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I. Vocabulary (spelling, phonetics, part of speech)

Hair , face & Height & built General appearance Personality (positive
complexion & negative)


*idioms: Are there any common idioms used when describing a person?
If yes, please give some and make a full sentence with each idiom.
II. Structures
List typical structures used to describe a person’s:
1. age
2. height and built
3. hair, face, complexion
4. outfit
5. personality
6. List typical structures used to give reasons for loving/ admiring/ wanting to meet/ ... that
III. Common questions:
These are 10 common questions related to this theme. Give sample answers/ patterns below each
1. Who do you look like in your family?
2. Who is your favourite family member?
3. Who is your best friend?
4. What does your best friend look like?
5. What is your neighbour like?
6. Who is your idol?
7. Who are you closest to in your family?
8. Is there anyone you dislike?
9. Describe an old person who you admire.
10. Describe a famous person who you really want to meet in reality.
I. Vocabulary (spelling, phonetics, part of speech, meaning)

Names of some How to get What is it What is the Activities to Architecture

do there
places there? like? weather in that
place like?
1 museum /mju
2 theme park
/ˈθiːm pɑːk/


*idioms: Are there any common idioms used when describing a place?
If yes, please give some and make a full sentence with each idiom.
II. Structures
List typical structures used to talk about:
1. The location
2. Means of transport to get there
3. Landscape
4. Weather
5. Activities to do there
6. Special features of that place
7. Architecture
8. List structures used to express how you feel about that place
III. Common questions:
These are 10 common questions related to this theme. Give sample answers/ patterns below each question.
1. Where are you living now?
2. Do you live in a house or in an apartment?
3. Where is your hometown?
4. What is your neighbourhood/ (a place) like?
5. What is the weather like in your hometown/ in …?
6. Is there anything special about that place?
7. What do you often do when you visit that place?
8. Describe a historical museum.
9. Describe a tourist destination.
10. Describe a quiet place you often go to.
I. Vocabulary (spelling, phonetics, part of speech, meaning)

Adjective Cost Shape Functions the materials of

describing the the object
object in general
1 luxurious


*idioms: Are there any common idioms used when describing an object?
If yes, please give some and make a full sentence with each idiom.
II. Structures
List typical structures used to talk about:
1. The appearance of the object
2. Cost
3. The functions of the object
4. Activities to do with the object
5. The material
6. Positive/ negative effects of the object
7. List structures used to give some ways of mitigating negative effects of the objects.
III. Common questions:
These are 10 common questions related to this theme. Give sample answers/ patterns below each
1. What is your favourite gift?
2. What do you often use your cellphones for?
3. How many hours a day do you use your computer?
4. What was your favourite toy when you was a kid?
5. What thing do you want to buy one day?
6. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?
7. Describe an object that your family has kept it for a long time.
8. Describe a kind of vehicle you want to try.
9. Describe a product that you have bought online.
10. What should be done to mitigate negative effects of using an electrical device too much?
I. Vocabulary (spelling, phonetics, part of speech, meaning)
What kind of Adjective What common What activities are How important is
festival is it? expressing the objects are used there in the it?
festival in in the festival? festival?
1 cultural festival Thrilling


*idioms: Are there any common idioms used when describing a festival?
If yes, please give some and make a full sentence with each idiom.
II. Structures
List typical structures used to talk about:
1. Objects used in the preparation for the festival
2. The activities occurring during the festival
3. The significance of the festival
4. When and where the festival occurs
5. List structures used to give some advice on how to be safe in the festival.
6. List structure used to give some advice on the activities which should not be done during the
III. Common questions:
These are 10 common questions related to this theme. Give sample answers/ patterns below each
1. What is your favourite festival that you have ever attended?
2. How do you celebrate it?
3. Who do you like to celebrate festivals with?
4. What is the most popular festival in your country?
5. Are there any activities that visitors should not do in that festival?
6. What western festival do you like/ dislike?
7. What do the local people often do during the festival?
8. Do you think your country has too many festival?
9. Describe an important festival in your country.
10. Describe a festival in another country you really like.
I. Vocabulary (spelling, phonetics, part of speech, meaning)
What kind of Adjective Cast and the Phrases describing Other related
movie is it? expressing the acting scenes in the words
movie in movie
1 cultural festival Thrilling


*idioms: Are there any common idioms used when describing a movie?
If yes, please give some and make a full sentence with each idiom.
II. Structures
List typical structures used to talk about:
1. The kind of movie
2. The cast in the movie
3. The plot of the movie
4. The special features of the movies
5. List structures used to give some reasons why you like/ dislike that movie.
III. Common questions:
These are 10 common questions related to this theme. Give sample answers/ patterns below each
1. Do you like watching movies?
2. Do you prefer watching a movie at home or at the cinema?
3. When was the last time you went to the cinema?
4. Who is your favourite actor/ actress?
5. What kind of movie do you like/ dislike?
6. What movie do you like best?
7. What is the movie about?
8. What can you learn from that movie?
9. What makes a good movie?
10. Describe the latest movie that you have watched.
I. Vocabulary (spelling, phonetics, part of speech, meaning)
What subject is it? Adjective Benefits of Reasons for Other related
expressing the learning that disliking a subject words
subject in subject
1 biology Exhilarating


*idioms: Are there any common idioms used when describing a subject?
If yes, please give some and make a full sentence with each idiom.
II. Structures
List typical structures used to talk about:
1. Benefits of a subject
2. Reasons for disliking a subject
3. The way by which a subject is taught
4. List structures used to express how you feel about a subject.
III. Common questions:
These are 10 common questions related to this theme. Give sample answers/ patterns below each
1. Do you work or are you a student?
2. What do you study?
3. What do you like about your study?
4. What do you dislike about your study?
5. What was your favourite subject at high school?
6. Would you say that you are a good student?
7. What kind of school did you go to when you were a child?
8. Are there any subjects you would like to study in the future?
9. Describe your favourite subject.
10. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement that there is too much pressure on young
people at school these days?
I. Vocabulary (spelling, phonetics, part of speech, meaning)
Adjs describing a Kinds of Problems Activities Preparations
holiday in general accommodatio during the trip before the trip


*idioms: Are there any common idioms used when describing a holiday?
If yes, please give some and make a full sentence with each idiom.
II. Structures
List typical structures used to talk about:
1. Kinds of accommodation
2. Problems occurring during the trip
3. Preparations for the trip
4. Activities that can be done during the trip
5. List structures used to express how you feel about a holiday.
III. Common questions:
These are 10 common questions related to this theme. Give sample answers/ patterns below each
1. Do you like travelling?
2. What kind of holiday do you like?
3. What do you often do when you are on holiday?
4. What means of transport do you prefer when you are on holiday?
5. Do you like travelling alone or in a tour group?
6. Are there many foreign tourists visiting your country?
7. What makes your holiday become a nightmare?
8. What do you often prepare for the trip?
9. Describe an unforgettable holiday you have ever had in your life.
10. What do you think help develop the tourism in your country?

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