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Improving Conditions for Learning:

Moving Beyond Data Collection

Recommendations for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction,
Sherri Ybarra
*Reviewed by Committee May 28, 2021, Feedback from Steering Committee and Edited by Dr. Studebaker June 28,
2021, Presented to Superintendent Sherri Ybarra on July 20, 2021. The recommendations below are in no
particular order and have not been prioritized.

Nearly 90 Idahoans actively participated this spring as stakeholders on a committee to help
identify recommendations the State Department of Education (SDE) could pursue to improve
the behavioral health and wellness services, resources, and supports available for our K12
schools, students, and families. Participants included representatives from other state agencies
(e.g. Department of Health and Welfare, Office of Drug Policy, Idaho Division of Juvenile
Corrections, Idaho Job Corps, Office of the State Board of Education, School Safety and Security
Program), non-governmental organizations and community based organizations (e.g. Idaho
Federation of Families, Idaho Parents Unlimited, Idaho Children’s Trust Fund, Idaho School
Boards Association), professional organizations (e.g. Idaho Association of School Psychologists,
Idaho Association of School Administrators, School Nurse Organization of Idaho, Idaho School
Counselor Association, School Social Work Association of Idaho), public and private post-
secondary representatives (e.g. BSU, ISU, U of I, BYU), behavioral health providers, K12 school
district representatives from each region, and parents.

Informed by the data collected and included in the SDE’s Student Behavioral Health Services
report presented during the 2021 legislative session, the 11 recommendations included in the
attached document highlight the areas of focus and needed improvement as suggested by the
committee. These recommendations will help guide the SDE’s efforts for the next 18 to 24
months as we look to provide support, resources, training, technical assistance, and leadership
to ensure districts can implement services for students, staff, and families that support high
achieving schools and positive, safe learning environments.

The SDE’s Student Engagement and Safety Coordination division will be responsible for taking
the recommendations below and developing an SDE work plan to ensure actions are identified

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and completed to support the integration of the recommendations into the SDE’s future efforts.
Along with each recommendation are potential activities that have been recommended by the
committee. These actions are likely to be included in the SDE workplan in support of these
recommendations. Lastly, any relevant notes have been provided to help frame the
recommendation or potential activities. The workplan has a target date to be completed and
shared back with the committee members of October, 2021.


Recommendation: Potential Activities: Notes:

Improve Access to Data that ● Develop a Social-Emotional This would be a data

Informs Districts on Learning (SEL) Statewide dashboard to support
Outcomes to Monitor and Data Dashboard schools and districts.
Evaluate Social Emotional Utilize existing data
from disparate sources
to develop a data
dashboard for state and
local partners to assess
impacts of SEL

Improve Access to Referral-  Explore a Proposal for Several ideas and

based, Outside Behavioral Statewide Opt-In Student options to explore were
Health and Wellness Assistance Program: provided by
Services to Support Idaho Improve Access to Local collaborators. Also,
Services private resources can
Students, Families, and
also be explored
Educators. through RFPs. Seeking
warm referrals to
support schools and the
families they serve in
seeking behavioral
health services.

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Increase support for schools  Create a Professional Ongoing, collaborative,
and districts in the planning, Learning Community of peer-led network where
implementation, and district and school building districts can learn from
evaluation of SEL services educators interested in each other on
implementing SEL services preparation,
and supports.
and supports. implementation, and
evaluation of local

Increase awareness and ● Potential Professional IPTV and Optum are

access for Idaho public Development course on working to develop a
school employee mental self-care. PD building out of the
health resources. ● Work with other state Resilient Idaho: Hope
agencies, non-governmental Lives Here
organizations, and local documentary which will
education agencies to start with a self-care
increase communication of session in August,
existing resources and trauma-informed
supports. classroom in
September and an
October session
focused on tools. More
to come.

