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The information herein is not meant to replace the advice, diagnosis, or treatment of a 
medical professional. Always consult a medical professional before beginning any 
exercise or nutrition plan. Any information within this book is for informational and 
educational purposes only, and any use thereof is at your own risk.   

  Copyright © 2019 by Starting Strongman 
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or 
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other 
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Table of Contents 
4​Strong and Pretty 
8​Resurrecting my Career  
10 T
​ypes of Conditioning 
15 U
​ pper Back Work 
18​How I Fixed My Deadlift 
21 P​utting It All Together 
30 1​2 Week Program 

Strong and Pretty  
This book is about redefining myself, remembering everything I forgot, and forgetting 
everything I thought I knew. I’ve always been an athlete, having played numerous sports 
including hockey, basketball, karate, track and field, swimming, and high school 
football which I excelled in . I went on to play college football, including a few try outs 
in the NFL. When that ended, I moved back to my hometown, Santa Cruz, California; 
and was introduced to the sport of Strongman by my old friend and football teammate, 
Evan Hansmann. All because we worked together and he wouldn't shut up about it. I 
decided to give it a shot, and I instantly knew I had finally found something that it I was 
born to do.  
My unconventional approach to lifting weights for football, combined with my athletic 
background, helped me propel myself very quickly through the amateur ranks. Within 
a year of doing Strongman, I went pro. I then went on to compete at The World's 
Strongest Man finals in my first year as a professional, which was my second year 
competing in Strongman. After that, everyone wanted me to compete at their shows. I 
was overwhelmed with offers and just had to ride the momentum. 
The thing about becoming a pro so fast and having such immediate success is, I didn’t 
have the time to develop slowly. I had to do everything I could to keep up, which I did, 
but the weights only got heavier and heavier. As hard as it was, I kept punishing my 
body with heavier and heavier weights, eating more and more, getting bigger and bigger, 
eventually weighing 440lbs at one point. Eating more and lifting heavier and heavier 
got me so much success so quickly, so more of it was clearly the answer right? Wrong… 

What happened next was, I started to get hurt, repeatedly. The same contests that I 
placed well in the year before, I wasn’t even finishing. The same people that were 
hyping me up and saying I was the next big thing in Strongman, were just as quick to 
write me off.  
After sustaining another injury at World’s Strongest Man, and not making the finals 
for the second straight year, I knew something had to change. What got me to this point 
in creating the American Monster, was going to be the same thing that would end my 
career. The type of training that built me was now breaking me.  

I decided to take a year off, lay low, rebuild myself, and change my entire approach to 
training. People kept doubting me. People who I considered friends were commenting 
on pictures where I appeared smaller and they would say, “oh well, I guess he just didn’t 
have what it takes”.  

Little did they know, I was going back to my athletic roots. I had to unlearn what 
everyone in Strongman told me I needed to do to be successful, which just made me big 
and unconditioned. And rediscover what set me apart early in my career, and got me to 
the finals at World’s Strongest Man in my rookie year.   

That is what the Strong and Pretty mentality is about, and what I hope to teach you in 
this book to become a stronger version of yourself. Going against the grain of what 
people think and say is needed to be a Strongman, like getting as big as possible, using 
stupid terms like “what is cardio?”, and forgetting all the misinformation out there. 
Instead, focusing on being a complete s​ trength athlete​, eating right, doing your cardio, 
and everything else that people mock because it is hard and they want to avoid it. Lifting 
heavy and taking ten minute breaks between sets is easy, and there are a lot of 
Strongmen that train just like that which are fat and gross, but I’d rather be Strong and 

Resurrecting My Career 
Take an Athlete’s Approach to Strongman 
Throughout my athletic career we trained to get better on the field, where we actually 
played our sport. Lots of people in Strongman didn't play sports, so they try to compete 
in training instead of thinking about how this training will help them get better on the 
field, where it actually counts. Even if you don’t compete, in the long run this same 
approach will still make you better, healthier, and of course stronger and prettier. So, 
what is missing from most training plans and how are we going to address them? 

Build the Complete Package  
What does everyone want? To be and to look as strong as humanly possible while still 
being able to hike a mountain, play with your kids, and not count that 60 seconds of sex 
you had two weeks ago as the most cardio your heart can handle. Here is how to do it... 
Do Your Cardio 
Being leaner and in better cardiovascular shape is for more than just vanity. You get 
some big benefits including the following: 
● Decrease your chances of injury, which allows you to train more because you're 
not hurt.  
● Improves your recovery so you can train more frequently, which allows you to 
get stronger. 
● Prevents you from being gross like your friend Edward. 
● Reduces stress and helps prevent injuries. 


