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Engage Training Workbook

Parents Evening

Please be aware that the course is designed to equip you with the skills to effectively manage this area of the system. It is
important that you allow sufficient time and resource to implement the setup after the training has taken place. In many
cases this will need to be completed before progressing to another stage of the system.
Introduction to Parents Evening Page 3 Parents Evening in the Parent Portal Pages 32-36

Introduction to Workbooks Page 4

Enabling Parents Evening in Engage Page 5

Teacher Allocation in the Timetable Page 6

Teacher Allocation in the Curriculum Page 7

Contacts Page 8

Enabling Parents Evening in the Staff Portal Pages 9-10

Creating a Parents Evening Pages 11-24

Parents Evening Notices Page 25

Parents Evening in the Staff Portal Pages 26-31

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Introduction to Parents Evening
Component/Screen Purpose It is essential that you bring the
What is the purpose of this course? following information to the
training session
To train users on how to setup and manage Parents Evenings and how
to make bookings as members of staff and parents Set up a parents evening dates and times Details of a parents evening

Set up number of timeslots

Manage Parents Evening
Who is the course aimed at? Allocate pupils, contacts and staff
Teaching Staff

View timeslots

What is the recommended course Make timeslots unavailable

length? Add parents to timeslots

1.5 hours Parents Evening Link to daybook entries

Block parents from booking

Are there any prerequisites? Print/export schedule

Users must have a log in to the Staff Portal

View parents evening timeslots
Users must have access to the Manage Parents evening screen
The Parent Portal must be live with active Parent accounts Make bookings
Must have a test Parent Portal account Parents Evening in the Parent
Portal Send messages to the teachers

Print/export schedule

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Introduction to Workbooks
The Engage Training Workbook contains key screen shots and descriptions
of each of the available functions within Engage.

The purpose of this Workbook is:

To complement the training you will receive
To allow you to highlight and annotate key areas of Engage
To allow you to take notes during your training
To allow you to refer to this document for information and guidelines when required in the future

In preparation for the training, it is expected that the customer will:

Provide a suitable training environment with no distractions
Provide a computer with access to the latest version of the software
Have fulfilled the appropriate prerequisites as detailed in the Course Content Guide
Bring the appropriate resources and information as detailed in the Course Content Guide
Arrive at the training session punctually and be available for the full length of the course

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Set up> Security> Assign Screens
Enabling Parents Evenings in Engage
In order to allow Parents Evening to function fully the following setup should be checked in
Engage. You will also need a valid Parents Evening licence key to enable the Parents Evening
pages Notes

In Engage go to Setup>Security>Assign Screens. Under Portal – Parents Evening a number of

options are available to control which Staff have access to the Parents Evening functionalities. Tick the
required boxes and Save.

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Modules>Timetable> Create Timetable
If you are using the Timetable module ensure that all Classes on the Timetable have been allocated
to the correct Teacher. In Engage go to Modules>Timetable>Create Timetable and click on the
Search and Load Active Timetable button. Check the Timetable card for each class, by clicking on
each lesson in each period, to ensure there is an Assigned Staff member (at least one member of
staff must be ticked). Notes

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Modules> Curriculum>Year Group Classes
If you don’t use Timetable ensure that each active Division in the Curriculum has at least one Teacher
Allocated. In Engage go to Modules>Curriculum>Year Group Classes. Make sure the correct members
of staff are listed in the Assigned Teachers field. (See Curriculum for Timetables Set Up Manual for

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Engage>Current Pupil>Contacts
Ensure Contacts are correctly allocated to Pupils on the Current Pupil screen. If using any priorities
between Pupil and Contact ensure these are consistent and correct


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Portal>Admin>Set up
Enabling Parents Evenings in the Staff
In the Portal hover over Admin and click Setup

Click Setup and ensure Show

Parents Evening is ticked for
Teachers. Also ensure Show
Notices is ticked for Parents

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Portal>Admin>Contact Relationship Access
Ensure the Contact Relationship Access is correctly setup for the Parent Portal as this will determine which
Contacts are available for selection when creating the Parents Evening


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Portal> Schedule> Manage Parents Evening
Creating a Parents Evening

In the Portal hover over Schedule and click Manage Parents Evening

Click Create Parents Evening

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Portal>Schedule>Manage Parents Evening
You can enter a name, date and times for the Parents Evening. You can also define the duration of
each meeting and the break time between each meeting. N.B you need to ensure the total combined
length of the meetings and breaks fits into the selected time of the whole Parents Evening


