Organization Development and Change: Dr. Radhika Kapur

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Organization Development and Change

Dr. Radhika Kapur

Organization development and change are professional fields of social action and the
areas of scientific enquiry. The practices of organization development and change covers a
wide range of activities and functions. Various areas that illustrate organization development
and change are, working in co-ordination and integration with the other individuals, such as,
employees, colleagues, supervisors, leaders, managers and directors, bringing about structural
changes and processes that may influence the job satisfaction of the individuals. The study of
organization development and change reports a broad range of areas that have been taken into
account in this research paper. The main purpose of researching upon these areas is to find
out how effectiveness can be brought about in the implementation of functions within the
organization. Bringing about innovative changes and transformations and implementation of
tasks and functions towards the development of the organization are the main objectives of
the personnel.

Keywords: Organization Development, Change, Features, Issues, Methods,

Effectiveness, Human Resources, Implementation

Organization development (OD) is referred to as a planned and a long term process
which brings about transformations and changes in an organization’s culture through the
utilization of behaviour science technology, research and theory. It applies to changes
brought about in the approaches, techniques and the methodology that is put into practice. In
the organization development, there are several processes that are implemented, these are,
diagnosis, action planning, intervention, and evaluation, these are aimed at, improvement in
the congruence amongst the organizational culture, structure, processes, people and
strategies, developing new and creative organizational solutions and developing the
organization’s self-renewing capability. The development of the organization takes place
through co-operation and collaboration amongst its members. They need to work with the
change agent, making use of behavioural science theory, research and technology
(Cummings, & Worley, 2008).
Change is stated as the variation in the established way of life to which the people are
accustomed to within the organization. Organization is regarded as an open system and is
affected by the internal and the external environmental conditions. The causes of change are
classified into internal and external categories, the external changes are, educational and
cultural forces, economic forces, technological forces, political forces and social forces. The
internal changes are, composition and policy of top management, changes in personnel,
changes in physical facilities, changes in the attitudes of the employees and changes in work
allocation and job duties. When changes are introduced in a gradual manner and through the
participation of the affected groups, it is likely to promote understanding and commitment of
the employees towards them. New information, perspectives, beliefs and viewpoints are
required to be adapted to the changing environment (Management of Change and
Organizational Development, n.d.).

Characteristics of Organization Development

The characteristics of organization development have been stated as follows:

The organization development places emphasis upon the culture and the
implementation of tasks, functions and processes within the organization. Within the
organizational structure, culture is also considered as an important aspect, when members are
required to put into practice appropriate norms so that they work and collaborate with each
other in an efficient manner. The processes and the procedures are required to be put into
operation in a well-organized manner so that the development takes place in a resourceful
manner. The human resources need to recognize the cultures, norms, values and standards of
the organization as well as of each other (Tripon, & Dodu, n.d.).

The cultural dimension leads to an increase in the trust, communication, sharing of

information and adjustability to the changes. Conditions that precede any effort of change
that is to be successful. Managerial abilities makes provision to the human resources, new
and innovative ways of providing solutions to complex problems and difficulties. To promote
organization development, the managerial skills and abilities are considered essential on the
part of the human resources. The employees address their problems and grievances to their
supervisors and accordingly, solutions are provided. The problems may be concerning
salaries, incentives, working environmental conditions, tools and equipment and so forth
(Tripon, & Dodu, n.d.).
Organizations are established as entities with the aim of achieving certain goals and
objectives. The behaviours of the members of the organization are largely focused towards
achievement of the goals and objectives. In some of the organizations, there are groups who
are meant towards looking after their own interests and requirements, they normally have the
main motive of enhancing productivity and making profit, therefore, techniques, methods,
procedures, that are made use of to bring about organization development are put into
operation by these groups (Tripon, & Dodu, n.d.).

Organization development is a planned strategy to bring about organizational change.

