Slovak Spectator 1711

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Vol. 17, No. 11 Monday, March 21, 2011 - Sunday, March 27, 2011 of this issue

Battle over Cyprus
Sharp differences of opinion
have emerged within the
Slovak cabinet over the fu-
readies aid
ture of the country’s milit-
ary contribution to the UN
peacekeeping mission in
for Japan
Cyprus. €250,000 pledged to
pg 2 support Japan’s recovery

Slovakia's integrity
The Global Integrity Report BY MICHAELA TERENZANI
has ranked Slovakia in the Spectator staff
top half of monitored coun-
tries, but its report on the
country is not without cri-
ticism. SLOVAKIA has prepared an aid package
pg 3 consisting of funds and rescue workers to
support recovery efforts and humanitarian
projects in Japan in the wake of the
OPINION massive earthquake and tsunami that hit
the country in mid-March.
Heavy baggage Prime Minister Iveta Radičová sent her
Every year in March young- condolences to Japanese counterpart Na-
sters dressed in black uni- oto Kano following the disaster. The quake
forms gather in squares to and subsequent tsunami has left tens of
commemorate what is one thousands of people unaccounted for.
of the darkest and most “I wish you and the people of Japan
traumatic anniversaries in strength to deal with the damage and also
Slovakia’s history. Slovaks lay flowers in front of the Japanese Embassy in Bratislava to mark the victims of the earthquake which in your efforts to restore the earthquake-
pg 5 struck northern Japan on March 11. Photo: Sme - Vladimír Šimíček hit infrastructure,” said Radičová, as
quoted by TASR newswire. “I'm convinced
that despite the unpredictability of natural
Carmakers upbeat
2010 was a year of chal-
lenges for carmakers oper-
Quake poses questions disasters, Japan will be able to restore
normal life in the affected parts of the
country as soon as possible.”
Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič
has also sent his condolences to Emper-
ating in Slovakia, all of
which had to grapple with
the effects of the global
economic crisis. But 2011
is already looking better.
for nuclear safety or Akihito.
The European Council, which con-
vened in an extraordinary session in re-
sponse to the disaster, has agreed to co-
ordinate help for Japan. Slovakia will
pg 6 THE INTERNATIONAL community that Slovakia’s two nuclear power contribute €250,000 for humanitarian
has responded to the devastating plants, at Jaslovské Bohunice and assistance, Radičová said, as quoted by
earthquake that struck Japan on
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ Mochovce, were designed to with- the SITA newswire.
E-mobility in Slovakia March 11 with compassion for the
Spectator staff stand earthquakes of considerable
As many companies world- thousands of lives lost and the more intensity. But environmental See AID pg 2
wide plan to – or have than half a million left homeless. them to take a serious look at their watchdog Greenpeace has respon-
already started – serial pro- But the explosions at the Fukushima nuclear energy policies, the Slovak ded that the developments in Japan
duction of electric cars, a
number of pilot e-mobility
projects have emerged
I nuclear plant, where radiation
levels have been rising since the
earthquake damaged its cooling sys-
Economy Ministry reaffirmed its
stance that nuclear power is among
the most stable sources of electri-
show what serious risks nuclear
plants pose.
Interior Minister Daniel Lipšic
across Slovakia.
pg 7
tem, has officials around the world
fielding questions about the safety
risks of nuclear power.
city worldwide and that the
country’s nuclear power plants are
subject to strict safety standards.
assured Slovaks that, as of March 16,
there were no safety risks to Slovakia
from the damaged Japanese plant.
While some nations suggested
the events in Japan would cause
Slovakia’s nuclear supervision
authority has assured the public See PLANT pg 9 wire-tapping
The legacy of Bauhaus
Bratislava's Design Factory
is hosting an exhibition of
photographs by Gordon
Minister: Reform, even if it hurts But no evidence presented by
MP, who himself faces serious
criminal charges
Watkinson focusing on the of one-off contracts, and those Solidarity (SaS). While the fourth
history and enduring philo- who oppose the plan by suggesting ruling party, the Christian Demo-
sophies of the Bauhaus
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ that heavier payroll taxes will cratic Movement (KDH), has com- DOZENS of parliamentary deputies and
Spectator staff drive many self-employed people mended the government’s aim of journalists are having their phone calls in-
pg 11 out of business. developing a unified system for col- tercepted with the consent of the interior
“It is easiest to say that we are lection of income taxes, customs minister, according to former construction
REFORM is necessary even if it is not going to do it because it will duties and mandatory payroll taxes minister and current Slovak National Party
going to hurt, said Slovakia’s Fin- also hurt,” Mikloš warned on its MPs have urged detailed as- (SNS) MP Igor Štefanov. While some MPs
SELECT FOREX RATES ance Minister Ivan Mikloš as he March 15, as quoted by the SITA sessment of the impact the said they had heard rumours about such
€ benchmark as of March 17 tried mid March to push his ruling newswire, adding that the ruling changes will have on self-em- practices, the Interior Ministry immedi-
coalition partners closer to a com- coalition would soon have to reach ployed people. ately dismissed the accusations. Štefanov
promise over the changes it is con- an agreement. “I expect those who The government of Iveta himself currently faces a proposal to strip
sidering making to ways of calcu- are against to put an alternative Radičová has said its ambition is to him of his MPs’ immunity from prosecu-
lating income tax and mandatory proposal forward.” simplify the overall system and tion, so that police can charge him with
payroll taxes. Most-Híd, led by Béla Bugár, ease some of the administrative misconduct in a public office over his in-
A tug-of-war has been raging has been trying to soften the edges burdens on employees as well as volvement in the notoriously non-trans-
between advocates of higher taxes of the reform plan advocated by the employers. parent bulletin-board tender case.
on the self-employed and those Slovak Democratic and Christian
working under Slovakia’s system Union (SDKÚ) and Freedom and See LEVY pg 4 See TAP pg 3
2 March 21 – 27, 2011 NEWS

Battle over Cyprus

SHARP differences of opinion counterpart, and that the am-
have emerged within the bassador of Cyprus to Slovakia
Slovak aid to Haiti finally released Slovak cabinet over the future was waiting to meet him at
of the country’s military con- the ministry.
HUMANITARIAN aid sup- Elisabeth University of Health tribution to the UN peace- Galko, however, later in-
plies from Slovakia have fi- and Social Sciences, who has keeping mission in Cyprus. sisted that the withdrawal of
nally been released by cus- worked in Haiti, NGOs on the Defence Minister Slovak troops from Cyprus
toms in Haiti almost a year ground there are often blamed Ľubomír Galko announced on would not be a mistake. He
after delivery. The Foreign for being slow because “only March 16 that he would ad- said that he had discussed
Ministry confirmed that the those with money for bribes vise the government to with- the issue with Dzurinda prior
supplies, sent following the get anything done quickly”. draw Slovak soldiers from the to announcing it in public,
2010 Haiti earthquake, are The humanitarian aid UNFICYP mission in Cyprus, SITA wrote.
now ready for distribution to from Slovakia will be distrib- citing a strategic evaluation Slovakia has rotated 1,900
Haitians in need, the SITA uted by the NGO Magna – that he said had concluded members of its armed forces
newswire reported. Children in Need, SITA re- the mission would make through Cyprus since 2001.
Hundreds of humanit- ported. The container, which little contribution to the de- Dzurinda (left) and Galko disagree about Cyprus. Photo: TASR Andrej Šándor, a security ana-
arian aid containers are re- was delivered to Haiti on velopment of the Slovak lyst who was formerly head of
portedly stuck at customs of- March 25, 2010, contained 9 Armed Forces in the future, ded €3.4 million. The ministry ance of the mission for the Czech Republic’s military
fices in Haiti due to massive tonnes of material worth the SITA newswire reported. thus spent €5.2 million keep- Slovakia’s foreign policy. intelligence service, explained
bureaucratic delays. over €177,000, including Slovakia’s contribution of ing Slovak troops in Cyprus. Foreign Minister Mikuláš that the mission is of symbolic
According to Vladimír tents for 100 people and nearly 200 peacekeepers is dis- According to Galko, as Dzurinda issued a sharp re- importance, offering Slovakia
Krčméry, the rector of the St clothing for 1,000. proportionate in relation to much as 86 percent of the con- buke to Galko after the an- a chance to show that it cares
the country’s size and capabil- tinually shrinking budget of nouncement, describing his about resolving the conflict
ities, Galko said, noting that the ministry is spent on non- fellow minister’s statement between the Greek and Turk-
Life little healthier in settlements Slovakia’s neighbours contrib- discretionary items such as as “inappropriate” and ish inhabitants of the island.
ute far fewer soldiers to the UN staff pay, payroll levies, and adding that Galko had He told the Sme daily that it is
A REPORT by the Pro- the doctor has become more mission. The Czech Republic operations. Only 14 percent is spoken in haste. inappropriate for politicians
gramme for Health Support common among pregnant has ten soldiers there, Poland left for modernisation and “This is very irresponsible, to exchange strong opinions
in Disadvantaged Com- women, too. 15 and Hungary 88. foreign operations. very amateurish and very about Cyprus in public.
munities shows that some of The vaccination rate has The expense of the opera- “If funds for the mission harmful to Slovakia,” “These political fights
the Roma who inhabit also increased. Regional of- tion is another reason for end- were found outside the Dzurinda said, as quoted by only harm Slovakia abroad
Slovakia’s shantytowns are ficers attribute this to local ing Slovakia’s participation, ministry’s budget, it would be SITA. He said it would be a more than if the actual step [a
taking better care of their field workers, Sme wrote. Galko explained, as the UN re- possible to discuss allowing fatal mistake to pull Slovak pull-out of troops] was taken,”
children’s health, but still But hygiene standards imburses only part of the the troops to stay in Cyprus,” troops out of Cyprus. he said.
tend to neglect the health in the settlements contin- costs. Expenditure on the he said, as quoted by SITA, The foreign minister also
and hygiene of adults, the ue to decline, according to mission in 2010 was €8.6 mil- adding that the Defence Min- noted that he had received a Compiled by Spectator staff
Sme daily wrote. the report. lion, of which the UN refun- istry is aware of the import- message from his Cypriot from press reports
The report states that The project was financed
health issues related to un- in 2007 and 2008 by the
healthy dietary habits,
smoking and alcohol are in-
creasingly present in
Health Ministry, but the
second phase, from 2009 to
2015, will be financed by re-
AID: Special dog service ready to go
shantytowns. gional health offices. Continued from pg 1
Officials from the re- Over €300,000 has been
gional health offices report spent on the project so far, “We want to coordinate the whole
that the Roma living there Sme reported. process of humanitarian aid with other
are paying more attention to There are only 30 field countries in order to prevent duplicate ef-
annual check-ups for their workers assisting the Roma forts and, also, to make sure that they [Ja-
children, and that going to settlements, the daily noted. pan] don’t miss out on getting something
they need,” Radičová said on March 14,
adding that the form and scope of the as-
Minister stirs tuition fees debate sistance had not yet been settled.
Radičová said the key issue is arran-
THE EDUCATION Ministry is for tuition fees among the ging the transport and distribution of the
analysing the possibility of coalition partners. While humanitarian aid and making sure it
introducing tuition fees for Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) goes where it’s most needed.
full-time university studies, said it would welcome fees, “It has turned out in the past that
Education Minister Eugen the Christian Democratic sending financial resources hasn’t al-
Jurzyca told the parliament- Movement (KDH) rejected ways been the most effective form of aid,
ary committee on education. the idea. Prime Minister Iv- so we are looking at offering some form of
After his comments attrac- eta Radičová, who along material, concrete help,” Radičová said.
ted heavy criticism from with Jurzyca is a member of Apart from the financial support, Two Slovaks flew from Japan on March 16 on a special Czech charter. Photo: ČTK
students and opposition, he the Slovak Democratic and Slovakia is also preparing to send a team
stressed that tuition fees are Christian Union (SDKÚ), from the Special Rescue Dog Service, loc- well as food, water, blankets, and shelter, pumps, blankets, underwear and
not in the ministry’s plans stressed that the ated in Nyrovce, Nitra Region, which within four hours of receiving notice. clothes, the Interior Ministry said.
for this parliament, nor are government’s programme also took part in rescue efforts in the “We are only waiting for the response “Slovakia’s participation in sending
they mentioned in the statement is binding. Hungarian village of Kolontár after it was from Japan, so that they confirm what humanitarian help to Japan is condi-
government’s programme. Jurzyca said that if the hit by a wave of toxic red sludge in au- they need, how, and when,” she said, as tioned on the cooperation of EU coun-
The mention of tuition analysis showed that it tumn 2010. quoted by SITA. tries to secure air transport, which might
fees provoked strong reac- would be appropriate for tu- Alexander Berek, the director of the limit the volume of the humanitarian
tions from representatives of ition fees to be introduced rescue service, said that they are ready to Interior Ministry material offered,” the ministry wrote in a
university students. under specific circumstances dispatch a 20-member group of interna- offers rescue team too statement. “In case of need we will se-
“We are against this for and in some specific form, tional specialists who already have ex- cure ground-based transport of the ac-
as long as the government the ministry would commu- perience dealing with the after-effects of The Interior Ministry, in response to cepted amount of material to a desig-
does not prove that this step nicate this even if the idea various natural disasters both at home a call by the EU Monitoring and Informa- nated airport for further transport.”
will improve quality,” said lacked political support, so as and abroad. tion Centre (MIC), which activated the The Japanese Foreign Ministry in-
the head of the Student to inform people about what “We have Slovak and Hungarian res- European Aid Mechanism, prepared a formed EU bodies that the rescue phase
Council of Universities, would help the education cuers, dog-handlers, doctors and four team of rescue workers composed of 16 of the operation is nearing its end and
Juraj Tilesch, as quoted by sector. He intends to elabor- divers in our team,” Berek told the TASR firefighters and personnel specialised in that it will be followed by a phase focus-
the Sme daily. ate further steps only after newswire. “Another eight Hungarian post-natural disaster search and rescue, ing on meeting the basic needs of surviv-
Opposition Smer MP the results of the analysis are doctors specialising in rescue work re- eight policemen with dogs trained to ors, for which Japan had received offers
Dušan Čaplovič said that available. lated to natural disasters are ready to join search for people buried in ruins, eight from 102 countries and regions and 14 in-
one university degree Currently, full-time our group.” divers, six doctors and a veterinary sur- ternational organisations.
should be free regardless of university students in Slov- The rescue team contacted the In- geon, all of them available to depart The Embassy of Japan in Slovakia
whether the student is full- akia pay fees only if they ex- terior Ministry and the Foreign Ministry within four hours of a call from the MIC. thanked the Slovak government for the
time or part-time. If the ceed the standard length of to offer its assistance immediately after Slovakia was also offering, from its help it had offered and expressed “deep-
student wants to get anoth- studies or attend more uni- the earthquake was reported. humanitarian supplies, emergency est gratitude to all the Slovak people who
er degree in another pro- versities. “We're ready to hit the road immedi- housing material (14 tents each with ca- have expressed their sympathy and con-
gramme, he or she should ately, if necessary,” said Berek. pacity for eight people, 112 beds and 112 dolences to the bereaved families and
pay for it. Compiled by Spectator staff Radičová also confirmed that Slov- sleeping bags), 15 mobile generators for victims” of the earthquake and tsunami,
There is uneven support from press reports akia is ready to send 25 rescue workers, as electricity production, 10 portable sludge the embassy’s press release stated.
NEWS March 21 – 27, 2011 3

