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Nano Today (2010) 5, 106—116

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Morphologically controlled synthesis of Cu2O

nanocrystals and their properties
Chun-Hong Kuo, Michael H. Huang ∗

Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan

Received 21 December 2009; received in revised form 27 January 2010; accepted 8 February 2010
Available online 4 March 2010

KEYWORDS Summary The ability to prepare inorganic nanocrystals with well-defined morphologies and
Cuprous oxide; sharp faces should facilitate the examination of their facet-dependent surface, catalytic, elec-
Nanocrystals; trical, and other properties. In this review we cover different synthetic methods for the growth
Morphology control; of Cu2 O nanocrystals with morphological control. Cu2 O nanocrystals with cubic, cuboctahedral,
Hollow; truncated octahedral, octahedral, and multipod structures have been prepared mainly by wet
Core—shell chemical, electrodeposition, and solvothermal synthesis methods. Methods used for the for-
heterostructures; mation of hollow Cu2 O nanocubes, octahedra, and truncated rhombic dodecahedra are also
Electrodeposition; presented. Morphology of Cu2 O nanocrystals can be expanded with the use of gold nanocrystal
Surface properties; cores to guide the overgrowth of Cu2 O shells. Surface properties of Cu2 O nano- and microcrystals
Photodegradation with sharp faces have been examined in a few studies. The {1 1 1} faces were found to interact
well with negatively charged molecules, while the {1 0 0} faces are less sensitive to molecular
charges. Preferential adsorption of sodium dodecyl sulfate molecules on the {1 1 1} faces of
Cu2 O crystals has been demonstrated via plane-selective deposition of gold nanoparticles on
only the {1 0 0} faces. It is expected that the development of improved synthetic methods for
Cu2 O nanocrystals and more knowledge of their facet-dependent properties should lead to their
applications in photoactivated energy conversion and catalysis.
© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Cuprous oxide (Cu2 O) is a p-type semiconductor with a direct catalytic, electrical, and surface properties. Cu2 O nanos-
band gap of 2.17 eV [1]. It has a unique cuprite structure tructures have been demonstrated to possess properties
(a body-centered cubic packing of oxygen atoms with cop- useful for applications in gas sensing [1,2], CO oxidation [3],
per atoms occupying one-half of the tetrahedral sites). In photocatalysis [4—8], photochemical evolution of H2 from
recent years, there is a growing interest to synthesize Cu2 O water [9], photocurrent generation [10,11], and organic syn-
nanostructures not only for the development of synthetic thesis [12,13]. The electrical properties of individual Cu2 O
strategies, but also for the examination of their sensing, nanowires synthesized under hydrothermal conditions in
the presence of poly(2,5-dimethoxyanaline) have also been
examined [14]. A solar cell consisted of vertically oriented
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 3 5718472; fax: +886 3 5711082. n-type ZnO nanowires, surrounded by a film constructed
E-mail address: (M.H. Huang). from p-type Cu2 O nanoparticles has recently been fabri-

1748-0132/$ — see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Morphologically controlled synthesis of Cu2 O nanocrystals and their properties 107

Table 1 Synthetic strategies for Cu2 O nanomaterials and the resulting product morphologies.

Applied methods Crystalline solid Hollow Core—shell het- Ref.

structure erostructure

Wet chemical reduction Sphere Cube Sphere Box Cube [1,4—7,11,16—35]

Octahedron RD* Rod, Octahedron RD* Octahedron
Wire Multipod Tube Icosahedron
Column Plate
Electrodeposition Sphere Cube [10,36—49]
Octahedron RD* Rod,
Wire Multipod Film
Solvothermal synthesis Sphere Rod Multipod Cube Sphere [8,14,50—57]
Sputtering Sphere [58]
High pressure treatment Sphere [59]
Irradiation Octahedron Cube Cube [60,61]
* RD: rhombic dodecahedron.

