Instruction, Use and Maintenance Manual: Translation of The Original Instructions in ITALIAN TI215G0010

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Translation of the original

instructions in ITALIAN


BLADE 15-18-22

BLADE 15-18-22 i



BLADE Forward

The present manual, written in English, is the official

translation of the manual in Italian, chosen as reference
language by Ing. ENEA MATTEI SpA.

The paper copy will be available for over 10 years after

end of production of the machine to which it refers.

The content of this document cannot be used,

reproduced or disclosed to third parties without the
explicit written consent of Ing. ENEA MATTEI S.p.A.

Ing. ENEA MATTEI S.p.A. reserves the right to modify

the characteristics of the machine subject of this
document without prior notice.

Copyright 04/2016 by Ing. ENEA MATTEI S.p.A.

This Instruction Manual meets all the requirements of

Directive CE. It is to be considered valid for both the
machines with the CE Marking and those without it.

Important note
This manual should always be used together with the
“MaestroXB User’s Manual”.

II TI215G0010
General index BLADE


Forward..................................................................................................................................................................... II

General information ........................................................................................................................................ 1-1

Symbols in the manual................................................................................................................................................................................................................1-1
Purpose of document..................................................................................................................................................................................................................1-2
Required qualifications for operators....................................................................................................................................................................................1-3
Identification data of the manufacturer and the machine and the location of the nameplate “ce marking”.........................................1-4
General notes on delivery..........................................................................................................................................................................................................1-5
Final inspection..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................1-5
Safety warnings ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................1-5
Setting at the customer’s expense..........................................................................................................................................................................................1-7
Instructions on how to request interventions....................................................................................................................................................................1-7
Instructions on how to order spare parts ............................................................................................................................................................................1-7

General Information - Safety ........................................................................................................................ 2-1

Danger and residual risks...........................................................................................................................................................................................................2-1
Description of pictograms.........................................................................................................................................................................................................2-3

Description of the machine............................................................................................................................. 3-1

General description of the machine.......................................................................................................................................................................................3-1
Technical data and overall dimensions.................................................................................................................................................................................3-7

Trasportation and handling ........................................................................................................................ 4-1

Installation........................................................................................................................................................... 5-1
The machine position .................................................................................................................................................................................................................5-1
Electrical connection...................................................................................................................................................................................................................5-2
Connection to the air network ................................................................................................................................................................................................5-2
Dimensions of compressed air distribution piping..........................................................................................................................................................5-3
Heat recovery..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5-4

Safety devices....................................................................................................................................................... 6-1

Emergency push-button............................................................................................................................................................................................................6-1
Safety valve......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6-1

Commands and Control.................................................................................................................................... 7-1


How to use the machine .................................................................................................................................... 8-1

Operation modes (Blade version)............................................................................................................................................................................................8-1
Operation modes (Blade i version)..........................................................................................................................................................................................8-4

TI215G0010 III
BLADE General index

Controller MaestroXB.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................8-4
Operational failures......................................................................................................................................................................................................................8-4

Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................................... 9-1

Suggestions on maintenance...................................................................................................................................................................................................9-1
Periodic maintenance table.......................................................................................................................................................................................................9-2
Maintenance kit.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................9-3
Check of oil level............................................................................................................................................................................................................................9-4
Cleaning and/or replacing the air suction filter.................................................................................................................................................................9-4
Cleaning the air/oil radiator .....................................................................................................................................................................................................9-4
Cleaning the pre-filters...............................................................................................................................................................................................................9-4
Replacement of oil filter element............................................................................................................................................................................................9-4
Replacement of the air-oil separator filter element..........................................................................................................................................................9-4
Replacement of the elastic element.......................................................................................................................................................................................9-5

Lubricants............................................................................................................................................................ 10-1
Oil change..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10-1
Warning......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10-2
General........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10-2
Mattei lubricants......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10-2
Safety precautions..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10-3
Storage and treatment of oils................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10-3

Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................... 11-1
General........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11-1
Problem - Cause - Solution..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11-1
Inverter malfunctions............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11-2

The electrical motor....................................................................................................................................... 12-1

General........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12-1
Lubrification................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12-1
Cooling........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12-1
Abnormal noises......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12-1
Electrical checks.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12-1

Storage - Decommissioning and dismantling........................................................................................ 13-1

Storage........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13-1
Decommissioning...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13-1
Dismantling.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13-1
Residual risks after deactivation........................................................................................................................................................................................... 13-1

Condensate unload in Optional Kit........................................................................................................... 14-1

Cleaning the drain solenoid valve filter............................................................................................................................................................................. 14-1

IV TI215G0010
General index BLADE

Attachments........................................................................................................................................................ 15-1
Form to request technical service........................................................................................................................................................................................ 15-1
Form to request spare parts................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15-2
Technical data sheets................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15-3

TI215G0010 V
BLADE General information

Symbols in the manual

In this manual some symbols are used that to attract The table below gives the list and describes the meaning
the reader’s attention and underline some particularly of the different symbols used.
important aspects of the treatment.

Danger Damage risk

! It indicates a danger with the risk for accident,
even fatal, for the user. Pay careful attention to
 It indicates a high damage risk of a piece, for
example, using a wrong tool or by mounting
text block with this symbol. something with the incorrect procedure.

! Warning
It warns against a possible deterioration of the
 Visual check
It recommends the reader to carry out a visual
m hine or personal item of the user. check. This symbol can also be found in the
instructions for use. The user is required to
read a measure value, to check some warning

Notice signs, etc.
It shows either a notice or a note on the key
functions or useful information.
Acoustic check

Further information
 It recommends the reader to carry out a sound
acoustic check. This symbol can also be found
 This symbol introduces text blocks containing
further information. This information has no
in theinstructions for use. The user is required
to listen to an operational noise.
direct relationship with the description of a
function or with procedure development.They
could be cross-references to other documents
or other sections of this manual.

1-1 TI215G0010
General information BLADE

PURPOSE OF DOCUMENT This manual is for the user and the service engineer of
the machine, and it aims at supplying them with the
This manual contains the technical characteristics, basic technical data typical of the system, a technical
the performance, the transportation and installation description of the several operating groups that form
rules, the instructions for use, and the preventive and it as well as the essential use procedures and the
corrective maintenance operations of the machine information necessary to perform preventive and
manufactured by Ing. ENEA MATTEI S.p.A. corrective maintenance.

NOTE This manual is for staff with a sound knowledge of the
This manual should be considered an processing technique, of mechanical and electrical
integral part of the machine, and should diagrams, and is for both those in charge for the use of
stay with it during the entire life span of the the machine and the service engineers.
equipment. This manual is an integral part of the machine and
Keep this manual and all of the attached contains information that aims at granting all staff safe
documents in a place easily accessible working conditions and guaranteeing perfect efficiency
to all staff in charge of the control or during the life span of the machine.
the maintenance of the machine. Ing. For a correct use of the machine, it is assumed that the
ENEA MATTEI S.p.A. reserves the right to working environment is adequate to current regulations
subject the supply of further copies to the concerning safety and hygiene.
repayment of charges and the acceptance
of special provisions with respect to the
ligitimate defense of intellectual, patent, DIRECTIVES AND TECHNICAL STANDARDS APPLIED
and executive identity and functional
The machine has been designed, made, and inspected
property of the product and/or its parts.
in compliance with the “safety and health essential
It is understood that forwarding all or part of requirements” stated in attachment I to the European
this manual to third parties is not tolerated Directive CE. The list below gives the reference Standards
unless with the prior written consent of Ing. used by Ing. ENEA MATTEI S.p.A. to design, make, and to
ENEA MATTEI S.p.A. for both the text, the make the final inspection of the machine.
illustrations and the diagrams attached.

to make changes without prior notice. STANDARDS
Any change, supplement or suppresion of MACHINERY DIRECTIVE CE
elements, components, functions or cycles ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) DIRECTIVE CE
of the machine, not previously agreed
upon with Ing. ENEA MATTEI S.p.A. releases
EN 1012-1 Compressors and vacuum pumps - Safety
the manufacturer from any responsibility
whatsoever. Requirements - Compressors

TI215G0010 1-2
BLADE General information

required qualifications for operators Mechanical Service Engineer

A qualified engineer able to operate the
The operator in charge of the operation or the
machine under normal conditions, to
maintenance of the machine should have all the
operate it with disconnected protections,
professional requirements specific to each foreseen
to intervene on mechanical parts to carry
operation. The operator should be trained and aware of
out all adjustments, carry out maintenance
his responsibilities.
and all of the necessary repairs. This person
Below is the description of the professional profiles is not empowered to carry out interventions
concerning the operators in charge of the machine. on electrical systems with live voltage.

Entry level machine operator Electrical Service Engineer

(Qualification 1) A qualified engineer able to operate the
Qualified staff able to carry out simple machine under normal conditions, to
tasks, i.e. to operate the machine with the operate it with disconnected protections.
use of controls on the push-button, and He/she is in charge of all electrical
to carry out typical simple functions of adjustments, maintenance and repair. He/
adjustments, start or stop. she is able to operate with live voltage
inside cabins and shunt boxes.
Second level machine operator
(Qualification 2) The Manufacturer’s Engineer
Qualified staff able to carry out the A qualified engineer from the manufacturer
task of qualification 1 and also to to perform complex operations in special
operate the machine with disconnected situations or according to that which has
safety protections to perform specific been agreed upon with the user.
adjustments, start or stop functions.

This qualification includes those responsibilities
typically subdivided into two separate
qualifications. For the operator in charge of our
machines, a specialization course is held to train
the operator to be able to perform all of the
actions necessary to operate the machine even
with some of the protections disconnected.

However, this requires a certain competence by

the operator and extreme care by the manager
of the factory so that the said operator carries
out only the established operations.

1-3 TI215G0010
General information BLADE

identification data of the manufacturer and the machine and the location
of the nameplate “ce marking”
Ing. ENEA MATTEI S.p.A. is identified as the machine’s manufacturer in conformity with the laws in force with the
following acts:

Declaration of conformity
CE Marking
Instruction Manual

A specific plate on the machine gives the following indelible information on the

Serial number
Year of manufacture
Number of runs
Tank capacity
Total weight
Name and address of manufacturer

The “CE MARKING” plate has been applied at the base of the machine.

The relevant “DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY” has been attached.

It is forbidden to remove the “CE MARKING” plate and/or exchange it for other plates of machines of the same model
supplied to the Customer or the operator. Should the “CE MARKING” plate be accidentally damaged or removed from
machine, the customer is required to inform the Company.