Slovakia's integrity rating TAP: Allegations fly

Continued from pg 1 The Interior Ministry in-
terpreted Štefanov’s accusa-

not a reason for joy On March 17 Štefanov told

a press conference he had
convened that, according to
“information from well-in-
formed sources”, whom he
tions as an attempt by the
MP to deflect attention, say-
ing that his conduct fitted
the Slovak proverb ‘a drown-
ing man snatches even at a
governing conflicts of interest refused to identify, 40 MPs straw’.
Areas still in the judiciary were ranked including himself were hav- “Remarkably enough, Mr
needing only 36 out of 100. ing their phones tapped, as Štefanov revealed a police-
were some journalists. related topic at precisely the
improvement Whistleblowers not protected Štefanov did not give the moment when the General
include party names of the MPs or the Prosecutor’s Office is decid-
Another issue that ranked journalists, nor did he spe- ing on a proposal to strip
financing very poorly (2 out of 100) was cify which institution was him of his immunity,” the
the lack of legislation protect- supposed to be tapping their ministry stated, as quoted by
ing state employees who blow phones. According to the In- the SITA newswire.
BY MICHAELA the whistle on their superiors’ terior Ministry, the only in- According to the Interior
TERENZANI misconduct. At the moment stitutions that can legally Ministry, any wire-tapping
Spectator staff such a law does not exist. practice eavesdropping in conducted by the police is
“[Whistleblowers] cannot Slovakia are the police and based on a proper court order
be sure that they won’t be the Slovak Information Ser- and is constantly controlled.
THE GLOBAL Integrity Report transferred to another posi- vice (SIS). Štefanov also al- Štefanov, in turn, ac-
(GIR) has ranked Slovakia in tion or that their wife will not leged that Interior Minister cused the interior minister
the top half of monitored lose her job,” said Heller, as Daniel Lipšic is aware of the of trying to cover up import-
countries with an overall quoted by the SITA newswire. eavesdropping, and called on ant topics by making bom-
score of 73 out of 100, but its Šípoš, however, believes him to resign. bastic announcements about
report on the country is not that, rather than legislative “Minister Lipšic is trying the potential prosecution of
without criticism. changes, what is most needed to centralise executive an ex-minister, saying that
While the fight against at the moment is a change in power in one pair of hands,” Lipšic has learned about
corruption, the establishment politicians’ attitude towards Štefanov said, as quoted by “important topics discussed
of transparent government whistle-blowing. the TASR newswire. within the SNS leadership”.
procurement processes and “Instead of silence or “Without any scruples he
public access to information doubts about bureaucrats who taps and gathers information Other MPs heard rumours
are all on the current uncover suspected corruption, about his political oppon-
Financing of political parties remains problematic. Photo: Sme
government’s agenda, the there is a need for moral sup- ents, as well as about his co- Some MPs, however,
latest GIR results show that port on the part of politicians,” alition partners and puts said they had heard that
Slovakia still has a long way to work that threaten to under- need for an independent body Šípoš told The Slovak Spectat- pressure on everyone who eavesdropping might be tak-
go in some of these areas be- mine Slovakia’s progress to- that would audit the finan- or. He listed past examples, doesn’t agree with him.” ing place. While Deputy Par-
fore it reaches the level of ward more open and demo- cing of political parties, that such as a case in the state When asked why he did liamentary Speaker Milan
other advanced democracies. cratic governance.” crimes connected with polit- forestry company, and the ab- not report to the police what Hort of the Slovak Demo-
Slovakia’s highest scores ical financing have to be use of motor fuels at the de- he had described as illegal cratic and Christian Union
What is the GlR? were in the fields of media in- covered in the Penal Act, and partment for the protection of practices by the ministry, (SDKÚ) and Speaker Richard
dependence, non-govern- that the police have to be will- state officials, where political Štefanov said that “such Sulík of Freedom and Solid-
Published annually by the mental organisations, access ing to prosecute these crimes. support for the whistle-blow- things need to be prepared” arity (SaS) said they hadn’t
US-based NGO Global Integ- to information and the work Transparency Interna- ing employees was lacking. and the SNS wants to “avoid heard of this before, Most-
rity, the GIR assesses the of the ombudsman. But, ac- tional Slovakia (TIS) also sup- Šípoš said that rewarding bombastic statements of the Híd deputy chairman Gábor
strengths and weaknesses of cording to the report, signific- ports the creation of an inde- whistleblowers with a pay- kind Minister Lipšic used”. Gál admitted he had heard
anti-corruption systems at a ant weaknesses still pose a pendent audit body that would ment from the money they He also said the SNS might that some MPs might be be-
national level. hindrance to democracy, in- watch over conflict-of-interest helped the state save, as the file a criminal complaint, but ing wire-tapped, or might
Every country assessment cluding issues such as low law cases and political financing. American Fair Claims Act the respective bodies could previously have been mon-
included in the GIR is com- enforceability, insufficient “Conflicts of interest will does, would be a viable solu- start an investigation as soon itored during the previous
prised of two core elements: a control over the financing of be dealt with justly and effect- tion to the problem. as they received information government’s term.
qualitative Reporter's Note- political parties and national ively once it’s no longer a case via the media. “If there are proper court
book and a quantitative Integ- budgetary processes. of politicians keeping an eye Engaging the public? orders for that, then they
rity Indicators scorecard. The on other politicians,” said Immunity links? probably have a reason to
data from the scorecard is ag- Details of political party Gabriel Šípoš, director of TIS. The GIR said that the ca- eavesdrop,” Gál told the
gregated and used to generate financing remain murky pacity to monitor the national Štefanov’s claims about TASR newswire, adding that
the international Global Integ- budgetary process is concen- the Interior Ministry came it would be a problem if the
rity Index. The Integrity In- Nathaniel Heller, Global Conflicts of interest trated in the executive branch shortly after he learnt that he court orders were missing.
dicators scorecard assesses the Integrity’s executive director, in the judiciary in Slovakia and that, while could lose his parliamentary Lipšic stated on March 17
existence and effectiveness of said that Slovakia has no ef- civil society is robust, the immunity and face sub- that all wire-taps being con-
key governance and anti-cor- fective laws in place to deal While Slovakia's om- government has demon- sequent prosecution for seri- ducted by Slovak state organ-
ruption mechanisms, and the with conflicts of interest or budsman and audit agency, strated little interest in enga- ous crimes, including abuse of isations are authorised by a
public’s access to them, the control of political parties’ and its business, tax and cus- ging with civil society organ- the powers of a public official, judge, in accordance with
through more than 300 action- financing. toms systems earned healthy isations and involving them connected to the infamous the law. He added that he
able indicators. It examines “Despite a healthy voting ratings, the accountability in the policy-making process. bulletin-board tender case, as does not know, and does not
issues such as the transpar- and election integrity system, mechanisms that oversee the “Formal tools are at our a result of which the state lost want know, the identities of
ency of the public procure- the regulations that govern judiciary, executive and legis- disposal, but are not used millions of euros. Parliament any individuals currently be-
ment process, the freedom of political financing continue lature are weak, the report well,” said Wienk. will vote on whether to strip ing monitored. “My message
the media, asset disclosure re- to be ineffective,” the report states. National-level regula- Although she admits the Štefanov of his immunity to Mr Štefanov is that times
quirements, and conflict-of- reads. “An independent audit- tions for conflicts of interest situation has changed since when MPs receive a motion have changed,” Lipšic said,
interest regulations. ing body to monitor the fin- among judges, for instance, the last elections she said from the prosecutor. as quoted by SITA.
ancing of political parties and are poorly enforced. there are still areas that could Interior Minister Daniel Politicians from the op-
Slovakia – a conundrum individual candidates does According to Wienk, the use improvement; the public Lipšic announced on March 9 position Smer party also said
not exist, and not all political recent amendments to legis- could be informed more in ad- that four people, whom he they had heard of some tap-
The recently released res- parties disclose their lation on the judiciary, vance about proposed meas- did not identify but who are ping practices before but did
ults are based on data donations.” passed by the Iveta Radičová ures, for example, and more believed to include Štefanov’s not have any confirmed in-
gathered during the Robert The GIR gave the effect- government, have brought time could be provided for predecessor as construction formation that they could
Fico government, between iveness of regulations govern- significant changes but there public review. minister, Marián Janušek, publish.
June 2008 and June 2009, one ing the financing of political is still room for improve- However, Šípoš said that had been charged with tam- “This is such a serious
year before the leadership of parties the extremely low ment, particularly in the area there has been a big change in pering with a public pro- thing that despite the fact
the country changed hands in score of 4 out of 100. of disciplinary proceedings the fight against corruption curement. At the same time, that we hear this informa-
June 2010. “The legislation needs to against judges. and that TIS had been invited a motion was filed with the tion, and despite the fact that
“Slovakia poses a be improved, but then we also “In my opinion the prob- to cooperate with ministers in duty prosecutor to request we know about a source at
conundrum,” the report need to focus on preventing lem is that the judiciary is creating new rules for public that parliament strip a fifth the Regional Court in Nitra,
reads. “Although the former political interference in the ruled by power and financial procurement and financing of suspect of his immunity we cannot come up with such
communist country is now a work of bodies that are sup- groups and the state is no political parties. from prosecution. This later accusations and claims,”
member of the EU and a relat- posed to be independent,” longer able to guarantee law “Under the last govern- turned out to be Štefanov. Smer’s leader Robert Fico
ively stable democracy, there Zuzana Wienk of the Fair-Play enforcement,” said Wienk. ment any criticism from our According to Lipšic, the said, as quoted by TASR.
are significant weaknesses in Alliance watchdog told The The judiciary received a part resulted in us facing ac- charges, if proved, could res-
its overall anti-corruption Slovak Spectator. mediocre-to-poor score in the cusations of being politically ult in a prison sentence of 10 By Michaela Terenzani
and accountability frame- Wienk said that there is a 2009 GIR, while regulations motivated,” said Šípoš. to 20 years. with press reports
4 March 21 – 27, 2011 BUSINESS

