Advantages Disadvantages Essay Types

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Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Types

Question 1:

In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year
between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do

Question 2

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign
language at primary schools rather than secondary school.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Question 1: Question 2:
Paragraph Structures

Having access to more information and student autonomy are the principal
advantages of an increase in the use of electronic devices in education. With
the internet, students can access all the information available about any topic,
regardless of what books and other resources are available in the school.
Furthermore, students have the freedom to focus on whatever topic or
subject they want and study it in depth. A prime example of this is the
number of online university courses available to students, covering a myriad
of subjects, that up until recently were unavailable to most learners. This has
resulted in more people studying third-level degrees than ever before, at a
pace and schedule that suits them.

The main disadvantages associated with the increasing use of technology in

education is the dependency on this technology and the decrease in face-to-
face interaction between students. With many students now using the
internet as their primary source of information, they often struggle to use
other academic resources to find what they’re looking for. As well as this,
students spend more time looking at computer screens by themselves than
interacting with each other, and this is thought to lead to lower levels of
emotional intelligence. For instance, the recent explosion in smartphone use
has been at the expense of genuine human interaction. This results in soft
skills, such as verbal communication and empathy, being affected.

Look for the following sentence types:

1. Topic Sentence
2. Main Reason
3. Example
4. Linking Reason to Example
5. Linking Reason and Example to essay topic.
Sample Essays

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign
language at primary schools rather than secondary school.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Some authorities think that it is more favourable for pupils to begin studying
languages at primary school instead of secondary school. This essay will argue
that the advantages of this outweigh the drawbacks. The essay will first
demonstrate that the earlier someone learns an additional language the more
likely they are to master it and that it brings added cognitive benefits,
followed by an analysis of how the primary disadvantage, namely confusion
with their native tongue, is not valid.

The main reason to start kids off with foreign languages early is that this
increases the likelihood they will achieve fluency in adulthood. That is to say
that they will have far more years to perfect their skills and it will seem
perfectly normal to speak bilingually. For example, in countries such as
Holland and Norway where English is taught from a very young age, more
than 95% of adults speak it at an advanced level. Learning a second language
also helps to improve overall cognitive abilities. In other words, it benefits the
overall development of a child’s brain. A recent survey by Cambridge
University found that children who studied a new language before the age of
5 were significantly more likely to score higher in Mathematics and Science.

Those opposed to this say that it causes the child to become confused
between their mother tongue and the other language. However, there is
actually no evidence to support this view and children from bilingual families
do just as well in both languages. My own son was brought up speaking both
Vietnamese and English and outperforms most of his classmates in both.
On balance, the fact that early foreign language learning leads to higher
fluency and improved brain function clearly outweighs the flawed argument
that it impairs uptake of native languages.
In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year
between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to
do this

Before embarking on college many young people are advised that a year
working or travelling may be a good option. This essay will suggest that
experience gained and money saved are the biggest advantages of this, but
delaying careers and reducing motivation to study are the primary

The main advantages of a gap year are learning more about the world and
earning money. For students who have just finished secondary school,
working or travelling for a year will allow them to learn what life is like
outside of the education system. Also, third level education is very expensive
and a lot of students decide to work for 12 months and save up money before
they begin their studies. The Times recently reported that the average
student at a UK university requires over $12,000 per annum just to survive
and many drop out because they cannot afford to stay.

Despite these advantages, students lose a year that could have been used to
advance their future careers and they often get used to working or travelling
and don’t want to return to a life of study. As job markets are very
competitive, an extra year of experience can make a massive difference when
applying for jobs, and those who took a gap year are at a disadvantage.
Moreover, some decide to bypass university altogether and go straight into a
job that is beneath their capabilities or may not offer the same prospects their
future career might have done. For instance, a recent survey by the British
Government found that 26% of students who take a gap-year never enter
tertiary education.

In conclusion, taking a break from studies can be advantageous if it allows

people to accumulate savings or learn more about the world. However, they
should also be careful that it does not delay the start of their careers and lead
to disillusionment with education.

Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order
Proboscidea. Traditionally, two species are recognized, the African elephant
and the Asian elephant, although some evidence suggests that African bush
elephants and African forest elephants are separate species. Other families of
the order Proboscidea, including mammoths and mastodons are now extinct.

Elephants are scattered throughout sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and

Southeast Asia. Male African elephants are the largest surviving terrestrial
animals and can reach a height of 4 m (13 ft) and weigh 7,000 kg (15,000 lb).
All elephants have several distinctive features the most notable of which is a
long trunk or proboscis, used for many purposes, particularly breathing, lifting
water and grasping objects. Their incisors grow into tusks, which can serve as
weapons and as tools for moving objects and digging. Elephants' large ear
flaps help to control their body temperature. Their pillar-like legs can carry
their great weight.

African elephants have larger ears and concave backs while Asian elephants
have smaller ears and convex or level backs.

One of the biggest threats to elephant populations is the ivory trade, as the
animals are poached for their ivory tusks. Other threats to wild elephants
include habitat destruction and conflicts with local people. Elephants are used
as working animals in Asia. In the past they were used in war; today, they are
often put on display in zoos and circuses.

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