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oxford PA exam support Le) aCe) ie Pre-Intermediate Workbook ©@ with audio CD Tim Falla, Paul A Davies Solutions Pre-Intermediate Workbook a OXFORD Tim Falla Paul A Davies ‘UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD ‘Great Charendon Stet, Oxford, 0x2 6D, United Kingdom ‘Oxford Universit ress sa department ofthe University of Oxford [efter the Unveatysobyectve fexcellence in teserch, ehaarship, ind education by publishing workdwie.Oxford sa epitered trae ‘ark of Oxford University Pres in the UK and certain ater centric ‘Oxford University Press 2012 ‘The mal ight ofthe author have Ben asserted "use published in 2012 20n6 201 2014 2013, wos7esaa [No unauthorized photocopying ‘Allright reserved. 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Bill often interrupts people when they are talking. Sally loves talking. Harriet always comes top of the class. Tom threw stones at the cat. ‘Max never helps with the housework. Sue is always telling jokes. 10 Jo hates waiting for people. 4 GULISTENING 2: Listen to four people describing family members. Match two adjectives with each person. There are two extra adjectives. 1 Terry's uncle Challenge! GUSTENING 2 Listen again. Complete the extracts. 1 He can ber i. 2 Sheneverlosesh___t. she just staysr_ 3 Sonia f. ab___n___in situations like that, aime q___.. Louise is the ¢ °. Pretec ce Goan 5 Make the adjectives negative by adding the correct prefix: un, in-, im, i- or dis-. 1 fit unfit 2 responsible 3 sensitive 4 fair 5 rational 6 mature 7 tolerant 8 loyal 6 Use the adjectives in exercise 5, with or without their prefixes, to complete the sentences. 1 You should be more and think about other people’s feelings. 2 Cathy is very + She goes to the gym every evening. 3 He's 17, but his behaviour is very = lke a12yearold! 4 Every time | get on a plane I'm sure it's going to crash. know I'm being , but | can't help it 5 We should be __of people who have different religions and beliefs. 6 Jake often says bad things about his frends when they aren't there, He’s very 7 Most people think it’s that rich people pay more tax than very poor people. 8 I can't leave Tom on his own at the weekend. He's too 2 Julie's mum 3 Martin's sister 4 Emma's sister Unit 1 = All about you 1. Some of the verbs in these sentences are incorrect. Correct them if necessary. 1 She's diving to work every day. [Z) ‘She drives to work every day. 2 Doyou need any help?[_] 3 What are you doing on Friday evening? [_] 4 | wear trainers today. [-] 5 | don't like fast food.) 6 Look. That man wears pink shoes. [_] 7 ‘What's Sam doing? “He's a dentist] 2 Complete the text messages with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Hi, Zoe. Help! Hey, Ryan.” you. 3 Complete the pairs of sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. ta you (come) with us to the cinema? b Where you (come) from? 2 a She never (eat) jeans to school. bi (wear) a new top. Do you lke it? 3a she (ee) Martin very often? b you (see) Oliver this evening? 4 a Mysister (play) bass in a rock band. b Jo (play) the guitar. What a terrible noise! Sal (hate) this ice cream. It tastes funny. bl (enjoy) this pizza. It tastes great. 4 Complete the conversation, Use the present continuous. lillie What * you (do)? Tom 12 (text) Harry. We (go) toa football match on Saturday. Millie Can I come? .. Why * you (laugh)? Tom You don’t like football! You only want to go because Harry Go)! ‘Millie That’s not fair. | won't go then, What § you (do) in the evening? Tom 17 (0) to the cinema. But Harry : (not go). Do you want to come? lillie No, thanks. 5 Look again at exercise 4. Decide whether the present continuous is being used (a) for something that is happening now or (b) for an arrangement in the future. Write a or b. 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 (have) a bad day? Where are you? Challenge! min town. 12 (shop) with my mum. @ ‘Oh dear. What you {look for? ‘Asmar suit and shoes. 1 (never wear) smart clothes! only. (like) Tshirts and trainers. 15 (know). Why? you (need) a suit? e (go)to my uncle's bithday party this Saturday. @ Write six sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous. ‘Two things that happen always, often, sometimes or 1 2 Two things that are happening now. 3 4 ‘Two arrangements forthe future. 5 6 Unit 1 * Allabout you [5 (ret Pence od 1 Complete the text. Use the words in the box. activities expeditions anew skill aplan time voluntary work ‘The Duke of Edinburgh Award started in 1956. In order to complete the award, young people have to spend. 