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We mcateut ker tiie PSEA CCoCInr) nee cd eas Ee eee eters beoaiesene The alphabet nationalities: months Subject pronouns jn fe School equipment numbers telling the time po Noune this that, these, hose 1 [Ws my life pehave got AMY best fiend & Prawda Fake pay things sae Plz Whats In your bag? 10 Describing people 20 ore ce rodzinne' towaraysle 3 Possessive pronouns pid matura realtime 2 |Your day 7 Present simple affrmative:time | pr6 Lars school day BD Prawcia/Fals2 preschool subjects and school routine Expressions 1B Helping hands & Dobieranie p18 Routines p19 Present simple negative; object | p20 Conversation G Prawda/Falsz 7 Free time pronouns Bi'sskota Zc rodainne i towarzyskie 20 resent simple questions fm 2studyimaurs Resonelanmernévaabusytminis-2 Shaw 3 | Urban life ‘p25 Countable/uncountable nouns; | p24 Shopping malls - the place to be? p24 Shopaing Sometany 527 Ahome on the water fy Wilokotny wy/bor bas My home 2? much/menyfolotof 28 Cool cies By Dabieranie = Prawda/Polst pisintown, Exo Zakupy: ushgi vast ahaa 4 (Keep fit p83 can- ability ‘p24 Conversation with the doctor & Prawcla/Fals2 (p32 Sport; p34 Health p35 Adverbs (p36 Extreme sports — just do it! 2 Prawda/Fetsz f2sSporteaupment SS eta tous ___p38 studyamatura Revision of an 5 | Eat well At lovee + ng pt Super coo super cook EY Pravdafasz ood nt ont aries is Wd fod iy Doberare “Wott wybor ener: emery way okrjach obszau nya gees eens 6 matrareal sie 6 | My time p48 Present continuous pt Text messages: olathe and acessories fst Present simple and present | psOMow sylsh ? Prados (p52 Computers and the internet ‘continuous (p52 Smart surfing GY Prawda/False Bicotonfots ook cha 7 | Festival fever (p57 Past simple: verb to be (p56 Emails from a festival poems faprentample atime regan New cor Festivals ProwdaFah+ bss resthals Botternie Eiictaretermeney wiedryotreach obo jeyta peo Stange days inthe US 9 Dobiernie= mpegs Prowdartse 12 Ch maturarealtine 8 | Weird science (p65 Past simple negative and (p64 Your techno world &@ Dobieranie pesereydaytecnctoay | Seestons tebe cit p66 "mn science (p66 Past simple: subject, object and _| p68 The inventor of modem life GJ Dobieranie + ves imventons ta questions Wrelokoty mybor Brut techn 2 Wielokcony wy 9 (Go green: 73 Comparative adjectives, 'p72 Conversation J Wielokrotny wybér p7zGieen este 95 wilt predictions praPianet Earth chatroom & Dobieranie P74 Our planet p75 Weather r6KT goes green G7 Dobieranie = Prawda/Fosz 577 Problems and solutions {Bzakpy ust Swat pryrody + Elementy wiedry | ekrajach obszarujezykaangielsniego fa cana ean 10 | Getting away ‘p80 Superlative adjectives ‘p80 come2Britain pis Summer noldays p24 Transport i be going for plans and as Conversation & Prawda/atse {B rocrezowanle | tarystyka«lomenty wiedy Jientons Fei onthe weiner rane ‘okrajach obszarsjezyka angielskiego ; tem Un Doble 1 89 have to '88 Holidy jobs a (p88 Jobs and activities p90 Prepositions ‘p90 The secrets of success {@ Dobieranie $0 Feelings: pst Personal qualtes 82 Be a volunteer fy Wielokrotny vybor Bctowak Praca aa ; 12 | Our world a7 if «imperative 9s Culture quiz ocular habs om Present perfect oa Get into poles 'p100 Watching the British 38 Polis I Paristwo spoteczeristwo - Elementy wiedzy ‘okrajach abszru jezyka angielsklego *pp104-121 Mini Workbook = pp 130, 144 Quizanswersand activities «pp 131-137 Wordbank + pp 138-143 Word ist nr] Writing frou fee Phone numbers Times ‘Asking for