TI215G0010 1-4
BLADE General information

general NOTES ON DELIVERY equipment, systems (electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic,

cooling, lubrication systems) and any group completing
Upon receipt of the machine please check that: the system functionality.
–– the supply complies with the order specification;
–– machine has not suffered any damage due to Working area
transportation or other reasons. Working area means the protected volume limited
by guards to prevent injuries and aimed at operation
In the event of damage or missing parts, report it during the machine processing.
immediately and in detail to the forwarding agent or
Ing. ENEA MATTEI S.p.A. Authorized staff
Authorized staff means personnel duly trained and
ALWAYS STATE THE MACHINE SERIAL NUMBER AS WELL appointed to perform the activities listed below and that
AS THE PRINT NUMBER OR THIS CATALOGUE WHEN make up the operating instructions for the machine.
Appointed staff
Appointed staff means the personnel who, although not
final inspection participating materially in the work, supervise the work
of others, for example, the responsible engineer.
The manufacturer carries out the final inspection of
the machine directly, during the production phases, in Transport
compliance with the company quality system. Ing. ENEA Transportation means all those operations regarding
MATTEI S.p.A. is responsible for the machine under its the handling of the machinery or a part of it.
original configuration.

Ing. ENEA MATTEI S.p.A. refuses any responsibility for Installation

improper use of the machine, for damages due to Installation means the mechanical, electrical, and fluid
operations which are not described in this manual or plant engineering integration of the machine within
unreasonable jobs. a production reality, in compliance with the specified

safety warnings Commissioning

The final user should comply with the instructions given Commissioning means the functional check of the
by the Seller concerning: machine installed.

–– safety devices already installed on the machine; Operation

–– instructions for the correct machine installation; Operation means the mode in which the machine
–– correct use and periodic maintenance of all of the produces compressed air according to regulations,
machine components, including the safety devices; settings, and commands inserted by the control device.
–– regulations of current laws.
The following safety precautions define both the Decommissioning means the mechanical and electrical
behaviour and obligations to be observed when carrying removal of the machine from a production area.
out the activities listed in the manual, the instructions
for the machine use and the way how to operate under Dismantling
safety conditions, for the staff and the surrounding Dismantling means the dismantling and discarding of
environment. machine components.

Machinary Directive Maintenance and repair

Machinery Directive means the CE DIRECTIVE OF THE Maintenance and repair means the regular check and/
EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL dated 17 May or replacement of parts or components of the machine
2006. and any action aiming at identifying the origin of a
failure that concludes with the resetting of the machine
Machine to the functional design conditions.
Machine means the functional assembly composed
of: control unit, processing unit, working and resting

1-5 TI215G0010
General information BLADE

Improper use –– carefully read the technical documents;

Improper use is the use of the machine outside the limits –– collect information on the operation and the position
specified in the technical documents. of emergency stop devices on the machine;
–– know which guards and safety devices are on the
Applicability machine, their position and their operation.
The regulations should be applied when carrying out It is forbidden to either disconnect or partially remove
one of the following activities: the guards and the safety devices. The same regulation
applies to the danger signals in particular areas of the
–– Transport, Installation and Setting up; machine. It is strictly forbidden to access the working
–– Manual Mode; area and the control and power cabins during operation,
–– Continuous Mode; even partial, of the equipment or immediately after it is
–– Decommissioning and dismantling; turned off.
–– Maintenance and repair that compose the use
procedures envisaged for the machine. Guards and safety devices should be kept in perfect
condition so as to allow for their correction function¬ing.
Installation and setting up In the event of failure, they should be immediately
The installation and setting up of the machine are repaired or replaced.
permitted only by the authorized staff.
The unauthorized use of commercial parts and
During installation, handle the machine components accessories for the guards and safety devices can lead to
as recommended in this manual. Should lifting be malfunctioning and the risk of dangerous situations for
necessary, verify first the correct fixture of devices the operating staff.
specifically for lifting and use adequate slings and
equipment. The machine installation area should be as Decommissioning and dismantlign
free as possible from any material that could prevent Only authorized staff is allowed to decommission and
or limit it from being seen. Check that all the machine remove the machine.
safety devices are correctly fixed and that no moving
or loose parts are present. Also check the soundness –– Before decommissioning, it is necessary to disconnect
of the components of the control unit. Connect the the sectioning device power supply and to block it in
pneumatic machine to the air distribution network the open position;
and carefully verify that the pressure value is correctly –– discharge oils and fluids, remove all moving parts;
set. Verify the consistency between the voltage set –– disconnect the power supply cable from the
on power transformers and the voltage value of the sectioning device by cutting off the power wires first
energy distribution net. Before connecting the machine and then the ground one;
electrical system, check that the sectioning device –– disconnect the power supply cable from the machine
of the power supply be blocked in the open position. main switch and remove it;
Verify that the anti-accident guards have been correctly –– disconnect the machine pneumatic equipment from
installed and are in good working order. the air distribution network;
–– remove the machine from the working area while

F The machine safety is not guaranteed in case

of removal, by-pass or tampering of safety
devices on the machine.
applying all regulations given in this manual;
–– before lifting, verify the correct use of lifting devices
and use only suitable equipment.
To stop the machine in an emergency, press on the Waste disposal should be performed in compliance
emergency stop button. with the laws in force in the Country where the machine
has been installed. Installation, setting up and use of
Operating the machine compressor should be carried out in compliance with
Only authorized and duly trained staff or at least with the standards and the rules in force concerning safety
a sufficient technical experience should operate the at work.
machine. The staff in charge of the operating the system
should be aware that the knowledge and application The owner of the machine is responsible for its good
of safety regulations is an integral part of their job. Any maintenance, an essential condition to ensure operation
non-qualified staff should not access the operating in total safety. Those machine parts that, due to improper
area and the machine control panel when the system use, wear and tear, do not guarantee the safe operation
is running. Before starting the machine, carry out the should be timely replaced. Only duly trained authorized
following operations: and qualified staff should perform the installation,
use, maintenance, and repairs. In case of discrepancies

TI215G0010 1-6
BLADE General information

between the instructions given in this manual and those –– preparation of auxiliary services appropriate to the
set out by the law in force concerning safety, it is highly equipment requirements (such as electrical network,
recommended to apply the more restrictive ones. pneumatic network, etc.);
–– preparation of electrical equipment in compliance to
Maintenance and repair Directive CE;
Only authorized staff is allow to carry out maintenance, –– adequate lighting complying with standard EN
troubleshooting, and repairs. Any maintenance and 60204-1;
repair in progress should be indicated with a specific –– any safety devices before and after the energy supply
sign stating the maintenance condition, and placed on lines (such as differential switches, ground systems,
the control panel of the control unit until completion safety valves, etc.) as may be required by the laws in
of the operation even if temporarily interrupted. All force in country of installation;
operations concerning its installation, maintenance or –– ground equipment complying with standard CEI 64-
replacement of components on either the machine or 8.
the control unit should be performed with the system
turned off. Hence, the main switch should be on OFF instructions on how to request
(OPEN) and blocked with the safety lock to prevent any interventions
movement in the ON position.
For any type of information on the use, the maintenance,
For compressors equipped with INVERTER, before the installation etc. Ing. ENEA MATTEI S.p.A. is always
performing any maintenance job, wait at least 5 available to meet the Purchaser’s requests. However,
minutes after you have disconnected the electricity any enquiries be made in clear terms, with references to
supply. this manual and always stating the data on the machine
id plate. For any communication with the service center,
The staff in charge of maintenance, before intervening, always indicate the type of machine, its serial number,
should first check that the following conditions exist: and the year of manufacture, which help identify every
–– possible tanks under pressure have been discharged. machine and, whenever possible, specify the nature of
The staff in charge of maintenance, before intervening the detected problem or the defect indicated by the
on pneumatic or lubricating systems and specifically machine such as: of an electrical, mechanical kind or
on piping, tanks, hoses, and other components under in terms of work quality, while describing the problem
pressure should correctly reduce the inner pressure on a copy of the “FORM FOR TECHNICAL SERVICE
value of the equipment to be investigated to the room REQUEST” attached to this manual.
pressure value. Dysfunctional components should be
replaced with others with the same code. If, during Contact our local service department closest to you or
troubleshooting, it should be necessary to carry out the the central Italian office.
interventions with the control unit and the machine
supplied, all precautions should be taken as required
by the safety standards to operate under dangerous Instructions on how to order spare parts
voltages and with moving parts. At the end of the The machine may over a period of time require the
maintenance and troubleshooting interventions, all replacement of those parts subject to wear. To this
disconnected safety devices must be reset. Maintenance, purpose, the purchaser can order the parts to be
repair, and troubleshooting should be completed with replaced. It is compulsory to always buy original spare
the verification of the correct operation of the machine parts. To order spare parts always indicate with the
and of all of its safety devices. maximum accuracy the following:

–– Type and model of machine

Except in the case of possible different contractual –– Exact name of the part in question
agreements, the following items are normally at the –– Code and/or reference (if available)
customer’s expense: –– Required quantity
To simplify and speed up the delivery of spare parts, it
–– room preparation (including building work such as is recommended to forward orders by filling in a copy
the laying of foundations or canalizations, if required, of the “FORM FOR SPARE PART REQUEST” attached
etc.); to this manual and forwarding it to Ing. ENEA MATTEI
–– anti-slip, leveled flooring; S.p.A. or to the closest distributor.
–– preparation of both the place of installation and
the machine installation itself whilst observing the Kits with components for preliminary maintenance
dimensions set out in the layout; are available.
Please apply to MATTEI for further details.

1-7 TI215G0010
General Information - Safety BLADE

To operate the machine in any operating –– Adequate panels or protection to cover moving
! condition, including maintenance, it is not elements;
necessary that more than one person be –– Electrical devices to detect supply failures of the
present. Using more than one person is machine and the malfunction of electrical devices of
superfluous and, however, it is not allowed motors.
for safety reasons.
! The employer should instruct the staff on the
accident risks, on safety devices and on the
! For compressors equipped with INVERTER,
before performing any maintenance job, wait
general rules concerning prevention and at least 5 minutes after you have disconnected
protection as set out by the European Community the electricity supply.
Directives as well as by the laws of the Country
where the machine has been installed. WARNING !!!
! Our machine should not be used in areas
The operator must know the position and the where the environment is potentially
operation of all the commands and the characteristics explosive.
of the machine. The operator should also have read
this entire manual. After having carefully considered all possible risks
concerning the use and maintenance of the machine,
Only qualified engineers should carry out the the solutions necessary to remove the risks and limits
interventions for maintenance after having duly the dangers to those exposed have been adopted.
prepared the machine.
Although the machine is equipped with safety devices,
Any unauthorized tampering or replacing of the following residual risks remain:
! one or more parts of the machine, adopting
accessories that change the use of the –– Risk of bruises, tearing, cuts during the handling of
machine and the use of manufacturing tools and/or elements;
materials other than those recommended in –– Risk of bruises during machine intervention.
this manual, can be potential accident risks. It
is strictly forbidden for the machine to be operation
operated by two people at the same time, one
–– The operator should use the personal protection
inside the guards and the other the control
push-button panel.
–– Use the compressor only for the kind of application
for which it has been planned (air compression for
–– Before starting, ensure that the compressor has oil;
During design, all the areas at risk were taken into –– For the oil type to be used, please refer to Section 10
consideration, and therefore all of the necessary of this manual;
precautions have been taken to avoid risks to people, –– Never operate the compressor if there is a possibility
and damage to the machine components. In order to of inhaling smoke or toxic or flammable vapors;
guarantee both the health and safety of those exposed, –– Never operate the compressor at pressures higher
the machine has been provided with special safety than those indicated on the ID plate. The air
devices: delivered directly by the compressor, filtered and
purified from oil, cannot and must not be used for
–– EMERGENCY push-button to immediately stop the
machine and STOP devices on the push-button panel
–– If hoses are used to distribute air, ensure that they
of the control device;
are of a proper size and adequate to the working
–– Fixed guards: these are mounted in areas for exclusive
pressure and that they are neither damaged nor
access for standard maintenance. They are fixed with
worn. Please remember that rubber hoses should be
systems that require specific tools to remove them or
replaced at regular intervals;
have been screwed in;
–– Never remove the oil inlet plug when the machine
–– Protection and segregation of the electrical/
is running or there is still pressure inside the
electronic equipment of the machine with a
compressor: there would be a leak of hot oil;
metallic container to avoid accidental contact with
–– Please note that the machine, although it has an
the equipment under voltage in the event that the
acceptable sound pressure level, can produce a
metallic container is open; protection of the electrical
much higher noise if the room for its installation
cabin: IP 54; protection of inner equipment IP 20
is narrow and reverberating. It should be noted
against accidental contact;

