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Materials for Low-

Carbon Power

Materials for Low-Carbon Power—

A White Paper
Mike Ashby(1), Julia Attwood(1), and Fred Lord(2)
1. Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street,
Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, UK
2. Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge
Pembroke Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QZ, UK

2nd edition, January 2012

© 2012 Granta Design

Clockwise from top left: land-based wind turbines in Brittany, a solar array (image courtesy of Voodo
Solar, CA.), Pelamis wave machine in Portugal, Icelandic Geothermal plant (photo by Asegeir

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition © 2012, Granta Design
1. Introduction and synopsis ....................................................................................................... 1
2. The resource intensity of power sources—the big picture ...................................................... 3
3. Conventional fossil-fuel power: gas and coal ........................................................................ 13
4. Nuclear power ....................................................................................................................... 15
5. Solar energy: thermal, thermo-electric and photo-voltaics .................................................... 17
6. Fuel cells ............................................................................................................................... 21
7. Wind power ........................................................................................................................... 23
8. Hydro power .......................................................................................................................... 26
9. Wave Power .......................................................................................................................... 27
10. Tidal Power ......................................................................................................................... 28
11. Geothermal power............................................................................................................... 29
12. Biomass .............................................................................................................................. 31
13. Summary & conclusions...................................................................................................... 32
14. Appendix 1. Definitions of properties .................................................................................. 33
15. Appendix 2. Approximate material intensities for power systems ....................................... 35
16. Further reading.................................................................................................................... 40

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition © 2012, Granta Design
1. Introduction and synopsis
If you want to make and use materials The world-wide demand for energy is
the first prerequisite is energy. The expected to treble by 2050. Most of
global consumption of primary energy this energy will be electrical. How will it
today is approaching 500 exajoules be generated in ways that relieve
(EJ) 1, derived principally from the these pressures? And how much time
burning of gas, oil and coal. This will the transition take? The options
reliance on fossil fuels will have to are listed in Table 1.
diminish in coming years to meet three We have history as a guide for the
emerging pressures: time it takes to replace one source of
 To adjust to diminishing power by another. Figure 1 shows the
reserves of oil and gas. way in which power sources have
 To reduce the flow of carbon changed in the last 150 years. Past
dioxide and other greenhouse transitions have taken about 40 years
gases into the atmosphere. for 50% replacement. Speed, of
course, depends on urgency and
 To reduce dependence on
ability to manage change, and both, in
imports of fossil fuels (where
the coming years, may be greater than
this is large) and the tensions
in the past. But the message of the
this dependence creates.
figure is clear: a major shift in a vital
underpinning technology such as
power generation takes decades.

Table 1. Alternatives for power generation with current (2008) installed capacity and cost.

Power system Current Growth rate Delivered Lifetime

installed (% per year) cost ($/ (years)
capacity (GW)
Conventional 960 1.5 0.01 – 0.03 30 – 40
Conventional 2800 1.5 0.015 – 0.04 30 – 40
Fuel Cell 0.1 50 0.08 – 0.1 10 – 15
Nuclear – fission 400 2.2 0.02 – 0.04 30 – 40
Wind 204 20-35 0.02 – 0.05 25 – 30
Solar Thermal 1.3 50 0.013 – 0.016 25 – 35
Solar PV 154 40 0.04 – 0.07 20 – 30
Hydro 675 4.5 0.003 – 0.014 75 – 100
Wave 0.004 50 0.03 – 0.07 20 – 30
Tide (current) 0.03 10 0.015 – 0.04 20 – 30
Tide (barrage) 0.26 10 0.009 – 0.015 75 – 100
Geothermal 8.9 20 0.01 – 0.02 30 – 40
Biomass 35 16 0.007 – 0.02 30 – 40

1 MJ = 0.28 = 948 Btu. 1 quadrillion
(1015) Btu is called a “Quad”, symbol Q.
Thus 1 EJ ≈ 1 Q.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 1 © 2012, Granta Design
Figure 1. The replacement of one source of power by another over the last
150 years. Transition times are of the order 40 years. (Data from IEA, 2010)

Renewable power systems draw their power needs, its demand for materials
energy from natural sources: the sun, could distort the materials supply
through solar, wind, and wave power, chain. We explore this by comparing
the moon, through tidal power, and the the demand of each power system for
earth’s interior, through geothermal critical materials (material deemed by
heat. But it is a mistake to think that governments to be vital for their
they are in any sense “free”. Their economy) with the current global
construction incurs a capital cost, production of these materials,
which can be large. They occupy land highlighting where supply shortages
area. Materials and energy are might arise.
consumed to construct and maintain The main findings are introduced in
them, and both construction and Section 2. Subsequent sections
operation have an associated carbon develop the background and examine
footprint. the implications. A warning before we
The best way to compare these start. The resource intensities of a
alternative power systems is to given power system depend on many
examine their resource intensities 2. By things—on the type and scale of the
this we mean the quantity of capital, system, on its location, and on the way
land area, energy, and carbon-release it is managed. The intensities are
per kW of generating capacity. Equally tabulated and plotted as
important, each system has a material representative ranges, but there is no
intensity, meaning the quantities of guarantee that they enclose all
materials, in kg per rated kW of members of a given system. There are
generating capacity, required to also distinctions between energy and
construct it. If a chosen power system power, between the rated power of a
were adopted on a scale that would system and the power it actually
make a major contribution to global produces, between its efficiency and
its capacity factor, and between
energy and carbon of construction and
Similar metrics are used by IAEA (1994) and those of operation. Appendix 1 defines
San Martin (1989), reviewed by Rashad and
Hammad (2000). all these terms fully.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 2 © 2012, Granta Design
Figure 2. A map of the distribution of electric power generation from fossil fuel, nuclear, and renewable
sources. The map is read in the way shown in the smaller triangle: the energy mix is found from a vector
at 3 o’clock for nuclear, one at 7.00 for renewables and one at 11.00 for fossil fuels.

2. The resource intensity of power sources—the big picture

The current world electric power- energy sources (Norway, Brazil,
generating capacity is 2,200 GW. At Canada, Iceland) have developed
present about 66% of this derives from cost-efficient ways of using them. The
fossil fuels, about 16% from hydro- high commitment to nuclear power in
power, 15% from nuclear, and 3% France demonstrates that it is a viable
from other renewable sources (IEA option.
2008). Electric power appears to be The flows of energy through the
the future for almost everything except industrial system are complex. Energy
sea, air, and space transport. Before is drawn from the sources listed in
examining individual systems for Table 1. Some is converted from one
generating it, we should look at the form to another—gas to electricity, for
electric energy-mix to which individual instance—before its final use to
nations have committed themselves. provide domestic, commercial,
The fossil / nuclear / renewable power industrial, and transport services. The
triangle of Figure 2 shows that this is flows can be visualized in what is
diverse. The green arrows indicate the called a Sankey diagram 3, of which
way changes of the mix reduce carbon Figure 3, based on an original
emission or reduce dependence on assembled by the Laurence Livermore
non-renewable fossil or nuclear fuels. National Laboratory, is an example.
The smaller triangle and the caption
explain how to read the diagram.
In one way this is a reassuring picture. Riall Sankey, an Irish engineer, devised the
We are not all stuck in one corner. diagram in 1898 to display losses in steam
Nations that are endowed with natural engines.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 3 © 2012, Granta Design
Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition
Figure 3. The approximate flows of energy in the global system in 2009. The numbers show the % of the
incoming energy in each path. (Compiled from multiple sources.)

© 2012, Granta Design

Table 2. Average approximate global resource intensities for power generating systems.

Capital Area Material Construction Construction Capacity

intensity intensity intensity energy carbon factor
(k$/kWnom) (m2/kWnom) (kg/kWnom) intensity intensity
Power system (kg/kWnom)

Conventional, gas 0.6 – 1.5 1–4 605 – 1080 1,730 – 2,710 100 – 200 75 – 85

Conventional, coal 2.5 – 4.5 1.5 – 3.5 700 – 1600 3,580 – 9,570 100 – 700 75 – 85

Phosphoric acid 3 – 4.5 0.1 – 0.5 80 – 120 5,000 – 10,000 600 – 1000 >95
fuel cell

Solid oxide fuel 7–8 0.3 – 1 50 – 100 2,000 – 6,000 200 – 400 >95

Nuclear – fission 3.5 – 6.4 1–3 170 – 625 2,000 – 4,300 105 – 330 75 – 95

Wind, land-based 1.0 – 2.4 150 – 400 500 – 2,000 3,500 – 6,000 240 – 600 17 – 25

Wind, off-shore 1.6 – 3 100 – 300 300 – 900 5,000 – 10,000 480 – 1,000 30 – 40

Solar PV, single 4 – 12 30 – 70 800 – 1,700 30,000 – 2,000 – 4,000 8 – 12*

crystal 60,000

Solar PV, poly- 3 – 6* 50 – 80* 1,000 – 20,000 – 1,500 – 3,000 8 – 12*

silicon 2,000 40,000

Solar PV, thin-film 2–5 50 – 100 1,500 – 10,000 – 550 – 1,000 8 – 12*
3,000 20,000

Solar thermal 3.9 – 8 20 – 100 650 – 3,500 19,000 – 40,000 1,500 – 3,500 20 – 35X
Hydro-earth dam 1–5 200 – 600 15,000 – 7260 – 15,000 630 – 1,200 45 – 65

Hydro- steel 1–5 120 – 500 8,000 – 30,000 – 1,000 – 4,000 50 – 70

reinforced 40,000 66,000

Wave 1.2 – 4.4 42 – 100 1,000 – 22,950 – 1670 – 2070 25 – 40

2,000 31,540

Tidal-current 10 – 15 150 – 200 350 – 650 12,000 – 800 – 1130 35 – 50


Tidal-barrage 1.6 – 2.5 200 – 300 5,000 – 30,000 – 2,400 – 3,520 20 – 30

50,000 45,000

Geothermal- 1.15 – 2 1–3 61 – 500 7,000 – 13,500 160 – 250 75 – 95


Geothermal- deep 2 – 3.9 1–3 400 – 1200 20,000 – 1,700 – 3,900 75 – 95


Biomass- 2.3 – 3.6 10,000 – 500 – 922 5,000 – 19,800 600 – 1800 75 – 95
dedicated 33,000

