Credit Default & Development

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The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 79 (2021) 281–289

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The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance

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Credit, default, financial system and development

Paulo Matos a,∗ , Cristiano da Silva a , Davi dos Santos a , Luciana Reinaldo b
CAEN Graduate School of Economics, Brazil
Skema Business School, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We address instrumentalized co-movements across time and frequencies between macro-finance vari-
Received 28 November 2019 ables and household decisions in terms of consumer loans, home mortgage and its respective delinquency
Received in revised form 3 June 2020 rates in U.S. Methodologically, we use partial wavelet coherency, partial phase-difference diagram and
Accepted 1 July 2020
partial regression coefficient. We provide insights to stock market return prediction and asset pricing
Available online 7 July 2020
puzzles. Our findings are useful to draw public policies to safeguard financial stability and to analyze
financial crisis drivers. The simultaneous variation of statistics along time and frequencies allow us to
detect new stylized facts about the last three decades of U.S. financial development and economic growth.
Consumer loan, home mortgage and
delinquency © 2020 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Major stock indices
Consumption, wealth and income
Lead-lag conditional relationships
Time-frequency domains

1. Introduction use a multivariate analysis accounting for the phase shift mech-
anism to identify causality between financial cycles and business
According to the extensive literature on the financial system and cycles even with raw data at different frequencies. In line with this
development, the impact caused by household credit on macroeco- agenda on the role of credit, we are the first, to our knowledge,
nomic variables and capital market variables seems to be relevant, to assess the relationship in the time-frequency domain between
despite not consensual. Concerning the role of credit in growth, De household credit market variables and macro-finance variables in
Gregório and Guidotti (1995) proposed using bank credit to the pri- the U.S. More specifically, we use growth and delinquency rates for
vate sector to measure the effects of financial market development, consumer loans and home mortgages. Regarding our macro data,
while Beck, Buyukkarabacak, Rioja, and Valev (2012) addressed the we use the growth of real income, wealth, and consumption expen-
distinction between the role played by enterprise and household ditures on services, nondurable, and durable goods. In the financial
credit. Regarding the relation between credit and financial markets, market, we use real return on U.S. major stock indices: Russell 2000,
the literature on asset pricing suggests the studies in macro-finance Nasdaq, and S&P 500.
as more promising to explain robust stylized facts. Cochrane (2001) Methodologically, we follow Aguiar-Conraria, Martins, and
claims on the relevance of adding recession state variables as the Soares (2018), by using partial wavelet coherencies, partial phase-
natural route to solving such puzzles, and Matos (2019) reported difference diagrams, and partial gains. Our purpose is to study in
satisfactory findings, by incorporating household debt and delin- more detail and controlling for a specific set of instruments, when
quency decisions, working as such recession state variables, into and at what frequencies each credit variable is synchronized or
a standard quantitative model of lifecycle consumption-saving- not with each financial index or with each macro variable in the
investment. U.S. We can also infer on which credit growth cycle or delinquency
Chen, Kontonikas, and Montagnoli (2012) are one of the cycle has been leading or lagging each macrocycle or financial
rare papers in this literature addressing frequency-varying co- cycle.
movements between the credit market and macro-finance. They The layout of the paper is the following: Section 2 provides
a brief literature review; Section 3 outlines the methodology;
Section4 describes the data and presents the empirical results; Sec-
tion 5 offers some concluding remarks.
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (P. Matos),
(C. da Silva), d (D. dos Santos),
(L. Reinaldo).
1062-9769/© 2020 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
282 P. Matos et al. / The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 79 (2021) 281–289