cated [15]. Cu2 O nanocrystals are relatively easy to make, defined facets by showing how the different crystal faces
safe, and low in preparation cost because of abundant cop- can display remarkably different surface and photocatalytic
per ion sources and low energy consumption. They also can properties. Remarks on some future research directions for
form a wide variety of morphologies. These attributes make Cu2 O nanocrystals will be given.
Cu2 O an important metal oxide for the investigation of their
properties and applications in catalysis and optoelectronics.
Various interesting cuprous oxide nanostructures such as Synthesis of Cu2 O nanocrystals with regular
cubes, cuboctahedra, octahedra, multipods, nanowires, and polyhedral structures
hollow structures have been synthesized. They are mostly
prepared by wet chemical reduction [1,4—7,11,16—35], A number of studies have described the synthesis of Cu2 O
electrodeposition [10,36—49], and solvothermal synthesis nanocubes. Murphy et al. have prepared Cu2 O nanocubes
methods [8,14,50—57]. In a few studies, Cu2 O nanostruc- with edge lengths of approximately 450 nm by mixing a
tures have been generated by the use of sputtering [58], solution of CuSO4 , cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)
high pressure treatment [59], and irradiation techniques surfactant, sodium ascorbate and NaOH at a reaction tem-
[60,61]. Table 1 gives a summary of some of the synthetic perature of 55 ◦ C for 15 min [16]. Xia et al. heated a solution
strategies used for growing Cu2 O nanostructures and the of ethylene glycol at 140 ◦ C, and added NaCl, Cu(NO3 )2 , and
resulting product morphologies. In this review, we focus poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) to synthesize Cu2 O nanocubes
our discussion on the synthesis of Cu2 O nanostructures with an average edge length of 410 nm [18]. Chloride ions
with well-defined morphologies. Nano- and microcrystals were found to play a pivotal role in the formation of
with sharp facets provide surfaces for the examination of nanocubes; polycrystalline spheres were generated in the
their facet-dependent properties with greater distinction absence of chloride ions. Growth of monodisperse Cu2 O
and certainty. Their preparation should represent an impor- nanocubes over a wide size range has generally not been
tant direction for nanomaterials research. We begin by demonstrated. The Huang group used a seed-mediated syn-
introducing some methods for the synthesis of regular poly- thesis approach in aqueous solution to grow monodisperse
hedra such as cubes, cuboctahedra, truncated octahedra, Cu2 O nanocubes with approximate average sizes of 40, 65,
octahedra, hexapods, and other complex multipod struc- 100, 230, and 420 nm in high yield [6]. Cu2 O seed par-
tures. These nanostructures possess well-defined facets and ticle solution was added to a growth solution containing
sharper edges, and are ideal for facet-dependent prop- CuSO4 , sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) surfactant, sodium
erty studies. Hollow Cu2 O nanostructures are presented ascorbate, and NaOH to grow into larger nanocubes. These
next. Cu2 O hollow structures are usually synthesized directly Cu2 O nanocubes were in turn used as the seeds to make even
without the use of templates or through the dissolution larger nanocubes by repeating the same growth process.
of the pre-formed solid Cu2 O nanocrystals. For this rea- Nanocubes with slight edge and corner truncations were
son, they can also possess well-defined morphologies such exclusively formed after reaction for 2 h at room temper-
as cubic, octahedral, and other complex but symmetrical ature. Fig. 1 gives a scheme of the experimental procedure
shapes. An interesting development in the synthesis of Cu2 O and some representative SEM and TEM images of the Cu2 O
nanostructures is the use of metal nanoparticle cores to nanocubes produced.
direct the growth of Cu2 O shells with morphological control. Reports primarily on the synthesis of octahedral Cu2 O
The metal—Cu2 O core—shell heterostructures may show nanocrystals are also available. Wang et al. mixed aque-
enhanced catalytic and electrical properties. Their prepa- ous solutions of CuCl2 , NH3 solution, and NaOH to form
ration will be briefly described. Lastly we will illustrate the blue Cu(OH)2 precipitate, and added N2 H4 to make Cu2 O
importance of being able to prepare Cu2 O crystals with well- nanocrystals [7]. By keeping a molar ratio of NH3 to CuCl2 at
108 C.-H. Kuo, M.H. Huang

Figure 1 Schematic illustration of the procedure used to grow Cu2 O nanocubes of different sizes by a seed-mediated synthesis
method. The procedure used to prepare samples C—F is the same as that for sample B. SEM images of the Cu2 O nanocube products
observed for samples A—F are also shown. Nanocubes were formed in samples B—F. SA refers to sodium ascorbate (reproduced with
permission from [6], copyright ©2007 WILEY-VCH).