*Estimated capacity factor for PV in the UK and equivalent latitudes in Europe. The capacity factor in central Australian,
Sahara or Mojave deserts could be four times greater.
Typical capacity factor for solar thermal built in a suitable location, such as Spain, North Africa, Australia, or Southern USA.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 5 © 2012, Granta Design
It shows the flows of energy in the from which they are derived appear in
global industrial system, which is subsequent sections of this paper. We
broadly typical of an industrialized define “resource intensity” as the
nation. quantity of each resource per kW of
The raw sources of energy enter on nominal power generating capacity,
the left. Threads run from the left, “nominal” meaning the rated power of
through intermediate energy the system (“a 5 kW solar array; a
conversion steps, delivering energy to 600 MW power station”). The actual
the sector listed in the boxes on the averaged power output of the system
right. The width of a thread is over one year is less than the nominal
proportional to the quantity of energy it rating because the capacity factor—
carries per year. Colored threads the fraction of time that the system
represent the flow of useful energy. operates at full power—is less than 1.
Light gray threads represent energy Thus for nuclear power the capacity
lost as low-grade waste heat. Dark factor is typically above 75%. That for
gray threads represent energy used to hydro power is about 55%, for off-
provide useful services, which shore wind about 35%, for land-based
generally degrade it to the level of wind about 22%, and for photo-voltaic
waste heat. Values for the flows are solar power in Europe, about 10%.
listed in exajoules (1018 joules). The table lists typical ranges of
capacity factor.
The major mid-path conversion is that
of coal, gas, oil, and nuclear energy to Some of the data in Table 2 are easy
electricity at an overall efficiency of to find but others are not. Some have
33%, resulting in a “loss” of two-thirds been estimated from diagrams or
of the incoming energy as low-grade schematics of the system, some
heat. The electricity passes to the deduced by analogy with other
sectors on the right within which it is
again converted to provide services: Example: energy conversion
heat, light, manufacturing, transport, efficiencies.
etc. Primary energy also enters these Which two energy-conversion
sectors in the form of gas, oil, coal, processes are the least efficient in the
and biomass. They too provide energy flows of the global industrial
services with varying efficiencies, all of system? Use the Sankey diagram
which contribute to the light grey Figure 3 to find out.
waste-heat threads exiting the sector-
boxes. The energy that provides final
services is shown as the dark grey The two energy conversion processes
threads leaving the boxes. with the lowest efficiencies are:

The most striking feature of the • Electricity generation from

diagram is that barely 40% of the coal, gas, oil, and nuclear
incoming primary energy survives to sources, overall efficiency
provide useful service. The other 60% 33%; and
is lost on the way. • Provision of transport
(conversion of energy as oil to
Table 2 summarizes the resource
kinetic energy as motion),
intensities and typical capacity factors
overall efficiency about 25%.
of alternative power systems. The data

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 6 © 2012, Granta Design
systems with similar structural Example: resource intensities.
requirements, some inferred from the
What is meant by the resource
physics on which the system depends.
intensities of a power system?
The material intensities vary greatly
with the design—alternative choices Answer.
exist for magnetic materials for Construction and commissioning of a
generators and for the semiconductor power system requires resources:
panels for solar cells, for example— capital, materials, energy, and space,
allowing wide variation. That means meaning land or sea area. A resource
that the precision of this data is low. intensity is the amount of the resource
But the differences between the required to create one unit of power
resource intensities of competing generating capacity. Power systems
systems is sufficiently great that it is have a rated nominal power, kWnom,
still possible to draw meaningful but none operate at full capacity all the
conclusions. time so it is necessary to define also
the average delivered power, kWactual.
Example: system efficiency and
Because of this we need two
capacity factor.
intensities for each resource. The first
What is meant by the system is the intensity of the resource per unit
efficiency and by the capacity factor of of rated nominal capacity (per
a power system? How do they differ? kWnom)—a well defined quantity since
Answer. the rated power is a fixed
The system efficiency (%) is the characteristic of the system (e.g., a
efficiency of conversion of the primary 1kW solar panel). The second is the
energy source (coal, solar radiation, intensity of the resource per unit of
wind, wave, or tidal energy) into delivered power when averaged over a
electrical power under ideal working representative period such as a year.
conditions. Taking photo-voltaic power It is equal to the nominal value divided
as an example, up to 20% of the by the capacity factor C expressed as
energy of the incident radiation is a fraction (e.g., C = 20% = 0.2). The
converted to electricity provided the resource intensity per kWactual is
incident intensity of the radiation is always larger, sometimes much larger,
within the working range of the solar than the intensity per kWnom, and it is
panel. less well defined because it depends
The capacity factor (%) is the fraction on how the system is operated, and, in
of time that a power system operates the case of renewable systems, on the
at its rated or nominal power. It is influence of the weather on sunshine,
reduced by down-time for wind, wave, and tide.
maintenance or fuel replacement and
by the unavailability of the primary
energy source. Photo-voltaic power,
for example, has a capacity factor as
low as 10% because the sun does not
shine at night, because of cloud cover,
and because of the inclination of the
panel to incoming radiation.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 7 © 2012, Granta Design
The remainder of this section an area 50 to 500 times greater. This
examines what can be learnt from the space-hungry characteristic may not
data in Table 2. be a problem for offshore wind and
Charts of resource intensities. The wave power, but for land-based
data of Table 2 are displayed in the systems the occupancy of land that
next five figures. The first (Figure 4) could be used for other purposes
shows the material and area presents difficulties. Conventional,
intensities. For a meaningful nuclear, and geothermal systems also
comparison the nominal power will not have lower material intensities than
do; instead we need the intensities many of the others, but to understand
associated with the actual power the material implications of alternative
output averaged over a year, kW actual . power systems we must examine their
To calculate these we divide each bills of materials in more depth: some
nominal intensity in Table 2 by the systems, like hydro-power, use
capacity factor expressed as a materials that are cheap and readily
fraction. The most striking thing about available; others, like fuel cells, use
the figure is the enormous differences materials that are scarce and
between the area intensities of expensive. This we do in subsequent
different systems. Gas and coal-fired sections of this white paper.
power stations, nuclear, and
geothermal have small footprints of
around 3 m2/kW actual . All others require

Figure 4. The area and material intensities of power systems, based on actual power
output during life.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 8 © 2012, Granta Design
Example: The capital and energy intensities for
the demand for space. the construction of power systems,
plotted in Figure 5, are calculated in
Use mean values of the area
the same way as those for material
intensities of Table 2 to compare the
and area by dividing the nominal
land area required to build a nominal
intensities by the capacity factor
0.5 GW of new generating power
expressed as a fraction. The two
using (a) nuclear, (b) single crystal
actual intensities are approximately
solar PV power, and (c) land-based
proportional. This arises partly
wind sources. How do these areas
because systems that are energy-
change if 0.5 GW of actual, not
intensive to construct are generally
nominal, power is to be built?
more expensive than those that are
Answer. not, and partly because a low capacity
For 0.5 GW of nominal power, the factor (like that of solar photovoltaics)
areas are (a) nuclear, 1 km2, inflates both intensities.
(b) single-crystal PV power 50 km2, Figure 6 shows the balance between
and (c) land-based wind, 138 km2. the energy to construct the power
For 0.5 GW for actual power, these system and the energy it generates
values must be divided by the capacity per year in MJ of electrical energy, per
nominal kW of generating capacity 4. It
factor, C . Using mean values from
should be remembered that the
Table 2, the areas become (a) nuclear,
construction energy is expressed in oil
1/0.8 = 1.2 km2, (b) single-crystal PV
equivalent, whereas the delivered
power 50/0.1 = 500 km2, and (c) land-
energy is electrical. Contours show the
based wind, 138/0.21 = 657 km2.
energy pay-back time, equal to the
time in years before the delivered
energy exceeds that invested in
Example: construction of the plant. The data
material intensities. suggest an energy pay-back time of
The material intensity for the 1 – 2 years for wind and hydro, rising
construction of offshore wind turbines to 3 – 10 years for solar and tidal
averages about 825 kg per rated barrier.
(nominal) kW of generating capacity. If
the capacity factor for offshore wind is
0.35, what is the material intensity per
kWactual of delivered power?
An offshore turbine rated at 1 kW
actually delivers an average of 0.35
kW, a capacity factor of 35%. To
deliver an average of 1 kWactual thus
requires 1/0.35 = 2.5 kW of nominal
generating capacity, making the
material intensity 2063 kg/kWactual.
31,530 x Capacity factor MJelec/kWnom,
(31,530 is the number of hours in the year
multiplied by 3.6 to convert to MJ).

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 9 © 2012, Granta Design

Figure 5. The capital and energy intensities of construction of power systems, base on actual
power output during life. The low capacity factor of solar PV systems in temperate climates
makes them expensive in both capital and energy.

Figure 6. Energy pay-back—the balance between construction and delivered energy.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 10 © 2012, Granta Design
Figure 7 brings out the large In subsequent sections we examine
differences in carbon emissions of power systems in turn, focusing on the
power systems, measured in kg of underlying physics of their operation
CO 2 per of delivered energy. and the implications for material
Each bar describes the sum of three supply if they are deployed on a large
terms: scale. One concern that emerges is
 the construction carbon the demands made on materials
intensity (kg/kW nom ) pro-rated deemed to be critical because, for
by the energy delivered over example: the global supply is limited;
the system life in nom , the main ore-bodies are localized in
using the system lives listed in such a way that a free market does not
Table 1 5 operate; or they play a vital economic
role for which no ready substitute
 the carbon release associated
exists (like copper for electrical
with plant operation, estimated
conduction and manganese as an
at 0.03 kg/ for coal and
alloying element in steels). Figure 8
0.02 kg/ for the others
provides background for discussing
(estimates by White and
this. It shows the 2008 world
Kulcinski, 2000), and
production of twenty nine elements
 the release of CO 2 from that are considered to be critical 7.
hydrocarbon fuels, where they Later sections compare the demand of
are used, per of each power system for these elements
delivered electrical power. 6 with the world production, highlighting
(Fuel cells are assumed to where material constraints are likely.
burn methanol.) To do this we examine a hypothetical
The figure demonstrates that no power scenario: that 2,000 GW, roughly
system is completely carbon free equal to the current world generating
because of the contributions from capacity or one third of that projected
construction and maintenance, but for 2050, were to be replaced by a
renewable systems produce up to given alternative power system over a
30 times less carbon than those period of 10 years. From this we
burning fossil-fuels. The capacity calculate the fraction of current world
factor for solar PV systems used in the production of each critical material that
calculation is that for Northern Europe. would be required to make the
Solar panels in sunnier climates will replacement, revealing where material
have larger C and lower CO 2 supply might be a problem.
emissions per

Equal to (Construction carbon intensity / 8544
L C) where C is the capacity factor, L the
system lifetime in years, and 8544 is the
number of hours in a year.
For coal this is equal to 0.088 kg/MJ x 3.6
MJ/kW.hre / 0.33 (conversion efficiency from
coal to electric power) = 0.96 kg/ For
gas it is equal to 0.055 kg/MJ x 3.6 MJ/kW.hre /
0.38 (conversion efficiency of gas to electric Many publications, such as that of the British
power). For nuclear fuel it is approximately Geological Survey (2011), list critical materials,
0.022 kg/kW.hre. though not all agree.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 11 © 2012, Granta Design
Figure 7. The approximate release of carbon to the atmosphere from the building and
operation of alternative power systems, assuming a 20 year life. None are carbon free,
but all emit less than coal.

