Workbook - Admissions

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Engage Training Workbook


Please be aware that the course is designed to equip you with the skills to effectively manage this area of the system. It is
important that you allow sufficient time and resource to implement the setup after the training has taken place. In many
cases this will need to be completed before progressing to another stage of the system.
Introduction to Admissions Page 3 Admission Reports Page 18

Introduction to Workbooks Page 4 Waiting List Setup Page 19

School Year and Term Dates Pages 5 & 6 Adding a pupil to the Waiting List Page 20

Admission Stages Pages 7 - 9 Viewing the Waiting List Page 21

Admission Defaults Page 10 Appendix Pages 22 - 24

Admission Status Page 11

Enquiry Source Page 12

Previous School Page 13

Adding Pupils Page 14

Admission History Page 15

Filters Page 16

Transferring Pupils Page 17

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Introduction to Admissions
Component/Screen Purpose It is essential that you bring
What is the purpose of this the following information to
the training session

course? Establish details of the

Discuss details of the school’s admissions process in-
Full details of current admissions
process and areas to be analysed
school’s admissions for marketing purposes
To train users in entering and managing Prospective Pupil and process
Admissions data
Customise Stages and defaults to accurately reflect Full details of current admissions
Set up Admission Stages,
Who is the course aimed at?
the school’s admissions process and marketing needs process and areas to be analysed
Defaults, Status and for marketing purposes
Enquiry Sources
Engage System Administrator, Admissions, Office and Support Add a Prospective Pupil and identify all mandatory Details of a Prospective Pupil live
staff Adding Pupils information enquiry

What is the recommended course Update and track admissions information including
the Admission Stage, Status and Enquiry Source for
individual pupils and groups of pupils
length? Moving Pupils through the Customise and utilise the filters, grid, and panels
Admissions Process effectively
¼ Day (1.5 hours)

Are there any prerequisites?

Transfer pupils to the next Pupil Stage

Run Prospective Pupil Listings including specific Admission Stage Data must be
System setup must have taken place/ User accounts and Log in Running Admissions marketing statistics reports present before running reports
configured within Security Reports

Users must have attended Core Admin One Set up the Waiting List points system to represent Full details of the school’s
Waiting List Setup any predefined criteria initiated by the school waiting list criteria.
Users must have permission to use the Prospective Pupil screen (Optional)
Users must have permission to run reports
Add a pupil to the Waiting List and understand how
Users must have permission to set up Term Dates to manage their position

Waiting List (Optional) Manually update of the waiting list

Print the Waiting List

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Introduction to Workbooks
The Engage Training Workbook contains key screen shots and descriptions
of each of the available functions within Engage

The purpose of this Workbook is:

To complement the training you will receive
To allow you to highlight and annotate key areas of Engage
To allow you to take notes during your training
To allow you to refer to this document for information and guidelines when required in the future

In preparation for the training, it is expected that the customer will:

Provide a suitable training environment with no distractions
Provide a computer with access to the latest version of the software, ideally one computer per attendee
Have fulfilled the appropriate prerequisites as detailed in the Course Content Guide
Bring the appropriate resources and information as detailed in the Course Content Guide
Arrive at the training session punctually and be available for the full length of the course

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Setup > Configuration > School > Year
This screen is where you set up:

• Term dates

• Half term breaks

• Bank Holidays that fall within the school terms

• Any event that you would like to pull through to the Portal (calendar and news ticker)

You will need to populate future school years with approximate term dates (see following page) in
order for the Admissions process to work correctly

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Populating Future Years
We recommend that you set up at least the next 3 years with approximate dates so that you can add Prospective
Pupils onto Engage

1. Select the School Year from the drop down list

2. Click on the Use Default icon to insert the terms that were created during the Engage Setup process Notes
3. Insert provisional Start and End dates for each term and click Save

4. Repeat process as required

5. When the school dates have been confirmed they need to be changed here

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Setup > Configuration > Admission Stages
This screen enables you enter the different Stage Types and Names that you will use for your Admissions
process (see following pages)


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Creating Stage Types and Stage Names
1. Click New icon

2. Select New/Edit in the Stage

Type option box

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Creating Stage Types and Names [cont]
Use the Add/Edit screen to create the required Stage Types (see Appendix 1)


