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Journal of Building Engineering 17 (2018) 13–22

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Influence of various plastics-waste aggregates on properties of normal T


M.A.A. Aldahdooha, , A. Jamrahd, Ali Alnuaimic, M.I. Martinib, M.S.R. Ahmedb, A.S.R. Ahmedb
Department of Civil Engineering, Western Virginia University (WVU) - Bahrain Campus, Royal University for Women (RUW), Bahrain
College of Engineering, University of Buraimi (UoB), Al Buraimi, Sultanate of Oman
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman
Dean Office, International College of Engineering and Management, Sultanate of Oman


Keywords: This paper presents an ideal experimental design based on the response surface methodology (RSM) and the
Plastics absolute volume method (AVM) to investigate the potential of plastic waste aggregates (PWAs) as a partial
Compressive strength aggregate replacement on properties of normal concrete (NC), in which 30% of the total aggregate volume
Response surface methodology contains PWAs. Results confirmed that RSM prediction showed satisfactory results in optimizing the amount of
PWAs in NC production. Moreover, PWAs can be used as aggregates for the production of NC with acceptable
Sustainability of concrete
engineering properties. This approach could lead to the significant utilization of PWAs in concrete, which could,
thus, help in protecting the environment by minimizing the volume of waste disposal.

1. Introduction protect the environment is crucial. The most sensible solution is to re-
place significant portions of the aggregates in concrete with recycled
As the world's population grows, plastic consumption increases due plastic wastes as an alternative aggregate while maintaining its me-
to rapid urbanization and economic development [1,2]. Generally, the chanical properties in general [3,5–7].
main sources of plastic waste can be categorized into household wastes, Several studies on the effects of recycled plastic wastes on fresh and
health and Medicare wastes, as well as hotel and catering wastes [2]. hardened concrete properties have been conducted. Increasing the
Siddique, et al. [3] asserted that the increase in plastic use is due to plastic content in concrete decreases the latter's density [6,8] and
its beneficial properties, which include low cost, low density, strength, compressive strength [6,8–10]. Bayasi and Zeng [10] verified that air
user-friendly designs, safety, durability and longevity, excellent thermal content increased with the inclusion of plastic fiber. Soroushian, et al.
and electrical insulation properties, as well as fabrication capabilities. [9] confirmed reduction in slump with the use of recycled plastic in
Nonetheless, plastics are nondegradable and generally take a long concrete due to the shape of plastic particles, i.e., plastic particles have
time to break down, possibly up to hundreds of years. Moreover, in- sharper edges compared with fine aggregates. In addition, the me-
creasing their production also increases the required landfill space for chanical strengths of concrete decrease as the plastic content increases
plastic waste, which significantly contributes to their environmental in concrete, i.e., splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, impact
impact [3]. resistance, and compressive strength. [6,9–11]. Furthermore, studies on
The Sultanate of Oman is an arid country located in the Arabian the use of waste plastics and waste rubber tyres in aggregate as well as
Peninsula. This country has an area of 309,500 km2, with a total po- bitumen for road materials have been conducted [12–14].
pulation of 2400,000. Oman's annual production of solid waste is about Recently, fibers from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles have
900,000 t, and over 350 waste disposal sites are constructed around the been used in fiber-reinfroced concrete to increase the ductility of con-
country. Most of these sites are improperly designed as engineered crete [15,16] and to improve the impact behavior of concrete [17].
landfills. The major sources of non-hazardous solid wastes include food Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) strips and PET bars have been
and organic products (53%), glass (6.5%), plastic (12.5%), metal (6%), utilized as reinforcement in substitution of steel in concrete elements
paper as well as cardboard (13%), and construction (9%) [4]. subject to bending forces [18].
Based on the aforementioned data, the reduction of plastic wastes to Marzouk, et al. [11] utilized the consumed plastic bottle waste

Correspondence to: Department of Civil Engineering, Western Virginia University (WVU) - Bahrain Campus, Royal University for Women (RUW), P.O. BOX 37400, West Riffa,
Kingdom of Bahrain.
E-mail address: (M.A.A. Aldahdooh).
Received 26 July 2016; Received in revised form 29 January 2018; Accepted 29 January 2018
Available online 02 February 2018
2352-7102/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.A.A. Aldahdooh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 17 (2018) 13–22

