Workbook - Daybook For SEN

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Engage Training Workbook

Daybook for SEN

Please be aware that the course is designed to equip you with the skills to effectively manage this area of the
system. It is important that you allow sufficient time and resource to implement the setup after the training has
taken place. In many cases this will need to be completed before progressing to another stage of the system.

Introduction to SEN Page 3 Adding Markers Page 20

Introduction to Workbooks Page 4 Adding Default Points Page 21

Pupil Details > SEN Page 5 Setting up Daybook Notifications Pages 22-24

Pupil Details > SEN continued Page 6 Adding a Daybook entry for a pupil Pages 25-29

SEN Reports Page 7 Reviewing/Editing/Following-up Entries Pages 30-35

Create Daybook Templates Page 8 Parent Portal – Adding Entries Page 36

Editing Daybook Templates Page 9 Parent Portal – Reviewing Entries Page 37

Adding Daybook Sub Type Page 10 Pupil Portal – Adding Entries Page 38

Add new fields to a Daybook Template Page 11 Pupil Portal – Reviewing Entries Page 39

Available Fields Pages 12-15 Daybook Reports – Pupils Pages 40-41

Edit Existing Fields Page 16 Daybook Report - Contacts Pages 42-43

Setting Template Security Page 17

Setting Field Security Page 18

Adding Daybooks to News ticker Page 19

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Introduction to Daybook for SEN

What is the purpose of this Component/Screen Purpose It is essential that you bring
the following information to
course? the training session
To train users on how to compete SEN details for a pupil Allocate pupils to either the SEN
and create daybook templates to record IEPs, required and Gifted and Talented Registers.
resources and follow up meetings List of pupils on the SEN
Manage SEN Register Detail SEN/Gifted and Talented Register/Gifted and Talented
Who is the course aimed at? types against pupils on the Register Register.
SEN coordinator, Learning Support Staff
Create and manage IEPs through
the daybook including required
What is the recommended resources, analysis, reviews and Example IEPs
Manage SEN
course length? event details
¼ Day (1.5 Hours)
Print IEPs

What are the prerequisites?

Users must have a log in to the Staff Portal and Engage
Users should have completed the Daybook training

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Introduction to Workbooks

The Engage Training Workbook contains key screen shots and

descriptions of each of the available functions within Engage.

The purpose of this Workbook is:

To complement the training you will receive
To allow you to highlight and annotate key areas of Engage
To allow you to take notes during your training
To allow you to refer to this document for information and guidelines when required in the future

In preparation for the training, it is expected that the customer will:

Provide a suitable training environment with no distractions
Provide a computer with access to the latest version of the software
Have fulfilled the appropriate prerequisites as detailed in the Course Content Guide
Bring the appropriate resources and information as detailed in the Course Content Guide
Arrive at the training session punctually and be available for the full length of the course

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Pupil Details > SEN
On the Current Pupil screen go to Pupil Details – SEN. Use the fields to mark is the pupil Has an SEN and whether they require
support or have a statement in place.


Choose the SEN Stage from the dropdown list

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Pupil Details > SEN continued
In the SEN section select the SEN type/s for the pupil. You can also add additional notes.


On the pupil grid you can add the SEN columns to view the data more easily. Right click o many column header and select the
relevant columns

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Listings > Reports > Other Reports > SEN Reports
This screen allows you to run various SEN reports including SEN Register Lists and Gifted and Talented Lists


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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
How to create a Daybook template:

1. In the Portal go to Admin>Daybook Templates

2. Click on Create New Template

3. Enter a Template Name

4. Choose the Daybook Type (who is the template for – Pupils, Parents or Staff)

5. Select the Daybook Sub Type (this makes filtering easier when searching for templates)

6. Click Create

7. Select the required maximum entries per staff/parents/pupils

To add or edit a Daybook Sub Type please see the following pages

NB The Maximum daybook entries per entity is ticked by default (Unlimited). If you untick it you can select the maximum number per
day/week/month/term/year or forever

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
Editing a Daybook Sub Type:

1. Go to Admin>Daybook Templates

2. Click on the Edit icon next to Daybook Sub Type

3. Find the category and click on it

4. Update the list as required and Save

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
To add new fields to your Daybook Template:

1. Select the field Type you require

2. Enter the Field Label

3. Select the colour of the field

4. Tick the checkbox if the field is mandatory

5. Click Add

6. Repeat the steps for all of the fields you require on the template

NB For a list of all the available Field Types please see the following pages

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
Additional Tutor Notice
Option to send a notice to an Additional Tutor, can be set as a default
Additional Update Permission
This enables you to select additional staff to be able to update the daybook entry
Daybook entries that are created within the Portal can be updated by the Staff which have been selected during creation, over-riding read only security applied within Engage
Note this is applied to only this Daybook entry, not all entries created using this template
Body Map
Provides an outline of the anterior and posterior view of the body, which allows you to record specific details on accidents, injuries or even cases of bullying
Multiple markers can be assigned to the body map in numerous colours and shapes allowing you to record as much detail as is required for incidents
Chartable Data
Allows you to add star rated fields out of a maximum of 10
Allows you to create a Shannari Wheel which appears on the Pupil Record
Places a check box onto your template
Class Fields
Adds the standard Year Group, Subject, Division, Class and Period filters, so that you can record exactly which class/period the incident took place
This field links to the drop down menus in Engage
School Lookup Details - which links to sub types of Admission Enquiry Source, Form or House
Look Up Details - which links to all other drop down menus that are available in Engage
Current Pupils - this will give you a drop down list of all the current pupils
Current Staff - this will give you a drop down list of all the current staff
Absence Types - this will give you a drop down list of all the absence types
Contacts - this will give you a drop down list of all the current contacts
You can assign multiple combo fields to your daybook template
Contact Notice
Option to send a notice to the contact, can be set as a default

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
Contact Notified
Once the daybook template is saved you can then add in details of the contact name, notification method and date of when they were contacted
Enables you to enter a cost and assign it to a run and charge item. N.B once the run is closed in the Fees module the charge will no longer appear so a new template with a cost
field linked to the current run needs to be created
The charge will be raised against the selected pupil in the Fees module. N.B if the daybook entry is deleted the charge will remain on the pupils account and will need to be
We recommend you liaise with your school finance team before using the cost field on a template
Enables you to put a date
Date Time
Enables you to put a date and a time
Entry ID
Each new daybook entry will be counted - even if you do not have the Entry ID field assigned to all your templates
If you delete a daybook entry, then this does not change the Entry ID count, so you may potentially get a sequence of 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, etc., where 4 and 7 have been deleted
You cannot reset the count - it just continues in sequence
Equipment Register
Adds the equipment register fields to the template and the department, type and item can be selected
File Download
Allows you to add documents that can be downloaded from the Daybook entry. Multiple File Download fields can be added but they must each have a unique name
File Upload
Once the daybook template is saved you can then attach files to the template
You can only add one file upload field - but with this field you can upload multiple attachments
File Upload DMS
Enables you to add a file to a selected DMS category
Once the daybook template is saved you can then attach files to the template
You can add multiple file upload DMS fields – each field label must be unique and different DMS categories can be chosen
Follow Up Fields
This places the follow up note, follow up date and a follow up complete check box onto your template