Types of Conditioning 
EMOM (Every Minute on The Minute) 
EMOM stands for every minute on the minute. It is a great way to train Strongman 
events and dial in technique, as you get to practice a lot of reps and sets at a manageable 
weight in a short amount of time. Your heart rate stays elevated and you don’t get 
enough time to overthink the movement, so it helps to ingrain the technique into 
second nature. If you fail to complete the round within the time frame or miss a lift, 
you stop. 
Some examples: 
Example 1 
​Farmers Walk and other moving events  


Take 60% of your max farmers walk for 50ft for 6-10 minutes. Over time, work up to 
doing 80% for 10 runs of 50ft, but be warned this will take awhile to recover from!  
Cycle 1  
➢ Week 1 60% 6x50ft 
➢ Week 2 60% 8x50ft 
➢ Week 3 60% 10x50ft 
Cycle 2  
➢ Week 1 70% 6x50ft 
➢ Week 2 70% 8x50ft 
➢ Week 3 70%x10x50ft 
Cycle 3  
➢ Week 1 80% 6x50ft 
➢ Week 2 80% 8x50ft 
➢ Week 3 80% 10x50ft 
Cycle 4  
➢ Week 1 70% 4x100ft (50ft down and back) 
➢ Week 2 70% 6x100ft (50ft down and back) 
➢ Week 3 70% 8x100ft (50ft down and back) 
Example 2  
Clean & Press 
This can be done with a Strongman implement like a log or axle, or if you don’t have 
access you can use a barbell. Clean each rep and do not rush any of the reps just because 
there is a time limit technique is most important here. 

Cycle 1  
➢ Week 1 70-80% 8x1 
➢ Week 2 70-80% 10x1 
➢ Week 3 70-80% 12x1 
Cycle 2  
➢ Week 1 60% 6x3 
➢ Week 2 70% 6x3 
➢ Week 3 80% 8x3 
Cycle 3   
➢ Week 1 80-90% 5x1 
➢ Week 2 80-90% 7 x1 
➢ Week 3 80-90% 1 EMOM until failure  

During this time I fell in love with hiking. I always loved the outdoors, and it was a 
great way for a big man like me to get my heart rate up, get some cardio in and ease my 
mind. Training heavy all the time is stressful, and being outside in the sun and in nature 
helped reset me mentally to be ready for the physically taxing heavy weights of the next 
week. You can’t do this everywhere year round, but take advantage when you can. It’s a 
good way to spend a Sunday morning. Start off with some light uphill walking for 20 
minutes. Each week increase your pace, take less breaks, go further,   
add a weight vest or backpack. Eventually working your way up to doing a few sprints 
here and there. Every week try to make it more challenging in some way! 

Hill Sprints 
I like to do hill sprints twice a week, once in the middle of my hikes as mentioned above, 
and the other either the day after or immediately following my squat days. In 
Strongman, we have to be complete strength athletes. It’s not just about picking up or 
moving with heavy weight, you have to be able to move fast enough with heavy weights 
to make people think they’re light! Building up some good sprint speed will help your 
speed, acceleration, and footwork along with getting you leaner. I recommend doing 
hill sprints over straight sprints, as you develop more power and the incline is easier on 
the knees and less likely to result in a hamstring tear, especially if you are a big guy. You 
can also do sled drags or prowler sprints if there is no access to hills, or weather doesn’t 
permit you doing hill sprints outside. Start off by setting a clock for ten minutes on and 
sprint with about 60% intensity. Increase your intensity every set as you warm up, only 
rest as long as it takes you to walk down. Every week try to do one more total run than 
you did the week before. Once you have maxed out that hill, find a steeper or longer one 
or go for fifteen minutes. Once you have acclimated to that, go for twenty minutes. 
Just always make sure you are improving and pushing yourself more.  
Long Walks 
My name is Robert Oberst and I like long walks on the beach. This isn't some bullshit 
line I use just so you will swipe right on me. Early in my Strongman career, I listened to 
others that said don’t do cardio it will decrease your strength. This made me worse! 
Now I go out and clear my head and do almost daily cardio. You want to walk at a good 
pace but not run, which I really prefer to do outside. But, if you have to walk on the 
treadmill before or after your training it will benefit you! It is a great way to clear your 
head and wind down after hard training. In Strongman training, we are constantly 
going all out and max effort, doing something at a low intensity has huge benefits 
including improving conditioning, recovery, and body composition.  
Start by going out for 10-15 minutes a day at a comfortable pace where you could easily 
talk while walking. You can do this before or after your training, on a rest day, or 
anytime of the day you have a couple spare minutes. Just make sure you do it. 

Upper Back Work  
The upper back is the staple of the Strongman, you could say it is our signature look. 
Have you ever seen a Strongman with a small back? Didn’t think so! The upper back is 
so crucial for every event in Strongman as we move awkward objects, you need to be 
able to stabilize and control them. The upper back provides the stability for the upper 
body that helps you press massive logs overhead, run with heavy sandbags, and load 
atlas stones. It is key to train it hard and frequently.  