(PET) as sand-substitution aggregate within composite materials for minimum number of experiments [25].
building application. They concluded that, the volumetric percentage of RSM is a promising analytical tool to predict the response which
substituted sand is critical in reducing the weight of new composites suits the range of parameters studies compared with the others
and considerably affects both the mechanical properties and material methods. RSM is more promising due to its giving very low average
structure obtained. error towards modeling and experimental validation. The desirability
Taha, et al. [4] concluded that the economics of recycling may not criterion available in RSM will easily help users to determine the op-
work in all parts of Oman given that the latter is rich in mineral and timum condition. Significance of interactions and square terms of
aggregate resources. In addition, no laws or regulations encourage the parameters are more clearly predicted in RSM. The RSM shows sig-
reuse of such materials. Furthermore, no standard specifications are nificance of all possible combinations of interactions and square terms.
established regarding the use of non-traditional materials, such as 3D surfaces generated by RSM can help in visualizing the effect of
copper slag, plastic, and cement bypass dust in construction. Moreover, parameters on response in the entire range specified [26].
no experiences or studies are available regarding the use of such ma- The recommended procedures for using RSM as an optimization tool
terials as potential substitutes for virgin aggregates, cement, or sand. are summarized as follows [27]:
Several ways to engineer concrete to find a reasonable solution to
these problems are available. One way is by optimizing the mix pro- i) The most important independent variables and their level on the
portions using mathematical or statistical methods. De Larrard and system through screening studies should be selected first,
Sedran [19] optimized the ultra high strength concrete proportions ii) The choice of the experimental design and experimental procedure
using a statistical method with a packing model, [20] and studied the are according to the selected experimental matrix,
effect of paper mill residue content in the properties of normal concrete iii) The mathematical-statistical treatment of the obtained experi-
using the response surface methodology (RSM). Aldahdooh, et al. [21] mental data through the fit of polynomial function,
evaluated the ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete binder iv) The evaluation of the modes and fitness,
content using the RSM. Moreover, the RSM has been used in developing v) The verification of the necessity and possibility of performing a
green ultra-high-performance-fiber reinforced concrete containing ul- displacement in a direction toward the optimal region, and
trafine palm oil fuel ash [22,23], which is applied as a new retrofitting vi) Obtaining optimum values for each variable.
material for improving the flexural behavior of damaged concrete
beams [24]. RSM has been widely used in various fields, such as chemical in-
The literature elucidates that the utilization of plastic waste in dustry for optimization and processing purposes. The most commonly
concrete products remains limited and requires further investigation. used design method in finding the functional relationship between the
Moreover, the effect of a combination of two or more different plastic response and the factors using RSM is central composite design (CCD)
waste types in concrete properties has not been investigated yet. The [25]. Details of RSM and CCD application are available on the software
traditional design method is normally used for optimizing the plastic [Design-Expert® 6.0.7 software (Sat-Ease Inc., Minneapolis, USA)] and
content in concrete. the key book on experimental design authored by Montgomery [25].
Successful recycling of solid and industrial wastes in Oman would Table 1 summarizes different RSM applications in concrete industry.
require additional economic, environmental, and field-based studies. All researchers (Table 1) concluded that RSM technique is a powerful
Therefore, in this study, a practical design method has been proposed technique for the improvement process of concrete mix design, and this
for utilizing plastic waste aggregates (PWAs) as a partial substitute of technique can be used in the concrete industry.
aggregates in the production of green normal concrete (GNC).
Specifically, this study aims to investigate the influence of a combina- 2.2. AVM
tion of two different PWAs inclusion in the properties of GNC and to
optimize PWA content in concrete mixture to yield acceptable strength According to ACI-211.1 [34], the absolute volume of a granular
using the RSM and the absolute volume method (AVM). material defined as the volume of the solid matter in the particles; it
does not include the volume of the voids between the particles, as given
1.1. Significance of the research in Eq. (1). The absolute volume of a concrete mix can be determined if
the weight and bulk specific gravity of the components are known.
The findings of this research will indicate ways to use PWA more Table 2; gives an example on AVM, determining of total volume for the
efficiently by using an optimizing method (RSM); showing that PW can given concrete mix design in Table 3.
be used as a concrete ingredient. These findings will have an impact on
MassofMaterial (kg )
the concrete industry because using of PW in concrete will not only AbsoluteVolume (m3) = kg
reduce costs but also may lead to more sustainable methods of concrete Specificgravityofmaterial × Densityofwater ( )
construction. (1)