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
Form Tutor Notice
Option to send a notice to the Form Tutor, can be set as a default
Free Text
Enables you to add a text field and set the character limit
Enables you to give one heading to the template
Allows you to add Link URL and Link Text for websites. The links become active in the Daybook entry
Is Confidential
Daybook entries can have an individual layer of security added to new or existing entries, allowing tailored security per entry within
the more general security levels of Daybook
This is particularly useful for sensitive Medical entries/Safeguarding issues that might be more private than usual
Upon selecting the Is Confidential option you have a choice to add which Staff will have visibility of the entry, the available Staff list is
derived from Staff Users that would normally have visibility in the Portal to view the entry if Is Confidential wasn’t ticked
From the list you can select which users will have visibility of the entry when saved
A minimum of one user has to be selected but any users that are selected will have exclusive access, no one else including the
Administrator will be able to see the entry once it’s made Confidential
Linked Item
The Linked Item field quickly enables you to add another Incident/Detention etc that is linked/occurred as a result of the daybook
entry you are entering in
Linked Pupils
The Linked Pupils field quickly enables you to add many Pupils to a particular Daybook entry
Any Linked Pupils can then be viewed by selecting the Involved Pupils filter in the Incident Type drop down
Multiselect Combo
The Multiselect Combo field enables you to select multiple items from your chosen look up type
Enables you to place a numeric value against the incident
A minimum and maximum value can be set

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
Enables you to award points (positive or negative) against this Daybook entry
This is the same as the standard Daybook entries, and a default can be configured within the Admin>Set up>Default Points tab
These points will then appear against the pupils record, for example the Portal>Pupils>(select a pupil)>Points tab

Pupil Notice
Option to send a notice to the Pupil, can be set as a default

Adds a box in which a signature can be added by using the mouse to sign

Staff Category Notice

Option to send a notice to Staff by category ie Teaching Staff, can be set as a default

Staff Group Notice

Option to send a notice to Staff by group ie First Aiders, can be set as a default

Staff Notice
Option to send notice to the Staff, can be set as a default

Sub Header
Enables you to give a sub heading to sections of the daybook entry

Enables you to put a time

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
To edit existing fields:

1. Click the Pencil icon and make your edits

2. Click Save

To change the order of the fields:

1. Drag the rows up and down and drop into place

To preview the template:

1. Click on the Preview Template button NB To return to the edit screen after
previewing the template click on the
Edit Daybook
Template link underneath the template

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
Setting Template Security

1. Click on Template Security button

2. Specify which roles can add, delete, export to pdf, read and update the new Daybook template

3. Click on Save and Close button


• The Parent and Pupil roles are
listed for Pupil templates
• The Parent role is available for
Parent templates
• Neither are available when creating
Staff templates

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
Setting Field Security

1. Click on Field Security button to assign security permissions per field

2. Specify which roles can Write, Read, Lock Read, Lock Write or not see (Hidden) certain fields on the template

3. Click on Save and Close button


Lock Read
gives you the ability to set read only
permission over one particular field that
would normally allow write permissions

Lock Write
gives you the ability to populate/amend
the field and lock them down so
other users cannot edit them

To Delete a template
Click on the Delete Template button

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
Adding to News Ticker

1. Go to Admin>Setup>News Ticker

2. Click on News Ticker

3. Select the Daybook templates to Show in the News Ticker (checkboxes)

4. Select the number of days each Daybook type should show for

5. Save

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
Adding Markers to Daybook Templates

1. Go to Admin>Setup

2. Click on Staff Display Settings

The marker will appear next to a pupil’s name in the tool tip and/or grid tile when the template
is entered against them

3. The number of days entered denotes the days in the past, 0 shows the current days entries only

4. Markers can be configured by clicking on the cog icon

5. Select the marker and click Save or click Upload to add your own markers

NB Your own markers must have been saved as ‘png’ file format only

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
Adding Default Points to Daybook Templates

If you have added the Points field to a template you can assign default points to the template

1. Go to Admin>Setup

2. Click on Default Points

3. Select the way that you would like the points totalled on the reports

4. Select the required points for each Daybook

5. Click Save

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
Setting up Daybook Notifications

1. Go to Admin>Setup

2. Click on the Daybook section

3. Tick Enable Daybook Template Auditing (if you wish to track who has made updates to a daybook entry)
4. Click Save

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
Setting up Daybook Notifications [cont]
1. Select your General Daybook Noticing
2. Click Save