2. Literature review macro-finance variables in the U.S. in the time-frequency domain.

Regarding the credit market, we use growth and delinquency rates
Since Solow’s (1956) neoclassical growth model, a large liter- for consumer loans and home mortgages. The macroeconomic
ature has thoroughly documented how specific variables are able variables selected are the growth of real income, wealth, and con-
to drive long-run economic growth. This literature has proposed sumption expenditures on services, nondurable, and durable goods.
theoretical models to verify the existence of robust correlations In the financial market, we use real return on U.S. major stock
and causalities between economic growth and sets of structural, indices: Russell 2000, Nasdaq, and S&P 500. The data source is the
demographic, political, institutional, and financial variables, aim- Federal Reserve Economic Data.
ing to explain the wealth, and the income heterogeneity among Regarding the methodology, wavelet is a useful mathematical
countries, states, and cities. approach to describe – in a very simple, didactic, and parsimonious
In this literature on growth, De Gregório and Guidotti (1995) way – the conditional synchronization and transmission of the
have collaborated by finding that the ratio of bank credit to the pri- credit cycles to financial or macrocycles. This framework has been
vate sector as a fraction of Gross Development Product (GDP) enters used to address relevant financial issues. For instance, in a recent
significantly and with a positive sign in growth regressions on a contribution, Bera, Uyar, and Uyar (2020) find that the effects of risk
large cross–country sample, but with a negative sign using panel factors on average returns vary over the time scales by their coeffi-
data for Latin America. This research agenda has also incorporated cient magnitudes and statistical significance, based on the wavelet
other explanatory variables besides credit. For instance, Antunes multiscaling approach, for the period from July 1963 to February
and Cavalcanti (2003) addressed the role of credit and corruption, 2018.
based on a computable general equilibrium model with heteroge-
neous agents. According to them, for reasonable parameterizations, 3. Methodology
the quantitative exercises explain a small fraction of the huge dif-
ferences in income per capita across countries. More recently, Beck The wavelet transforms, originally explored empirically by
et al. (2012) addressed the role played by enterprise and household Grossmann and Morlet (1984), are a very popular tool to deal with
credit. They find that the role played by the enterprise credit to GDP economic data – usually noisy, nonstationary, and nonlinear rela-
is positive and higher than household credit growth elasticity, for tions. Our choice for this framework is well suited to our intent: it
a sample of 45 developed and developing countries. enables us to trace transitional changes across time and frequen-
Concerning the models developed to predict returns on equi- cies, improving the analysis of cycles on the comparison to the
ties, the literature on asset pricing suggests exploring a wide range traditional methods, as common feature-based approaches. We fol-
of alternative techniques, data, preferences, and market structures low most of the recent empirical contributions, as Lin, Yang, Marsh,
to explain robust stylized facts.1 In the quest towards the resolu- and Chen (2018) by using Morlet as the continuous complex-valued
tion of famous puzzles, Cochrane (2001) claims for the relevance mother wavelet. This function is ideal for the analysis of oscillatory
of adding recession state variables as a promising route. In this signals since it provides an estimate of the instantaneous ampli-
specific context, Bordo and Jeanne (2002) suggested an interest- tude and instantaneous phase of the signal in the vicinity of each
ing pass-through. They claim that higher credit availability boosts time/frequency location (, s). According to this methodology, we
asset prices through liquidity and the expectation of further rises measure the dissimilarity between a pair of given wavelet spectra,
in these prices motivates raising debt. However, during periods of by using the following equation:
falling asset prices – useful as collateral – one can expect expen-

diture cut back and borrowing reduction. Yogo (2006) addressed
k2 d lkx , lky + d (uk , vk )
the relevance of disaggregating consumption among services, non-
durable, and durable goods. Concerning the role of default, Matos dist(Wx , Wy ) = (1)
(2019) argues that it works as a versatile asset able to span contin- 

gent claims. This paper finds that incorporating investor decisions k2
on credit and delinquency into the Consumption Capital Asset Pric- k=1

