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Engage Training Workbook

Admin Rollover

Please be aware that the course is designed to equip you with the skills to effectively manage this area of the system. It is
important that you allow sufficient time and resource to implement the setup after the training has taken place. In many
cases this will need to be completed before progressing to another stage of the system.
Introduction to Admin Rollover Page 3

Introduction to Workbooks Page 4

Run report to capture attendance Page 5

Year Groups Forms and Houses Pages 6 & 7

Transfer Leavers to Past Pupils Pages 8 - 10

Transfer Current to Leavers Page 11

Move Current Pupils to New Year Group Page 12

(Batch Update)

Transfer New Intakes to Current Page 13

Hide Year Groups Forms and Houses Page 14

Cluster Parameters Page 15

Apply Attendance Parameters Page 16

Setting up Term and Break Dates Page 17

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Introduction to Admin Rollover
Component/Screen Purpose It is essential that you bring the following
What is the purpose of this course? information to the training session

To move pupils to their new Year Groups and Forms including

Create new Year Groups, Forms and Houses List of Year Groups, Forms, Form Tutors and
transferring any Leavers out and New Intakes in Houses to be used in the new academic year
Year Groups, Forms and Houses

Who is the course aimed at? Move pupils from Leavers to Past List of pupils that are leaving the school
System Administrator, Admissions Staff and Office & Support Staff
Transfer Leavers Move pupils that are leaving from Current Pupils

What is the recommended course

to Leavers

Assign current pupils to their New Year Groups, Class Lists for the new academic year
length? Forms and Houses using the Batch Update
Assign pupils to new Year
½ Day (3 hours)

Are there any prerequisites?

Can only take place once the school year is complete Move new starters from New Intakes into Current List of new starters and their Year Groups,
Pupils Forms and Houses
Ensure that all reports have been sent and reporting periods have
Transfer New Intakes
been locked Assign new starters to the correct Year Start dates of new intake pupils
Ensure you have taken a backup of your Engage database (this
must reflect the data as it is on the day of the Admin Rollover) Hide any Year Groups/Forms and Houses that are List of Year Groups, Forms and Houses that will
Hide Year Groups/Forms and Houses no longer in-use no longer be used in the new academic year
Copies of Attendance for the whole academic year exported from
Users must have permission to use the Pupil and Staff screens Move Engage to the new academic year

Users must have completed (ES-COR1) Core One Change Cluster Parameters

Set up attendance structure for new academic year Details of any changes to the attendance
Apply Attendance Parameters structure for new academic year

Set up term dates and breaks for the new Term Dates and Breaks for the new academic
academic year year
Term Dates and Breaks

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Introduction to Workbooks

The Engage Training Workbook contains key screen shots and descriptions
of each of the available functions within Engage

The purpose of this Workbook is:

To complement the training you will receive
To allow you to highlight and annotate key areas of Engage
To allow you to take notes during your training
To allow you to refer to this document for information and guidelines when required in the future

In preparation for the training, it is expected that the customer will:

Provide a suitable training environment with no distractions
Provide a computer with access to the latest version of the software, ideally one computer per attendee
Ensure you bring appropriate resources and have fulfilled the appropriate prerequisites
Ensure your Trainer has access to the internet and for group sessions of 3 or more, access to a projector
Arrive at the training session punctually and be available for the full length of the course

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Reports>Attendance>Crosstab By Date Range
We recommend you run the Crosstab By Date Range report to capture the entire current academic year attendance records
and save the file in a different location to Engage
1. Click on the Reports icon
2. Ensure that the Report Category is Current Pupils
3. In the Reports In Category section - expand the Attendance option and select Crosstab by Date Range Notes
4. Click on the Add All button
5. Type in subtitle text (optional)
6. Click on Run Report button
7. Preview to Screen – OK
8. Select your academic year dates – OK
With the report displayed on the screen:
1. Click on the Save icon and select your preferred method of saving (PDF or Excel for example)
2. Select the required Export Settings – OK
3. Select the location to save the file (you may wish to change the file name to include the academic year) and click Save

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Set Up>Configuration>School>Year Groups Forms and Houses
This screen enables you to create new Year Groups/Forms/Houses for the new academic year

(see next page for details)


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Setup>Configuration>School>Year Groups, Forms & Houses [cont]
You can also add and change form tutors and rooms if required