TI215G0010 2-1
BLADE General Information - Safety

that the machine does not require the continuous Duly trained staff should carry out maintenance only,
presence of an operator. For protection against noise, with the compressor off and after ensuring that no more
in compliance with local laws in force, if necessary, pressure exists inside it. Also insulate the compressor
specific warning signs should be placed near the from the pneumatic equipment. The power supply must
machine and the staff should be equipped with be cut off by activating the line knife switch installed in
suitable personal protective means. front of the compressor electrical board and a special
panel must indicated that the machine MUST NOT BE
installation RE-STARTED AGAIN.
Besides observing the rules and regulations set out by WARNING !!!
competent bodies, it is recommended to consider as ! An adequate cleaning of both the machine
follows: and the environment in which it is installed
–– The compressor will perform most efficiently if is highly recommended. For cleaning DO
installed in a suitable area that is well ventilated and NOT USE flammable fluids or products not
far from sources of heat; complying with the regulations in force.
–– Should any duct be installed for the suction Should there be any doubt regarding the
and cooling of air, always use the data and effective operation of the compressor or of
recommendations given in Section 5 and preferably one of its components, it is recommended to
obtain expert advice during the design stage. contact the service organization of the Ing.
–– In the event of outdoors installation (discouraged Enea Mattei S.p.A.
in very cold climates), the machine must be placed The following should also be considered:
under a canopy or a cover to protect it from
atmospheric elements; –– Before intervening on the machine, remove the
–– Be most careful to prevent any foreign material from power supply by means of the knife line switch. The
clogging the radiator, thus provoking surges in the machine, in fact, is equipped with an automatic start
operating temperature; system that, if activated, could start it at any time the
–– The air sucked must be cleaned and free from equipment should request air;
flammable vapors that could cause fires or explosions; –– The key to open/close the cabin doors should be
–– As the machine is air cooled, except for versions “R” entrusted with the specialized staff;
(Heat recovery) and “W” (Water cooled), adequate –– The maintenance operations should always be
ventilation must be ensured to prevent it from carried out when the compressor is off;
overheating and thus avoiding the recirculation of –– Before carrying out any activity on the compressor
the expelled hot air; group, read the gauge to ensure that no pressure is
–– The control and safety devices should never be left inside.
tampered with; –– Use only tools suitable for the type of intervention;
–– If there are one or more compressors installed on one –– Never use solvents and flammable products to clean
pneumatic line, it is absolutely necessary that each the machine or individual parts;
be supplied with a gate valve; –– Never carry out welding or other operation that
–– The electrical connections should comply with might require considerable heat near the machine,
the regulations in force. The machines should specifically near the electrical equipment and the oil
be connected to the ground and protected by a circuit;
magneto-thermal switch against possible short –– Never make modifications or carry our welding on
circuits. containers under pressure;
–– It is absolutely necessary that a knife line switch be –– Never leave tools, cloths and other loose items on
installed in front of the compressor. either the motor or the compressor;
–– The lubricating oil, especially if old, can damage
maintenance some people’s skin. Protect your hands with gloves
The person in charge of the effective operation of the or with specific protective products for the skin;
compressor should regularly check that all the operating –– Never wear clothing contaminated with lubricating
instructions relevant to the operation and maintenance oil;
are followed by the operator. –– Avoid contaminating the ground with lubricating oil;
–– To prevent pollution, store the old lubricating oil in
WARNING !!! suitable containers and in a safe place. To discard,
! Fill in the specific “Maintenance register” supplied observe the recommendations set out by internal
with the machine. regulations and by current laws;

2-2 TI215G0010
General Information - Safety BLADE

–– In case of oil additions, use the same type as the DESCRIPTION OF PICTOGRAMS
one already contained in the machine. Mixtures
are noxious for the life span of both the oil and the Some pictograms have been applied to the machine
compressor; to symbolize such situations as of danger, obligation,
–– After any maintenance, start the machine and check prohibition and special indications (e.g: rotation
that all the devices for control, stop or alarm work direction of the fan etc.)
correctly. Verify also that temperature and pressure Many accidents are often caused by the non-observance
values are those foreseen; of the simplest safety rules or the lack of knowledge of
–– Make the checks and the revisions as foreseen by this the instructions given by the manufacturer.
manual, using only original spare parts. Not making
these checks or using non-original parts may cause To avoid possible dangerous situations, some of them
problems that jeopardize the correct operation have been highlighted with special signs represented
of the machine and cause the forfeiture of the by suitable and normalized symbols (pictograms).
manufacturer’s warranty.
Below is the list of some of the most common symbols
and applied to our machines:
Ing. Enea MATTEI S.p.A. disclaims all responsibility for
injuries to people, or damages to things and animals, if PICTOGRAMS OF DANGER
caused by: These are triangular signs, with a black outer band on a
yellow background and with the black symbol.
–– non-observance of the said precautions;
–– improper use of the compressed air or the machine Warning!
in general;
–– non-observance of ordinary safety rules or domestic Container under pressure
rules in the work place;
–– non-observance of instructions during handling and
transportation of the machine; Warning!
–– incorrect installation of the machine;
–– defects due to the power supply line; Risk of electrical shock
–– absence of regular maintenance;
–– unauthorized changes or intervention;
–– use of non-original spare parts or not explicitly for
the model; The machine is either controlled at distance
–– non-observance, even if only partial, of the or by an automatic system and can start
instructions; without warning
–– possible inefficiency caused by the non-use or the
malfunction of the compressor.
! It is recommended to use compressed air, Risk of surface at high temperature (>70°C)
directly output from compressors, only for
production processes. For any other use,
FIRST and ALWAYS contact the distributor,
the technical service or the manufacturer. Air exhaust

TI215G0010 2-3
BLADE General Information - Safety

These are circular signs, with an outer red band, on a Water inlet
white background, and with the symbol in black.

Prohibition of working on the machine

Water outlet

Prohibition of having pressure in the

Condensate drain

combination of pictograms
Prohibition of having voltage

pictograms of obligation
These are circular signs, on a blue background and the The combination of pictograms shown above means:
symbol in white.
Warning! Please refer to the Instruction Manual
Obligation to read the Instruction Manual before starting any activity.
before carrying out any operation on the

Obligation to use individual protective

means against noise

These signs may vary in shape and they give useful

Rotation direction

Lifting point

Possibility to carry out work

2-4 TI215G0010
Description of the machine BLADE


Mattei rotary compressors of the BLADE 15÷22 Series The electro compressor comes complete with all of the
are the result of years of investments in research and elements described below and equipped with optional
development, to improve performance continuously, devices. Unless differently required, the group is
and at the same be environment-friendly. Designed for supplied with synthetic oil Mattei Rotoroil F2. For special
a continuous industrial service, they guarantee constant lubricant requirements, please refer to Section 10.
performance over time, low energy consumptions,
reliability, functionality, and easy maintenance.

TI215G0010 3-1
BLADE Description of the machine

All components are eclosed in a soundproofing canopy ports, due to the pressure difference between the
in sheet stell, epoxy powder painted and lined with compression chamber and the oil receiver. No pump for
deadening resistant material. The canopy has a pre- fluid circulation is needed.
filter to prevent intake of gross particles that might
prematurely clog the radiators and air filter. Wide An oil film on the inner surface of the stator prevents
detachable panels and hinged doors allow easy access direct contact of the moving parts and avoids any
for all. wear. In the vane compressor there are no axial thrusts
pushing the rotor against the end covers. Therefore
The base has openings to allow easy lifting and handling there is no need for thrust bearings.
of the compressor (See Section 4). Standard packing
includes: fixing on wooden pallets, protective polythene The rotor is supported by white metal bearings having a
cover, and a cardboard box. practically unlimited lifetime. The air drawn in first passes
through a filter and then through the modulating valve.
The decrease in volume of the pockets formed by the
stator, rotor and vanes produces a continuous, pulse-
free, compression.

The intake valve, driven by a specific servovalve
through a hydraulic circuit using the same oil as used
for lubrification, adjusts the intake air quantity to the air
system requirements.

minimum pressure and non - return valve

Compressed air is delivered by the compressor through
a valve ensuring a minimum pressure inside the oil
chamber, so as to guarantee smooth operation when
the compressor is delivering air. This valve also prevents
the compressed air in the system from returning to the
THE COMPRESSOR compressor.

The vane compressor is a volumetric rotary compressor.

It consists of a cylinder (stator) in which a rotor, mounted oil separation
eccentrically and tangential with it rotates, and two end The air/oil separation occurs in different stages and
covers. ensures exceptionally low oil consumptions. The main
mechanical separation occurs in the oil receiver.

This mechanical separation works via the continuous

changes of direction of the air low in the labyrinth path.
The last separation occurs through the coalescing filter,
removing the remaining oil vapours from the air. This
particular oil separation system brings to a very reduced
oil consumption. The large size of the filter and quality
of materials ensure a long life of the filter itself.

The compressor and the motor are connected by means
The rotor has longitudinal slots in which the vanes slide. of exible coupling. This ensures a perfect alignment,
The vanes are pushed against the stator by centrifugal no power absorption, silent operation and no need for
force. maintenance.
Sealing of the moving parts, cooling and lubrication are The electric motor is asynchronous, threephase, 4 poles,
provided by an efficient injection of oil through proper with short circuit winding.

