Safety and Efficacy of Sodium Nitroprusside During Prolonged Infusion in Pediatric Patients

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Safety and Efficacy of Sodium Nitroprusside

During Prolonged Infusion in Pediatric Patients
Gregory B. Hammer, MD1,2; Andrew Lewandowski, PhD3; David R. Drover, MD1;
David A. Rosen, MD4; Carol Cohane, BSN, RN1; Ravinder Anand, PhD3; Jeff Mitchell, BS3;
Tammy Reece, MS, PMP, CCRA5; Scott R. Schulman, MD6

Department of Anesthesia, Stanford University School of Medicine, Objective: Sodium nitroprusside is a direct-acting vasodilator used
­Stanford, CA.
to lower blood pressure in the operating room and ICU. The efficacy
Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine,
­Stanford, CA. of sodium nitroprusside has been analyzed in few pediatric random-
The EMMES Corporation, Rockville, MD. ized trials. This study assesses the efficacy and safety of sodium
Department of Anesthesiology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. nitroprusside following at least 12 hours of IV infusion in children.
Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC. Design: Randomized, double-blind withdrawal to placebo study.
Department of Anesthesia, University of California-San Francisco School Setting: ICUs.
of Medicine, San Francisco, CA. Patients: Pediatric patients younger than 17 years.
The principal investigators of the coordinating and enrolling clinical cen- Interventions: Following 12–24 hours of open-label sodium nitro-
ters were Gregory B. Hammer, MD (study coprincipal investigator); Scott prusside titration, a blinded infusion of sodium nitroprusside or
R. Schulman, MD (study coprincipal investigator); David A. Rosen, MD
(site principal investigator at West Virginia University Hospital, Morgan- placebo was administered (at the stable rate used at the end of
town, WV); Xiomara Garcia, MD (site principal investigator at Arkansas the open-label phase) for up to 30 minutes.
Children’s Hospital, Little Rock, AR); Mary Hartman, MD (site principal Measurements and Main Results: The primary efficacy measure
investigator at Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC); Janice E.
Sullivan, MD (site principal investigator at the University of Louisville, Lou- was whether control of mean arterial blood pressure was lost, that
isville, KY); and Thomas P. Shanley, MD (site principal investigator at the is, increased above ambient baseline for two consecutive minutes
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI). during the blinded phase. The proportion of patients who lost
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL cita- mean arterial blood pressure control in the placebo group (15/19;
tions appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF
versions of this article on the journal’s website ( 79%) was significantly different than those in the sodium nitroprus-
pccmjournal). side group (9/20; 45%) (p = 0.048). Three patients experienced
Supported, in part, by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of rebound hypertension during the blinded phase, and all were in the
Child Health and Human Development as part of the Best Pharmaceuti- placebo group. Serious adverse event rates were low (7/52; 13%),
cals for Children Act.
and in only one patient was the serious adverse event determined
Dr. Drover consulted for Johnson and Johnson, Inc. (legal); provided
expert testimony for Purdue (legal); and received support for article to be related to sodium nitroprusside by the site investigator. Four-
research from the National Institutes of Health (NIH); and his institution teen patients (27%) had whole blood cyanide levels above 0.5 μg/
also received grant support from the NIH. Dr. Hammer received support mL, with high correlation (0.7) between infusion rate and cyanide
for article research from the NIH. His institution received grant support. Dr.
Lewandowski received support for article research from the NIH. His insti- levels, but there were few clinical signs of cyanide toxicity.
tution received support for travel and provision of materials and assistance Conclusions: Sodium nitroprusside is efficacious in maintain-
from the NIH. Dr. Rosen’s institution received grant support and support ing mean arterial blood pressure control in children following a
for travel from the NICHD, served as a board member for Medicines Corp
(DSMB), consulted for REvo biologics, lectured for Maquet, and received 12-hour infusion. Although a high proportion of patients were
support for article research from the NIH. Dr. Cohane received support for found to have elevated cyanide levels, toxicity was not observed.
article research from the NIH; and her institution received grant support (Pediatr Crit Care Med 2015; 16:397–403)
from the NIH. Dr. Anand received support for article research from the
NIH. His institution received support for travel from the NICHD and the Key Words: acidosis; antihypertensive agents; cyanide;
NIH. Dr. Mitchell received support for article research from the NIH; and nitroprusside; pediatrics
his institution received support for travel and support for manuscript writ-
ing/review. Dr. Reece received support for article research from the NIH
and her institution received grant support from the NIH. Dr. Schulman has
disclosed that he does not have any potential conflicts of interest.

