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Environmental impacts and

decarbonization strategies in the
cement and concrete industries
G. Habert   1 ✉, S. A. Miller   2, V. M. John   3, J. L. Provis   4, A. Favier1,5, A. Horvath6
and K. L. Scrivener5
Abstract | The use of cement and concrete, among the most widely used man-made materials,
is under scrutiny. Owing to their large-scale use, production of cement and concrete results in
substantial emission of greenhouse gases and places strain on the availability of natural resources,
such as water. Projected urbanization over the next 50–100 years therefore indicates that the
demand for cement and concrete will continue to increase, necessitating strategies to limit
their environmental impact. In this Review, we shed light on the available solutions that can
be implemented within the next decade and beyond to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from
cement and concrete production. As the construction sector has proven to be very slow-moving
and risk-averse, we focus on minor improvements that can be achieved across the value chain,
such as the use of supplementary cementitious materials and optimizing the clinker content of
cement. Critically, the combined effect of these marginal gains can have an important impact on
reducing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 50% if all stakeholders are engaged. In doing so, we
reveal credible pathways for sustainable concrete use that balance societal needs, environmental
requirements and technical feasibility.

Department of Civil and Concrete, a synthetic rock composed of cement, sand, concrete production represents a substantial proportion
Environmental Engineering, gravel and water, is the fundamental building block of global CO2 emissions associated with construction.
Chair of Sustainable of the urbanizing world, and by far the most widely Concrete accumulates in the Earth’s crust and is now
Construction, ETH Zürich, used man-made material in the construction industry. considered to be one of the markers of the Anthropocene10,
Zürich, Switzerland.
Concrete is a critical component in the construction of with an estimated 900 Gt added since the beginning of the
Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering,
our modern, industrialized society1. For example, energy industrial revolution10,11. The rate of concrete accumulation
University of California, systems, water and wastewater systems, buildings — is due to the rapid urbanization of the global population.
Davis, Davis, CA, USA. from single-floor houses to high-rise buildings — and The global urban population is forecasted to increase by
Department of Construction transportation networks all rely on concrete. 2.5 billion by 2050, with the majority of this increase
Engineering, Escola Cement, the mineral glue that binds sand and gravel occurring in Asia and Africa12. Together with the pres-
Politécnica, University of São together in concrete, represents around 10% of con- sure to fill the already sizeable housing deficit and the lack
Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
crete mass and is currently produced at a rate of around of reliably functioning infrastructure, it is anticipated that
Department of Materials
4 gigatonnes (Gt) per year, a rate comparable to global this population growth will cause a surge in demand for
Science and Engineering,
The University of Sheffield,
food production2. Over the last 65 years, cement con- building materials, including concrete. After 2050, the
Sheffield, UK. sumption has increased tenfold3, a huge change consid- demand for construction materials is expected to reduce
Laboratory of Construction ering steel production has only increased by a factor of in most regions of the world13, owing to the achievement of
Materials, EPFL, Lausanne, three and timber construction has stayed nearly constant urban transition and the stabilization of the population13.
Switzerland. in the same time frame3. Indeed, cement accounted for It is crucial to act now to reduce the environmen-
Department of Civil and 36% of the 7.7 Gt of CO2 released globally by construc- tal impact of construction within the next few decades.
Environmental Engineering, tion activities in 2010 (ref.4), while steel accounted for New buildings are designed with better energy perfor-
University of California,
Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA.
25% (ref.5), plastics 8% (ref.4), aluminium <4% (ref.6) and mance than existing buildings, which reduces the energy
✉e-mail: brick <1% (refs7,8). It is important to note that only half need during operation to around 50% of emissions of cement is used for concrete9, with the rest being used over the full life cycle (Fig. 1) and increases the focus on for blocks, mortar and plaster. Nevertheless, owing to emissions related to concrete production14. For a typ-
s43017-020-0093-3 the large-scale use of concrete in our modern society, ical multifamily residential building, steel-reinforced

Nature Reviews | Earth & Environment


Key points elements produce calcium silicates and aluminates23–25.