ing Model (CCAPM) is useful to price equity premium in the U.S. The wavelet transforms of x and y are given by Wx (.) and Wy (.),
Assuming that borrowers have the option to default enables the respectively. Moreover, k2 are the weights equal to the squared
analysis to capture the rationality that investors know that stocks covariance explained by each axis, uk and vk are singular vectors
do badly at particular times and states of nature. Hence, introducing satisfying variational property and lkx and lky are leading patterns.
such decisions can work as a recession state variable. As usual, the cross-wavelet transform and the respective
Chen et al. (2012) are one of the rare papers in this litera- wavelet coherency of two time-series, x (t) and y (t), are defined
ture that addresses frequency-varying co-movements between the as
credit market and macro-finance. They use a multivariate analysis
accounting for the phase shift mechanism, which enables them to Wxy (, s) = Wx (, s)W̄y (, s) (2)
identify causality between financial cycles and business cycles even and
with raw data at different frequencies. They find that at the busi-   
S Wxy (, s) 
ness cycle frequency for the U.S. over the period from 1965:1 to Rxy (, s) =
    , (3)
2010:3, real output and real stock prices tend to lead total credit in S Wxx (, s) S Wyy (, s)
a pro-cyclical fashion. In Table 1, we present a summary of some of
these relevant and related contributions. where S(.) is a smoothing operator in scale and time. We analyze
This paper extends Bordo and Jeanne’s (2002) pass-through and the time-frequency dependencies, by using phase-difference, given
is closely related to Chen et al. (2012). In line with this agenda on by
the role of the credit market, we are the first, to our knowledge, to 
assess the relationship between household credit decisions versus I Wxy (s, )
xy (s, ) = tan −1
 , (4)
R Wxy (s, )

See Cochrane’s (2017) survey as an updated reference to better understand the where R(.) and I(.) are the real and the imaginary parts of the cross
most interesting consumption-based asset pricing research routes. wavelet spectrum.
P. Matos et al. / The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 79 (2021) 281–289 283

Table 1
Summary of the literature by variable.

Subject Study Journal Main findings

De Gregório and World Development One of the first contributions with the liliterature on growth by using total
The role of credit in
Guidotti (1995) credit to the private sector as a share of GDP to assess effects of financial
macro variables
markets development
Antunes and Cavalcanti The Quart. Review of A country in which debt contracts are not enforced and corruption
(2003) Economic and Finance corresponds to 10 % of business income will be roughly 1/3 to 1/2 as rich as the
United States
Beck et al. (2012) The B.E. Journal of The role played by the enterprise credit is positive and higher than household
Macroeconomics credit elasticity for a sample of 45 developed and developing countries
The role of credit in Bordo and Jeanne NBER Working paper Higher credit availability boosts asset prices through liquidity and the
financial variables (2002) expectation of further rises in these prices motivates raising debt
Matos (2019) Annals of Finance Incorporating investor decisions on credit and delinquency into the CCAPM is
useful to price equity premium in U.S.
The role of credit in Chen et al. (2012) Economics Letters At the business cycle frequency for U.S. over the period from 1965:1 to 2010:3,
macro-financial real output and real stock prices tend to lead total credit in a pro-cyclical
variables fashion

This is a summary description of the main equations in this observations. All variables were extracted from the Federal Reserve
wavelet literature, concerning univariate and bivariate tools. Economic Data (FRED). Table 2 reports the mean and the standard
However, our purpose is to discuss the synchronization and deviation of each variable x and its wavelet transform, Wx (.). Con-
the lead-lag conditional relationships between credit or default cerning the original time-series, as usual, they seem to corroborate
and macro-finance variables. In other words, besides allowing for previous data exploratory analyzes in this literature (see e.g. Matos,
the variation of coefficients along with time and frequencies, we 2019). Regarding the wavelet cycles, they range around zero. The
intend to control each pairwise co-movement for a specific vec- financial and wealth variables become smoother, while the other
tor of instruments, z. We follow Aguiar-Conraria et al. (2018), by cycles are more volatile than the respective series.
using the partial wavelet framework. Hence, the multiple wavelet Given our purposes, it is more relevant and informative observ-
coherency between y and the series x and z, denoted by Ry(xz) is ing the dissimilarities between the respective cycles, computed
given by with the first equation (See Table 3). We use the Hermitian angle, so
the highest value the dissimilarity can take is ␲/2. A value close to
2 + R2 − 2R(  ¯ )
Ryx yz yx xz yz zero means that both variables share the same high-power regions
Ry(xz) = (5)
1 − Rxz and that their phases are aligned. Moreover, the contribution of
cycles at each frequency to the total variance is similar between
The complex partial wavelet coherency between y (macro-finance these variables and this contribution happens at the same time in
variable) and x (credit variable) after controlling for z is given by both variables. We may also infer that the ups and downs of each
¯ cycle occur simultaneously in both of them. Although they are not
yx − yz xz
yx,z =  (6) significant at 10 % (computed under 10,000 simulations), we high-
2 )(1 − R2 )
(1 − Ryz xz light the synchronization between the S&P 500 and credit variables,
The absolute value and the angle of yx,z are respectively the par- as well as the lower dissimilarities of home mortgage growth with
tial wavelet coherency and the partial wavelet phase difference wealth and income. Credit growth and delinquency are synchro-
between y and, after controlling for z. They are analog of the bivari- nized with wealth and expenditure on durables, respectively.
ate metrics given by (3) and (4), and they are denoted by Ryx,z
and yx,z . Regarding the signs, a phase-difference of zero indi- 4.2. Empirical results
cates that the time-series
move together at the specified frequency.
If yx,z ε 0, 2 the series move in phase, but the time-series y Our main findings are based on the partial wavelet method.

