Life Interpretation Report For Manojit Chakraborty

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manojit chakraborty

Life Interpretation Report for manojit chakraborty

Gullible and genial, you love mind and word play and employ charming logic to make your
case known. You do not think enough about the future because you are so busy loving
multiple things in the present. You are a good public speaker and a promoter of higher
knowledge. Relationships can be on the militant side, with some conflict or with dynamic
partners who are responsive and vigorous in all areas of their life. Your partner is likely to
be a humanist with a large variety of skills. Fortune improves after marriage and you see
that all the work of your fathers, teachers, and elders to prepare you for life has not been
without rationale. Both shrewd and fun loving, you are devoted to the ever-creative life of
the mind.

You have a good character and a pleasant nature. You have a magnetic presence. You have
a carefree attitude. You are open-minded. You are an outdoor type. You have a good but
off-color sense of humor. There is eagerness in you to grow and prosper. You are friendly.
You are naturally people conscious. Friendliness is an important part of your personality.

You are openhearted. You are service-oriented. You try to involve as many people as
possible in your undertakings for their benefit. You are empathetic. Often you change
perspective on issues, but you have an enduring admiration for ideals of martial prowess
and commanding personalities.

You are very determined and sometimes ruthless in overcoming the obstacles that worry
you. You are utilitarian and trustworthy in all your undertakings for others. You can easily
take on responsibilities. You are persistent. You are sincere and diligent. Generally, you are
prudent about your choices in life without being afraid to act.

Your personality is pure, harmless, easy going, and forgiving. You are cultured. You are an
ethical person. You manage to be principled. Mentally you are highly strung, but intelligent
and analytical. You have a lot of energy for analyzing, learning, and planning. Because you
are so efficient and your intellect is so quick, you may find that you have to work at being
patient and loving - any efforts that you put towards being patient and loving will yield good
results. You are wise. You are flexible and adaptable; your mood can change from trivial to
serious depending on the circumstances. You will do well in situations where you have to be
structured in your thinking such as business management and politics.

You are geared to be on the go all of the time. You are self-confident. You have power and
projection. You are courageous. You can gain victory with your diligence and
determination. You are brave. You are very intense and often attain the worldly goals that

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manojit chakraborty
you want- money, sensual pleasures, and position. You are discriminative, pragmatic and have a
systematic approach to working out the minute details.

You are autocratic. You wield power naturally and effortlessly. You are always mindful of your
audience. You are a smart opportunist. You are always alert to pursue an advantage. You are macho.
Heroic combatants and chivalrous heroes fascinate you.

You may not stay with one opinion or attitude for very long. You are weird.

You have a good taste for material comforts. You may pay more attention to what is wrong than what
goes right. You may not always be graceful in victory. You are strong and firm in your purpose.

You can be very secretive. You can tend to not be very open and straightforward. You can be cunning
and two-faced. Ethics are not always your strong point.

It would be good for you to guard against expecting too much from others, fretting over small matters,
or nagging. You are prone to anger. You tend to not forget your hurt and injuries easily and can be hard
to please. You tend to be critical. You can be quite critical of others.

You have a very sensitive approach to life. Living in a mental world, you shrink from physical contact
and injury and can be intimidated by a show of violence. You are not very ambitious or overly

You have the tendency to start a new task without accomplishing the previous one. Because of your
dual nature, at times you are pensive and patient and at times lively and garrulous. When you are under
stress or exhaust your mental capacity, you easily become irritable, disturbed, and angry. It can be hard
to maintain concentration on one thing very long.

Making a final decision quickly can be a challenge for you.

Lively and open situations are conducive to the fulfillment of your desires. Contentment and a happy
disposition come from being surrounded with close friends and family, in a secure home.

You are attractive. Your body is large. You are small or short in stature. Your hair may be dark
brown. You have a round face. You have a good complexion. You have a clear complexion. It is likely
that your skin is reddish. You have a dull complexion. Your complexion is pale. You have a ruddy
complexion. You have a swarthy complexion. There might be some mark or scar on your face.

You look great in green.

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manojit chakraborty
You look younger than your chronological age. You often look and sound many years younger than
your chronological age.