2. Implementation of RSM & AVM in concrete industry

3. Materials and methods
2.1. RSM
In this study, the materials used for NC and GNC mixture production
As outlined earlier, an ideal strategy is needed for improving the were cement, natural sand, crushed coarse aggregate, and water. Two
normal concrete (NC) mechanical properties relative to ingredient types of PWA were used of producing of GNC. The important properties
contents. Majority of mix design processes of concrete are multi-vari- of these materials are briefly described in the following subsections.
ables; moreover, concrete mixture proportions optimization through
the classical method is inflexible, unreliable, and time consuming. Thus, 3.1. Materials
RSM is an efficient and widely used in various fields, such as in che-
mical industry and environmental engineering for optimization and The constituent materials include ordinary Portland cement (OPC)
processing purposes (Table 1). [Type 1, 42.5 R], crushed coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, two types
The aim of using RSM is to optimize the responses. Moreover, RSM of PWAs, and water. Crushed coarse aggregates with a maximum size of
is an efficient statistical technique for the modeling and optimization of 20 mm and a specific gravity of 2.66 were used, whereas natural sand
various variables to predict the best performance conditions with a was used with 2.7 specific gravity and 3.32 finesse modulus. Two types

M.A.A. Aldahdooh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 17 (2018) 13–22

Table 1
Various RSM applications in concrete industry.

Concrete type Independent variables Responses References

Eco-efficient self-compacting concrete – Marble powder-to-cement- – Slump Flow [28]

ratio – Flow time
– Water to-cement-ratio – V-funnel
– Compressive strength
Green ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete – Cement content – Compressive strength [22,23,29]
containing ultrafine palm oil fuel ash – Silica Fume – Flexural strength
– Waste materials (Palm Oil – Tensile Strength
Fuel Ash) – Flow
Ultra-high-performance-fiber reinforced concrete – Cement content – Compressive strength [21,29]
– Silica Fume – Flow
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) – Cement content – Fresh properties: (J ring, segregation resistance, and V- [30]
– Fly-ash content funnel)
– SP dosage – hardened properties: (compressive strength at 28 days and
– W/B ratio modulus of elasticity)
Normal concrete containing paper-mill residue – Paper-mill residue content – Slump [20]
– W/C ratio – Compressive strength
– Fly ash/B ratio
High performance self-compacting concrete (HPSCC) – Cement content – Compacting factor, compressive strength, split tensile [31]
– Fly-ash content strength, and flexural strength at 28 days
– SP dosage
– W/B ratio
Steel fiber reinforced concretes – Steel fiber aspect ratio (l/d) – Compressive strength [32]
– Steel fiber volume fraction – Splitting tensile strength
(Vf) – Elastic modulus
– Flexural strength
High performance concrete – Cement content – Slump [33]
– Water content – Compressive strength
– Silica fume content – Cost of concrete
– Coarse aggregate
– Fine aggregate

[SP] refer to superplasticizer; [W] refer to water; [C] refer to cement; [HRWRA] refer to high-range water-reducing admixture, [l] refer to length of fiber, [d] refer to diameter of fiber.