leads, while if yx,z ε − 2 , 0 then it is x that is leading. A phase- The partial wavelet coherencies are plotted as 2-dimensional heat-
difference of  yx,z = ± indicates an anti-phase relation. Finally, maps. The colors range from blue (indicating low power/small
if yx,z ε 2 ,  , then x is leading and time-series y is leading if coherency) to red (high power/high coherency). The cone of influ-
 ence is shown with a black line at a 5% significance level. In the
yx,z ε −, − 2 .
Finally, Aguiar-Conraria et al. (2018) generalize the concept of partial phase-difference and gain diagrams, we display mean val-
wavelet gain (coefficient regression) by defining the partial wavelet ues corresponding to three frequency intervals, namely for cycles
gain, which can be interpreted as a regression coefficient in the of period 1.25∼2 years (short end of credit cycles), cycles of period
regression of y on x, after controlling for z, given by 2∼4 years (intermediate-term fluctuations) and cycles of period
4∼8 years (long-run relationships). The limits of the confidence
¯ | y
|yx − yz xz intervals are indicated in the pictures with black dashed-lines. With
Gyx,z = 2
(1 − Rxz ) x regards the statistical inference, we follow Aguiar-Conraria et al.
(2018), by relying on Monte Carlo (5000 simulations), since the
4. Data and empirical results available tests impose too stringent restrictions to deal with eco-
nomic data. Finally, as instruments, we follow Cochrane (1996) by
4.1. Data description using the investment to capital stock ratio and dividend-price ratio
to explain financial indices. For macro variables, we use two lags of
In terms of sample size, the main limitation for the time-series the respective endogenous variable, as usual in the consumption-
span used here regards the credit variables. We use a common sam- based asset pricing literature.
ple for the largest possible set of variables, covering the period Considering all 32 possibilities involving each of the four credit
from 1991:2 to 2018:1, at a quarterly frequency, comprising 108 market variables versus each of the three financial variables and
284 P. Matos et al. / The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 79 (2021) 281–289

Table 2
Summary statistics.

Original time-series Wavelet transforms

Mean St. dev. Mean St. dev.

Financial variables - quarterly returns on indices

Real Return on Russell 2000 2.11% 9.74 % −0.14% 3.50 %
Real Return on Nasdaq Composite Index 2.78 % 11.94 % −0.11% 4.51 %
Real Return on S&P 500 1.51% 6.39 % −0.05% 4.08 %
Macro variables - quarterly growth
Real Return on Stock market capitalization Wilshire - wealth proxy 1.99 % 7.70 % 0.12 % 4.02 %
Real Percapita Seasonally Adjusted Personal Income 0.34 % 0.86 % −0.00% 5.07 %
Real Percapita Seasonally Adjusted Personal Consumption Expenditures: Durable Goods 0.90 % 2.03 % 0.01 % 3.99 %
Real Percapita Seasonally Adjusted Personal Consumption Expenditures: Nondurable Goods 0.20 % 0.62 % 0.09 % 5.35 %
Real Percapita Seasonally Adjusted Personal Consumption Expenditures: Services 0.31 % 0.36 % 0.15 % 5.58 %
Credit and default variables - quarterly growth and quarterly rates
Real Percapita Seasonally Adjusted Consumer Loans at All Commercial Banks 0.39 % 3.90 % −0.22% 5.95 %
Delinquency Rate on Consumer Loans, All Commercial Banks 3.21 % 0.69 % 0.00 % 3.69 %
Real Percapita Seasonally Adjusted Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Home Mortgages 1.15 % 1.52 % 0.04 % 2.73 %
Delinquency Rate on Single-Family Residential Mortgages, Booked in Domestic Offices, All Commercial Banks 4.19 % 3.08 % 0.00 % 1.57 %