Investors ponder
Hospitals face cuts in bed capacity
SLOVAK hospitals may lose
10 to 15 percent of their total
35,000 beds, based on a pre-
the ministry explained, as
quoted by SITA. “Specialised
care that is medically and
quake effects
liminary plan by the Health financially demanding (and, Meanwhile, rating
Ministry.The exact number most of the time, only neces- BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ agency Standard & Poor’s
and structure of the affected sary in rare cases) will be Spectator staff said on March 16, as quoted
wards will be known after centralised because that is by Reuters, that Asian eco-
talks between the ministry, the only way it can be nomies will record another
counties, managements of provided in the highest pos- MARKET watchers world- year of solid growth in 2011
the affected facilities and in- sible quality.” wide are fixing their sights after 2010 proved that Asia
surance companies, the SITA The first changes, start- on earthquake-stricken Ja- is emerging from the eco-
newswire reported. ing April 1, will concern pan and trying to estimate nomic downturn in a strong
The reduction is due to a cases requiring a change in the impact the catastrophe position even as the eco-
lack of financial resources the form of healthcare might have on the world’s nomic picture for Japan
and the expectation that provided, such as changing third largest economy, and after the earthquake re-
payments from health insur- a one-day treatment to a its subsequent worldwide ef- mains less clear.
ance companies will not in- hospital treatment, and fects. Observers noted that The earthquake imme-
crease in the near future. those where transfers of the earthquake instantly af- diately affected financial
“Strictly speaking, this beds or centralisation of fected global financial mar- markets: in its first three
does not mean hospitals will wards is not necessary. kets and said that even mar- trading sessions after the
be closed; it is just a reduc- Marián Petko, president kets in central and eastern disaster the Japanese
tion of ineffective wards, as of the Association of Slovak Europe felt some heat from Nikkei 225 share index
well as support and exten- Hospitals, said that there are risk-averse global investors. The post-quake tsunami destroyed whole towns. Photo: TASR plunged by over 20 percent
sion of outpatient and day- redundant beds. “Some re- There are no accurate cal- to its lowest levels since last
care so that patients are structuring would partially culations or estimates for the istic suggest a loss of about 0.1 ships are the most important April, said Vaňo. He added
provided the major part of help the system,” he said, as damage that Japan has percent in GDP growth. when assessing the impact that at first the Pacific re-
health care in their regions,” quoted by SITA. suffered and market watchers Japan is the third largest of events in Japan on the re- gion, but later stock mar-
say it is too early to say how economy in the world and covery of the global eco- kets in the USA and Europe,
much the earthquake and its the fourth most important nomy, according to Volks- also felt the pain.
Honeywell to invest in Slovakia aftermath will affect Japan- trading partner of the United bank Slovensko chief eco-
ese growth. The more optim- States. These two relation- nomist Vladimír Vaňo. See GDP pg 9
ECONOMY Minister Juraj cision on the proposal for
Miškov on March 14 con- investment assistance,” the
firmed plans by US-based
multinational Honeywell In-
ternational to invest over
ministry stated, as quoted
by TASR.
LEVY: Payroll tax burden is debated
The ministry said that
Continued from pg 1
€38 million in Slovakia. The Honeywell ha d fulfilled all
investment will create at criteria required under Slov-
least 446 new jobs in Prešov, ak and EU law. The invest- The proposal, which is now being de-
producing turbochargers de- ment aid would take the bated by the ruling coalition parties, mar-
signed for cars and trucks , form of direct financial help ket watchers and representatives of the
the TASR newswire reported. through subsidies when pro- self-employed, assumes the introduction
The Economy Ministry curing material and non-ma- of a so-called super-gross wage from
intends during an upcom- terial investment property, which one social insurance and one
ing cabinet session to sub- through contributions for health-care contribution would be paid.
mit a proposal on providing creating new jobs, and The proposed healthcare levy is set at 9
Honeywell with invest- through indirect help, in- percent for all groups.
ment assistance. cluding an income tax allow- The Ministry of Finance has proposed
“The government will ance on condition that max- setting social contributions at 19 percent
then act on the investor’s imum-intensity aid for east- for employees, while the self-employed
request by issuing a de- ern Slovakia is fulfilled. would pay 16 percent and so-called one-off
contract workers would pay 13 percent.
The self-employed would also be offered a
VOP: Find new investor or close tax bonus.
Mikloš has denied that the changes
DEFENCE Minister Ľubomír fence Ministry has ammuni- would increase the overall payroll tax
Galko is preparing to name a tion which could be dis- burden on Slovaks.
crisis manager for Vojenský mantled, but we have no The minister noted that 1.65 million
Opravárenský Podnik (VOP) funds for granting these employees and 67,500 self-employed The self-employed may soon pay a lot more in taxes and levies. Photo: Sme - Pavol Funtál
Nováky, a state-run joint- contracts to VOP Nováky.” would be better off if the reform is given
stock military maintenance At this point, VOP the go-ahead. He conceded that another “One of the solutions could be to “We think that the government
company that he says is in Nováky is fully dependent on 228,000 self-employed people may indeed make payments for sick-leave insur- should be reducing the payroll tax bur-
the worst financial condition the ministry's contracts, he take a hit, but this would only constitute ance and employment insurance vol- den of employees and not increasing it
of all the companies under said. “We are currently able doing away with distortions in the sys- untary, while in the event of illness or flatly for other groups,” said Ďurana.
his ministry’s jurisdiction. to sell the ammunition,” tem, the TASR newswire wrote. job loss limited drawing of funds from
“We need to find a stra- Galko said. “We are able to the second [old-age pension savings] Are the self-employed endangered?
tegic investor, or we haven’t get rid of it without this cost- Fundamentals of the reform pillar would be allowed.”
ruled out that we may have ing us any money.” For the sake of reducing the payroll Meanwhile Stanislav Čižmárik, the
to liquidate the company,” Citing comments by em- While experts agree that so-called ar- tax burden on low-income people and president of the Slovenský
Galko said, as quoted by the ployees, Galko said that some tificial self-employment needs to be ad- thus helping employment, INEKO also Živnostenský Zväz (SŽZ), which repres-
SITA newswire. In that case, funds already provided to the dressed, they differ on the best approach. proposes having a deductible item for ents self-employed trade and craft
approximately 200 people company had been used for “I consider the shift from employ- payroll taxes, similar to those for workers, said that in January 2011 alone
would lose their jobs. purposes other than lifting it ment to artificial self-employment, taxes, Goliáš concluded. more than 6,000 self-employed people
The company’s fate out of debt, such as buying which is motivated only by a lower However, another think tank sug- announced the termination of their
should be determined within new windows, but added payroll tax burden, to be a problem since gested that the problem is not the low businesses. Additional closures would
six months. Meanwhile, that it is too late now to do this leaves less money for health care or payroll taxes of the self-employed but probably follow if the government were
Galko said, €400,000 has anything about that. financing current pensions, for example,” the high payroll taxes of employees. to adopt the measures it has planned,
been reallocated to VOP Galko agrees with the the director of the INEKO think tank, Radovan Ďurana of the INESS eco- he said, as quoted by TASR.
Nováky to provide for wages, unions, which have stated Peter Goliáš, told The Slovak Spectator. nomic think tank gave a negative as- While the government argues that
and the ministry will trans- that strategic investors Goliáš considers the basic intention sessment of the plan to pay for a re- the current lower levies for the self-
port ammunition to the could aid the ailing com- of the reform, which along with simpli- duction in the burden on low-income employed are unfair on regular em-
company for employees to pany, and said it doesn’t fying the payroll-tax system would also employees by placing a heavier load ployees, Čižmárik pointed to the dif-
work on in the coming matter whether it’s a do- lower the motivation to switch to artifi- on the self-employed and contract ferences between the two groups,
months, SITA wrote. mestic or a foreign investor, cial self-employment, as correct. workers. Ďurana told The Slovak Spec- stressing that the self-employed bear
“However, this is not a but that the state should re- “The question is to what degree the tator in an earlier comment that he full responsibility for their entrepren-
solution that can be re- tain majority ownership. high payroll taxes on employees will be expected such a change would de- eurial activities, guaranteeing them
peated again and again in reduced and by how much the burden crease flexibility in the labour market with their own property, while paying
the future,” SITA quoted Compiled by Spectator staff on self-employed and contract workers and have a negative impact on em- deductions regardless of whether they
Galko as saying. “The De- from press reports will increase,” Goliáš said. ployment growth. are making money or not.
OPINION March 21 – 27, 2011 5
“We want to avoid any bombastic statements and
shouts like those of [Interior] Minister Lipšic.” Heavy historical baggage
SNS MP Igor Štefanov, who claims that 40 Slovak MPs are being MASSED marchers, neo-Nazi people attended the celebra- make it more ‘acceptable’ for
wire-tapped – but has presented no evidence to back his assertion. groupings that offer frus- tions of the 72nd anniversary a democratic country.
trated youngsters licence to of the Slovak State. The Yet the streets will always
kick anyone labelled “the founder of the banned have their self-made histori-
Jadro enemy”, sub-cultures de-
voted to collecting trashy
Nazi relics and reading
Slovenská Pospolitosť ex-
tremist movement, Marián
Kotleba, described them as a
ans and there will always be
sub-cultures who decades ago
retreated into the dark caves
care at all. It doesn’t even occur speeches by shady figures “handful of the brave against with what they believed was
BY LUKÁŠ FILA SLOVAK WORD to anyone that something like
this could happen here.”
from the past that continue
to haunt present generations
the whole system”. the truth, and who have nev-
er really emerged since. In-
Special to the Spectator
A poll on the news who lack the necessary his- stead, they continue to polish

THERE are three reasons why

after the tragedy in Japan one
website showed that 76 percent
of people aren’t concerned that
the problems of the Japanese
torical self-reflection, and
extremist politicians: none of
these make good historians.
EDITORIAL their rings and plates adorned
with Nazi swastikas, and
search internet sites to ex-
would expect “jadro” (nucleus) nuclear reactors could in any Unfortunately, however, tend their collections, caring
to be Slovakia’s word of the way threaten Slovakia. it is precisely such people who very little about the victims of
week – firstly, Chernobyl is And all political parties frequently and shamelessly the regimes which produced
right next door, in neighbour- without exception continue to trumpet their dubious inter- their cherished mementoes.
ing Ukraine. Secondly, support the use of nuclear pretations of history whenev- March 14 is still wrapped
Slovakia’s other neighbour is power. Sure, there are some er it suits them, guaranteeing up in many myths that con-
Austria, where the anti-nucle- activists who try to start a de- them attention among those tinue to be abused by extrem-
ar lobby is especially strong. bate on the potential threats, in society who are angry and ists. Historians and political
And thirdly, the country gets but with little luck. ready to lash out. scientists repeatedly remind
more than half of its electricity How can this be? It’s be- Every year, one day before us that the Slovak State had
from nuclear power plants. cause in Slovakia there is one the Ides of March, youngsters many of the attributes of a to-
France, with 75 percent, is the kind of power that has a longer dressed in uniforms resem- talitarian state, and oppressed
only EU country more depend- en locals, Miroslav Remenár, tradition, broader support, and bling those of Slovakia’s war- the rights of the majority of its
ent on nuclear energy. mayor of one of the villages in that often leads to more im- time Nazi militia, along with own citizens. But this awk-
Yet there is complete si- the immediate proximity of pressive results than the a handful of pensioners cling- ward fact, of course, hardly
lence. When asked whether the Jaslovské Bohunice power power of the nucleus: the ing bitterly to memories of enters into the type of rally
developments in Japan fright- plant, replied: “People don’t power of apathy. the early 1940s – or, more of- BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ talk in which the extremists
ten these days, the filtered Spectator staff are involved every year.
memories of their parents – Perhaps especially
gather in squares to com- around the Ides of March
memorate what is one of the Kotleba called on Interior there should be some more
darkest and most traumatic Minister Daniel Lipšic to de- substantial debate: the
anniversaries in Slovakia’s lete the paragraph of the broadcast media could skip
history: the establishment Criminal Code which penal- one of the episodes of its ap-
in 1939 of the Slovak State, a ises incitement of hatred parently interminable soap
puppet of Nazi Germany led based on race, nationality or opera series and host a debate
by Jozef Tiso, a Roman ethnicity, describing it as an of historians over the issue;
Catholic priest. obstacle to freedom of opinion though the hopeful premise
It is almost the same and what he called “scientific for such an initiative is that
story every year: supporters exploration”, SITA wrote. the wider public cares, which
of the Nazi puppet state meet Of course, the March 14 might well be a forlorn hope.
on March 14 at one of performance of those The hope that one day
Bratislava’s squares and then youngsters, few of whom these people will eventually
march to the grave of Tiso would probably be able to melt away, like the dirty
while shouting the same cite even basic facts about snow under the rays of the
predictable slogans every the wartime state or the March sun, is wrong: they
year: ‘We won’t give away activities of its leaders, could will not just disappear.
Slovakia’, ‘Slovakia for Slov- hardly be characterised as History is sometimes
aks’ or ‘Vivat Tiso’. “scientific exploration”. heavy, rusty and difficult to
They are typically cit- Nevertheless, there are handle, and sometimes it is
izens vulnerable to manipu- still historians trying to re- very fragile. This is why it
lation by extremist leaders, package the rotten core of should never be treated like a
who, by attacking a wide Tiso’s state, disregarding the football, kicked by those who
range of minorities, get the fact that, obedient to Hitler, do not understand the im-
moment of fame and atten- it sent some 70,000 Slovak portance of historical inter-
tion they hunger for. Jews to Nazi death camps pretation. Without care, fu-
Local media reported that while actually reimbursing ture generations will be able
in Bratislava this year, ac- the Reich for the costs of de- neither to carry their unre-
cording to the SITA news- portation. No re-interpreta- solved historical baggage nor
Nuclear energy is not an issue for most Slovaks. Photo: Sme - Pavol Funtál wire, an estimated 200 tion can soften this fact or put it where it belongs.

