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Anton Holban’s refuge through prose during the communist regime

Moldoveanu Mirela
Ovidius University, Constanta, Faculty of Letters

As Eugen Negrici states, literature during

Abstract the communist era is a cry of despair, a
refuge, a form of expressing feelings,
Communism thought that the literature spiritual unload:
and the writers were their instruments. Few ``Nothing from what happens in a
were those who had the courage to write literature developed under the totalitarian
what they felt and express their outrage at government has a natural explanation.
the misery that surrounded them. Others Directly or indirectly, everything is a reply,
were content just to express their feelings, to response, retort, muster defensive, desperate
put on paper their own life experiences or or inventive survival stratagem. ``1
even create a Paradise, a world different However, during this period of time,
from the one in which they lived. Through quality literature has been written by
his psychological and erotic prose, under valuable writers. A quality work which was
the sign of authenticity, Anton Holban tried not within the typology imposed was written
to analyze the depths of the self, and to by Anton Holban who preferred to write
analyze also those around him. about love, about the turmoil that love can
Key words: communism, Identity, cause for the soul of the character-narrator
literature, Otherness, Self-searching who is very close to the individual writer.
Notable novels: ``O moarte care nu dovedește
Clasificare J.E.L : Z13 nimic``(1931), ``Ioan`` (1934), ``Jocurile
Self-definition of the main character
1. Introduction of the three novels, Sandu occurs only
through the relationship with Irina, Ioana and
The Communist regime in Romania meant
Dania. This is often determined by
intervention and political control over all confrontation or ascension motivated by the
departments of life. Communist Party as the
urgent need to measure with them or even to
"leading force in the State", as the absolute prove superiority. The only one that appears
power developed a sustained action to
superior to him is Dania. Comparison with
legitimize their interests, using different types the other emerges from the fraternity instinct,
of constraints. Culture and literature played
specifically in that innate feeling of
an important role in the arsenal of coexistence which Husserl defines as a
domination, being politicized and
measure of consciousness in the
subordinated to the power. understanding of identity.
The Power controlled writers, creators,
``We can find others in ourselves, we
being organized special and specialized can understand that we do not form a
services or subservices: censorship and
homogeneous substance and radically foreign
security. In addition, the literature was from everything that is the self; me is another
"guided" by the party and its cultural
activists. Literature and press, printed written Man is shaped by other, without
speech was subjected to verification of the
copying or comments about the relationship
content following other criteria than aesthetic
or journalistic. 1
Eugen Negrici, Literatura română sub
comunism, Ed. Fundației Pro, București, 2006, p.
2. Anton Holban during the Communist 11.
regime 2
Tzvetan Todorov, Cucerirea Americii. Problema
Celuilalt, Editura Institutul European, 1994, Iași,
of superiority and inferiority; each finds him using her own judgments and she was
himself by appealing to another, and this act easily content with Sandu’s false reasoning.
of identification is individual truth. Sandu He does nothing else but imposing his own
always relates to the image of femininity next values to Irina without taking her into
to him and tries either to be superior, or to consideration.
please her or simply to torment her and feel And eventually Sandu is the type of
pleasure in the suffering of the other. man who ``does not confirm his virility by
Sartre considered that watching the other means but through the slavery of
others in relation to yourself, it makes you woman, but he only feels strong under her
measure your own power. Exactly what protection (the same woman). Sandu's
Sandu does, and the one that has suffered personality is only revealed by attacking a
most is Irina. weaker being, its contour being perfected, on
The otherness can be also represented the reverse, by the depersonalization of the
by love which is a way to reconcile the victim.``4 Only a poor creature, inferior to
conflict between inner freedom and outer him, like Irina, could highlight the true
limits, because it means the return to self and essence of this male character.
desire to be another and he. Eros stops The character-narrator recognizes that
turning inwards, and through it, it releases he is to blame for the construction of the
from the burden of loneliness, but does not character Irina who becomes the unnoticeable
lead to the dissolution of the self in the Other. because of his exertions to explain every
Interesting is the characterization that particle that enters into her composition. The
the critic Nicolae Manolescu makes for the blame falls on the literature that makes us live
main character of the novel, A death that in illusion and therefore we are not satisfied
proves nothing" Sandu, who is in the first with the reality in which we live. Because of
stage of the knowledge of love, only in the the literature that Sandu continually digests,
following two novels he will grow and love Irina appears to be helpless and bland
the other: compared to Andromaca, for whom there are
``Very young, he is at the stage of no weaknesses and who resists to the
misogyny due virile vanity that we have most imprecations of Pirus; or Esther, who risks
of us in our twenties. He considers himself her life to save the nation; or to Monime who
superior to Irina and acts accordingly. Not is determined to accept the impetuous desire
only does he want to educate her with the Mitridate, giving up her own feelings; or to
purposes of claiming his tastes, but proves an Berenice, who has the courage to leave and
unqualified teacher, rather crude and blasé. left Titus to comply with her imperial