The raw materials are preheated to ~850 °C using the
• Large-scale replacement of cement by other materials is not possible within the next exhaust heat of the kiln, which dissociates the calcium
decade. carbonate into CaO and CO2 (Fig. 2). After heating in
• The environmental impact of cement and concrete production is low per unit volume the kiln, the melted material is cooled rapidly to form an
of material, but the amounts used make the impact of the concrete sector highly assemblage of the silicates alite (also known by the cement
important. chemistry notation C3S) and belite (C2S), tricalcium alu-
• Reductions in CO2 emissions are possible through the introduction of improvements minate (C3A) and tetracalcium aluminoferrite (C4AF),
across the cement and concrete value chain. known as clinker. The clinker is then ground with gyp-
• By engaging all stakeholders in the construction sector, immediate greenhouse gas sum to produce Portland cement. Concrete is produced
savings on the order of 50% could be reached without heavy investment in new by mixing cement with sand, gravel (or crushed stone),
industrial infrastructure or modification of existing standards.
water and chemical admixtures. The mixture is usually
• Research and development are urgently needed to allow post-2050 construction to produced at a concrete plant and then transported as
meet future emissions-reduction targets.
ready-mix concrete by concrete trucks to the construction
site. The components can also be mixed at the construc-
concrete represents 50% of the CO2 emissions attri­ tion site itself, in which case, cement is usually trans-
buted to the building construction, with additional con- ported in bags and mixed with sand, gravel and water
tributions from windows, insulation, ceramic tiles and directly on-site. Concrete is also used to produce precast
paint15 (Fig. 1). In addition to CO2 and other greenhouse elements. Finally, in addition to concrete, cement can be
gas (GHG) emissions16, dust, particulate matter17 and used in plaster and mortar when mixed with water, sand,
mercury18 are also associated with cement and concrete lime and chemical admixtures, both on-site and in premix
production. Other known issues include the local scar- mortar factories.
city of non-renewable resources19, energy consumption9
and water use20. However, no material has been found Local health issues
to be capable of replacing reinforced concrete at a low Recent studies have indicated that the economic impact
economic cost9. Considering the tremendous volume of associated with the release of air pollutants during
cement and concrete used, as well as their unique prop- cement manufacture, and the resulting health conse-
erties and simplicity of use, replacement does not seem quences, could rival those caused by GHG emissions and
to be feasible within the next decade21. As a result, it is subsequent climate damage from cement production22.
vital to develop solutions to mitigate the environmental The inhalation of particulate matter (PM) — particularly
impacts of concrete production in the face of increasing particles smaller than 2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5) and
Plaster global demand. 10 μm in diameter (PM10) — have substantial conse-
A mixture of hydraulic cement,
fine aggregate and water that
In this Review, we first examine the environmental quences for human health and are linked to respiratory
hardens; used for coating impacts of cement and concrete production, use and dis- infections, pulmonary disease, lung cancer and heart
surfaces, such as ceilings, posal. We then look at potential areas for improvement, attacks26. In the production of cement and cement-based
walls and partitions. investigating what can be implemented in the medium materials, PM emissions are primarily due to handling
term (that is, the next decade) and what needs to be pro- of raw materials (such as crushing and transport)22.
Portland cement
A cement constituted by moted in the long term beyond 2050. Throughout the Additionally, secondary PM formed by nitrogen oxides
90–95% clinker, 2–3% Review, we discuss the policy and stakeholder actions and sulfur oxides emitted from fuels used in cement
gypsum and minor additives. that could pave the way to a decarbonized concrete sector. kilns can further contribute to health burdens22.
It is the most common cement Modern filtration systems, such as electrostatic pre-
Impact on health and the environment cipitators and baghouses, can capture PM and, thus,
Clinker Considering the vast amounts of cement and concrete reduce PM emissions27. For example, cement kiln dust can
The active part of Portland that are produced, environmental impacts are inevitable. be captured and reused in the production of clinker if it
cement. It is a dark-grey, Issues related to resource depletion and global change has appropriate alkali content28. The use of scrubbers or
nodular material made by
associated with concrete have therefore attracted con- alterations in energy mixes can further drive down PM
heating ground limestone and
clay at a temperature of about siderable press attention. However, other issues related emissions and the emission of other air pollutants, such
1,400–1,500 °C. to the local health aspects of concrete production have as chlorinated products (Box 1). Nevertheless, despite the
recently been observed22. In this section, we describe the effectiveness of capture and filtration systems, regulation
Ready-mix concrete pro­cesses of cement and concrete production, discuss of their use varies by region.
Concrete manufactured
and delivered to a purchaser
the associated health and environmental issues, and show The importance of regulating PM emission from
in a fresh state. that implementation of stringent and effective regulations cement production is highlighted by measured PM
can address many of the challenges presented. concentrations around a cement plant in Zambia; here,
Cement kiln dust PM2.5 concentrations were fivefold to tenfold higher, and
Collected during the firing of
Cement and concrete production respiratory symptoms (such as cough, phlegm, acute
raw materials during the clinker
manufacturing process. Portland cement is composed of four major oxides: CaO, and chronic bronchitis, and nasal irritation) three times
Consists of four major SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3, which are sourced from raw more common in the community located within the
components: unreacted raw materials such as limestone, clay and small amounts of vicinity of the cement plant (1 km) compared with a
feed, partially calcined feed ‘corrective’ materials such as iron ore, bauxite and sand. community with a similar socio-economic profile located
and clinker dust, free lime and
enriched salts of alkali sulfates,
Raw materials are crushed, mixed and milled into a raw 18 km away29. Emissions of PM from cement and concrete
halides and other volatile meal before being calcined in a rotary kiln at temperatures production are clearly areas in which appropriate policy,
compounds. up to 1,500 °C, where reactions between CaO and other and implementation of existing technologies, can drive

a The building stock b One building c One cubic metre concrete d One cement bag
2,000 100 100 100
GHG emissions (kg CO2 per m2)

Relative contribution to CO2

Relative contribution to CO2

Relative contribution to CO2

80 80 80

emissions (%)
emissions (%)

emissions (%)
60 60 60
40 40 40
20 20 20

0 0 0 0
Existing New
buildings construction
Other Concrete placement Cement final production
Heating over lifetime Sanitary equipment On-site placement Cement grinding
Construction and Electrical equipment Transport to construction site SCM production
maintenance Finishing Concrete production Direct kiln emissions
Insulation Concrete mixing Limestone decarbonation
Windows Transport raw material Fuel burnt
Bricks Material production Material production
Steel reinforcement SCM processing Fuel production and transport
Concrete Cement production Raw material transport
Gravel production and preparation
Sand production
Admixture production

Fig. 1 | the contribution of cement and concrete production to global the average of 35 buildings from France and Switzerland built between
warming. a | The relative contribution of building materials to CO 2 2010 and 2015 (refs15,158)). c | For the production of one cubic metre of
emissions is lower for existing buildings compared with new buildings. concrete, the majority of CO2 emissions come from cement production,
The low energy performance of existing buildings means that heating followed by transport of raw materials. Values represent the average of
contributes the majority of the CO2 emissions over the lifetime of the the main concrete type made with 25% supplementary cementitious
building. New buildings have lower emissions than existing buildings materials (SCMs) in Australia159 and Switzerland160. d | Finally, considering
during their operation; however, emissions from construction and current clinker production efficiency and the replacement of 30% SCM in
maintenance are greater (average values from 230 buildings in Europe cement, the majority of cement emissions are due to decarbonation of
(75%) and Asia (25%))14. b | At the building level, construction-related limestone and burning fuels, both of which are processes involved in
emissions from a typical multifamily masonry building come mainly from clinker production (values are averages of French values)56,69. GHG,
reinforced concrete, followed by the contribution of windows (data show greenhouse gas.

down undesired environmental burdens16. However, environmental regulations, usually pushes such indus-
PM emissions from aggregate production, ready-mix trial activities further away. For example, aggregates for
operations, construction and demolition might be more construction in the San Francisco Bay Area, California,
difficult to mitigate, as they are more decentralized and come from British Columbia, Canada.
occur on-site, with less technical ability to control them. In countries with fewer environmental regulations,
uncontrolled aggregate extraction can damage ecosys-
Regional resource scarcity tems and biodiversity, with cascading effects that impact
Approximately 10 billion cubic metres of concrete human well-being36–38. Damage to ecosystems is primar-
are produced each year. Such large-scale use of con- ily due to poor resource management39, as natural sand
crete requires 5.4 Gt of limestone, for clinker and filler extraction does not require complex operations and can
production, and 17.5 Gt of aggregate, such as sand or be carried out as an informal activity near large cities40.
gravel30. The demand for raw materials has led to con- Thus, identification and quantification of sustainable
cerns regarding regional scarcity of materials required resource-extraction possibilities around cities should
for concrete production31 (including water20, see Box 2). focus on factors other than local availability of resources,
Between 1900 and 2000, the demand for crushed stone, such as land-use changes41, resource accessibility42 and
sand and gravel in the USA grew from ~40% of raw consideration of political and economic actions43.
materials consumed by weight to ~75%, three times the Although sand and gravel can be considered locally
sum on a per-weight basis of all other raw materials used as critical resources43, it is possible to reduce the impact
Aggregate by human activities32. of concrete production on ecosystems by using second-
A granular material, such as
Although sand and gravel are abundant on Earth33, ary or non-depleted bulk local resources44. For exam-
sand, gravel or crushed stone,
used with a cementing medium transportation over long distances is typically avoided, ple, an untapped resource is excavation material45.
to form hydraulic-cement owing to the associated economic cost34,35. Therefore, Each new construction generates excavation materials
concrete or mortar. a construction boom will increase the local pressure that are usually transported to landfills outside the city.
for natural sand and coarse aggregates close to urban Instead, excavation materials can be washed to extract
A finely divided mineral
areas19. However, the resistance from urban residents, as sand and gravel for concrete production46 and mineral
product, at least 65 % of which well as the high costs associated with expanding quar- soils in excavation materials can be used in clay-based
passes the 75-μm sieve. ries and sand mines near urban areas with stringent concrete47. As such, excavation material could supply