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Portal>Schedule>Manage Parents Evening
The following options are available for selection:

Include Form Tutors – this gives the creator the option to include Form Tutors in the
meetings. If ticked a meeting will be created between the Form Tutor and each of the
pupils selected Contacts
Include Class Teachers – this gives the creator the option to include Class Teachers
of the pupils in the meetings. If ticked a meeting will be created between each Class
Teacher and each of the pupils selected Contacts

Include Additional Tutors – this gives the creator the option to include Additional
Tutors of the pupils in the meetings. If ticked a meeting will be created between each
Additional Tutor and each of the pupils selected Contacts i.e. House master, SENco,
Pastoral Teacher(these must be link to pupils in Engage Client> pupil detail> current
school> additional tutor)

Combine Sibling Meetings – if a member of staff teaches siblings then the meetings
will be combined if this option is ticked. N.B the meeting length will remain as one

Combine Subjects –if a child has more than one subject taught by the same teacher
the meetings will be combined if this option is ticked. N.B the meeting length will
remain as one timeslot

Allow Over Allocation – when this option is ticked the Parents Evening can be saved
and published even though there could be fewer booking slots than possible
bookings. Parents can book on a first come first serve basis, but might not have all
teachers available for booking with

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Portal>Schedule>Manage Parents Evening
You can now select the pupils, contacts and staff who are required to attend the Parents Evening.
The pupils are selected to ensure the correct contacts and staff are matched for the meetings. Click
on Select Pupils/Contacts/Staff

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Portal>Schedule>Manage Parents Evening
Class and Form filters can be used to refine which pupils are available for selection. When your
selection is made press Search and move the names to the right hand box. Once complete click Next.
The selected pupils will determine which contacts are available in the Contacts Selector and which staff
are available in the Staff Selector Notes

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Portal>Schedule>Manage Parents Evening
The Contacts linked to the selected Pupils will be listed. You can filter them further by Pupil Forms or
Pupil Classes or by using the Add For field and selecting a category such as Relationship to Pupil.
When your selection is made press Search and move the names to the right hand box. Once complete
click Next

N.B Only Contacts who have an active Parent Portal account will be listed. If Contacts haven’t set
up their Parent Portal account prior to a Parents Evening being created you may want to remind

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Portal> Schedule>Manage Parents Evening
All staff that are linked to the selected pupils will be listed. Deselect any staff who you don’t want
to include so meetings aren’t created for them. If classes have more than one teacher you can
select both or just one. Select the staff you want to include and press Finish

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Portal> Schedule>Manage Parents Evening
After making the pupil, contact and staff selections a grid showing an overview of possible Contact and
Staff appointments will be displayed. Initially the grid can be used to view how many bookings each
Contact or Staff might have. Once the Parents Evening is published this grid can be used to analyse who
has completed their bookings or the percentage of completed bookings.

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Portal> Schedule>Manage Parents Evening
Publishing a Parents Evening

Publishing a Parents Evening should only be done once the creator of the Parents Evening is confident
that they have included all the correct attendees and durations. After it is published to Staff or Parents, Notes
meeting durations cannot be changed without un-publishing, but additional attendees can be added as
long as meeting duration is unaffected.

Tick Publish to Staff to publish the parents evening to staff so they can view their schedule, number of
meetings and free time slots. The staff member will receive a new notice and see the Parents Evening
as an event on the calendar.

To help the creator of the Parents Evening validate meetings, they should publish to staff before
publishing to parents. This will allow staff to view their assigned meetings/contacts/pupils and check
they are correct. It will also allow staff to book any slots they want to make unavailable before parents
make bookings

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Portal> Schedule>Manage Parents Evening
Tick Publish to Parents to publish the Parents Evening to the Parent Portal. You have the option to
make the Parents Evening Read Only which means parents can view the meeting timeslots but can
only book appointments via the teachers.

Complete the Parents Notice Subject and Parents Notice Body fields and once published the Notes
Parents will receive the notice and will be able to book appointments. Click Insert Page Link so that
when parents click on the link in the notice they are taken directly to the Parents Evening page. A
Booking Cut Off date and time can be added so that once the date has passed no further
appointments can be made.