Selfishness and masculine sufficiency leads obligations; or to Junie who will not give up
him to see in Irina the banal relationship that until she has a marriage ring on her finger.
even he can not break, neither can he make it Put next to these great female figures of the
interesting.``3 ancient literature, Irina appears faded, but
Sandu accepts the fact that he liked Sandu had to understand the reality in which
to talk about literature or art with Irina, even he lived was different and times have
if he didn’t do nothing else than to hear changed.
himself repeat his opinions, attending, As far as Ioana is concerned, Sandu
listening to it, in his own thoughts. He would quickly jumps from one state of mind to
have wanted her to be able to inquire by another, he feels for her a kind of hatred for
herself about any writer, for example, about the betrayal she had been capable of, but on
which he did not know many things, so Irina the other hand he feels lucky to be loved by a
would have helped him to complete the woman as exceptional as she is, because of
knowledge, without him having to personally her he learned a lot, he found new meanings
handle this. This being was capable of only because of her. He feels he can not live
anything to please Sandu, he wanted her to be without her, although he is always struggling
identical with him, to like her and to be with Ioana and vice versa. Fighting is the
content with her. Irina is unable to argue with 4
Mihai Mangiulea, Introducere în opera lui Anton
Nicolae Manolescu, Arca lui Noe, Editura Holban,Editura Minerva, 1989, București, pp.
Gramar, 2007, București, pp.440-441. 135-136.
only thing that's left for Sandu, it is the last from twin beings- the woman as the
satisfaction through which he can somehow projective resurrection of the same who
heal his wounded male pride. does obtains her supernatural form only
Interesting is the construction of as the ideal of the same- supernatural
the female character, Anton Holban like artifact now destined to love, that is a
Camil Petrescu did in the novel ``Patul pathetic being’s ideal similarity and
lui Procust`` the technique used in equality. [...] The same who look with
building the character is through their envy at the other, which invests in
own style of writing. From Ioana’s letters, another, which alienates the other- but
from her ranks, we can see her temper: another is never only the ephemeral form
suspicions, hasty allegations, but always of a difference that gets me close to
full of suggestions, passion and love to myself. "5
hate, pointless trying to be wise and Nevertheless, Sandu is the one
magnanimous, her naivety, her anger, her who takes part in the scene and at the
remorse. Through her writing Sandu same time, he was both actor and
could see if she was wrong or right. audience, he had the ability to halve. He
Authenticity of Holban's prose is was an actor passionate by his role and
obvious through the explanatory ranks as acurious audience to hear all the words, to
far as the reason to why he wrote the see all the characters, the setting. He
book. The reason is simple: the desire for wanted to transcribe authentic, honest,
comfort, for healing from people who faithful everything thought then restore
read the novel which is a kind of cry for all the scenes. He becomes aware of the
rescue, relief. As it seeks to unravel what fact that-,,in every Another, the Other
happened, understand whose fault it was, exists- what is not me, what is different
although he is aware that any sentence from me, but that I cannot understand, or
would give the reader, he will not be even assimilate- and there is also a radical
satisfied with it. He seems to hear the otherness, inconceivable,
interpretation, which is an ordinary one: incomprehensible and even
two lovers are miserable because she unimaginable.” 6 Thus, relating himself in
sinned. He hears the irony of the reader turn to Irina, Ioana and Dania,
who is unhappy because there is no clear acknowledges his flaws, he lacks even the
explanation given by the author regarding temptation to assimilate the image of the
the couple in which the two actors prefer woman, to assign his own conceptions,
to struggle side by side, rather than attitudes, ideas, behaviors, emotions.
His relationship with Dania is 3. Conclusion
impossible due to the superficiality of the
girl and because she is rich and he is poor. In conclusion, the spirit of Anton
To this is added the fact that she was jew. Holban’s work seems to us contemporary,
With the breakup of Dania, Sandu feels in the most acute sense of the word
that the woman he loved was divided into because in full agony of a national-
two, both being present in his mind: the communism more restrictive the way of
one with whom he was trying to change living and create a "30’s generation" may
his innermost thoughts and the foreign, take the form of a lost paradise that the
which gave him no attention. everyday dirt in the communist Romania
After analyzing the three novels exals him by ricochetat dreamy rates.
Baudrillard’s and Guillaume's thesis is 5
confirmed, the one that states, that “Eros,, Jean Baudrillard, Marc Guillaume, Figuri ale
alterității, Editura Paralela 45, 2002, București, p.
invented, by an entire labor, this ideal of 128.
harmony, love fusion, almost incestuous 6
Idem., p. 6.
This power to create something uplifting
in this period is the real talent.

The work of Mirela Moldoveanu  was

supported by the project "Sustainable
performance in doctoral and post-doctoral
research - PERFORM" co-funded from the
European  Social Fund through the
Development of Human Resources Operational
Programme  2007-2013, contract

4. References

[1]. Baudrillard, Jean, Guillaume, Marc,

Figuri ale alterității, Editura Paralela 45,
2002, București.
[2]. Mangiulea, Mihai, Introducere în opera
lui Anton Holban,Editura Minerva, 1989,
[3]. Manolescu, Nicolae, Arca lui Noe,
Editura Gramar, 2007, București.
[4]. Negrici, Eugen, Literatura română sub
comunism, Ed. Fundației Pro, București,
[5]. Todorov, Tzvetan, Cucerirea Americii.
Problema Celuilalt, Editura Institutul
European, 1994, Iași,

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