8 doing exciting but challenging activities. They do? (€.g.helping disabled people), team? (e.g. designing websites) and go on “ They all have to write * before they do the ¢ And when they finish, they get a bronze, silver or gold award. 2 Read the text below quickly. Answer the questions. 1. Where is Lauren working? 2 How long is she staying there? 3 Read the text again, Are the sentences true (1) or false (F? 1 Lauren doesn’t want to study maths at university next year. g 2 She's helping Ghanaian children with theirmaths. [7] 3 She's learing about herself. a 4 Lots of young people are doing a similar thing to Lauren, a 5 When students take a gap yea, it's not good for their studies a 6 | Unit 1 = All about you ‘Ay GPUSTENING'S Listen to three teenagers who are hhaving a gap year abroad. Complete the sentences. Write D for Daniel, C for Christine or Tfor Thomas. 1 __is leaming a new language. 2 —_ loves his/her students. 3. Is taking care of people who are il 4 is living with relatives. 5 __ Is working in his/her hometown, 6 is helping to build something. 7 is teaching a language 5 Imagine you are going on a gap year. Answer the questions. Which country would you like to go to? i lke to What would you like to do there? ie to Eighteenyear-old Lauren Clark is a student, but she isn’t at university yet. Instead she’s taking a gap year. “I decided not to start my maths course immediately. Instead I'm here in Ghana for six months. I'm teaching English and maths to school children. I'm also helping to build the school library. I'm so surprised | can actually do all of this. I'm developing qualities | didn't know | had. I'm mote patient and polite ~ and I'm certainly not lazy here! | feel more responsible and | think I'm growing up." {In Europe, taking a gap year is very common. instead of. heading straight to college after school, more and more. students take a year off to travel, work, explore special interests or volunteer. ‘Colleges find that students who made this choice are more confident and mature when they artive and do better on their courses,’ said Dr Edwin Chance, Rector of York University, GRAMMAR 1. Complete the sentences. Use the -ing form ofthe verbs in the box. Then match the sentences with the pictures. ‘eatout feel get go play wear Tom can't stand Beth avoided Mia can’t help 1 a jacket and tie, 2 3 4 Zack suggested 5 6 her hairwet. nervous about the exam. that evening Henry doesn’t mind football in the rain, Jo fancies on safari next year. 2 Complete the sentences. Use the infinitive form of the verbs in the box. answer be carry come go hear pass tell 1 thope all my exams next year. 2 loffered the suitcase. 3 Ty all the questions in the test. 4 Mark pretended not the teacher. 5 Jan refused me where he was going, 6 They decided skiing this winter. 7 Sam didn't want to come to my party on his own, so his sister agreed with him, 8 He promised not late for school. Oo oO oO oO Oo Oo 3 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Joanna decided not ‘she was feeling tired. (play) volleyball after school as 2 Canyon = Pilbe back in a minute. (work) 3 ook forward to you again. (meet) 4 Iean'thelp that he is lying to me. (think) 5. Sally broke my MP3 player, but she refused me ‘anew one. (buy) 6 don’t mind you with your homework. help) 7 Suzi offered me a lft into town. (give) 8 I can't stand in the school canteen, (eat) 9 Toby suggested to.accb. (listen) 10 Maxis pretending 11. Do you fancy 12 He promised asleep, but he isn’t realy. (be) to eat this evening? (go out) ‘me before 10. (phone) A. Write five sentences using the phrases in the chart, do the washing-up liven a foreign country can't imagine get up before 6 a.m. can't stand get a good job don’t mind 0 out inthe rain hope eat out look forward to do homework refuse go home this afternoon tidy my room be twenty years old Challenge! [DICTIONARYWORK Look up these verbs ina learner's, dictionary and put them in the correct column. dare deny imagine manage wish ver + infinitive verb + ng Write a sentence in your notebook using each verb, Unit 4 * All about you PETIT sec Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. creative easy-going gentle outgoing, passionate rebellious Harty is very «He never seems to get worried or angry about things. Jason is about fitness. He goes to the sym every evening. Teenagers are sometimes theirparents and teachers. There ae lots of people in her family ~ artists, writers and musicians. Don't play rough games with your little brother. ry tobe more with him. Jackis very - He loves chatting and meeting new people. and disobey 2 Complete the styles of music. Use a, e,/,0 and u. nd c__ntry nd w_st_m 3 Read the text. Match sentences 1-5 with paragraphs A-D. There is one sentence that you do not need. 1 People talk about musica lot with new fiends.) 