Notes: Quarterly series from 1991:2 to 2018:1. Data source: FRED.

Table 3
Morlet wavelet dissimilarities.

Credit and default variables

Consumer Loans Home Mortgages

growth delinquency rate growth delinquency rate

Financial variables - quarterly returns on indices

Real Return on Russell 2000 0.33 0.39 0.33 0.37
Real Return on Nasdaq Composite Index 0.37 0.37 0.36 0.39
Real Return on S&P 500 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.33
Macro variables - quarterly growth
Wealth 0.28 0.31 0.27 0.35
Income 0.37 0.43 0.22 0.36
Consumption expenditures on durable goods 0.40 0.27 0.40 0.32
Consumption expenditures on nondurable goods 0.44 0.37 0.41 0.45
Consumption expenditures on services 0.45 0.37 0.38 0.44

Notes: Quarterly series from 1991:2 to 2018:1. Data source: FRED.

each of the five macroeconomic variables, we plot and analyze only height of the crisis in 2007, there are positive co-movements with
the figures and the diagrams with a higher incidence of regions approximately zero partial gain, while in the long term between
with strong partial coherency. We also report the respective partial 2011 and 2015, the reaction of durable goods in-phase cycles is
phase-difference and estimations. stable around 0.5. It is noteworthy that mortgage default cycles are
At first, we study the co-movements between the credit mar- in-phase in the short term between 1991 and 1997, with a partial
ket and development. In this context, in Fig. 1 we plot the main gain of 0.4–1996, while in the long term, these cycles are out-phase
findings involving the credit growth, while in Fig. 2 we plot the in relation to durable goods cycles from 2010, with seemingly null
main findings regarding the home mortgage growth, in Fig. 3 we partial gain. Still according to these figures, the cycles of period
plot the results on the home mortgage delinquency, and in Fig. 4 4∼8 years of non-durable lead loan growth cycles during the period
we plot the results on the credit delinquency. In a second step, we 1991–1995 and from 2011, with null partial gain and phase shift.
study the relationship between the credit market and the financial Finally, the income cycles in the U.S. seem to be in-phase in the
system. long run between 1991 and 1996 and out-phase after 2015 in the
According to the figures, except for expenditure on services, medium term, relative to loan delinquency cycles. The partial gain
all other macroeconomic variables have cycles with strong coher- is different from zero only in the long run, assuming the value of
ence with any of the credit variables used here. Home mortgage 0.1.
cycles are capable to lead wealth cycles, in-phase in the 1990s in In Fig. 5, we plot the main findings involving the home mortgage
the long term, and out-phase in 2012 in the short term. Also, in growth, while in Fig. 6, we plot the co-movements involving the
the short term, at the height of the crisis in 2007, there are pos- credit growth. We do not find significative co-movements involving
itive co-movements. In all these cases, the partial gain is low and both delinquency rates and returns on stock indices.
ranges between 0 and 2, over time. An innovative result is the high- Observing these figures, we find isolated regions at the short-
frequency out-phase cycles between loan delinquency and wealth run frequency with high synchronization between mortgage versus
in the 1990s, with the average impact of this type of default being Russell or Nasdaq between 2007 and 2011, while these same
0.4, with a decreasing trend over the period. indices seem to react to loan growth during 1997 and 1999. The
An analysis of the behavior of durable goods shows an undocu- coherency seems to be stronger (significant warm color region) at
mented dependence on home mortgage growth and delinquency. intermediate to low frequencies (around 4-year cycles) between
Durable goods cycles are lagging the respective credit cycles at all 1991 and 2008 and after 2014, mainly for home mortgage growth
times and frequencies. More specifically, in the short term, at the and Nasdaq and even Russell index. The significant causality of
P. Matos et al. / The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 79 (2021) 281–289 285

Fig. 1. Credit growth and development: partial wavelet coherency (left), phase-difference (center), and regression estimation (right).