This change aims at specific objectives and are based on the diagnosis of the problem areas.
When developmental changes take place within the organizations, the members get affected
by these changes. Mainly the performance of the functions and job duties of the employees
gets influenced by the changes. The changes that take place in the performance of the
individuals within the organization are improvement in productivity, they are able to perform
their job functions in an adequate manner, they are able to understand the customer
requirements, able to form good relationships with the other individuals, minimize the
occurrence of conflicts and disputes and enhance their competency, proficiency, skills and
abilities (Organizational Change and Development, n.d.).

Organization development plays an imperative role in making provision of assistance

to the organizations to bring about transformations. Through organization development, they
are able to assess themselves and their environments and revitalize and rebuild their
strategies, structures and processes. The behaviours and the attitudes of the personnel, their
ways of communication are also required to be developed to accomplish the desired goals and
objectives. Organization development has been more responsive and practically relevant to
the requirements of the organization to operate in an efficient manner in a largely complex
and changing world (Cummings, & Worley, 2008).

Organization development is vital to those who have do not have any desires to
become professional practitioners. All managers and administrators are in authority for
managing and developing subordinates and for cultivating the performance of their
departments. Similarly, all staff specialists, such as, financial analysts, engineers, information
technologists, or market researchers, are responsible for making available guidance and
counselling to the managers and for introducing new methods and practices. Finally,
organization development is vital for the general managers and other senior executives, the
reason being, it can help the whole organization become more flexible, adjustable, and
operative (Cummings, & Worley, 2008).
It is understandable with the impact of organization development, help will be
available to the managers and staff members to perform their functions in an efficacious
manner. It can provide the assistances and the awareness required for establishing operative
interpersonal relationships. It can show to the human resources, how to work in an
appropriate manner with others in analysing multifaceted problems and in formulating
appropriate solutions. It can assist others in becoming committed to the solutions, thereby,
increasing opportunities for their successful implementation. In short, OD is largely pertinent
to anyone having to work with and through others in the organizations (Cummings, &
Worley, 2008).
Features needed to Promote Organization Development and Change
To promote organization development and change in a productive way, there are
certain features which the individuals have to recognize. These have been stated as follows:
(Organizational Change and Development, n.d.).
Spirit – Organizations are spiritual and material in their nature. The human resources
are required to possess the traits in accordance to the nature of the organizations. For
instance, if the organization is involved with the production and manufacturing of handicrafts
or if a corporation is working towards generation of religious and spiritual values amongst the
individuals, then it is vital that members should be aware and informative regarding the
values and the principles. Spirit is also in relation to generation of confidence and enthusiasm
amongst the individuals regarding their jobs. The individuals should be wholeheartedly
dedicated towards their jobs and possess adequate knowledge.
Purpose – The purpose of the establishment of the organization, the purpose of the
employees who are working within the organization, the purpose of the objectives and goals
formulated are essential that need to be understood. The primary purpose of the organization
is to enhance productivity by satisfying the customers, encourage profitability and promote
the feelings of job satisfaction amongst the employees. In all types of organizations, the work
duties are dedicated towards achievement of the purpose for which the organization is
Creativity – The first and the most important act of any organization is the creative
act. The creation of new products and services, methods, procedures, bringing in innovative
technology, and other materials are some of the ways to generate creativity in the production
processes. Besides the generation of creativity in the production processes, it is vital for the
human resources to develop creativity in the performance of their job duties and functions.
Challenge and Response – In most instances, coping with developments and changes
within the organization is demanding and challenging. It is difficult for the workforce to face
the challenges and express their responses. Therefore, the members should be completely
aware of all the challenges and problems that can occur with the course of the performance of
their job duties and functions. This awareness would enable them to become adjustable and
respond to the challenges in a creative manner.