2 People are good at judging personality from clues. [—] 3. How can we find out about someone wemeet?. — [_] 4 5 How does music identify personality? You can identify someone's personality rom their song choices, Oo Unit 1» All about you 4 Choose the correct answers. 1 Inone of the tests, Sam shows people photos of a (] his bedroom, b [J other people's bedrooms. 2 Sam asks students to a [J find new fiends on the internet. b [5] getto know someone on the intemet. 3. The students a [] talkabout musica lot with each other. b F] exchange music a lot with each other. 4, Sam asks students to a [1] write a list of songs they like best. b ] write a list of adjectives that describe themselves, Challenge! What personality types do you think these music fans have? Write adjectives that describe their personalities. 1 RaB fan 2 indie fn 3 heavy metal fan A Social pychologist Sam Gosing researches eople can identify other people's personas he g one ofhistests:he shows peoplea photwar ene bedroom and asks them about thitperags ane Me found that people are quite od streading ea else's personaly om their bedroom or amen 'B But when you meet someone forthe first time, what is © quickest way of getting to know them? What clues do Pople use to decide if they like the person? What is one of the most common questions that young people ask? © Sam thinks the question i, What sort of mused listen to?" test this Sam gives university saegge anew Internet fiend. The students have gs eo Bet to know each other Then Sam readsall henge: Conversations Guess what? The stadente ds far more than any other. subject! mee D_Butcan people use music se musi to judge personal accurately? Sam asks the students to write at oftheir en favourite songs. Then he gives theless judging people from their musical choices, 4 (GULISTENING'S: Listen to the questions and answer them, 1 2 3 4 5 \GULISTENINGS Complete the dialogue. Then listen and check. Sue What do you like doing in your time, Tom? Tom 12 love going to? cinema. Sue Me‘. What*_of films are you into? Tom | ike sci films Sue 'mé¢___reallyafan?_ scifi fms. \ prefer romantic comedies. What ___do you like doing? Tom * quite fond of reading. 2 Complete the phrases with the words in the box. sue so” 1. What of books do Ea you like? 11 Tom Detective stories. What you? 2 leant Sue rm big fan ™ romantic novels. 3 mot that on 6 Write a dialogue tke the one in exercise 5. Use this are information. 5 Tm notreallya of ‘Anntikes.. [Rob likes 6 tm of listening to music| Take That___| Maroon 5 7 Im se surfing the Net Facebook | YouTube Challenge! Rob Write a sentence using each ofthe phrases in exercise 2, a 1 2 Rob 3 4 Ann 5 6 Rob 7 Ann 3 (GPLISTENING Listen and choose the best reply. 1 aSodol. sary Rob b Really? boy 2 a Yeah, sounds good. ["] 5 aMetoo. [] an b Me too [Db Good idea. 3 aSodol! CD 6 aMeneither. (] Ra bb Me neither. Fl bmeto. Fy Unit * Allabout you ['9) 10 Cans Preparation 1. Read the text. Complete the information about the writer. Name and age: . Personal Personality of people she likes: - Hobbies: Wil My name's Melanie and fm 17m looking for ema friends in the UBA or Canada, either guys or girls, 2 fairly active and talkative person. fm also quite confident, and my friends say Cm ambitious. But [actually enjoy the ‘company of quiet, modest people. im crazy about fashion and films. | also enjoy gymnastics and dancing. Ym a member of ajacz dance group at schoo. Do you fancy getting in touch? ‘Then send me an email melanie@melanie com, 2 Find and undertine phrases inthe text that mean: 1 I'd like to exchange messages with .. 2 ike being around .. 3 Doyou want to chat? 3 Put the words in the correct order. 1 in/'m / photography interested 2 a rugby /fan / of / football / big /'m / and 3 games / about / 'm / computer / crazy 4 swimming / of /1/a / bit / and / windsurfing / do 5 are / my/ listening / hobbies / music / dancing / and / to Unit = All about you ‘4 Undertine the mistakes and write the sentences correctly. 1 He's a quite polite person. He's quite a polite person, 2 Jane isa bit kind. 3. She's fairy an ambitious person. 4 Liam rather s impatient. 5. Sue is hard-working not very. Writing guide 5 personal profile like the one in exercise 1. Use the writing guide below. your name and age the kind of email friends you want your personality what your friends say about you the kind of people you like your likes, dislikes and free-time activities your email address Hig Dm§ T'm looking for @ Tm My friends soy* T really like ® Fa Do you fancy getting in touch? Then email mel My? ‘Have you ee ern re rae : pee Oar oes all 1. Complete the adject seri gener talk mod. arog confid grate, impati 2 Match the two halves of the musical styles. Write them correctly. 