“To press a lot, you have to press a lot”  
Building A Big Press and Monster Shoulders 
I have heard every excuse on why people suck at pressing, “I am too tall”, “I’m too 
short”, “It was a Tuesday and the wind was blowing the wrong direction”.   
Well, I am here to tell you the truth, if your press sucks it is because you don’t work 
hard enough. You may think you are, but you are not. Building a big press requires 
massive shoulders, biceps, triceps, core, upper back, basically everything. But for now, 
let's focus on the shoulders. How do you build massive shoulders? It requires tons of 

reps and volume. Most people go too heavy and hit maxes too frequently, constantly 
testing their strength instead of building it.   
On my main pressing exercises, such as overhead strict press, push press, and bench 
variations; I like to work up to one heavy set taking 20-50lb jumps along the way, so I 
get my strength work in. Then I go down and do drop sets to build that muscle and 
endurance up. 
What does a heavy set mean? A heavy set is final set where I could have likely done 1-2 
more reps on the set, but I if I was to go any heavier I would be unlikely to be able to 
equal the same number of reps I previously did.  
Example working up to a heavy 8 
135x8, 185x8, 225x8, 245x8, 275x8, 315x8, 335x8, 355x8 
(by the 8th rep I felt I could only do 1 more so I stopped here) 
I also do tons of volume with isolation exercises for the shoulders, triceps and yes even 
the biceps! Some of my favorite shoulder exercises are drop sets with cable lateral raises, 
and front raises along with overhead tricep extensions and heavy barbell curls.  
Example Overhead routine 
Week 1:​work up to a heavy 8 
Strip off 10-15% and do as many reps as possible (or 25-45lbs depending on your 
Week 2: W ​ ork up to a heavy 6 
Strip off 10-15% and do as many reps as possible  
Week 3: W ​ ork up to a heavy 4, strip off 20% and do as many reps as possible. 
Week 4: W ​ ork up to 90% of your 1 rep max and do as many reps as possible for a new 

How I Fixed My Deadlift 
I have always struggled with my deadlift, it is the one lift we never did in football. I 
didn’t even know what a deadlift was until I got into Strongman! I had so far to catch 
up. It forced me to constantly go heavy, as I didn’t have the time to learn the lift along 
with how fast I was progressing in the sport. Even when I made progress and got some 
reps at a show, which were above my max at the start of the training cycle, it would still 
be my lowest placing event and then the next show would be even heavier! Once again 

above my max, every training cycle was sink or swim. When I won my pro card, I 
displaced a rib deadlifting the car in warm ups. My friend, Kalle Beck, taped me back 
together with phone books and duct tape to brace my ribs well enough so I could get a 
few painful reps on that heavy ass car. Dealing with the pain and getting a few reps on 
that car deadlift was how I won my pro card. As you can see, deadlifts and I have always 
had a painful relationship. 
Taking a year off really let me start over with my deadlift. I tried a whole bunch of 
different things, but it turns out the problem was that I didn’t have an ass! Talking to 
Kalle about fixing my deadlift, he commented that I had the smallest ass to body ratio of 
anyone in the world. The glutes are the largest muscle in the human body, but I don’t 
have a normal human body, and my shoulders were plumper and bigger than my butt. 
To begin, I started with a bunch of lightweight activation techniques to get my glutes 
working. I would do single leg deadlifts, glute bridges, hip thrusts, and x band walks for 
almost an hour before every deadlift session. I did a lot of light deadlifts for low reps, 
and a lot of sets to build up confidence and re-learn the deadlift. I made sure to practice 
perfect form in every rep, and I could feel my glutes engaged to finish the lockout.  
For assistance lifts, I do lots of back work like barbell rows, dumbbell rows, and shrugs. 
For the hamstrings, I like Romanian Deadlifts done very slowly and deliberately 
lowering the weight down with either dumbbells or a barbell. The other thing that 
really helped was extra focus on the quads. Due to my height, and how far I have to pick 
up the barbell on a deadlift, I need that push from the legs to get things going at the 
start of the lift. My favorites with the most carry to my deadlift have been leg presses, 
front squats and lunges.  
I also added heavy barbell hip thrusts into my training, and really emphasized the glutes, 
no longer neglecting them and I think you have noticed the difference. For the first time 
in my life I have a booty! I know you’ve noticed, and I also got my first successful 
deadlift at Worlds Strongest Man!  



Putting It All Together

I’ve explained my training philosophies, what I felt I did wrong, and misconceptions 
people have about the sport that led me down the wrong path. As Strongmen, we need 
to do a lot of volume, some varied cardio, sprints, and extra attention to the booty. 
Here is how I recommend to structure your training to make you strong and pretty just 
like me, along with a sample program. 
Weekly Structure  
Day 1 
● Overhead Press (or variation) 
● Vertical Pull  
● Secondary Vertical Press 
● Rear Delts  
● Shoulder Accessories (1-2 movements) 
● Upper Back 

● Biceps 
● Triceps 
Day 2 
● Deadlift (or variation) 
● Hamstring Accessory  
● Glute Accessory 
● Row 
● Carry EMOM 
Day 3  
● Sprint 
● Abs 
Day 4 
● Seated Press 
● Bench Variation 
● Dumbbell Bench Variation  
● Tricep Accessory 
● Bicep Accessory  

Day 5 
● Sprint  
● Abs 

Day 6 
● Squat Variation 
● Single Leg Variation 
● Leg Press or Other Quad Accessory  
● Upper Back 
● Strongman Event EMOM 
Day 7 
● Hike, ruck or longer cardio  

Exercise Groups 
In the weekly structure you may have noticed some of the phrases such as, overhead 
press, vertical pull, etc. So, below I will list a sample of some of my favorite exercises for 
each category. Of course there are more variations than this, but these are my staples. 