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6 March 21 – 27, 2011

Slovakia's electric avenue BUSINESS FOCUS Next issue:
Thieves avoid pink cars
Slovak fuel prices soar ENERGY

Big three prepare to Automotive industry organisations

in Slovakia
Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak
Republic (ZAP SR),

ramp up production Chairman: Jozef Uhrík

Automobilový klaster – západné Slovensko

(Automotive Cluster – Western Slovakia), a cluster of
producers of car components, universities, schools and
– 36 percent – went to Germany local government bodies. Its vision is to build a highly
Output stabilised last year. But the most dynam- prestigious and modern base for the automotive industry
in 2010, but ically developing market for in western Slovakia by 2012.
VW Slovakia’s cars is China,
Slovak car plants where 18.9 percent of produc-
all have tion was exported. Compared
with the previous year this Car producers in Slovakia
expansion plans represented an increase of 5.7
percentage points. The USA Volkswagen Slovakia
and Russia followed, with 9.4 Volkswagen Slovakia is the oldest carmaker in Slovakia.
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ percent and 5.4 percent re-
Slovak Spectator spectively. Only 0.7 percent of
VW Slovakia’s car production PSA Peugeot Citroën Slovakia
remained in Slovakia. The PSA Peugeot Citroën Slovakia car plant near Trnava is
2010 was a year of challenges Production is forecast to grow. Photo: Courtesy of VW Slovakia For Kia Motors Slovakia, the most technologically advanced in the entire PSA
for carmakers operating in the youngest carmaker in Slov- Peugeot Citroën group.
Slovakia, all of which had to increase of almost 20 percent by the global economic crisis. akia, 2010 was a groundbreak-
grapple with the effects of the compared with 2009.” In 2009 it produced fewer ing year, even though it has not
global economic crisis. Num- Of the three carmakers in than 106,000 vehicles, down yet revealed its official car pro- Kia Motors Slovakia
bers revealed so far indicate Slovakia, only Volkswagen has from 188,000 in 2008. In 2010, duction figures. Kia Motors Slovakia is the most recent carmaker to arrive
that the sector stabilised last revealed official production SUVs made up 93 percent of “We registered record res- in Slovakia and its plant near Žilina is the South Korean
year, and the outlook for 2011 figures for 2010 so far. total car production at its ults in production,” Dušan manufacturer’s only one in Europe.
looks promising. All three car- “Volkswagen Slovakia pro- Bratislava plant. Dvořák, spokesperson of Kia
makers in Slovakia are already duced 144,510 cars in 2010, an “2010 was for us a year full Motors Slovakia told The Slovak
expanding or plan to expand annual increase of over 36 of challenges; from the start of Spectator. “This was thanks to
their production here, mean- percent,” Andreas Tostmann, production of the new genera- the launch of production of two Car sales
ing more car models will be CEO of Volkswagen Slovakia, tion of Volkswagen Touareg new SUV models, the Kia Sport-
produced, and more people said on March 14. He specified and Porsche Cayenne models, age and Hyundai ix35, while re- Sales of new passenger cars and small utility vehicles up
employed in the local automot- that production had thrived through to the start of serial gistering an increasing number to 3.5 tonnes:
ive industry. during the second half of the production of the first hybrid of orders during the whole year.
“2010 had all the signs of year in particular. During the model, the Volkswagen Tou- Simultaneously, we started 2006 – 78,568 vehicles
stabilisation and, I would even first half of 2010 the company areg Hybrid, within the VW production of the new 1.7-litre 2007 – 83,255 vehicles
say, indications of a return to was still feeling the impact of concern,” said Tostmann. “For diesel engine, which we mount 2008 – 96, 897 vehicles
the growth dynamics seen be- the economic crisis, but later the whole year we were also in- into SUV models.” 2009 – 90,426 vehicles
fore 2008,” Jozef Uhrík, presid- demand in all markets revived tensively preparing for produc- Kia Motors Slovakia also 2010 – 70,951 vehicles
ent of the Automotive Industry significantly. The turnover of tion of the New Small Family launched a significant invest- Source: ZAP SR
Association of the Slovak Re- the company grew by 37 per- [range of cars].” ment exceeding €100 million
public (ZAP SR), told The Slovak cent to €4.04 billion and its Almost all the cars pro- last year, when it started con-
Spectator in an assessment of taxed profits went up by 31.6 duced in 2010 by VW Slovakia – struction of a second plant for Best-selling cars brands in Slovakia
the development of the auto- percent to €75 million. 99.3 percent – were exported. It production of engines, which
motive industry in Slovakia Volkswagen Slovakia, be- is the only plant in the VW will have an annual capacity of In total, 70,951 cars were sold in Slovakia in 2010, 21.54
over the last year. “Production, cause of its focus on produc- group that produces the Volk- 150,000 units. percent fewer than in 2009, when car sales were
which accounted for about tion of high-end sport utility swagen Touareg and Audi Q7 propelled by the car-scrapping bonus scheme. Sales
557,000 cars, represented an vehicles (SUVs), was hit hard models. Most of the production See PLANS pg 8 figures for new passenger cars and small utility vehicles
in 2010 by manufacturer were as follows:

Car sales deliver positive surprise 1. Škoda – 13,631 units: 19.21 percent of market
2. Renault – 4,988 units: 7.03 percent
3. Volkswagen – 4,926 units: 6.94 percent
Prospects for the sector The Slovak Spectator. “I expect car sales percent), Citroën (6.10 percent), Hyundai 4. Peugeot – 4,742 units: 6.68 percent
will follow an upward trend in 2011. “ (4.75 percent), Fiat (4.30 percent), 5. Kia – 4,373 units: 6.16 percent
are improving after The registration of new passenger cars Toyota/Lexus (4.27 percent), Ford (4.11 6. Citroën – 4,329 units: 6.10 percent
a difficult 2010 and small utility vehicles weighing up to percent), Suzuki (4.06 percent) and Opel 7. Hyundai – 3,370 units: 4.75 percent
3.5 tonnes totalled 70,951 units in 2010, (3.76 percent). 8. Fiat – 3,053 units: 4.30 percent
down from the 2008 record level of 96,897 9. Toyota/Lexus – 3,029 units: 4.27 percent
units. The car-scrapping bonus scheme New or old? 10. Ford – 2,913 units: 4.11 percent
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ helped maintain car sales in 2009, when a Source: ZAP SR
Slovak Spectator total of 90,426 new cars were registered in With regards to the ratio between
Slovakia. However, the scheme may have new and used vehicles sold in Slovakia
affected car sales in 2010, when sales fell last year, Uhrík does not think that Slov- Motor shows in Slovakia
THE FINAL figures for car sales in Slovakia by 21.54 percent compared with 2009. akia differs significantly when compared
in 2010 have returned a positive surprise: According to Uhrík, sales in 2010 were with other European countries, even There are two main motor shows in Slovakia:
even though they lagged well behind the propelled in particular by companies. though the situation in each of them is The 21st International Show of Motor Vehicles,
record set in 2008, not to mention sales After halting the renewal of their car not identical. Accessories and Garage and Servicing Equipment -
last year, they exceeded market expecta- fleets during the crisis, they started to re- “The record from 2008, when the re- Autosalon / Motor Show Bratislava 2011 will take place
tions. Sales of new cars rose strongly dur- place old vehicles last year. gistration of used passenger cars and on April 12 to 17 at Incheba Expo Bratislava
ing the final months of 2010, indicating Škoda was again the most popular car small utility vehicles stood at 100,597
that the car market is recovering from the brand in Slovakia in 2010, with almost one units and thus exceeded the registration
crisis and that the appetite of Slovak fifth (19.21 percent) of all new passenger of new cars, was not repeated in 2010,” The 18th Car Show Nitra, the only Slovak automobile fair
drivers for new cars is growing. cars and small commercial vehicles sold Uhrík said. The registration of used cars listed in the prestigious calendar of the OICA
“The almost 71,000 cars and small util- in Slovakia carrying a Škoda badge. No decreased in 2009 as well as in 2010, down (Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs
ity vehicles sold in 2010 was for me a small other carmaker achieved a double-digit to 78,834 and 66,248 units respectively. d'Automobiles) takes place on September 29 to October
positive surprise because we did not ex- market share. Renault was second, with The decline between 2010 and 2009 was 3 at Agrokomplex in Nitra.
pect such a number,” Jozef Uhrík, presid- 7.03 percent of the market and Volkswa- more than 16 percent.
ent of the Automotive Industry Associ- gen had 6.94 percent. Peugeot was fourth
ation of the Slovak Republic (ZAP SR), told with 6.68 percent, followed by Kia (6.16 See UP pg 8 Compiled by Spectator staff
BUSINESS FOCUS March 21 – 27, 2011 7