Figure 8. Current annual world production of twenty nine critical elements. Many of
them are used in power generation. A major shift from one power system to another
can put pressure on their supply.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 12 © 2012, Granta Design
Example: why are graphite, gallium power but they are also a source of
and lithium listed as critical? political and social tensions as the
limits to their supply become more
Answer. apparent. And there is the concern
Graphite. Over 95% of the about the emissions that attend their
world’s supply of graphite use.
comes from a single country
Natural gas. It is said that natural gas,
(China). This makes graphite leaking from the ground and burning,
vulnerable to export tariffs or
so awed the people of Delphi that the
restrictions. place became both a shrine and an
Gallium. Gallium is recovered appropriately mysterious seat for an
from bauxite during aluminum oracle. Be that as it may, natural gas is
refining; it cannot be the star among fossil fuels. The low
economically mined on its own. capital cost and the short lead times
Increase in supply is only for building natural gas plants makes
possible if demand for them the first choice for new capacity.
aluminum increases or the Natural gas is primarily methane. It is
efficiency of gallium recovery the cleanest-burning and least
from bauxite is improved. polluting hydrocarbon fuel. Gas was at
Lithium. Production of lithium one time made from coal but today is
is dominated by South drawn from gas, oil and shale
American countries, not all of reservoirs where it is found along with
which are politically stable. heavier hydrocarbons. Many gas
Stable supply is essential to reserves are now depleted, and while
meet the anticipated surge in others remain to be exploited, most
demand for lithium batteries, are deep and lie beneath water or ice.
for which no viable substitute is For electricity generation, gas is either
currently known. This unique burnt to produce steam or combusted
functionality is the reason in a gas turbine. In combined cycle
lithium is classed as critical, units, a gas turbine produces
despite its relative abundance. electricity and the waste heat
generates steam to drive secondary
steam turbine, giving conversions
3. Conventional fossil-fuel efficiencies above 50%. Natural gas
fuel-cells, which we meet in section 6,
power: gas and coal allow small-scale electricity
Fossil fuel power generation is the generation. In addition to its use as a
bench-mark against which alternatives fuel, natural gas is also crucial for the
must be judged. The use of fossil fuels manufacture of plastics, fabrics, and
as a source of energy started in the other chemicals and materials. It is,
1700s and has grow in scale ever however, a finite resource, the
since. The high energy-density of production of which is expected to
fossil fuels makes them easy to peak before 2050. The number of
transport and allows a large amount of high-tech industries that rely on natural
power to be generated in compact gas as a feedstock highlights the
plants taking up little land area. Today, importance of conserving it for the
fossil fuels are our principal source of future. This conservation imperative

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 13 © 2012, Granta Design
Figure 9. Coal fired power station (Based on an original by Bill C, Wikipedia).

and the emissions associated with elements besides carbon. Combustion

burning gas for energy motivate the releases not only green-house gases
efforts to find alternative sources of such as carbon dioxide but also the
power. oxides of sulfur and nitrogen that
Coal. Coal is the sun’s energy in solid cause acid rain. These environmental
fossil form. There are four basic types, concerns have prompted the
classed by their carbon content and development of clean-up technologies.
calorific (heat) value. Anthracite, with Washing reduces the nitrogen content
86-98% carbon, is the cleanest- of coal. Scrubbing, spraying a lime-
burning of the four. Bituminous coal, water mix into the smoke, removes
the most common type, contains acidic oxides of sulfur by neutralizing
46 – 86% carbon. The final two them. Carbon capture and storage
classes, sub-bituminous and lignite, (CCS), an emerging technology,
both with a carbon content of captures the carbon dioxide,
46 – 60%, are soft and burn with a compresses it and stores it in spent oil
smoky flame. All forms of coal are and gas reservoirs. This last possibility
used to generate electricity in large would allow coal-derived power to be
plants (at a typical conversion included in the list of low-carbon power
efficiency of 38%), but they also have sources, although the material
important secondary uses: many implications of CCS are not yet known.
plastics and organic chemicals rely on Figure 9 shows the layout of a coal-
the distillation of coal for feedstock. fired power station and identifies the
The global reserves of coal far exceed materials used in the largest
those of oil or gas. If we are to quantities. An approximate bill of
generate power from fossil fuels then materials is given in Appendix 2 of this
we will be driven to build coal-fired chapter, expressed as mass of
stations. Coal contains hydrogen, material in kg per nominal kW of
nitrogen, sulfur, and many other generating capacity, kg/kWnom. As

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 14 © 2012, Granta Design
already explained, the actual output of interim solution and one with inherent
any power source, averaged over life, risk of accident and nuclear
is less than the nominal or rated value proliferation. Today, many
because the capacity factor C is less governments take the view that,
than 1, making the actual material despite the risks, nuclear power offers
intensities, kg/kWactual, larger than the the fastest, cheapest way to reduce
nominal ones by the factor 1 / C . dependence on imported
hydrocarbons, cut carbon emissions,
If a sufficient number of new coal
and assure energy supply to 2050.
stations were built over the next
10 years to provide 2,000 GW of Nuclear power derives from the energy
additional capacity, would the drain on release on the fission of a nuclear
material supply be significant? As an fuel—typically Uranium-235—when it
indicator we divide the annual material captures neutrons. The briefly formed
demand that this implies by the current Uranium-236 is unstable and breaks
annual global production of that into lighter nuclei, releasing more
material, expressing the resulting neutrons in a chain reaction. The
demand ratio in %. Thus a demand energetic neutrons are slowed by a
ratio of 1% means the construction moderator, usually water, converting
would require a mere 1% of annual their kinetic energy to heat. Fuel
global production; a demand ratio of consumption is roughly 1 mg of
100% means a quantity equal to the uranium per of electrical energy.
current global production would be Fuel is replaced every 1 or 2 years,
needed. The results, for critical during which time the plant is shut
materials, are plotted in Figure 10. down.
Only chromium might give cause for Currently there are 436 nuclear power
concern. stations world-wide, of which 60% are
pressurized water reactors (PWRs)
and 21% are boiling water reactors
(BWRs). The remaining 19% include
older CANDU and gas-cooled reactors
and new, more advanced reactor
designs. The most controversial issue
surrounding the large scale use of
nuclear power is that of dealing with
radioactive waste, which requires
secure storage for up to 1000 years.
The core of a pressurized water
reactor (Figure 11) has some 200 tube
Figure 10. Resource demands for strategic materials assemblies containing ceramic pellets
used in conventional power systems. of enriched uranium dioxide (UO2) or
of a mixture of both uranium and
4. Nuclear power plutonium oxides known as MOX
(mixed oxide fuel). These are encased
Nuclear power is seen by some as a in a cladding of a zirconium alloy,
viable means of generating the Zircaloy 4. Either B4C-Al2O3 pellets or
electrical power needed to meet future borosilicate glass rods are used as
needs. Others perceive it to be only an burnable poisons to limit the neutron

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 15 © 2012, Granta Design
Figure 11. The pressurized water reactor.

flux when the fuel is new. Example: resource demands of

Water, pumped through the core at a nuclear power (1).
pressure sufficient to prevent boiling,
The energy density of uranium is
acts as both a coolant and a
470,000 MJ/kg. If this energy is
moderator, slowing down high energy
converted to electrical power at a
neutrons. The power is controlled by
conversion efficiency of 38%, how
control rods inserted from the top of
much uranium is required per year to
the core and by dissolving boric acid
provide a steady 1GW of electrical
into the reactor water. The boron
carbide (B4C) or Ag-In-Cd alloy control
rods are clad in Inconel 627 or Type Answer.
304 stainless steel tubes. The primary 1 kg of uranium delivers 470,000 x
pressurized water loop carries heat 0.38/3.6 = 49,600 electrical.
from the reactor core to a steam (The factor 3.6 converts MJ to
generator under a pressure of about There are 24 x 365 =8760 hours in a
15 MPa, which is sufficient to allow the year, so a steady power of 1 GW over
water in it to be heated to near 600 K one year equates to an energy of 8760
without boiling. The heat is transferred x 106 This requires 8760 x
to a secondary loop generating steam 106/49,600 = 1.77 x 105 kg = 177
at 560 K and about 7 MPa that drives tonnes of uranium per year.
the turbine. An approximate bill of
materials appears in Appendix 2.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 16 © 2012, Granta Design
Example: resource demands of 5. Solar energy: thermal,
nuclear power (2). thermo-electric and photo-
The annual global production of voltaics
uranium (in 2008) was 40,000 tonnes
per year. How many GW of power will If you think of the earth as a flat disc
that support? How does this compare facing the sun, then the energy that
with the anticipated demand in 2050? the sun beams onto the disc is a
prodigious 1 kW/m2. Multiplying this by
the disc area (roughly 1014 m2) gives
The previous example showed that 100,000 TW (1017 W), more than a
177 tonnes of uranium is needed to million times more power than we at
provide a steady 1 GW of power for present use. Not all of it is accessible:
one year. The current annual global some is reflected, some absorbed in
production of 40,000 tonnes of the atmosphere, and much falls where
uranium could provide 40,000/177 = it can’t be reached. Nor is it evenly
226 GW continuously for one year, distributed: the length of day and the
sufficient to provide 15% of today’s angle that the surface presents to the
consumption, or 5% of the expected sun differ between the poles and the
demand in 2050. tropics. When cloud cover and length
of day are allowed for, the sun’s
energy per unit area in countries with a
Installing 2,000 GW of additional temperate climate averages 100 W/m2;
nuclear capacity over the next ten that in the tropics can be three times
years carries the implications for larger.
critical materials plotted in Figure 12
Simple thermal systems. If a black
The annual demand for indium for
panel is placed so that photons fall
control rods and of uranium for fuel
onto it, their energy is absorbed as
greatly exceeds the current annual
phonons—lattice vibrations—raising its
production of these two materials.
temperature. The energy can be
harvested by passing water or air
through the panel, providing low-grade
heat for water or space heating.