Overhead Press  
● Log Press 
● Push Press 
● Standing Strict Press 
Vertical Pull 
● Lat Pulldowns (various grips and handles 
● Pull ups 
● Chin ups  
Secondary Vertical Press 
● Strict Standing Barbell Press  
● Seated Dumbbell Press 
● Dumbbell Push Press 
● One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press 
● Strict Press off pins (partial range of motion start bar at your forehead) 

Rear Delts  
● Face Pulls 
● Rear Delt Flies  
● Rear Delt Raises 
Shoulder accessories  
● Cable Front Raises 
● Cable Lateral Raises 
● Dumbbell Lateral Raises 
● Dumbbell Front Raises 
● Plate front raises 

● Dumbbell Curls 
● Hammer Curls 
● Cable Curls 
● Barbell Cheat Curls  
● HIGH REP Barbell Curls (25-100 rep sets) 

● Skull Crushers  
● Rope Tricep Pressdowns  
● Overhead Rope Tricep Extensions  
● Tricep Extensions 
● Floor Press 

● Deadlifts 
● Block or Rack Pulls either 2 or 4” elevated  
● 18” deadlifts  
● Speed Deadlifts 
● Snatch Grip Rack Pulls 

Hamstring accessory  
● Romanian Deadlifts 
● Hamstring Curls 
● Glute Ham Raise  
Glute Accessory 
● Barbell Hip Thrusts 

● Single Leg Glute Bridge 
● Reverse Hyper 
● Barbell Rows 
● Chest Supported Rows 
● Incline Dumbbell Rows 
● One arm Dumbbell Rows 
● Farmers Walk (dumbbells, trap bar, tricep bars, etc) 
● Front Carries (sandbag, a bunch of plates, barbell, heavy dumbbell) 
● Decline sit ups 
● Ab Rollouts 
● Hanging Leg Raises 
Seated Press  
● Seated Overhead Press 
● HIGH INCLINE Bench Press 
● Incline Bench Press 45* Angle 

Bench Variation  
● Regular Bench Press 
● Close grip Bench Press (shoulder width) 
● Board Press 
● Slight Incline Press 
● Slight Dumbbell Incline Press 

Squat Variation 
● Back Squat  
● Front Squat 

● Box Squat 
● Zercher Squat

Single Leg Variation  
● Dumbbell Walking Lunges 
● Walking Lunges around a track (400m) 
● Barbell Walking Lunges 
● Step ups  
● Single Leg leg press 

Quad Accessories  
● Leg Press 

● Bulgarian Split Squat  
● Backwards Sled drags 

Upper Back 
● Power Shrugs 
● HIGH REP Barbell Shrugs 
● Dumbbell Shrugs  
Strongman Event  
● Farmers Walk 
● Yoke Walk 

● Atlas Stones 
● Farmers Walk 
● Sandbag Carry  
*If you do not have access to implements just do dumbbell farmers walks* 


12 Week Program  
Week 1 
Day 1 
● Push Press​up to a heavy 8. Strip off 10-15% and do as many reps as possible (or 
25-45lbs depending on your strength) 
● Strict Press​Take around 65% of your max and do 4 sets of 8  
● Lat Pulldowns​4x8 increase weight every set until you can barely complete the 
8th rep 
● Rear Delt Raises​use a weight you can do 12-15 clean reps with, and do as many 
reps as possible. Once you reach failure, do rear delt swings to failure. Do this for 
2 sets 
● Cable Front Raises and Cable Lateral Raise Superset​3x8-12 each (use 
dumbbells if you have no access to cable machine) 
● Snatch Grip Barbell Shrug​s use a light weight, and do full controlled reps here 
for 2 sets aim for 15-20 reps 
● Hammer Curls ​3x8 
● Tricep Pressdowns​3x8 
Day 2 
● Single Leg Deadlift ​3x8 (each leg) Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell with the same 
hand as the foot that will remain on the ground. Perform these slow and 
controlled focusing on balancing through your planted foot, pushing your 
opposite leg back, focusing on only going as low as you can while maintaining a 
flat back. If balance is a problem, try holding onto the squat rack or other solid 
stable object with your opposite hand. 
● Glute Bridges​3x8 
● X band Walks​3x50ft each side 
● Deadlift​65% of your max 8x4. Take no more than 60-90 seconds rest here. 
Perform every rep as if it is a new max focusing on proper form and being 
explosive. Remember this is PRACTICE  
● Romanian Deadlift 3​x8 keep your back flat and neutral while pushing your 
hips back slowly lowering the weight ,feeling a big stretch in your hamstrings. 