Nature Reviews | Earth & Environment


Petroleum coke
Foundry Soil-remediation
sand residues
Raw material Alternative raw materials
Coal Gas

Raw material Paint residue,
preparation Cement heat
solvent, used Biomass
Municipal solid waste
Alternative fuels
Rotary kiln

Recycled Cement kiln Cooling

concrete fines dust • Fly ash
SCM • Blast-furnace slag
addition • Limestone filler
• Natural pozzolans
• Calcined clays
Cement grinder Supplementary cementitious

Water Additives

Sand Gravel Ready-mix concrete Prefabricated elements On-site concrete

and mortars


Waste gypsum board, Recycled Building use

recycled concrete fines aggregates Reuse concrete elements



◀ Fig. 2 | the cement value chain. From raw material extraction to building demolition, of the value chain: clinker production, cement produc-
numerous stakeholders are involved but very seldom integrated. Alternative solutions tion, cement use in concrete or mortar, concrete use in
for the choice of fuel and raw materials can reduce the environmental impact of clinker construction, design of structures and use of structures.
production. The use of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) reduces the It is essential that all parts of this chain are considered,
environmental impact of cement. Recycling of construction and demolition waste
as emissions savings in cement production, for exam-
can be incorporated at different stages along the value chain from clinker, cement,
concrete or building. ple, could be lost if the cement content of concrete were
to increase. In this section, we explore the potential for
medium-term reductions in the GHG emission and
half of the national construction material requirement environmental impacts along the value chain of concrete
in China, substantially reducing the strain on local production (Table 1). The solutions presented are of par-
resource availability 48,49. Finally, sustainable resource ticular importance, as they can often be implemented
management can be achieved through promotion of without new production technologies or infrastructure.
strong policy and regulatory frameworks to secure good
practice along the supply chain; for example, through The efficiency of clinker production
certification systems such as the Concrete Sustainability Owing to the large increase in energy costs associ-
Council (CSC) label50. ated with the oil crisis of the 1970s, more than 85% of
cement kilns now use energy-efficient dry methods,
Global environmental issues which do not require additional energy to evaporate
Although resource scarcity and pollutant emissions are water58,59. In addition, recent progress in heat recovery
recognized as important environmental issues facing and recycling allows state-of-the-art kilns to achieve 63%
the cement and concrete industry, the most commonly efficiency, which could reach 80% through integrated
discussed environmental impact is the high level of approaches60 (such as an increase in the oxygen content
GHG emissions. Cement accounts for 36% of all emis- of the combustion air; Fig. 2). As a result, modern kilns
sions related to construction activities4 and 8% of total are among today’s most efficient thermal machines in
anthropogenic CO2 emissions51, amounting to ~300 kg wide-scale industrial use, with limited scope for further
of CO2 produced per capita. At least 70% of GHG emis- improvement55.
sions associated with concrete production are related to Modern cement kilns are also extremely flexible in
the production of cement30 (Fig. 1). terms of fuel source and many plants in Europe use var-
The predominant source of GHG emissions in cement ious waste streams for more than 80% of their energy
production is the production of clinker at the kilning demand. For example, in 2013, around 1.3 million tyres —
stage, although grinding, sorting of raw materials and 50% of all recycled tyres — were used as fuels for clinker
packaging of cement bags also have a minor contribu- production across Europe and, as early as the 1990s,
tion to emissions16,52. Emissions from kilning are due to about 70% of all hazardous wastes in the USA were burnt
the combustion of fuel and the decomposition of lime- in cement kilns. Waste materials derived from fossil fuels
stone to CaO and CO2 during the calcination process53. such as solvents, plastics and tyres are not regarded as
Emissions caused by energy-resource combustion dur- carbon neutral; however, it is important to note that
ing cement production amount to approximately 0.31 kg transferring waste fuels from incineration plants to
of CO2 per kg of cement produced54, but can be notably cement kilns results in a substantial net CO2 reduction61.
reduced through increasing kiln efficiency and choosing Another advantage of using waste as fuel in cement kilns
lower-carbon fuels55. As a result, when cement is pro- is that toxic residues such as dioxins, which are usually
duced using a state-of-the-art dry-process rotary kiln generated and released when waste materials are inciner-
equipped with a precalciner, decomposition of limestone ated, are completely incorporated into clinker and, thus,
during calcination represents around two-thirds of the not released into the atmosphere62. The International
total GHG emissions56. Consequently, cement production Energy Agency roadmap expects the worldwide use of
is considered difficult to decarbonize21, as decarboniza- ‘alternative fuels’ to grow from 3% in 2006 to about 37%
tion of the energy supply does not eliminate the inherent in 2050 and deliver around 15% of the targeted overall
material-related CO2 emissions caused by calcination21. reduction in CO2 emissions55,63.
Several mitigation strategies have been developed to The increase in kiln and fuel efficiency means that
reduce calcination-related emissions, some of which fuel consumption now accounts for only one-third of
are discussed below. However, unlike regional resource the CO2 emissions from clinker production. However,
scarcity and local health consequences, the global envi- it is much more difficult to reduce the other two-thirds
ronmental impact of GHG emissions associated with the of CO2 emissions, which are derived from the decom-
concrete industry cannot be fully addressed by mitiga- position of limestone and related directly to the CaO
tion strategies alone and technological breakthroughs are composition of clinker. Reduction of CO2 emissions
needed to meet global GHG-mitigation goals. could be achieved if a source of CaO other than lime-
stone (CaCO3) is used. Unfortunately, practical sources
Medium-term solutions of non-carbonate calcium are limited. One potential
The peak in new construction will occur in the next few source of CaO is the fine-grained material generated by
decades12,57 and it is, thus, critical to focus on reducing crushing concrete for recycling aggregate64; however, as
the environmental impact of concrete production in the volume of new construction is greater than the vol-
this time period (referred to here as ‘medium term’). ume of demolition, recycled, crushed concrete will not
To do so, it is necessary to consider efficiency at all stages be a viable replacement for limestone on a global scale.