Figure 12. Demand ratios for strategic materials used in nuclear power

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 17 © 2012, Granta Design
Figure 13. A solar concentrating thermal system using parabolic reflectors,
which can be replaced by Fresnel mirrors.

The main materials issues here are down their length which
those of durability and cost. The contains the heat-transfer fluid.
materials of the panel must survive for The fluid, typically mineral oil,
the design life (30 years or more) passes to a heat exchanger
without maintenance, and they must where it is used to produce
be sufficiently cheap that the cost of steam to drive the turbine.
the panel is quickly offset by the value
of the energy that is captured. 3. Parabolic dish reflectors
resembling a satellite dish have
Concentrating thermal systems. a central receiver mounted in
Archimedes, it is said, incinerated front of the mirror. The receiver
enemy ships at the Siege of Syracuse is a Stirling engine coupled to a
by using polished shields to focus the small generator which,
sun’s rays into lethal beams. combined with three-axis
Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST) tracking of the sun, gives this
plants use the same idea to generate design the highest efficiency.
high temperature steam to power Expense limits their
turbines, using one of three schemes. deployment.
1. Helio-static mirrors track to
follow the sun (Figure 13) focus Some of the incoming energy is lost by
radiation on a tower receiver reflection, and some is lost by parasitic
where it heats molten salt or conduction or convection giving overall
pressurized water to above conversion efficiencies of 30 – 50 %. If
400°C. The heated fluid is used this heat is then used to generate
to generate steam for a electricity there is a further conversion
conventional turbine. loss, reducing the efficiency to
8 – 15%
2. Parabolic mirrors or linear The parabolic trough is the cheapest
Fresnel reflectors track the sun and the most robust scheme for
in one dimension, focusing harvesting solar energy. Both it and
radiation on a tube running

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 18 © 2012, Granta Design
the solar tower, which can reach The efficiency of a thermoelectric
higher temperatures, are compatible system depends on the materials that
with thermal energy storage using form the junction and the temperature
molten nitrate salt as the storage difference between the junction and
medium. This energy is recovered the free ends of the wires. It is
when there is less sunlight but still measured by a figure of merit, Z:
high demand.
S 2 κe
Z= (1)
A bill of materials for a typical λ
parabolic trough or solar tower plant where κ e is the electrical conductivity,
appears in Appendix 2. Figure 14
and λ the thermal conductivity. This is
shows the demand ratios. It is clear
more commonly expressed as the
that supply constraints on the use of
dimensionless figure of merit ZT by
silver for the reflectors would be a
multiplying Z by the average
concern for widespread use of CST.
temperature T = ( T1 + T2 ) / 2 of the
Low cost polymer based mirrors with
aluminum reflective coatings are under extremes of the wires. Larger values of
trial. Molten salts used for storage are Z T indicate greater thermodynamic
not critical materials and are already efficiency. Values of ZT = 1 are
produced in large quantities for considered high, but values in the 3–4
agriculture. range are needed for thermoelectrics
to compete with conventional power
generation. Compounds of bismuth
(Bi), selenium (Se), tellurium (Te),
ytterbium (Yb) and antimony (Sb) have
the highest values of Z T but none as
high as 4. These are materials with
small reserves and localized sources,
making large scale deployment of
thermo-electric generation
Photo-voltaic (PV) systems.
Although photo-voltaic power is
Figure 14. Demand ratios for strategic expensive, world capacity is growing
materials used in solar concentrating systems.
rapidly, spurred on by government
subsidies to expand renewable
Thermo-electric systems. Two electricity generation. In remote
dissimilar metal wires, joined at one locations where transmission costs are
end, develop an emf (a voltage high, solar power can compete with
difference) ∆V = S∆T between the two power from fossil fuels. But as
un-joined ends when the joined end is Figure 5 showed, constructing PV
heated, where S is the Seebeck systems is both capital and energy
constant with units of volts/K, a
characteristic of the materials of the The semiconductor that forms the
couple. Thermo-electric capture can active element of a PV collector has
be used in combination with photo- an energy gap (the gap between the
voltaics to generate useful power from conduction band and the valence
otherwise wasted heat. band) comparable with the energy of

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 19 © 2012, Granta Design
Figure 15. A silicon-based photovoltaic panel.

the sun’s photons. Solar radiation in the n-layer and mobile holes in the
arrives as photons with wavelengths λ p-layer provide charge carriers that
between 0.3 and 3 microns, the allow an electric current to flow
intensity peaking at 0.5 microns. The through the cell. At the p-n junction a
corresponding photon energy is h c / λ potential difference exists because of
(here h is Planck’s constant, the excess electrons on one side and
6.6 x 10 J/sec and c is the velocity of holes on the other. When solar
light, 3 x 108 m/sec). If an electron with photons with an energy greater than
a charge e absorbs a photon it the band gap penetrate this junction
acquires a higher electric potential they create electron-hole pairs. The
electrons move to the negative
∆V = h c / λ e (2)
electrode and the holes to the positive
For solar photons, ∆V is between 0.5 one to provide the current in the
and 2.5 volts. If the energized electron external circuit.
now flows through an electric circuit Only a fraction of the incoming solar
across this potential difference it can energy is captured because long-
deliver electrical energy to an external wavelength photons have too little
load. energy to create electron-hole pairs
Most photovoltaic cells today use and are simply absorbed as heat;
silicon as the semiconductor short wavelength photons have more
(Figure 15). A base layer of p-type than is needed and the difference,
silicon is joined to a thin emitter layer again, is absorbed as heat. The result
of n-type silicon that is exposed to the is that the efficiency of conversion is
sun’s rays, which are absorbed in a low and it is reduced further if the
layer near the p-n junction. The n-layer panel does not face the sun but lies at
is doped with electron donors (5-valent an angle to it. Static thin-film devices
elements such as phosphorous or made of amorphous silicon are the
arsenic) that readily give up an cheapest and give an efficiency of
electron. The p-layer is doped with 8-9%. Poly-silicon crystals have
electron receptors (3-valent elements efficiencies of 12-14%. Single crystal
such as boron or gallium) that readily silicon cells (the most expensive)
accept an electron, creating an provide an efficiency of 15-17%,
electron “hole”. The mobile electrons though they are more energy-intensive

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 20 © 2012, Granta Design
to make. The average output is A bill of materials for a typical PV
increased further by tracking the system is given in Appendix 2; details
panels so that they face the sun vary with panel type and manufacturer.
continuously, allowing up to 20% Many of these materials, such as
conversion efficiency. Concentrators in indium, gallium, and tellurium, are
the form of lenses or mirrors can critical (Figure 16). A major expansion
improve the efficiency further. Newer in photovoltaic power generation
systems use cadmium telluride (CdTe) would put their supply under pressure.
or copper selenide Cu(In, Ga)Se2 It is for this reason that current
semiconductors. research focuses on cheaper, more
Once installed, solar PV power is plentiful alternatives such as copper or
effectively carbon-free, and although iron sulfides.
conversion efficiency declines over
6. Fuel cells
time, it requires little maintenance and
has a long life. The difficulty with solar Electrical conduction in solids can be
power in temperate climates is the low electronic (a flow of electrons) or ionic
capacity factor, about 10%. This is (a flow of ions). Many ionic conductors
because the rating of a panel (1 kW for are electronic insulators, a
example) is the power it produces characteristic exploited in fuel cells. A
when the incoming solar power density fuel cell consists of an anode and a
is 1000 W/m2, a value only reached at cathode separated by an
midday on a completely clear day. The electronically-insulating electrolyte.
average incoming power density, Oxidation takes place at the anode
allowing for hours of darkness, cloud releasing electrons, while reduction at
cover and other factors, is about the cathode absorbs them:
100 W/m2. This low capacity factor
2H 2 → 4H+ + 4e- (3,a)
drives up the capital and material
(typical anode reaction)
intensities and stretches the energy
pay-back time to between 3 and O 2 + 4H+ + 4e- → 2H 2 O (3,b)
(typical cathode reaction)
10 years (Figures 5 and 6). When
installed in a dry, tropical location the To allow the reaction, protons (H+)
capacity factor increases by 3 or more diffuse through the electrolyte from the
times, with a proportional drop in these anode to the cathode. Anode and
intensities and times. cathode are connected by an external
electron-conducting circuit that
includes the load. The reactions have
to be catalyzed by platinum, a critical
Fuel can be fed to the cell as hydrogen
gas, but hydrogen supply is at present
limited. Most fuel cells create
hydrogen by reforming methane with
CH 4 + H 2 O → 3H 2 + CO (4,a)
CO + H 2 O → H 2 + CO 2 (4,b)
Figure 16. Demand ratios for strategic
materials used in photo-voltaic power systems.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 21 © 2012, Granta Design
Figure 17. Phosphoric acid and solid oxide fuel cells.

Figure 18. Demand ratios for strategic materials used in fuel cells.