3-2 TI215G0010
Description of the machine BLADE

–– Class F isolation MAESTROXB

–– IE3 Efficiency Class
MAESTROxB is a programmable control unit which
–– IP 55 protection degree
–– Power supply according to IEC 38 standard adapts compressor operation to the specific require-
–– Voltage/Frequency 400/50 Hz - 460/60 Hz ments of the air line it is connected to. It features various
programming levels and performs operating and fault
cooling systems controls and analysis.
The compressor comes with two aluminium radiators Advanced programming and analysis levels are pro-
and suitable for cooling oil and compressed air, tected by digital codes to prevent unintentional access.
respectively. MAESTROxB also contains a memory which saves
settings and operating data even if the compressor is
An air ow, output from the fan inside the sound poof disconnected from the power supply or switches off due
cabin, comes into contact with the radiators and
to a power cut.
removes the heat generated during compression. The
temperature of the output compressed air is slightly
higher that the environmental temperature. Hardware characteristics
–– Microprocessor-based technology;
See technical characteristics attached. –– Ergonomic control panel with rapid access keys to
main menus:
•  Access keys, start/stop and reset keys;
inverter (ONLY “i” VERSION)
•  Led backlit LCD display, Graphic 144 x 32pxel;
The inverter (frequency converter) is an electronic •  24 V AC 50/60Hz Power Supply;
device that can modulate both the voltage and the •  24 V dc Digital Inputs;
frequency of the machine’s mains electrical supply. •  Digital output with clean contacts up to 230Vac
and until 24Vdc;
According to the MAESTROXB commands and the
•  Pressure analog signals (4-20mA);
parameters set by the user, the inverter supplies the
•  Temperature analog signals (NTC);
motor by changing its rotation speed as a consequence.
•  Interfaces:
RS485 (optional) to communicate with
electrical starter supervising PC and lan.
The protection class is IP 64, and it includes: Software characteristics
–– Easy use based on a menu structure;
–– Star-Delta starter (except i version); –– Updating possibility;
–– Fan motor protection (by magneto-thermal switch) –– Display of:
(except i version); •  analogue data: line pressure, oil temperature, dew
–– 110 V transformer for auxiliary circuits; point temperature (Plus version);
–– 24 V transformer MAESTROXB control device; •  general data: alarms, operating messages,
–– Protection fuses for auxiliary and primary circuits of machine status, maximum and minimum pressure;
transformer; •  hour counter: display of schedules of activation,
–– Terminal board for the remote restarting of start/ start, loading, maintenance warns, ;
stop controls and signals; •  events archive: Storage of alarms and blocks,
–– Emergency push-button;
with the indication of the when the alarm was
–– Micro-door;
activated, machine status.
–– Phase sequence relay;
–– Safety block for high temperature in the compressor, The device allow for
motor overload, emergency stop, failure in the –– Multilingual user Interface;
pressure sensor, inverter generic fault, black out. –– weekly and timed programming of start and stop
functions via MAESTROxB extention board (optional)
(standard for i version);
–– Immediate reading on display of data relevant to the
compressor operation:
•  compressor hours of activation and line
pressure of the equipment;
•  oil temperature of the compressor;
•  hours of running and hours of loading;
•  programming of basic parameters for optimum

TI215G0010 3-3
BLADE Description of the machine

operation of compressor accessible by usee; OPTIONALS ACCESSORIES

•  control modes of compressor (Local/remote); The machine can also be customized according to
•  operation modes (Automatic, Continuous, meet different requirements by purchasing specific
Modulation); accessories such as:
•  operation modes: BLADE i (automatic with Inverter
supervision); Separator and condensate drain kit
•  the advanced programming of parameters,
protected by “password” allows the qualified
engineer to change those parameters to which
the user cannot access directly:
Checking the input and output status of the gear
case to detect any failure in the compressor electric
Storage of up to 20 failure events.
The check of the integrated dryer (plus models).
The remote control by clean contacts of the
machine status below: activated compressor
(optional), running compressor (optional),
compressor under load (optional), compressor
blocked (standard).
Heat recovery kit
MAESTROxB, ensures remote monitoring through
To heat water for sanitary and processing purposes.
MODBUS protocol.
The kit is made up of a water/oil plate exchanger,
thermostatic valve and connection piping.

WARNING !!! The kit is a part of the compressor air-cooling system

! The compressor has been designed to and in case of water shortage or reduction in its flow,
compress AIR ONLY. The compression of other the thermostatic valve duly deviates oil to the standard
gases is FORBIDDEN.

3-4 TI215G0010
Description of the machine BLADE

built-in dryer (version plus) ID Plate

The product ID plate contains all the machine’s essential
Each BLADE 15÷22 unit is supplied with a compressed
air cooling radiator. Cooling produces condensation that
is un-loaded from specific separators and drainpipes
that can be applied on the front of the machine (see this
section Optional Accessories).

Many industrial applications require that the

compressed air be al-most completely emptied from
the water vapour it contains so as to prevent any further
condensation from forming inside the line pipes to
which it is connected. Hence, devices that lower the dew
point by a few degrees above 0°C should be installed.

In the plus versions the setting up of the machine

includes a dryer with a refrigerator cycle that guarantees
an adequate compressed air quality. The design of
the compressor allows for integrating a dryer with
refrigerator cycle directly installed on the machine. An
electronic controller controls the dryer, which manages
its functional parameters according to the different Removing or tampering the id plate forfeits the right of
operating load cycles. guarantee.

The Plus versions are equipped with electronic drain

(see p. 3-7, item 17). Mattei suggests performing device
maintenance every two years.

For further details on the dryer, please refer to the

specific manual supplied with the device.

! For compressors in the plus version see tables
“Electricity supply for compressor and dryer”
on page 5-2.

TI215G0010 3-5
BLADE Description of the machine

Operating mode documentation

When the compressor is activated, the drier also starts
The machine comes complete with:
after a pre-set delay. Alarms are inserted with delay to
allow the drier to reach its operating mode. Once this –– n.1 Use and Maintenance Manual complying with
delay has elapsed, the alarms start and begin monitoring Machinery directive CE;
the system. Once started, the dryer compressor group –– n.1 CE Declaration of conformity;
stays on until the following conditions occur: –– n.1 Electrical Diagram (inside the control board);
–– Documents for the optional accessories;
–– The compressor is stopped with the “STOP” push-
–– Maintenance register.
–– He dryer operating limit conditions are exceeded.
The controller manages the dryer operation by
monitoring the dew point temperature that allows the Ing. Enea Mattei SpA has its company quality system
system to run correctly. The operating limits for such a certified according to standard UNI EN ISO 9001 by
parameter are as follows: DNV while the final inspection procedures comply with
standard ISO 1217.
–– The dew point temperature > T. Stop;
–– The dew point temperature < 6°C with Ambient
Temperature ≤ 25°C;
–– The dew point temperature < T.amb. – Δ ambient
with Ambient Temperature > 25°C.
MATTEI sets the Δ ambient value.

If the dew point drops below T. Stop, the controller

will indicate the faulty condition [Ice Alarm] while the
dryer compressor is kept active throughout the time
corresponding to the parameter [Low Temperature
Delay Time]. Once this time has elapsed, the dryer
compressor is stopped so to prevent any ice from forming.
As soon as the temperature rises again above T. Start,
the dryer compressor is re-started and the fault warning
is automatically turned off.

Should the dew point temperature rise above the upper

limit, the controller will indicate the fault condition
[ALARM High Dew Point] for the time that corresponds
to the parameter [High Temperature Delay Time]. When
the set time has elapsed, the alarm warning will stay on.
As soon as the temperature falls again within the above-
mentioned operating interval, the fault warning will be
automatically turned off

NOTE: The user can request Ing. ENEA MATTEI
that the fault in the dryer corresponds to a
machine BLOCK.

NOTE: The design of the dryer prevents
condensate from accumulating and ice from
forming inside it. In case of any failure in the
dryer, by-passing the device is possible by
disconnecting the hose linking it to the air
radiator and connecting it directly to the
delivery side. All joints installed are

3-6 TI215G0010
Description of the machine BLADE

technical data and overall dimensions 8 15 9 21

position of main parts

1 Compressor
2 Air filter
3 Oil separator filter
4 Oil filter
5 Air / oil separator
6 Manometer
7 Electric motor
8 Air / oil radiator
9 Electric starter
10 Oil filler plug
11 Oil drain cock
12 Intake pre-filter
13 Water IN / OUT connections for the heat recovery
14 Condensate drain connection for the dryer (*)
15 MaestroXB 7 19 14 13
16 Dryer (*)
17 Electronic drain (*) 4
18 Air delivery
19 Electricity supply
20 Air deliver (*) 6
21 Inverter (**)
22 Electric fan

(*) Plus version 5

(**) “i” version


10 11 1



TI215G0010 3-7

BLADE 15 - 18 - 22 - Plus - R VERSION

BLADE 15 - 18 - 22 i Plus - R - VERSION

575 635
595 655
590 650
610 670
600 660
620 680


D 3) G 1/2
D1 3) WATER OUTLET G 1/2 ~5,95
Description of the machine
Trasportation and handling BLADE

The whole area for the machine handling,

! including the space between the parking area
for transport means and the machine installing
area should be identified and inspected
beforehand, to identify any possible

Be careful when handling, lifting and transporting the

machine, not to damage it and not to damage things or
cause injuries to persons.

For this purpose:

–– Verify the total mass of the machine and use a

forlift truck or an adequate lifting means. Specific
pictrograms indicate the lifting points.
–– The centre of gravity is near the coupling between
motor and compressor; before lifting, check (lift the
unit from the ground just slightly) that lifting points
are correct and there is not risk of overturning.
–– When lifting, be careful not to damage the bearing
structure (base) of the machine and the soundproof

During the transport, carefully fix the machine to the

means used, by blocking it lengthways and sideways.

It is recommended to protect the machine from

atmospheric agents with suitable covering.

Unpack the machine by removing the guards and place

it on the floor by means of a forklift truck to remove the

TI215G0010 4-1
BLADE Installation

the machine position Together with the compressor a kit to complete the set
up of the machine is supplied, which has to be mounted
In the section “Technical Data” you can find the overall on the base after the compressor installation (see image
dimensions, the weight, and the cooling values of the below).
machine. The compressor must be installed in a covered
and well ventilated area, away form heat sources. It can
be simply placed on a solid and level floor. It does not
require any type of special foundation.

Space and ventilation around the machine are essential.

An air-cooled compressor, driven by an electrical motor,
produces heat equal to about 85% the absorbed power.

For the BLADE 15÷22 Series machines, having the

cooling air outlet on the canopy top panel, the distance
from the ceiling should not be lower than 1,5 meters.

If such a clearance is not possible, a hot air conveyor

must be installed (see further on the section on ducts
size and heat recovery). The 1,5 meter distance, free from
any obstructions, should be also kept on the intake end.

To make it easier to perform checks and maintenance

operations on the compressor leave at least 1,5 m
clearance from all other sides.