Table 2 3.2. Mix proportions and design

AVM example.
As mentioned earlier, this study deals with two types of concrete,
Materials Mass (kg) Specific Absolute volume (m3)
which are NC and GNC. The mix proportions of NC were derived based
on the international standards as described in subsection 3.2.2. By
OPC (Type 1) 380 3.15 = (380/(3.15 × 1000) = 0.12 contrast, the mix proportions GNC mixtures were designed using RSM
Water 205 1.0 0.21 and AVM to achieve the optimum mix with acceptable compressive
Coarse aggregate 1000 2.70 0.37
Sand 805 2.66 0.30
strength and workability.
Total Volume 1.0
3.2.1. Normal concrete (NC)
OPC, natural sand, water, and crushed coarse aggregate of a nom-
inal maximum size of 20 mm were used to produce a concrete grade of
Table 3
30 MPa. The mix was assumed to achieve a 60–180 mm slump. Mix
NC mix proportions.
proportions of the NC were derived according to the DOE method of
Materials kg/m3 concrete mix design [35]. DOE is a British method of concrete mix
design, which used in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world
OPC (Type 1) 380
and has a long established record. The mixture proportions of the NC
Water 205
Coarse aggregate 1000 are presented in Table 3.
Sand 805
W/C 0.54
3.2.2. Green normal concrete (GNC)
Improving GNC mechanical properties in relation to aggregate
of PWAs (1.03 assumed specific gravity) were used as a partial sub- contents requires an ideal strategy. The most sensible solution is re-
stitute of aggregates in the production of GNC, which are PWAI (irre- placing greater portions of aggregate in NC (Table 3) with PWA while
gular particles) and PWAR (regular particles) (Fig. 1(a) and (b)). Plastic maintaining its properties Therefore, a practical method was developed
wastes were collected from the Al Kiyumi Plastic Factory, Al Buraimi, for optimizing GNC aggregates content using RSM [36] and AVM ac-
Sultanate of Oman. PWAR and PWAI have the same chemical natural cording to ACI-211.1 [34] guidelines.
source given that the former is a recycled plastic waste obtained from
the latter. The maximum particle size for both types was up to 5 mm Design of experiments using statistical RSM. In the current study,
(passing from sieve size of 5 mm). Design-Expert® 6.0.7 software (Sat-Ease Inc., Minneapolis, USA) was
employed for the design, mathematical modeling, statistical analysis,
and optimization of process variables. The most commonly utilized
design method in RSM is central composite design (CCD) [25].
RSM and three-level full factorial experimental design were

M.A.A. Aldahdooh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 17 (2018) 13–22

Fig. 1. Plastic waste aggregate: (a) PWAR (regular

particle) and (b) PWAI (irregular particle).

incorporated to achieve optimization by maximizing GNC strength at where, Y is the predicted response, Xi and Xj are the coded values of
maximum replacement levels of fine aggregate (FA) by PWAR and preparation variables, i is the linear coefficient, j is the quadratic
PWAI. Based on literature, reasonable ranges were selected as FA by coefficient, β is the regression coefficient, k is the number of factors
PWAR replacement levels ([FA-PWAR]%) from 0.0% to 30% and by studied and optimized in the experiment, and e is the random error. The
replacement levels ([FA-PWAI]%) from 0.0% to 30%. The other in- matrix notation of the model is given by Eq. (3)
gredients of the control GNC mix remained the same to ensure that any
Y=X β±ε
changes in the engineering properties of GNC resulted from partial re-
placement levels of the FA by PWAR and PWAI. CCD was employed in y 1 x11 x12 ⋯ x1k ⎞ ⎛ β1 ⎞ ε
⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ ⎛ 1⎞
y ⋯ x2k ⎟ ⎜ β2 ⎟ ε2
the present study to determine the functional relationship between the ⎜ 1⎟ = ⎜1 x21 x22 ±⎜ ⎟
responses (i.e., workability (Y1) and compressive strength (Y2)) and ⎜ ⋮ ⎟ ⎜⎜⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎟⎜ ⋮ ⎟ ⎜ ⋮ ⎟

factors ([FA-PWAR]% (X1) and [FA-PWAI]%) (X1). ⎝ yn ⎠ ⎝1 x n1 x n2 ⋯ x nk ⎠ ⎜ β ⎟ ⎝ εn ⎠
⎝ n⎠ (3)
Thirteen runs of the CCD experimental design and responses based
on the experimental runs are shown in Table 4. Eight experiments were The least-square method (i.e., a multiple regression technique) is
enhanced with five replications to assess pure error. An optimal pre- utilized in solving the system equations mentioned above [39].
dictor quadratic model [Eq. (2)] was used in determining the optimal Table 4 shows the GNC mixes that were classified into three groups
condition for responses (compressive strength and workability) based on CCD. The first group [G (I)] includes mix no. 1 to no. 3. The
[36–39]. second [G (II)] and third groups [G (III)] include mix no. 4 to no. 10 and
mix no. 11 to no. 13, respectively.
k k k k
Y = βo + ∑ βi Xi + ∑ βii Xi2 + ∑ ∑ βij Xi Xj + ei Mix proportions of GNC. The mixture compositions for GNC
i=1 i=1 ii ≤ j j (2) were determined from the preliminary study, research literature,
statistical RSM, and AVM as described in Section 3.2.2. Table 5
shows aggregate proportions (kg/m3) (FA, PWAI, and PWAI) that
Table 4 were determined using the AVM depending on the density of each
CCD and results for the study of two experimental variables.
material. The other ingredients of the control NC mix remained the
Experimental design same to ensure that any changes in the engineering properties of the
GNC is due to the partial replacement levels of FA by PWAI and PWAI
Factors Aggregate content (kg/m3) (Table 5).

