Psilocybin: General Information

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Psilocybin N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), alters mood, percep-

tion, and cognition.

In healthy volunteers, changes in emotion, conscious-
ness, perception and thought begin within 20–30 minutes
GENERAL INFORMATION of ingestion and peak in 30–50 minutes. Peak effects per-
In 1957, psilocybin was isolated from the Psilocybe mex- sist for 2 hours, with resolution of effect within 6 hours.
icana mushroom and it has since been identified as a Lower doses may produce shorter lasting effects of 1–2
component of over 75 distinct mushroom species [1]. hours. Moderate oral doses (12–30 mg) alter conscious-
Psilocybin-containing mushrooms, also called “magic ness, increase introspection, and induce derealization,
mushrooms”, are used recreationally, with an expanding dream-like states, illusions, complex hallucinations, synes-
worldwide distribution. They are sold in “smart shops” thesia, and altered perceptions of time and space. Muscle
and over the internet. Psilocybin is also used in nightclubs, relaxation is also experienced with intoxication. Disrup-
although its use is not as popular as “club drugs” such as tions in attention, such as difficulty in disengaging from
ecstasy or amphetamines. prior stimuli and impairment in monitoring several simul-
Psilocybin and psilocin are listed as Schedule I drugs taneous visual stimuli, have been described [7]. Euphoria,
under the United Nations 1971 Convention on Psycho- grandiosity, and other amplifications of affective experi-
tropic Substances. Spore prints, which are distributed in ence are common. The majority of psilocybin users expe-
home-growing kits, are currently legal in several states of rience a pleasant alteration in mood, but some experience
the USA and can be purchased over the internet [2]. panic or dysphoria. A user’s expectations and environ-
Psilocybin content varies based on such factors as spe- ment very strongly influence the hallucinogenic effects.
cies and preparation. The most commonly used mushroom Settings with more interpersonal support reduce panic
is Psilocybe cubensis, which contains 10–12 mg of psilo- and paranoia and increase positive experiences [8].
cybin per gram of dried mushrooms; effective oral doses Psilocybin and psilocin are renally excreted, and about
range from 6 to 20 mg and about 40 micrograms/kg is 2/3 of excretion occurs in the first 3 hours. The half-life is
considered the threshold level for intoxication [3]. about 50 minutes [6]. After 24 hours, the compound is
undetectable in the urine [9].

Psilocybin (N-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine),
a simple tryptamine, is dephosphorylated to psilocin Psilocybin has been used in obsessive–compulsive disor-
(4-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine) by alkaline phos- der (OCD) and some studies support its efficacy in this
phatase in the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys during disorder. In a double-blind study, nine subjects received
first-pass metabolism. Psilocin, the pharmacologically four doses, low (100 micrograms/kg), medium (200 micro-
active compound, is an indole derivative with structural grams/kg), and high (300 micrograms/kg), in a series of
similarities to serotonin. Psilocybin is detectable by high 8-hour sessions with a very low dose (25 micrograms/kg)
performance liquid chromatography, but this is not avail- inserted randomly in a double-blind manner. All the sub-
able in most clinical settings. jects had a reduction in their symptoms (measured by the
Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale) during at least
one of the sessions, and improvement lasted at least 24
hours. No dose effect was noted, probably because of the
Action small number of subjects studied and large interindividual
Psilocin is a high-affinity agonist at serotonin 5HT2A variability. With the exception of one subject who had
receptors, which are especially prominent in the prefron- transient hypertension, psilocybin was well tolerated and
tal cortex. The net result of 5HT2A agonism is increased without adverse reactions [10,11].
cortical activity secondary to down-stream postsynaptic Synthetic psilocybin (Indocybin) was used for investiga-
glutamate effects. Psilocin is also active at 5HT1A, tional and psychotherapeutic purposes in the 1960s. The
5HT1D, and 5HT2C receptors, although these are thought serotonin hypothesis of schizophrenia grew in part from
to play a lesser role in its effects. the psychotomimetic effects of psilocybin seen in these
Additional evidence about the mechanism of action investigations, as well as similar observations in studies
comes from studies of receptor antagonists. In the presence of LSD. Psilocybin impairs thalamic sensory gating, result-
of the 5HT2A antagonist ketanserin, the mental status ing in an inability to screen out extraneous stimuli and
changes typical of psilocybin do not occur, supporting the difficulties attending to appropriate stimuli, which over-
notion that primary effects are due to action at presynaptic whelms frontal organizational capacities and is thought to
5HT2A receptors [4]. Although psilocybin has no affinity result in the observed psychotomimetic effects [6,12].
for dopamine D2 receptors, a PET study using the dopa-
mine D2 receptor ligand raclopride showed that psilocybin
increases dopamine transmission in the striatum, probably
through secondary increases in dopamine [5,6]. Some
psilocybin-containing mushrooms contain phenylethyl-
amine, which may contribute to sympathomimetic effects.
Psilocybin like other serotonergic hallucinogens, An 18-year-old man developed Wolff–Parkinson–White
such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and syndrome and had a myocardial infarction during