These reactions must be catalyzed phosphoric acid electrolyte at relatively

with nickel and require high low temperatures of 150-200°C.
temperatures. Low temperature fuel Protons from the oxidation of hydrogen
cells use external reformers. High at the anode are transported through
temperature fuel cells can reform the the phosphoric acid to the cathode
methane at the electrolyte. Both emit where they react with oxygen from the
CO2, generated by the reforming air to form water, as in Figure 17. The
process. reaction requires a platinum catalyst.
There are many types of fuel cell, The low temperatures limit efficiency
which are generally classified by their to around 40%, which is not
electrolyte. competitive with the most efficient gas
power plants. Appendix 2 contains a
Phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC).
bill of materials for a PAFC. Platinum
The PAFC is the cheapest fuel cell
is the only critical material that might
and the one with the largest installed
constrain widespread deployment
base (over 75MW) and the longest
(Figure 18).
useful life (10 years). It uses a liquid

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 22 © 2012, Granta Design
Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). The is the low power density, that is, power
electrolyte of a SOFC, typically, is per unit area. On land, it averages
yttria-stabilised zirconia (YSZ). The 2 W/m2; off-shore it is larger, about
high temperatures required for 3 W/m2. The average land area per
sufficient ionic mobility, typically 600- person in country with a population
1000°C, remove the need for density like that of the UK is about
expensive catalysts, like platinum, at 3500 m2. That means that if the entire
the electrodes. Oxygen ions diffuse country where were packed with the
though the electrolyte, and react with maximum possible number of wind
hydrogen at the anode to give water: turbines, it would generate just 7 kW
O 2 + 4e- → 2O2- (5,b) per person (MacKay, 2009),
(cathode reaction) approximately what we use today.
Placing them off-shore helps solve the
2O2- + 2H 2 → H 2 O + 4e- (5,a)
overcrowding problem, but
(anode reaction)
maintenance costs are higher.
SOFC systems can run on natural gas,
LPG or biogas. The hydrocarbon fuel
is steam reformed to hydrogen and Example:
carbon monoxide within the cell. The living on wind power alone.
high temperatures give an efficiency of
The land area of The Netherlands
50-60% but, because many
(Holland) is 41,526 km2. Its population
components of a SOFC are ceramics,
is 16.5 million and the average power
the start-up has to be slow to prevent
consumption per capita there is
thermal shock. Replacing the YSZ
6.7 kW. Could Holland’s power needs
electrolyte by cerium gadolinium oxide
be met by land-based wind turbines
reduces operating temperatures to
operating at a (high) capacity factor of
500-600°C, allowing the replacement
0.3? Use mean values of the data in
of many structural ceramic
Table 2 to find out.
components with stainless steel,
improving thermal shock resistance Answer.
and reducing startup time. The land area occupied by wind
The bill of materials for a YSZ turbines required to meet The
electrolyte SOFC in Appendix 2 Netherlands’ needs is
suggests that the only critical materials A = Population x Power per person x
used in significant quantities are Area per unit power / Capacity factor
yttrium, zirconium, and lanthanum, a
From Table 2, the mean area-intensity
component of the oxide electrolyte.
for land-based wind turbines is
7. Wind power 275 m2/kWnom. The capacity factor is
0.21, giving
Wind has been used as a source of A = 1.01 x 1011 m2 = 101,000 km2
power for centuries. Today wind
turbines are the fastest-growing sector This is 2.4 times the area of the
of the renewable power business Netherlands. There is no way land-
driven, like solar PV power, by based wind power alone can supply all
government subsidies (Figure 19). The the country’s needs.
problem with wind power, like that of
most other renewable energy sources,

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 23 © 2012, Granta Design
Figure 19. A wind turbine (Figure developed from a diagram from the
US Department of Energy,

When wind comes into contact with energy conservation across the
the rotor of a wind turbine, some of its turbine, shown in Figure 20. Here the
kinetic energy is imparted to the approaching wind velocity is v1 , the
blades, driving their rotation. This exit velocity is v2 , the swept area is S
rotation is transmitted through a and the mean velocity in the plane of
gearbox to a generator, creating the turbine is v = 1 / 2 ( v1 + v2 ) . The
electric power. Wind speed v
energy flux per second (= power) of an
increases with height h above ground
uninterrupted air flow of velocity v1
across an area S is
 h 
v(h ) ≈ v10   (6) 1 1 1
 10  Pin = m v12 = ( Sρ v1 ) v12 = Sρ v13 (7)
2 2 2
where v10 is the wind speed at a where ρ is the density of air,
height h = 10 m . We show in a moment assumed constant and m is the mass
that power depends on wind speed per second passing through S .
cubed, so increasing the height of a
wind turbine by a factor of 2 increases
power by 30%, as we show in a
moment. Wind turbines have a cut-in
and cut-out wind speed (typically
3 m/s2 cut-in and 20 m/ s2 cut-out).
They stop altogether when the wind
speed is outside this range.
The maximum power generated by a Figure 20. Control volume across a wind
turbine is limited to 58% of the kinetic turbine.
energy of the wind stream passing
though it (the Betz limit, symbol CB ). It
is calculated by considering mass and

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 24 © 2012, Granta Design
Flow in an ideal (non-viscous) about 35% but they are expensive to
incompressible fluid is governed by build and maintain. The average
Bernouilli’s equation: capacity factor for land-based turbines
1 2 is closer to 21% but they are cheaper
p+ ρ v + ρ g h = cons tan t (8)
2 to build and easier to service 8.
where p is the pressure, v the flow Wind energy is free, but harvesting it is
velocity, g the gravitational constant not. There is an energy investment
associated with the construction of a
and h the height. Thus the pressure
wind turbine. Figure 6 showed that the
difference ∆ p across the turbine
energy pay-back time is typically
caused by the drop in flow velocity between 1 and 2 years. The problem
from v1 to v2 at constant h is with wind power is not energy pay-
1 back time but the small power output
∆p = ρ ( v12 − v 22 ) (9)
2 per unit. Even with an greatly over-
optimistic capacity factor of 50%,
The air velocity in the plane of the
about 1000 2 MW wind turbines are
turbine is v so the work done by ∆ p
needed to replace the power output of
per second, and thus the power P
just one conventional coal-fuelled
delivered to the turbine, is
power station, so the capital intensity,
P = ∆ p Sv=
S ρ ( v1 + v 2 ) ( v12 − v 22 )
and that of land and materials is high
4 (Figures 4 and 5).
The blades are the most vulnerable
The power coefficient is found by parts of a wind turbine. The drive for
dividing this by the kinetic energy per ever longer blades (to increase S )
second of the uninterrupted air flow places constraints on the choice of
passing across an area S giving materials. The self-weight of the blade
  v  
2 creates alternating bending loads at
P 1 v 
= ( 1 + 2 )  1 −  2   the blade root as the turbine rotates.
Pin 2 v1   v1  
 Superimposed on these is an axial
Differentiating and equating to zero to load cause by centrifugal force and a
find the maximum gives the value of bending load caused by wind
pressure. The most efficient
the Betz limit: ( P / Pin ) max = C B = 0.58 .
configuration for a light, strong
The power P is then structure is a shell made from a
P = CB Pin =
CB ρ S v13 ≈ 0.3 ρ S v13 (10)
material with the smallest value of the
2 index ρ / σ y , where σ y is the yield
Thus the peak (rated) power of a strength and ρ the density: laminated
turbine varies as the swept area S wood, GFRP and, above all, CFRP,
times the cube of the incoming wind the material of choice for the blades of
speed v1 . large wind turbines. The generator,
The power rating of a wind turbine too, is a critical component. Wind
(e.g., 2 MW) is its peak power. The
actual power output depends on its 8
The averaged capacity factor for all British
capacity factor and this depends on wind turbines, land-based and off shore, for the
turbine design and location. Off-shore 12 months to April 2011 was a mere 21.7%
turbines have a capacity factor of because of unusually calm weather conditions
(the Times, April 1, 2011).

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 25 © 2012, Granta Design
turbines typically rotate at
10-20 rpm. Some use induction
generators (which do not use
permanent magnets) that are efficient
only at around 750 rpm, requiring a
gearbox that needs regular
maintenance. Permanent magnet
generators operate efficiently at the
low speeds at which the blades turn,
allowing direct-drive. Neodymium-iron-
boron magnets (Nd-Fe-B) give the
highest performance generators, with
Figure 21. Demand ratios for strategic
only the significantly more expensive materials used in wind power systems.
samarium-cobalt (Sm-Co) coming
close. 8. Hydro power
Appendix 2 has an approximate bill of
More energy is generated from
materials for a wind turbine. The
hydropower (Figure 22) than from any
resource-demand ratios for critical
other renewable energy source. It
materials, assuming CFRP blades and
supplies most of the electricity for
Nd-Fe-B magnets, appear in
thirteen countries, among them,
Figure 21. Both that for CFRP, the
Norway and Brazil. The technology is
blade material, and for neodymium, a
simple, the power is always available
component of the permanent magnets
(provided it rains), and dams built
of the generator, far exceed current
without hydroelectric capacity can be
production capability. It may be
retro-fitted with turbines and
necessary to greatly increase
generators. Hydro plants are
production or find substitutes for both.
particularly flexible because they both
store energy and generate power,
either continuously or intermittently to
deal with spikes in demand.

Figure 22. Schematic of a hydro-electric plant.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 26 © 2012, Granta Design
The energy to fill reservoirs comes you’ve been hit by one. Capturing it,
from the sun, but it is gravity that however, is not easy; it is unlikely that
drives the water through the turbine. any wave machine would trap more
The flow of water through a water than a quarter of this. Not many
turbine, like that of air through a wind countries have long coast-lines (some
turbine, is governed by Bernoulli’s have none), but for those that do,
equation. When the water flow is from wave power is an option. Once again
an essentially stationary reservoir to the scale of the operation has to be
an essentially stationary out-flow pool, vast to make a real contribution: to
the pressure difference between the provide 1 kW per person to a country
inlet and the outlet is ∆ p = ρ g ∆ h , of 50 million inhabitants needs
where ∆ h is the difference in surface something like 4,000 km of barrier.
height between the reservoir and the And any wave-driven device takes a
out-flow pool. The power captured by battering, making maintenance a
the turbine is then problem.
There are three schemes for
P = η g Q ∆h (11)
harvesting wave power are known as
where Q the volumetric flow rate in buoyancy devices, overtopping
m3/s and η the efficiency of the system devices, and oscillating water-column
(over 90% for large hydro falling to devices. Buoyancy devices use the
50% for small). The capital cost of a motion of waves to pump a working
hydro plant can be high, and its fluid through a turbine. Overtopping
construction may damage natural and devices uses a vertical axis turbine
human habitat. But its lifetime is long, with a floating ramp; waves ride up the
it requires little maintenance, it creates ramp and spill into the turbine below.
no emissions, and its fuel is free. Oscillating water-column devices trap
Hydro-power is a long-term water and air within the structure, and
investment. as the waves pass under it, the air is
The most material-intensive part of a alternately compressed and allowed to
hydro-plant is the dam. Small dams expand through a turbine.
can be made of earth. Larger ones are
made of concrete, some requiring
5 tonnes of concrete for 1 kWnom of
generating capacity. The demands on
other materials are modest
(Figure 23).