7:1, and varying the molar ratio of NaOH to CuCl2 from 2:1 to and cyclohexane with a 60 Co ␥-ray source [60]. This method
4:1 and 8:1, octahedral Cu2 O nanocrystals with respective is limited to the availability of the ␥-ray radiation.
sizes of around 140 to 400 and 600 nm can be synthesized. For the examination of facet-dependent properties, it
Small octahedral Cu2 O nanocrystals with sizes of 100 nm or is desirable to synthesize Cu2 O nanocrystals with system-
less have been prepared by irradiating an aqueous solution atic shape evolution from cubic to octahedral structures
of Cu(NO3 )2 in microemulsions of Triton X-100, n-hexanol, by a single method. Nanocrystals prepared under simi-
Morphologically controlled synthesis of Cu2 O nanocrystals and their properties 109

Figure 2 Schematic illustration of the procedure used to grow Cu2 O crystals with various shapes. The corresponding SEM images
of the samples (a—h) are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 SEM images of the Cu2 O nanocrystals with various morphologies: (a) cubes, (b) truncated cubes, (c) cuboctahedra, (d)
type I truncated octahedra, (e) type II truncated octahedra, (f) octahedra, (g) short hexapods, and (h) extended hexapods. Scale
bar = 1 ␮m (reproduced with permission from [5], copyright ©2009 American Chemical Society).
110 C.-H. Kuo, M.H. Huang

lar solution conditions are good for comparison studies.

The Huang group has developed a facile aqueous colloidal
solution approach for the synthesis of monodisperse Cu2 O
truncated nanocubes, cuboctahedra, truncated octahedra,
and octahedra at room temperature [4]. Water, CuCl2 solu-
tion, SDS surfactant, NH2 OH·HCl reductant, and NaOH were
added in the sequence listed, and the mixture was aged
for 2 h to obtain the products. The systematic variation in
the product morphology can be controlled by changing the
amount of reductant added. Examination of the interme-
diate Cu2 O products formed after aging the final solutions
for just 5 min showed that nanocrystals with rough surfaces
but overall cubic, cuboctahedral, and octahedral morpholo-
gies and sizes approaching the final nanocrystal dimensions
have already appeared, indicating a rapid crystal growth has
occurred. These intermediate structures seem to be formed
through the aggregation of smaller crystals of 50—100 nm
in diameter, which were in turn produced via aggrega-
tion of 10—20 nm Cu2 O seed particles. Ripening and surface
reconstruction processes take place in the next 2 h to form
the final nanocrystal structures with distinct shapes. It is Figure 4 SEM image of octahedral Cu2 O nanocages obtained
presumed that the amount of NH2 OH·HCl introduced may at an aging time of 3 h (reproduced with permission from [33],
influence the growth rate along the [1 0 0] direction rela- copyright ©2005 WILEY-VCH).
tive to that of the [1 1 1] direction, or the value of R, and
results in this morphology evolution. For example, when R is exposed can be obtained through the edge truncation of
1.15 and 1.73, truncated octahedral and perfect octahedral octahedra. An edge-truncated octahedron is bounded by
particles are produced [62]. The truncated cubic, cubocta- both {1 1 1} and {1 1 0} surfaces.
hedral, truncated octahedral, and octahedral nanocrystals Electrodeposition is another important method used to
have sizes of approximately 300, 380, 220, and 160 nm, make Cu2 O crystals with systematic crystal morphology con-
respectively. The particle size can increase to 400—600 nm trol. Choi et al. have demonstrated that pre-grown cubic
by increasing the volume of NaOH added to the reaction Cu2 O crystals formed by electrodeposition can be trans-
mixture. However, the surfaces of these nanocrystals are formed into edge- and corner-truncated cubes and then
not very sharp. They have smooth edges and not so per- octahedra after the second electrodeposition process in a
fectly flat faces. In another study, cubic to octahedral and Cu(NO3 )2 solution containing (NH4 )2 SO4 [36]. The temporary
then to hexapod structures with sharp faces can be sys- appearance of {1 1 0} faces was attributed to their rela-
tematically synthesized by changing the sequence of the tive stability of planes in this medium being in the order of
introduction of the reagents listed above [5]. Fig. 2 pro- {1 0 0} < {1 1 0} < {1 1 1} faces. Conversely, pre-grown octa-
vides a schematic illustration of the synthetic procedure hedra can be transformed into edge- and corner-truncated
used. Here NaOH was the second reagent added. The idea octahedra and then cubes over time by carrying out a
is to have Cu(OH)2 and Cu(OH)4 2− species present and well- second electrodeposition process in a Cu(NO3 )2 solution
mixed in the solution before the introduction of NH2 OH·HCl containing SDS and NaCl. The relative stability of {1 0 0},
reductant, since the crystal growth rate is fast and the initial {1 1 1}, and {1 1 0} faces in this medium is in the order of
crystal morphology determines the final product structure. {1 1 1} < {1 1 0} < {1 0 0}. In another study, they have shown
By simply varying the amount of NH2 OH·HCl added from 0.15 that Cu2 O crystals with multiple symmetrical branches and
to 0.95 mL, cubic-, truncated cubic-, cuboctahedral-, trun- facets can be grown by adjusting the applied potential
cated octahedral-, octahedral-, and short hexapod-shaped or current density in electrocrystallization [37]. A wide
Cu2 O nanocrystals with sharp faces were synthesized. Fig. 3 variety of morphologies can be obtained by controlling
shows the SEM images of the Cu2 O nanocrystals synthesized the deposition conditions and varying the duration of the
with various morphologies. These crystals have sizes in the electrodeposition process. Branched crystals can eventually
range of 450—600 nm. The extended hexapods have longer transform into cubes or octahedra by a filling-in process.
branches and they have grown to about 1 ␮m in size. Clear The Cu2 O crystals grown by the electrochemical method are
transition in the relative intensities of the (1 1 1) and the several micrometers in size. It is not clear if this approach is
(2 0 0) reflection peaks in their XRD patterns was observed. still effective in growing Cu2 O nanocrystals with a high level
Gao et al. have also synthesized Cu2 O crystals with shape of morphology control.
evolution [21]. A mixture of CuSO4 aqueous solution, oleic Complex but symmetrical Cu2 O multipods have also been
acid, and ethanol was heated to 100 ◦ C. NaOH and D-(+)- prepared by the solvothermal synthesis approach. By varying
glucose, a reducing agent, were subsequently added with the relative volumes of Cu(NO3 )2 solution, water—ethanol
stirring for 60 min. By varying the amount of oleic acid solvent mixture, and formic acid added to a Teflon-lined
added, cubic, octahedral, edge-truncated octahedral, and stainless steel autoclave and heating the autoclave in an
rhombic dodecahedral Cu2 O microcrystals were formed. The electric oven at 150—220 ◦ C for 1.25—5 h, Zeng et al.
shape transition is particularly interesting because it shows obtained hexapods, octapods, and dodecapods with various
that rhombic dodecahedral crystals with only {1 1 0} faces branch morphologies [54]. The branches were respectively
Morphologically controlled synthesis of Cu2 O nanocrystals and their properties 111

