to find the best times and allocate the right
aircraft to each flight in the schedule, unlocking tens to
hundreds of millions of dollars in extra revenue.

Improved Aircraft Utilisation:

Planners can develop more effective schedules that increase
aircraft utilisation by simultaneously adding a combination
of fleeting and timing changes to the schedule.

Faster Schedule Generation:

The system automatically builds flight schedules that
satisfy all operational constraints so that manual effort is
Amadeus SkySYM
by Optym
Flight Schedule Simulation System
Amadeus SkySYM By Optym measures the operational performance of flight schedules in
terms of on-time arrivals, schedule recoverability, and passenger connections. The system
is a highly accurate testing lab to evaluate the reliability of proposed future flight schedules
before they are implemented. SkySYM’s simulations achieve over 95% accuracy in modeling
most KPIs.

Key Features
Hot Spot Detection: SkySYM’s hot spot detection feature
helps determine the root causes of flight delays, identifying flights
Key Benefits
that cause cascading delays and aircraft routes that are prone to
frequent delays. The system provides recommendations for schedule Greater Customer Satisfaction:
improvements by adding slack where it is needed most. More robust schedules will result in fewer
flight delays, fewer passengers missing their
connections, fewer baggage delays, and
Automatic Model Calibration: A simulation system overall greater customer satisfaction.
typically requires business parameters, updated manually by the
user, to keep the system calibrated. SkySYM receives periodic data
feeds from an airline’s databases and updates these parameters Improve On-Time Performance:
automatically, eliminating the manual task of rebuilding the model. The system gives weight to both profitability
and reliability objectives while evaluating
Advanced User Experience: Built with collaboration and schedules to generate flight patterns with
maximised efficiency in mind, SkySYM is a multi-user, multi-scenario better on-time performances.
system that facilitates cooperative decision-making: analysing
data inputs, running simulations, and disseminating solutions from
different perspectives. operational constraints so that manual effort is Reduce Operational Costs:
minimised. Airlines spend hundreds of millions of dollars
over and above their planned costs due to
various unplanned disruptions. SkySYM’s robust
scheduling system will reduce disruptions, along
with their associated costs.
Amadeus SkyCAST
By Optym

Network Planning Forecasting System

Amadeus SkyCAST By Optym uses advanced mathematical techniques to simulate passenger
choice behavior and revenue management effects to calculate market shares, passenger
traffic, passenger revenue, and detailed flight costs to forecast total network profitability
of proposed schedules. It is a network planning system including new destinations, flight
timings, hub structures, alliances, code-shares, and competitive responses.

Key Features
Advanced Forecasting Models: SkyCAST’s models
consider passenger preference factors such as time of day, service
Key Benefits
type, airport preference, carrier preference, and other variables. The
system’s traffic model converts forecasted demand of each itinerary Enhanced Network Profitability:
into expected traffic, considering spill and recapture effects. New- SkyCAST’s accurate forecasts for passenger
generation features include cabin-level forecasting with up-sell, demand, revenue, and costs enable better
multi-airport city forecasting, market stimulation, change-based decision-making and provide more business
demand forecasting, and capacity-plan demand forecasting. insights, resulting in increased network
Accuracy and Calibration Tool: SkyCAST automatically
runs forecasts on previous years’ schedules (back-cast) and Improved Strategic Planning:
compares results with historical traffic data to determine detailed SkyCAST supports a consistent and objective
forecasting accuracy measurements and adjustments at the system, evaluation of multiple what-if scenarios in
market, and flight levels. hours, not days or weeks, and without needing
extensive manual calibration.
Advanced User Experience: SkyCAST allows users
to add, remove, and modify forecast input data to easily create Improved Transparency:
different what-if scenarios; the system also provides batch Current forecasting systems are too complex,
editing to accommodate multiple edits on large amounts of data and are hard to use. SkyCAST provides different
simultaneously. The SkyCAST versioning system tracks and maintains workspaces for basic and advanced users.
all changes in the input data for each scenario. SkyCAST provides Results of forecasts are available for easy
users with the capability of analysing and comparing the results analysis at flight, station, and market levels,
of one or more forecast outputs directly from the client application and pinpointing the changes in the network.
using pivot tables. The end result is an advanced forecasting
system that is also easy to use.
Amadeus SkyPLAN
By Optym
Frequency Plan Optimisation System
Amadeus SkyPLAN By Optym decides how many frequencies to fly in each market to
maximise its total expected revenue function, subject to its aircraft count. The revenue
function is derived by estimating revenue for each origin-destination market, and then
adding up the estimates. The revenue estimate in a specific origin-destination market is a
multiplicative combination of three effects: market share, market size, and average revenue.