Only go as low as you can while keeping a flat back. Start off with around 40% of 
your max. For example, if you can deadlift 500lbs, then 225lbs is probably a 
good starting weight for you.  
● Barbell Hip Thrusts​5x5 you want these pretty heavy but not crazy. Use a 
weight you could do for sets of 8. Pause at the top really squeezing the cheeks.  
● Barbell Row​3x8  
● Farmers Walk​EMOM 60% 6x50ft (use dumbbells if no farmers walk) 
Day 3 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 10 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length staying around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints, up the intensity a 
little and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to 
a hill, do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab circuit​pick 3 movements and do 8 reps on each for 3 sets without stopping. 

Day 4 
● Seated Overhead Press​4x8 put the bar at almost vertical. Just a little lean back 
(about 80* angle) use a weight you could do for sets of 12. 
● Close Grip Bench Pres​s 5x5 shoulder width grip. Really control the weight on 
the way down. Use a weight you could do for sets of 8-10. 
● SLIGHT Incline Dumbbell Bench Press​(30 degrees) 3x8  
● Skull Crushers​3x8 
● Standing Dumbbell Curls​3x8  

Day 5 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 12 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length staying around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints, up the intensity a 
little and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to 
a hill, do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circui​t pick 3 movements and do 8 reps on each for 4 sets without stopping. 

Day 6 
● Front Squat​4x6 use a weight you could do for sets of 8-10. 

● Barbell Walking Lunges​3x8 (each leg) start light and take very purposeful 
steps. The main goal here is to even out the strength in each leg, as most people 
have an imbalance. 
● Leg Press​2x20 BURNOUT use a light weight and just get those quads pumped 
with blood. 
● Snatch Grip Barbell Shrugs​take a wide grip on the barbell using about 30% of 
your max deadlift (use no less than 95lbs) go to failure without stopping for 2 
sets. This is how I built my traps! 
● Loading Over Bar Strongman Event​(atlas stones, kegs, sandbags, etc) 5x1 
Day 7 *Optional* 
● Hike ​Pick a trail that will take 20-30 minutes that isn't too strenuous for you, 
you can also pick a different sport or activity you enjoy this day.  

Week 2 
Day 1 
● Push Press W ​ ork up to a heavy 6. Strip off 10-15% and do as many reps as 
● Strict Press​Take around 70% of your max and do 3 sets of 6. 
● Lat Pulldowns​4x10 aim to use the same weight as last week. 
● Rear Delt Raises​2x20 
● Cable Front Raises and Cable Lateral Raise Superset​3x10 aim for same 
weight as last week. 
● Snatch Grip Barbell Shrugs​3x15 
● Hammer Curls ​3x10 
● Tricep Pressdowns​3x10 

Day 2 
● Single Leg Deadlift 3x10 ​(each leg)  

● Glute Bridges​3x10 
● X Band Walks​3x50ft each side 
● Deadlift​70% of your max 6x3, 90 seconds rest. 
● Romanian Deadlift 3​x10 same weight as last week.  
● Barbell Hip Thrusts​4x6 go up 10-20lbs from week 1. 
● Barbell Row​3x10 
● Farmers Walk​EMOM 60% 8x50ft  

Day 3 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 12 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length, stay around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circuit​pick 3 movements and do 10 reps on each for 3 sets without 
Day 4 
● Seated Overhead Press​4x10 use the same weight as last week. 
● Close Grip Bench Pres​s 5x3 increase weight 10-20lbs 
● SLIGHT Incline Dumbbell Bench Press​(30 degrees) 3x10 same weight as last 
● Skull Crushers​3x10 
● Standing Dumbbell Curls​3x10 

Day 5 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 15 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length, stay around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints, up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circui​t pick 3 movements and do 10 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 6 
● Front Squat​4x8 same weight as last week. 

● Barbell Walking Lunges​3x10 (each leg)  
● Leg Press​3x20 same weight as last week, just do an extra set! 
● Snatch Grip Wide Grip Shrugs​take a wide grip on the barbell using about 
30% of your max deadlift (use no less than 95lbs) go to failure without stopping 
for 2 sets. This is how I built my traps! 
● Loading Over Bar Strongman Event​(atlas stones, kegs, sandbags, etc) 8x1 

Day 7 *Optional* 
● Hike ​Pick a trail that will take 30-45 minutes that isn't too strenuous for you, 
you can also pick a different sport or activity you enjoy this day.  

Week 3 
Day 1 
● Push Press W ​ ork up to a heavy 4. Strip off 20% and do as many reps as possible  
● Strict Press​Take around 75% of your max and do 3 sets of 5 
● Lat Pulldowns​4x12 aim to use the same weight as last week 
● Rear Delt Raises​3x20 
● Cable Front Raises and Cable Lateral Raise Superset​3x12 aim for same 
weight as last week. 
● Snatch Grip Barbell Shrugs​3x20 
● Hammer curls ​3x12 
● Tricep Pressdowns​3x12 
Day 2 
● Single Leg Deadlift ​3x12​ ​(each leg)  
● Glute Bridges​3x12 
● X Band Walks​3x50ft each side 
● Deadlift​75% of your max 5x2, 90-120 seconds rest. 
● Romanian Deadlift 3​x12 same weight as last week . 
● Barbell Hip Thrusts​3x5 go up 10-20lbs from week 1. 
● Barbell Row​3x12 
● Farmers Walk​EMOM 60% 10x50ft  