9. Wave Power
Energy can be captured from waves
by placing something in their path—a
fixed barrier with a turbine driven by
the water whooshing in and out, for
instance. Waves carry an energy per
unit length rather than an energy per Figure 23. Demand ratios for strategic
materials used in hydro power systems.
unit area, and it is large—as much as
40 kW per meter—as you will know if

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 27 © 2012, Granta Design
The Pelamis is an example of a
10. Tidal Power
buoyancy wave energy converter
(Figure 24). It floats on the ocean The moon orbits the earth and the
surface with cables securing it to the earth orbits the sun. As they do so,
seafloor. Links in the body allow it to gravitational and centrifugal forces act
flex with the motion of the waves, on seawater, pulling it into tidal bulges.
driving pistons that pump oil through a As the Earth rotates on its own axis,
turbine inside the unit. To survive the these bulges sweep across the
harsh environment the device requires planet’s surface creating two tides
a great deal of steel, making it material each day. When sun, Earth and moon
and energy intensive to construct. are aligned the forces pull together,
The total world installed capacity of creating high and low “spring” tides.
wave power is currently a mere 4 MW When the moon is at right angles to
but more devices are under the sun with respect to the Earth, the
development. The demand for critical gravitational fields work against each
materials for harvesting wave power is other, giving smaller “neap” tides.
relatively low with the exception of The highest tidal ranges in the world
copper. The small power per unit and are in the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia
the long cables connecting them to and in the Severn Estuary in Britain
shore means that building sufficient where tidal water funnels into a
capacity to generate 2,000 GW over narrowing channel. Tidal power where
the next ten years could consume up tides are high can deliver 3 W/m2 by
to 20% of current global copper making both the incoming and the
production. outgoing tidal flow drive turbines. This
is about the same as wind power, but
few countries have the coastline to

Figure 24. Schematic of Pelamis wave-power device.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 28 © 2012, Granta Design
capture much of it. To those with tidal machinery is simpler. The attraction of
estuaries or those that lie at the tidal power is that it is completely
mouths of land-locked seas (like the predictable. The drawback, as
Mediterranean) harnessing tidal power Figures 4, 5, and 6 showed, is that the
is an option. There are two schemes systems are material, energy, and
for harvesting it: tidal-stream and tidal- capital intensive.
barrage systems. Tidal power puts little pressure on
The Seagen tidal-stream power critical materials. Using the same
generator is an underwater wind demand scenario as before the
turbine driven by the flow of the consumption of copper might reach
incoming and receding tides 5 % of current production.
(Figure 25). One is in service. It has a
power of 1.2 MW, a claimed capacity 11. Geothermal power
factor of 48%, and a design life of
The core of the Earth remains at a
20 years. A tidal barrage is a hydro-
temperature above 5000ºC, heated by
electric plant driven by a reservoir
the slow radioactive decay of elements
filled by tides rather than by rain. The
at its centre. Heat is carried to the
largest tidal barrage is the 240 MW
Earth’s surface by conduction and by
unit on the river La Rance in France,
convection of the magma in the
where the tidal range is 8 m. Tidal
mantle, the layer between the core
barrages have longer lifetimes than
and the crust. This heat leaks out at
tidal stream generators because the
the surface but little of it is in a useful

Figure 25. Diagram of a Seagen tidal power generator.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 29 © 2012, Granta Design
form. On average the near-surface Geothermal power may have the
temperature gradient is 20oC/km, largest potential of all renewable
delivering 50 mW/m2 at the surface. To energy sources; a USGS study in
generate electricity it is necessary to 2008 estimated that the US electrical
heat water to at least 200oC, and for power potential from geothermal heat
most of the earth’s crust that means exceeded 500 GW. It is at present just
drilling down to about 10 km, making it potential, requiring advances in deep
expensive to harvest. Where magma drilling to make it a reality. Most of the
wells up close to the surface the cost of a geothermal power plant is
gradient rises above 40oC/km. In such that of drilling, but aside from small
places (Iceland, parts of the US, maintenance costs, the electricity it
New Zealand, and Italy) extracting generates is free. As with wave and
geothermal heat is a practical tidal power, the only critical material
proposition. used in large quantities is copper.
To do so, water is injected into the hot Using the same demand structure as
rock from which it is recovered as hot before, the deployment of 200 GW per
water or steam (Figure 26). High- year of geothermal power (could it be
temperature plants feed steam directly found) would require about 2% of
to a turbine then pump the condensate current copper production.
back into the rock. Low temperature
plants pass the hot water to a heat
exchanger where it vaporizes a low-
boiling point working fluid—isopentane
or isobutene—that drives the turbine.
Typical power outputs are 0.1 to
2 GW.

Figure 26. Geothermal power plant.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 30 © 2012, Granta Design
Figure 27. A bio-crop.

5,000 – 10,000 m2/kWnom. Biomass is

12. Biomass
said to be a carbon-neutral fuel
Green plants capture the sun’s energy because the carbon dioxide it emits
and use it to photosynthesize when burnt was drawn from the
carbohydrates, oils, and proteins from atmosphere during its growth, but this
atmospheric CO2 (Figure 27). The is not quite true because farming and
carbohydrates can be dried and transport generates some CO2 that
burned to release the energy, or they cannot be credited to biomass.
can be fermented to give olefins The use of biomass for liquid fuels is
(methane, ethane) and alcohols already generating competition for
(methanol, ethanol) that can be used land to grow fuel, food, and materials.
as fuels. Seed oil (soybean, sunflower, By 2007, almost a quarter of US
palm oil) can be burnt or processed coarse grain production and one half
into bio-diesel. Plant growth requires of EU vegetable oil was used for bio-
little fossil fuel energy, is relatively fuels, yet together they provided only
clean, and—until it is burnt—it 0.36% of global energy supply.
sequesters carbon. But the efficiency According to Pimm (2001) the global
of energy-capture by plants is low, production of natural and cultivated
typically 0.5%. The average annual biomass is about 140 Gt/year and the
flux of solar radiation in a temperate global consumption of biomass as
climate is about 100 W/m2, so the food, fodder for livestock, conversion
area-intensity of biomass, before it has of forest to pasture, firewood,
been converted to a useful fuel, is construction, and fiber is currently
about 2000 m2/kW, already greater 58 Gt/year, about 40% of the total. If
than that of any other source of power. we already use this fraction of biomass
To make it useful it must be dried for production, further consumption
combustion or fermented to make bio- cannot grow much, even allowing for
diesel, both with imperfect efficiency, increased yields. It appears, then, that
driving the area intensity up to there is a limit to the supply of