≥ ≥

5-1 TI215G0010
Installation BLADE

electrical connection connection to the air network

Only qualified staff should connect the
power to the electrical network and in distribution of compressed air
compliance to the enforced regulations.
Only qualified staff should carry out the connection
to the air distribution system, in compliance with the
regulations in force.
! To permit safe maintenance of all the The aim of distributing air is to bring compressed air
compressor parts, including the electrical from the machine to the end users, with the lowest
board, the Customer should install pressure drop and energy waste.
an automatic line knife switch and a To avoid losses and wastes, regularly check all pipings of
magnetothermal switch of an adequate size the distribution equipment and all accessories.
as close as possible to the machine.
Filters, regulators, and other accessories should undergo
The characteristics of the electrical motor start should proper maintenance. The connecting pipe to the system
be taken into consideration when choosing the line should be flexible and with a diameter not lower than
knife switch and the magnetothermal switch. the pipe leaving the machine.
The size adaptation of the power cables between line A detect valve is required to isolate the machine from
knife switch and the control board of the compressor the air distribution system in case of maintenance.
should be made using the values given on the technical
! The machine is equipped with a NON RETURN
All the machine auxiliary components are already VALVE; if the detect valve is closed when the
connected to the control and check board and are air distribution is operating some air under
powered with the transformer. pressure could remain inside the connecting
For further details, use the specific electrical diagram pipe! Arrange a draining system for the
supplied with the machine or the general one attached piece of piping between the compressor and
to this Manual. the detect valve. In case there is the need
to disconnect the machine, ensure that the
WARNING !!! internal pressure is exhausted before the
! It is to be noted that the machine should dismantling procedure.
ALWAYS be connected to the earthed
equipment. Near the machine, derive a flexible hose from the
distribution system and connect it to a blowing gun: it is
needed for periodic cleaning of the radiator, the intake
Compressor Supply filter and all other machine components.
400 Vac 50 Hz Trifase The air drawn in by compressors contains, in a variable
Three-phases ( 3F + )
460 Vac 60 Hz quantity and depending on the ambient conditions, a
certain quantity of water indicated as relative humidity.
Dryer Supply After air has been compressed, it is cooled in a specific
radiator, which all versions of the Mattei compressors
50 Hz Monofase
230 Vac ( 1F + N + ) are supplied with.
60 Hz Single Phase
Cooling air produces condensate of a good quantity
of the water it contains. The condensate produced
is separated and drained with an automatic device

Please note that condensate should be collected and

eliminated in compliance with current laws.

TI215G0010 5-2
BLADE Installation

Dimensions of compressED air

distribution piping
We mention that the main causes for wastes are pipings With a pipe having the same diameter as the compressor
with unsuitable diameter and losses due to an improper outlet, the length should not exceed 50 m.
setting up of the equipment or deteriorated materials.
To make a check of one’s own equipment, “Table 1”
The pipe diameter must be duly selected so as to gives the load losses, over 100 metres straight piping,
minimize the pressure drop between the compressor or according to nominal diameters usually employed and
the storage receiver and the point of use, based on the at different air delivery and working pressure conditions.
machine features, like air delivery and working pressure.
A perfect air distribution system should limit the
The pressure drop is proportional to the pipe length pressure drop from compressor to the point of use
and most losses occur during the change of direction within few tenths of bar.
(curves, elbows) and in the valves.

Table 1 - Load leaks (bar) over 100 m straight piping

Diameter Nominal delivery

piping [m3/min]

6 7 8 9 10
1 0,087 0,076 0,068 0,061 0,056
2 0,315 0,275 0,245 0,220 0,200
3 0,666 0,583 0,518 0,467 0,424
4 1,134 0,993 0,883 0,795 0,722
4 0,038 0,033 0,030 0,027 0,024
8 0,138 0,120 0,107 0,096 0,088
16 0,496 0,434 0,386 0,347 0,316
24 1,050 0,919 0,817 0,735 0,669
8 0,019 0,017 0,015 0,013 0,011
16 0,069 0,060 0,054 0,048 0,044
32 0,248 0,217 0,193 0,174 0,158
64 0,894 0,783 0,696 0,626 0,570
16 0,018 0,015 0,014 0,012 0,011
32 0,064 0,056 0,050 0,045 0,041
64 0,230 0,201 0,179 0,161 0,146
128 0,829 0,725 0,645 0,580 0,528

5-3 TI215G0010
Installation BLADE

heat recovery
As mentioned in above section on Page 3.03, a fan As an example, a duct with a higher or equal section
produces an airflow that cools both the oil and the to the coming out of the machine (the output grid on
compressed air, heating up when it goes through the those versions equipped with a soundproof case), made
radiator. up of some 10 m of straight duct and two 90° elbows
properly connected, allows the maximum tolerated
The recoverable heat represents about 100% of the limits to be maintained. However, it should be noted
power installed in the BLADE 15÷22 Series machines. that 10 Pa increase corresponds to some 2-3°C increase
The heat produced can be conveniently recovered and in operating temperatures. As for the recoverable heat,
used to heat rooms. it should be noted that 1 kW of installed power allows
for the heating up a volume of about 30 cubic meters by
Any duct should be adequately sized and, if necessary,
1 K (1 kW = 860 kcal/h).
shaped in such a way to allow for a correct use during
Winter and the output of hot air during Summer. The In the technical data sheets attached to this manual
duct to recover/output hot air should be designed by the values required to realize that which is mentioned
a competent engineer and should limit the load loss at above are indicated.
approximately 20 Pa. If the duct offers greater resistance,
an auxiliary extractor should be used to prevent any
overheating of the machine.

TI215G0010 5-4
BLADE Safety devices

Emergency push-button Servovalve

The machine stops immediately when the button is Besides the operating pressure control perfomed by
pressed, while skipping the regular stop sequence MAESTROXB, compressors of BLADE 15÷22 Series, keep
provided by the STOP button. the modulation and off load functions by means of a
servovalve. This servovalve limits the maximum operating
This button is to be used also in an emergency situation. pressure, during the CONTINUOUS mode operation by
Frequent stops of the compressor by means of this acting on the intake valve, which closes as the internal
button may damage its operation. pressure increases. The maximum operating pressure is
set at its optimal value during the final inspection and
! Please refer to the Manual of the “MAESTROXB”
DOES NOT require any further adjustments.
Control attached to this manual for the
Setting the servo valve maximum pressures
detailed description of keys, programming,
and all of its functions. Version L H HH
Servo valves 8 bar 10 bar 13 bar

Safety Valve
A safety valve protects the compressor in case of air
overpressure inside the chamber, while limiting the
value to its own setting limit. The safety valve is set on
12 bar for L, H and BLADE i version of compressors and
15 bar for HH versions.

Compressor operation depends on the set
values; it is suggested to ask for modification
of settings only in case of real need and with
knowledge. Only skilled personnel should
make the setting.

! DO NOT set the servovalve at HIGHER values
than those used by the manufacturer, Ing.
Enea Mattei S.p.A. In fact, if the machine
works at higher pressures it absorbs greater
power. This could lead to overheating and the
stopping of the machine.

6-1 TI215G0010
Commands and Control BLADE

The buttons are backlit for enhanced clarity and, in some
cases, in order to complete the information provided by
the device.

Key - ON/OFF:
To switch on/off the compressor.

Arrow Down key:

It has different functions:
• to scroll the menu items downwards
• to decrease the numerical variable
MaestroXB is a programmable device to control the o in Modify mode, or to move the
machine that can adapt its operation to the specific selection.
requirements of the network it is connected to.

It has several programming levels, with special possibili- Reset/Escare key:

ties of control/analysis of operation and of failures. To jump to next level during menu
The advanced programming and analysis levels are pro- navigation. It also has a Reset function in
tected by digital codes so as to prevent any unintentio- case of anomalies.
nal tampering.
Maestro XB has a storage that saves the settings made Arrow Up key:
over time as well as the data on operation even if the It has different functions:
machine is not connected to the electrical line or if vol- • to scroll the menu items upwards;
tage drops occur. • in Modify mode, to increase the
It is possible to set an “OPTIONAL” weekly programming. numerical value or to move the

Enter key:
It also has different functions:
• to open the memory before a
modification and to close it after
• to disable the single working days in
Clock mode (optional).

TI215G0010 7-1
BLADE How to use the machine

Foreword operation modes (BLADE VERSION)

The user should appoint a qualified person for operation To meet the users’ requirements, Mattei compressors
and maintenance of the machine. have been designed to work in three main operating
He should properly train all operators, so that they are modes: Continuous, Automatic and Modulation.
acquainted with all needed measures to prevent any
accident or injury to people. The factory mode is AUTOMATIC. To modify the preset
mode, see Page 16 of MAESTROXB User Manual.
All start and stop procedures as well as the emergency
ones should be known. They should also be reviewed at An overview of these two options is given below.
regular intervals with the operators.
Continuous mode (cont) and modulation
The Use and Maintenance Manual should always be
easily available. If lost or damaged, further copies can be In this mode, the compressor delivers air within a clearly
purchased from the Mattei Sales Organization. defined pressure range; maximum and minimum values
are factory-set by Mattei though they can be customised
using the programming functions in the [User] menu.
checks before start When pressure reaches the maximum value (Pmax)
Before starting the machine, ensure that : the compressor is off-loaded (suction valve closed) and
decompressed in order to reduce power consumption.
–– the electrical system complies with voltage and As soon as a request for air from the network reduces
power of the machine and that wires are of suitable pressure to the minimum value (Pmin) the compressor
section; loads again and resumes air delivery. The compressor
–– the machine is connected to earth and protected can be stopped at any time by pressing the stop button:
from any short circuits; the stopping procedure comprises a no-load run phase
–– the line knife switch is installed near the machine; which lasts for a set time during which the compressor
–– the machine oil level is correct. When the machine is is decompressed.
still and without pressure in the chamber, oil should
exceed the visual check pilot light. If the level is NOTE
insufficient, fill it up with suitable oil and of the same
type as the one used;
F If the unit is enabled with a line pressure greater
than the set minimum pressure, the compressor
–– the machine is connected to the compressed air does not start but waits for the pressure to fall
system. below the minimum value.





8-1 TI215G0010
How to use the machine BLADE

AUTOMATIC mode (Auto) By suitably adjusting the its “servo-valve”, the compressor
can modulate before reaching Pmax. This means that
This mode adds another function to the previous one:
Pmax can only be reached in case of very low or nil
the compressor can automatically stop at low or no air
demand conditions. The cycle is the following. When line

pressure reaches Pmax, the compressor is “off-loaded”; Note
at this point, two things can happen.
If the unit is enabled with a line pressure greater
1. if there is no demand for air it runs no-load for a than the set minimum pressure, the compressor
certain period of time TMV (No-load Run Time) and does not start but waits for the pressure to fall
stops when this period of time expires; it starts again below the minimum value.
as soon as line pressure falls below Pmin;
2. if line pressure falls to Pmin before TMV expires, the
compressor is “recharged”.

