Famous Battle Project

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Nomen: _____________________________________________ Dies: _______

Latin 1 R Magistra McD


Objective: To learn about other famous battles in Roman history and how they
affected the Romans

1. Choose one of the following famous battles from Roman history to research:

Beneventum (275 BC) Philippi (42 BC)

Lake Trasimene (217 BC) Actium (31 BC)
Cannae (216 BC) Teutoberg Forest (9 AD)
Zama (202 BC) Jerusalem (68-70AD)
Carrhae (53BC) Antioch (218 AD)
Alesia (52 BC) Milvian Bridge in Rome (312 AD)
Dyrrachium (48 BC) Verona (312 AD)
Pharsalus (48 BC) Final sack of Rome (476 AD)
Alexandria (47 BC)

2. Develop and type up a news broadcast/report that informs an audience about

the battle.
You can accomplish this task using several different formats
a. Create a Podcast which includes audio and video
b. Create a digitally animated book or video—use a Web 2.0 tool
**any other great web 2.0 tool that you can find for digital storytelling**

1. Work in groups of 2-3
2. Include the following information about the battle in your broadcast/report:
a. What was the name of the battle?
b. When did it take place?
c. Where did it take place?
d. Whom were the Romans fighting?
e. What were the names of the generals from both sides?
f. Why was the battle taking place?
g. What strategies did the Romans and the enemy use in the battle?
h. Which side won?
i. What happened as a result of the battle?
j. Why is the battle famous?

3. Each person in your group must contribute to the project in some way. As part
of this project, your group must log who did what to contribute to the project.
This will be turned in and will be factored in as part of the final grade.

4. Be creative! No matter which platform you choose, you are encouraged to find
ways to logically, within the context of the famous battle, incorporate the
major elements of a newscast. Think about the major players on a news
broadcast: anchorpeople, reporters from the field…how do they speak? What
about other characteristic parts of a news broadcast, like music, text and
pictures on the screen, etc.

5. Include a works cited/bibliography page

Due Date
The project will be due in class on ________________________.

See the attached rubric
Nomen: _____________________________________________ Dies: ________
Latin 1 R Magistra McD


I. Inclusion of Required Information—30 pts

imperator consul eques civis fur eheu

30 points 25 points 20 points15 points 10 points 0 points
All elements 1 element 2 elements
3-4 5-6 7+ elements
included missing missing elements elements missing
missing missing
II. Accuracy of Required Information-30 pts

imperator consul eques civis fur

30 pts 25 pts 15 pts 10 pts 5 pts
0-2 3-5 mistakes 5-6 mistakes 7-8 mistakes 9+
mistakes mistakes

III. All Members Participate—5 points IV. Works Cited Page—5 points

ita vero minime ita vero minime

5 pts 0 pts 5 pts 0 pts
V. Creative Elements 15—points

imperator civis eques fur

15 points 10 points 5 points 0
Many creative Adequate Attempted None
elements; reflects number of and/or weak
an enormous creative
amount of time
and effort

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