Day 3 *Optional​* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 12 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 70-80% effort. By the last few sprints, up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab circuit​pick 3 movements and do 10 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 4 
● Seated Overhead Press​4x12 use the same weight as last week. 
● Close Grip Bench Pres​s 3x3 increase weight 10-20lbs. 
● SLIGHT Incline Dumbbell Bench Press​(30 degrees) 3x12 same weight as last 
● Skull Crushers​3x12 
● Standing Dumbbell Curls​3x12 
Day 5 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 15 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circui​t pick 3 movements and do 12 reps on each for 4 sets without 

Day 6 
● Front Squat​4x10 same weight as last week 
● Barbell Walking Lunges​3x12 (each leg)  
● Leg Press​3x20 same weight as last week just do an extra set! 
● Snatch Grip Wide Grip Shrugs​take a wide grip on the barbell using about 
30% of your max deadlift (use no less than 95lbs) go to failure without stopping 
for 1 set. This is how I built my traps! 
● Loading Over Bar Strongman Event​(atlas stones, kegs, sandbags, etc) 10x1 

Day 7 *Optional* 
● Hike ​Pick a trail that will take 60 minutes push yourself here!  
Week 4 (Deload) 
Day 1 
● Push Press 7​0% 3x5 
● Lat Pulldowns​3x8 
● Face Pulls​3x12 
● Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press​3x8 
Day 2 
● Deadlift 7​0% 3x5 
● Front Squat 6​0% 3x8 
● Bodyweight Walking Lunges ​3x8 
● Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts​3x8 
Day 3 
● Incline Dumbbell Bench​run the rack! Start off at a very light weight and do 
sets of 10. Grab the next size up dumbbells and do another 10 reps keep going 
until you fail to do 10 reps. Then go back down.  
● Incline Rear Delt Flies​3x20 
● Chest Supported Row​3x12 

Week 5 
Day 1 
● Push Press t​o a max double.  
● Strict Press​Take around 75% of your max and do 3 sets of 5. 
● Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns​3x8 
● Face Pulls 3​x12 
● Plate Front Raises ​3x8 

● Pinch Grip Plate Shrugs ​put two plates together with smooth side facing out 
and hold them by pinching your fingers into the steel. Do 2 sets of as many reps 
as possible.  
● Barbell Cheat Curls 3​x8 
● Overhead Tricep Extensions ​(use cable or dumbbell) 3x8 
Day 2 
● Single Leg Deadlift ​4x8​ (​each leg)  
● Glute Bridges​4x8 
● X Band Walks​4x50ft each side 
● Deadlift​80% 3x3 rest as needed 
● 18” Deadlift ​70% 3x6 
● Barbell Hip Thrusts​4x6 if you want to get spicy use bands 
● One Arm Dumbbell Row ​3x8 
● Farmers Walk​EMOM 70% 6x50ft  
Day 3 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 10 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 70-80% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab circuit​pick 3 movements and do 10 reps on each for 4 sets without 

Day 4 
● Incline Bench Press ​5x8 
● Floor Press ​5x5 
● SLIGHT Incline Dumbbell Bench Press​(30 degrees) 4x10 
● Skull Crushers​4x12 
● Standing Dumbbell Curls​4x12 
Day 5 *Optional* 

● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 15 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circui​t pick 3 movements and do 12 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 6 
● Back Squat 6​0% 8X3 rest 30-45 seconds between reps 
● Dumbbell Step Ups​3x8 (each leg) use a box or step that is slightly above parallel 
for you 
● Single Leg Press​3x12 (each leg) 
● Power Shrugs ​4x6 
● Strongman Event *OPTIONAL* (​Front Carry) 6x50ft EMOM examples are 
husafell stone, sandbag, stacked bumper plates.  
Day 7 *Optional* 
● Hike ​Pick a challenging trail or try sprinting some of the hills. 

Week 6 
Day 1 
● Strict Press ​to a heavy 8 
● Push Press 7​0% 4x6 
● Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns​3x10 
● Face Pulls 3​x15 
● Plate Front Raises ​3x10 
● Pinch Grip Plate Shrugs ​put two plates together with smooth side facing out 
and hold them by pinching your fingers into the steel do 3 sets of as many reps as 
● Barbell Cheat Curls 3​x10 
● Overhead Tricep Extensions ​(use cable or dumbbell) 3x10 
Day 2 

● Single Leg Deadlift ​4x10​ ​(each leg)  
● Glute Bridges​4x10 
● X Band Walks​4x50ft each side 
● Deadlift​85% 4x2 rest as needed 
● 18” Deadlift ​75% 3x5 
● Barbell Hip Thrusts​4x8 if you want to get spicy use bands 
● One Arm Dumbbell Row ​3x10 
● Farmers Walk​EMOM 70% 8x50ft  
Day 3 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 10 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 70-80% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circuit​pick 3 movements and do 10 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 4 
● Incline Bench Press ​5x6  
● Floor Press ​5x3 increase weight 10-20lbs 
● SLIGHT Incline Dumbbell Bench Press​(30 degrees) 4x12 
● Cross Body Hammer Curls​3x8 
● Close Grip Push Ups ​2x as many reps as possible  
Day 5 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 15 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circui​t pick 3 movements and do 12 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 6 