For information regarding this article, E-mail: lood pressure control in children is a significant con-
Copyright © 2015 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World cern in the ICU, where management of hypertension
Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies may be necessary during periods of acute physiologic
DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000000383 stress following surgical and medical procedures (1, 2). Sodium

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 397

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Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
Hammer et al

nitroprusside (SNP) is a direct-acting vasodilator commonly prolonged infusion in pediatric patients. We analyzed the safety
used to control blood pressure in the ICU (3). Despite more and efficacy of SNP following 12 hours of infusion, with particular
than 50 years of widespread use in children for the treatment emphasis on the relationship between cyanide levels and toxicity.
of severe hypertension, there is limited information on the
safety and efficacy of SNP in children.
SNP metabolism produces cyanide and thiocyanate. The
possibility of cyanide toxicity must be considered when Patients
administering SNP at high doses and/or for prolonged peri- Sixty-three patients treated at PICUs were enrolled in this
ods. In adults, the earliest, most sensitive signs of cyanide tox- study at five sites. Patients were younger than 17 years with
icity associated with SNP administration are acidosis, elevated weight at least 3 kg at baseline and were anticipated to need a
mixed venous oxygen tension, and rising blood lactate levels. reduction in mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) by at least
CNS manifestations of cyanide toxicity include headache, 20 mm Hg (≥ 15 mm Hg if < 2 yr old) from the baseline level
anxiety, agitation, confusion, lethargy, seizures, and coma. during open-label administration of at least 12 hours. Patients
Cardiovascular manifestations include progressive heart failure receiving stable doses of oral antihypertensive drugs prior
with both loss of cardiac muscle contractile force and slowing to the initiation of study SNP were eligible for enrollment.
of rate. However, prior studies have reported poor association Patients who received sodium thiosulfate within 6 hours of the
between elevated blood cyanide concentrations (≥ 0.5 μg/mL) start of open-label administration were excluded, although it
and signs of cyanide toxicity (4, 5). The authors concluded that was allowed after SNP initiation to treat suspected cyanide tox-
further pediatric studies were needed. icity. The supplemental data (Supplemental Digital Content 1,
The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act (BPCA) was signed contain complete inclusion/
into law to prioritize the study of off-patent drugs used in chil- exclusion criteria. Informed consent and, when applicable,
dren. This study (NCT00621816) and a pharmacokinetic/phar- assent were obtained prior to initiation of the study. Site insti-
macodynamic study of short-term SNP infusion (NCT00135668) tutional review boards reviewed the clinical protocol, protocol
were conducted under the BPCA to address the lack of adequate amendments, informed parental permission forms, and any
information about SNP dosing, pharmacokinetics, and safety in other form of patient information related to the study.
pediatric patients identified by the National Institutes of Health
in consultation with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Study Design
(6). We performed this multicenter, randomized, double-blind, As shown in the study design diagram in Figure 1, patients
placebo-controlled, parallel group study to determine whether were scheduled to receive open-label drug administration of
the hypotensive effect of SNP is lost and to assess the potential SNP for 12–24 hours. If the open-label phase began with study
for rebound hypertension following withdrawal to placebo after SNP, then SNP was initiated at up to 0.3 μg/kg/min and was
titrated to control MAP within
10% of a clinically determined
target level. Otherwise, admin-
istration of institutionally sup-
plied SNP for up to 8 hours was
allowed. The target MAP was
first determined at baseline and
was expected to start at least
15 or 20 mm Hg below MAPB1.
The target could be adjusted
during open-label phase SNP
administration. SNP adminis-
tration was halted if MAP fell
below 50 mm Hg (40 if < 1 mo
old). Infusion was restarted at a
lower rate once MAP increased.
Patients were randomized to
receive either SNP or placebo dur-
ing a subsequent double-blinded
study drug administration phase.
Randomization was stratified
by the 5-age groups shown in
Figure 2. Following at least 12
Figure 1. Scheduled study treatment phases with key mean arterial pressure (MAP) levels identified. SNP = hours of open-label SNP admin-
sodium nitroprusside. istration with SNP administered

398 June 2015 • Volume 16 • Number 5

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Feature Articles

of treatment failure. Rebound

hypertension from pretreat-
ment levels was also compared
between the two blinded treat-
ment groups. Mild rebound
hypertension was defined by
MAP at least 110% of MAPB1.