1. Click on the required tab

2. Click on the Add New icon

3. Type in the required data

4. Save

NB If adding a new Form (Form Tab) ensure you have selected the correct Year Group first

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Pupils>Leavers to Past
Use a Select Filter to select all of the Leavers to be transferred into Past Pupils (see next page for details)


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Creating A Dynamic Filter
Eg Leavers 2015-16

1. Go to the Leavers pupil screen and click the ‘grab hand’ icon on the Select Filter

2. Click the Add New button

3. Type in the name of your Filter, the Description, and select Dynamic in the Type column

4. Select the first line of the filter in the required Category, Field, Operator and Value from the
drop down lists

5. Click on the Add button to add the options to the grid

6. Repeat changing the Operator and Value as required (see below)

7. Save and Close

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Pupils>Leavers to Past (Transfer Pupils window)
The Transfer Pupils window enables you to transfer Leavers to Past Pupils

1. Click on the Transfer Pupils icon

2. Select all the pupils in the Transfer Pupils window by clicking on the green tick icon

3. Click on Transfer button


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Pupils>Current to Leavers (Transfer Pupils window)
The Transfer Pupils window enables you to transfer any Current pupils who are leaving the school into the Leavers screen

1. Using the Year Group/Form filters or creating Select Filters identify the required pupils

2. Click on the Transfer Pupils icon


3. Click into the Quick Edit checkbox and then click on the Select All icon (green tick)

4. Select the required dates/data in the Quick Edit section*

5. Click Apply

6. Click Transfer

* You may need to deselect certain pupils and reselect them from the main screen again if they need to have slightly different Quick Edit
data – eg a different Reason for Leaving

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Pupils>Current (Batch Update function)
The Batch Update function enables you to move remaining Current Pupils up to their new Year Groups/Forms/Houses and we recommend that you start with the top Year Group and work down
1. Select the required Year Group (and Form if required)
2. Click on the Batch Update icon
3. Select all the pupils (Click on the Select All icon) Notes
4. Click in the Update Year Group and Form checkbox
5. Select the new Year Group (and Form if required)
6. Click on the Batch Update button
7. Repeat until all Current Pupils
are in their new Year Groups/Forms

NB If pupils have previously been assigned to their future year groups and forms you can use the Batch Update function to copy them into Current

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Pupils>New Intake (Transfer Pupils window)
The Transfer Pupils window enables you to transfer New Intake pupils to Current Pupils and apply their entry information
1. Create the required Select Filter to locate the pupils
2. Run the filter so that the grid is only showing pupils ready to transfer into Current Pupils
3. Click on the Transfer Pupils icon to display the Transfer Pupils window
4. Click into the Quick Edit checkbox (top right)
5. Select the required Pupils using the Quick Edit Pupil and Select Pupil columns as necessary
6. Fill in the Quick Edit option at the bottom of the window (if data is applicable to all
selected pupils)
7. Click Transfer button
8. Repeat for all other Year Groups

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Setup>Configuration>School>Year Groups Forms and Houses
This screen enables you to hide any Year Groups, Forms or Houses that are no longer in use

The example on this page shows you how to Hide a number of forms in Year Group 10

1. Click on the Form tab

2. Select the required Year Group

3. Tick the required boxes in the Hide column (Click Save after each one)

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Setup>Configuration>Cluster Parameters
This screen enables you to move the whole of Engage over to the new academic year

1. Select the new school year in the Current Academic Year field

2. Save

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Modules>Attendance>Define Attendance Parameters
This screen enables you to define the Attendance Parameters

If using the Attendance Module, the attendance parameters need to be applied to the new academic year

1. Check that the Attendance structure for each year group is correct (amend if necessary in Master Data)

2. Change to Working Data

3. Ensure the correct Academic Year is selected

4. Click Apply Master Parameters

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This screen enables you to set up the school’s term dates and breaks - if they have already been inserted please
double-check that they are correct and amend where necessary


Term Dates
1. Select the
correct School
2. Click on the Use
Defaults icon to
bring in the
3. Insert Start and
End dates for
each term
4. Save

1. Click on the
green + icon to
add a new row
2. Type in the
name of the
3. Select the Start
and End dates
4. Save
5. Repeat as

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