Gumar Community Safety Plan

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8. Gumar Community Safety Plan.

1 Plan for Increasing Community Safety with regards to SALW

Vision Solutions/activities to reach Community contribution External support Possible Time
vision needed1 external role frame
Community a. Recruit and train Supply candidates for Education DDG, MOI, 2010-
adopted safety Community Volunteers training. facilitators UNDP
behavior of (CV’s) to ensure Arranges training Education
SALW to sustainability of safe sessions. materials
minimize threats behavior.
and risks of Venues., Continues
firearms. advocacy.
b. Provide FSE to all firearm Identification of Gun clamps and DDG , MOI
owners. participants pistol boxes
Community safety Installation
committees, Venues.

c. Provision of firearm safe Identification and Education DDG

storage devices to firearm mobilization of firearm facilitators MOI
owners owners, CSC. Education material
d. Awareness raising for Community participation Technical assistant DDG,MOI
firearm safety behavior. CSC, Voluntary.
e. Advocacy of SALW Community participation Registration office UNDP
registration Firearm owners, CSC Providing legal MOI

External support includes support from government, donors and the Diaspora
2 Plan for increasing community safety with regards to Landmines and ERW

Vision Solutions/activities to reach Community contribution External support Possible Time

vision needed external role frame
Environment a) Establishing and train CSC Facilitators DDG, Halo 2010-
free from the Community Volunteers Identify Trust, HI,
Community Education
danger of ERWs for MRE/ERW SMAC, MOI,
Volunteers materials
and Mine risks to UNDP
take part Venue
b) Providing community Identify target groups/area Curriculum DDG, HI
awareness of having CSC, Voluntaries Facilitators
ERW/Mine Risk
Education. Venue Training materials
c) Advocacy for mine Community leaders Technical SMAC, DDG,
clearance. assistance Halo Trust, HI

d) Disposal of ERW. Community leaders Technical DDG, SMAC

Other opinion formers
EOD teams
Stockpile holders


3 Plan for increasing community safety with regards to health providers

Vision Solutions/activities to Community contribution External support Possible Time
reach vision needed external role frame
Availability of a) Community awareness Beneficiary. Technical assistance UNICEF, 2010 -
health facilities in raising for advantage of Training/ venue WHO, SRCS,
the community to health center and MOH, World
reduce threats promotion of hygiene vision
against health.
b) Training for health Selection of Health Facilitators UNICEF,
workers workers WHO, SRCS,
MOH, World
Training material vision
c) Advocacy for Health center. Technical assistance UNICEF,
increasing health Medicine and WHO, SRCS,
medicine and material. MOH, World

4 Plan for increasing community safety with regards to conflict management
Vision Solutions/activities to reach Community contribution External support Possible Time
vision needed external role frame
Community a) Establishment Selection of volunteers Curriculum DDG, DRC, 2010
understands the volunteers for Conflict CSC MOI, Horn -
conflict management training. peace
management Venue Education materials
mechanism to
reduce armed
violence. b) Conflict Management Identification of the Socio Curriculum DDG, DRC,
Education (CME) to economic groups MOI, Horn
socio economic groups Venue peace
among the community. Education materials
c) Campaigning for Land for construction Funds for DRC, other
construction of Manpower construction concerned
dialogue and peace agencies
centre. CSC
d) Providing CME Traditional leaders Curriculum DDD, DRC, ,
Training for traditional CSC Horn peace,
elders MOI
Venue Education materials

5 Plan for increasing community safety with regards to security providers
Vision Solutions/activities to reach Community External support Possible Timefram
vision contribution needed external role e
Community a) Establishing and training
volunteer committee Curriculum DRC, DDG, 2010-
adopted safety Community Based Selection UNDP, MOI,
and security to Policing Committee MOJ.
maintain and CSC Training material
sustain law and Venue

b) Strengthening Community based Technical assistance DRC, DDG,

cooperation among policing committee UNDP, MOI,
police and the Police members MOJ
c) Advocacy campaign for Land Funds for construction DRC, DDG,
establishing police Free man power UNDP, MOI,
station. MOJ

6 Plan for increasing community safety with regards to Community cooperation
Vision Solutions/activities to reach Community contribution External support Possible external Time
vision needed role players frame
Enhanced a) Human Rights Awareness Identification of Socio Curriculum DRC, UNICEF, 2010-
community Workshop for all socio economic groups and CSC UNDP, MOJ,
cooperation among economic groups to improve MOR, MOFA,
Venue for workshop
them to participate understanding and respect Educational materials S/land HR
community safety. for Human rights. Commission,
b) Community awareness to CSC Technical assistance. Local community
protect clan conflicts. safety committee.
Community participation

c) Providing Islamic session to Kat consumers Religious Leaders

Kat consumers and Kat
Kat dealers, CSC CSC, CME
CME volunteers

d) Community awareness Community participation Religious Leaders

raising for family disputes. CSC, CME volunteers

e) Advocacy campaign for CSC Local community

community cooperation safety committee,
Community participation
towards development. CMC.