Safety Assessments
Safety was assessed through
adverse events (AEs), seri-
ous adverse events (SAEs),
untoward changes in vital
signs (tachycardia and hypo-
tension), and laboratory
results (lactic acidosis and
elevated cyanide levels). AEs
were monitored and recorded
from SNP initiation up to 24
hours following study drug
discontinuation. SAEs were
recorded for 30 days follow-
Figure 2. Study flow diagram for patients who signed informed consent and enrolled into the study, received treat- ing discontinuation. Baseline
ment in either of the two study treatment phases, and were included in the primary efficacy analysis. SNP = sodium
nitroprusside, TS = tanner stage.
physical examinations were
recorded up to 7 days prior
to SNP initiation. Posttreatment physical examinations were
at a constant rate during the last 20 minutes, patients were eligible
to enter the blinded phase. Blinded infusion of SNP or placebo was performed within 2 hours and 18–30 hours after study drug
administered at the constant rate used at the end of the open-label discontinuation. The thresholds used to define these events
phase. New vasoactive drugs initiated during open-label infusion are presented in Supplemental Table 1 (Supplemental Digital
were recommended to be stopped at least three half-lives of the Content 1,
vasoactive drug prior to the start of the blinded phase. MAP was Open-label laboratory assessments for lactate, arterial blood
measured every minute during the 30-minute blinded phase. As gas (ABG), cyanide, and thiocyanate levels were collected every
shown in Figure 1, offset of MAP was defined by the blinded phase 8 hours (± 30 min) after SNP initiation. Additional collections
baseline MAP level (MAPB2) plus at least 50% of the difference were performed within 2 hours of study drug discontinuation
[Δ(MAP)] between MAPB2 and the open-label baseline MAP level and at follow-up (≤ 24 hr postdrug discontinuation). Samples
(MAPB1). The blinded phase was scheduled to end after either 30 for whole blood cyanide and serum thiocyanate were also
minutes of infusion or when blinded treatment was halted early collected 12 hours after SNP was discontinued if the arterial
due to a loss of MAP control (indicated by MAP ≥ the offset for catheter was still in place. Urine samples for thiocyanate were
two consecutive minutes), moderate rebound hypertension (≥ collected every 8 hours after discontinuation until the urinary
120% of MAPB1), or a safety concern. catheter was removed. Baseline laboratory measurements were
collected up to 7 days prior to SNP initiation, when possible.
Efficacy Assessments Patients were classified as having elevated cyanide levels if any
The persistence of the effect of SNP was primarily evaluated whole blood cyanide level after SNP initiation was at least 0.5
by determining whether the administration of SNP at a stable μg/mL. NMS Labs (Willow Grove, PA) analyzed cyanide sam-
dose during the blinded phase resulted in adequate MAP con- ples using spectrophotometry. The lower limit of quantification
trol. Patients were classified as blinded phase treatment failures (LLQ) was 0.05 μg/mL. Thiocyanate was analyzed at NMS Labs
if MAP control was lost, blinded drug infusion had to be ter- using an ion chromatography method with a LLQ of 1 μg/mL.
minated, or additional treatment was needed to maintain MAP Baseline laboratory values before SNP initiation were not
control. The proportion of treatment failures were compared available in all patients since some were formally enrolled in
between blinded treatment groups. the study after the start of SNP administration without predose
Patients were removed from the primary efficacy analysis study laboratory collections. Changes from baseline laboratory
if they had either Δ(MAP) = 0 or a stable blinded phase infu- values could not be calculated for these patients, although the
sion rate below the protocol limit of 0.5 μg/kg/min. Although change in condition was classified as not declining from base-
Δ(MAP) = 0 was not a protocol violation, MAP control could not line in the safety analysis if no abnormalities were found after
be adequately assessed in these participants using the definition SNP initiation.