Your voice is silken smooth and silvery. You have a strong, unique voice, with clear pronunciation and
correct expression. You are sweet spoken.

You are a natural performer and do well in front of audiences.

Expression of your thoughts and feelings reflect a serious tone. Since you are so careful, you can
develop excellent communication skills. You do not believe in spoon-feeding your listeners.

You may be a writer or have your thoughts and teachings broadcast to a wide audience.

Your messages can be contradictory and end up confusing people although their meaning is deep and

You have a sharp tongue.

Your mind is steady and practical. You have a balanced and creative mind.

You have a strong mind. You have a subtle scientific and analytical mind. You work in an intellectual
or spiritual field and may have excellent mental skills. Once you understand something, you can gain a
deep understanding of the matter. You can easily rationalize around rights or demands of others that
may seem abstract to you. You have a predictive sense. You have good intuition concerning healing and
legal situations. You have a quick grasp, and retentive memory. You are prone to speedy and thorough
changes of viewpoint. You have a vacillating and indecisive mind. You have a disciplined and logical

You are imaginative. Your mind is active, comprehensive, and perceptive. Your imagination is
captured by the glory of the past or the promise of the future, keeping your heart elsewhere. You have a
creative mind. You are a visionary, able to facilitate the ending of disputes, litigation, and warfare.

You use your mind and discrimination to open new opportunities for you, and lead you to new
resources. You have a hasty, passionate, active, argumentative, and combative mind that is ever ready
to fall into disputes or conflicts with others. Your mind is irritable in particular when you find that you
can't access the information that you seek. Ambivalence is your outstanding feature; no one is sure
whether you have made up your mind, including yourself. You will think of far away places.

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Unfair or challenging behavior of others will disturb your mind easily and trigger a way of thinking in
you in which you can rationalize anything. You may be narrow-minded. Spending too much time alone
may lead to suffering from uneasy emotions and mental distortion. Your thinking processes are
unorthodox. It is difficult for you to follow established procedures; you would rather invent your own

Your mind may tend to be slow and inclined towards overly serious thoughts and pessimism. You may
frequently experience mental dullness, or other intellectual restrictions.

Your feelings are very sensitive and often play a prime role in your decision-making and approach to

You are worried about being able to meet your expenses. Some connections may prove confusing to
you. Although having a good constitution, you may be easily upset by environmental or emotional
factors that put you under the weather. Your vulnerable point is your emotions: if someone attacks you
strongly emotionally, you will crumple.

Because you are a passionate person, it is possible for your emotions to get out of hand, which could
cause you difficulties. Sometimes you are stuck in congestion.

You could have at times, some antagonism between your higher true feelings, and your physical

You are shrewd and although not literary or particularly humanistic.

You are interested in intellectual pursuits. You are a keen thinker and look far into the future.

In general, you are fond of reading and writing, and are well informed.

Your intelligence and open-mindedness constantly open paths for you.

Education colors your mind vividly. You are following an impressive learning curve. Education or
scholarly pursuits will present the opportunity for you to see your highest aspirations fulfilled. You are
enthusiastic and learned.

You are a virtuous and fortunate individual and devote yourself to study of higher education and
knowledge. You have strong feelings for your alma mater.

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You are interested in the study of science, philosophy, literature, astrology, designing, commerce, and
are good with numbers and letters. You may excel in the field of law or financial management.

Your education may have been interrupted, but you may have your own independent way of learning.
Your independent and hands-on attitude in learning is likely to cause some discomfort or even
resistance to traditional education.

You devote yourself to knowledge. You are knowledgeable about some technical area, perhaps related
to machines, cutting or heating. You have positive, rewarding experiences in the field of knowledge and
education, formal or informal. Your wisdom and knowledge is superior to your enemies. This technical
knowledge may be quite profitable to you. You have a sense of the broader issues of society and
commerce. Your thinking is suited to technical and specialized studies.

Your passion is for achievements. You will learn the secret inner power of patient waiting. You have
great treasures of learning and knowledge to impart.