Nature Reviews | Earth & Environment


Box 1 | heavy metals contamination from industrial waste

high substitution levels of clinker (up to 50%)66,72,73. It is
estimated that CO2 savings of 15–30% could be achieved
Emissions during cement production if the use of LC3 is adopted worldwide66,72.
The fuels and raw materials used in cement kilns can be the source of hazardous air
pollutants other than particulate matter, such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins Optimizing the efficiency of concrete
and polychlorinated dibenzofurans18. Emission of these hazardous air pollutants are
Although the use of SCMs will be important for reduc-
a matter of concern in several countries, such as China, which accounts for nearly 50%
of global cement production161. However, effectively implemented controls can reduce ing CO2 emissions associated with concrete production
the level of hazardous pollutants, in some cases to undetectable levels, in the vicinity in the future, similarly large reductions to GHG emis-
of the cement plant162–164. Toxic heavy metals165 can also be released into the atmosphere sions can be achieved through more efficient use of
during kilning60,166, but appropriate control devices and exhaust filters can mitigate cement in concrete. Studies have shown that the cement
heavy-metal and hazardous air emissions60,166. Furthermore, the high temperatures and content of concrete can vary by a factor of three with-
alkaline conditions in cement plants allow for the full decomposition of the fuel’s organic out affecting concrete performance74,75. As a result, it is
component163,167,168, contrary to plants with lower kiln temperatures, where the risk of possible to carefully select and control mixture propor-
organic residues, such as dioxin, in exhaust gas is a concern. tions to achieve the necessary concrete properties and
Emissions at the end of use simultaneously reduce GHG emissions76. In addition,
Industrial waste leaches heavy metals if improperly stored; however, their use as a the cement content of concrete is often dictated by the
partial cement replacement could provide a potential solution. The high pH of the mixing method such that, in general, manual mixing
interstitial pore solution in cement precipitates heavy-metals complexes, stabilizing on site from cement in bags is highly inefficient com-
them and preventing leaching169, although stabilization is compromised in poorly cured pared with mixing in a ready-mix plant and, thus, leads
concrete170. Similarly, while there do not appear to be any leaching issues associated to higher cement contents and GHG emissions77. As a
with the use of industrial waste as a partial replacement of cement in appropriately result, application of proper mixture designs in a con-
cured concrete, alternatives such as municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash and
crete plant, which calculate the appropriate proportions
non-ferrous slags are anticipated to have some chloride-leaching and metal-leaching
issues171. However, in such cases, leaching of undesirable compounds might be
of sand and gravel that are required, can lead to further
mitigated through the use of pretreatments to remove or convert potentially harmful reductions in GHG emissions — up to 50% — without
compounds68; for example, prehydration or carbonation can reduce metal leaching compromising the strength or fluidity of the concrete78.
from municipal solid waste incineration bottom ashes172,173. Promoting industrialized concrete production as a
replacement for on-site mixing, especially in develop-
ing nations where cement is regularly sold in bags and
The efficiency of cement production used without proper technical control79, could substan-
The most promising route to a large-scale reduction tially reduce cement consumption and, therefore, CO2
in GHG emissions comes from substituting compo- emissions, in both concrete and mortar applications80.
nents of cement with alternative materials, for exam- For instance, examples from Brazil reveal that, among
ple, replacing a substantial proportion of clinker with the concrete-block producers in the São Paulo region,
supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). The CO2 emissions range from 0.6 kg CO2 per block to
most widely used SCM is fine limestone, represent- 1.34 kg CO2, with no reasons for such variation other
ing one-third of SCM used65. Instead of heating at than the quality of the process and attention to proper
high temperature to produce clinker, fine limestone is mix design81.
directly used as SCM without heating and, thus, does Emissions associated with concrete production can
not undergo decarbonization, resulting in lower GHG also be reduced by replacing up to 60% of cement with
emissions66. However, owing to its limited reactivity, at fillers — simple ground material — in combination with a
substitution levels above around 10–15%, it is simply dispersant admixture. The use of fillers has been shown
acting as a filler and not a cementitious material67. to be feasible in precast concrete and ready-mix concrete
Other SCMs currently used include fly ash and in Germany82 and Brazil83. Application of fillers to the
blast-furnace slag, which are by-products of coal power production of concrete or cement requires an adequate
plants and the iron industry, respectively 68. Using supply chain of fillers and efficient dispersants, and
such by-products or waste from other industries as advanced knowledge and technical capability. However,
cementitious materials SCMs decreases the environmental impact of cement the use of fillers can be limited by the cost of the disper-
An inorganic material that production69. At present, fly ash and blast-furnace slag sant admixture and the possibility that existing concrete
contributes to the properties of contribute to only 15% of cement production, which standards, which require a minimum cement content,
a cementitious mixture through could technically be increased up to 30–50%. However, might not be met84.
hydraulic or pozzolanic activity.
almost all sources of fly ash or blast-furnace slag are
Fly ash already being used, either in cement production or later Improving construction efficiency
Mineral residue of coal added to concrete. Further, the availability of fly ash and A national study in Brazil showed that the waste material
combustion composed of blast-furnace slag is likely to decrease as we move away produced by concrete construction activities can be as
the fine particles driven out
from the use of coal and increase recycling of steel. high 50–100% of the mass of concrete used in the build-
of coal-fired boilers, together
with the fuel gases. There is great potential for large-scale reduction of ing, and highlighted that waste rates are much higher
CO2 emissions through extensive use of clays, which are when cement is sold in bags rather than in ready-mix
Blast-furnace slag widely available worldwide. When calcined at around concrete85. The issue of waste is especially relevant in
By-product of iron-making 600 °C, clays are a highly reactive SCM70,71. Substitution developing countries, where the largest growth in con-
and steel-making, obtained
by quenching molten iron slag
of clinker with a combination of calcined clay and fine crete demand is expected9 and where quality control on
from a blast furnace in water limestone produces a cement known as limestone cal- construction sites is generally lower than in developed
or steam. cined clay cement or ‘LC3’, which performs well even at countries86. Better design and site-management practices