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 399

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Hammer et al

Statistical Methods RESULTS

One infant enrolled in the study twice. Data from the sec-
Demographics, Dosing, and Baseline Characteristics
ond enrollment were excluded from all analyses. The safety
Fifty-one of the 63 enrolled patients (81%) received SNP and
analysis population consisted of all other enrollments from
were included in the safety analysis population. Forty-five of
patients who received SNP. Open-label dosing and baseline
the 51 safety analysis patients (88%) entered the blinded phase
summaries used the safety analysis population. The blinded
after at least 12 hours of open-label dosing. Twenty-four of the
phase failure rate was compared between the randomized
45 patients (53%) were randomized to receive blinded SNP.
groups to determine the primary efficacy of SNP. Treat-
Two additional randomized patients withdrew from the study
ment effect was adjusted for clinical site and age using logis-
during the open-label phase following AEs of hypotension.
tic regression. Sites with few patients (< 5) in the analysis Three other early-terminated patients withdrew due to no lon-
population were clustered together when assessing between ger needing treatment and one terminated due to an SAE that
site variation. No other demographic or baseline variable began before SNP initiation.
was determined to be sufficiently meaningful for inclusion The 30 days to less than 2-year group was the highest enroll-
as a covariate in this analysis. p Values were not adjusted for ing age group in both blinded treatment groups and contained
multiplicity as there was only one primary analysis. All other 39% of the 51 patients in the safety population (Fig. 2). In the
analyses were exploratory. safety population, the median age was 3.8 years (0.03, 16.8).
Laboratory values were summarized using the worst value Twenty-nine (57%) were male patients. Patients were enrolled
recorded after SNP initiation except for cyanide analyses using at five clinical sites. Thirty-five safety population patients (69%)
specific time points. The total SNP dose and average SNP infu- were enrolled at the University of West Virginia. Forty patients
sion rate, including blinded SNP administration, were corre- (78%) started study SNP administration during or soon after a
lated with laboratory values for patients who completed the surgical procedure. Most surgeries were cardiovascular, includ-
open-label phase. Cyanide values below the LLQ (BLQ) were ing 12 for repair of coarctation of the aorta. Three patients had
imputed as 0. reported noncardiovascular surgeries (G-tube placement, bron-
Analyses used the following age groups unless noted oth- chus resection, and lumber fusion). Median height and weight
erwise: younger than 6 years and 6 years old or older. Height z-scores were slightly higher in the blinded SNP group (–0.6
and weight z-scores were calculated using age and sex-specific and –0.4) than in the blinded placebo group (–1 and –0.8), and
growth charts provided by the Centers for Disease Control both median z-scores were –0.7 in the overall safety population.
and Prevention. Quantitative summaries are presented as Median Δ(MAP) was similar in blinded SNP (28 mm Hg [0,
the mean ± 1 sd or median (minimum, maximum) unless 43 mm Hg]) and placebo (30 mm Hg [8, 63 mm Hg]) groups.
otherwise specified. p Values for unadjusted group compari- Open-label and overall study (open-label and blinded) SNP
sons were evaluated using Fisher exact test for categorical administration is summarized in Table 1. Seventeen patients
data and t tests with pooled variance for continuous data (33%) received at least 3 mg/kg during the open-label phase. The
unless noted otherwise. All CIs were calculated using 95% median total open-label dose was 2.3 mg/kg (0.6, 6) and 2.5 mg/
confidence limits. Tests used a significance level of α = 0.05. kg (0.1, 8.2) in the SNP and placebo groups, respectively. The
Analyses were conducted in SAS software version 9.3 (SAS median blinded phase infusion rate was the same (2.5 μg/kg/
Institute, Cary, NC) min) in both groups. For patients who completed the open-label

Dosing Summary (Mean ± sd) by Blinded Treatment Group in the Safety

Table 1.
Blinded Treatment Group

Variable SNP (n = 24) Placebo (n = 21) Early Terminated (n = 6) Total (n = 51)