The above operating mode can be combined with a

special characteristic of MATTEI rotary compressors, the






TI215G0010 8-2
BLADE How to use the machine

All MATTEI compressors are fitted with an automatic The modulation bandwidth is typically 0.3 bar.
system for adjusting pressure according to delivery
pressure. The internal pressure of the compressor Suppose maximum no-load pressure is set (using
depends (partly) on line pressure and, consequently, on the SERVO-VALVE) to 7.3 bar.
the demand for air; when the latter drops or is nil, line –– For pressure values lower than 7 bar (7.3 - 0.3 =
pressure and internal pressure increase. 7), the compressor delivers 100% of its capacity;
In Mattei compressors, the maximum pressure at which –– For values ranging from 7 to 7.3 bar (the
the unit runs no-load can be set (by calibrating a valve). modulation band), the compressor delivers
For values slightly below maximum, the suction valve is less than its rated capacity, suitable for line
only “partially” closed by suitably modulating machine demand.
capacity to line requirements. Maximum pressure and
values slightly below this define a field or range which is

This operating mode exploits this potential. The control

unit ignores the Pmax and Pmin settings and operates
the compressor without stopping except in case of an
operator command.




8-3 TI215G0010
How to use the machine BLADE

operation modes (BLADE i VERSION) If the compressor is installed on a system with

incorrectly sized tanks, the inverter may not be
The Blade i version, fitted with an INVERTER, is currently able to decelerate rapidly and thus allowing the
the most flexible product in the MATTEI range of line pressure to exceed the Pmax. Consequently,
industrial compressors. the compressor reverts to the no-load condition
Generally, speaking, air requirements in a user after a certain period of time, regardless of its
network are not constant but vary continuously. These operating speed.
variations occur for many reasons, such as different
usage, maintenance and reprogramming frequencies,
underuse and/or overuse caused by different production
controller MAESTROXB
cycles and work shifts. In order to communicate with the user, MAESTRO
features various menus that allow the compressor to
All these factors lead to variable air requirements which be monitored and programmed. These are divided by
Blade i is able to satisfy thanks to its elevated operating function and not all of them can be accessed by the final
flexibility. Blade i varies its speed of rotation in order to customer. Some of them are protected by one or more
adjust air flow to effective requirements. passwords. The menus are divided according to the
To perform this operation Blade i is equipped with functions that they control.
pressure sensor that constantly detect the pressure of The main menus used to manage the compressor are:
the delivered air and, consequently ,the line pressure.
Like for all standard compressors, the user sets the max Menu User access
and Pmin values (the minimum difference between
Monitor Menu Yes
these two values cannot be lower than 0,1 bar) and
establishes in this way the pressure range within which User Menu Yes
to operate. Advanced Menu No
Clock Menu Yes
MaestroXB calculates a target pressure as the average Log Menu Yes
value of the set values (PID). It maintains the pressure
Network Menu Yes
around this value by modifying the engine speed when
the pressure read moves away from the target pressure. Info Menu Yes
The various menus also use texts informing the user
of the meaning of the variables and the functions they
For a more detailed description of individual menus,
please refer to the MAESTROXB manual supplied with this

Operational Failures
Failures can be divided as follows:
–– Failures with an intervention signal (alarms).

F The top speed is closely connected with the

maximum pressure. This makes it possible to –– Failures causing the immediate stop of the
optimise the compressor consumption and compressor (blocks).
prevent the motor from overloading.

Once the no-load condition has been reached The card signals a failure by lighting of the reset button,
and the no-load run time is terminated, the together with a visual signal through icons and a sliding
compressor only stops if the oil temperature description.
exceeds the value set. The line pressure is
controlled in order to prevent it from exceeding
the Pmax over a certain delta.

Press “Reset” key a second time to reset the compressor


TI215G0010 8-4
BLADE How to use the machine

WARNING !!! The machine can be started according to the

! If the failure cause cannot be solved, the previously described sequence, but it actually
compressor will not start as the failure appears starts only provided that the line pressure is
to be still active and re-displays the intervention lower than the Pmin value set on the main
request. unit.

WARNING !!! In case the line pressure is higher than Pmin, the
! The rotation in the wrong direction can seriously following page shall be displayed.
damage the compressor.

After completing all preliminary operations

before start-up, described in the previous
pages, this is the MAESTROXB page displayed:

MAESTROXB has a control logic that prevents
an excessive number of consecutives starts.
This logic is cleared by the user ’s manual
intervention, if he/she acts directly by turning
off and on the machine manually.
Press the key to switch the compressor “on” ! An excessive number of consecutive starts may
damage the main motor.

The compressor is started; it starts off load (intake valve Operate manually only in case of real need and
closed) and then goes on load after a pre-set time, wait for a reasonable amount of time before
subsequent to the star-delta switching delay. restarting the machine.

The compressor, from this moment on, delivers The number of starts depends now on many
compressed air according to the set operation mode parameters,the rated power,the operation
After start-up, the following page is displayed: cycle,the working pressure,and the ambient

For any requirement,please contact MATTEI.


To stop the compressor, press key

The compressor is unloaded (decompressed) for a preset

time (basic programming).

After the motor has stopped the residual pressure inside

the compressor discharges completely in approximately
one minute. The following page shall be displayed:

8-5 TI215G0010
Maintenance BLADE


During maintenance operations pay attention to all
machine CLEANING signs that may precede a failure, and specifically:
Cleaning of the equipment should be carried out at –– presence of corrosion,
regular intervals, while following the schedule quoted –– presence of wear,
in this manual. –– presence of loose unions or connections,
–– presence of oxide contacts,
To clean delicate parts of the machine direct the
–– after each maintenance operation, exhaust the air
compressed air jet so that neither machining waste nor
from the pneumatic pipings.
humidity can penetrate in the mechanic assemblies.

Only use lint-free cloths to clean internal and / or moving minimizing downtimes after a failure
parts (in contact with lubricant). Always use perfectlly It should be noted that correctly performed maintenance
dry air during the cleaning and at suitable pressure to intervention may minimize downtimes after a failure. A
avoid injuries to the operator. repair made in due time prevents further deterioration.

Only use original spare parts and repair the damaged

MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE component thoroughly, by your factory or send it to the
The time intervals in the maintenance tables are only nearest authorised service centre.
reference values concerning the machine operation at
the company’s conditions.

Environment factors affecting these intervals are mainly:

machine environment (temperature, humidity) and air

machine lubrication
Use only the lubricant quantity needed to lubricate
the involved mechanism. Carefully dry the excess oil or
grease with a cloth.

Sometimes an excess or a lack of lubricant may

jeopardize the machine operation.

Only recommended lubricants or well know and tested

equivalent lubricants should be used for lubrification.

Replacement of the exhausted oils should be made

when the machine is warm. The oil temperature should
range between 25 and 30°C (see Section 10).

The draining and filling holes should not be left open for
more than the time needed to replace the oil.

TI215G0010 9-1
BLADE Maintenance



CHECK The event that occurs first OPERATING HOURS

EVERY 50 200 500 1000 5000

Tighten nuts and screws fixing the
cables in the command and control after the first 50 hours and
electrical board and in the terminal then every 6 months
board of electrical motors
within the first 300 hours
Clean the oil return valves of operation and then
every 3 months
Check the oil level week
Check and Clean the solenoid valve
filter of condensate drain (with week
optional kit)
Clean the suction filter month
Clean the oil radiator month
Clean the air radiator month
Clean the intake pre-filter month
Rotoroil F2 oil change* 2 years

* For other lubricant refer to Section 10

! In dusty environments and/or at high temperatures maintenance operations should be carried out more
The manufacturing date is quoted on rubber hoses.
Their operating life is 3 years, after which they should be replaced.
! For compressors equipped with INVERTER, before performing any maintenance job, wait at least 5
minutes after you have disconnected the electricity supply.

! Scheduled maintenance agreements are available, to help the user keeping the machines at best operating
and efficiency conditions. Please apply to Ing. ENEA MATTEI S.p.A. for further details.

9-2 TI215G0010
Maintenance BLADE

MAINTENANCE KIT Each maintenance kit includes all the necessary

components for the ordinary maintenance operations.
For overhauling and for preventive maintenance, a wide
range of Service Kits is available. For codes and further information, please contact Ing.


CHECK The event that occurs first

EVERY 2500 5000 10000 15000 20000

Kit warranty A 1 year
Kit warranty B 2 years
Kit warranty C –
Kit warranty D –
Ordinary maintenance kit 1 year
Separator maintenance kit 2 years
Valves maintenance kit 3 years
RSU gaskets kit 4 years


The Warranty kits A-B-C-D provided for the preventive In case of standard warranty, MATTEI recommend use of the
maintenance contain all parts to be used to maintain the same kits. Alternatively, the maintenance technician avails of
compressor in the best working condition. Fitting or replacement Service Kit or single components as spare parts but it is absolutely
of items in the due times will meet the expected safety and necessary that the following replacements are made not later
correct operation requirements. The extended warranty than the scheduled times, otherwise there could be safety risks
contracts impose use of the mentioned kits and ensure that any for the persons and the compressor itself.
of the critical parts is replaced before it can deteriorate.

Time inverval Job

within 5000 hours and at every oil changere place the oil filter (and all related gaskets)
within 5000 hours and at every oil change replace the thermostatic bulb
within 5000 hours replace the filtering element/s of the final separator
within 10000 hours replace the coupling elastic element
within 10000 hours replace the off-load solenoid valve and relative pipes

TI215G0010 9-3
BLADE Maintenance

CHECK OF OIL LEVEL cleaning the air/oil radiator

With compressor not operating and without pressure in The radiator is in the machine body. The cooling flow
the chamber the oil level should touch the filling nozzle. goes through the radiator from the inside to the outside
of the machine. Hence blow a jet of compressed air
through the radiator on the side of the opening of the
cooling air exhaust. Remove any dirt that has come from
the inside of the machine body.

cleaning the pre-filter

The machine is equipped with a pre-filter to remove
dust and is articulated by the inflow of air.

It glides on metallic guides in the rear door and should

be withdrawn from its housing for replacement or
cleaning purposes.
cleaning and/or replacing the air
suction filter
The filter cartridge is integrated to the cover itself.
Turn the filter cap counterclockwise (Pict. 1); withdraw
the filtering cartridge (Pict. 2); clean the cartridge with
compressed air. Direct the air jet to the inside of the
cartridge. To reassemble apply the reverse procedure of
the disassembly.

It filters the suction air and washes the compressor while

preventing foreign matters from entering the machine.

Replacement of Oil Filter Element

Replace the oil filter element each time the oil is
changed. Be sure that the machine is switched off.

Dismantle the filter element (Pict. 3 - pos. 1) by using

2 chain tongs and replace it with a new unit. Before
locking the filter element, lubricate the gasket. Screw
the new filter element manually.

Replacement of the Air-Oil separator

Filter Element
Be sure that the machine is switched off. Open the
inspection panel. Dismantle the filter element (Pict. 3 -
pos. 2) by using chain tongs and replace it with a new
unit. Before locking the filter element, lubricate the
gasket. Screw the new filter element manually.

9-4 TI215G0010
Maintenance BLADE



2 4

Once the oil seal has been replaced in the flange, rebuild
the part using the given tool (Pict. 5 - pos. 3).
replacement of the elastic element
BLADE 15 ÷ 22 has been designed in a way that makes
it possible to replace the elastic element without having 3
to dismantle the rotor-stator unit. Before starting, make
sure the compressor is correctly isolated from the
electrical supply. Remove the three protective covers
from the coupling assembly.