Planned Urgency - The urgency to make decisions and responding in a prompt
manner leads to growth and improvement. Rapid action must be balanced by deliberate
planning. When any decisions are made or any actions are implemented in a rapid manner,
then it is essential to always plan and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses. Absence of
planning would always lead to conflicts between promptness and the activity. The main
purpose of rapid action is to lead to profitability and goodwill.
Unity and Diversity – In the organization, there are individuals belonging to various
castes, creeds, races, ethnic groups, religious backgrounds, and nationalities. The individuals
also differ in their educational qualifications, skills, abilities and behavioural traits.
Advancing cultures are usually uniting and becoming diverse in character. The leaders are
required to make sure that all individuals are treated with respect and there should not be any
kinds of discriminatory treatments against them. There should be absence of all kinds of
differences amongst the individuals and they should be provided with equal opportunities.
Specialized Competence – Specialized competence, skills, abilities, knowledge and
awareness are the primary features that the individuals have to possess when they are
employed within the organization. The specialized competence enables an individual to
implement methods, procedures and techniques that are required to enhance productivity.
When the employees are recruited, they are required to undergo training, so that they are able
to acquire knowledge about all the aspects and tasks within the organization. The training
programs enable them to enhance specialized competence to promote development and
Efficient Administration – Efficiency is imperative in the performance of the
administrative functions. Efficient administration is required to lead to integration and co-
ordination amongst the members of the organization. The administrative staff members are
required to make sure that all the machines and equipment are well organized, adequately
available, reports and documents are prepared in an appropriate manner, all the needs and
requirements of the clients and other people are satisfied and the functions of direction,
management, supervision and control are put into operation resourcefully.
On the Spot Decisions – Decision making is regarded as an important function of any
organization. On the spot decisions are regarded to be in relation to the customer, product or
service. The decisions are either made in a rapid way or they may be time consuming. When
decision making takes place, there are various points that need to be taken into consideration,
they should be completely beneficial to the organization, they should be beneficial to the
employees as well as the clients and should be operative in the long term. It is essential to
take ideas and suggestions from the other individuals too, such as, managers or supervisors or
union leaders. Opportunities should be available to all the individuals to share their
Areas that require Development and Change
Within the organization, there are numerous areas that require development and
change. The concepts of development and change takes place from time to time, and there are
external and internal factors that influence these aspects. The main areas that require
development and change for the effective functioning of the organization have been stated as
follows: (Organizational Development and Change, n.d.).
Human Resources – Human resources are considered to be the most important assets
of the organization. Their development is considered imperative to accomplish the desired
goals and objectives. Organization’s distinctive competencies are part of the skills and
capabilities of the employees. The availability of skills and competencies make provision of
competitive advantage to the organization. The organizations are required to observe and
scrutinize their structures on a continuous basis to find out the most effective way of
stimulating, encouraging and organizing the human resources to make use of their skills and
The efforts directed at human resources include, bringing about innovative strategies
and methods in the training programs, so that the skills and abilities of the employees are
efficiently improved. The workforce is required to establish effective communication skills
and socialize with the other individuals, so that they acquire awareness about the
organizational performances. Changing the norms and values of the organization to
encourage the recruitment of multi-cultural and diverse workforce and motivate them. The
promotional opportunities and the reward systems are considered essential to motivate the
employees and when they experience an increase in salary, they become more dedicated
towards their job duties. The composition of the leaders and the top managers are required to
be changed to improve organizational learning and decision making.
Functional Resources – The functions within the organization requires the
development of the procedures that allow it to manage the particular environment it
experiences. As the external and the internal environmental conditions undergo changes,
organizations often transmit the capital and resources to the functions, where the most value
can be generated. The functions that are imperative within the organization are recognized