Open-label infusion duration (hr) 16.8 ± 4.1 15.9 ± 4.1 2.7 ± 2.1 14.7 ± 5.9

Average open-label infusion rate 2.7 ± 1.7 3.1 ± 1.6 0.7 ± 0.3 2.6 ± 1.7
Open-label dose (mg/kg) 2.7 ± 1.9 3.1 ± 2.1 0.1 ± 0.1 2.6 ± 2.1
Study SNP infusion duration (hr) 17.2 ± 4.1 15.9 ± 4.1 2.7 ± 2.1 15 ± 6
Average study SNP infusion rate 2.7 ± 1.7 3.1 ± 1.6 0.7 ± 0.3 2.6 ± 1.7
Study SNP dose (mg/kg) 2.8 ± 1.9 3.1 ± 2.1 0.1 ± 0.1 2.6 ± 2.1
Blinded infusion rate (μg/kg/min) 2.9 ± 2.3 3.5 ± 2.6 Not applicable 3.2 ± 2.4
SNP = sodium nitroprusside.

400 June 2015 • Volume 16 • Number 5

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Feature Articles

phase, the mean average open-label infusion rate was 3.27 ± 1.7 Safety Analysis
μg/kg/min (median, 3.38) in patients younger than 6 (n = 28) Eight SAEs were experienced by seven of the 51 patients (14%)
and 2.28 ± 1.42 μg/kg/min (median, 1.91) in older patients (n in the safety population. No SAEs were experienced by patients
= 17). The difference in mean average open-label infusion rate in the oldest age group. Two SAEs, sepsis and respiratory fail-
between age groups was 0.99 μg/kg/min with 95% CI (0.04, 2) (p ure, led to death. The deaths occurred 2 and 30 days after SNP
= 0.043). The Pearson correlation between age and average infu- administration had stopped, and neither death was reported as
sion rate was –0.33 (p = 0.026). Median infusion rate was lower being related to study treatment. The two related SAEs (blood
in each successive age group (Supplemental Fig. 1, Supplemental cyanide increase and respiratory depression) were reported in
Digital Content 1, the same patient. This patient experienced no SAEs and one
unrelated AE (pyrexia) during the second enrollment. One
Efficacy Analysis unrelated SAE, reported as hemorrhage, led to SNP discon-
Twenty of the 24 patients (83%) in the blinded SNP group and tinuation but was first discovered before SNP initiation. The
19 of the 21 patients (90%) in the blinded placebo group were other unrelated SAEs were apnea, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)
included in the primary efficacy analysis. In the SNP group, two leak, and ventricular fibrillation.
patients were removed since Δ(MAP) = 0. Also, one patient in the Thirty-one patients (61%) experienced 93 AEs, including
the eight SAEs. Thirty of these AEs, experienced by 16 patients
placebo group and two patients in the SNP group were removed
(31%), were classified as related to SNP. In addition to the two
due to a dose less than 0.5 μg/kg/min, and another patient in the
related SAEs, five AEs were classified as being both of moderate
placebo group had no MAP measurements in the first 28 min-
severity and at least possibly related to treatment. Six patients
utes of the blinded phase. Fifteen of the 19 patients in the pla-
(12%) were classified as having tachycardia. No relationship
cebo (79%) and only nine of the 20 patients in the SNP (45%)
between age and AE occurrence was found.
groups experienced treatment failure (p = 0.048). The odds of
Thirty-one patients (60%) experienced hypotension as
treatment failure were 4.6 times higher in the placebo group defined by a drop in MAP more than 20% below the target
with the 95% CI (1.1, 18.8). When adjusted for site and age, the at some point during the open-label or blinded phase. This
estimated odds ratio was 5 (1.3, 24.6). The adjusted model had a includes both patients who terminated during the open-label
significant treatment effect (p = 0.03), a concordance coefficient phase following hypotension AEs. Only one patient (2%) met
of 0.75, and nonsignificant effects for age (p = 0.44) and site (p = all criteria for severe hypotension requiring pharmacological
0.43). Failure times were also significantly different between the therapy (Supplemental Table 1, Supplemental Digital Content 1,
two groups (Supplemental Fig. 2, Supplemental Digital Content, but six other patients (12%)
1, MAP values in the two SNP had a recorded MAP value more than 30% below the target.
group patients with Δ(MAP) = 0 were stable during the blinded Fourteen patients (27%) had elevated whole blood cyanide
phase with all values less than 10% from MAPB2. levels (≥ 0.5 μg/mL). Elevated levels were most common in
Three of the 21 patients (14%) in the placebo group and no the less than 30-day (2/3; 67%) and 30-day to less than 2-year
patients in the SNP group experienced mild rebound hyper- (8/20; 38%) age groups. Twelve of these patients had levels more
tension during the blinded phase. No patient experienced than 1.5 μg/mL. Baseline blood cyanide values were BLQ in all
moderate rebound hypertension. patients with baseline measurements. Two patients received