X1 X2 FA PWAR PWAI Analysis process. ANOVA was used to obtain the interaction
G (I) 0% (−1) 0% (−1) 805.6 0.0 0.0 and relationship between the process factors ([FA-PWAR]% and [FA-
15% (0) 0% (−1) 709.3 47.0 0.0 PWAI]%) and the responses (workability and compressive strength). In
30% (1) 0% (−1) 588.4 93.9 0.0 order to check the terms statistical significance; the coefficient of
G (II) 0% (−1) 15% (0) 709.3 0.0 47.0
15% (0) 15% (0) 588.4 47.0 47.0
determination R2, probability (P-value), and t-test have been
15% (0) 15% (0) 588.4 47.0 47.0 determined.
15% (0) 15% (0) 588.4 47.0 47.0 In this study, the actual values were used for generating the model.
15% (0) 15% (0) 588.4 47.0 47.0 The diagnostic plots, such as the normal residual and predicted plot
15% (0) 15% (0) 588.4 47.0 47.0
versus actual value plot for slump and compressive strength were ob-
30% (1) 15% (0) 467.6 93.9 47.0
G (III) 0% (−1) 30% (1) 588.4 0.0 93.9 tained to determine model satisfactoriness. Diagnostic plots aid in
15% (0) 30% (1) 467.6 47.0 93.9 judging the model's adequacy and satisfactoriness. Moreover, pertur-
30% (1) 30% (1) 346.8 93.9 93.9 bation and 3D response surface plots were obtained.

[X1] refers to [FA -PWAR]%. Optimization of operational conditions. Results were evaluated
[X2] refers to [FA -PWAI]%.
[FA-PWAR]% refers to replacement levels of FA by PWAR. using the Design-Expert® software. In numerical optimization, factors
[FA-PWAI]% refers to replacement levels of FA by PWAI. ([FA-PWAR]% and [FA-PWAI]%) were set within the range. The
[G (I), G (II) and G (III)] refers to the first, second, and third group numbers. responses (slump and compressive strength) were set within the

M.A.A. Aldahdooh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 17 (2018) 13–22

Table 5
GNC mix proportions based on RSM and absolute volume method.

G (I) G (II) G (III)

[FA-PWAR]% 0.0% 15% 30% 0.0% 15% 30% 0.0% 15% 30%
[FA-PWAI]% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 15% 15% 15% 30% 30% 30%
Components (k) (kg/m3) Mix1 Mix2 Mix3 Mix4 Mix (5–9) Mix10 Mix11 Mix12 Mix13
Ordinary Portland Cement 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380
Fine Aggregate 806 709 588 709 588 468 588 468 347
Coarse Aggregate 1000 975 975 975 975 975 975 975 975
Water 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205
Plastics Waste PWAR 0 47 94 0 47 94 0 47 94
PWAI 0 0 0 47 47 47 94 94 94
Total Plastics Waste Content 0 47 94 47 94 141 94 141 188
W/C 1 1 1 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
Total Content of Mix/Density 2391 2316 2242 2316 2242 2169 2242 2169 2095
∑ Vk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

[Mix no. 1] is the controlled mix (NC).