Dead load
have been shown to be important in reducing waste dead load is the predominant design parameter89, with
Loads that are relatively and should be relatively straightforward to implement, the potential of 30–40% GHG savings through a com-
constant over time, including as there is motivation for builders to reduce waste, as bined effect of concrete strength increase and volume
the weight of the structure waste increases building costs. Indeed, education pro- decrease90,91.
itself and immovable fixtures.
grammes aimed at practitioners, such as Colombia Mas Further savings can be achieved by increasing the
Post-tensioning Competitiva carried by the Swiss Development Agency, lifespan of new structures, which could avoid the need
Action of tensioning tendons which focused on construction and demolition waste, for a structure to be demolished and rebuilt 92. For
of reinforced structure after are a potential strategy to raise awareness and improve example, innovations in ultra-high-performance con-
the surrounding concrete has
building waste management. crete have allowed the service life of infrastructure to be
been cast. It is applied for
prestressed concrete and
Decisions taken during the construction phase, such extended, cutting the GHG emissions associated with
reduces tensile forces in the as those regarding the length of the curing period before conventional rehabilitation by 50% (ref.93).
structure. demoulding concrete, can also impact efficiency and
cause notable changes in the quantity of cement needed Reduction of GHG emissions
for concrete production30. Additionally, better controls It is clear that achieving marginal gains throughout the
on the volume of water used during construction and value chain could lead to substantial savings in GHG
the curing period can have a critical influence on the emissions (Table 2). Although savings are not necessar-
strength and durability, and, therefore, safety, of the final ily additive and might not be appropriate in all applica-
structure87. tions, clinker production in the UK could be reduced
by around 50% through combined application of such
Design efficiency existing technologies94.
Research has shown that structural materials are often The substitution of cement with calcined clay and
used inefficiently in buildings85. Reducing GHG emis- limestone has the greatest potential to reduce GHG
sions through careful design is complicated by the emissions, followed by reducing the amount of cement
interplay between concrete performance — which is in concrete and floor-slab optimization through pre-
dictated by mixture proportions — and the quantity fabrication and post-tensioning (Table  2). Uniformly
of steel needed for reinforcement — which is often implementing these savings may be difficult, as the con-
highly constrained by building codes. For reinforced- struction sector is a fragmented industry with multiple
concrete columns, an increase in concrete compressive stakeholders95. Outside of the cement industry — which
strength typically leads to a reduction in GHG emis- concentrates on investment and production capacity —
sions (as it is possible to reduce column volume), while stakeholders from waste-management companies to
for reinforced-concrete beams, the main challenge for concrete producers or engineering offices are often
reducing emissions is lowering the clinker content with- decentralized entities, relying on multiple, independent
out compromising the strength88. Combining optimiza- actors96 (Table 2). As a result, strong enforcement policies
tion strategies — modulating concrete strength, rebar implemented through a top-down approach and efforts
content and clinker content — has been shown to reduce to integrate the value chain are needed97,98.
GHG emissions by 20% (ref.88) for buildings, consider-
ing conventional design constraints. Higher savings can Long-term solutions
be expected for structures such as bridges, where the Society will continue to require infrastructure elements
after 2050 that can only realistically be constructed from
concrete. Moving the construction sector to carbon neu-
Box 2 | Water consumption trality will, therefore, require substantial investment in
innovative ways of producing and using concrete, mak-
Water is one of the main constituents in concrete and the mass of water used in
cement production can equal that of the final cement product30. The direct water
ing use of the longer research and development time
consumption used in cement products is equivalent to 400 l per capita each year. available. In this section, we explore the most promis-
However, water used as a constituent in concrete represents only about 20% of the ing long-term solutions for reducing the environmental
total water consumed in its production20,174. The remaining water use is energy related impact of concrete.
or process related20. Much of the process-related water is consumed during the
quarrying, crushing and washing of raw materials used in the production of cement Use of alternative cements
and concrete; for example, water is used for dust suppression20,174. Energy-related Many studies have described disruptive technologies that
water consumption depends on cement kiln type166 and the energy mixes used, which could act as alternatives to cement production99,100 by
can vary significantly depending on location175. On average, less than 50% of water replacing cement, either in part or in full101. Alternative
consumption associated with concrete production is linked to the cement20, and
cements can have a reduced environmental impact rela­
water-management strategies should, thus, be implemented all along the supply chain.
Overall, the cement and concrete sector plays a minor role in water-scarcity
tive to conventional cements102,103; however, issues with
discussions, contributing to less than 5% of total water withdrawal176, and, in most the availability and cost of materials, and the technical
countries, less than 1% of total renewable water resources20. However, water use limitations of some alternative technologies, might make
is a complex, interwoven environmental issue. For example, a transition from river them unrealistic from a technical or resource standpoint,
aggregate to crushed aggregate in a move towards the sustainable management of and they are, thus, unlikely to reach large-scale technical
mineral resources will increase water consumption owing to the need to wash crushed maturity by 2050. Indeed, it will be difficult for alter-
aggregates. Conversely, in emerging countries, crushed stone is rarely washed — an native cements to meet more than 5% of the projected
approach associated with dust problems, related health issues and a lower-strength future demand for cementitious materials104,105. For
concrete. There is, therefore, a water–mineral nexus, and development of crushed example, calcium sulfoaluminate cements, which are
gravel has to be combined with closed-loop water treatment.
largely used in China, reduce GHG emissions associated

Nature Reviews | Earth & Environment


Table 1 | available technologies along the cement and concrete value chain
General technology Current situation technically possible Level of Stakeholder(s)
strategy achievement action involved
Cement 3,700 MJ per tclinker 3,540 MJ per tclinker Clinker Cement industry
improvements (ref.65) (ref.55)

Dry technologies
8.4×10−5 tCO2 per MJ 3.5×10−5 tCO2 per MJ Clinker Waste-management
(ref.65) (ref.61) companies

Alternative fuels
770 kgclinker per tcement 150 kgclinker per tcement Cement Cement, steel and coal
(ref.65) (ref.84) industries

Breakthrough 0 kgCO2 captured per 660 kgCO2 captured per tclinker Clinker Cement industry
strategies tclinker (ref.55)

NA 0 kgCO2 per talternative cement Cement Cement industry

Alternative cement
Integrated ~0.4 tCO2 per tclinker ~0.3 tCO2 per tclinker (limited Cement Demolition companies
value-chain by the composition of the
improvements raw mix)

Reuse of demolition fine as clinker raw

8 kgcement per m3 per 4 kgcement per m3 per MPa Concrete Concrete manufacturer
MPa (refs9,74) (refs9,74)