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Portal> Schedule>Manage Parents Evening
Ticking Final Confirmation Notice will allow you to enter a Final Confirmation Subject and Final
Confirmation Body. The notice will be sent to all staff and parents confirming their appointments. It
won’t be sent until the Parents Evening creator chooses to send it.

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Portal> Schedule>Manage Parents Evening
When complete click Save and Publish. The system checks validation for the parameters and attendees
to ensure that enough time has been allowed for the meetings and breaks required, if there is an error
displayed it will have to be rectified to allow the Parents Evening to be saved. When save is completed
correctly the page is collapsed and a green bar is displayed Notes

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Portal> Schedule>Manage Parents Evening
The Parents Evening creator can view the Parents Evening by clicking on the name.


This will show the progress of the bookings that have been made by the contacts and the
teachers. The creator can also export the booking information as a PDF or to Excel

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Portal> Schedule>Manage Parents Evening

The creator can also send the Final Confirmation Notice once all the bookings have been made.


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Staff Portal>My Notices
Managing Parents Evening in the Staff Portal
There are 2 ways of accessing the Parents Evening bookings screen in the Staff Portal. When a
member of staff logs into the Portal, in the My Notices section they will have a notice about the
Parents Evening

Click on the notice to see information about the

Parents evening and a link to the Parents
Evening Bookings page

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Staff Portal>Schedule>Parents Evening
Alternatively hover over Schedule and click Parents Evening


The Users name will appear in the Select Staff field. N.B if the user has Administrator access all
staff will be listed and all Parents Evening schedules can be viewed.

Select the Parents Evening from the dropdown list

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Staff Portal>Schedule>Parents Evening
An overview of the Assigned Meetings, Booked Meetings, Outstanding Bookings and My Free Time Status will be visible, along with a grid
showing the timeslots.


To make a timeslot unavailable for

booking click the Make Unavailable
button next to the relevant timeslot.
The timeslot will turn red and parents
will not be able to book an
appointment during that time. The
timeslot can be made available again
by clicking the Make Available button

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Staff Portal>Schedule>Parents Evening
To manually book appointments for parents click the Book Parent button next to the requested timeslot


The relevant parents will be listed.

Click Book Parent to make the
appointment. The parent will
receive a notice informing them of
the booking

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Staff Portal>Schedule>Parents Evening
Once the booking is made the timeslot will turn green and show the name of the parent, pupil and the subject. Icons will
appear in the Parent Notes and Teacher Notes columns. If a parent adds a note the teacher can click the blue icon to see it.
The teacher can add a daybook entry by clicking on the icon in the Teacher Notes column (see Daybook User Guide for
instructions on how to create)

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Staff Portal>Schedule>Parents Evening
At the bottom of the screen is a grid showing the parents who haven’t booked appointments. The teacher has the option to
Stop Contact Booking or to Send Notice.


Click on Send Notice to compose and send a notice to the parent

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Staff Portal>Schedule>Parents Evening
The teacher also has the option to export their Parents Evening appointments as a PDF or to Excel



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Parent Portal>My Notices
Booking Parents Evening in the Parent Portal
There are 2 ways of accessing the Parents Evening bookings screen in the Parent Portal. When a
parent logs into the Portal, in the My Notices section they will have a notice about the Parents
Evening Notes

Click on the notice to see a link to

the Parents Evening Bookings page

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Parent Portal> Book Parents Evening
Alternatively next to each child who has a Parents Evening there will be a Book Parents Evening button.
N.B if a Parents Evening is Read Only the button will say View Parents Evening. Click to go to the Parents
Evening screen

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Parent Portal>Book Parents Evening
A grid will display the timeslots and teachers for that Parents Evening. Any timeslots that are unavailable for
booking will be grey. If the teacher has booked the appointment it will show as a green booking. The top of the
page shows how many bookings are needed for completion


A parent can add a note for the teacher by clicking on the blue icon or they can undo the
booking by clicking on the blue arrow

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Parent Portal> Book Parents Evening
A parent can click on a Book Time button to instantly book the timeslot with that teacher. A notice
will be sent to the teacher with the new booking


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Parent Portal>Book Parents Evening
Once the parent has completed their bookings all the column headers will go green and the parent will receive a
notice to say that their booking is complete


PDF Excel

Parents can also export a Parents Evening

summary in PDF or Excel to print out and take
with them

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