Fig. 2. Home mortgage growth and development: partial wavelet coherency (left), phase-difference (center), and regression estimation (right).

home mortgage in the S&P 500, as well as the impact of loan growth main difference is in the temporal extent of these highly coherent
in this same intermediate frequency, are more punctual from 2004 regions, which are shorter when the credit variable is consumer
to 2009. loan growth. We must analyze the partial phase-difference and
To summarize, the partial coherencies between loan or mort- partial gains only for the time/frequency locations characterized
gage growth and each of the indices are comparable. Possibly, the by these significant coherencies. Moreover, it is interesting to see
286 P. Matos et al. / The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 79 (2021) 281–289

Fig. 3. Home mortgage delinquency and development: partial wavelet coherency (left), phase-difference (center), and regression estimation (right).

Fig. 4. Credit delinquency and development: partial wavelet coherency (left), phase-difference (center), and regression estimation (right).

the diagrams during the NBER U.S. recessions. In early 1991, in whole of 2001, both Nasdaq and Russell intermediate-run cycles
general, we find co-movements in-phase at a shot-run frequency move out-phase with home mortgage cycles, and both financial
between financial indices and credit variables, with home mort- cycles are leading the credit cycle. Nasdaq is also moving in-
gage cycles leading S&P 500 cycles while consumer loan cycles phase and leading consumer loan cycles in the short-run, after
are lagging all financial cycles. In the crisis during almost the 2001.
P. Matos et al. / The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 79 (2021) 281–289 287

Fig. 5. Home mortgage growth and the capital market: partial wavelet coherency (left), phase-difference (center), and regression estimation (right).

Finally, from December 2007 to June 2009, the world has seen we find negative co-movement between Nasdaq or S&P 500 and
one of the most serious crises in history, during which, home mort- consumer loan, with the leadership of the cycles of this kind of
gage cycles are lagging financial cycles. Taking into account for credit.
the lowest frequency, the diagrams report positive co-movement Observing partial gains with high-frequency bands of financial
between Russell and Nasdaq, while the 4-year cycles are out- indices, mainly for Russell and Nasdaq, there is strong volatility
phase between home mortgage and Russell. On the other hand, in the coefficient value, associated with both consumer loan and
288 P. Matos et al. / The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 79 (2021) 281–289

Fig. 6. Credit growth and the capital market: partial wavelet coherency (left), phase-difference (center), and regression estimation (right).

home mortgage. When we observe the cycles of period 2∼4 years, they become stable and assume a lower value, precisely in the last
except for the partial gain of S&P 500 over the home mortgage, NBER U.S. recession. The long-run relationship characterized by
there is a change in the pattern of the reactions of each finan- the partial gains suggests a smooth role of both credit cycles in
cial index cycle to the respective credit cycles. The parameters are financial cycles, except for the impact of consumer loan on Nas-
very volatile and assume high values before 2007, and from there, daq.
P. Matos et al. / The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 79 (2021) 281–289 289

5. Conclusion Acknowledgments

We revisit the discussion promoted by Chen et al. (2012), by We would like to thank Alex Ferreira, and De Jesus Filho for their
proposing to study the synchronization and the lead-lag condi- helpful comments. We are grateful to the anonymous referees of
tional relationships between credit or default and macro-finance the journal for their extremely useful suggestions to improve the
variables. To summarize, we find that oscillations at different fre- quality of the paper. Any remaining errors are solely our responsi-
quencies of growth and delinquency rates for consumer loans and bility.
home mortgages may have different impacts on real return on
Russell 2000, Nasdaq, and S&P 500, as well as, on the growth of References
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incorporating these most primitive choices of the representative 627–642.
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and in the short term, at the height of the crisis in 2007.

Declaration of Competing Interest

There is no conflict of interest in connection with the above-

titled article.

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