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Psilocybin 1049

psilocybin intoxication [13]. The mechanism for myocar- Psychological

dial infarction is not known, although it is theorized
that serotonin-induced changes in platelet aggregation Psilocybin and other hallucinogenic drugs cause alter-
and sympathetically-induced vasospasm may play a ations of time perception, such as “time standing still”
role [14]. and mystical or ecstatic states. In a placebo-controlled
In a study of the dose-dependent effects of psilocybin study of two doses of psilocybin (115 and 250 micro-
45–315 micrograms/kg in eight subjects, there was no grams/kg) on temporal processing, using tasks of temporal
effect on the electrocardiogram or heart rate [15]. At the reproduction, sensorimotor synchronization, and tapping
highest doses, mean arterial blood pressure rose signifi- tempo in 12 healthy volunteers, psilocybin significantly
cantly in the 60 minutes after psilocybin ingestion, leading impaired their ability to reproduce interval durations lon-
the authors to recommend that those with untreated ger than 2.5 seconds and to synchronize to inter-beat
hypertension should abstain from psilocybin. intervals longer than 2 seconds; it also caused subjects to
An acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment eleva- be slower in their preferred tapping rate [19]. These
tion has been reported in the absence of coronary artery effects were accompanied by deficits in working memory
disease after abuse of psychoactive fungi (“magic mush- and subjective changes in conscious state (increased
rooms”) [16]. reports of depersonalization and derealization, including
disturbances in subjective time sense). The authors pro-
 A 17-year-old boy developed chest pain and dyspnea at rest
posed that these results suggest that the serotonin system
after consuming Psilocybe semilanceata. His blood pressure was
is selectively involved in duration processing of intervals
120/60 mmHg and his heart rate 93/minute. In a 12-lead elec-
trocardiogram there were right bundle branch block and ST-
longer than 2–3 seconds and in the voluntary control of the
segment elevation in leads I, II, aVL, aVF, and V3–V6. Serum speed of movement. They speculated that selective dis-
troponin T concentration and creatine kinase (CK) activity ruption of longer intervals by psilocybin is likely to result
were raised, as was the CK-MB fraction. Drug screening from interactions with cognitive dimensions of temporal
excluded other substances. He had no cardiovascular risk processing, presumably via 5HT2A receptor stimulation.
factors. Coronary angiography showed normal coronary arter- The action of psilocybin on internal time representation
ies, but left ventriculography showed a regional wall motion has been investigated in two double-blind, placebo-
abnormality in the apical segment and a reduced ejection frac- controlled studies, in 12 subjects with graded doses and
tion. Cardiovascular MRI scanning confirmed the contractile in 9 subjects at a very low dose [20]. The effects were
pattern. There was a pericardial effusion. Left ventricular func-
assessed by measuring k, a parameter of the dual klepsy-
tion normalized after 6 days and the pericardial effusion
resolved with anti-inflammatory drug therapy.
dra model of internal time representation, fitted to indi-
vidual response data and intraindividually normalized
The authors attributed this presentation to takotsubo car- with respect to initial values. In both experiments, k was
diomyopathy (left ventricular ballooning syndrome) due significantly prolonged by psilocybin at 90 minutes, indi-
to psilocybin, probably resulting from its catecholamine- cating a higher loss rate of internal duration representa-
like action. tion. The authors suggested that this effect may be linked
to the effects of psilocybin on subjective time.
Psilocybin-containing mushrooms can sometimes cause
a “bad trip”, a psychotic reaction accompanied by fear,
panic, and dangerous behavior, especially when used in
Nervous system combination with other drugs and alcohol or by psychiat-
In an interview study of 53 subjects with cluster headaches rically unstable patients. Two young men, aged 25 and 32
who were using psilocybin or LSD to treat their symp- years automutilated with knives after consuming halluci-
toms, 32 had episodic cluster headache and 21 had chronic nogenic mushrooms; the first had also used cocaine, can-
cluster headaches; 17 of 19 who tried sublingual psilocybin nabis, and alcohol, but the second had used only the
reported that it terminated the headache within 20 mushrooms [21].
minutes [17]. Of the 29 who used psilocybin as prophy-
laxis, 15 described it as completely effective in avoiding Psychiatric
headaches and 12 (42%) reported that it reduced the
frequency or intensity of headaches. Of the 21 subjects Two cases of exacerbation of pre-existing psychosis have
with chronic cluster headaches, seven tried psilocybin to been reported [22].
abort a headache and five felt that it was effective; 20 tried  A 35-year-old man with a history of schizophrenia developed
psilocybin as prophylaxis and 10 reported a complete anxiety, irritability, agitation, and aggression while using “a
response, while eight reported partial efficacy. This small handful” of psilocybin-containing mushrooms plus cannabis
study used a retrospective design and may have been twice daily. He also reported delusions of external control and
affected by recall bias, selection bias, and by its unblinded persecution as well as auditory, olfactory, and gustatory hallu-
and uncontrolled design. cinations. He was given risperidone 3 mg/day and his symptoms
In a double-blind study of a range of psilocybin doses gradually improved over 2 weeks.
 A 35-year-old man with a 10-year history of paranoid schizo-
(0, 5, 10, 20, and 30 mg/70 kg) in 18 healthy participants
phrenia experienced mood elevation, anxiety, and psychomotor
headache was common, with an incidence, duration, and
agitation as well as illusions, hallucinations, “sensory dysper-
severity that increased dose-dependently [18]. The head- ceptions”, paranoia, compulsive thinking, and poor attention
aches were of delayed onset and were transient, lasting after taking psilocybin (amount and duration of exposure not
no more than a day. Nitric oxide release was suggested as a specified). The symptoms resolved within days without phar-
possible mechanism. macologic treatment.