Rebuild the compressor hub (and the new elastic

element) with the given tool by maintaining an axial

Loosen the motor hub fixing screws. Slid the motor hub
and the elastic element to the right along the motor
shaft close to the motor flange.

Therefore, tighten the fixing screws with the torque

wrench (120 Nm couple). Make the elastic element and
motor hub flow towards the compressor, until it meets
the other edge of the given tool.

With an extended hexagon key remove the fixing screws

from the compressor hub taking advantage of the gap
created by the sliding.

Remove the two halves through the holes in the

coupling assembly and replace the old elastic element.
In this phase it is also possible to easily replace the oil
seal. First, remove the rotor shaft key (Pict. 4 - pos. 1) and
the seal housing flange (Pict. 4 - pos. 2).
Tighten the fixing screws as explained above. Remove
the tool from the elastic coupling.

TI215G0010 9-5
BLADE Lubricants

oil change Lastly close the cock. It is recommended to be very

careful about emptying the oil circuit completely
because the quantity of used oil which remains trapped
in the circuit may contaminate the new oil.
As mentioned above, oil performs multiple functions that
are crucial to the smooth operation of the compressor Fill the separator with new oil until lapping the filling
and, consequently, it is essential check both its quantity nozzle (Pict. 3).
and condition at the recommended frequency. Please
refer to the specific tables for selecting the oil types
most suitable to the different operating conditions.

first change of oil

If not otherwise indicated on the specific plate, the
compressor is supplied with Rotoroil F2 oil. The first
oil change and the first oil filter change should take
place within 5000 hours or a year. It is to be noted that 3
expired oil is dangerous for the smooth operation of
the compressor, hence once the forecast interval for its
change has elapsed, it should be replaced. Start and make it run until the thermostatic valve opens;
this effectively happens when the oil cooler becomes
Oil replacement should be done with the machine off hot. When the thermostatic valve is open, stop the
and with warm oil. To drain oil, wait for the complete compressor through normal procedure. Open the
depressurization of the compressor, while verifying separator cap again and further fill until lapping the
that the pressure gauge on the separator or on the tank separator nozzle. Replace the cap gasket and tighten
shows that no more pressure exists inside. properly. Do not make any other top up.

Unscrew the cap of the filling gate slowly (Pict. 1), while
paying attention to the possible presence of foam. If using MATTEI lubricants
necessary, wait for some minutes for the oil to demulsify. It is recommended to use Mattei Lubricants. The
subsequent changes could be made at the forecasted

Should the machine have already worked for a long

period with other oils, and should lacquers and deposits
be present, then it is recommended to wash with
Rotoroil F2 and V-Life Cold for some 200 hours, so as to
remove all residual impurities.

It is also recommended, when filling the machine up

1 with new oil, to replace the oil filter and the separator
Open the drain plug (Pict. 2) and drain the oil into a
suitable container.

10-1 TI215G0010
Lubricants BLADE

Lubricants are flammable products. –– Apply a skin cream, after washing;

–– Take out and change clothes and shoes soaked with
Observe the indications given on the containers! oil;
–– Never put oil soaked cloths in pockets.
During the disposal of exhausted lubricants it is
necessary to comply with following environment
protection rules: GENERAL
Several oils are available on the market and research
–– Lubricants may contaminate water and soil! Never
continues to improve their characteristics and it changes
pour lubricants on the ground, into water, or in the
the names and specifications.
sewerage system. Any infringement of these rules
can be legally prosecuted! When handling lubricants When the warranty period is over, during which the
keep an oil agglomerative base near the working use of Mattei Rotoroil lubricant is compulsory, the user
area; can decide to use the oil he believes most suitable or
–– Recover the exhausted lubricants while separating the available one, provided it is suitable for rotary vane
the mineral based from synthetic lubricants.Upon compressors. Only manufacturers of lubricants can
disposal, please comply with current regulations recommend the most suitable oil for the type of machine
concerning the disposal of exhausted oils. and for its specific application. The user should then
purchase the oil from an oil company or a distributor
Only the use of lubricants with suitable quality
that guarantees its suitability to the specific use.
guarantees a safe operation of the machine.
The cost of the best lubricant is a small percentage of
It is forbidden to mix lubricants of a different quality,
the total running cost of the machine: it is suggested to
as their composition and additives are not the same.
purchase the best available on the market (See Section -
This rule should be mainly applied to synthetic and
mineral lubricant mixtures.
Please consider that in lubricated and injection cooled
If other lubricants are to be used, it should be first
compressors the oil performs the listed tasks and it is
verified beforehand if the two products are compatible.
subject to continuous working cycles; hence, it should
In case of doubts, the lubricant used up to that moment
be highly resistant to oxidation to ensure long life. The oil
should be completely eliminated, by means of a washing
should also provide a good demulsibility. Anti-oxidizing
procedure of the fluid circuit.
additives should provide low volatile substances at the
To avoid any risk of contamination, the lubrication compressor operating temperatures, so as to ensure
procedures should be carried out under “absolute good protection between one oil filling and the other.
cleanliness” conditions.
The user must adopt the kind of oil grade recommended
All the manufacturers of lubricants mentioned in the by Mattei. Please refer to the specific table for the choice,
table offer a technical information service that may according to the operating conditions.
answer all your questions on lubrication.
MATTEI lubricants
warning Considering the important role of lubricant for operation
The correct use of suitable lubricants considerably of the compressor, Mattei offers special lubricants to the
helps to obtain the maximum performance and the users and recommends their use. These are:
elimination of failures. During the handling of lubricants
–– Mattei Rotoroil F2 (synthetic)
on equipments, it is essential to strictly comply with the
–– Mattei V-Life Cold (synthetic)
following precautions, for sanitary protection:
–– Mattei V-Life Food (atoxic synthetic)
–– Avoid any prolonged, excessive or repeated contact They come in cans of 2 - 5 - 20 liters.
of the skin with lubricating products as well as avoid
inhalation of their vapors or fumes. ; Their life can reach the hours shown in the table,
–– Wear suitable clothing and protection to protect depending on the operating temperature and
the skin (for instance overalls, eyeglasses or, as far conditions of the intake air.
as allowed by the safety rules, protection gloves) or
apply a protective product;
–– Clean dirty skin carefully by abundantly washing it
with water and soap;

TI215G0010 10-2
BLADE Lubricants

Mattei lubricants storage and treatment of oils

Ambient Working Usually, lubricants containers are built so as to prevent
Name any contamination. When the user receives the lubricant,
temperature hours (max.)
it is under his responsibility to avoid damages or
Rotoroil F2 From - 15° to + 45 °C 5000 pollution to the same. The lubricant may get damaged
due to:
V-Life Cold From - 30° to + 45 °C 6000
–– dust and dirt;
V-Life Food From - 5° to + 40 °C 4000
–– condensate, mainly due to absorbing humidity from
the air;
safety precautions –– extreme temperatures;
–– mixing with other oil types.
There is a latent risk of fire in almost all compressed air
systems and ISO 5388 Standard explains the reasons. Please note that dirt in the oil reduces its efficiency and
In fact, in compressed air systems both oxygen and oil causes wear of those parts it comes into contact with,
are always present and are combustible. Should for any therefore there is the need to increase maintenance.
reason oil vapours form, these could burn in presence Instead, condensate cancels the effect of some additives,
of a flame; an ignition source may start a fire in case of often present in very limited quantities. Oil containers
use of excessive or unsuitable oil, or when neglecting should be stored in protected rooms, avoiding exposure
maintenance. to extreme temperatures.

Faulty maintenance has been mentioned, because WARNING !!!

a dirty radiator may cause a temperature rise, often ! Absolutely avoid the mixing of oils of a
quickly, which leads to oil damage and to the creation different grade and quality. Although looking
of deposits. alike, they could not be compatible.

Such processes are accelerated if unsuitable oil is used. Also beware of oil leaks, not only being a
waste, but also polluting, causing falls or
Based on experience, fires are almost never caused by injuries to people and also fires.
the fact that the oil self-ignition temperature is reached
(340-400 °C).

Usually the cause is that the oil, while decomposing,

creates carbon residues that when in contact with air
and high temperature, continue to oxidize and, under
special conditions, may ignite.

So it is essential to use suitable lubricants and carry out

correct maintenance.

! It is felt that to prevent fire risks the best
attention should be given to the selection of oil
and the execution of maintenance operations,
specifically by:

– out regular and complete oil changes;
– that the cooling system is always
efficient, with often checks to the oil
– that protecting devices installed are
always in perfect working order;
– the oil consumption under control;
––take care of the machine cleaning.

10-3 TI215G0010
Troubleshooting BLADE

GENERAL The table below aims at helping the operator solve

some difficulties should they arise while indicating their
As mentioned in the section dedicated to protections, possible causes.
the command and control board controls the smooth
operation of the compressor.

It is possible that, due to the incorrect use of the

PROBLEM - CAUSe - solution
machine, or incorrect maintenance or unforeseen Below some possible failures are indicated with their
conditions, etc., malfunctions occur and that only their causes and how to identify the correct solution.
effects are indicated.


A. Start
The power supply line is insufficient Check for the correct size of the supply
MaestroXB works, start is allowed
and the excessive drop of voltage line. Please refer to the “Installation,
but the star/triangle admission
following the start provokes the Use and Maintenance Manual” in
commutation or start Inverter does
contactors or the Inverter safety relay Section 5. Contact the nearest
not take function correctly.
(i version) to be released. authorized service center.
Pressure inside the compressor is
higher than the maximum tolerated Check the inner pressure on the
value for the start: or for an abnormal pressure gauge of the separator and
return of the network air, or because compare it with the value given by
MaestroXB works, it enables the start, the pressure transducer reads an MaestroXB. Verify the correct operation
but the compressor does not start. incorrect value. of the pressure detection system:
The hour programming has been transducer, collector and switching
enabled. solenoid valves. Contact the nearest
The compressor runs within a network authorized service center.
with other compressors.
B. Pressure
The servo valve has not been correctly Verify the setting. Contact the nearest
gauged. authorized service center.
The unload solenoid valve is blocked Replace the solenoid valve. Contact
in the open position. the nearest authorized service center.
Verify the operation.
The minimum pressure valve does not
Contact the nearest authorized service
The network pressure does not reach function correctly.
the required value. center.
Replace the filter. Please refer to the
Suction filter clogged. “Installation, Use and Maintenance
Manual”, Section 9.
Please refer to the Sales Organization
Request for air greater than the
of Ing. Enea Mattei S.p.A. to study
compressor maximum capacity.
equipment improvement.
Verify both the servo valve and
The servo valve has not been gauged
the correct setting of operating
The inner pressure exceeds the set correctly and/or the setting of the
parameters. Please refer to the
value. maximum pressure value in the [USER
“Installation, Use and Maintenance
MENU] menu is incorrect.
Manual”, Section 6 and 8.