and given significance, while the functions, which are not frequently implemented, their
significance declines. An organization can advance the importance that is created by the
functions by bringing about transformations in culture, structure and technology. The change
from a functional to a product team structure, for instance, may increase the rapidity of the
new product development process. Adaptations in the functional structure can assist in
making provision of a situation in which people are motivated to perform. The change from
traditional mass production to a manufacturing operation based on self-managed work teams
often permits the organizations to increase product quality and productivity if the workforce
can contribute in the gains from the new operating systems.
Technological Capabilities - Technological capabilities make provision of an
enormous capacity to the organization to encourage developments and changes within itself
to make use of the market opportunities. The capability to develop a continuous stream of
new products or to adjust current products so that they continue to satisfy the needs of
customers, is one of an organization’s core competencies. Similarly, the capability to improve
the way goods and services are produced to increase their eminence and consistency is a
fundamental organizational ability. At the organizational level, an organization has to provide
the framework that permits it to interpret its technological competencies into value for its
participants. This undertaking often involves the reform of organizational activities. IBM, for
example, has recently been motivated to change its organizational structure to better make the
most of its strengths in providing IT consulting. Previously, it was unable to translate its
technical capabilities into commercial opportunities, the reason being, its structure was not
dedicated on consulting, but on making and selling computer hardware and software rather
than offering suggestions.
Organizational Capabilities – The organizational capabilities are primarily formed
regarding the tasks that are implemented, such as, production and manufacturing of goods,
providing services, consultancy etc. The designing, structuring and culture of the organization
enables the individuals to make effective use of the human and functional resources and
promote innovative and technological opportunities to put into practice all the tasks and
operations. Organizational change often involves changing the relationships between the
individuals and functions to develop their skills and abilities. The development of the skills
and abilities will lead to an increase in value. Changes in organization and cultures take place
at all levels of the organization and include change in the procedures and practices, an
individual uses to meet the customer requirements, change in the work group relationships,
cultivating integration between divisions, and transforming corporate culture by changing the
top-management team.
Management – Management is a comprehensive term which includes the functions of
planning, organizing, supervising, directing, leading, controlling, recruiting and
administrating. Management is regarded as the most imperative function that requires
development and changes within the course of time. The procedures and the methods that are
put into operation for the effective implementation of management are required to be taken
into consideration and in accordance with those developments and changes are brought about.
Human resources are the ones who manage the developments and the changes and
individuals who are well-managed, they manage these processes in a more effective manner.
Managing change is a multi-disciplinary activity and individuals are required to possess
adequate skills, knowledge, resources, facilities and assistance.
The important areas that generate development and changes are, effective
communication skills, these are vital for acquiring mutual understanding, support and co-
ordination amongst the individuals. Maintaining motivation and providing leadership to all
the concerned individuals is necessary. The individuals are required to possess
resourcefulness, conscientiousness and ingenuity to lead, manage and direct the employees.
Negotiating and influencing skills are considered important, as within the organization,
negotiations usually takes place between the union and the management. Management of
conflicts and disputes is essential, as to achieve the desired goals and objectives, it is vital for
the members of the organization to work in co-ordination with each other. The occurrence of
conflicts and disputes is a hindrance within the course of the achievement of the desired goals
and objectives. Management does not only takes place between the superiors and the
subordinates, but also amongst the colleagues. The leaders and the directors are also required
to follow the rules and policies in carrying out their job duties.
Reasons for Organization Development and Change
The aspects that promote organizational effectiveness are comprehensive, these
include the factors that are relating to the external environmental conditions and the factors
which will improve the managerial effectiveness. The causes that lead to changes and
developments within the organization should be considered in an appropriate manner (Chen,