You are skillful and enterprising. It is usually up to you to get things done, without the convenience of
an assistant. You may be an author or have some other evidence of your skills.

You are the winner when conflicts do arise. You can easily overcome obstacles. You good mediating
skills help a lot in resolving conflicts. You are capable of establishing all round good relations,
convincing and influencing others and in the process helping yourself. The ability to deal effectively in
social life will bring fulfillment of your goals. You are good at making other people comfortable, and
developing group dynamic where different interests are served. You have a natural flair for leadership.
You are skilled at participating in group activities and understand the mindset of society as a whole.
You are known for your can-do abilities. You are able to explain the view of management or power
centers to a wider audience.

You are good at making legal contracts and agreements. You have good organizational skills.

You can recognize and grab opportunities. You are good at research and investigation. You may be
talented at accounting, life insurance, science, or business analysis or dealing with investments.

You might have skill in writing, if you can ever find the patience to sit still for more than 30 minutes
at a time. You may be good at translations or historical research.

You are successful in financial dealings. You can make money on the side by fixing up houses or cars.

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You have the ability to heal yourself and others. Healing skill may be seen: perhaps as a massage
therapist, physical therapist or even as a surgeon.

It's hard for you to establish the proper connections needed to allow for successful undertakings.

You are talented. You have versatile and fun minds.

You are versatile and skilled at various arts, like drawing, and painting, music and dance, interior
decoration, and sculpture etc. You have some talent in the area of music and arts.

You are dexterous with your hands. You are a good athlete who respects traditional values.

Sophisticated machines and technology get your attention.

You are good at sports.

You are romantic and sweet with your close ones. You will always act in your long-term best
interests. You have a practical attitude. Beware driving too fast and do not let your volatile temper get
the best of you on the road. You are quick and clever where it comes to taking advantage of
opportunities. You perform well as part of a team.

It is possible for you to bring difficulties upon yourself by your own actions and impulsive behavior.
You are a warrior and as well, tend to fuss over little things. You have enlightened ideas and are
devoted to God but do not always act up to the highest ideals.

You have a natural respect for righteous conduct. You are generous towards those who are dear to
you. There is a chance that you may find that your desires will be fulfilled as you help and motivate
others to fulfill theirs. Your aim is to serve. You may put out more than you get in return in serving
others. You are truthful and interested in the events affecting society. You are magnanimous and
big-hearted, looking out for the best interests of those you deal with. You are respectful to your elders.

You are an excellent listener.

You can be harsh with those who do not match your mental projections.

You may be a sharp critic of mistakes that exist at the organizational level. You will have a tendency
to think negatively about people and may lack having close relationships in which you are really liked.

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manojit chakraborty
As much as you can appreciate refinement, you can also be drawn to crude activities.

You are enthusiastic about your likes and dislikes. You like homely and cozy environments. Probably
you love Nature - woods and water.

You like simple principles that are easy to grasp. You appreciate knowledge that is ancient, thorough,
and reliable.

You have an interest in espionage, even if just in books or movies about spies. You like to party too
much and may waste both your time and money in frivolous activities. You like to grow houseplants
and to keep some pets. You are interested in naturopathy, herbal medicines, and all spiritual and
alternative holistic methods of healing. You are likely to spend time in foreign countries. There is a
tendency to wander about in unknown areas. You really enjoy gain, winning, and fulfilling your
desires. You like to set goals and often achieve them. You always like to seek out new avenues of
experience and gain.

You enjoy gentle and sweet interactions with people. Adventurous and sports activities are pursued
with zeal. You enjoy spending time alone or away from the mainstream. You may be interested in
gambling or esoteric studies. You are intrigued by boxes, chests, receptacles, and any gadget with

You have a deep interest in obtaining fulfillment of your material needs and enjoying life with plenty
of wealth. In-depth study of scriptures may interest you. You are interested in mantras, meditation, and
spiritual practices. You are argumentative and like to borrow money.

You like dogs.

You may dislike the thinking process itself and seek other ways of obtaining knowledge, whether
intuitive or speculative. Mental activity might not be the activity of your choice, because you feel
vulnerable when it comes to expressing ideas or speculations. You cannot stand a bare wall. You
believe that walls are meant for art, graffiti, or at least doodles.