Table 2. Summaries (Mean or Median) and Correlations With Study Dose (mg/kg) and
Average Study Infusion Rate (μg/kg/min) for Clinical Laboratory Assessment Changes
From Baseline
Change From Baseline Correlations

Variable n Summary n Dose Rate

Blood cyanide (μg/mL) 50 1 ± 1.9 44 0.66 0.71

Blood thiocyanate (μg/mL) 45 6.5 ± 4.9 39 0.58 0.56
Urine thiocyanate (μg/mL) 40 4 ± 3.5 34 0.4 0.33
Lactate (mmol/L) 45 0.2 ± 1.2 41 0.57 0.52
HCO3 (mEq/L) 48 –0.2 ± 2.4 43 –0.18 –0.19
pH 48 0.01 ± 0.08 43 0.09 0.02
Creatinine (mg/dL) 48 0 (–0.7, 0.3) 43 0.23 0.24
Alanine transaminase (U/L) 49 –3 (–333, 63) 45 –0.17 –0.17
Aspartate transaminase (U/L) 48 –3.5 (–1,016, 79) 44 –0.32 –0.29

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 401

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Hammer et al

sodium thiosulfate after the end of study SNP administra- levels between 2.5 and 5 mmol/L. Seven of these 13 patients
tion. Only one of these administrations was indicated as being also had baseline values above 2.5 mmol/L, and two patients
administered as a cyanide antidote, but this was the only patient had no recorded baseline value. Median postdose pH (7.39)
without an analyzable postbaseline whole blood cyanide sam- and HCO3 (25 mEq/L) are in the normal range (Supplemental
ple. High correlations were found between the greatest postdose Table 3, Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://links.lww.
cyanide level and both average study SNP infusion rate and total com/PCC/A149). Mean change scores for both ABG labora-
dose (Table 2). Also, no cyanide levels at least 0.5 μg/mL were
tory values are near 0 with low variability and low correlation
found in any patient with an average study infusion rate less
with dosing measures. Two patients received sodium bicarbon-
than 3 μg/kg/min (Supplemental Fig. 3, Supplemental Digital
ate after SNP initiation. Five patients experienced creatinine
Content 1,
Supplement Table 2 (Supplemental Digital Content 1, increases or decreases at least 0.3 mg/dL with no relationship summarizes the 8 hours between creatinine change and cyanide levels (Supplemental
postdose, study drug discontinuation, and greatest study Fig. 5, Supplemental Digital Content 1,
cyanide levels by age group (< 6 and ≥ 6 yr). At the 8-hour PCC/A149).
time point, all patients with average infusion rates less than
3 μg/kg/min, which is equivalent to less than 1.44 mg/kg over DISCUSSION
8 hours, also had BLQ cyanide levels (Supplemental Fig. 4,
We performed a randomized, double-blind withdrawal to
Supplemental Digital Content 1,
placebo study of SNP in children following 12–24 hours of
A149). The Spearman correlations were high between infu-
sion rates and cyanide levels through both 8 hours (0.69; n = open-label SNP infusion. Tolerance was defined as no change
44) and study discontinuation (0.7; n = 39). Patients younger in MAP during administration of placebo. The median SNP
than 6 years had higher rates of elevated cyanide levels, but infusion rate across both study phases was 2.7 μg/kg/min over
these rates were not significantly different between the two age a median duration of 14.5 hours. As previously reported (7,
groups (p = 0.11 for the worst study cyanide level). Four of the 8), we found that younger patients (< 6 yr old) needed higher
14 patients (29%) with elevated cyanide levels still had elevated infusion rates than older patients. We also found high correla-
levels in follow-up measurements taken at least 11 hours after tions between cyanide levels and both infusion rate and total
study SNP discontinuation, although two were still on stan- dose. This finding is supported by results of a prior study by
dard of care SNP at the time of the last cyanide measurement. Moffett and Price (5) that suggested an average SNP infusion
Of the 14 patients with elevated cyanide levels, 11 (79%) rate of 1.8 μg/kg/min as a threshold for predicting cyanide lev-
had recorded AEs. In the 36 patients with evaluable blood cya- els at least 0.5 μg/mL in children following cardiac surgery. The