Send Form Tutor Notices – Pupil Form Tutor will receive a notice when a Daybook entry is added for their pupils
Send Contact Notices - Pupil Contact will receive a notice when a Daybook entry is added for their pupils
Send Pupil Notices - Pupil will receive a notice when a Daybook entry is added for themselves
Send Group Notices – Staff members in this group will receive a notice when a Daybook entry is added for any pupil (staff must be added to the group via groups and filters in the staff
Select Recipients – Users can manually choose notice recipients when they add a Daybook entry
Send Staff Notices – Users can send a notice to additional staff who weren’t set up to receive a notice in the daybook template itself

1. Select your Follow Up preferences

2. Click Save
Enable Follow Up Alerts - send a Notice when a follow up is due (date is set when a Daybook entry is created)
Send Follow Up Alert To – specify who should receive follow up alerts
Send Follow Up Alert On – specify the time that follow up alerts will be sent each day

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Portal>Admin>Daybook Templates
Setting up Daybook Notifications [cont]

You have the option to change the content of the emails and notices sent from the Portal that are sent automatically

1. Go to Admin>Setup

2. Click on Notice Templates

You can use the filters to select the Category then the Sub-Category to locate the template you need to edit and also choose the
Recipient of the notice and the Template Type

3. Select the required Notice and edit the content (subject and/or body text and also insert or remove smart tags)

4. Click Save

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Staff Portal
Adding a Daybook Entry for A Pupil

There are 3 areas where a Daybook Entry can be added and they all follow the same creating process (see page 25)

Via the Daybook Tab:

1. Go to Daybook Tab>Pupil Daybook

2. Click on the Add New Entry button

• The Pupil Daybook appears by default
• The Staff Daybook and Parent Daybook sections
only appear after you have created a Staff or
Parent daybook template

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Staff Portal
Adding a Daybook Entry for A Pupil [cont]

Via My Pupils Screen

1. Go to Pupils>My Pupils

2. Locate the required pupil

3. Click on the Add New Entry icon on the far right of the grid

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Staff Portal
Adding a Daybook Entry for A Pupil [cont]

Via My Classes Screen

1. Go to Pupils>My Classes

2. Locate and click on the required class

3. Tick one or more pupils

4. Click on Add New Entry

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Staff Portal
How to Add a Daybook Entry for a Pupil, Staff and/or Parent

1. Select the type of entry you are adding and then click on Add New Entry (Daybook>Pupil/Staff or Parent)

2. Use the filters to search for the person/people that you are adding the Daybook

3. Click on the arrows to move your selected person to the right-hand box (the single arrows move
one person at a time and the double arrows move the whole group)

4. Complete the Daybook template

5. Once the template is complete click on Save to remain on the page and enable additional
fields (eg attachments) or click on Save and Close to leave the page

NB If you go via My Pupils>Add New Entry, the pupil’s name will already be added to the
selected pupil recipients field

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Staff Portal
How to Add a Daybook Entry for a Pupil, Staff and/or Parent

6. Tick Send Notice if you would like to send a Notice to other users
NB The Default Recipients are defined by the Administrator, so please ask the Administrator for details

7. If your Administrator has selected the Select Recipients option in the initial set up, you will be
asked to choose the recipients
8. Select your filters and then click Search

9. Click on the arrows to move your selected recipients to the right-hand box
(The single arrows move one recipient at a time and the double arrows move the whole group)

10. Select the Delivery Method (SMS or Notice or SMS and Notice)

11. Click on Send Notice

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Staff Portal
Reviewing/Editing/Following-Up Entries for Pupil/Parent/Staff

There are 5 areas where a Daybook entry can be reviewed: News Ticker, Notices, Daybook Tab, My Pupils and My Classes

Depending on the staff role permissions, the Daybook entries can be updated via the Follow-up fields and/or exported to PDF

NB If the entry has a padlock icon it is confidential and only the creator and specified staff
users can see it (that includes the Administrator – unless they are one of the specified staff users)

1. On the News Ticker, click on the pupil’s name

2. Click on the Daybook bar to expand

3. Use the filters as necessary then click Search

4. Click on the required Daybook entry to review/edit/export (icons on top right of entry)

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Staff Portal
Reviewing/Editing/Following-Up Entries [cont]