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 31 © 2012, Granta Design
biomass. Only about 2% of the total, A high material intensity is
dominated by woods and natural manageable if the materials in
fibers, is at present used to make question are those with large reserves,
engineering structures, so there is low embodied energy, and low carbon
some scope for increasing this, but it footprint. Some materials meet this
will ultimately be at the expense of ideal—iron and carbon steel, concrete,
other uses of biomass. wood, and commodity polymers are
examples. But the sheer scale of
13. Summary & conclusions construction if just one third of the
anticipated demand in 2050 is to be
If the world is to have the electrical
met over a 10 year time span puts
power that extrapolation suggests it
pressure on the supply of some critical
will need by 2050, it will mean building
materials and greatly exceeds the
an additional generating capacity of up
current production capacity of others.
to 6,000 GW. The global fluxes of
solar radiation and of energy in the The conclusions: no single renewable
form of wind, wave, and tides all source can begin to supply energy on
comfortably exceed this value, and the the scale we now use it. A combination
accessible coal and nuclear fuel of all them might. But think of the
reserves, too, could provide it. But difficulties. There is the low power
each has its difficulties, and even a density, meaning that a large fraction
balanced combination of all of them of the area of the country must be
presents problems. dedicated to capturing it. If you cover
half the country with solar cells you
Renewable power systems carry a
cannot also plant crops for biofuel on
carbon footprint that is 10 to 30 times
it, nor can you use it as we now do for
less that the gas and oil based
agriculture and livestock for food.
systems on which we now largely
There is the cost of establishing the
depend. But almost all require greater
network needed to connect-up such a
surface area, more capital, more
dispersed system and—in the case of
energy, and more materials to build
off-shore wave and wind farms—there
them than to construct fossil fuel
is the cost of maintenance (even on
power stations with the same nominal
land some 2% of wind turbines are
generating capacity. Worse, most
disabled each year by lightning). And
renewable power systems have lower
there is the opposition, much of it from
capacity factors than fossil fuel plants,
environmentalists, that paving the
further increasing the differences.
country and framing the coast with
machinery would create. MacKay’s
(2009) book examines all this in
greater depth. For now we must
accept that the dream of copious
cheap, pollution-free, and renewable
energy from sun, wind, and wave is
not realistic.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 32 © 2012, Granta Design
14. Appendix 1. Actual or real average power output
kW actual , etc.
Definitions of properties
The optimal conditions required for a
Keeping track of units and the power system to provide its rated
meanings of the various resource power occur for only a fraction of the
intensities can be confusing. These time, so the actual power output of the
definitions will help keep them clear. system, averaged over (say) a year, is
much less than the rated value. The
Energy and power ratio of the real, averaged power
Energy MJ or output to the rated power output is
(1 = 3.6 MJ) called the capacity factor, expressed
Energy appears in more than one form as a %. Some systems have capacity
in this white paper. It is important to factors as low as 10%, meaning that to
choose one of these as the basis for generate an average of 1 kW of actual
comparison of conventional and power it is necessary to install a
renewable systems. By convention, system with a nominal capacity of
the basic unit is MJoe, meaning 10 kW.
megajoules, oil equivalent. Oil (like
Resource intensities
coal and gas) has a calorific value or
heat content, 38 MJoe/litre or Construction and commissioning of a
44 MJoe/kg. The conversion efficiency power system requires resources:
when oil is used to generate electricity capital, materials, energy, and space,
is about 36% (it depends on the age meaning land or sea area. A resource
and type of generator), so one MJ of intensity is the amount of the resource
electrical energy (MJelec) requires the required to create one unit of power
consumption of 1/0.36 = 2.8 MJoe. generating capacity. Power systems
Thus 1 of electrical energy is have a rated power (kWnom, see
equivalent to 3.6 x 2.8 = 10MJoe. above), but none operate at full
capacity all the time so it is convenient
Power kW, MW, or GW
to define also the average delivered
Power is energy per unit time, power (kWactual). Because of this we
meaning J/sec (= Watt, W) or, in the need two intensities for each resource.
context of power systems, kW, MW, The first is the intensity of the resource
GW or even TW (Terawatt = per unit of rated capacity—a well
1012 J/sec) defined quantity since the rated power
Rated or nominal power output is a fixed characteristic of the system
kW nom , etc. (e.g., a 1kW solar panel). The second
The rated power output of a power is the intensity of the resource per unit
system is the power it delivers under of delivered power when averaged
optimal conditions. Oil and coal fired over a representative period such as a
power stations operate optimally for year. It is always larger, sometimes
much of the time, but renewable power much larger, than the intensity per unit
systems do not because they depend of rated capacity, and it is less well
on a certain minimum level of solar defined because it depends on how
radiation, wind velocity, wave height or the system is operated, and, in the
tidal flow, and for much of the time this case of renewable systems, on the
minimum is not met. influence of the weather on sun, wind,
wave, and tide.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 33 © 2012, Granta Design
Capital intensity, construction Energy intensity (fuel) MJ/
(rated power) GBP/kW nom The energy is consumed as fuel by the
The quantity of capital (money) used power system to generate each
to construct the power system per unit of delivered energy.
rated power (per kWnom, for example)
CO 2 intensity (construction)
of the system. If you want the cost per kg/kW nom
kW of actual delivered power, as in
The quantity of carbon dioxide, in kg,
Figure 4, you have to divide the capital
released to atmosphere during the
intensity by the capacity factor
construction of a given power system
(expressed as a fraction).
per unit of nominal power (kWnom) of
Capital intensity (fuel) GBP/kW the system.
The cost of the fuel used in the system CO 2 intensity (fuel) kg/
per kW of power generated. This is
The quantity of carbon dioxide, in kg,
based on input/output figures from
released to atmosphere because of
plants and scaled to be a nominal
the burning of hydrocarbons by the
power system per of delivered
Area intensity m2/kW nom energy.
The land area used by the power
system per unit rated power (kW) of Operational parameters
the system. If you want the area per Capacity factor %
kW of actual delivered power capacity, The fraction of time, expressed as a
as in Figure 3, you have to divide the percentage, that a power system
area intensity by the capacity factor operates at its rated power. This takes
(expressed as a fraction). into account time when a system
Material intensities kg/kW nom would be unavailable or generating
The quantities of materials required to less power than it potentially could due
build a given power system per unit to maintenance or because the natural
nominal power. If you want the resource it uses is unavailable.
material per kW of actual delivered System efficiency %
power, as in Figure 2.4, you have to The efficiency with which the fuel or
divide the material intensity by the resource is converted into electricity.
capacity factor (expressed as a
Lifetime yrs
The expected time that the power
Energy intensity (construction) system will remain fully operational in
MJ/kW nom
The energy is used to construct the
power system, per unit rated power Status
(kW) of the system. To get the build-
Current installed capacity GW
energy per kW of actual delivered
power, you have to divide the energy The total global rated capacity of a
intensity by the capacity factor given power system.
(expressed as a fraction). This is not Growth rate %/year
done in Figure 5 because the other The rate at which installed capacity
axis, delivered energy per year, is also currently grows each year expressed
nominal. The point of Figure 5 is to as a percentage.
illustrate the pay-back time.

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 34 © 2012, Granta Design
Delivered cost GBP/kWh plots in the text use data from these
The cost of generating one kilowatt- tables. They are based on an
hour of electrical energy for a given imagined scenario: that the global
power system. electric power demand will triple by
2050 and that, to meet it, the capacity
15. Appendix 2. of a chosen system is expanded by
Approximate material 200 GW (2 x 108 kW) per year. The
metric for resource pressure, Rs , is the
intensities for power
mass of each material required for the
systems expansion of the system per year,
The bills of materials for the power 2 x 10 8 I m , expressed in kg/year divided
systems assembled here are by the current (2009—the most recent
expressed as material intensities, I m , available) global production per year,
meaning the mass (kg) of each Pa , also expressed in kg/year.
material per unit of nominal generating
2 x 10 8 x I m
capacity (kW nom ). As far as we know, Rs =
no previous assembly of such data
exists, so it has to be patched together The resource-demand plots in the
from diverse sources. These differ in main text show this, expressed as the
detail and scope. Some, for instance, per-cent demand of current
are limited to the system alone, others production.
include the iron, copper and other The resource demand is not
materials needed to connect the interesting when it is trivial. The plots
system to the grid, and this is large for show the demand on the materials that
distributed systems like wind, wave are deemed to be “critical”, as
and solar power. Others give indirect explained in Section 2. They are
information from which missing starred (*) in the tables below.
material content can be inferred. So be
Table 2 included the capital, energy
prepared for inconsistencies.
and carbon intensity of fuels. They are
Despite these reservations there is used to construct Figure 7. Some burn
enough information here to draw broad fuel for power. The others use much
conclusions about the demand that smaller quantities in operation and
large-scale deployment of any given maintenance. The data used in the
low-carbon power system could put on construction of Figure 7 are
material supply. The resource-demand summarized below.

Fuel Cost / Energy/ CO 2 /

($/ (MJ/ (kg/
Coal 0.02 – 0.04 9.7 – 12 0.9 – 1.1
Gas 0.025 – 0.055 6–8 0.33 – 0.5
Fuel cell 0.025 – 0.055 9 – 10 0.49 – 0.55
(Phosphoric acid)
Fuel cell (Solid oxide) 0.025 – 0.055 6 – 7.2 0.33 – 0.39
Nuclear 0.005 – 0.006 9.6 – 12 0.06 – 0.07
All other power systems 0.05 – 0.09 0.05 – 0.1 0.005 – 0.01

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 35 © 2012, Granta Design
Coal-fired station Pressurized water reactor
Material Intensity (kg/kWnom) Material Intensity (kg/kWnom)
Aluminum 2.58 – 4.5 Aluminum 0.02 – 0.24

Bitumen 0.33 – 0.37 Boron 0.01

Brass 0.24 – 0.27 Brass/bronze 0.04

Carbon steel 30 – 614 Cadmium 0.01

Ceramic tiles 0.39 – 0.44 Carbon steel 10.0 – 65

Chromium* 2.33 – 3.2 Chromium* 0.15 – 0.55

Concrete 460 – 1200 Concrete 180 – 560

Copper 1.47 – 5.17 Copper* 0.69 – 2

Epoxy 0.21 – 0.23 Galvanized iron 1.26

GFRP 0.55 – 0.605 Inconel 0.1 – 0.12

Glass 0.026 – 0.029 Indium* 0.01

Glulam 0.004 – 0.005 Insulation 0.7 – 0.92

HDPE 0.16 – 0.17 Lead 0.03 – 0.05

High alloyed steel 0.5 Manganese* 0.33 – 0.7

Iron 50.2 – 809 Nickel* 0.1 – 0.5

Lead 0.04 – 0.23 PVC 0.8 – 1.27

Low alloy steel 13.6 – 15.1 Silver* 0.01

Manganese * 0.084 Stainless steel 1.56 – 2.1

Molybdenum* 0.032 Uranium* 0.4 – 0.62

Nickel 0.01 Wood 4.7 – 5.6

PP 0.08 – 0.09 Zirconium* 0.2 – 0.4

PVC 1.82 – 2.02 Total mass, 170 – 625

all materials
Rock wool 3.9 – 4.3
Materials and quantities from White and
Rubber 0.12 – 0.13
Kulcinski (2007).
SAN 0.026 – 0.031
Silver* 0.001 – 0.007
Stainless steel 37 – 41
Vanadium* 0.003
Zinc 0.06 – 0.08
Total mass, 520 – 1800
all materials

Materials and quantities from White and

Kulcinski (2007).

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 36 © 2012, Granta Design
Silicon based PV Solar:
Material kg/kW Concentrating thermal power
Acids + Hydroxides 7.0-9 Material Intensity
Aluminum 15-20 (kg/kWnom)
Ammonia 0.05-0.1 Aggregates 50-500
Argon 3.0-5.0 Aluminium 0.1-0.3
Carbon allotropes 10.0-20.0 Borosilicate Glass 3
Copper 0.2-0.3
Chromium (Stainless 2-10
Glass 60-70 Steel)
Gold 0.05-0.1 200-2000
Indium 0.02 – 0.08
Copper 0.5-5
Plastics 20-60
Glass 90-220
Silicon 25-40
Silicon Carbide 6.0-10.0 Magnesium 0.3-0.9

Tin 0.1-0.2 Manganese 0.008-0.2

Wood 10.0-20.0 Nickel 0.001
Total mass, 150-250 Paint 1-3
all materials
Silver 2.5-6.5
Materials and quantities from Phylipsen &
Alsema (1995), Keoleion et al (1997) and Steel and Iron 300-800
Tritt et al (2008).
Total mass, 650-3500
CdTe thin film PV all materials

Material kg/kW Materials and quantities from Viebahn, et al (2004)