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1050 Psilocybin

While these case studies suggest a possible role for psilo- Liver
cybin in exacerbating psychosis, the small number of cases
and factors such as the simultaneous use of cannabis in the Psilocybin has no clinically relevant effects on liver func-
first case make it difficult to draw a more definitive tion [15]. Brief, statistically significant increases in
conclusion. gamma-glutamyltransferase and aspartate aminotransfer-
Hallucinogen persisting perceptual disorder (HPDD) ase activity resolved within 300 minutes of exposure.
has been reported after psilocybin [23].
 An 18-year-old man with no prior psychiatric history who
smoked cannabis weekly and took a single dose of 40 Body temperature
psilocybin-containing mushrooms, after which he experienced Psilocybin has no effect on axillary body temperature [15].
visual distortions, temporal and spatial distortions, depersonal-
ization, and derealization. These symptoms remitted, but
recurred the next day in conjunction with cannabis use and
continued daily thereafter. His symptoms, including hallucina- Trauma
tions, depersonalization, derealization, and dysphoric mood,
remitted 8 months later, after discontinuation of cannabis and Hallucinogen intoxication can result in traumatic injury if
treatment with sertraline 150 mg/day and risperidone 2 mg/day. people believe that they have superhuman powers [25].

The authors commented that both cannabis and psilocybin

may play a role in triggering HPDD.
There have been anecdotal reports that hallucinogens
induce religious experiences and heightened spirituality. Psilocybin mushrooms are not known to cause major
This has been investigated in a double-blind study in 36 organ toxicity or death, but mis-identification can lead to
healthy hallucinogen-naı̈ve volunteers, who were assigned the ingestion of toxic species with potentially fatal out-
to either psilocybin (30 mg per 70 kg) or methylphenidate comes. For example, there have been reports of renal
(40 mg per 70 kg) in an 8-hour drug session, returning at a failure after ingestion of Cortinarius mushrooms that
later date for a session with the other drug [8]. Monitors were mistaken for Psilocybe species [26,27].
were assigned to provide support throughout the sessions
and a comfortable environment was maintained. Based on
criteria from the Mysticism Scale and the States of Con-
sciousness Questionnaire, 22 of 36 volunteers had a “com- LONG-TERM EFFECTS
plete” mystical experience with psilocybin, compared with
four of 36 in response to methylphenidate. The authors
Drug abuse and tolerance
noted that 33% of participants described the psilocybin Psilocybin and other hallucinogens are not considered
experience as their most significant spiritual experience in classic drugs of abuse because they do not have reinforcing
life and another 38% rated the experience within their top properties and do not produce drug-seeking behaviors [8].
10 most significant experiences. Dysphoria or anxiety in the Use tends to be episodic and is generally short-term and
6 hours after psilocybin was reported by eight of the 36 experimental [24]. Tolerance occurs with repeated dosing
participants; these reactions responded to reassurance and and is thought to be due to down-regulation of 5HT2A
did not persist beyond the duration of the session. Of these receptors [24]. There may also be cross-tolerance between
healthy volunteers without a history of psychosis, 17% LSD and psilocybin [2,6]. Psilocybin, like other hallucino-
reported transient ideas of reference or paranoia in gens, is not known to cause dependence, craving, or
response to psilocybin; there were no lasting adverse effects. withdrawal.


In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of psilocybin in TESTS
32 healthy volunteers, drug exposure did not affect prolac-
Urine toxicology may be falsely positive for amphet-
tin, cortisol, or growth hormone concentrations [24].
amines because of the phenylethylamine in psilocybin-
In a study of the dose-dependent effects of psilocybin 45–
containing mushrooms [1].
315 micrograms/kg in eight subjects, there were transient
rises in thyroid stimulating hormone, prolactin, ACTH, and
cortisol [15]. These effects were unlikely to be clinically
relevant, since all values returned to baseline by 300 MANAGEMENT OF ADVERSE DRUG
minutes after ingestion. The authors noted that only the REACTIONS
prolactin concentrations fell outside the reference range.
Treatment should begin with reassurance and observation
in a low-stimulation environment. Benzodiazepines are
considered first line for agitation. Most symptoms of
Electrolyte balance
intoxication resolve within 6 hours of ingestion [1,28]. If
Psilocybin has no effect on electrolyte balance (measured it is suspected that another, potentially toxic, type of
at 105 and 300 minutes after exposure to 45–315 micro- mushroom was ingested, activated charcoal should be
grams/kg) [15]. administered [1].

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Psilocybin 1051

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