1. In My Notices, click on the Daybook entry notice

2. Read the entry details and click on the link to view the entry

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Staff Portal
Reviewing/Editing/Following-Up Entries [cont]

1. Click on the Daybook Tab

2. Click on Pupil/Parent or Staff Daybook

3. Use the filters to locate the pupil/staff/parent (Daybook Type/Sub-Type/Year Group etc) then click Search
4. Click on the Daybook entry to view

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Staff Portal
Reviewing/Editing/Following-Up Entries [cont]

1. Click on the Pupils Tab

2. Click on My Pupils

3. Use the filters to locate the pupil then click Search

4. Click on the pupil’s name

5. Click on the Daybook bar and use the filters to locate the required entry

6. Click on the Daybook entry to view

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Staff Portal
Reviewing/Editing/Following-Up Entries [cont]

1. Click on the Pupils Tab

2. Click on My Classes

3. Use the filters to locate the class (Curriculum Panel) or the arrows/date to locate the
class (Timetable Panel), also select the staff member (if not you) then click Go

4. Click on the class – click on the pupil’s name

5. Click on the Daybook bar and use the filters to locate the required entry

6. Click on the Daybook entry to view

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Staff Portal
Reviewing/Editing/Following-Up Entries [cont]

Whichever method for reviewing the entries you have used:

1. Click on the Daybook name

2. Click on the Edit icon (top right) to open the entry

3. Locate the Follow-Up fields and enter the follow-up text, date and/or tick the checkbox as required

4. Click on Save and/or Save and Close

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Parent Portal
A Parent adding a Daybook entry for their Pupil

1. Go to Daybook>Pupil Daybook

2. Click on the Add New Entry button to select the Daybook Template

NB If Parents only have access to one daybook template they will see the name of the template
rather than Add New Entry

A Parent adding a Daybook entry for themselves

1. Go to Daybook>Parent Daybook

2. Click on the Add New Entry button to select the Daybook Template

NB If Parents only have access to one daybook template they will see the name of the template
rather than Add New Entry

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Parent Portal
Reviewing Pupil Daybook entries on the Parent Portal via the Daybook Tab and Notices

1. Go to Daybook>Pupil Daybook

2. Use the filters as required then click on Search

3. Click on the Daybook title to open

4. Use the icons on the right-hand side to Edit/Print as PDF/Delete (depending on permissions)

1. Click on the Notice

2. Click on the Daybook link to open the entry

3. Use the icons on the right-hand side to Edit/Print as PDF/Delete (depending on permissions)

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Pupil Portal
Adding Entries

1. Click on the Daybook section in the menu

2. Click on the Add New Entry button

NB If pupils only have access to one Daybook template they will see the name of the template rather than
Add New Entry

3. Fill out the daybook template

4. Click Save and Close

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Pupil Portal
Reviewing Daybook Entries for Pupils

1. Use the filters to search for a daybook entry

2. Click on the name to open the entry

3. Click on the icons in the top right corner to create a PDF, Edit or Delete

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Daybook Reports - Pupils
How to run the Daybook Pupil report within the Staff Portal:

1. Go to Documents Tab>Reports

2. Select the Report Sub Category of Daybook

3. Select the required Report from the drop down list and click on Select Pupils bar

4. Use the filters to locate the required pupils – Search

5. Take the required names over to the right-hand column

6. Click on Run Report

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Daybook Reports - Pupils
7. Select the required parameters (date range and Daybook Template Type)

8. Click OK

The report will display – use the forward and backwards arrows to view each page

The report can be printed and/or saved


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Daybook Report - Contacts
How to run the Daybook Contact report within Engage:

1. Click on the Reports icon

2. Select the required Report Category (Contacts)

3. Expand the Daybook section and select the Daybook Per Contact Report
4. Select the required records for the report

5. Run the Report

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Daybook Report - Contacts
6. Click on OK to preview to the screen

7. Select the required report parameters – Daybook Type and date range

8. Click on View

9. The report can be printed and/or saved


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