Figure 5 SEM and TEM images of the truncated rhombic dodecahedral Cu2 O nanoparticles: (a—d) type-I nanoframes, (e—h)
nanocages, and (i—l) type-II nanoframes. The magnified images clearly show the hollow structures of the nanoparticles. Two different
viewing directions for each type of the hollow nanoparticles are also shown (reproduced with permission from [29], copyright ©2008
American Chemical Society).

grown along the 1 0 0, 1 1 1, and 1 1 0 directions of a successively introduced into the stock solution and water
cube. In many structures, the branches have well-defined was added with stirring. The mixture was stirred and then
facets. These multipods, however, are also several microm- aged at 75 ◦ C under static condition for 3 h. Fig. 4 gives an
eters in size. It remains challenging to prepare Cu2 O SEM image of the octahedral Cu2 O nanocages produced. The
multipods with sizes of less than one micrometer. nanocages appear to be relatively flat and are bounded by
{1 1 1} surfaces. TEM images of the particles also reveal their
hollow interior. Interestingly, the nanocages usually have
Synthesis of hollow Cu2 O nanostructures holes on the apexes. These holes were considered to be sites
for oxidative etching. Although Pd nanoparticles generated
Hollow Cu2 O nanostructures have generally been formed from the reduction of PdCl2 by glucose was believed to play
without the use of hard templates. Some reports have a role in the formation of Cu2 O nanocages, the presence of
described the formation of hollow Cu2 O spheres and mul- Pd nanoparticles was not confirmed. Notably, the octahe-
tishelled spheres [31,55]. In this review, the formation of dral nanocages are gradually etched into fragments at an
hollow Cu2 O nanostructures with more well-defined facets is aging time of 6 h. After 10 h of aging, the Cu2 O particles are
discussed. Qi et al. synthesized octahedral Cu2 O nanocages completely dissolved.
via the catalytic reduction of a basic copper tartrate Hollow Cu2 O nanocubes have also been prepared by the
complex solution with glucose followed by an oxygen- solvothermal synthesis method. Jiao et al. made hollow
engaged catalytic oxidation process [33]. A stock solution Cu2 O nanocubes by first heating a mixture of CuCl2 ·2H2 O,
of CuSO4 ·H2 O, potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate, and NaOH, and poly(ethylene glycol) 200 (PEG-200) in a Teflon-
KOH was first prepared. PdCl2 and glucose solutions were lined autoclave at 180 ◦ C for 6 h in an oven [50]. After cooling
112 C.-H. Kuo, M.H. Huang