nide levels less than 0.5 μg/mL, the proportion (53%) with AEs authors reported an 11% incidence rate of elevated cyanide
was lower but not significantly different (p = 0.12). SAE rate
levels compared with 27% in our study.
was also higher in the group with elevated cyanide (21% vs
Przybylo et al (9) described cyanide and thiocyanate blood
11%) but not significantly different (p = 0.38). SAEs recorded
in patients with high cyanide levels were CSF leak, respiratory levels in 10 children who received SNP at doses up to 10 μg/kg/
depression, respiratory failure, and an increase in blood cya- min (with a mean infusion rate of 6 μg/kg/min) while undergo-
nide levels. The patient with both respiratory depression and ing cardiopulmonary bypass for repair of complex congenital
increase in blood cyanide SAEs also had the highest blood cya- cardiac defects. Although some children had whole blood cya-
nide level recorded in the study (6.5 μg/mL). One death was nide levels at least 0.5 μg/mL, no patient developed clinically
reported in each group. The death due to respiratory failure apparent toxicity. As was also reported in a literature review
was in a patient whose greatest cyanide level was 3.8 μg/mL. of past studies using SNP (10), we did not find a relationship
Patients with (3; 21%) and without (6; 17 %) elevated cyanide between cyanide elevation and cyanide-related toxicity.
levels had similar rates of gastrointestinal AEs. No patient with The SAEs reported in our study were unrelated to cyanide
elevated cyanide levels had a cardiac disorder commonly asso- toxicity. Rates of AEs (including gastrointestinal problems and
ciated with cyanide toxicity. cardiac events associated with cyanide) were comparable in
Additional laboratory values of interest are summarized in patients with and without elevated cyanide levels. Twelve of
Table 2, which includes correlations with study (open-label and
the 14 patients (86%) with detected cyanide levels had severely
blinded) SNP dose and infusion rate. Blood thiocyanate val-
elevated levels more than 1.5 μg/mL. The AE rate was higher
ues were not severely high, although the correlations between
in patients with elevated cyanide levels, but AEs commonly
dosing summaries and change scores were more than 0.5. The
two highest urine thiocyanate levels of 44 and 22 μg/mL were related to cyanide toxicity were either not reported in the
found in patients without valid baseline measurements. Only study population or occurred at similar rates in patients with
one patient met the 5 mmol/L threshold for lactic acidosis (5.5 or without elevated cyanide levels. AEs were recorded for 24
mmol/L) after SNP initiation, although this patient’s lactate hours and SAEs were recorded for 30 days after study SNP dis-
level was higher (5.8 mmol/L) at baseline. Thirteen of the 49 continuation. Thus, some AEs associated with cyanide toxicity
patients (27%) with postbaseline data had recorded lactate that had a late onset may not have been captured.

402 June 2015 • Volume 16 • Number 5

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Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
Feature Articles

CONCLUSIONS We thank Anne Zajicek (PharmD, MD; Eunice Kennedy

In this withdrawal to placebo study, we evaluated offset of Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human
blood pressure control (tolerance) during SNP infusion in Development) for her contributions to study design and
children following 12–24 hours of open-label infusion. Our implementation.
analysis showed a significant difference in the rates of MAP
increase during the placebo-controlled blinded infusion REFERENCES
period in patients receiving SNP versus placebo. The odds of 1. Groshong T: Hypertensive crisis in children. Pediatr Ann 1996;
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Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 403

Copyright © 2015 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.
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