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Day 1, Session 0 Grade 2

Session Topic: Leveling of Expectations

Episode Title: Welcome to the Club!
Duration: 1.5 Hrs
Resources Needed:
 pentel pens
 copy paper
 metra strips
 laptop
 masking tape
 pair of scissors
 training matrix
 KPCC Worksheet

In this learning session, the participants should be able to:

1. express their expectations of the training program, facilitators, resource persons and
2. identify the expected outputs and outcomes of the training program; and
3. demonstrate understanding of the objectives of the training program.


Today, we will take the first step in our role as Trainers to guide and support our
teachers to effectively deliver the K to 12 Basic Education Program. But before we proceed
with our task, let us think about correlating the objectives of the training with our goals for
learning so that within the first hours of training, we can begin working together.

Session Flow:

Priming: (10 minutes)

(give all instructions before forming the group)
1. Form four (4) groups in a creative way (e.g according to birthmonth, height,
size of shoes, etc.) and give a name to your group.
2. Prepare a yell to introduce your group.

ACTIVITY: (15 min. preparation, 5 min. presentation per group)

Directions: (give all instructions before starting the group activity)

1. Distribute the KPCC Worksheet (without the labels).

2. Ask participants to fill out each quadrant by answering the given questions:

Quadrant 1: What do you know about K to 12?

Quadrant 2: What will make this training successful?
Quadrant 3: What do you expect to happen after this training?
Quadrant 4: What preparations did you do before coming to this training?

3. In your group, discuss/brainstorm to arrive at the consensus answers for

each quadrant.
4. Write the group answers in manila paper.
1 2014 Training of Trainers/Teachers
5. Assign a representative from each group to present the output.

ANALYSIS: (10 minutes)

1. How did you feel about the activity?

2. What did you do in arriving at the consensus answers?.
3. What do the responses in each quadrant tell us about this training?
(Facilitator points out the responses and labels the quadrants one at a time:
Quadrant 1: Knowledge; Quadrant 2: Challenges; Quadrant 3: Changes;
Quadrant 4: Preparations)
4. How will these help in achieving the training objectives?

ABSTRACTION: (14 minutes)

Discuss the following by connecting them to the responses in Analysis Question

 Training Objectives
 Expected Outputs
 Schedule and Training Matrix
 Strategies/Methodologies


Activity 1(7 min. preparation & 2 min. presentation per group)

1. With the same grouping, ask them to list down their class norms/house rules in
meta strips to be posted in manila paper (hanged on the wall) assigned to them.
2. Review the outputs and get the general house rules to be agreed by the class or
present a pre determined house rules to be agreed/revised/improved by the class.

Activity 2 (6 min.)
1. Individually ask the participants to write a simple statement of commitment in their
journal: (2min.)

To make the most of this training, I will ___________________________________


2. Call 3-4 representatives to state their commitment. (4min.)

Close the session by saying:

In the next three days, we will immerse ourselves in long hours and hard work. We
have levelled our expectations with that of the training. It is now up to us to come out as
winners of this training. All I can leave you with as we proceed with the training is this belief:
Our success in any undertaking depends on our present efforts.

Thank you and happy learning!

KPCC Worksheet 1
(Copy for the Facilitator)

2 2014 Training of Trainers/Teachers

Knowledge Challenges

Changes Preparations

KPCC Worksheet 2
(Copy for the Participants)

Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2

3 2014 Training of Trainers/Teachers

Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4

4 2014 Training of Trainers/Teachers

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