1 classic a metal 1 dassical 2 heaw bie 2 3 Ra —c al 3 4 ind d western 4 5 countryand eral 5 6 regs fe 6 7 rock'n" gae 7 3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the present simple or the present continuous. 11 __it a lot in Scotland? “Yes, it's a very wet country.” 2 Why you It isn’t funny! 31 is word, Can | borrow your dictionary? 4 We ___a party next Saturday. Can you come? 5 Why ___you loves? Itisn’t cold. 6 Jason never to work as he hasn't gota car. 7 We usually a DVD on Friday evening. 8 Dave and Ann, to the concert on Friday. They're busy. 4 Choose the correct answers. 1 Jan suggested to eat out / eating out. 2 Although it was past midnight, | carried on to work / working. 3 You promised to write / writing to me. 4 J usually avoid to go out / going out in the rain. 5 6 Josh can’t stand to wait / waiting for people. Dave spends a lot of time to play / playing computer games. 7 {look forward to see / seeing you again. 8 Do you expect to pass / passing your exams? bean. Read the statements. Think about your progress and tick ‘one of the boxes. personality. (SB p.4) what I'm doing now. (SB p.5) interests. (SB p.6) | can identify and use different verb patterns. (SB p.7) music and personality. (SB p.8) \ can exchange information about hobbies. (SB p.10) fora website. (SB p.11) Ineed more practice, EEY=! sometimes find this difficult. io problem! Self Check1 [44 Winning and losing ee Side +H 5X YF oO 1. Look at the sports holiday programme above. Complete 3 Complete the sentences about the sports programme. Use ‘each word and then write the time and day. playing, going or doing and the correct spot from exercise 1. 1 judo 500 Tuesday 1 They're playing netball _ at 11:00 on Friday. 2 They're ___at 15:00 on Thursday. 3 They're ___at 13:00 on Wednesday. 4 Theyre_________at 13:00 on Saturday. 5 Theyre ________at 15:00 on Tuesday. 6 They'e___at 11:00 on Saturday. 7 Theyre ________at 15:00 on Friday. 8 Theyre ___at 11.00 on Thursday. 9 Theyre ___at 13:00 on Monday. 10 Theyre ________at 15:00 on Monday. ree amcotereur en ues 4 Complete the newspaper report with the past simple form ofthe verbs in the box. England \____theie Football World Cup quallying match against Germany yesterday evening 2 Which day ha 1-0, Rooney was angry with himself when he 1 only team sports? = —__ +__apenalty inthe fest half, but he 2 only outdoor events? —___ an amazing goal aterin the game. Gerard 3. only winter sports? the allt Rooney onthe halfeay line, Rooney ran 4 only combat sports? past five defenders and thebalinto the net. England's Under-21 team played wel, but 1-0 to Spain Under-21s, 42 | Unit2 * Winning and losing 1. Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. e a In 1998, Philip Boit — 100 (take) part in the Winter ‘Olympics in Nagano, Japan. His event '_____(be)eross- ‘country skiing, and the newspapers * (write) about hima lot because he was from Kenya, a eountry with no Boit (prepare) well for the Olympics. Before the competition, he *_____ (spend) two months training in Finland. However, he (not win) the race—in fact, he" (Finish last. A Norwegian skier called Bjorn Dachlie (win) the event, but he™ (not leave) immediately after the finish — he (wait) or Boit because he "__(want) to shake his hand. After this, Boit and Dechlie became good friends, In fet, when Boit " (have) a son afew years later, he (name) him Dechlie Boit! 2 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the box. ask be be clean come give start want The Generous Footballer French international footballer Olivier Kapo to the UK to play for Birmingham City in 2007. At the same time, a local boy called James MePike the football cub and one ofis jobs work at cleaning them after Kapo ‘_____tokeep the star's football boots. Infact, Kapo hhim a much better gift: his Mercedes sports car! James amazed Kapo's football boots. For a year, he * every match, At the end of the year, he for a souvenir. He 3 4 Complete the questions for these answers. The information isall in the texts in exercises 1 and 2. 1. Which event Philip Boit__ in? Cross-country skiing 2 Where____Boit for the Olympics? In Finland. 3 —___Bott the event? No, he didn’t. He came last. 4 ____Boltand Dethlie good friends? Yes, they did. 5 When Olivier Kapo to the UK? In 2007. 6 What______ olivier Kapo James McPike? His Mercedes sports car. Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of the verbs. 1 They scored two goals in the first half but they did score any goals in the second half. 2 We into town by bus; we went by taxi 3 The 2008 Olympics took place in China, 4 James Naismith orrare 4 GPLISTENING9 Listen to the dialogue and number the Lines in the correct order. Lenny id you buy anything? Lenny What did you do on Saturday? Lenny Did you have a good weekend? Lenny What did you get up toon Sunday? Lenny What did you have? Jane | went out for dinner. Jane Yes, | did - a new coat. Jane Pizza and salad. Jane Yes, | did. Jane | went shopping in London. OOOOOoOoe0O 5. Write a dialogue like the one in exercise 4, with five ‘questions and replies. Choose activities from exercise 1 and include follow-up questions. A Did you 8 5 with / who / did / stay / you /? A What__________ saturday? a I istened to music. ga ® ” bb Iwentto a theme park. CF] € Iplayed basketball. =F] d | took some photos. ga a @ Istayed with afiend. — F] @ A What. Sunday? Challenge! B @ LISTENING 8 Listen to the speakers. Ask follow-up questions. A 8 Live dene ‘What did you see? / Who did you go with? / Did you enjoy it? Unit 2 * Winning and losing 18 Cans Preparation 1. Read the letter, ignoring the gaps. Which three sports from Lesson A (page 14) does it mention? Challenge! [DICTIONARYWORK Find these informal words in a dictionary and write simple definitions. a b___ ec bloke (nour) = mash (nour): broke (ad) : uid (noun): Oo Kids (nour stuff (noun) oO Qo Now choose three ofthe words and write sentences that hope youre well. Thanks very much for the ice skates and the helmet. They arrived last Thursday, and they fit really wel. Did you really play ice hockey when you were young? I didr't know that! Thad a great weekend in London with my best mate Freddy and his dad. On Saturday morning, we went to the Science Museum. There wos a really interesting exhibition about space travel. In the afternoon, we went to Twickenham to watch England play France at rugby. ‘twas a brillant match. England lost 17-12, but T reckon ‘they were unlucky. ‘On Sunday, we had a picnic in Hyde Park and then we went rowing on the lake. It was a laugh! T took loads of photos. T ‘can show them fo you next time T see you ‘Oo ao OO 2 Match the missing parts of the letter (a-f) with gaps 1-6. Dear Uncle Richard Oo bb PS Mum says helo. o € 14Bramley Close, Betty] 4 Best wishes o € 18th October 2011 o f reg o ‘3. Find the informal equivalents of these words in the letter. very good thank you lots of bestfriend | think itwas fun Unit 2 * Winning and losing include them in your notebook. Writing guide ‘A Imagine you spent the weekend of your birthday in a bi city witha frend, Write a thank-you letter ike the on exercise 1 toa family member. Use the writing guide and include ths information. + Say thankyou forthe git that the family member sent. + Explain where you were and who you were with, * Describe what you did on Saturday and Sunday. + Adda final tought or message after your name, Dear I hope youre well. Thanks: Thad a briliant weekend in On saturday On sunday Hope to see you soon! Love CHECKLIST 1. Solve the anagrams and write the sports. Lge 2 burg — 7 iworgn @ 3 ceikhecyo 8 kis mujp. ne 4 labbelsa \ 9 ngilitefivght _— - a —_ = |Mark: — 9 2 Choose the correct verbs. 1 Let’s have / invite a barbecue this Sunday. 2 Loften go / visit relatives at weekends. 3. Who wants to cook / spend dinner tonight? 4 Do you want to be / go to a party this evening? 5 6 ‘My parents are in London to see / visit a show. We never go / play volleyball at school. 3 Make the afirmative sentences negative and the negative sentences affirmative. 1 England didn’t take partin the World Cup finals 2 We spent a ot of money om the party 3 I bought this mobile phone online. 4 My grandfather didn’t teach science. 5 knew all the answers in the quiz. 6 Ourtrain didn’t leave on time. ‘4 Complete the email. Use the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Hi Monica! ______ (look) for my gym shoes this morning when |2_ (find) my od ice skates at the back of the wardrobe, My mum (ive) them to me for my birthday about three years ago. Do you remember? The next day. |{____ (go) skating with my sister, Lisa, We (dance) together on the ice when | (fall over | was realty in pain, but nobady could hear me because the music’ (piay) so loudly twas Lady Gaga, Just Dance. | til hate that song! When | got home, * (throw) the skates into the wardrobe, | (not weer) them again after that! Love, Holly Iean Read the statements. Think about your progress and tick ‘one of the