Vision Solutions/activities to reach Community contribution External support Possible external Time
vision needed role players frame
f) Establishing income Poor families Providing fund DRC, Havayoco,
generation fund for the poor Mercy corp. MOI
CMC Training for finance

7 Plan for increasing community safety with regards to capacity building of civil society
Vision Solutions/activities to reach Community contribution External support Possible external Time
vision needed role players frame
Capacity of a) Training organisational Identification of Facilitators DDG, DRC., 2010 -
CBOs is Development Skills. beneficiaries (CBO’s) UNICEF, MOE,
developed to take MOI.
part community Training materials.
b) Provision of training in Identification of Facilitators DDG, DRC.,
Proposal writing and beneficiaries (CBO’s) Curriculum UNICEF,, MOE,
Fundraising. MOI.
Venue. Training materials

c) Training workshop for Identification of Facilitators DDG, DRC.,

human rights advocacy beneficiaries (CBO’s) Curriculum UNICEF, MOE,
skills to CSOs to Venue MOI
Training materials
advocate for their rights

d) Skills Training in Identification of Facilitators DDG, DRC,

Community Mobilisation beneficiaries Curriculum UNICEF, MOI
for participation in Venue
Training materials
Community Safety
8 Plan for increasing community safety with regards to water sources
Vision Solutions/activities to reach Community contribution External support Possible external Time
vision needed role players frame
Availability of a) Community awareness Man power Materials DRC, 2010 -
clean Water for rehabilitation of water Municipality,
Skilled labour among the Labour costs
sources and sources to improve water UNICEF, PSI
water fencing to
safety and prevent water CSC
protect people
and animals. borne illness.
Mobilising community

b) Fence water sources to Identifying water source Technical DRC,

protect people and owners assistance Municipality,
animals from drowning UNICEF, PSI
Mobilising community

c) Advocacy campaign for Mobilising community Technical DRC,

water cleaner tablets and CSC assistance Municipality,
establishing water UNICEF, PSI

9 Plan for increasing community safety with regards to Roads.
Vision Solutions/activities to reach Community contribution External support Possible external Time
vision needed role players frame
Availability of a. Advocacy campaign Community participation Technical Road authority, 2010 -
tarmac road to to acquire a tarmac CSC assistance Municipality,
participate the road. MOI, MOPW
b. Providing conflict CSC Facilitators Road authority,
management training Famers. Municipality,
to the farmers for the MOI, MOPW
importance of Training materials
protection of the road
c. Advocacy campaign Community participation Technical Road authority,
for water closing CSC assistance Municipality,
system for farming MOI, MOPW
and protected Tarmac

10 Plan for increasing community safety with regards to light
Vision Solutions/activities to reach Community contribution External support Possible external Time
vision needed role players frame
Community a. Advocacy campaign Community participation. Technical MOPW, MOI 2010 -
obtained quality for useful of light CSC assistance
and quantity of advantage. Facilitators
electricity lights
to participate
safety. b. Campaign to Community participation. Technical MOPW, MOI
encourage property CSC assistance
owners to take part
contribution of
electricity equipment.
c. Advocacy campaign Community participation. Diaspora Diaspora.
for the cooperation CSC Proper contact. CMC
and contact among the
community and the

11 Plan for increasing community safety with regards to agriculture
Vision Solutions/activities to reach Community contribution External Possible external Time
vision support needed role players frame
The community a) Establishing committees Farmers Technical MOA, ADO, 2010 -
understands for farmers in gumar CSC. advice WFP, DRC, FAO
agricultural area. Start-up funds
production to
mitigate conflict
b) Training For proper Beneficiaries Facilitators MOA, ADO,
resources and to WFP, DRC, FAO
farming cultivation. Farmers committee Training
take part
community Venue
c) Provision of cultivation Beneficiaries Funds for MOA, ADO,
equipment and Farmers committee equipment WFP, DRC, FAO
machinery. Technical

d) Providing CME to the Identification of Facilitators MOA, ADO,

farmers and community beneficiaries Training WFP, DRC, FAO
awareness for sustaining material
activities of farmers. Training

Annex to Gumar CSP

12 Plan for increasing community safety with regards to education

Vision Solutions/activities to reach Community External support Possible Time
vision contribution needed external role frame
The community a) Improving training for Teachers Facilitators MOE, EDC, 2010 -
understands the teachers and CSC NRC, DRC,
importance of Community education UNICEF,
education for all to CEC Training materials Caritas, Care.
eradicate the
ignorance and take
part community b) Advocacy campaign for Mobilise community Technical assistance. MOE, EDC,
safety. convincing the Involve local CBO’s NRC, DRC,
community the for UNICEF,
Caritas, Care
importance of education advocacy
for all.
c) Encouraging the Community CEC
community for the mobilising
importance of play CEC
ground for the children. Parents and children

13 Plan for increasing community safety with regards to communication system
Vision Solutions/activities to reach Community External support Possible Time
vision contribution needed external role frame
Availability of a) Community awareness Community Technical assistance Telesom, Somtel, 2010 -
quality and for the importance of participation Telcom, MOI,
quantity communication MOC
system for the
b) Advocacy campaign to Community Communication Telesom, Somtel,
contact communication participation equipment Telcom, MOI,
companies. MOC
Land Technical assistance


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