Figure 6 SEM and TEM images of the Au-Cu2 O core—shell nanocrystals. (a, b) Cuboctahedral heterostructures made from octa-
hedral Au nanoparticle cores. (c, d) Truncated stellated icosahedra formed from highly faceted Au nanoparticle cores. The slight
structural variation observed may be related to the morphological variety of the gold nanoparticles used. (e, f) Cu2 O shells with
pentagonal prism shape from 5-fold-twinned Au nanorods as templates. Barlike protrusions can be seen along the side faces of the
pentagonal prism heterostructure. (g, h) Thick truncated triangular Cu2 O plates formed from triangular and truncated triangular
Au plates as templates (reproduced with permission from [30], copyright ©2009 American Chemical Society).

the autoclave to room temperature, the top solution was take place over the next 2 h of reaction. Metallic Cu com-
removed and water was added to this solution with stir- ponent was identified after 7 h of reaction. Results of these
ring for 30 min. The precipitate collected was found to be studies show that the preparation of hollow Cu2 O nanostruc-
hollow Cu2 O nanocubes with side lengths of 50—90 nm. The tures with well-defined shapes and pure crystal phase is still
underlying solid in the autoclave, however, was a mixture challenging.
of Cu2 O, CuO, and Cu, as determined from its XRD pat- Fabrication of hollow Cu2 O nanostructures does not nec-
tern. The nanocubes have truncated corners. Many of the essarily require heating. The Huang group has developed
nanocubes show partially removed or unformed faces. Zeng a facile procedure for the synthesis of truncated rhombic
et al. have also prepared hollow Cu2 O nanocubes by mixing dodecahedral Cu2 O nanocages and nanoframes that involves
Cu(NO3 )·3H2 O, N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), and a small the preparation of an aqueous solution containing CuCl2 ,
amount of water in a Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclave SDS, NH2 OH·HCl, HCl, and NaOH. The procedure used is sim-
and heating the mixture at 200 ◦ C for 6.5 h [51]. The hol- ilar to that employed for the synthesis of cuboctahedral
low nanocubes are about 200 nm in size. TEM images of the Cu2 O nanocrystals, but with the addition of HCl [4]. Allow-
cubes reveal that there is a void space in the center of each ing the Cu2 O nanostructures to grow by aging the reaction
cube. XRD and XPS analyses indicated the initial formation mixture for ∼45 min and 2 h generated type-I nanoframes
of CuO crystallites at a reaction time of 1.5 h. Both CuO and and nanocages, respectively. After the formation of the
Cu2 O crystallites are present at a reaction time of 2.5 h. The nanocages, addition of ethanol followed by sonication of the
CuO crystallites have mostly been reduced to Cu2 O nanocrys- solution transformed the nanocages into type-II nanoframes.
tals after 3.5 h of reaction. The nanocubes were found to be Fig. 5 displays SEM and TEM images of the Cu2 O nanoframes
formed through aggregation of small crystallites via an Ost- and nanocages synthesized. Each truncated rhombic dodec-
wald ripening mechanism. Hollowing and recrystallization ahedral particle contains twelve hexagonal {1 1 0} faces and
Morphologically controlled synthesis of Cu2 O nanocrystals and their properties 113