Suen, Lin, & Shieh, 2016). The developments and changes brought about will enable the
individuals to cope up with all the problems and difficulties that might take place. The human
resources will recognize the significance of development and change, when they will be
aware of the reasons for the organization development and change. The changes should
always be implemented with constructivism and positivity.
An organization needs development and change as a reaction or as a response to the
changes in the environment or dealing with problems and difficult situations (Chen, Suen,
Lin, & Shieh, 2016). When changes take place in the external environmental conditions, then
it calls for changes to take place within the organizational structure as well. Every
organization has policies and rules which enable the workforce to render their job
performances accordingly. Improvements in the job performances of the individuals,
promoting job satisfaction, enhancement in productivity, satisfying the needs and
requirements of the customers and so forth, are some of the factors that lead to developments
and changes within the organization. The leaders and the directors are more encouraged to
promote transformations and changes that may be beneficial to the organization. Changes are
considered to be important, when the organization has undergone the transfer of executive
power (Chen, Suen, Lin, & Shieh, 2016).
The aspects of establishment of goals and objectives, execution, evaluation and
restructuring necessitates organizational change (Chen, Suen, Lin, & Shieh, 2016). The
members of the organization are required to put into operation various techniques, methods
and approaches to accomplish their goals and objectives. Some may not be workable and
would not generate the desired outcome, this may make the members to reconsider their
approaches and strategies and bring about changes. The performance of the employees may
require improvement from time to time. When the employees do not perform well and their
evaluation report do not give fair results, they identify the flaws and the inconsistencies along
with the help of the supervisor and implement changes to enhance their performance. There
are numerous areas within the organization that calls for changes and developments from
time to time.
The Process of Organization Change
The method, such as the force-field analysis is the beginning step for any planned
change. There are many kinds of different models for the change process. The three steps of
the simple model has been illustrated as follows: (Organizational Change and Development,
The assessment of the current scenario – The assessment of the current scenario can
be achieved through a device known as, force-field analysis. It provides the necessary
information on the forces that can assist the anticipated change and the services that will
resist and prevent change. The situation that calls for changes are required to be analysed in
an appropriate manner. All the aspects, strengths and weaknesses of the situations are
required to be taken into investigation. The aspects which are beneficial may not be changed
but the other aspects, which may impose detrimental consequences are required to get
The creation of a preferred scenario – This is often accomplished through team effort
in brainstorming and development of the alternative futures. While the need that precipitates
the change is evidently compelling, there may be several ways in which the change could
essentially take place within the organization. It is important to scrutinize the various
alternatives methodically. When changes are to be implemented to bring about improvements
within the situation, then it is a possibility that there may be occurrence of two or more
alternatives. All the alternatives need to be analysed and then the one which is the most
productive and advantageous is put into operation.
Designing a Plan that moves the system from the current to the preferred scenario –
This includes the strategies, approaches and the plans that educationists and administrators
must develop to overcome the restraining forces within the organization. This is a political
process, requiring individuals to connect and make use of power. Power and authority are
considered necessary for changes to take place. It is neither fundamentally good nor bad; it
simply assists individuals in the achievement of the desired goals and objectives. Within the
organization, there is a hierarchy of individuals, the directors and the heads, who are at the
high positions. They possess the power and authority to make the decisions, exercise control,
implement leadership functions and guide the individuals towards the right direction.
The leaders and the directors may seek ideas and suggestions from the other
individuals, but control, authority and the decision making power is largely vested in their
hands. The support and assistance that the individuals require in order to bring about changes
within the organization must be accumulated both from the external and the internal factors.
Both the formal and the informal networks are made use of to collect support and assistance
to bring about the desired changes.
Organization Issues
To operate in an efficient manner, there are certain issues that the organizations are
required to address and these have been stated as follows: (Cummings, & Worley, 2009).