Granular packing
300 kgcement per m3 150 kgcement per m3 (ref.84) Concrete Concrete engineering
(refs156,157) office

Exposure class
NA 0.1 m3reused per m3total of concrete Structure Architects, demolition

Reuse of elements

Table 1 (cont.) | available technologies along the cement and concrete value chain
General technology Current situation technically possible Level of Stakeholder(s)
strategy achievement action involved
Integrated 1,103 kgconcrete per 895 kgconcrete per m2built Structure Structural engineering
value-chain m2built (refs94,151,152) office

CCS, carbon capture and storage; NA, not applicable; SCMs, supplementary cementitious materials.

with the decarbonation of limestone, owing to their alu- such activities can all be quality-controlled to some
minium chemistry106. However, the lack of high-alumina extent, a process that is essential to achieve the necessary
raw materials such as bauxite limits its implementation. consistency of construction products.
Even if all current bauxite extraction were diverted from Alternatively, magnesium-based cements, which are
the production of aluminium, it would not be sufficient based on the use of magnesium carbonates or oxides, do
to provide more than 10–15% of the current demand not require the use of limestone and use various alter-
for cement107. natives to the conventional clinkerization process114.
Other suggested cement alternatives could be scaled If magnesium carbonate is obtained through the car-
up in the next 20 years. For example, alkali-activated bonation of geologically sourced magnesium silicate,
cements, where reaction between an aluminosilicate using CO2 that would otherwise be emitted into the
precursor such as fly ash and an alkali activator such atmosphere, then magnesium-based cements can have a
as sodium silicate leads to the polymerization of sili- substantial sustainability advantage115. However, past
cate and aluminate108, have been discussed as a poten- attempts to develop a scalable process for the carbon-
tial alternative to Portland cement in many large-scale ation of magnesium silicate have been unsuccessful,
applications105. Alkali-activated concretes, which contain and it is likely that the very high capital expenditure
alkali-activated cement, have the capacity to integrate required makes implementation challenging116. Even
high-alkali-content solid wastes in their manufacture, if low-energy, scalable processes become available for
which cannot be reused in concrete made with Portland exploiting magnesium silicates, the availability of raw
cement99,109. They have also been shown to be econom- materials is more localized than the limestone used to
ically and technically viable in precast and ready-mixed produce Portland cement117. Moreover, deep-mining
formats in regions where the supply of suitable activa- operations might be required to recover the volume
tors and precursors is plentiful110. However, supply chain of magnesium silicate required to meet the demand
challenges related to the availability of highly effective for construction. Magnesium recovery from brines for
alkaline activators such as sodium silicate could limit use in cements has been proposed as an alternative
the application of alkali-activated cements. Indeed, cur- for use in magnesium-based cements118, but is likely
rent sodium silicate production is insufficient to allow geographically limited to regions in which large-scale
the replacement of even 0.1% of the global production seawater desalination is taking place or where salt lakes
of Portland cement111. Alkali activation using more are accessible.
widely available salts, such as sodium carbonate, shows Other alternative cement solutions are based on the
high potential for larger-scale production of alternative idea of cement setting and hardening through the car-
cements112. However, competition remains for the sup- bonation of CaO, which allows the CO2 emitted during
ply of aluminosilicate precursors that are also used as cement production to be recaptured and could allow for
SCMs in Portland cement-based concretes and already a move towards carbon-neutral cement. However, there
face limited availability. are issues related to the quantity of CaO sources available
One of the main challenges regarding the use of that do not come from the decarbonation of limestone.
alkali-activated concretes and other technologies based If CaO is derived from limestone, then there can be no
on industrial waste is the scale on which waste mate- net reduction in the CO2 emission, as the CO2 that can
rial is needed for a meaningful use in construction. be reabsorbed by the cement can never be more than the
Waste generated at a rate of tens of tonnes per annum CO2 emitted in the decarbonation step and additional
may be a major disposal challenge for many industries, emissions would be incurred in generating energy for
but represents far less waste than that required for use cement production. Nevertheless, carbonatable cal-
in commercial-scale construction — unless the mate- cium silicate cement (CCSC) technology has recently
rial has very specific technical characteristics that can been developed thanks to advances that allow acceler-
improve the performance of cementitious or concrete ation and control of carbonation industrially, without
materials. Wastes available at the scales needed for real- excessive energy consumption119. Simple calcium silicate
istic use in concretes are found in widespread mining minerals such as wollastonite can carbonate very rapidly
operations, biomass combustion, metallurgical recy- in relatively pure CO2 gas and have been used in Solidia
cling and/or modernized extractive metallurgy, and cement120 for thin, precast products. However, wollas-
construction and demolition113. Waste products from tonite is not well distributed in the Earth’s crust and can,

Nature Reviews | Earth & Environment


Table 2 | Stakeholder attributes

Stakeholder number of available action(s) market Benefits (% Co2 Potential
actors investment penetration and/or reduction for (benefit
applicability (%) the technology) × market)
Alternative-fuel XXX $$ Collecting and sorting of alternative 85 14 12
producer fuel for clinker kiln
Clinker producer X $$$$$ Kiln efficiency 15 1 0.15
Carbon capture and storage 15 100 15
Cement producer XX $$$$ Increased degree of substitution 17 45 8
Alternative cements 15 41 6
Concrete producer XXXXXX $$ Optimize concrete mix 25 17 4
Construction XXXXXXXXX $$ Waste control, low-carbon-concrete NA NA NA
company use
Engineering office XXXX $ Lower exposure class prescription, 25 25 6
structural optimization
Architect office XXXX $ Optimized design 70 13 9
Demolition XXXXXXX $ Fines and waste recycling 20 8 2
Client XXXXXXXXXXX $$ Integration of all actions 100 62 62
Summary of the actions that can be taken by stakeholders to reduce the CO2 budget of concrete production. The potential of each action from a particular stakeholder
is calculated as the product of the benefit of the technology (measured as the percent CO2 reduction) and its market penetration. ‘$’ symbols represent a qualitative
assessment of the economic benefits and investment possibilities for the different stakeholders. Cement and clinker producers are the most concentrated actors and
generate the largest benefit. Similarly, the number of actors involved in developing or implementing each technology is represented by ‘X’ symbols. The fastest and
easiest implementation possibilities happen when small numbers of actors with high investment capabilities can have large saving potentials at low costs (such as for
the increase of supplementary cementitious materials in cement). The other actions will require incentive and/or regulation constraints from national authorities to
motivate the actors to engage in the transition. NA, not applicable.