six {1 0 0} faces. The type-I nanoframes are constructed of as the metal cores, the thick Cu2 O shells also develop
hexagonal {1 1 0} skeleton. They are 300—350 nm in diame- into a similar pentagonal prism shape with five side pro-
ter. The {1 0 0} faces are formed in the nanocages, so they trusions running along the length of the heterostructures.
have a truncated rhombic dodecahedral morphology. The Finally, by use of micrometer- and submicrometer-sized tri-
nanocages have larger diameters (350—400 nm) and thicker angular, truncated triangular, and hexagonal gold plates as
walls than the type-I nanoframes. The added HCl promoted the templating cores, conformal growth of Cu2 O shells was
the etching process. When ethanol is added and sonication observed. Cross-sectional TEM images of the heterostruc-
of the solution is applied, the adsorption of SDS molecules tures reveal that the gold nanocrystals are located at the
on the nanocage surfaces likely is temporarily disrupted. centers of the composite nanostructures. The orientation
Removal of SDS facilitates the reaction of Cu2 O and HCl to relationship between the core and the shell can be clearly
form HCuCl2 . The faster etching rate on the {1 1 0} faces identified for the cases with octahedral nanocrystals and
than on the {1 0 0} faces transforms the nanocages into pentatwinned nanorods as the structure-directing cores.
type-II nanoframes with thinner walls and smaller particle The (1 1 1) planes of Cu2 O were found to grow epitaxially
sizes. Type-II nanoframes are 200—250 nm in diameter. The on the {1 1 1} facets of gold, while the (2 0 0) planes of
nanocages are not stable under the acidic solution condi- Cu2 O can grow over the {2 0 0} facets of gold to form the
tion, and become collapsed pieces after aging the solution interfaces. Thus, despite the significant lattice mismatches
for 6 h. between the different gold surfaces and the lattice planes
of Cu2 O, these metal—semiconductor core—shell structures
can still be prepared. Systematic morphological evolution of
Synthesis of metal—Cu2 O core—shell the shell morphology can also be easily achieved by varying
heterostructures the amount of NH2 OH·HCl reductant added. This synthetic
approach also allows the formation of Cu2 O stellated icosa-
Metal—Cu2 O core—shell heterostructures have been syn- hedra and star columns formed by adjusting the volume of
thesized using gold nanoparticles as the cores. Novel reductant introduced. TEM analysis shows that each trian-
Cu2 O nanostructures may be obtained using this synthetic gular pyramid of the stellated icosahedron is bounded by
strategy. Wang et al. have covered a copper grid with three {1 0 0} side faces and a {1 1 1} top face. A star col-
tetraoctylammonium bromide-stabilized gold nanoparticles umn was found to be bounded by {1 0 0}, {1 1 0}, and {1 1 1}
of 3—7 nm in diameter and heated the copper grid in an faces. Examination of the intermediate products collected
oven at 300 ◦ C for 30 min to prepare Au-Cu2 O core—shell het- after 10 min of reaction surprisingly showed that the over-
erostructures [63]. The heterostructures exhibit cubic and all hollow shell framework structure was constructed first
octahedral shapes with edge dimensions of 15—45 nm. TEM before completely filling the space between the outer shell
characterization shows that the (1 1 1) lattice planes of gold and the core. Nevertheless, the shell was connected to the
are parallel to the (1 1 1) lattice planes of Cu2 O, and that the core via pre-formed Cu2 O bridges, through which the core
(2 0 0) lattice planes of gold are parallel to the (2 0 0) lattice can guide the growth of the shell with a proper orientation.
planes of Cu2 O. The gold nanoparticles do not necessarily This unusual hollow-shell-refilled (HSR) growth mechanism
reside at the centers of the heterostructures. is different from the epitaxial overgrowth of shells on the
When sufficiently large gold nanocrystal cores with surfaces of the core particles normally observed. This study
well-defined facets are used to make Au-Cu2 O core—shell illustrates the possibility of expanding the rich morpholog-
heterostructures, the gold nanoparticle cores can guide ical variety of Cu2 O nanostructures by the use of metal
the growth of Cu2 O shells with morphological and orien- nanocrystal cores.
tation control. The Huang group has recently synthesized
unusual Au-Cu2 O core—shell heterostructures by use of
Au nanoplates, nanorods, octahedra, and highly faceted Facet-dependent properties of Cu2 O crystals
nanoparticles as structure-directing cores for the over-
growth of Cu2 O crystals [30]. The heterostructures were The ability to make Cu2 O nano- and microcrystals with
synthesized by simply preparing a mixture of CuCl2 , SDS sharp faces allows the examination of their facet-dependent
surfactant, Au nanocrystals, NaOH, and NH2 OH·HCl aqueous properties with greater confidence. Few studies have inter-
solution, added in the order listed, and aging the mix- rogated the facet-specific properties of Cu2 O nano- and
ture for 2 h. Fig. 6 shows the SEM and TEM images of the microcrystals. This represents another interesting aspect
Au-Cu2 O core—shell nanocrystals. Uniform shell growth has of research for the exploration of applications of Cu2 O
been achieved for the samples. Every composite nanocrys- nanostructures. The Huang group has used the synthesized
tal contains just one Au nanoparticle inside. Octahedral Cu2 O nanocrystals with well-defined structures and sharp
gold nanocrystals with sizes of 80 to over 100 nm devel- faces to investigate their comparative photocatalytic activ-
oped into cuboctahedral Au-Cu2 O heterostructures. The ity [5]. They have previously demonstrated that octahedral
octahedral gold core has an orientation with its six cor- Cu2 O crystals with entirely {1 1 1} faces are photocatalyti-
ners aligned perpendicular to the six {1 0 0} faces of the cally more active than truncated cubic crystals with mostly
cuboctahedral Cu2 O shell, strongly suggesting that the shell {1 0 0} facets [4,6]. A crystal model analysis shows that the
growth is precisely guided by the shape of the metal core. (1 0 0) planes contain oxygen atoms as they do in the unit
Unusual truncated stellated icosahedra were produced from cell. However, a cut of the unit cell over one of its (1 1 1)
the highly faceted gold nanocrystals. Each structure con- planes reveals the presence of surface Cu atoms with dan-
tains 20 protruded triangular {1 1 1} faces. When long gold gling bonds [5]. This simple comparison indicate that the
nanorods with a pentatwinned structure were employed {1 1 1} faces are higher in surface energy and expected to
114 C.-H. Kuo, M.H. Huang

