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“You can’t enter into a new season until you’re willing to leave the old one!”

Class: IV Date:15 July 2021

Subject – Science
Chapter- 1 and 3
Revision Worksheet

Q1. Growing children need more ________ to build strong muscles.

a) fat
b) protein
c) carbohydrates
d) minerals

Q2. Which one of the following methods are used to make fabric?
a) fibres and fabrics
b) fabrics and yarns
c) weaving and knitting
d) all of these

Q3. The axis of our Earth is tilted at an angle of _____.

a) 33.5°
b) 26.5°
c) 23.5°
d) 36.5°

Q4. All i) ________ are made from fabrics. If we look closely at any fabric, we can see that it is
made up of many thin ii) __________ . These thin threads are called iii) ________.
a) i) clothes ii) yarns iii) threads
b) i) threads ii) yarns iii) clothes
c) i) yarns ii) clothes iii) threads
d) i) clothes ii) thread iii) yarns

Q5. Food items rich in protein are called _________.

Q6. Match the following:

a) satellite i) seasons
b) the Sun and eight plants ii) day and night
c) rotation iii) the Moon
d) revolution iv) solar system

Q7. Three- fourth of our body weight is ________.

Q8. The Moon shines because it ______ sunlight that falls on its surface.
Q9. Grapes can turn into raisins by _______.
a) pickling
b) refrigerating
c) deep freezing
d) drying

Q10. Which one of the following are examples of constellations?

a) Orion
b) Eris
c) Scorpio
d) Ceres

Note: Do the given questions in Science fair notebook.

You can forward your doubts through WhatsApp messages to your respective subject teachers.
All your doubts will be cleared during the online session.
Class Teacher Contact Number
IV-A Ms. Anchala Sah 8126198303
IV-B Ms Neelam Dasila 9758940698
IV-C Ms. Simran Khurana 9690045614
IV-D Ms. Gurpreet Kaur 7055377702
IV-E Ms. Simran Khurana 9690045614
IV-F Ms. Gurpreet Kaur 7055377702

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