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Turkey is a country that is situated partly in Asia and Europe thus connecting the two continents.


country is divided into two major climatic zones with the northern part being in the temperate climatic

zone while the Southern is in the subtropical climatic zone. Its official language is Turkish. Their tribes

mainly consist of Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turkmens, Uyghur and Azerbaijanis. Historically, Turkey is recognized

for its rich culture. Turkish are known for being the most hospitable and kind people who are very

welcoming to visitors. The popular Turkish Cuisine is owed to their skills and expertise in cooking.

The average Turkish economy is free. This is according to the 2021 Index of Economic Freedom which

gives it a score of 64.0, ranking it the 76th freest economy in the world and 37th out of 45 countries in

Europe. The population of the country stands at 83.4 million with a Gross Domestic Product of $2.4

trillion thus indicating $27.875 per capita. The economic growth rate is 0.9% and the unemployment

rate is 13.5%. Major sector of industries include the agricultural sector which contributes 6.4% of the

economy. About 11% of total landmass within Turkey is used for agricultural activities. Their staple crop

is wheat though they are the largest producer of hazelnuts which accounts for about 70% of the world

total production. Also, they are the third largest exporter of Tobacco. Manufacturing sector accounts for

27.2% of the Gross Domestic Product making it the largest industrial activity in the country. This sector

employs 26% of the workforce. There is also a considerable amount of mineral resources though this

sector is not fully exploited. Recently, major gas discoveries have been made in the Black Sea. This will

increase the minerals activity and spur the economy in the near future. More so, Textiles and car

manufacturing industries has played a great role in the Turkish economy.

Turkish population dwells in both the rural and the urban but the recent trends shows a considerable

decline in the rural population. As of 2019, the World Bank estimated the rural population to be 24.37%.

Regardless of the modernization both the rural and the urban population still adhere to most of their
cultures starting from the basic social institution which is the family. Within the family set- up respect is

determined by age whereby the eldest has authority over the younger siblings. In case of an argument

the younger ones will normally refrain as a sign of respect to the elder ones .Normally the eldest sibling

preferably the son takes the role of providing and protecting the younger family members when the

parents are away. The tasks are always child friendly and it is normal for strangers to show affection to

the children .For instance, the strangers can warmly interact with the children without showing any

second thoughts. The children can be seen playing in the streets without supervision meaning Turkish

streets are safe for children.

Specific roles are assigned to each and every member of the family set up with regards to gender. The

main source of income are traditionally performed by the man .The men are not involved with most of

the domestic duties which is traditionally considered to be the females responsibility though sometimes

the male siblings can chip in to help in some of the household duties. Women are responsibly required

to consent to social obligation and norms compared to their male counterparts. This is to avoid bringing

shame to the family .It is the duty of the male to keep away the family members from scandals to

maintain honor of the families name .Females are encouraged to participate in education and political

matters this is to counter the strong influence of the male that have predominantly occupied most of

the political positions .Male dominance is also evident in small businesses for example fruit vendors,

hawkers. It is still perceived that women need to ask their husband for permission to work. In some

cases Turkish men can address people in a room without recognizing the presence of the women in the

same room .women careers have been hampered by their lower education level and according to a

recent survey Turkish women are less educated.

In turkey dating is not westernized like the rest of the world with exception to urban areas and

universities. They strongly believe that unmarried people should not show affection to one another.
They frown towards public display of affection. People mostly tend to socialize and date in events that

will not attract the public attention .The sole reason for people who are dating is to end up in a union

Marriage negotiation are done by the families after the couples become official .Most couples will try to

avoid information about their family members for a period of time before its official/In urban areas

people have the freedom to choose their partners while in rural areas family members play a major role

in helping to identify a partner .Cases of divorce are rare and most Turkish strive to avoid it whenever its

possible .When the situation cannot be avoided the couples have to split their belongings equally. It

becomes very difficult for divorced women to be married especially in rural areas .People are nowadays

embracing inter-ethnic and inter-religious marriages but same sex relationships are still highly


Education provision is a right for every citizen in turkey .The compulsory primary education is provided

freely to the citizens this compulsory education comprises of twelve years for both boys and girls and is

divided into three phases which is 4-4-4 years .The government allocates ten percent of the national

budget to the ministry of national education which is responsible for coordinating all the activities in the

school including formulating the curriculum, designing and building schools ,developing educational and

examination materials and many more other tasks.

Pre primary education is not part of the compulsory primary education .It is for kids who are between

the ages of three and five years .the main purpose of this pre primary education is to enable children to

develop mentally and physically as well as helping them to acquire good and acceptable morals in the

society .It also ensures that the kids are able to learn and speak Turkish fluently .The activities of the pre

primary are regulated by the ministry and they can be offered in daycare homes ,kindergartens and

nurseries .A new law that was drafted in 2012 introduced a compulsory four years for elementary

school and another four years for middle school. After which high school education begins for another
four years .Compulsory primary education begins at the age 5.5 for both boys and girls of which it is

provided free of charge in public schools .This schools provide a total of eight years of schooling .Schools

that offer foreign languages begin doing so at the fourth class .The dress code for elementary school

students are similar so as to provide equality .In case students does not perform well they are supposed

to repeat the same level in the next academic year. The main objective of primary education is to enable

a child to gain basic knowledge, good morals and new skills in preparation for the next level of


For this level it normally comprises of technical, vocational and general high schools .After a successful

completion of the primary education the students proceed to secondary education which is normally

completed in a span of four years. The core objective of secondary education is to enable the students

to gain knowledge in preparation for their higher learning in other institutions. Foreign languages and

preparatory classes can be offered in some secondary schools and private secondary schools. Specialized

instructions are offered in technical and vocational high schools with an objective of training qualified

personnel .For example vocational lycees can be industrial, technical lycees provide vital information

such as machinery, electricity and building motors .Secondary education is normally provided to enable

students to achieve acceptable culture, to determine social and individual misfits, to figure out solutions

to their day to day problems ,to improve the understanding of the student towards contribution of the

cultural and socioeconomic development and lay a better foundation for higher education .More so

,they have evening high schools which are carried out in the same building as the normal high schools

this is to allow those who are in employment to be able to continue with their formal education .The

state owns a higher percentage of high schools to enable equal opportunities for children who are

financially challenged. The state also offers high schools with boarding facilities which are free and

students get their placement depending with their examination results. Admission exams are done by

graduates after they can join universities when they pass.

High Educations in turkey include universities, faculties, vocational higher educational schools, police

and military academies, conservatories and application to such centers. High educational schools are

either founded by law or established by the council of high education. Those that are founded by law

include universities, faculties and institutes which all four year schooling period. Those established by

the council of higher education include two year vocational schools, department and divisions .All

universities are regulated by the council of higher education and their programs must be accredited on a

regular basis. The council of high education operates independently which consist of a national board of

trustees excluding any interference from government or political affiliations; Composition of the

universities includes lecturers, deans, senate, administrative board and the student council. The

dominate instruction language is in Turkish even though English, German are used in some universities.

In such instances one preparatory year is included in instances which are necessary.

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