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Identify, support, and Potential Trainings: This recommendation
provide ongoing trainings in  Trauma Informed Practices overlaps and supports
best practices related to  Youth Mental Health First other recommendations
student social emotional Aid - trainings can be
 De-escalation implemented locally,
development to ensure all
 Title IX centrally stored,
Idaho K-12 Educators have incorporated in
 Advanced Training for
access to current conferences, etc.
counselors on Eating
information on evidence- Disorders, non-suicidal self- Seems like a rolling PD
based practices. injury, DBT, etc. schedule; if funded, this
 Choosing evidence-based could go out to an RFP
strategies or programs to make the courses
and proctor them. If
 Integrating SEL and
trainings are developed
academic learning
to be asynchronous,
 Violence Risk Assessment
educators can access
(Behavioral Threat
them at whatever time.
 Suicide prevention,
intervention and postvention
policies, practices and
 Culturally responsive
trainings to support our
schools in supporting the
mental health of our minority

Adopt CASEL (Collaborative ● Common language, Includes doing

for Academic, Social, and common goal, and a variety crosswalks to existing
Emotional Learning) as of stakeholders leads to state frameworks
framework for SEL in Idaho sustainability. This type of (SBOE College and
framework decision seems Career Readiness,
State Department of
foundational. Workforce Readiness
Education. ● Integrates academic, social, Standards, etc.)
and emotional aspects of
CASEL is not a program, it the work
is not a set of services.

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Increase the involvement of ● Youth Voice: Grade Level Superintendent Ybarra
youth in the messaging and Voice just announced the
communications that ● Helps to Address Stigma in development of a youth
support behavioral health Prevention council that is still being
selected. This could be
and related resources in ● Topics to consider:
a great opportunity for
Idaho K-12 schools. Relationship Violence, that new group to
Mental Health, Drug/Alcohol support this
Prevention, recommendation.
Bullying/Harassment Could this become an
element of the
student's task force?

Continuous improving
Develop state-level online ● Design and host SDE Web and evolving, but this
resources to support various Resource Page on new web page at the
key audiences involved in Improving Conditions for SDE would be the
supporting conditions for Learning/SEL. resource hub for
● Updated and Enhanced Title external partners.
learning, including: districts,
IX SDE Page/Resources Several areas have
schools, teachers, been identified for
counselors, administrators, which we would host
parents and students. resources, including
SDE SEL related
programs, local
community resources,
CASEL information and
resources, PD
Trainings, Crosswalks,
etc. Title IX is about
equity and access, but
also about protection
from sexual violence
and abuse

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Identify Barriers and ● Identify and collect data This is a giant
Supports to Increase the specific to school undertaking. Not sure
Educator and School counselors, psychologists, exactly what activities
Counselor Pipelines and social workers to more the SDE will be able to
accurately track ratios within complete or support to
Idaho’s schools. reach this goal.
● Develop District Resources However, this is a
for Sharing Consortium: critical area of need.
School Counselors.
● Determine funding needs to
support school
work/psychologist positions
to ensure appropriate ratios
for effective student support.

Support Idaho Association ● Work to establish SDE This is where there

of School Resource Officers support to help the Idaho must be trauma
to connect with professional School Resource Officer informed training, this
learning community that Association. person can be a
● Partner on the Idaho School powerful resource for
supports student wellbeing
Safety Symposium. the school.
and the holistic, critical role ● Crisis Response Team
of the School Resource Training (OSSS).

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Increase professional ● Develop a K12 Professional The Idaho School
development opportunities Development Conference Psychologist
to support youth mental focused specifically on Association (ISPA),
health professionals who supporting youth mental School Social Worker
health professionals in our Association of Idaho
work in Idaho K-12 schools.
schools. (SSWAI), and Idaho
School Counselor
Association (ISCA) are
combining their annual
conferences with the
intent to unify the
mental health workers
in the school, working
as a collaborative team
with a commitment to
help children and youth
succeed academically,
socially, emotionally,
and behaviorally. The
combined in-person and
virtual conference will
be held on October 7-8,
2021, at Boise State
University. The SDE is
helping sponsor this

For Questions Contact

Student Engagement and Safety Coordination
Idaho State Department of Education
650 W State Street, Boise, ID 83702
208 332 6800 |

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