boxes. E=! need more practice. | sometimes find this difficult. fo problem! I can talk about sports | ike. (SB p.14) T can describe past events. (SB p.15) T can understand information about a sporting event. (58 p.16) I can tell a short story using past tenses. (SB p.17) I can understand a magazine article. (8 p.18) I can chat about what happened at thel weekend. (SB p.20) {can write an informal thank-you letter. (58 p.21) Self check2 [49 PREPARATION: Listening Read the exam task and answer the following questions: * What sport does Britney do? * Does she take part in competitions? * Does she train alone or with a partner? EXAM STRATEGY * Before you listen, read the exam task carefully and try to predict what you will hear in the recording. * In this task you need to listen carefully for specific information in order to choose the correct options. * The correct answer may not include the exact words from the recording, so you need to focus on the meaning of the options, Pract | GULISTENING 20) Listen to a radio programme called Sports Today. Choose the best answers, A, B or C, to questions 1-5. 1. What made Britney interested in figure-skating? A ballet lessons B seeing ice skating on 1V her mum's encouragement 2 She started skating competitively A to overcome her shyness, B because she enjoyed it. € to please her parents. 3. She has trained with her partner A for twelve years. B since she was five. C since he joined her class, “4 Which is true about Britney? ‘A’ She is more hard-working than her partner. B She trains almost every day. She has to encourage her partner to train. 5 The purpose of the interview is to A introduce a young skater tothe listeners. B give listeners advice on how to take up figure-skating. C tell listeners about the figure-skating championships. EXAM STRATEGY: Reading * Read the exam text quickly to get an idea of what itis about. * Read each paragraph carefully and undertine the key words. ** Now read the matching sentences and Identify which one is the closest in meaning to the words you have underlined ym perm 20 | Get Ready foryour xam 3 Beer Read the online profi inthe sentences (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). There is one sentence that you do not need. Send us your profile and make new friends from all over the world! GU saly Myname's Sally andmhoping tear from other science sgeekslke me Dont get me wrong -| workhard at school and enjoy al the subjects, but LOVE scence! And maths! Soifyou thinscencerocks, pease writ tome. (inte backstraight ‘aay, because Fm brant corespondent, to! ZL Mite Hi im Mike and fm a huge footie fan! | play every day after ‘school, m in the school team and I support Manchester United. But follow the European leagues, too, and Id love togetin contact with anyone from Europe who shares my passion for the sport. BO twca fm Lucia—t'm hal-talian, and although | was born in London, that doesn't stop me from loving Italian food and. ‘everything else todo with my mother's country. really hope ‘olive there one day. Meanwhile, td love to practise my Italian, and you can practise your English! GL steve Hi there! 'm Steve ~a nice, funny, generous (and, of course, modest!) guy from London. man OK student, but bitlazy about writing and schoolwork in general However, when it comes to computers 'm not lazy at all~ ove everything to da with them, And love socialising. ‘Therefore, 'm fantastic at chatting online! Email me now! BL stacey fmStacey and | want toemall YOU and find out what you likel fm currently keen on computers, films, horse-riding, ‘cooking (and eating!) but !also love trying out new things. malways busy, but wil find the time to write, Im sure we vill have ots to chat about? A This person has got foreign relatives. B This person prefers certain subjects at school. C This person is very keen on one activity D This person has many hobbies. E This person isn't good at writing emails. F This person has got good computer skills. EXAM STRATEGY: Use of English + Read the text for general understanding before you start. This will help you complete the gaps later. * Allthe options are grammatically correct but only one fits the meaning and grammar of the sentence. EXAM STRATEGY Before you start talking, think of some ideas for each of the cues in the exam tasks. Note down any key vocabulary and expressions you will need to use. Then decide on the best order to present your ideas, Read the email. Choose the most appropriate option, A,B or C, to complete the gaps in the text (1-10). HiPaula, ‘Thanks for your email. You wanted me *___you about my job. Well," in a publishing company in