Strategic Issues – The organizations need to make decisions regarding their

productivity factors, what kinds of products and services are going to be provided in the
market, as well as how to form well defined terms and conditions with the environment and
how to transform themselves to keep pace with the changing conditions. The strategic issues
are considered to be the most important for development of the organization. The
organization development methods aimed at these issues are referred to as strategic
interventions. These methods are the most recent additions to organization development and
include, integrated strategic change, mergers and acquisitions, alliance and network
development and organization learning.

Technological and Structural Issues – There are various departments within the
organization and they need to possess adequate knowledge regarding how to allocate various
job duties amongst the individuals in accordance to their qualifications, skills and abilities. It
is essential to maintain co-ordination amongst the departments. Decisions need to be made
about how to form linkages between human resources and the tasks to be performed and how
to deliver products or services to the customers. Organization development methods for
dealing with the structural and the technological issues are called techno-structural
interventions and comprise of functions such as, organization design, employee involvement
and work design.

Human Resources Issues – These issues are concerned with the recruitment of
competent and skilled workforce within the organization. Establishment of goals and
objectives, directing the work duties of the employees in an appropriate manner, appraising
and rewarding their performance, and making sure that they develop their careers and possess
the ability to work under stress. In most cases, jobs are demanding, hence, employees should
be able to adequately deal with difficulties and problems. The human resources are required
to get efficiently trained, managed and directed. The leadership functions within the
organization are required to get implemented in an operative manner to ensure employees
perform their job duties in a satisfactory manner. Decisions needed to be made that may be
advantageous to the employees as well as the organization within the internal and external
environmental conditions.
Human Process Issues – These issues are concerned with the social processes that
take place amongst the members of the organization. These processes include,
communication, decision making, leadership and group dynamics. The organization
development methods focusing on these kinds of issues are known as human process
interventions. It is important for the individuals to work as a team in co-ordination with each
other. It is vital for the human resources to form appropriate relationships with their
superiors, subordinates and colleagues. Conflicts and disputes sometimes occur amongst the
individuals, but it is important that they should implement proper conflict resolution methods.
There is an interrelationship between the organizational issues and these need to be integrated
with each other.

Strategies for Overcoming Resistance to Change

The strategies for overcoming resistance to change have been stated as follows:
(Organizational Development and Change, n.d.).

Education and Communication – Resistance can be reduced through communicating

with the employees to help them observe the logic of change. It is vital to ensure that
employees understand that changes are necessary within the organizations. Source of
resistance lies in misinformation or poor communication. Communication may take place
through one to one discussion, notices, reports, emails or letters. When the communication
process is effective or when the workforce possesses complete knowledge about the changes,
then the management and the employee relationships are characterized by mutual trust and
credibility. Education is considered to be one of the important areas for overcoming
resistance to change. It enables the individuals to understand and acknowledge changes and
transformations within the organizations.

Participation and Involvement – It is difficult for the individuals to resist a change

decision in which they would have participated. Prior to making a change, those that are
contrasting can be brought into the decision making process. Individuals need to be assisted
in adjusting to the changes. The individuals need to generate ideas and viewpoints regarding
the changes that have been brought about within the organization. Participation in the
activities and functions of the organization, leads to an increase in the understanding,
improve the feelings of control, causes a reduction in any kind of uncertainty and promotes
the feeling of ownership when change directly effects the individuals.
Facilitation and Support – There have been initiation of training programs within the
organization. The different types of training programs, such as, lectures, case studies,
vestibule training, role plays and so forth provide information and knowledge to the
employees about the organization and the performance of their job duties. If employees are
provided with encouragement, support, training, counselling, direction, guidance, supervision
and resources, they will be able to adapt to the new requirements in an appropriate manner. It
is an integral part of the job duties of the supervisors, they should adequately support and
help their employees to do well in their jobs and adjust to all kinds of changes and
transformations that have taken place. Individuals require support, assistance and
encouragement to achieve the desired goals and objectives.

Negotiation and Agreement – Negotiations and agreements normally takes place

amongst the individuals when they are engaged in different kinds of tasks and functions.
These may include, production and manufacturing of goods and services, managerial
functions of planning, organizing, directing, controlling, leadership and recruitment
functions, working on any project or an assignment, salaries and reimbursements, training,
and so forth. Normally, within an organization, individuals work in co-ordination with each
other and they are required to establish mutual understanding with each other. Negotiations
and agreements are considered beneficial, when two or more individuals are engaged into
bargaining units. For instance, union may make agreements and negotiate with the
management regarding pay and reimbursements, production processes, equipment, materials,
working environmental conditions, leaves, vacations and other grievances.

Manipulation and Co-operation – The organization as well as the human resources

have certain goals and objectives, which they desire to achieve. In order to achieve the goals
and objectives, the employees are required to work in co-operation with each other. In case of
any problems and issues, they approach their supervisors and employers, and they should
make an attempt to provide solutions to the problems of the employees. In putting into
operation, all the tasks and functions of the organization, the human resources have to work
in co-ordination with each other. There is an interconnection between all the departments of
the organization and they are required to communicate and work with each other in an
effective manner. Benefits and incentives contribute in influencing the workforce to do well
in their job duties.
Explicit and Implicit Coercion – There may be occurrence of some instances, in
which the management might make use of the authority and the risk of the undesirable
incentives to strengthen the approval of the projected change. For instance, if the employees
are not able to accept the proposed changes, then the project or plan is required to be given
up, there would be a decline in the salaries of the individuals or people will be laid off.
Examples of coercion can be transfer, loss of promotion, negative performance evaluation or
poor letter of recommendation. This is stated to be a rapid process and can overcome any
kind of resistance.

