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In support of the Defense Resource Mobilization
• Introduction
• Rationale / Problem Areas / Proposed
• End State, Objectives and Strategies
• Target Audience
• Operational Activities
• Conclusion

• The country is currently facing multi-

dimensional national security threats
• There is an evolving public awareness of
the DND mandate to protect the people
and the state against internal and external
threats and assist in socioeconomic
• However, DND-AFP capabilities to handle
these threats are hampered by a stringent
law: The AFP Modernization Act (RA
• There is a need to create and implement
an integrated communications plan for the
DND-AFP to achieve its resource

• Realization and perception that DND-

AFP needs drastic modernization
• Peace is a pre-condition to development.
Thus, the need to neutralize the threats
posed by terrorist and insurgent
• The anti-terrorist campaign and the
Balikatan 02-1 brought the DND-AFP at
the forefront of news:
- the warming of RP-US relations
- the increase in exchange visits of RP-
US civilian/defense officials
- Poverty, injustice, diseases, and ignorance are
the spawning ground of terrorism and
insurgency resulting in peace and order
problems and instability
- The AFP Modernization Act (RA 7898)
hampers the DND vision to be a modern,
technology-driven National Defense Force in
the 21st century

- The clamor for the restoration of peace

and order and stability as the foundation
for national development
Problem Areas

• Numerous allegations against the DND-

– perceived corruption
– perceived lack of credibility
– perceived lack of competence
Factors and developments that justify
modernization funds:
• The CPP-NPA as main threat to National
• New US focus on Asia with role of RP as
strong partner and as regional leader in the
war against global terrorism
• Policy-making & legislative concerns

• Transnational threats
1. Transnational terrorism
2. Environmental degradation and
3. Biological terrorism and medical

4. Cyber terrorism
5. Insurgency
6. Narcotics proliferation
7. Natural and man-made disasters
Rationale / Problem Areas
Proposed Solution
An integrated communications plan
that will effectively improve the DND-
AFP image and highlight their role in
the country’s progress through :
1. Leveraging challenges to create
opportunities resulting in a positive
image for the organization
Proposed Solution

2. Maximize these situations and

issues to project/amplify positive
news and to recast negative news.
3. Develop a series of reports/features/
messages that would be based on
strong research
End State

For the US Congress to appropriate an aid

package to modernize the DND-AFP
Objective 1

For Rhoads Weber Shandwick (RWS)

and Weber Shandwick Worldwide
(WSW), in cooperation with BSMG, to
execute effectively a government
relations services/public affairs support
program in the United States.
Objective 2
BSMG to implement effectively in the
Philippines the following services:
• Integrated communications plan through
research data, media relations and
monitoring and provide strategic editorial
needs to the AFP based on their

• Government relations services

• Public affairs support program
Integrated Communications Plan
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• To establish relationship between a nation’s

economic progress and peace and order and
• To highlight importance of a modern armed
forces as an investment in progress and

• To reinforce the perception that DND-AFP

is a professional institution that needs
• For the Filipino people to duly recognize
the courage and professionalism of the
Filipino soldier

• To make the public and the media

recognize and appreciate the heroism of
the Filipino soldier
• To reinforce the DND vision to be a
modern, technology-driven national
defense force in the 21st century

• Highlight DND-AFP role in nation-

building, as a partner in economic
development through disaster-relief and
civil works and the delivery of basic
• Focus on urgency for legislative agenda to
modernize the AFP
• Reinforce the role of the Philippines as a
strong, leading partner of the US in the war
against global terrorism in the Asia-Pacific
• Build a coalition of supporters that will
mobilize support from stakeholders such as
NGO/POs, the church, business, academe
and media sectors, and other key institutions

• Forge strategic partnerships and foster

positive relations with such stakeholders
• Sustain information campaign and psy-
ops capabilities for DND-AFP in times of
peace, crisis and conflict

• Filipino public
• All 3 Branches of Government
• Multi-sectoral supporters of the AFP
modernization plan
• Philippine media / opinion makers
• NGO’s & the Business/Academe Sectors

• Diplomatic corps
• Local Government Units (LGU’s)
• Other stakeholders
Operational Activities

1. Produce a state-of-the AFP report

Research and data gathering for a
comprehensive multimedia report on the
current status of the AFP which will be
used as an information advocacy tool in
the achievement of editorial and
legislative agenda
Operational Activities

2. Initiate public affairs support programs

for the DND-AFP in coordination with
LGU’s and NGO’s
E.g. Medical missions, disaster
assistance, infrastructure support,
programs aligned with AFP foundations’
Operational Activities

3. BSMG will be responsible for crafting

messages to help the DND-AFP achieve
the following perception objectives:

a. The DND-AFP - its officers and

soldiers - is a professional institution
Operational Activities

b. The DND-AFP is a significant pillar

of national security
c. The DND-AFP is an organization
the people can trust
Operational Activities

4. Form a rapid response system to

achieve precise and consistent
statements from DND-AFP and US
military. Requiring a system of
coordination between RP Embassy in
Washington and the US Embassy in
Operational Activities

5. To generate a stronger support in the

expansion of Alliance in the war against
terrorism and poverty through:
• Regular peace and security summits for
regional defense leaders
• Increased sharing of information on
security threats
Operational Activities

• Re-orientation of disaster preparedness

due to terrorism and non-military threats

• The integrated communications plan is more

than just giving the AFP a face-lift. It is
geared toward one goal: to reposition the
AFP as a professional, self-motivated and
highly- trained force, thus, it is a key player
in national development

• To show the US Congress that while the AFP

lacks hardware, its men have good potential,
when adequately supported by resources.

• The DND-AFP has gone to the extent of

considering a paradigm shift that includes
addressing transnational and non-military threats,
disasters and socio-civic projects and services as
central to its mandate. It should take up the slack
from where the government and the private
sector leaves off. This should result in raising
the quality of life of Filipinos and in improving
the DND-AFP’s image and reputation.

• When the US Congress sees public opinion on

the side of the DND-AFP and the RP government
sees the importance of having a helpful military
partner, then providing the DND-AFP with vital
resources and logistics will be unquestioned.

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