Key Features
Superior Optimisation Model: SkyPLAN uses a
combination of proprietary algorithms and mathematical functions Key Benefits
to calculate both nonstop frequencies and resulting connecting
itineraries to maximise network revenue. Maximise Network Revenue:
Determine the optimal frequency and capacity
Sensitivity Analysis: SkyPLAN provides users with the ability plan to maximise network revenue by
to vary input assumptions and understand impact on results. identifying the ideal number of non-stop flights
for every market.
Advanced User Experience: SkyPLAN manages all the
optimisation model’s required data, such as the list of cities to be
considered, market sizes, average revenue per passenger, block Consistent Strategic Planning:
times, average aircraft capacity, and other variables constraining the SkyPLAN provides a systematic and objective
allowable frequency in each market. SkyPLAN’s users can change approach to determine your airline’s frequency
numerous scenario assumptions and store the results for future plan. The frequency plan drives the revenue
reference. potential of any airline.

Seamless Integration:
The output of SkyPLAN (a frequency plan)
becomes one of the critical inputs for SkyMAX,
thus applying the same business assumptions
across both optimisation systems in the SKY
Suite, minimising any revenue leakage, and
further extending clean-sheet scheduling.
Amadeus SkyWORKS
By Optym

Flight Schedule Development Platform

Amadeus SkyWORKS By Optym provides fast, easy editing of flight schedule data, enabling
large scale or single day changes, depending on the type of scheduling changes needed. The
SkyWORKS planning system provides numerous schedule alternatives to evaluate different
business scenarios, and offers a central repository for all schedule-related information.

Key Features

Efficient Data Management:

SkyWORKS supports all the required scheduling data to develop flight
schedules, and provides users with the capability to create, edit, save, Key Benefits
copy, delete, import, export, compare and merge flight schedules all
in near real-time.
Better Flight Schedules: Integrated
platform to view and evaluate flight schedules
Faster Schedule Development: via multiple graphical displays, used together
SkyWORKS provides users with the ability to view and update a to give a complete schedule representation,
flight schedule, evaluate the schedule against operational rules, and resulting in higher network profitability.
generate aircraft routings. Multiple views show schedule data from
different perspectives, and all displays can be used to edit schedules.
Increased Efficiency: Make structured,
fast and accurate decisions with multiple users
working on same schedule.
Intelligent Decision Automation:
SkyWORKS automatically identifies swap opportunities to fix
common scheduling problems including minimum ground times, out
of balance problems, gate violations, maintenance requirements,
and extra aircraft. SkyWORKS also stores and calculates changes in
Superior Planning and Flexibility:
Many scheduling what-if alternatives are created
passenger connections.
and evaluated, so more scenarios can be
Amadeus SkyMAX Amadeus SkySYM Amadeus SkyPLAN Amadeus SkyCAST Amadeus SkyWORKS
By Optym By Optym By Optym By Optym By Optym
Flight Schedule Flight Schedule Frequency Plan Network Planning Flight Schedule
Optimization System Simulation System Optimisation System Forecasting System Development Platform

SkyMAX determines the best SkySYM tests a schedule’s SkyPLAN determines the SkyCAST is a system that SkyWORKS allows users to view,
times for each flight, matches robustness against real-world optimal routes of an airline forecasts total network develop, and edit flight schedules
each flight with an optimal fleet disruptions and operational profitability and evaluates in an intuitive manner. SkyWORKS
consistent with its maximum
constraints. The system acts as proposed flight schedules. By enables large scale or single day
type to minimise spill, and revenue. SkyPLAN will produce
a highly accurate testing lab to simulating passenger choice changes, depending on the
honors various constraints to results specifically
behavior, SkyCAST explores airline’s needs. The system
generate an implementable evaluate the reliability of flight customised to each airline’s
what-if scenarios provides numerous schedule
schedule. schedules before they are unique objectives. The including new destinations, flight alternatives to
implemented; its simulations
system’s output can then be timings, hub structures, alliances, business scenarios
achieve over 95% accuracy in
used on a stand-alone basis, code-shares, and competitive central repository for all
modeling most KPIs. schedule-related information.
or serve as input for SkyMAX. responses.

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