[∑ Vk = 1] refers to the summation volume fraction for each component k of each mix; [G (I), G (II) and G (III)] refer to the first, second and third group number of mixes.

range. Moreover, the ramp function graph was used to identify the slump test. Fig. 4 presents the results for the slump measurements for
optimum region for compressive strength and workability of the GNC each mix. Evidently, the inclusion of PWA notably reduced the work-
mixtures to achieve optimum condition. ability of GNC. Moreover, the slump is prone to sharply decreasing with
increasing the waste–plastic ratio. Where the improvement in work-
3.3. Sample preparation ability increases at a low PWA content, low workability is invariably
associated with high PWAR (Fig. 2). The effect of PWAI is less sig-
Concrete sample preparations should refer to BS 1881: Part 131: nificant on the reduction of mix workability than that of PWAR. This
1998. The materials were manually mixed in the following order: scenario could be attributed to the lubrication among aggregate parti-
coarse aggregate, OPC, FA and PW. The materials were mixed for a few cles. When PWAI aggregates are characterized by better particle
minutes in dry condition to produce a homogeneous mixture of dry grading compared with PWAR aggregates (Fig. 1), low void and high
material. Afterward, water was added to the mixed materials, and the cement paste contents occur. Therefore, the lubrication provided by
mixing process was continued for a few minutes until the constituents PWAI is better than that by PWAR.
were thoroughly mixed and wetted. Obla, et al. [44] concluded that the cementitious paste should
The cubical moulds were filled in three equal layers [40]. On the completely fill the voids among the aggregate particles and that a
following day after casting, the samples were removed from the moulds certain amount of excess must be left to provide the lubrication re-
and were subsequently cleaned and then cured in water at 27 ± 2 °C quired for a given workability.
until the testing date [41]. Based on the above discussions, low workability is invariably as-
sociated with the third group because the replacement levels of [FA-
3.4. Test procedures PWAR]% and [FA-PWAI]% were up to 30% and 30%, respectively.
Moderate workability and high workability were associated with the
In order to achieve the main objectives of this study, the following first and second groups, respectively, because of the significant re-
tests were performed for each mix of NC and GNC as given in Table 5. placement levels of FA with PWAR and PWAI. Fig. 4 depicts that mix
no. 1 had the highest slump (> 60 mm) because of the replacement
3.4.1. Compressive test levels of FA with PWAR and PWAI, at 0.0% and 0.0%, respectively. The
To determine the compressive strength, 150 mm concrete cubes lowest flow value (mix nos. 3 and 10) is 10 mm at a 30% replacement
were tested at 0.30 MPa/s loading rate using a 2000 kN concrete level by PWAR of FA.
compression machine according to BS EN 12390–3 [42]. At least three
samples of each age (7, 14, and 28 days) for each mix were tested.

3.4.2. Slump test

The slump test was directly performed after completing the mixing
process to ensure that adequate workability was achieved according to
ASTM: C143/C143M [43].

4. Experimental results and discussions

According to Tables 4 and 5, the GNC mixtures can be classified into

three groups based on the CCD, which are classified by the number of
runs. The first group (G (I)) can be identified from mix no. 1 to mix no.
3. The second (G (II)) and third groups (G (III)) can identified from [mix
no. (4–10)] and [mix no. (11–13)] respectively. For more clarification,
mix no. 1 in G (I) refers to the controlled mix that is NC. Where, the
replacement level of PW with sand is 0.0%

4.1. Workability

Fig. 2. Effect of PWA on the workability of mixtures.

The workability of GNC mixtures (Table 4) was assessed through a

M.A.A. Aldahdooh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 17 (2018) 13–22

vacillated between 0.0% and 30% replacement levels. For mix nos. 4
and 10, the [FA-PWAR]% was reached 0.0% and 30% respectively. The
highest compressive strength in G (II) was associated with mix no. 4,
which was reached 20 MPa. This due the PWAR content was up to
0.0 kg/m3 and the replacement level (15%) of PWAI was not very high.
The final phase is associated with the G (III) as shown in Fig. 3. The
[FA-PWAR]% was the highest that up to 30%. The average compressive
strength was 18.4, 6.8, and 7.3 MPa for mix numbers 11, 12, and 13
Overall, the first group of GNC mixes had the highest compressive
strength values at all ages.