TI215G0010 11-1
BLADE Troubleshooting

C. Oil
Excessive oil consumption; the level
Replace filter and verify the causes of
lowers too quickly; oil is detected The air - oil separator filter is clogged.
the clogging. (see Section 9).
within the network.
D. Temperature
The radiator or the filter of the
The compressor stops due to its own cooling air is dirty; the environmental Verify the cause and remove the
over-heating. temperature is excessive for the problem (see Section 9).
compressor operation.
Verify the setting and re-set to the
Excessive working pressure. value foreseen for the machine (see
The compressor stops due to the over- Section 9).
heating of the motor. The main motor cooling is insufficient; Verify the environmental conditions
the motor sucks too little air or too and the condition of the filtering panel
much warm air. (see Section 9).

Inverter malfunctions
These malfunctions are closely tied to the installation and use of compressors equipped with inverters.


No 0 – 10Vdc reference signal. Replace the MaestroXB.

Check that the start-up command
The compressor won’t start. No enablement command. reaches the inverter. Call Mattei
technical support service.
Inverter not programmed. Call Mattei technical support service.

11-2 TI215G0010
The electrical motor BLADE

GENERAL cooling
The characteristics of the electrical motor are described The motor is equipped with a cover and fan, to guarantee
on the plate mounted on the said motor and are: proper cooling. Check that dirt does not form on this
cover as it could reduce the cooling air passage.
–– Model
–– Serial number
–– Protection degree abnormal noises
–– Insulation class
–– Max ambient temperature Any vibration or abnormal noise is usually due
–– Service to deterioration of the bearings. In this case it is
–– Service factor recommended to replace the bearings rather than
–– Supply voltage [V] risking more serious problems to the motor or the
–– Frequency [Hz] machine.
–– Speed [giri/min1]
–– Power [kW]
electriCal checks
–– Power factor [cos φ]
–– Rated intensity [A] If the machine has been stored for long period or in the
–– Motor weight case of long stops in damp places, it is recommended to
–– Type of bearings (front and rear) measure the winding insulation value by applying 500
V d.c. voltage for 60 seconds. Insulation should be of at
LUBRIFICAtion least 10 MΩ (MegaOhms) in warm conditions or 100 MΩ
in cold conditions.
The same plate also indicates the type of bearings
mounted, for which it is recommended to use lithium Should these values not be detected and in case the
based grease for the lubrication. motor has been exposed to damp, it is suggested to dry
it for 24 hours in a furnace at 100-110°C. If no furnaces
Greasing (where necessary) should be carried out when are available, please contact the manufacturer.
the motor is running.
The lubrication intervals should never be longer than ! Before starting the machine, verify that
the solar year. the nuts blocking the power supply cable
terminal boards are well tightened.

TI215G0010 12-1
BLADE Storage - Decommissioning and dismantling

storage To deactivate the machine permanently, apply

the following procedure:
The compressor is protected against corrosion and
deterioration for the shipment period and for a relatively –– drain the oil from the tank;
short (3 months) period of storage. –– disconnect the machine from the power
supply and pneumatic feed systems;
For any longer periods, please contact the manufacturer, –– lift the machine with proper lifting apparatus;
while considering that the maximum time of 24 months. –– remove the machine from its main
However, it is suggested to keep the machine in a dry components;
place, protected from atmospheric agents. In case of –– block all moving parts of the machine;
damp climates, to protect both the electrical and the –– dump all the machine components in
mechanical parts, the machine should be kept in a controlled dumping sites.
heated room or closed in a barrier- bag with heaters or
light bulbs. residual risks after deactivation
For the motor specifically, please refer to that which has After deactivating the machine, if all moving parts have
been indicated on the winding insulation. been duly blocked, no residual risks exist.

Decommissioning the machine does not imply special
precautions but for the collection of the oil contained
in the machine and the lubrication system components,
i.e. the oil filter and the oil-air separators.

! Both these elements and the oil should be
collected and dumped in compliance with
the current regulations on the environment
in order to avoid any pollution and danger of

Once the machine has reached the end of its
technical and operating life, it can be demolished, i.e.
decommissioned and put in such a condition so as not
to be used any longer for the purposes it was designed
and built, with the possible recycling of raw materials.

Ing. ENEA MATTEI S.p.A. denies all
responsibility for damage to people or things
that may derive from the recycling of individual
parts of the machine for functions or assembly
situations different from the original ones.

Ing. ENEA MATTEI S.p.A. declines any

acknowledgement, be it implicit or explicit, of
the suitability to specific purposes of parts of
the machine reused after the final dismantling
the machine.

! The operations of deactivation and dismantling
of the machine should be entrusted only to duly
trained and equipped staff.

13-1 TI215G0010
Condensate unload in Optional Kit BLADE

cleaning the drain solenoid valve filter

Unscrew the connection and remove the drain solenoid

Withdraw the solenoid valve filter using beak pliers,

remove any dirt and wash with detergent.

Re-assemble in the reverse order while paying special

attention to the position of the solenoid valve seal.

TI215G0010 14-1
BLADE Attachments

form to request technical service

Strada Padana Superiore, 307 - 20090 Vimodrone (Milano) - Italy

Tel: +39 - 02 253051 (Ric.Aut) Fax: +39 - 0225305243



Please note our request for intervention for our machine:

Modell Serial number

Intervention to be carried out at:

Contact person


Failure Description




On (date) li,

Stamp and Signature

15-1 TI215G0010
Attachments BLADE

form to request spare parts

Strada Padana Superiore, 307 - 20090 Vimodrone (Milano) - Italy

Tel: +39 - 02253051 (Ric.Aut) Fax: +39 - 0225305243



Please note our order no. of with required delivery

on for our machine:

Modell Serial number

Reference Description Quantity


On (date) li,

Stamp and Signature

TI215G0010 15-2
BLADE Attachments

technical data sheets

BLADE - Plus 15 BLADE - Plus 18 BLADE - Plus 22

Voltage - Frequency - Phases V - Hz - Ph 400 / 50 / 3

Motor nominal speed 1 / min (rpm) 1.500

Nominal working pressure bar (g) 7,5

Maximum working pressure bar (g) 8

Nominal delivery (1) m3/min 2,69 3,26 3,74

Terminals absorbed power kW 18,7 22,5 25

Noise level (max.) (2) dBA 65

Oil carry over mg / m3 3

Total heat recovery % 95

Oil circuit capacity dm3 12

Minimum supply cables
mm2 10 16
section (10 mt)
Nominal absorbed current A 32 37,3 40,6


Absorbed power kW 0,75

Voltage - Frequency - Phases V / Hz / Ph 230 / 50 / 1

Refrigerant gas - R407C

Dew point (pressure) °C 3


Water flow l / min 10 12 13

Water inlet temperature °C 50

Water outlet maximum
°C 70
Water minimum suggested
kPa 5 10
Thermal recoverable power kcal / h 11.771 14.285 16.007

(*) Plus version

(**) R version
(1) According to ISO 1217 (annex “C”)
(2) According to ISO 2151 measured at 1m distance

15-3 TI215G0010
Attachments BLADE

BLADE - Plus 15 BLADE - Plus 18 BLADE - Plus 22


Voltage - Frequency - Phases V - Hz - Ph 400 / 50 / 3

Motor nominal speed 1 / min (rpm) 1.500

Nominal working pressure bar (g) 9,5

Maximum working pressure bar (g) 10

Nominal delivery (1) m3/min 2,21 2,65 3,21

Terminals absorbed power kW 17,9 20,8 25,2

Noise level (max.) (2) dBA 65

Oil carry over mg / m3 3

Total heat recovery % 95

Oil circuit capacity dm3 12

Minimum supply cables
mm2 10 16
section (10 mt)
Nominal absorbed current A 30,8 34,6 40,8


Absorbed power kW 0,75

Voltage - Frequency - Phases V / Hz / Ph 230 / 50 / 1

Refrigerant gas - R407C

Dew point (pressure) °C 3


Water flow l / min 9 11 13

Water inlet temperature °C 50

Water outlet maximum
°C 70
Water minimum suggested
kPa 5 10
Thermal recoverable power kcal / h 11.299 13.243 16.091

(*) Plus version

(**) R version
(1) According to ISO 1217 (annex “C”)
(2) According to ISO 2151 measured at 1m distance

TI215G0010 15-4
BLADE Attachments

BLADE - Plus 15 BLADE - Plus 18 BLADE - Plus 22


Voltage - Frequency - Phases V - Hz - Ph 400 / 50 / 3

Motor nominal speed 1 / min (rpm) 1.500

Nominal working pressure bar (g) 12,5

Maximum working pressure bar (g) 13

Nominal delivery (1) m3/min 2,02 2,41 2,6

Terminals absorbed power kW 18,7 21,8 23

Noise level (max.) (2) dBA 65

Oil carry over mg / m3 3

Total heat recovery % 95

Oil circuit capacity dm3 12

Minimum supply cables
mm2 10 16
section (10 mt)
Nominal absorbed current A 32,1 36,2 37,2


Absorbed power kW 0,75

Voltage - Frequency - Phases V / Hz / Ph 230 / 50 / 1

Refrigerant gas - R407C

Dew point (pressure) °C 3


Water flow l / min 10 12

Water inlet temperature °C 50

Water outlet maximum
°C 70
Water minimum suggested
kPa 5 10
Thermal recoverable power kcal / h 11.776 13.854 14.674

(*) Plus version

(**) R version
(1) According to ISO 1217 (annex “C”)
(2) According to ISO 2151 measured at 1m distance

15-5 TI215G0010
Attachments BLADE

BLADE i - Plus 15 BLADE - Plus 18 BLADE - Plus 22

Voltage - Frequency - Phases V - Hz - Ph 400-460 / 50-60 / 3

Motor nominal speed 1 / min (rpm) 1500

Nominal working pressure bar (g) min 7 - 10 max

Maximum working pressure bar (g) 10

min 1,68 - 2,25 - min 2,01 - 2,70 - min 2,27 - 3,05 -
Nominal delivery (1) m3/min
2,65 max 3,18 max 3,59 max
Terminals absorbed power (2) kW 15,9 18,4 20,9

Noise level (max.) (3) dBA 66

Oil carry over mg / m3 3

Total heat recovery % 95

Oil circuit capacity dm3 12

Minimum supply cables
mm2 10 16
section (10 mt)
Nominal absorbed current A 27,2 30,5 33,8


Absorbed power kW 0,75

Voltage - Frequency - Phases V / Hz / Ph 230 / 50 / 1

Refrigerant gas - R407C

Dew point (pressure) °C 3


Water flow l / min 8 9 11

Water inlet temperature °C 50

Water outlet maximum
°C 70
Water minimum suggested
kPa 5 10
Thermal recoverable power kcal / h 9.722 11.389 12.986

(*) Plus version

(**) R version
(1) According to ISO 1217 (annex “E”)
(2) OPTIMA @ 1500 rpm and 7 bar
(3) According to ISO 2151 measured at 1m distance

TI215G0010 15-6
Strada Padana Superiore, 307
20090 Vimodrone (MI)
Tel + 39 02253051 - Fax +39 0225305243

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