London for the summer holidays. Usually | have to answer questions on the phone, but some people are off sick today, so *letters instead. really the people here. They*__each other out when there are any problems. We * a health and safety course this week, which is a bit boring, but itwill be over soon. 1 shopping at lunchtime yesterday. I's great being so close tothe shops. "a new pair of trousers from Topshop ~ it's huge clothes store on Oxford Street. You'd love it! ‘While? into the shop, | saw the model Kate Moss coming out. twas very exciting! think she models their clothes sometimes. Anyway, | "ready to go home at the moment, so bye fornow. Write back soon! A totell B telling Ctold A work B was working C'm working A was writing B 'm writing Cwrite A liked B would like C like 1 2 3 4 5 A always help B were always helping C always helped 6 Atealldoing B alldo Cre all making 7 A went B were going Cg0 8 A was buying B am buying C bought 9 A were walking B was walking walk 0A get B 'mgetting Cwas getting PREPARATION: Speaking 41 Read the first exam task carefully and answer the following, questions: ‘© Which sports will you talk about? ‘+ What vocabulary will you need? ‘= How will you structure your speech? 2 Read the second exam task and write down what you think of each slogan. Then make a list of some phrases that will help you give an opinion, negotiate with your partner and, reach a compromise. Use the Functions Bank on pages 100-101 to help you, v 1. Speak on your own about a popular sport in your country. The following ideas may help you: winter sports ‘summer sports competitive sports or sports for fun the number of people who take part equipment 2 Your school is publishing a booklet encouraging students to do more sport. They have asked you to decide on a good stogan for the booklet. Look atthe following suggestions and discuss them (with your examiner ora partner) and decide together on the best one. ‘+ ts not winning, it's taking pat that’s important. *+ Sports the guardian of good health. + Alte exercise a day keeps the doctor away. + Awinner never quits and a quitter never wins. PREPARATION: Writing Read the exam task and answer the following questions: * Does your email need to be formal or informal? ‘= How long should your email be? EXAM STRATEGY * Read the question carefully and make sure you understand, what type of text you need to write. * Think carefully about how formal or informal your writing needs to be. Organise your writing by dividing it into paragraphs. Penns wine | You have recently been to your cousin's birthday party. Write an email about it (120-150 words) toa friend in Britain, Include the following points: * the party's location * the presents your cousin got and his/her reaction * the entertainment for the guests * something funny that happened * an invitation to your birthday party Get Ready for your Exam 1 | 23 Ei House and home Pes 1. Match items 1-9 on the map with the words in the table. rubbish bin 5 | street lamp roadworks 7 | billboard postbox | bus stop pedestrian crossing roundabout traffic lights 2 Complete the route tothe swimming pool with the words in the box. Then draw the route on the map in exercise 1. ‘across end go past right straight take ‘4, Complete the words. Tick five ¥ that are not in the picture. i Acton 1 bin 6 ftpth 10 pnd 2 bride Tet 11 stm 3 cits 8 hide 12 vilg, 4 Lamh__s. 9 in Bwd 5 fd Reena eas Peet utes tad 5 Complete the compound nouns in sentences 1-6 with the words in the box. 1 Don't drop that packet on the floor, putit in the rubbish 2 She lost control of the car and it telegraph 3 InWales, the road arein English and Welsh, ae Paro Raes 4 Iwas videoing the party when | elinto the walk» the road to the other pavement and swimming > the first right. Go ‘_____ the bus stop, 5 While | was walking through the shopping and at the traffic ight," across the «met my head pedestrian erossing and go" on. 6 My dad is briliant at table At the” ‘of the road, turn © Go? the park and you're at the pool 3 (GPUISTENING 1) Look at the map in exercise 1 and listen to three other routes. Where do they finish? 12 22 | unit3 = House and home Challenge! @ LISTENING 12. Listen and check your answers to. ‘exercise 5. Mark the stress on the correct part of each ‘compound noun, ‘Sea kvels are rising, and York endl London ~ are in danger: There aren't» _ easy “answers to this problem, but scientists are looking at pposstties. For example, the strange things in the photo are called Lilypad Cis and they float onthe surface o the ocean. They'.a kind of co

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