4.3. Mathematical modeling and statistical analysis results

The relationship between the process factors ([FA-PWAR]% and

Fig. 3. Average compressive strength development at 7, 14, and 28 days.
[FA-PWAI]%) and the two responses (slump and compressive strength)
of mixes were analyzed using RSM. The results obtained from the
4.2. Compressive strength quadratic prediction model were subsequently analyzed with ANOVA,
as described in Section The model was generated according to
78 (150 mm) cubes were tested to investigate the compressive the actual values.
strength of the GNC mixtures (Table 5). The mathematical prediction equations were developed based on
Fig. 3 shows the compressive strength at 7, 14, and 28 days. Higher Eq. (2). The predicted results (Y) were evaluated as a function of ([FA-
compressive strength is always associated with the first group [G(I)] at PWAR]% ( x1) and [FA-PWAI]%, ( x2 )). These results were calculated as
0.0% [FA-PWAR], which is in the range of 11.5–29 MPa at 28 days. the sum of a constant, two first-order effects ( x1 and x2 ), an interaction
Moderate and lower compressive strength are associated with the effect ( x1 x2 ), and two second-order effects ( x12 and x 22 ). The insignificant
second group [G(II)] at 15%[ FA-PWAR] and the third group [G(III)] at terms were eliminated to enhance the performance of the prediction
30% [FA-PWAR], which are in the ranges of 11–20 MPa and 7–18 MPa, equations. To establish the prediction model of the slump and com-
respectively. pressive strength only at the 28th day average values of these responses
In the present study, the discussion is presented based on the three were used. The empirical relationships between the responses (slump
phases for each group of mixes. The first phase is associated to G (I) as and compressive strength) and factors are expressed by second-order
shown in Fig. 3. The lowest compressive strength of 11.5 MPa was re- polynomial [Eqs. (4) and (5)].
corded at 0.0% [FA-PWAR] and 50% [FA-PWAI] (mix no. 3) at 28 days,
Slump (mm ) = 57.06410 − 1.65556x1−1.30000x2 +0.055556x 22 (4)
whereas the highest compressive strength of 29 MPa was achieved by
0.0% [FA-PWAI] and 0.0% [FA-PWAR] at 28 days, (mix no. 1/ control Compressive strength (MPa ) = 28.38445 − 1.31234x1−0.61525x2
mix). In addition, the compressive strength of mix no. 2 at 15% [FA-
− 0.026121x 12 +0.00887x 22 +0.00727x1 x2 (5)
PWAI] reached 15 MPa at 28 days.
Based on the above discussion, the suitable ranges of [FA-PWAI]% Table 6 demonstrates the ANOVA results for the response (flow and
for enhancing the compressive strength should be in the range of compressive strength) parameters. The data illustrate that all models
0.0–20%, while for [FA-PWAR]% should be less than 5%. This trend were significant at the 95% confidence level because the P-values were
can be attributed to the decrease in adhesive strength (Bond strength) less than 0.05. Furthermore, the large P-values for lack of fit (> 0.05)
between the surface of the waste plastic and the cement paste, as well as for all responses demonstrate that the F-value was not significant, im-
the grading of particles. plying significant model correlation between the variables and process
The second phase is associated with the G (II) as shown in Fig. 3. responses.
The [FA-PWAI]% reached 15% for all mixes, whereas the [FA-PWAR]% Table 7 shows the model validation parameters of all responses. The

Table 6
ANOVA results for response surface quadratic model parameters.

Responses Source SOS DOF MS F P>F R

Slump (mm) Model 1831.67 3 610.56 13.65 0.0011 Sign.

x1 912.67 1 912.67 20.40 0.0015 Sign.
x2 294.00 1 294.00 6.57 0.0305 Sign.
x1 x2 625.00 1 625.00 13.97 0.0046 Sign.
Residual 402.64 9 44.74
Lack of Fit 402.64 5 80.53 Not-Sign.
Pure Error 0.000 4 0.000
Cor. Total 2234.31 12
Compressive Strength (MPa) at 28 days Model 479.37 5 95.87 54.70 < 0.0001 Sign.
x1 237.64 1 237.64 135.57 < 0.0001 Sign.
x2 77.63 1 77.63 44.29 0.0003 Sign.
x12 95.40 1 95.40 54.43 0.0002 Sign.
x 22 11.02 1 11.02 6.29 0.0406 Sign.
x1 x2 10.72 1 10.72 6.12 0.0426 Sign.
Residual 12.27 7 1.75
Lack of Fit 12.27 3 4.09 Not-Sign.
Pure Error 0.000 4 0.000
Cor. Total 491.64 12

[SOS]: sum of squares; [DOF]: degree of freedom; [MS]: mean square; [P]: probability of error; [R]: remark; [F]: F-value; and [Sign.]: significant.