Your stomach is strong but sensitive, especially to hot food. You may do recreational drugs. You
should be careful not to get into a habit of substance abuse.

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manojit chakraborty

Your physique and overall strength are good. You are naturally interested in health, diet, and hygiene
and can be a natural healer. You may offer a strong resistance to diseases and may heal yourself

Sleep can be disturbed. Succumbing to irritation can lead to bad health. Being frequently aggravated
and indulging in nagging can cause indigestion, acidity, and nerves due to the negative emotion caused
by the desire to perfect others. Your throat may become dry. There may be poor circulation in the
lower legs, causing some swelling of tissue and veins. Too much mental stress in your life can be the
cause of digestive ailments, acidity, nervous complaints, and skin eruptions etc. Health problems can
be found in the kidney area or the stomach. Your teeth may be stained or discolored. You may be
susceptible to ear complaints. You may be susceptible to hiccups, mumps, asthma, sore throats, and
ear inflammations, pneumonia or bronchitis. Health can be unstable, with fevers or injuries often

You are vulnerable to accidents, so carry good insurance. Be careful when swimming or playing in
water. You should be careful while boating.

You stay on good terms with both of your parents. It is hard to explain your personality or philosophy
to your parents, as it seems unconventional to them.

Your mother is neat and pulled together. Your mother is happy and tends to be quiet. Your mother
keeps close track of her possessions and has neatly arranged closets. Your mother is acquainted with
various art forms such as comedy, music, and singing. Your mother likes mathematics and believes in

Prosperity may have come to your mother away from her birthplace. Your mother is very chatty and
can go into meticulous detail, which is boring to others.

Highly susceptible to the influences of material life and involvement in earthly pleasures, your mother
has a hard time listening to voices coming from the higher planes. While your mother may be drawn to
the technical side of yoga and other spiritual disciplines, she does not normally go in for devotional
practices. In religion, your mother follows her head more than her heart. For your mother the home is

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manojit chakraborty
important. Your mother tends to rationalize emotions. Your mother is passing through various stages
of inner integration that sometimes cause adjustment problems. Your mother inspires you to play a very
nurturing and supportive role in your own home. You are close to your mother. You are devoted to
your mother. You have received a great deal of nurturing and support from your mother. You may
have a stepmother or second mother who helps you attain your goals. Although causing emotional
distress sometimes to your mother you also help her transform for the better. On the other hand, the
closeness to your mother may also make you suffer easily when there is any kind of separation with

Zeal to connect with a partner, spouse, or audience is the starting point for your father's deepest
thoughts - he strives to make an impact on others. The badge of his success is their continuing devotion
to him. He has a noble vision of how far things he derives joy from can go. Studies are fascinating and
even obsessive for your father. He delights in deeply examining the character and behavior of his
friends, going to the pinpoint value. He is an innovative and tireless intellectual and can be an overly
critical micromanager or an advanced and constantly improving guide. Able to understand the
subtleties of spirituality, he can be troubled by feeling unsupported and avoid pursuing his potential.
His personality is attracted to work with foreigners and high-tech processes. Your father is blessed with
ambition and exceptional talent. He has strong likes and dislikes and is not swayed by opinion or
convention his mentality is organized, orderly, clear, and convincing. He is democratic and diplomatic
and a shrewd student of human behavior. Benefits come from the many friends who appreciate his
altruistic attitudes. It takes effort and perseverance to obtain needed things but at the appropriate time,
he receives financial backing and many advantages and opportunities from friendly backers who
appreciate his visionary innovations. His spiritual outlook goes through periods of questioning and
testing, and people he looks to for guidance can be involved in confusing claims and counterclaims.
Nonetheless, spiritual "wealth" arrives as he continues expanding his tolerance, patience, and humble
openness to higher teachings. For all his changing nature, your father is fruitful and gets his ambitions
realized. Your father is careful, watchful, and thoughtful. Your father is firm and honest towards his
goals. Your father gives a new twist to the direction of his group or community.

