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Linear Regression for Absolute

Beginners with Implementation in



Linear Regression is the most basic supervised machine learning algorithm. Supervise in
the sense that the algorithm can answer your question based on labeled data that you feed
to the algorithm. The answer would be like predicting housing prices, classifying dogs vs
cats. Here we are going to talk about a regression task using Linear Regression. In the end,
we are going to predict housing prices based on the area of the house.

I don’t want to bore you by throwing all the machine learning jargon words, in the beginning,
So let me start with the most basic linear equation (y=mx+b) that we all are familiar with
since our school time.
The figure above shows the relationship between the quantity of apples and the cost price.
How much do you need to pay for 7kg of apples? I know it’s easy. If 1kg costs 5$ then 7kg
cost 7*5=35$ or you will just draw a perpendicular line from point 7 along the y-axis until it
touches the linear equation and the corresponding value on the y-axis is the answer as
shown by the green dotted line on the graph. But we are going to solve using the formula of
a linear equation.
Now, if I have to find the price of 9.5 kg of apple then according to our model mx+b = 5 * 9.5
+ 0 = $47.5 is the answer. By now you might have understood that m and b are the main
ingredients of the linear equation or in other words m and b are called parameters.

Unfortunately, this is not the machine learning problem neither linear equation is a
prediction algorithm, But luckily linear regression outputs the result the same way as the
linear equation does. The main purpose of the linear regression algorithm is to find the
value of m and b that fit the model and after that same m and b are used to predict the
result for the given input data.

Predict housing prices

Now we are going to dive a little deeper into solving the regression problem. Look at the
data samples or also termed as training examples given in the figure below.
A company name ABC provides you a data on the houses’ size and its price. The company
requires providing them a machine learning model that can predict houses’ prices for any
given size. Let’s say what would be the best-estimated price for area 3000 feet square? If
you are thinking to fit a line somewhere between the dataset and draw a verticle line from
3000 on the x-axis until it touches the line and then the corresponding value on the y-axis i.e
470 would be the answer, then you are on right track, it is represented by the green dotted
line in the figure below.
Let’s do it in another way, if we could find the equation of line y = mx+b that we use to fit the
data represented by the blue inclined line then we can easily find the model that can predict
the housing prices for any given area. In machine learning lingo function y = mx+b is also
called a hypothesis function where m and b can be represented by theta0 and theta1
respectively. theta0 is also called a bias term and theta1,theta2,.. are called weights.

See the blue line in the picture above, By taking any two samples that touch or very close to
the line we can find the theta1 (slope) = 0.132 and theta zero = 80 as shown in the figure.
Now we can use our hypothesis function to predict housing price for size 3000 feet square
i.e 80+3000*0.132 = 476. $476,000 could be the best-estimated price for a house of size
3000 feet square and this could be a reasonable way to prepare a machine learning model
when you have just 50 samples and with only one feature(size).

But the real-world dataset could be in the order of thousands or even in millions and the
number of features could range from (5–100) or even in thousands. At that time our
intuition won’t be useful to find thousands of parameters just by looking at a dataset that’s
why we need a machine-learning algorithm to carry out such a complex calculation. Grab a
cup of coffee, refresh yourself and come back again because from now onwards you are
going to understand the way the algorithm works and you will be introduced to a lot of new
terminologies. Get ready!!

Note: (i) in the equation represents the ith training example, not the power.

If the terminologies given in the above figure seem like aliens to you please take a few
minutes to familiarize yourself and try to find a connection with each term. If you know to
some extent let’s move ahead. Once the parameter values i.e bias term and theta1 are
randomly initialized, the hypothesis function is ready for prediction, and then the error
(|predicted value – actual value|) is calculated to check whether the randomly initialized
parameter is giving the right prediction or not.

If the error is too high, then the algorithm updates the parameters with a new value, if the
error is high again it will update the parameters with the new value again. The algorithm
continues this process until the error is minimized. To minimize the error we have a special
function called Gradient Descent but before that, we are going to understand what Cost
Function is and how it works?
Here in the cost function, we are trying to find the square of the differences between the
predicted value and actual value of each training example and then summing up all the
differences together or in other words, we are finding the square of error of each training
example and then summing up all the errors together. The output we get is simply the mean
squared error of a particular set of parameters. Ok, no more words let’s do the calculation.
For the simplicity of calculation, we are going to use just one parameter theta1 and a very
simple dataset.
We have three training examples (X1=1, y1=1), (X2=2, y2=2), and (X3=3, y3=3). figure on the
left is of hypothesis function and on the right is cost function plotted for different values of
the parameter.
Try other values of theta1 yourself and calculate the cost for each theta1 value. Once you
plot these all dots, the cost function will look like a bowl-shaped curve as shown in the
figure below.

From the figure and calculation, it is clear that the cost function is minimum at theta1=1 or
at the bottom of the bowl-shaped curve. The purpose of all this hard work is not to calculate
the minimum value of cost function, we have a better way to do this, instead try to
understand the relationship between parameters, hypothesis function, and cost function.
Please make sure you understand all these concepts before moving ahead.

Coding Cost Function:

Gradient Descent:

Why do we need a Gradient Descent?

● In short to minimize the cost function, But How? Let’s see

The cost function only works when it knows the parameters’ values, In the above sample
example we manually choose the parameters’ value each time but during the algorithmic
calculation once the parameters’ values are randomly initialized it’s the gradient descent
who have to decide what params value to choose in the next iteration in order to minimize
the error, it’s the gradient descent who decide by how much to increase or decrease the
params values.

Analogy: How Gradient Descent works?

What did you learn from the game? In the beginning, you try with learning rate (alpha)=1 but
you fail to reach the minimum, because of the larger steps it overshoots the minimum. In
the next game, you try with alpha=0.1, and this time you managed to reach the bottom very
safely. what if you had tried with alpha=0.01, well, in that case, you will be gradually coming
down but won’t make it to the bottom, 20 jumps are not enough to reach the bottom with
alpha=0.01, 100 jumps might be sufficient. while solving a real-world problem, normally
alpha between 0.01–0.1 should work fine but it varies with the number of iterations that the
algorithm takes, some problems might take 100 or some might even take 1000 iterations.

Based on these factors you can try with different values of alpha. Although tuning alpha
value is one of the important tasks in understanding the algorithm I would suggest you look
at other parts of the algorithm also like derivative parts, minus sign, update parameters and
understand what their individual’s roles are.
Coding Gradient Descent

Until now we are just using a single parameter to calculate cost function and algorithms.
What the cost function looks like and how does the algorithm works when we have two or
more parameters? See the figure below for intuitive understanding. Imagine yourself
somewhere at the top of the mountain and struggling to get down the bottom of the
mountain blindfolded.
The algorithm working principle is the same for any number of parameters, it’s just that the
more the parameters more the direction of the slope. In the previous example of the
bowl-shaped curve, we just need to look at the slope of theta1, But now the algorithm needs
to look for both directions in order to minimize the cost function. let’s code and understand
the algorithm. see the figure below for reference:
Here we go, Our model predicts 475.88*1000 = $475,880 for the house of size 3*1000 ft
square. It’s very close to our prediction that we made earlier at the beginning using our


As a beginner, it might be a little difficult to grasp all the concepts of linear regression in
such a short reading time. I wouldn’t say you know all things about linear regression from
this tutorial. The purpose of this article is to make algorithms understandable in the
simplest way possible

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