● Back Squat 6​5% 6X4 rest 30-45 seconds between reps. 
● Dumbbell Step Ups​3x10 (each leg) use a box or step that is slightly above 
parallel for you 
● Single Leg Press​2x15 (each leg) 
● Power Shrugs ​4x8 
● Strongman Event *OPTIONAL* (​Front Carry) 8x50ft EMOM examples are 
husafell stone, sandbag, stacked bumper plates  

Day 7 *Optional* 
● Hike ​Pick a trail that will take 20-30 minutes that isn't too strenuous for you, 
you can also pick a different sport or activity you enjoy this day. 

Week 7 
Day 1 
● Strict Press ​to a heavy 8 
● Push Press 7​0% 4x6 
● Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns​3x10 
● Face Pulls 3​x15 
● Plate Front Raises ​3x10 
● Pinch Grip Plate Shrugs ​put two plates together with smooth side facing out 
and hold them by pinching your fingers into the steel do 3 sets of as many reps as 
● Barbell Cheat Curls 3​x10 
● Overhead Tricep Extensions ​(use cable or dumbbell) 3x10 
Day 2 
● Single Leg Deadlift ​4x10​ ​(each leg)  
● Glute Bridges​4x10 
● X Band Walks​4x50ft each side 
● Deadlift​85% 4x2 rest as needed 
● 18” Deadlift ​75% 3x5 
● Barbell Hip Thrusts​4x8 if you want to get spicy use bands 
● One Arm Dumbbell Row ​3x10 

● Farmers Walk​EMOM 70% 8x50ft  
Day 3 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 10 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 70-80% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circuit​pick 3 movements and do 10 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 4 
● Incline Bench Press ​5x6  
● Floor Press ​5x3 increase weight 10-20lbs 
● SLIGHT Incline Dumbbell Bench Press​(30 degrees) 4x12 
● Cross Body Hammer Curls​3x8 
● Close Grip Push Ups ​2x as many reps as possible  
Day 5 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 15 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circuit​pick 3 movements and do 12 reps on each for 4 sets without 

Day 6 
● Back Squat 6​5% 6X4 rest 30-45 seconds between reps 
● Dumbbell Step Ups​3x10 (each leg) use a box or step that is slightly above 
parallel for you. 
● Single Leg Press​2x15 (each leg) 
● Power Shrugs ​4x8 
● Strongman Event *OPTIONAL* (​Front Carry) 8x50ft EMOM examples are 
husafell stone, sandbag, stacked bumper plates  

Day 7 *Optional* 
● Hike ​Pick a trail that will take 30-45 minutes that isn't too strenuous for you, 
you can also pick a different sport or activity you enjoy this day.  
Week 8 
Day 1 
● Push Press 7​0% 3x5 
● Lat Pulldowns​3x8 
● Face Pulls​3x12 
● Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press​3x8 
Day 2 
● Deadlift 7​0% 3x5 
● Front Squat 6​0% 3x8 
● Bodyweight Walking Lunges ​3x8 
● Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts​3x8 
Day 3 
● Incline Dumbbell Bench​run the rack! Start off at a very light weight and do 
sets of 10. Grab the next size up dumbbells and do another 10 reps keep going 
until you fail to do 10 reps. Then go back down.  
● Incline Rear Delt Flies​3x20 
● Chest Supported Row​3x12 

Week 9 
Day 1 
● Strict Press ​to a heavy 6 
● Push Press 7​5% 3x5 
● Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns​3x12 
● Face Pulls 3​x20 
● Plate Front Raises ​3x12 

● Pinch Grip Plate Shrugs 3​x12 
● Barbell Cheat Curls 4​x6 
● Overhead Tricep Extensions ​(use cable or dumbbell) 4x8 
Day 2 
● Single Leg Deadlift ​4x12​ ​(each leg)  
● Glute Bridges​4x12 
● X Band Walks​4x50ft each side 
● Deadlift​90% 3x1 
● 18” Deadlift ​80% 4x4 
● Barbell Hip Thrusts​4x10 if you want to get spicy use bands 
● One Arm Dumbbell Row ​3x12 
● Farmers Walk​EMOM 70% 10x50ft  
Day 3 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 10 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 70-80% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circuit​pick 3 movements and do 10 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 4 
● Incline Bench Press ​4x4 
● Floor Press ​3x3 increase weight 10-20lbs 
● SLIGHT Incline Dumbbell Bench Press​(30 degrees) 4x12 
● Cross Body Hammer Curls​3x10 
● Close Grip Push Ups ​3xamrap 
Day 5 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 15 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 