M.A.A. Aldahdooh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 17 (2018) 13–22

Table 7 quadratic model to the experimental data.

Model validation for all responses. Generally, the models can be considered as a reproducible model if
its coefficient of variance is less than 10% [38]. According to Table 7,
Slump Compressive strength
all models were successful in terms of reproducibility.
Standard deviation 6.69 1.32 Diagnostic plots, such as the normal plot of residual and the pre-
Mean 25.23 12.62 dicted versus actual values plot, are presented in Fig. 4. The diagnostic
R2 0.8198 0.9750
plots aid in judging the model's adequacy and satisfactoriness [38].
Predicted R2 0.6018 0.7621
Adjusted R2 0.7597 0.9572

4.4. Process analysis

ANOVA analysis shows a reliable confidence in the estimation of the
responses efficiencies, R2. Ghafari, et al. [38] reported that a high R2 The perturbation and the response surface plots for slump and
value, close to 1, is desirable, and a reasonable agreement with the compressive strength are shown in Fig. 5I and II, respectively.
adjusted R2 is necessary, indicating a satisfactory adjustment of the The comparative effect of ([FA-PWAR]%, A) and ([FA-PWAI]%, B)
on enhancing the slump and compressive strength are clarified by the

Fig. 4. (I) Normal plot of the studentized residual for (a) Slump (mm) and (b) compressive strength; (II) Diagnostics plots, predicted vs. actual values plot for (a) Slump (mm) and (b)
compressive strength.

M.A.A. Aldahdooh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 17 (2018) 13–22

Fig. 5. (I) Perturbation plot for (a) Slump (mm) and (b) compressive strength (MPa); (II) Response surface plots for (a) Slump (mm) and (b) compressive strength.

perturbation plots as shown in Fig. 5(I) (a) and I (b), respectively. A 4.5. Multiple response optimization
curvature in [FA-PWAR]% seemed to be much sharper than the ([FA-
PWAI]% curve in all tests (slump and compressive strength tests), in- In the numerical optimization, the factors [FA-PWAR]% and [FA-
dicating that slump and compressive strength were more sensitive to PWAI]% were set in the range; the responses (slump and compressive
[FA-PWAR]% in this mixing procedure. strength) were set in the range at age of 28th day. It has been taken into
Moreover, the effects of the experimental conditions of ([FA- consideration that the compressive strength is > 20 MPa and the flow is
PWAR]%, A) and ([FA-PWAI]%, B) on slump and compressive strength in the range.
are demonstrated in the 3D surface response plots as shown in Fig. 5II The equations of the model were simultaneously solved to find the
(a) and II (b), respectively. process variables. At the optimum condition, the [FA-PWAR]% was
Fig. 5I (a) shows that the highest slump (60 mm) were observed at 0.0% and [FA-PWAI]% was 24% with 26 mm slump and 20 MPa com-
0.0% of [FA-PWAR] and 0.0% of [FA-PWAI]. As such, the utilization of pressive strength were predicted based on desirability function of 1 as
PWA for enhancing the workability of the GNC mixes was negatively described in Fig. 6, the ramp function graph of [FA-PWAR]% and [FA-
significant. The lowest slump reading of 10 mm was observed in the PWAI]% for optimum responses. Accordingly, [FA-PWAR]% after op-
stiff mix at 30% replacement level by PWAR of FA. timization is 0.0%.
Fig. 5II (b) shows that as the replacement levels of FA by PWAR and
PWAI increased, the compressive strength decreased. Conversely, 5. Conclusions
Fig. 5II (b) shows that the suitable ranges of [FA-PWAI]% for enhancing
the compressive strength should be in the range of 0.0–20%. These The findings in this present study can contribute immensely toward
could be attributed to the finer particle size of PWAI compared with the field of concrete technology and construction, where:
i) The inclusion of the PWA tends to increase the water demand of
GNC, which leads to a lower workability at a constant water con-
tent. The decrease in workability by replacing the FA with PWAR is

M.A.A. Aldahdooh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 17 (2018) 13–22

Fig. 6. Ramp function graph for the [FA-PWAR]% and [FA-

PWAI]% for optimum responses.

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