Figure 7 A plot of the extent of photodegradation of methyl Figure 8 A plot of the extent of photodegradation of methy-
orange vs. time for the various Cu2 O nanostructures is shown. lene blue vs. time for the Cu2 O cubes and octahedra is shown.
Here type II truncated octahedra were used. The blank sam- The blank sample did not contain Cu2 O crystals but only
ple did not contain Cu2 O crystals but only the methyl orange the methylene blue solution. Lower cell temperatures were
solution. The temperature change of the solution over this time recorded because the room temperature was lower here (repro-
period is also given (reproduced with permission from [5], copy- duced with permission from [5], copyright ©2009 American
right ©2009 American Chemical Society). Chemical Society).

be more catalytically active than the {1 0 0} faces. Further- the solution was stirred for minutes to over an hour without
more, Cu2 O crystals bounded by the {1 1 1} faces contain irradiation, the octahedra gradually moved to the surface
positively charged copper atoms at the surfaces, whereas of the solution or adhered to the inner top wall of the cell.
those bounded by the {1 0 0} faces such as the cubes are Extended hexapods showed a similar effect with a significant
electrically neutral. This observation suggests that Cu2 O amount of the particles moving to the surface of the solution
octahedra should interact more strongly with negatively in minutes. The electrostatic repulsion force is believed to
charged molecules and photodegradation of these molecules cause this effect, a result consistent with the crystal model
is more effective. Use of a positively charged molecule can analysis. The cubes, as predicted, were insensitive to the
result in a poor photodecomposition performance. On the molecular charge and can stay in the solution. However,
other hand, cubic Cu2 O crystals are less sensitive to the they were not photocatalytically active. The results clearly
charge of the adsorbed molecules and are simply not photo- demonstrate the dramatic difference in the catalytic activ-
catalytically active. ities of the {1 1 1} and {1 0 0} faces of Cu2 O crystals. Huang
To test the relative photocatalytic activities of the et al. have reported the instability of the {1 0 0} and {1 1 0}
Cu2 O nanocrystals synthesized, methyl orange, a negatively facets of large Cu2 O microcrystals during photocatalysis of
charged molecule, was first used for the photodecomposi- methyl orange [64]. Flakelike structures were produced on
tion experiments. A cell containing the particle solution was the {1 0 0} and {1 1 0} surfaces of the microcrystals after
constantly stirred and irradiated with light from a 200 W 1 h of photoirradiation, while the {1 1 1} facets of the same
mercury lamp. UV—vis absorption spectra of the nanocrystal microcrystals were more resistent to deformation.
solutions were taken before and after every 60 min of irradi- Preferential adsorption of additives on specific surfaces
ation. Fig. 7a is a plot of the extent of photodegradation of of Cu2 O crystals has been exploited through the plane-
methyl orange vs. time for the various Cu2 O nanostructures selective deposition of gold nanoparticles. Choi et al. have
used. As expected, octahedra with entirely {1 1 1} facets grown cubic, octahedral, and truncated octahedral Cu2 O
are much more photocatalytically active than cubes. The microcrystals on indium tin oxide (ITO) substrates elec-
cubes were practically not effective at photodecomposing trochemically with and without the introduction of SDS
methyl orange. Another notable finding from this series of surfactant to the plating solution [65]. They have previ-
experiments is the exceptionally high photocatalytic per- ously reported that the preferential adsorption of SDS on
formance of the extended hexapods. This result suggests {1 1 1} faces of Cu2 O crystals can be utilized to obtain
that Cu2 O nanocrystals with more {1 1 1} facets can serve as octahedral crystal shapes [36,38]. Gold nanoparticles were
more efficient photocatalysts. The presence of more sharp placed on these Cu2 O crystals via electrodeposition by using
edges between the {1 1 1} facets in the hexapods may also Cu2 O crystals on ITO as the working electrode. A AuCl3
enhance their catalytic activity. When methylene blue, a aqueous solution was used as a plating solution. Fig. 9
positively charged molecule, was used for the photodegra- shows SEM images of the truncated octahedral Cu2 O crystals
dation experiments, both the cubes and octahedra did not with plane-selective deposition of gold nanoparticles. Gold
cause any photodegradation, as the degree of degradation nanoparticles have exclusively been deposited on the {1 0 0}
after 2 h of irradiation for these crystals was the same as faces of the Cu2 O crystals. The result indicates that the
that of the blank sample (see Fig. 8a). Amazingly, although preferential adsorption of SDS on the {1 1 1} faces can effec-
the cubes can be dispersed in the methylene blue solution as tively inhibit the nucleation of gold on these planes. This
usual, the octahedra cannot mix well with the solution. After study also suggests that the {1 1 1} faces of Cu2 O crystals
Morphologically controlled synthesis of Cu2 O nanocrystals and their properties 115