● Ab circui​t pick 3 movements and do 12 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 6 
● Back Squat 7​0% 5x3 
● Dumbbell Step Ups​3x12 (each leg) use a box or step that is slightly above 
parallel for you. 
● Single Leg Press​2x20 (each leg) 
● Power Shrugs ​5x6 
● Strongman Event *OPTIONAL* (​Front Carry) 10x50ft EMOM examples are 
husafell stone, sandbag, stacked bumper plates.  
Day 7 *Optional* 
● Hike ​Pick a trail that will take 60 minutes, push yourself here!  
Week 10 
Day 1 
● Strict Press ​to a heavy 4 
● Push Press 8​0% 3x3 
● Pull ups ​2 x as many reps as possible. If you can’t do more than 5 pull ups, do 
2x20 Lat Pulldowns.  
● Face Pulls 4​x12 
● Dumbbell Front Raises ​3x8 
● Lateral Raises ​3x8 
● Pinch Grip Plate Shrugs 3​x15 
Day 2 
● Single Leg Deadlift ​3x8​ (​each leg)  
● Glute Bridges​3x8 
● X Band Walks​4x50ft each side 
● Deadlift​up to a new 1 rep max 
● Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts 2​x12 
● Single Leg Hip Thrusts 3​x8  
● One Arm Dumbbell Row ​2x15 

● Farmers Walk​EMOM 80% 6x50ft  
Day 3 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 10 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 70-80% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circuit​pick 3 movements and do 10 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 4 
● Incline Bench Press ​3x3 
● Dumbbell Floor Press 4​x8 
● Cross Body Hammer Curls​3x12 
● Rope Tricep Pressdowns ​3x12 
Day 5 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 15 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circui​t pick 3 movements and do 12 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 6 
● Back Squat 7​5% 4x2 
● Dumbbell Step Ups​4x8 (each leg) use a box or step that is slightly above parallel 
for you 
● Bulgarian Split Squats ​2x12 
● Backwards Sled Drag 4​x50ft HEAVY 
Day 7 *Optional* 
● Hike ​Pick a challenging trail or try sprinting some of the hills.  

Week 11 
Day 1 
● Strict Press ​to a heavy 2 
● Push Press 7​0%x5 80%x2 85% 2x2 
● Lat Pulldowns ​3x8 
● Face Pulls 3​x12 
● Dumbbell Front Raises ​3x10 
● Lateral Raises ​3x10 
● Pinch Grip Plate Shrugs 3​x20 
Day 2 
● Single Leg Deadlift ​3x10​ ​(each leg)  
● Glute Bridges​3x10 
● X Band Walks​4x50ft each side 
● Deadlift 6​0% 10X2 EMOM 
● Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts 2​x15 
● Single Leg Hip Thrusts 3​x10 
● One Arm Dumbbell Row ​2x20 
● Farmers Walk​EMOM 80% 8x50ft  
Day 3 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 10 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 70-80% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circuit​pick 3 movements and do 10 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 4 
● Incline Bench Press ​to a new 1 rep max. 
● Dumbbell Floor Press 4​x10 
● Cross Body Hammer Curls​3x12 

● Rope Tricep Pressdowns ​3x12 
Day 5 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 15 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circui​t pick 3 movements and do 12 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 6 
● Back Squat 8​0% 3x3 
● Dumbbell Step Ups​4x10 (each leg) use a box or step that is slightly above 
parallel for you. 
● Bulgarian Split Squats ​3x12 
● Backwards Sled Drag 2​x50ft even heavier 
Day 7 *Optional* 
● Hike ​Pick a trail that will take 20-30 minutes that isn't too strenuous for you, 
you can also pick a different sport or activity you enjoy this day. 
Week 12 
Day 1 
● Dumbbell Push Press ​3x8 
● Lat Pulldowns ​3x10 
● Face Pulls 3​x15 
● Dumbbell Front Raises ​3x10 
● Lateral Raises ​3x10 
● Dumbbell Push Press​3x8-12 
Day 2 
● Single Leg Deadlift ​3x10​ ​(each leg)  
● Glute bridges​3x10 
● X band walks​4x50ft each side 

● Deadlift 6​5% 8X3 EMOM 
● Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts 2​x20 
● Single Leg Hip Thrusts 3​x12 
● Farmers Walk​EMOM 80% 10x50ft  
Day 3 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 10 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 70-80% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circuit​pick 3 movements and do 10 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 4 
● Incline Dumbbell Press ​3x8  
● Dumbbell Floor Press 4​x12 
● Cross Body Hammer Curls​4x12 
● Rope Tricep Pressdowns ​4x12 
Day 5 *Optional* 
● Hill Sprint:​Give yourself 15 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in 
length stay around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints up the intensity a little 
and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, 
do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled. 
● Ab Circui​t pick 3 movements and do 12 reps on each for 4 sets without 
Day 6 
● Back Squat 7​0%x5 80%x2 90% x as many reps as possible 
● Dumbbell Step Ups​3x8 (each leg) 
● Bulgarian Split Squats ​2x15ft 
● Backwards Sled Drag 8​x50ft EMOM  

Day 7 *Optional* 

● Hike ​Pick a trail that will take 30-45 minutes that isn't too strenuous for you, 
you can also pick a different sport or activity you enjoy this day. 


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