thus, only act as a major component of CCSCs in specific aluminate hydrates and portlandite (Ca(OH) 2) —
locations. As current global production of wollastonite reacting with CO2 to produce calcium carbonate and
is only 500,000 tonnes per year — the bulk of this pro- other, non-carbonated phases122. The reaction starts
duction occurring in China121 — a transition towards on the exposed surface and proceeds by CO2 diffusing
wollastonite-based CCSCs would require extraction to slowly into the material. Carbonation has been exten-
increase 10,000-fold to match global cement output. sively studied by engineers, as a reduction in the pH of
Although research has been carried out into the use concrete pore water below pH ~9.4, owing to the pres-
of alternative cements for over half a century, the avail- ence of additional CO2, can damage the electrochemical
ability of raw materials, the confidence in long-term protection of mild-steel reinforcement bars and, thus,
performance and the limitations of alternative cements worsen corrosion123. As a result, carbonation is consid-
to specific applications in well-controlled environ- ered deleterious for the durability of concrete structures
ments indicate that they cannot be considered a direct exposed to high relative humidity or rain.
one-for-one replacement of conventional cementitious Carbonation is a diffusion-limited reaction and,
materials within the next few decades. However, when accordingly, the carbonation depth can be calculated by
considering a more local context, there is a great deal k×t0.5, where t is time and k a constant. The value of
that can be achieved by the production of fit-for-purpose k for real concrete structures usually varies between 2 and
local cement technologies and solutions specific to the 15 mm year−0.5 (ref.124), meaning that, depending on the
areas where the desired resources do exist. The most properties of the concrete, the centre of a 200-mm-thick
critical issue is cost; alternative cements must be made concrete column could take anywhere between 44 and
highly scalable and cost-competitive, even if only used 2,500 years to reach pH 9.4. Little systematic informa-
at a local level. tion exists on the carbonation of other materials, such
as mortars and renders, except for a study suggesting
Carbonation of cement and concrete that the k value of mortars might range from 6.1 to
Aside from the use of SCMs or alternative cements, CO2 36.9 mm year−0.5, which indicates that a 30-mm layer of
savings in the production of Portland cement could be mortar could carbonate in merely 8 months125.
achieved in its use phase and at the end of life. When Carbonation depth does not translate immediately
exposed to the atmosphere, cementitious materials can to carbon capture, as the combination of even a fraction
capture CO2 through carbonation, although the amount of the available CaO and MgO with CO2 can cause a
of CO2 that is taken up is only a fraction of that released large enough reduction in the pH of concrete to compro-
Carbonation depth
by limestone decomposition during cement production. mise steel reinforcements126. The degree of carbonation
Depth within the structure at Carbonation involves the calcium-containing phases is maximal at the surface of the concrete and decreases
which the pH is greater than 9. of cement — such as calcium silicate hydrates, calcium inwards126 (Fig. 3). However, capture-focused studies have

often assumed a simplified profile of CO2 absorption therefore, factored into CO2-emission calculations.
The subbase is the main (Fig. 3), where the maximum degree of carbonation — To be able to count carbon uptake as a carbon sink,
load-bearing layer of the measured in terms of available CaO converted to with regards to the COP21 Paris Agreement targets,
pavement, usually composed CaCO3 — can be as high as 100% (ref.125). Lower fig- one would need to intentionally increase and hasten the
of unbound aggregates, while
ures appear more realistic; for example, crushed mate- carbonation process. Some companies, for example, Blue
the base and the wearing
course are asphalt-bound rials may achieve approximately 50% carbonation127,128. Planet, have started to explore CO2 mineralization for
layers positioned above Factors such as the porosity and chemical composition products used in concrete.
the subbase. of cement hydrates, presence of SCMs, cement-paste
volume and environmental conditions influence the Increasing CO2 uptake at end of life. At the end of con-
maximum carbonation degree achieved122. crete’s lifetime, it may be crushed into smaller pieces
These points highlight that there is large uncer- for reuse as aggregate in the production of new con-
tainty in any estimation of the amount of CO2 that can crete. Carbonation can be increased at this stage, owing
be captured by a single structure127. Nevertheless, few to the increased surface area of the crushed concrete.
estimates of CO2 capture by in-use cementitious prod- Carbonation of crushed concrete is, by far, the most dis-
ucts and waste materials have been published125,129, with cussed possibility for increasing the CO2 uptake of con-
global estimates varying between 0.9 Gt in 2013 (ref.125) crete as part of its normal life cycle. The total potential
to 0.7 ± 0.12 Gt in 2015 (ref.130). As a result, capture is uptake could be around 75% of the CO2 associated with
believed to account for about 25% of the total annual initial limestone decalcination127, which represents about
CO2 emissions from cement production, although lower 110 kg CO2 per cubic metre for standard concrete133.
values of 14–19.6% have been published for Portugal131 Currently, crushed concrete is often either stockpiled in
and 17% for Sweden128. Further data are needed to assess construction and demolition heaps127 or reused as road
carbon capture by cementitious materials in current subbase or in new concrete, both of which reduce its
structures, as systematic analyses are, so far, limited to a carbonation potential through limiting its exposure to
single Swedish study128. Some initial international efforts atmospheric CO2 (ref.134). Increased carbonation could
are described in a report from the European Committee be achieved by allowing a longer period for exposure
for Standardization132, but the methodology of that study of crushed aggregates to the air or through enhanced
requires further extension and refinement to capture the processing, such as accelerated carbonation135. However,
range of influential parameters described above. the volume of materials to be handled, the need to bring
It is important to understand that the carbon uptake back crushed materials from demolition sites to concen-
of cementitious materials cannot be used to reduce the trated industrial treatment facilities — which is associ-
current environmental impact of concrete production, ated with CO2, particulate matter and noise emissions
as this capture mechanism is already happening and is, from both transport and crushing — and the very low
price of aggregates in many regions make full-scale
development and deployment of accelerated carbonation
Measured pH Emitted challenging in a global context.
(phenolphthalein) chemical CO2
100 Increased CO2 uptake in the use stage. Carbonation
reduces the durability of steel-reinforced con-
crete exposed to outdoor wet and dry cycles or high
80 humidity123,136. However, only a fraction of cement
that is used for reinforced concrete is exposed to such
conditions9. For all other forms of concrete, carbonation
Carbon uptake (%)