Slovakia’s electric FOCUS shorts

avenue Carmakers propel Slovakia’s economy
THE MANUFACTURING in- being,” said Boris Fojtík, an
New electric cars ing parking lots and petrol dustry is growing in Slovakia. analyst with Tatra Banka. Ac-
stations, i.e. places where car In January local production cording to him, the start of
are taking to the drivers are used to stopping. grew by 17.1 percent year-on- new production lines at Volk-
local roads ZSE will not limit build- year. According to the Slovak swagen, along with the start-
ing of charging stations to Statistics Office, it was car- up of new investments in the
this project: it plans to open makers and mechanical en- electro-technical industry,
its first pilot recharging gineering companies in par- will be an important factor.
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ point inside ZSE premises in ticular that drove the growth Volkswagen increased
Slovak Spectator the summer and another in production. Analysts ex- production in January.
next winter. pect Slovak industry to con- “While in January 2010
“For the time being the tinue to thrive in the coming we operated in two shifts for
THE FIRST vehicles powered number of electric cars in months, the Hospodárske five days per week, this year
entirely by electricity were Bratislava is minimal and Noviny daily wrote. we manufactured cars in four
manufactured as early as in thus massive construction of “The trend in assessing shifts seven days per week,”
the 1900s, but after more than recharging stations, except industrial production was Vladimír Machalík, spokes-
one hundred years electric those intended to demon- upward, which is a precondi- person of Volkswagen told
cars remain a curiosity, at strate how something like tion for further strong the daily.
least in Slovakia. Neverthe- this looks, does not make any growth,” said Andrej Arady, Kia Motors Slovakia near
less, the situation is now set sense for now,” Orlovský told analyst with VÚB Banka. Žilina reports an increased in-
to change. As many compan- The Slovak Spectator. The automotive sector terest in its cars from Slovaks.
ies worldwide plan to – or With regards to making should be the main driving “We have registered a
have already started – serial electric cars more popular and force of Slovak industry this more significant growth
production of electric cars, a used by the general popula- year. During the first months compared with the previous
number of pilot e-mobility tion, Orlovský sees this as a of 2011 car production has year and we believe that
projects have emerged across matter of the supply of already risen by as much as these numbers can grow
Slovakia. Most of them are be- vehicles that are affordable 50.9 percent y/y, and analysts even further,” said company
ing run by electricity distribu- and attractive from the view- expect carmakers to make the spokesperson Dušan Dvořák.
tion companies since infra- point of usage. biggest contribution to the The company registered an
structure, specifically char- “As with any new and ex- revival in Slovakia’s economy. increased demand especially
ging stations, remains a crit- pensive technology, this one “The concentration on after it launched its new Hy-
ical issue, even though most A battery is at the heart of an electric car. Photo: ČTK too has a greater chance for the car industry is playing to undai ix35 and Kia Sportage
electric cars can in theory be success only with state Slovakia’s benefit for the time models.
recharged from domestic charging stations is expec- car fleet by five electric support,” said Orlovský.
power points. ted in general in Europe at cars,” Jana Bolibruchová of “Otherwise its implementa-
“Car producers are pre- the end of 2011 or in 2012,” SSE told The Slovak Spectat- tion will take longer. More Kia Slovakia has new president
pared for the production of VSE spokesperson Andrea or. The vehicles will thus than €30,000 for a small-me-
electric cars,” Jozef Uhrík, Danihelová told The Slovak make up approximately 3 dium sized car is too much for ON JANUARY 1, Myung-Chul leagues he participated in the
president of the Automotive Spectator. percent of the company’s most people.” Chung was appointed pres- establishment of the first Kia
Industry Association of the To support the develop- passenger-car fleet. “We're Apart from Peugeot, it sis- ident and CEO of Kia Motors production facility in Europe.
Slovak Republic (ZAP SR), told ment of e-mobility in Slovakia cooperating in this field ter carmaker Citroën is also Slovakia, which produces “I have been with Kia
The Slovak Spectator. “The VSE is offering drivers of elec- with carmaker Peugeot, offering an all-electric model, cars at its plant in Teplička Motors Slovakia since its be-
start of production of expens- tric cars free charging until which is the world leader in the Citroën C-zero. The nad Váhom, near Žilina. He ginning, so I know the com-
ive electric cars depends only the middle of 2011. VSE plans the number of electric cars Peugeot iOn is now on sale at replaced In-Kyu Bae, the first pany very well,” he said. “I
on how his excellency the to continue building charging sold. It will launch its elec- €35,460 including VAT, and president of Kia Motors Slov- will continue the traditions
customer, who has become stations in order to allow the tric car model, the Peugeot the Citroën C-zero is available akia, who has left Slovakia and promote the strengths of
used to the comfort of classic- drivers of electric cars to iOn, in Slovakia this year.” for the same price, according after more than six years to our company to its further
al, i.e. internal combustion, make it from Košice to Bratis- SSE is not limiting its sup- to the websites of Peugeot and continue his professional ca- development.”
engines, will respond. When lava: on average an electric port for the development of e- Citroën dealers in Slovakia. reer within Hyundai Kia Kia Motors Slovakia is
the advantages of electric cars car can travel only around 150 mobility to the purchase of The high price of electric Automotive Group in the Re- the first assembly plant of
are sufficiently appealing that kilometres on a single charge. electric cars. It is also plan- cars is regarded as the main public of Korea, Kia Motors Kia Motors Corporation in
they overcome this familiar- VSE plans to open its next ning to build medium-capa- barrier to wider usage of the Slovakia announced. Europe. The plant was built
ity, then I see the idea of e- charging station in Bratislava. city charging stations. Such technology in Slovakia, rais- Chung has been working between 2004 and 2006, and
mobility as feasible. However, According to Danihelová, stations are able to recharge ing the question of whether at Kia Motors Slovakia since production of vehicles as
this is a question which will the selection of towns where an electric car’s battery from 0 the government will provide 2005, when he was appointed well as engines for passenger
be not solved in one or two charging stations will be built to 100 percent of its capacity support. the head of the purchasing cars started in December
years, even though this is a on the Bratislava-Košice route in 3 hours without any negat- “Each new technology is and procurement group at the 2006. Kia employs over 2,900
global theme on which a large will depend on several factors, ive effect on the battery, ac- taken up more quickly when plant. Together with his col- people in Slovakia.
number of world organisa- but in particular on prospects cording to Bolibruchová. the state stimulates demand
tions are working.” for their usage and support The regional power dis- for it,” Marcel Lauko, director
According to Uhrík, great- from local municipal or tributor in western Slovakia, of the Energy Centre Bratis- Students build their own car
er usage of electric cars will private bodies. In general, Západoslovenská Energetika lava, a partner in ZSE’s Vibrate
also depend on building re- however, VSE plans to direct (ZSE), announced its e-mobil- project, told The Slovak Spec- STUDENTS of the Faculty of TDi engine with an output of
lated infrastructure, includ- construction of charging sta- ity project, Vibrate, in early tator. “In the case of e-mobil- Mechanical Engineering at 120 horsepower,” Miloš Liba
ing charging stations. tions towards bigger towns March this year. This project ity at question is not only fin- the Technical University of from the Faculty of Mechan-
“The client will respond because the e-mobility is being run in cooperation ancial support, but other Košice have built their own ical Engineering at the Tech-
when he or she is sure that he concept is designed especially with Vienna and should be areas such as parking, which full-size car. Except for the nical University of Košice ex-
or she can use an electric car for use in urban areas. the first cross-border e-mobil- in the case of cars is a crucial basic platform and the en- plained, as quoted by Pravda.
permanently,” said Uhrík. In early March VSE took ity project in Europe. It is issue. Thus other forms [of gine, the attractive ICAR The car has a top speed of
another step and added the planned to link Bratislava and support] are possible.” 2010 cabriolet is the over 200 kilometres per hour.
First swallow first electric car to its com- Vienna by a so-called green Lauko stressed that e-mo- achievement of a team of Designing the car took
from the east pany car fleet. Its ambition is highway, i.e. a network of bility can be also understood students, the Pravda daily one year, while the team
to drive 20,000 kilometres in charging stations. as a system for storing elec- wrote in late December. worked for another year
The first swallow of e- the car, a Peugeot iOn, in city As Ján Orlovský, spokes- trical energy, which once the The assignment was not ‘materialising’ their ideas.
mobility arrived in the east of traffic to test this new person of ZSE, the Slovak concept spreads widely will an easy one. The students The result is an elegant
Slovakia. In November 2010 concept of urban mobility in leader of the cross-border become part of the so-called were assigned to design and two-seater roadster with
the regional power distribut- real-time conditions. It will project, told The Slovak Spec- smart grid, as one of its more manufacture a car in a way wing doors.
or Východoslovenská Ener- also provide the same vehicle tator, a decision about the fi- important components. Hav- which simulated the produc- But it seems that the
getika (VSE) launched the to its partner organisations nal number of charging sta- ing large numbers of car bat- tion processes of carmakers. ICAR is not the Košice stu-
first public charging station, for them to try. tions has not been made yet. teries connected to the elec- Moreover, the car was to be dents’ final word.
and stated its ambition to be- The next regional power But since only 12 kilometres tricity grid would make it pos- attractive in terms of its ori- “Already work on anoth-
come the leader in e-mobility distributor to announce the of the total route are in Slov- sible to regulate storage and ginality, aggressive design, er project, which will differ
in Slovakia. start of e-mobility operations akia, Orlovský says it would recharging according to the speed, modern innovative from this one, has started,”
“The launch of the sale of was Stredoslovenská Ener- be sensible to build just one or needs of the grid, thus balan- elements and sporty look. Liba said. “It will be an elec-
electric cars is planned for getika (SSE). two charging stations on the cing the grid’s stability. “The platform from tric car.”
this year [i.e. 2011] and thus “During the second half Slovak side. Primarily, the Škoda’s Fabia served as the Compiled by Spectator staff
an increase in interest in of 2011 SSE will extend its stations will be built at exist- See E-CAR pg 8 basis and we used a 1.9-litre from press reports
8 March 21 – 27, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

PLANS: New models now in sight E-CAR: New models

Continued from pg 7 time necessary for charging
Continued from pg 6 adding that the automotive duction of cars of the New company is responding to to as little as a few minutes.
industry could also contribute Small Family range we will calls for greener technology Electric vehicles Manufacturers list the
PSA Peugeot Citroën to stronger GDP growth this become the only plant with by offering its ISG stop&go main advantages of electric
Slovakia’s production plant year, and that apart from Kia five brands under one roof in driving system as an option in There are basically two cars as being their zero-CO2
near Trnava has not revealed Motors Slovakia other car pro- the world. Simultaneously, its cars. It says this helps to types of electric cars: those emissions and zero noisi-
its official results for 2010 ducers are forecasting growth we will extend our portfolio save fuel in city traffic by fully propelled by electrical ness, and focus especially on
either, but as spokesperson in production. “Many subcon- with a new segment of cars.” 10-15 percent. The ISG system energy and so-called hy- corporate clients, given the
Peter Švec told the SITA tracting companies in Slov- Volkswagen plans to in- was fitted to about 15 percent brids, which combine a con- vehicles’ currently high
newswire in mid December, akia, which produce car com- vest €1 billion in Slovakia over of cars produced at the Žilina ventional internal combus- purchase prices.
the figure was below 200,000 ponents, raw materials or ser- the next five years. VW’s in- plant last year. tion engine propulsion sys- On the other hand, op-
cars, down from the 203,732 vices for final producers, will vestments in the country up For the time being Kia Mo- tem with an electric propul- erating costs are lower
which rolled off its production feel the positive impact of the to 2010 totalled €1.9 billion. tors Slovakia produces three sion system. than in the case of cars
lines in 2009. growth in car production. "We Investment leading up to versions of its Kia cee’d model Both types recharge powered by fossil fuels:
export cars produced in our the production launch of cars and in 2010 it launched pro- themselves during driving Citroën wrote in its press
Positive prospects company to the whole of within the New Small Family duction of two SUV models – (from energy captured dur- release that total costs for
Europe and demand for them range should be €308 million; the Kia Sportage and the Hy- ing braking, for instance) driving 100 kilometres are
In terms of the plans of will depend especially on the production is due to start later undai ix35. Apart from the Kia and can be recharged at about €1.50 in the case of
carmakers in Slovakia, situation on the market.” this year. The project will re- Venga, preparations for the charging stations. its Citroën C-zero.
Uhrík expects further Kia Motors Slovakia plans quire 1,500 extra workers, ex- production of which are tak- Most electric cars can be The maximum range of
growth in 2011. to continue its development panding Volkswagen Slovakia’s ing place this year, the com- recharged from a domestic electric cars is limited to
“I expect car production to activities in 2011. current labour force to 8,500. pany is also planning to pre- power point, but this can about 150 kilometres by the
break the record from 2008, “During the first quarter Tostmann did not specify pare production of a brand take up to eight hours. As a capacity of the battery.
when carmakers in Slovakia we should complete construc- exactly when production of new model in 2012. result special charging sta- This makes electric cars
manufactured 575,000 cars,” tion of the new plant for pro- New Small Family city cars According to plans an- tions are constructed, which most suitable for daily city
Uhrík said, estimating that duction of engines,” specified will be launched. nounced in mid December, use higher voltages and cur- trips and other short-haul
production in 2011 will be at Dvořák. “Serial production Volkswagen did not exhib- PSA Peugeot Citroën Slovakia rents, thus reducing the journeys.
least 600,000 to 620,000 cars. should be launched during the it the highly anticipated city will expand production at its
This would mean an annual second half of 2011. In this way car known as Up! at the Trnava plant. It was the