Your father's work may be highly respectable. Your father may have worked for the government, was
self-employed, or enjoyed a leadership position. Your father is impersonal in his work.

Your father has a high status and lots of wealth. Your father's voice is distinctive and memorable.
Your father is positive, airy, human, and talkative. Your father is clear on what he wants and has a
determined view about everything.

Your father is drawn to asylums, ashrams, sanatoriums, clinics, hermitages, prisons, and out of the
way places. Your father may be too eccentric or lacking in charisma to sway the masses.

Your father should try to cultivate activity and promptness, and avoid excessive solitude.

You try to obey him. You feel devoted to your father's tradition and try to adhere to what is expected
of you. Your father is very important in forming your work and study habits and encouraging you in
higher education. Your father and elders are supportive. Your father is separated from you and may
not be in agreement with your actions. You can be an ally to your father, but he may be more active in
the relationship than you.

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manojit chakraborty
The question of family lineage is important.

You support your relatives, and you can depend on their support as well. There may be skeletons in
your family closet.

You may have good communication with an older sibling. Your siblings may prove to be the source of
guidance and higher knowledge for you.

You are a good influence on your younger siblings, but older siblings may overlook your good
qualities. You may have siblings or dependents that are extravagant and deplete your assets.

You are devoted to your older brother or to your friends. A sibling may have a particular liking for
you, but your relationship with an older sibling, may run into problems, including sibling rivalry. Your
relationship with your older sibling may not be smooth. Your older sibling may be lost to you by death
or by separation. Older siblings suffer problems.

Younger siblings appreciate your interest in them, but your parents may be inaccessible.

You have excellent relations with your family, especially on the maternal side. You are likely to have
some loss or problem with you maternal grandfather's family.

Your personality attracts the opposite sex as nuclei attract electrons. Sporting with the opposite sex is
a delight for you. You put a great deal of emphasis of relationships in your life. Relationships will
bring you happiness. You attract partners that are knowledgeable and have good judgment. Your
romantic partners are likely to be older than you.

Romances are serious business for you, but they can produce more pain than pleasure. Be careful not
to be too forceful in the process of creating relationships. You can be overly optimistic and somewhat
wasteful in relationships. It would be difficult for you get romantically involved with someone without
feeling an obligation. Love affairs may end badly.

You have a high libido. You have strong cravings for sex, which helps your marriage stay stable.

Sex life is highly enjoyable. You are not strongly interested in sex.

Your spouse is a true friend. You bring your sense of honor and reputation into your one-to-one
relationships, partnerships, or marriage. In marriage, you would like your spouse to be as devoted to
you as you are to him/her.

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manojit chakraborty
Fights with your spouse can develop from a lack of reasonableness. Your spouse is on good terms with
your mother and father.

Your fortunes, although rather good anyway, soar after marriage. A partnership, or your spouse, will
be instrumental for your financial success. Success will be found in partnerships or even with the help
of your spouse.

Able to handle constant mental and physical stimulation, your wife is set to benefit from this age of
constant media barrage and information overload. Her expansive, humorous, socially adept disposition
allows her to inspire and lead others. She is a knowledge giver and knows the wisdom of meeting all
her commitments. She is highly ethical and dutiful but also streetwise and witty. She benefits from
excellent teachers and guides and has good fortune with several kinds of education. She is likely to
make a name for herself in one or more areas of life. Her prosperous father has been an example and
she is likely to be the same to her grandchildren. She is fortunate and profits from travels, publishing,
university connections, and teaching.

Your spouse may be an asset for you. Your spouse is enthusiastic and positive. Your wife's habits are
simple, clean, methodical, and righteous. Your wife is a devoted friend. You have a loving spouse.
Your spouse will have very good qualities, good morals, and wisdom. Your wife is jovial and hearty-be
ever merry. Your wife is joyous and excited. Both you and your spouse are highly passionate about life
in general. Your spouse is likely to be very wholesome, healthy, and powerful. Enthusiasm makes your
wife a welcome presence. Never timid, your wife is energetic and honest. Expansive by nature, your
wife's giving is directed by strong principles. Your spouse may be successful and may also be helpful
to you. Your wife is admired for her learning and sage counsel. Your wife is a blunt speaker. Your wife
can dissipate too much energy giving everyone advice and opinions even when uncalled for. Constant
mental and physical stimulation is beneficial for your wife. Your wife craves progress. Often your wife
can be seen with her nose in a book or newspaper. Your wife's surroundings are generally well ordered
and beautiful. Your wife tends to sacrifice her own happiness to make others happy.