3. Close the Add/Edit screen

4. Select the required Stage Type from the list

5. Type in the required Stage Name

6. Check the box ‘Is Appointment’ if necessary

7. Save

8. Repeat until all the required Stage Names

have been created for the Stage Type

9. Select the next Stage Type and create all the Stage Names for it

10. Repeat

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Setup > Configuration > Admission Defaults
This screen enables you to
set the default Initial and
Final Admission stages for
Prospective Pupils

The Initial Admission

This represents the default
stage that pupils will be
assigned to when they are
first added
to Prospective Pupils

The Final Admissions


This represents the default

stage that a pupil will be
assigned to at the end of
admissions process, before
they become a New Intake

It is also possible to
Ignore Final Stage if it is
not applicable

NB: All of the above

stages are preferred
defaults so can be
overridden where

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Prospective Pupils > Registration Details > Admission Status
This screen enables you to add/edit the Admission Status options if required for your process (see Appendix 1)

After you have created the required Admission Status list:

1. Select the required status as you move a Prospective Pupil through the Admissions process

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Prospective Pupils > Registration Details > Enquiry Source
This screen enables you to add/edit the Enquiry Sources that may be useful for marketing purposes/reports (See Appendix 1)

After you have created the required Enquiry Source list:

1. Select the required status as you manage a Prospective Pupil through the Admissions process
Or you can select the option when competing the Add New Prospective Pupil screen Notes

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Prospective Pupils > Current School > Previous School
This screen enables you to associate any previous schools, the pupil has attended, to their record (see Appendix 2)


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Prospective Pupils > Add Pupil
This screen enables you to enter the initial details about the Prospective Pupil and their contacts

Mandatory fields are indicated unless Child
Not Born option is selected

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Prospective Pupils > Registration Details > Admission History
This screen displays the pupils’ admission history and enables you to edit the history if required

1. Click on the Pupil Admission History icon


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Prospective Pupils > Filters
This screen enables you to filter your prospective pupils by Admission Stage, Entry Year and Entry Term


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Prospective Pupils > Transfer Pupils
This screen enables you to transfer a Prospective Pupil into New Intake

1. Click on the Transfer Pupil icon

2. Select the required pupil/s in the grid

3. Click on the Transfer button


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Listings > Reports > Admissions Reports
This screen enables you to run various Admission Reports, including Marketing Statistics and Pupil Planning


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Setup > Configuration > School > Waiting List Setup
This screen enables you to
setup the parameters of your
Waiting List categories to score
your pupils against (optional)

1. Click on the + icon (below

the Existing Fields table)
2. A new row will display:

3. Select the Category (fields

already on the system on
the pupil panels and sub

4. Select the Description from

the list that is available with
that Category

5. Select the Additional

Description (if available)

6. Insert the Points (can be

positive or negative)

7. Save

This section enables you to create a field

that isn’t already available in the Engage
and apply a points value to it

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Prospective Pupils > Waiting List
There are two ways to add a pupil to the Waiting List – on the Add Prospective Pupil screen or on the Registration Details panel


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Prospective Pupils > Waiting List
Any pupil added to the
list will display here

This screen enables you

to view and manually
update the waiting list: Notes
1. Click on each name
in the table

2. Their options will

be listed below on
the Allocation

3. Use the + and/or –

icons to manage
the list as required

4. Click on the Export

To Excel icon if you
want to have the
list on a

5. To enable the Print

icons (individual
pupils or complete
list) filter by Entry

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The following pages give instructions on how to use various functions within Engage

• New/Edit function (to add options to drop down lists)

• Using the + (plus sign) to add information to panels and sub-panels

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Appendix 1 - New/Edit Functionality
This screen shows you how to add and manage dropdown lists in Engage using the New/Edit option or the ‘grab hand’ icon


Add a new item

1. Click on the New icon
2. Type in a unique Code (max 4
3. Type in a Description
4. Click on Save icon
5. Look for the save confirmation (green
6. Repeat as required
7. Close the box

Edit an item in the list

1. Click on an item in the list
2. Amend the Description
3. Click on the Save icon
The green bar indicates a successful save

Delete an item in the list

1. Click on an item in the list
2. Click on the Delete icon
The red bar indicates when something
can’t be deleted

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Appendix 2 - Using the + (plus sign) to add information
Adding Previous Schools to a pupil’ s record is used for this example

1. Click on the green plus icon

2. A new row will activate

3. Select and/or fill in the options as required


4. If the item you require is not in the list use the New/Edit icon (Appendix 1)

5. Click on the green tick to save the item

6. Repeat as required

To delete an item – highlight the item in the list – click on the red cross icon

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