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1. 1. In 2011, what was the average census of observation patients in the hospital?

What was the average census of admitted patients in the hospital?

Observation patients: 50*20%*80%=8 42*5,8=243.6

Admitted patients: 50*80%+50*20%*20%=42 1.2*10=12

2. 2. Using the 2011 patient flows, how large should the ED observation unit be to
achieve a target utilization of 80%?

U=rate into station/capacity of station=0.5/x=0.8 → x=0.625

3. In 2011, what was the profit flow in dollars/day resulting from patients who
entered the hospital (on either observation of admitted status) through the ED?


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4. 4. Assume that an observation unit of your recommended size is built and
running and that the hospital experiences that same flow rates as in 2011. Also

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Assume that all of the inpatient beds that were formerly filled by observation
patients can now be filled by inpatients, who stay on average 5.8 days, and net

the hospital $3,500 each.
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