Develop Project Drone

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Develop Project: Wilmont’s Pharmacy

Drone Case

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) WBS Dictionary

WBS Activity

1.0 Develop Drone prototypes Overall Project

1.1 Develop Scope and Plan Define the scope, goals and objectives of your project. Prepare a description of the scope of
the job. Run other basic documents, such as project cost estimates, schedules, and project
1.1.1 Engage Stakeholders Communicate with project stakeholders, including project charter submissions, status
reports, scope discussions, etc.
1.1.2 Raise Funds Meet interested parties, potential contributors and promotional content.

1.2 Planning
1.2 System design Design and engineering of a prototype drone system by Drone Tech, including material
specifications, and subsequent preparation of drawings related to the construction of the
drone driver, will be approved later
1.2.1 Cost Estimate Calculate the materials needed for the job and their quantity and create a table of
1.2.2 Approvals Approval Submit the project document and cost estimate to stakeholders for approval.
1.2.3 Create a Project Organization Chart Define permissions and hierarchy at all levels of the project.

1.3 Execution
1.3.1 Purchase materials Purchase of materials Purchase spare parts for drone assembly and related labor and
shipping costs
1.3.2 Rent equipments and engage Advice on further evaluation and acquisition of equipment for building drones in case
1.3.3 Complete Assembly Assemble the drone according to Drone Tech's design and specifications as described in
Project Scope Plan vi.
1.3.4 Development of Mobile App Code the mobile app that Wilmont Pharmacy customers use to order and order medicines.

1.4.1 Piloting and delivering Launch of drones to provide experimental prescriptions.
1.4.2 Interface Organize Wilmont's resources and work with Dronetech's aviation and other management
systems to control and manage the drone's delivery system.

1.5 Control
1.5.1 Meetings Have regular meetings with groups, stakeholders and areas affected by the company
1.5.2 Quality control The user is trained to fly the drone and the quality of the drone is evaluated.

1.6 Closeout
1.6.1 Performance The performance of the project delivery system and personal data will be verified by an
external organization or stakeholder.
1.6.2 Report Closing report At the end of a project, a closing report is generated on the success and
phases of the project.

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