FOCUS shorts
increase of almost 13 percent. the annual capacity of our Geneva Motor Show in March. automaker’s director general,
He added that new production plant should increase from “It is still not the right Luciano Biondo, who in an in-
capacities, construction of 300,000 to 450,000 engines. time to show it,” Volkswagen terview with Prime Minister
which started roughly one- Apart from this, we plan to representatives explained, as Iveta Radičová said that ex-
and-a-half years ago, will prepare our production lines quoted by the Hospodárske pansion would bring approx-
gradually be completed dur- for production of the Kia Noviny daily. imately 1,000 more jobs – up
ing 2011 and contribute to the Venga model. In 2011 we plan Volkswagen Slovakia from the current 3,000 – but he
upward trend in Slovakia’s to produce approximately could also be where the first E- did not elaborate. According to Thieves avoid pink cars
automotive sector. 240,000 cars.” Up! battery-electric version of information revealed by the
Dvořák of Kia Motors VW Slovakia’s plans for its New Small Family car is automaker’s former CEO, Jean THE NUMBER of cars stolen in In terms of brands,
Slovakia, whose total invest- 2011 and the following years produced. Tostmann expects a Mouro, the expansion may be Slovakia increased during the Škoda was the most popu-
ments in Slovakia have are ambitious. final decision on the produc- to allow production of a hybrid first 11 months of 2010, when lar vehicle brand with
already exceeded €1 billion, is “This year is a milestone tion location to be made dur- version of the Peugeot 207 2,082 cars illegally ‘changed thieves (855 stolen). They
also optimistic. for Volkswagen,” said Tost- ing the second half of 2011. model. Currently the Trnava hands’. The figure is 134 more focused especially on
“The car industry grew mann. “Our company will this Kia Motors Slovakia does plant manufactures Peugeot than during the same period Octavia saloons (380), Fabi-
during 2010, which was very year mark 20 years of opera- not plan to enter the market 207 and Citroën C3 Picasso of 2009. As many as six cars a as (180) and Octavia estates
positive for the whole Slovak tion by Volkswagen in Slov- for hybrid or electric cars this models. The latter is produced day on average are stolen in (120). Other popular
economy,” Dvořák said, akia. With the launch of pro- year. According to Dvořák, the exclusively in Slovakia. Slovakia, the Sme daily wrote marques included Volk-
in late December. swagen (241), BMW (189)
Of all the cars stolen in and Audi (130). The least

UP: Used-car sales are also growing the January-November

period passenger cars ac-
counted for the biggest por-
popular brands were
Smart, Aprilia and Scania,
of which only one each was
Continued from pg 6 The January-February sales, in tion, over 1,900. The police stolen.
spite of annual growth of 21.7 percent managed to find 103 stolen Most thefts took place
“Thus I do not see any significant mat- to 10,015, lagged behind the 2008 num- cars, up from 93 in January- in Bratislava Region, from
ters in terms of this,” Uhrík said, adding bers, when a total of 14,237 new November 2009. where over one half of all
that instead there is an expectation that vehicles were registered. Silver cars were most stolen cars, or 1,083, disap-
sales of new and used cars will hover With regards to the February chart popular among thieves, with peared. From this point of
around the ratio of 1:1. He added that the of the most popular cars in Slovakia, 395 stolen during the mon- view Žilina Region was the
main players in the car sector in Slovakia Škoda managed to keep its traditional itored period, followed by safest, with only 32
would welcome it if the market for used first place, with a market share of 19.71 black car (384 stolen). vehicles stolen there. The
cars were to consist mainly of cars used in percent. Thieves tended to steer clear capital topped the chart of
Slovakia, i.e. from the renewal of local car Lucia Busquet, spokesperson for of less traditional colours like towns with the highest
fleets, and not of foreign imports. Škoda-Auto Slovakia, confirmed for purple (7 stolen), beige (5), number of stolen cars, with
AAA AUTO, one of the biggest sellers of private broadcaster TV Markíza that in- pink (2) and blue-green (1). 752 vehicles.
used cars in Slovakia, sold a total of 10,512 terest in buying cars was rising.
cars last year. Compared with the previous “Compared with the same period of
year this represented an annual increase of 2010, in January we sold 118 percent Fuel prices soar in Slovakia
13 percent, with sales rising by almost 45 more passenger cars,” Busquet said. “We
percent year-on-year during the final believe that this positive trend will con- AVERAGE motor fuel prices to an average of €1.445 per
quarter of 2010. tinue for the whole of 2011.” have continued to grow in litre, significantly above the
“2010 was atypical from the viewpoint Demand for new cars is rising. Photo: TASR With regard to prospects for 2011 Slovakia, recently hitting historical record from sum-
of seasonal influences,” Karolína Topolová, AAA AUTO is cautious, but as sales in the record levels. The average mer 2005, when it hit €1.410
vice-president of AAA AUTO, told The Slov- Car sales up so far in 2011 first two months have exceeded all ex- price of the best-selling 95 per litre, partly as a result of
ak Spectator. “At the beginning of the year pectations the company hopes that the Natural petrol is currently the effects of Hurricane Kat-
consumers postponed their decisions over The beginning of 2011 saw a continu- trend will continue for the whole year. around €1.44 per litre and rina in the USA. Summer
car purchases in expectation of the further ation of the upward trend in car sales “Assuming no unexpected change in the average price of diesel 2008 also witnessed high
development of the economic crisis. From which had begun in the last few months the market, we expect that our sales is around €1.35 per litre, petrol prices, of up to €1.370
the beginning of May our company started of 2010. The number of new registrations could increase by 12 percent in the fuel-price per litre. Over the last few
to register increases in sales, which ex- of passenger cars and small utility Slovakia,” said Topolová. monitoring website wrote years Slovaks paid least for
ceeded 2009 levels in every month.” vehicles of up to 3.5 tonnes grew by over With regards to the current interest on March 14. petrol in early 2009, when 95
At AAA AUTO the most-sold used car 20 percent during the first two months of of Slovak used-car buyers, they are Petrol prices rose twice Natural petrol sold for
last year was the Škoda Fabia (with metal- 2011. In January car sales in this category searching for cars with up to 80,000 between late February and €0.980 per litre.
lic silver the most popular colour), fol- rose 21.8 percent y/y to 4,772 cars, and in kilometres on the clock, with a full ser- mid March, while diesel Diesel prices have not
lowed by the VW Passat, Peugeot 206, February by 21.61 percent y/y to 5,243. In vice book and a traceable history. This prices were hiked three broken their previous record
Renault Thalia and Fiat Punto. spite of this robust growth, sales are still is why AAA Auto has increased the times. But the develop- yet. In summer 2008 drivers
“The category of SUVs became the well short of the records set in the last few share of such cars it offers to approx- ment of oil prices and oil in Slovakia had to pay €1.480
jumper of the year, with sales ballooning years: as recently as February 2008 imately 30 percent. It says interest is products on stock ex- per litre for diesel. On March
by as much as 29 percent over the year,” monthly new car sales stood at 7,375 units. rising in all types of Škoda cars, but changes as of Monday, 13 the average diesel price
Topolová said. “Compared with 2009, the Nevertheless, ZAP sees the beginning of also in SUV models, multi-purpose March 14, suggested a halt was €1.344 per litre.
interest in diesel engines increased by this year as promising compared to the vehicles and estate cars. Sellers of used in the upward trend.
over one third as a consequence of lower first months of previous years, which cars are also reporting increased inter- After the latest price Compiled by Spectator staff
diesel prices.” were marked by stagnation, or decrease. esting in luxury cars. hikes, 95 Natural petrol rose from press reports
NEWS / BUSINESS March 21 – 27, 2011 9
PLANT: Design accounts for quakes GDP: Rebuilding
Continued from pg 1 panese boiling water reactor
in Fukushima, the pressur-
could aid growth
“Of course, we need to be ised-water reactors used in Continued from pg 4 start normalising rate hikes
prepared and cautious,” Lipšic Slovakia have a more elaborate of its key interest rate from
said, as quoted by TASR news- double cooling system, the According to the ana- its all-time lows. Should Ja-
wire. He added that the Slovak ministry stated in its release. lyst, even markets in cent- panese events undermine
authorities would not conceal ral and eastern Europe felt global recovery, this is the
information on any potential Environmental watchdog the heat from the aftermath major direct impact that this
increase in radioactivity, as cries foul of the Japanese earthquake. situation might have on
happened during the 1986 With global equity markets Slovakia,” Vaňo said.
Chernobyl disaster in the Meanwhile, environ- under pressure, the risk The earthquake and en-
former Soviet Union. mental watchdog Greenpeace aversion of global investors suing tsunami directly af-
According to estimates, the warned that accidents cannot shot up dramatically to the fected an area of Japan ac-
radioactive cloud from the be ruled out at any nuclear re- highest levels since last counting for an estimated 8
Fukushima plant will approach The nuclear power plant in Jaslovské Bohunice. Photo: TASR actor in the future. summer, following the percent of the whole
either North America or “The unfortunate events Greek debt crisis, as meas- country’s GDP. Suspension of
Kamchatka on March 17, Envir- On March 15, Fulvio Conti, Miroslava Pirožeková of in Japan show yet another of ured by the VIX index of production at factories, the
onment Minister József Nagy chief executive officer and the Slovak Nuclear Regulatory the many situations in which volatility. As a result, re- negative impact on domestic
said. He stated that the cloud, general manager of Enel, the Authority (ÚJD) said that both nuclear energy is dangerous,” gional currencies came un- consumers, and interrup-
currently 8,000 kilometres majority shareholder of of the power plants were de- Andrea Zlatňanská, der depreciation pressure. tions to electricity supplies,
away from Slovakia, is being Slovenské Elektrárne, the signed using projections Greenpeace’s energy cam- As far as Slovakia is con- including rolling blackouts,
carefully monitored by 26 Slov- country's dominant power based on a so-called calculated paign co-ordinator, wrote in a cerned, direct trade links re- will exert a negative drag on
ak meteorological stations and producer and operator of both earthquake, which account press release. flect its geographic distance the Japanese economy, ac-
a number of international in- of Slovakia's nuclear power for an intensity that is prob- Greenpeace also vehe- from Japan: last year a nom- cording to Vaňo.
stitutions, TASR wrote. plants, told a press conference able once in about 10,000 mently objected to a state- inal 0.1 percent of total On the other hand, in
that the current situation in years. Subsequently, the com- ment by Economy Minister Slovak exports were direc- line with the “broken win-
No change to energy policy Japan should not affect com- ponents, systems and con- Miškov, who told the Sme ted to Japan. dow fallacy”, one can expect
pletion of the nuclear power struction of the given nuclear daily that safety standards at “Though direct trade significant reconstruction
Economy Minister Juraj plant in Mochovce. power plant are designed in Slovakia’s nuclear facilities links might be considered outlays, which will show up
Miškov said that Slovakia isn’t “In Slovakia we’re com- such a way that if the calcu- are above-standard. negligible, Japan holds a positively as investment
considering changes to its en- pleting two reactors, which lated earthquake occurs, the Zlatňanská said the power significantly more import- growth in Japan’s GDP stat-
ergy policy. Nuclear energy are set to be launched in 2012 power plant can be shut down plants are of a Russian design ant foothold in Slovakia as a istics, he added.
currently makes up a major and 2013. We don't see any and the system allowed to from the 1970s, and that an source of foreign direct in- Will Slovakia feel any be-
part of the country’s total elec- reason for changing the en- cool, Pirožeková told The Slov- environmental impact as- vestment: Japanese com- nefit from Japan’s recon-
tricity production. gineering procedures,” said ak Spectator. sessment (EIA) of Mochovce 3 panies have invested over struction efforts?
Slovakia’s total electricity Conti, as quoted by TASR Jaslovské Bohunice was and 4 turned up concerns €60 million in Slovakia, “As far as the direct in-
production in 2009 reached newswire, adding that the built to withstand earthquakes about the safety and sufficient though that is also less than volvement in reconstruc-
26,074 GWh, of which 54 per- project is well prepared, up to a magnitude of 8 on the supplies of cooling water in one percent of total FDI tion work is involved, that is
cent was generated by nuclear with safety as the upper- MSK-64 seismic intensity scale, crisis situations that have still stock invested in the a question for Slovak con-
power plants. In 2010, produc- most priority. which is the level at which a not been addressed. country,” Vaňo said. struction companies,” Vaňo
tion reached 27,720 GWh, of calculated earthquake was pro- “The minister’s statement “However, Slovak facilities responded.
which 52 percent was gener- Slovakia’s nuclear plants jected for that location, that the nuclear plant could, of Japanese multinational The shutdown of almost
ated in nuclear power facilit- Pirožeková said. The Mochovce for example, withstand a plane corporations are producing a third of Japan’s oil-refin-
ies, Dagmar Hlavatá of the Slovakia’s active nuclear plant was built to withstand a colliding into it, is for the 330-million-plus ing capacity, the anticipated
Ministry of Economy told The plants, Jaslovské Bohunice 7.4-magnitude quake. misleading,” Zlatňanská said. eurozone market and the increase in demand from oil-
Slovak Spectator. and Mochovce, are both loc- According to Pirožeková, Pirožeková responded 500-million-strong market fired power plants, but also
In 2009, nuclear power ated beyond active seismic the “safety of nuclear facilities that the Nuclear Supervision of the EU, hence their fate higher consumption of fuel
made up 22 percent of the zones, Robert Merva of the in Slovakia in terms of seismic Office continuously monitors and the outlook for Slovak for reconstruction as well as
country’s power capacity, and Ministry of Economy’s com- resistance is continuously nuclear safety and that Slovak employment in these facilit- imports of raw materials
that amount remained stable munications department monitored and the results are legislation is fully in line with ies is more directly linked might, however, exert up-
in 2010. Hlavatá said that the wrote in a release. regularly re-evaluated in the international standards and with the strength of recov- ward pressure on the price
ministry would refrain from The construction of each context of the latest results of EU legislation. ery in [Europe].” of oil, he added.
predicting the share of nuclear part of the power plant is de- science and research. In addi- The Nuclear Regulatory According to Vaňo, “Necessary imports of
energy after the 3rd and 4th signed to withstand quakes tion, measures are continu- Authority is ready to particip- thanks to its membership of raw materials for recon-
blocks of Mochovce are com- several times stronger than ously taken to improve safety”. ate in international assistance the eurozone, Slovakia struction would also rep-
pleted in 2013, since that de- those recorded near in the vi- According to the Eco- concerning developments at avoided the direct impact resent further demand
pends not only on the blocks cinity over the past 100 years, nomy Ministry, both power the Fukushima nuclear power that was felt in the region pressure for other industri-
being completed, but on all the Merva wrote. plants have security systems plant, and will implement any through the depreciation of al commodities,” Vaňo told
investment in nuclear energy “Upon taking office, Min- that automatically shut the recommendations on local currencies. The Slovak Spectator.
for which licences have been ister Miškov personally en- plant down if seismic activ- strengthening nuclear safety “The most direct impact “With respect to commod-
issued in line with Slovakia’s quired about the safety of ity reaches even 50 percent of that result from it, Pirožeková of events in Japan on Slov- ity markets, though, much
energy policy. Analysis will be Slovakia’s nuclear plants and the intensity for which it was told The Slovak Spectator. akia is a potential weakening will depend on if, and to
available in the second half of made sure that the country designed. of the hawkish determina- what extent, recovery in
2011 during creation of currently meets all the strict- The reactor is cooled by Michaela Terenzani and tion of the European Central global growth is delayed by
Slovakia’s new energy policy, est safety standards during several mutually independent Jana Liptáková contributed Bank, which only a fortnight the earth-shattering events
Hlavatá added. production,” Merva said. systems. Compared to the Ja- to this report. ago signalled its readiness to in Japan.”