60 is beneficial and, in some cases, can lead to increased

strength and reduced porosity of a structure122. As a
result, more than 80% of cement is used in applications
40 where higher carbonation will not induce durability
concerns9. Thus, engineers could be educated to embrace
carbonation under such circumstances and actually allow
20 for carbonation by design.
In addition, cements with a high SCM fraction car-
bonate significantly faster and to a higher degree than
0 conventional Portland cement122,137,138. For limestone
Concrete cross section (cm) calcined clay cement with 50% SCMs, the carbonation
rate was increased by a factor of three and the maximum
Range of Example of Simplified carbonation carbon uptake was increased by a factor of two139. Design
carbonation carbonation profile model
changes, specifically, in the thickness of concrete and the
use of CO2-permeable surface coverings, could also reduce
Fig. 3 | Carbonation profile through concrete. Durability concerns for concrete usually
determine the carbonation depth with phenolphthalein, as its colour will change at pH 9. the time for CO2 capture. 3D-printing technology could
However, for studies related to carbon storage in concrete, such a simple assessment allow new shapes to increase the surface area-to-volume
is not sufficient, as full carbonation of cementitious product is not achieved when ratio of construction components140 and vary the compo-
phenolphthalein changes colour and carbonated products are already present beyond sition of concrete inside a given component; however, this
the carbonation depth. Data and carbonation ranges taken from refs125–127,139. technology is still in its infancy141.

Nature Reviews | Earth & Environment


Carbon capture and storage. Despite the new technol- that fulfils sustainability criteria, taking into account
Combustion process, where ogies and mitigation strategies previously discussed, the value chain from the cement plant to the product. The
fuels are burnt in a nearly no cement can be CO2-neutral unless carbon capture CSC initiative includes environmental and social issues
pure oxygen environment, and storage is used. Different carbon capture and stor- such as land use, air quality, water, biodiversity, health and
as opposed to air, resulting
age technologies are available, including absorption, safety, and labour practices50.
in a CO2-separation efficiency
theoretically close to 100%. membrane-based processes, mineral carbonation and the In addition, current standards are based on material
use of oxyfuel, among others142. Investment costs range formulations or recipes, or on technical performance,
Exposure class from €200 to €300 million per kiln59 and can increase the with little regard for environmental performance. As
The exposure condition
price of the final cement product by 50–100% (ref.143). a result, there is little to no incentive for the concrete
of a concrete structure,
which defines the concrete
The price increase can exacerbate social inequalities producer to propose an ‘environmentally friendly’ mix
prescription required to assure associated with construction; for example, the cost asso- design. Nevertheless, some concrete producers, such as
the durability of the concrete ciated with cement for a middle-class, multifamily resi- Cemex, have provided customer guarantees (Vertua) that
structure over its life cycle. dential building is limited to 1%, even when the cement they will produce a given class of low-carbon concrete
price is doubled144, whereas for low-cost housing, the cost (15%, 25% and 40% less CO2 than the average standard),
of cement can represent 5–10% of construction costs. which represents a clear step forwards and shows a change
Carbon-capture methods are also associated with legal taking place in the profession150. Moving standards from
issues related to determining which stakeholder will have a prescriptive basis to a performance basis is essential,
to carry the risk associated with CO2 storage. Such issues but demands that performance is defined holistically and
have not yet been resolved145,146 and legal uncertainties are includes environmental considerations if it is to have the
delaying large-scale implementation147. necessary effect on emissions across the sector.
Client demand for concrete with a lower environ-
Summary and future perspectives mental impact must also drive a move towards sustain-
Concrete has a low environmental impact per product able concrete. It is possible to design materially efficient
delivered and, crucially, allows us to handle the ongoing structures, but they are rarely requested151. In regions
urbanization of the global population and the resulting lacking policies on cement efficiency, the design team
social challenges associated with providing sufficient has no incentive to optimize their structure without
housing and infrastructure. However, the widespread use a direct request from the client and will use standard
of concrete and cement means that their production has a practices that might be inefficient.
substantial negative impact on the environment and health, Time constraints, fragmented supply chains and lack
associated with material extraction, water consumption, of awareness are some of the many barriers standing in
particulate matter and heavy metal emissions. In addition, the way of improving efficiency and reducing GHG
GHG emissions associated with concrete production are a emissions across the concrete value chain. To motivate
major contributor to climate change, and reducing emis- all the actors involved in cement use, a set of bench-
sions, either through the use of new technologies or strin- marks tailored for each stakeholder can be proposed116.
gent regulation and controls to push the widespread use In Europe, a tCO2 per tclinker metric, which should be lower
of existing practices, will be essential for meeting climate than 0.7, was proposed for cement producers55. Concrete
targets. Minor improvements in the efficiency of concrete producers should achieve less than 3.5 kg clinker per
production, such as optimizing the cement content of m3 per MPa for a standard concrete mix (30–50 MPa)74.
concrete and the clinker content of cement, using SCMs Engineering offices would be required to design concrete
and improving construction and design efficiency, could structures that could achieve CO2 emissions of less than
all have a substantial impact on reducing GHG emissions 250 kg per m2 floor area for the concrete allocated to
if implemented on a large scale in the next few decades. the structure152 and prescribe exposure class. Finally, for
Furthermore, technological advances, such as alternative construction companies, less than 500 kg CO2 per m2 of
cements and accelerating the carbon capture of concrete floor area for a building, including concrete and all other
products, will also be essential for ensuring the long-term non-structural materials, is a good benchmark153. Such
sustainability of cement structures and a move towards benchmark propositions need to be tailored to the local
zero-carbon concrete. constructive practices and the allocated carbon budget
Efforts from all stakeholders, from policymakers to of the construction sector in the given countries154,155.
clients, will be required to accumulate as many marginal No single ‘silver-bullet’ innovation can achieve sus-
gains available as possible (Table 2). Currently, different tainable concrete and cement use, and the industry will
cement plants can have very different environmental not solve all the issues of sustainability by acting in iso-
impacts, depending on their efficiency and the amount of lation. It is part of a loosely coupled and complex net-
waste that is used as alternative fuels148. Similarly, although work of actors that collaborate to produce buildings and
concrete is typically seen as a single material, the diver- infrastructure95, which includes the material producer,
sity of cement types and concrete mixes are such that the the engineering office, the architect, the construction
carbon footprint of products with a similar strength and manager, the policymaker and the owner of the future
durability can vary by a factor of three74,149. Policies that building. It is the collaboration between actors, and the
require more transparency and better measurement of incremental improvements that can be implemented by
environmental impacts could help stakeholders to make each one of them, that will produce a substantial move
more informed choices regarding sustainability. The CSC towards sustainable concrete.
is a recent initiative from the cement and concrete indus-
try that awards certification to a finished concrete product Published online xx xx xxxx

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