Figure 9 SEM images of truncated octahedral Cu2 O crystals showing the selective deposition of gold nanoparticles only on the
{1 0 0} faces of the Cu2 O crystals. SDS molecules adsorb preferentially on the {1 1 1} faces of the Cu2 O crystals (reproduced with
permission from [64], copyright ©2009 American Chemical Society).

are charged surfaces. More research should be conducted Cu2 O nanoparticles and multipods with well-defined facets.
to explore the dramatic facet-dependent surface proper- Efforts should be placed on the growth of regular polyhedra
ties of Cu2 O nanocrystals and utilize the surface property with uniform sizes of less than 100 nm. Cu2 O nanocrystals
differences for novel demonstrations and applications. of different geometric shapes may be used as templates
for the formation of other substances such as copper sul-
fide nanocrystals maintaining the original morphologies.
Conclusions and outlook The preparation of hollow and sharp-faced Cu2 O nanostruc-
tures with cubic, octahedral, and other geometric shapes
Synthesis of Cu2 O nanocrystals with morphological control is is also challenging. Chemical etching and fine control of
important for their property examinations and applications. experimental conditions may be exploited to improve the
Cu2 O nanocrystals with cubic, cuboctahedra, truncated preparation of hollow Cu2 O nanostructures. Electrical prop-
octahedral, octahedral, and multipod structures have been erties of individual Cu2 O nanocrystals with different exposed
prepared mainly by wet chemical, electrodeposition, and surfaces is also interesting to study. Structurally well-
solvothermal synthesis methods. These nanocrystals, espe- defined Cu2 O nanocrystals may also be considered for the
cially ones with sharp faces, should provide distinct surface fabrication of solar cells and the photoactivated generation
planes for the characterization of facet-dependent proper- of hydrogen from water. Coupling of Cu2 O nanocrystals to
ties. Hollow Cu2 O nanostructures such as hollow nanocubes, metal and semiconductor systems through epitaxial growth
octahedra, and truncated rhombic dodecahedra have also and face-selective deposition may bring about enhanced
been formed directly by wet chemical and solvothermal syn- properties and allow possible applications. Finally, the use
thesis approaches without the use of hard templates. To of Cu2 O nanocrystals with distinct surface facets should
enrich the morphological variety of Cu2 O nanostructures, be explored for their roles in catalyzing organic reactions.
gold nanocrystal-directed growth of Au-Cu2 O core—shell These are some interesting research directions for Cu2 O
heterostructures have been employed to produce unusual nanocrystals with morphological control.
Cu2 O stellated icosahedra and star columns.
Surface properties of Cu2 O nano- and microcrystals with Acknowledgement
sharp faces have been examined in a few studies. The {1 1 1}
faces contain surface copper atoms with dangling bonds, and We thank the National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC
interact more strongly with negatively charged molecules. 98-2113-M-007-005-MY3 and NSC 98-2811-M-007-066) for
Octahedra and hexapods with {1 1 1} exposed facets are cat- support of this work.
alytically active at photodecomposing negatively charged
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[36] M.J. Siegfried, K.-S. Choi, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128 (2006) 10356. sity of New York. He obtained his PhD in
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(1999) 2289. Society located in Taipei in 2008 and the Outstanding Young Scholar
[45] D.P. Singh, N.R. Neti, A.S.K. Sinha, O.N. Srivastava, J. Phys. Award from the Tsing Hua Chemistry Foundation in 2009.
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[46] S. Sahoo, S. Husale, B. Colwill, T.-M. Lu, S. Nayak, P.M. Ajayan,
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