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10 March 21 – 27, 2011 CULTURE

The bastion of Helena Zrínska Bratislava

The 4th Indonesian Film Ex-
hibition brings movies like
Cin(T)a, Ruma Maida
(Maida’s House) and Euphor-
ia, all with English subtitles
and simultaneous translation
into Slovak. The opening ce-
remony will include a per-
formance of Balinese tradi-
tional music.
Starts: March 22-24, scree-
nings at 17:30; Mladosť cine-
ma, Hviezdoslavovo Square
14. Admission: free. Tel: 02/
EASTERN Slovakia’s Zborov during battles between the Habsburg revolt in Hungary. l LIVE DANCE: Dancing
Castle, pictured here in a Russian and Austro-Hungari- Helena, too, took an active Puzzle – For the first time THIS YEAR, the One Day Jazz Fest will bring a taste of the Orient:
postcard from the 1920s, used an armies, it was completely part in the battles. First she this year, different dance apart from the Martin Valihora Trio (Slovakia) and Gypsy Clas-
styles and studios meet un- sic (Hungary) the March 22 event, which takes place in the Slov-
to have two names. Apart destroyed. defended Zborov and, when it der one roof. The J.M. Bella
from Zborov, it was also fell, led the defence of ak Radio building at Mýtna 1, will also feature the Abhijit Baner-
Conservatory from Banská
jee Trio from India, thus comprising a unique cross-over concert

known as Makovica, or another castle, Bystrica, the Andalucia en-
Poppyhead. It was hit Mukačevo. When it semble, the Tangere Dance of modern Slovak jazz and classical Indian music. The ODJF is
by one disaster after was conquered after Studio, Laban’s Atelier from jointly organised by M. Valihora and the Shiraz agency. Tickets
another. In reality three years by the im- Bratislava and the host for the concert, which begins at 19:00, cost €15 and can be
Makovica, as a guard perial army in 1688, dance company, elledanse, bought through or at the venue.
castle, could not have expec- One of the castle’s well- Mukačevo Castle was torn are all represented. The Photo: B. J. Chowdhury, Courtesy of Shiraz
ted anything else. known residents was Helena down and she was im- event includes also an Im-
pro-Jam with live impro-
During the Ottoman in- Zrínska, the last member of a prisoned in a Vienna monas- visations. Bratislava of the Breakfans dance
vasion the castle was rebuilt famous Croatian noble fam- tery. Later, Tököly managed Starts: March 23, 20:00 l EXHIBITION: 5 rokov group.
to a truly vast defensive com- ily. She was probably im- to exchange her for a cap- and 21:30 (Impro-Jam); T & D, reštaurovania fotografie na Starts: March 26, 14:00;
plex. But this did not stop it pressed by stubborn men, as tured imperial lieutenant- Miletičova 17/B. Admission: VŠVU / Five years of the res- Aupark Shopping Centre. Ad-
from being demolished to a she chose František I Rákóczi colonel. Then the couple left €4-€6. Tel: 02/5541-0716; toration of old photographs at mission: free. More informa-
large extent in 1684 by imper- for her husband, and after his for exile in Turkey, where www. the Academy of Fine Arts in tion:
ial army. The coup-de-grace death married Imrich Tököly. they both died. Bratislava – This exhibition
was delivered in 1914 when, Both were leaders of an anti- By Branislav Chovan Bratislava explains the process and his- Brezno
l EXHIBITION: Viedeň patrí tory of restoring old photo- l INSECTS: Exotické potvorky
ženám alebo Páni, sme v graphs, as taught at the local / Exotic Small Beasts – This
obraze! / Vienna belongs to Academy of Fine Arts. exhibition of tropical insects
Ambassador visits Roma women – The international
association of female artists
INTAKT has organised a year-
Open: Tue-Sun 13:00-18:00
until April 3; Central Euro
pean House of Photography,
from the private collection of
Michal Zachar from Prievidza
showcases diurnal and noc-
ON MARCH 11 and 12, Norwe- round project on the 100th Prepoštská 4. Admission: €1. turnal butterflies, attractive
gian Ambassador Trine Sky- anniversary of International Tel: 02/5441-8214; www. species of swallowtail, pea-
moen met people working for Women’s Day. The core of cock butterflies, and hawk-
the pilot project Divé Maky – this exhibition is a selection Trnava moths, mostly from Africa,
šanca pre rómske talenty z of biographies of famous l EXHIBITION: Miro Trubač: Asia and South America.
women. Bipolárna súvzťažnosť / Bipolar Open: Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00,
celého Slovenska / Wild Pop- Open: weekdays 9:00- Correlation – An exhibition by Sat 9:00-17:00; Horehronie
pies – A chance for Roma tal- 16:00 until April 1, Austrian a Trnava native which shows Museum, Gen. M. R. Štefánik
ents from all Slovakia which Cultural Forum, Zelená 7. Ad- the coexistence of a man and a Square 13. Admission: €0.20
has been run since 2009 by mission: free. Tel: 02/5464 woman in a common space, in -€0.50. Tel: 048/6112-453;
the civic association Pro -1337; their household, in life.
Donum in the biggest Roma Open: Tue-Fri 10:00-17:00,
settlement in Slovakia, Bratislava Sat-Sun 13:00-18:00 until April Eastern SLOVAKIA
Jarovnice. She watched a per- l EXHIBITION: Putovanie do 1; klUb 3, Koppel Villa of Ján
formance by children in- krajiny zázračno / A Journey Koniarek Gallery, Zelený krí- Humenné
Trine Skymoen in Jarovnice. Photo: Courtesy of Divé Maky to the Wonderland – A travel- ček 3. Admission: €0.60-€1.30. l LIVE MUSIC: Collegium Mu-
volved in the project, met ling exhibition with the sub- Tel: 033/5511-659; sicum: Speak, Memory Tour –
Jarovnice mayor Florián Giňa title Slovak Theatres to Chil- The latest leg of a tour by this
and also witnessed everyday pert jury picked 100 children ted children and this visit, in- dren maps children's theatre, Central SLOVAKIA legendary Slovak rock band,
life in a Roma settlement. from the settlement: they had cluding the performance, was particularly puppet theatre. who recently returned to per-
Skymoen said, as reported to show their talent, and their the climax of the project, Open: Tue-Sun 10:00-18:00 Žilina forming. M. Varga, F. Frešo, F.
by Pro Donum, that she did willingness to study and de- which will be assessed by the until March 27; International l DANCE: Slovak Dancer Griglák are the original mem-
not have any expectations, velop it; they also qualified for end of March 2011. It was sup- House of Art for Children Award – This open competi- bers, with only M. Valihora on
but that the reality struck her. help if their families lacked ported by the EEA Financial Bibiana, Panská 41. Admis- tion, seeking to pick the best drums as a new addition.
She added that she liked the the money to pay for their Mechanism, the Norwegian sion: €0.35-€0.70. Tel: 02/5443 hip-hop dancer in Slovakia, Their music represents a
-1308; is hosted by Osťo, a member stunning combination of
idea of giving Roma children studies. Financial Mechanism and rock, jazz and classical music.
a chance to show and develop For one year, tutors, Slovakia’s state budget. Starts: March 25, 19:00;
their talents and skills. teachers and professional theatre hall of the House of
In November 2009, an ex- artists worked with the selec- Compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská Culture. Admission: €12.
Tel: 057/7755-548; www.
l EXHIBITION: Portréty / Por-
traits – This exhibition of the
works of Bolesław Barbacki
(1891-1941), an influential Pol-
ish painter, was organised in
collaboration with a museum
in Nowy Sącz, Prešov’s sister
city in Poland.
THE FAMOUS Cigánski Diabli (Gypsy Devils) band will play Open: Tue- Fri 9:00-17:00,
gypsy folk music as well as classical and modern pieces at the Sun 14:30-18:30 until April 3;
Town Sports Hall in Michalovce as part of a concert with rock Šariš Gallery, Hlavná 51. Ad-
veteran Robo Grigorov that takes place on March 26 from 19:30. mission: €0.50-€1. Tel: 051/
Their recent tour has resulted in a fascinating combination of 7725-423;
the artists’ different musical styles. Photo: TASR
By Zuzana Vilikovská

N A M E D A Y M A R C H 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weather updates and forecasts from across Slovakia Blahoslav BeÀadik Adrián Gabriel Marián Emanuel Alena

can now be found at

March 21 March 22 March 23 March 24 March 25 March 26 March 27

A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small gift,
In cooperation with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute such as chocolates or flowers, and to wish them Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy name day)
CULTURE March 21 – 27, 2011 11
a new home
lion-strong [city of] Dhaka
Immigrants to where I grew up.”
Bratislava share The expats, who admit
their manifold identities and
their experiences who have made Bratislava
and opinions of their home, are returning to
the city some of its almost-
the city lost diversity. They spoke
about how Bratislava has
changed during the time
BY MICHAELA they have lived here, how
TERENZANI they dealt with the chal-
Spectator staff lenges of living in a foreign
city and speaking a foreign
A detail from the Bauhaus Building (left) and the Federal Environmental Agency, both in Dessau, Germany. Photo: Gordon Watkinson language, and how they
grew to like it.
“THOSE OF you who are less “I carry on, and I do my