Contingencies Relating to the Development and Change of the Organization

The number of contingencies present in the change situation that can affect the
intervention success. These include individual differences amongst the organization
members, such as, needs for autonomy, organizational factors, such as, management style and
technical uncertainty, and dimensions of the change process itself, which includes, the degree
of top management support. In many cases, knowledge of the contingencies results in
modifying or adjusting to the change program to be suitable to the situation. The
contingencies relating to the development and change of the organization have been stated as
follows: (Cummings, & Worley, 2009).

Readiness for Change - Intervention achievement is determined by the organization,

being prepared for planned change. Indicators of enthusiasm and willingness for change
include understanding the pressures for change, discontent with the status quo, accessibility
of capitals to support change, and commitment of the significant management of time. When
such conditions are present, interventions can be designed to address the organizational issues
uncovered during diagnosis. When readiness for change is low, then the interventions need to
focus first on having an increase in the organization’s inclination to change.
Capability to Change - An organization’s transformation ability is a purpose of the
change connecting to the awareness and skills present in the organization, the capitals,
resources and structures devoted to change, and the organization’s experience with change.
First, managing planned change requires specific information and competency, including the
capability to stimulate change, to lead change, to develop political support, and to sustain
momentum. Second, change requires an organization of infrastructure and facilities to
support the conversion. Program and project management offices, accessing resources, and
collective models of the change process are essential to manage implementation. Finally, an
organization must have practiced with and learned from change to have a change capability.
If an organization does not have these resources, then an introductory training intervention
may be needed before members can participate in a meaningful manner in the intervention
Cultural Context - The national culture within which the organization is entrenched
can utilize an authoritative effect on the responses of the members towards promoting
development and change. Therefore, the intervention design must account for the cultural
values and assumptions held by the members of the organization. Interventions may have to
be reformed to be suitable to the local culture, particularly when organization development
practices developed in one culture are applied to the organizations in another culture. For
example, a team-building intervention planned for the managers at the top position at an
American firm may need to be adjusted when applied to the company’s foreign subsidiaries.
Capabilities of the Change Agent - Many weaknesses in organization development
results when change agents apply interventions beyond their capability. In designing
interventions, organization development practitioners should measure their involvement,
practice and proficiency against the necessities needed to implement the intervention
effectually. When a discrepancy takes place, practitioners can discover whether the
intervention can be reformed to fit their talents in a better way, whether another involvement
more suitable to their skills can fulfil the organization’s prerequisites, or whether they should
recruit the support of another change agent who can guide the process more efficiently. The
principled strategies and procedures under which organization development practitioners
function require full disclosure of the applicability of their knowledge and proficiency to the
situation of the clients. Practitioners are expected to get involved within their competencies or
to recommend someone more suitable to the client’s requirements.
The organizations exist with the purpose of achieving certain goals and objectives.
The members of the organization dedicate themselves and make use of their skills and
abilities to achieve the desired goals and objectives and generate a source of income to
sustain their living conditions. The individuals are required to implement procedures,
measures, techniques, methods and processes in an adequate manner to bring about
development and changes. The organization development and change is considered important
as changes takes place within the internal and the external environmental conditions and it is
vital for the organizations to implement all the tasks and operations in accordance with the
changes and transformations that have taken place within the internal and external
Organization development and change is concerned with making use of modern and
innovative techniques and methods. Effective communication amongst the members of the
organization, favourable working environmental conditions, satisfaction of the needs and
requirements of the customers, forming working environmental conditions in an appropriate
manner, formulating conflict resolution and dispute settlement procedures, organization of
training programs in an appropriate manner, managing workforce diversity and wellness,
performance appraisal systems, implementation of effective leadership skills and managerial
functions, making use of technology and methods and techniques for analysing and collecting
data are the various areas that need to be focused upon to bring about relevant organization
development and change.
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