Your spouse may be a writer. Your wife is interested in subjects related to knowledge, philosophy,
thought and purity of life, idealism and reliable truth. Your wife may have dual careers, either
successively or contemporaneously.

He/she will be the embodiment of virtue, honor and eloquence. The way you will attract a partner will
be cautious and hesitant, with an emphasis on responsibility from the very onset. Your wife is honest,
noble and a sensitive human being. More religious than most, your wife's emotions are tied to her duty.

Forgetting the good others have done to your wife, your wife may lack loyalty and the sympathy to
understand why she should be loyal. Your wife is able to make herself noticed. You may attract a
domineering spouse. Your wife's temper flares up easily. When there is opposition or if your wife is
unable to fulfil requests, your wife loses her temper.

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Physical exercise and open air do wonders for your wife. Your spouse is likely to be a mature and
worldly-wise person who is an ally and asset to your work. Your spouse will be quite respected and
successful in his/her field.

You have many friends. Most of your friends are of the opposite sex. They will give you useful tips on
business and the stock market. Employees and older people tend to be your supporters and allies. You
tend to associate with people who have good taste and appreciate comforts. Many of the people you
associate with may possess artistic talents. You may befriend wicked and rough persons, while
opposing noble and virtuous ones. You like to spend money on your friends, but sometimes their
problems create trouble for you.

Your friends are artistic, creative and have versatile and fun minds. Success is gotten though the
benefits gained by association with friends and social contacts. You keep longstanding friendships. You
have a transforming effect on your friends and associates. You get along with most people, but you are
particularly attracted to intellectuals and artists. You tend to create fair and pleasant friendships, which
grow and improve over time. You have strong feelings towards your friends, but your friendships are
rocky, and, like your employment, change quite often. You have a never-ending need for allies who
must become totally involved in your causes.

You may have many enemies or competitors and friends may be untrustworthy. Persons who you
thought would support you may turn out to be opponents in disguise. Your enemies will rarely
underestimate your influence. There will be difficulties from enemies, opponents or competitors, which
will oppress you, but you will come out victorious after struggles and strives. In moments of anger, you
may dart out at your enemies, or lash out at friends. Your enemies and adversaries may have more
financial resources than you and you may be on the losing end materially in your dealings with them.

Pretty much everyone likes you. You may be famed and honored for your expertise and knowledge.
Conflicts between polarized ideologies and interests, demands and aspirations, make it difficult to stick
to one project, and therefore others may see you as fickle or not deeply caring.

You are interested in the public welfare. You blossom in the public eye even if it is an audience only
of one.

A female will be instrumental to fulfill an important desire in your life. You are good at establishing
relationships and getting your work done. You are a good judge in relationships, with a balanced view

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in evaluating each party's point of view.

You may have problems with foreign places or people, but somehow you are attracted there as well.

You are ambitious. You carefully plan the phases of your career.

You can be a high-powered, productive worker or performer. You are very efficient in your work. You
are qualified for many types of work because of a natural sophistication. You are best suited for
medicine, surgery, drugs, hygiene, food products and technical designing. You may be interested in
foreign technology or be a spy, or have secrets to deal with. You may make a good lawyer. You are a
persistent researcher.

You may engage in trade over great distances and be known in distant places.

You are engaged in business, which may be widespread, but does not generate large profits. You are
skilled in the business end of whatever organization you belong to. You can be very speculative and
have a keen business sense. You go for the jugular in your business activities. You are an excellent
trader. You will be interested in growing through business association with other parties.

Partnerships bring you material progress as well as general support. Partnerships are important in
every sphere. You may succeed in life and attain financial security through partnerships. You may
work in a partnership or independently. Partners may be helpful. A major development in your life will
take place as a result of a partnership.