Aluminum 20 Phosphoric acid fuel cell

Cadnium 0.1 – 0.3
Material Intensity
Tellurium 0.1 – 0.3 (kg/kWnom)
Copper 1 Aluminum 0.9-1.1
Glass 60 Carbon Allotropes 5-9
Indium 0.005 – 0.025 Ceramics 1-5
Lead 0.05
Chromium 3-7
Plastics 30
Concrete 10-20
Stainless Steel 20
Copper 3-8
Tin 0.2
Iron and Steel 60-90
Total mass, 130
all materials Molybdenum 0.02
Materials and quantities from Fthenakis and Ki, Nickel 1.7
(2005) and Pacca, Sivaraman, and Keoleian (2006).
Palladium 0.0005
Balance of plant for solar PV Phosphoric Acid 0.5-2.5

Material kg/kW Plastics 1.5-5

Aluminum 20-30 Platinum 0.005

Concrete 500-550 Zinc 2.3
Copper 1-2 Total mass, 89 – 150
all materials
Steel 1000-1200
Total mass, 1500 – 1800
all materials
Materials and quantities from Pacca & Hovarth (2002)
and Tahara et al. (1997)

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 37 © 2012, Granta Design
Solid oxide fuel cell Wind power, off shore
Material Intensity Material Intensity
(kg/kWnom) (kg/kWnom)
Aluminum 0.5-2 Aluminum 0.85 – 15
Concrete 10-20 Carbon steel/cast iron 380 – 532
Chromium 0.5-3 CFRP* 10.5 – 54
Iron and Steel 60-80
Cobalt* (alternative 1
Lanthanum 0.01-3 magnets)
Manganese 0.01-1
Concrete 1200 – 1600
Nickel 1-6
Yttrium 0.1-0.4 Copper* 10 – 22
Zirconium 0.1-3 GFRP 14 – 20
Zinc 0.01-1 Neodymium* (magnets) 0.9
Total mass, 70-110 Polymers 0.7 – 9
all materials
Materials and quantities from Karakoussis et al 2001 Stainless steel 36 – 50
and Thijssen 2010 Total mass, 1100 – 2000
all materials
Onshore Wind
Materials and quantities from Vestas (2008) and
Material kg/kW Martinez et al (2007).
Aluminum 0.8-3
Wave power (Pelamis)
CFRP 5.0-10
Concrete 380-600 Material Intensity (kg/kWnom)

Copper 1.0-2 Aluminum 25 – 30

GFRP 5.0-10 Copper* 10 – 20

Steel 85-150 Nylon 6 8 – 12

Neodymium 0.04 Polyurethane 12 – 18

Plastics 0.2-10 PVC 25 – 31

Total mass, 500-750 Sand (ballast) 640

all materials Stainless steel 50 – 60
Materials and quantitites from Ardente et al. (2006), Steel 410
Crawford (2009) and Vindmølleindustrien (2007), Total mass, 1145 – 2000
Vestas (2008) and Martinez et al (2007).
all materials
Offshore Wind Materials and quantities from Anderson (2003).

Material kg/kW
Tidal current power: Seagen
Aluminium 0.5-3
Chromium 4.5 Material Intensity
(stainless steel) (kg/kWnom)
Concrete and Aggregates 400-600 CFRP (blades) 3.25
Copper* 3.88
Copper 10.0-20
Epoxy 0.25
GFRP 5.0-12
GFRP (enclosure) 4.5
Steel 250-350
Iron 28.3
Neodymium 0.04
Neodymium or cobalt 0.9
Plastics 1.0-10 Stainless steel 2.33
Total mass, 650-1000 Steel 344
all materials
Total mass, 387
Materials and quantities from Ardente et al. (2006), all materials
Crawford (2009), Vindmølleindustrien (2007), and
Weinzettel (2009). Materials and quantities from Douglas et al (2008).

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 38 © 2012, Granta Design
Tidal barrage power Biomass
Material Intensity Material Intensity
(kg/kWnom) (kg/kWnom)
ABS 30% glass fiber 0.019 Aluminum 1.1 – 6.7
Cement 1728 Bitumen 0.5
Copper* 0.004
Brass* 0.37
Gravel 996
Cast iron 1.47
Pre-stressed concrete 3416
Rock 28686 Ceramic tiles 0.59 – 9.3
Sand 20488 Chromium* 0.0024
Stainless steel 0.026 Cobalt* 0.0018
Steel 33 Concrete 36 – 790
Total mass, 55,350
Copper* 1.04 – 3.5
all materials
Epoxy resin 0.31
Materials and quantities from Roberts (1982) and
Miller et al (2010) GFRP 0.82
Glass 0.04
Geothermal power
Glulam 0.006
Material Intensity
HDPE 0.23
Bentonite 20.9 – 45 LDPE 3.25
Calcium carbonate 37.9 Lead 0.104
Carbon steel 10.8 Low alloy steel 20
Cement 3.3 – 41 Low carbon steel 33 – 112
Chalk 31 Nickel* 0.02
Concrete 21.9 PP 0.12
Copper* 1.2 – 2.2
PVC 0.45 – 2.74
Rock wool 1.65 – 6
High alloy steel 342.4
SAN 0.04
LDPE 20.4
Low alloy steel 2 – 476 Stainless steel 4.5 – 5.5
Portland limestone 133 Steel (electric) 0.82
cement Synthetic rubber 0.18
PVC 0.1 Titanium dioxide* 0.4
silica sand 39.6
Zinc 0.16
Total mass, 61 – 1200
all materials Total mass, 69 – 922
all materials
Materials and quantities from Saner et al (2010)
Materials and quantities from Bauer (2008) and
Mann & Spath (1997)

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 39 © 2012, Granta Design
16. Further reading low-carbon economy”, The Minerals,
Metals and Materials Society (TMS)
The starting point—sources that (A pair of reports
assessing the materials challenges
help with the big picture.
raised by a low-carbon economy.)
Andrews, J. and Jelley, N. (2007) IAEA (1997) “Sustainable
“Energy science: principles, development and nuclear power”,
technologies and impacts”, Oxford International Atomic Energy Agency,
University Press, Oxford, UK. ISBN Vienna, Austria.
978-0-19-928112-1. (An introduction to
the science behind energy sources IEA (2008) “International Energy
and energy storage systems.) Agency Electricity information 2008”
OECD / IEA, Paris, France. ISBN 978-
Boyle G. (editor) (2004) “Renewable 92-64-04252-0. (An extraordinarily
energy”, DE.158 detailed, annual, compilation of
British Geological Survey (2011) “Risk historical and current statistics on
list 2011” electricity generation and use.) Lund, H. (2010) “Renewable energy
skList.html (A supply risk index for systems –the choice and modelling of
critical elements or element groups 100% renewable solutions”, Elsevier,
which are of economic value.) Amsterdam. ISBN 978-0-12-375028-0.
Cullen, J.M. (2010) “Engineering (An analysis of the social and political
fundamentals of energy efficiency”, challenges of deploying renewable
PhD thesis, Engineering Department, energy systems on a large scale.)
University of Cambridge UK. (A MacKay, D.J.C. (2009) “Sustainable
revealing analysis of energy use and energy – without the hot air” UIT
efficiency of energy conversion in Publishers, Cambridge UK. SBN 978-
modern society). 0-9544529-3-3 and
Fay, J.A. and Golomb, D.S. (2002) . (MacKay
“Energy and the environment”, Oxford takes a critical look at the potential for
University Press, Oxford, UK. ISBN 0- replacing fossil fuel base energy by
19-515092-9. (The environmental alternatives. A book noteworthy for
background to energy production, with clarity of argument and style.)
an exploration of the potential for McFarland, E.L., Hunt, J.L., Campbell,
replacing fossil fuels by lower carbon J.L.E. (2007) “Energy, physics and the
alternatives.) environment”, Thompson Publishers,
Harvey, L.D.D. (2010) “Energy and the UK. ISBN 0-920063-62-4. (The
new reality 1: energy efficiency and underpinning physics for alternative
the demand for energy services”, power systems, and more.)
Earthscan Publishing, London, UK. Meyer, P.J. (2002) “Life cycle
ISBN978-1-84971-072-5. (An analysis assessment of electricity generation
of energy use in buildings, transport, systems and applications for climate
industry, agriculture and services, change policy analysis”, Fusion
backed up by comprehensive data. ) Technology Institute, University of
Harvey, L.D.D. (2010) “Energy and the Wisconsin, PhD Thesis (Report
new reality 2: carbon-free energy number UWFDM-1181). (Case studies
supply” Earthscan Publishing, London of alternative power generating
UK. ISBN 978-1-84971-073-2. (An systems, making use of triangle-maps
comprehensive analysis low-carbon like that of Figure 2.)
power generation systems. ) Quaschning, V. (2010) “Renewable
Hunt, W. h. (2010) “Linking energy and climate change”, John
transformational materials and Wiley, London. ISBN 978-0-470-
processing for an energy efficient and 74707-0. (A readable, well illustrated

Materials for Low Carbon Power, 2 edition 40 © 2012, Granta Design
introduction to renewable energy
systems, with examples of f (Accessed 09/10)
Mayer-Spohn, O., (2009)
San Martin, R.L. (1989) Parametrised Life Cycle Assessment
“Environmental emissions from energy of Electricity Generation in Hard-Coal-
technology systems: the total fuel Fuelled Power Plants with Carbon
cycle”, US Department of Energy, Capture and Storage, Universitat
Washington DC, USA. Stuttgart, http://elib.uni-
Sorensen, B. (2004) “Renewable
energy – its physics, engineering, df/100114_Dissertation_Mayer_Spohn
environmental impact, economics and _FB105.pdf (Accessed 08/10)
planning”, 3rd edition, Elsevier,
Meier P.J. (2002) Life cycle
Amsterdam. ISBN 978-0-12-656135-1.
assessment of electricity generation
(A densely-written tome, but with much
systems and applications for climate
useful data.)
change policy analysis, University of
Tester, J.W., Drake, E.M., Driscole, Wisconsin,
M.J., Golay, M.W. and Peters, W.A.
(2005), “Sustainable energy – f (Accessed 08/10)
choosing among the options”, MIT
Press, Cambridge Mass. ISBN 978-0- National Grid (2010), “Calorific Value
262-20153-7. (A comprehensive (and description”,
very long) text exploring the economc
and environmental issues raised by p/opdata (Accessed 08/10)
alternative sources of sustainable (2010), Overview of
Natural Gas,
UK Department of Energy and Climate
Change (2010) “Statistics” w.asp (Accessed 09/10)
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