The legacy of Bauhaus than 25 years old are less

Bratislavan than I am,” said
Sawkat Choudhury, a physi-
cian who came to Bratislava
as a medical student in 1985
best to make Bratislava my
home; I feel good here,” Del-
eva, who has been living in
Bratislava for four years, said
of her experiences.
also the steel house by Georg and stayed, during a debate Illah van Oijen, whose
Design Factory Muche and Richard Paulick in in Bratislava’s Artforum book of photography about
hosts an Dessau, the so-called masters’ bookshop which gathered Bratislava was published re-
houses by Gropius in Dessau, five expats from far-off as cently, said that upon her ar-
exhibition of the House Am Horn by Georg well as not-so-distant places rival in Bratislava in 2007 she
architectural Muche in Weimar, the Trade who currently reside in the felt the responsibility of a
Union School by Hannes Mey- Slovak capital. photographer to document
history and er in Bernau, Germany, and The debate, entitled the changes that she saw
enduring the German Pavilion in Bar- “Prepačté, nevjem dobre po happening in the city, and
celona and Tugendhat Villa in slovensku!”[sic] (Excuse me, that she regarded as huge.
philosophies of Brno, Czech Republic, both by I don’t speak Slovak that “Bratislava is a topic in
Bauhaus Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, well), was an event organ- my life, I keep dealing with
and others. ised on March 11 in coopera- it, I keep taking pictures of
Falk Jaeger, who is an ar- tion with the Milan Šimečka it, people keep asking me
chitecture critic in Berlin, Foundation. It was part of about it,” van Oijen said,
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ the fourth Bratislava in Art- adding that the problem of
Spectator staff helped Watkinson select his
contemporary subjects. forum Festival, which takes Bratislava is that its people
Amongst them are the Federal place annually in the Artfor- remain steeped in nostalgia
Environmental Agency de- um bookshop, a location about what Bratislava has
BAUHAUS was not only an ar- Gordon Watkinson Photo: Jana Liptáková signed by Sauerbruch Hutton which has over the years be- lost throughout history. But
chitectural style; it was also a in 2003; House R128 by Wern- come something of a cult she believes one needs to be
social solution to the prob- and fashion, came to Bauhaus Törten, the estate in Dessau er Sobek in Stuttgart, Ger- venue in the city. The debate critical and look forward to
lems of the 1920s and 1930s through furniture. designed by Gropius. many; the Solar Estate in saw Dutch photographer Il- what can be improved and
whose concepts remain relev- “When I first came to Des- When Gropius was as- Freiburg, Germany by Rolf lah van Oijen, Canadian cafe- built in the city.
ant today. sau [the German town in signed to design housing for Disch; and Skywood House in owner Ben Pascoe, Macedo- “I’m home here, now,
“The future of architecture which the Bauhaus school is the middle and working Denham, Great Britain, de- nian researcher Živka Del- really, for better or worse,”
lies in the application of located] I was looking for par- classes in Dessau, he didn’t signed by Graham Phillips. eva, American translator said Janet Livingstone, who
Bauhaus ideas to today’s prob- ticular pieces of furniture and look to other architects for Many of these address the and third-sector consultant has been in Slovakia since
lems – including affordable didn’t realise they had all solutions, but found inspira- challenge of the day – energy Janet Livingstone, and the early 1990s, adding that
housing, which remains the been moved to Berlin,” tion in car producer Henry efficiency. For example, the Choudhury talking in Slovak for her, life in Bratislava is
main architectural issue of Watkinson said during a Ford and in standardised in- Federal Environmental about their experiences, im- full of contrasts.
the 21st century. The focus of 'guided tour' of his exhibit for dustrial modules. At Törten, Agency and the Solar Estate pressions and opinions of Ben Pascoe admitted
Bauhaus architecture has al- journalists in Bratislava. “So I Gropius used on-site prefab- are energy self-sufficient, life in Bratislava in front of a that thanks to leaving
ways been on finding solu- had to look at the architecture rication and was able to com- harnessing geothermal and crowded audience. Canada and starting a new
tions to the fundamental instead, and I learned a lot plete six houses in a week. solar energy using the most “Bratislava, on the one life in Bratislava he has had
problems of humans in their while I was there.” Törten is one of the 12 icon- modern technologies. hand, has the qualities of a chance to meet interesting
respective times,” said Mi- He learned that Bauhaus ic buildings selected for the All the images are in black- Slovakia’s other, smaller cit- people that he would never
chael Siebenbrodt, director of was not only a style, but also a project, which also includes and-white. Watkinson ex- ies that people bring with get to meet in his home
the Bauhaus Museum in solution to the social problems what is probably the most plained that the photos are not them, but on the other hand country.
Weimar, Germany, in conver- of those times that remains famous Bauhaus building, the in colour because “the colour there is the pressure of “Every day I miss less
sation with the American relevant today. building of the school itself, of historical buildings imme- something ‘Pressburger’, and less things from
photographer Gordon “Although the name designed by Gropius in 1925. diately dates them, and I diverse, that has always Canada,” he said.
Watkinson. Bauhaus is well known inter- “All ideas for the education wanted to demonstrate that been here – Jewish, Slovak, The Bratislava in Artfor-
Enchanted by the concept nationally, few people are of architects are embodied these forms are timeless”. or German alike,” um Festival lasted from
of Bauhaus, Watkinson pho- truly aware both of the com- here,” explained Watkinson. The exhibit includes fur- Choudhury said. “You can March 10 to March 18 and
tographed 12 iconic buildings plexity of its history and the “One of Gropius’ basic ideas niture, which visitors are in- see that from people’s beha- featured a live debate every
typical of the Bauhaus style diversity of its architectural was the idea of building vited to use. viour, and I grew to like it night. On March 14, the an-
and 12 contemporary build- legacy,” Watkinson wrote on blocks. He believed that modu- “The furniture and archi- much more than the 15-mil- niversary of the emergence
ings inspired by or reflecting his website. lar building would make ar- tecture of Bauhaus were de- in 1939 of the wartime Nazi-
the ideas of Bauhaus. The pho- Bauhaus, which means chitecture and housing more signed to be together,” said allied Slovak State – a date
tos are on show until March 27 ‘house for building’ in Ger- affordable for the middle and Watkinson, explaining that which frequently brings
at the Design Factory in Brat- man, was a school combining working classes.” when designing furniture, ar- supporters of far-right
islava as part of the exhibition crafts and fine arts founded by This building also contains chitects stuck to the basic movements onto the streets
Bauhaus Twenty-21: An Ongo- Walter Gropius in 1919. Here a glass wall, embodying the ideas of Bauhaus – to produce – the debate was focused on
ing Legacy. The images not Gropius and other architects modernist idea of breaking the durable furniture the middle nationalism and patriotism.
only convey the architectural introduced principles that barrier between nature and ar- class could afford. “They were It was organised as a part of
history of Bauhaus, but go shaped the foundation of chitecture and letting the light looking for materials that the Enough of Silence protest
much deeper, uncovering its modern architecture. in, according to Watkinson. would be cheap and sturdy, against fascism and similar
enduring philosophies and As Watkinson explained, and the cheapest suitable ma- tendencies in society. The
the importance of its legacy one of the basic tasks of archi- Choosing the works terial they could find was protest events comprised an
for contemporary architects. tects in the 1920s and 1930s, metal bicycle tubing. All of exhibition about the perse-
when large industrial manu- Watkinson worked with these were originally made cution of homosexuals in
From furniture facturing needed an inflow of two advisors to choose from bicycle tubing.” Nazi Germany, a concert and
to architecture workers, was to design mod- projects to photograph. With a documentary screening, a
ern and affordable housing for Michael Siebenbrodt, he selec- What: Bauhaus Twenty-21: An film marathon, and debates
Watkinson, a commercial the middle and working ted 12 historical projects de- Ongoing Legacy - Photographs by in the Open Gallery, as well
photographer for a broad classes. How the architects signed between 1923 and 1933. Gordon Watkinson as a debate accompanied by a
range of clients from advert- dealt with this task is the sub- Besides the Bauhaus building Where: Design Factory, Bottova 2 tasting of traditional Jewish
ising, architecture, design, ject of Watkinson’s images of and the Törten estate, there is Bratislava Photo: J. Liptáková dishes at Artforum.
12 March 21 – 27, 2011 FEATURE

AROUND SLOVAKIA compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská from press reports

their own
feet in BA

of MOST-

Birds get three non-profit

tion that as-

new shelters sists the mentally ill, is cel-

ebrating a milestone, its
director, Andrea
THE ENVIRONMENT Min- areas are both important Beňušková, told the SITA
istry has designated three habitats for the peregrine newswire on February 3.
new, mountainous regions – falcon, and that golden The organisation recently
the Malá Fatra, Slovenský Raj eagles nest in the new areas arranged its first flat in
and the Tatra Mountains – as in the Malá Fatra and the Bratislava for two mentally
Protected Bird Areas (CHVÚ), Tatra Mountains. Other birds ill men, who will stay there
ministry spokesperson Be- that will be protected in the to learn to live independ-
atrice Hudáková told the new areas include white- The document discovered in a church tower in Raslavice during its reconstruction. Photo: TASR ently. The flat is in the Dlhé
SITA newswire. backed woodpeckers, Diely section of the city,
“This brings Slovakia collared flycatchers, the and has enough space to
closer to fulfilling a direct-
ive of the European Parlia-
ment and Council on the
rufous-tailed rock thrush,
the western capercaillie, the
hazel grouse and the Eurasi-
Church reconstruction house another two people.
Daniela Adamková, who
runs the organisation’s
conservation of wild birds,”
she said. “As of January 15,
we have designated 37 of the
an pygmy owl.
Slovakia remains in legal
hot water concerning its
reveals 1920s mementoes apartment project, said the
men are going to spend
between six months and
required 41 areas.” non-compliance with the WORKERS the church’s congregation at century. “Once the construc- two years in the flat work-

Each of the new areas directive. renovating the the time, who was mayor and tion is complete, we plan to ing with caretakers who
coincides with other protec- Conservationists say a Church of St who took part in the put the message back in the will help them achieve
ted land in the region, and plan for designating all the Trinity in reconstruction.” tube and leave it for future goals such as learning to
with national parks, required bird protection Raslavice, a Paľa also said that the let- generations,” Paľa said. cook. The fact that the men
Hudáková said. areas should have been pro- municipality ter recorded reconstruction Historians say a church will have to contribute €100
She noted that the new posed before Slovakia joined in eastern Slovakia’s Bardejov on the church’s roof in 1926 as has been located on the same of the flat’s €800 monthly
Malá Fatra and Slovenský Raj the EU in May 2004. district, recently made a sur- having cost 8,000 Slovak spot in Raslavice since the cost, as well as continue to
prising discovery. While re- crowns. He compared that to second half of the 13th cen- take medication and attend
placing the church’s roof, the €8,000 cost of similar re- tury. Originally a Catholic therapy sessions during
they found a metal tube that construction being done on church, it became Protestant their stay, will help them
contained a letter written in the church today. once Evangelicals began at- become more self-reliant,
1926 and 15 antique coins. Most of the coins also tending in the 16th and 17th she said.
“The letter was written dated back to the 1920s, Paľa centuries. It reverted to being The organisation has
while the church’s tower was said, but some had been min- a Catholic church in the first already opened flats for the
under reconstruction,” said ted in the 19th century. A few half of the 18th century, and mentally ill in Lozorno, a
Peter Paľa, a local official, the had Empress Maria Theresa remained so until a new village near Bratislava, and
TASR newswire reported. “It on them, meaning they had Catholic church was built in Rimavská Sobota, a town in
states such things as who led been produced in the late 18th the 1990s. southern Slovakia.

World-record holder
visits Biker Film Festival

annual Biker
Film Festival in
welcomed a
special guest
this year, Marian Illéš, the
festival’s organiser, told the
SITA newswire.
Nick Sanders, a British
biker who holds several world
records for long-distance
rides, arrived with his wife
and three children.
The festival screened 22
films from 10 countries, Illéš
said. The accompanying pro-
gramme included a discus-
sion with some young men
from Banská Bystrica who
had filmed their trip to Kaza-
khstan on small-capacity Nick Sanders from the UK gave out autographs to fans. Photo: Courtesy of
motorbikes. Sanders showed
some of his movies and Emergency Medical Service by Vieri Nissim (Italy); Paral- by Sterling Noren (US); and
signed autographs. There and an exhibition on Japan- lel World 3 by Nick Sanders; Veľká cesta malých strojov
was also an exhibition and ese and German motorbikes. The Tough One by Jeff (The Big Trip on Small Ma-
lecture by a doctor who The festival’s winning Pakosta (US); Beyond the chines) by the young riders
The Malá Fatra: now a protected areas for birds. Photo: Sme works for the Helicopter movies were Cuban Harlistas Border: Riding Solo in Mexico from Banská Bystrica.

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