You are a natural salesman. Business can be very successful, and you prefer self-employment or
independence. You are the very soul of entrepreneurship itself. You are very entrepreneurial and try
many different kinds of work.

You have a good relationship with those who are your supervisors or authorities.

Your employees may include foreigners, as will your students. You may have difficulties with
employees or students.

You may become a workaholic. Amicable relations with everyone helps promote your career. You are
generally successful in your undertakings, but remain modest about yourself.

You may attain fame. You are a leader and very visible in whatever you do. You are bound to find
great success in life, respect and a good social status, either with or through your partner or spouse.
You will have a great deal of popularity, getting to know affluent people who help you in your
ventures. You will be successful at work. Taking chances for you usually yields success. Your efforts

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bear fruits and opportunities are converted into successful ventures. There will be success in debates
and arguments. Your well-integrated personality brings you much popularity and success.

Your progress involves breaks and losses. Although your enterprises may meet with obstacles, you
will succeed and achieve the goal. In your career, you have some important job changes for the better.
If you have creative talents, this placement will make it very difficult for you to express them or will
delay the time when you become recognized for your talents. You are likely to travel to foreign
countries as part of your work.

With perseverance you can be recognized as an authority in your field.

You are prosperous. Money may come from people in power or from being in a controlling position
yourself. You will earn income in a variety of ways, but always in a fair manner.

Your financial sense is good, as you are keen on detecting good prosperous opportunities, and you will
gain a good income. You are very clever in the way you invest or acquire new resources. Profits come
fairly easily to you.

Efforts are financially fruitful.

You may earn from occupations related to water. Money can be made from business related to arts, or
things that provide comforts. Finances weigh heavily on you when poor and lift your spirits when
flowing well. Friends and friendships will contribute to your income. You may be tempted to use
improper means of gaining expense money.

You generally earn well, though it is difficult for you to keep the same job for more than two or three
years at a time, unless the job has a huge amount of freedom in it. Sometimes, enterprises you have
embarked on, with the hope of gains, turn out to bring losses.

You will have nice furniture and things that make living comfortable. Your attempts to buy property
or land may run into obstacles.

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manojit chakraborty
You will use innovative techniques or technology to meet your expenses.

You should be careful borrowing money and using credit cards. Even though you may be lucky at
gambling, lotteries and investments, you also distinctly lack discipline in managing your money.

You learn many techniques to promote spiritual well-being. You may become an expert in spiritual
practices involving breathing techniques.

You may reach enlightenment in this lifetime.

You may have deep spiritual silence you can use as a tool in life.

You have highly developed insight or intuitive power. You are devoted to religious people and to your
conception of the Supreme.

You are unorthodox as far as following the family creed or religion.

You will turn your house into a comfortable place. High altitudes, mountains and high deserts suit you
as places to live. Low and watery areas are not so good. You are dual minded about residence and may
stay at several different locations.

You will enjoy moving by water. You may travel abroad for business. There will be travel for
educational or spiritual purposes. You prefer not to spread yourself too thin by excessive travelling.

Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . •

manojit chakraborty

You have an astonishingly active subjective life which may not show on your face; outwardly you may
seem unperturbed. Your childhood was faced with difficult circumstances.

Sometimes you will have excess, sometimes not enough, sometimes it will be a paradox as you have
both. Many of the opportunities for the fulfillment of your ambitions may get lost, or prove to be
dead-ends, yielding disappointment on your part.

You will be saved from problems that are too severe.

You count on the support of nature way too much. Due to the credit of your previous birth, you will be
fortunate in have amazing healing capabilities. You receive good fortune through help from women.
You will reach your goals by utilizing some of the many opportunities that come across your way.

There may be some trouble related to your home. You may encounter problems with vehicles.

At times, your subordinates, co-workers, and false friends can be a cause of suffering for you. You
should take precautions to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

You should avoid going to extremes.

Emerald is your favorable stone for prosperity, self-assertion, initiative and discrimination; less
expensive good stones are green tourmaline and peridot.

Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . •

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