information ‘Reking the time xine seed po Family description T piaDescibing your family 2 Description ofyour partners | paz pi Redio programme is Tahing about your desk bag Mowiente-Uryskivani,udzieanie norma Conversation Greeting, meeting and getting to know people [Wiadomost 2 D Rozmowy sterowane = $20 Conversation 19 Describing your dally routine ] oie Dwielokrorny wybor 21Talking about free time DRozmowy sterowane ‘Mawienie -Uzyskivanie, udzietanie Informagi ‘p27 Description of your room szesueetsuvey ]PrvFake | 927 cng a photo ae aS ota own Broce pone ra Habocipioncte awn plone Warne pas BetnanyPvontater sb where Se ‘eephon conversation Asking frag drectons aWidomose Somerton ES tclmowyseowane ps2 Queiornare J 22 09mg que a Bonermore atthe doctors | Fat ang sone | brent. Nesecowoie fovnad ee | Stak about spor | Btcotcry wor | Dobieranie DRozmowy sterowane pet Conran ProdaFl | pf Talking abortood Tt Recipe mae SsfebSsaneytaroncarats, | eseiungopionsand expending | Inoiene-Negocowanie Conversation ina café ‘Ordering food &2 Rozmowy sterowane © Pocztévvka See ec p49 Conversation p49 Making suggestions and responding (1) _| p51 Description of @ person's pie ace (p53 Radio programme G Dobieranie | p53 Describing a picture | appearance and clothes Mowienie » Rozmowa pecpencapan "| carom se rociawe time =| poston a} DWlelokeotny voybor I Rozmowa na podstawe Hustraci 57 Radio programme ] p59Talking about things you did inthe past pias 89 Conversations | bso Discussing festivals Wypowied# pisemna- List 6! Description ofa festival Eielakrotny wybor pst Describing photos | Errozmowa na podstawe iustrac prywatny (Conversation Buying tickets 3) Rozmouy sterowane Dust prywatny 65 Questionnaire 67 Talking about a day out 87 Radio interview 69 Expressing opinions, agreeing and 89 Opinions about inventions disagreeing i ProwclarFalsz _ ta Roxmowy sterowane 975 Weather forecast ‘972 Describing a photo oF 7 pia 77 Radio programme Ey Rozmowa na podstawe lustrag + Rozmowa na podstawie 975 Speculating about the future ‘lustrach 76 Celebrities and the environment ‘Wypowedd pisemna - Ogloszenie 57? Solutions to environmental problems Conversation &] Wielokrotny wyb6r Buying clothes &)Razmowy sterowane ‘DOgHoszenie #2 Conversation 8) Talking about your town pi aS Interviews & Wielokrotny wyisér | 982Talking about holidays niente: tleiononenie | p83 Making suggestions and responding (2) | | bas Newspaper interview Whpowledt psemna. Poctova Pramda/rotsz B Razmowa na podstawie usta p90 Descriptions of successes ‘p89 Game - quessing jobs p28 Exbobieranie 91 Discussing skills and qualities ‘Mawienie -Rozmowa na podstawie 793 Radio interview Prawda/False | p93 Talking about volunteer jobs sag Conversation; ob interview Job interview C3 Rozmowy sterowane ist formalny ene eae a ey, 101 Conversation 596 Discussing diferent cultures ] p97 Advice for vistorsto your | pia Welokrotny wyb6r 98 Talking about youth politics town ‘Méwienie-Rezmova na podstawie too Describing photos | ‘lustragh Ei oamowa na podstaw lustaci | Wypowiedé pisemna- List ppiot General review prywatny Dobieranie sltregular verbs. see back cover Roamony sterowane + Skis and exam stratecles see back cover Cee oa A ee cs 1a (42)Match the conversations with the pictures. Then listen and check. a ° Dan: What's her name? Sam: Her name is Anne. Dan: Is shea student? ‘Sam: No, she isn't. She's a teacher. a Jack: Hello, My name is Jack Sophie: Hi. 'm Sophie. Jack: Are youa student? Sophie: Yes, | am. b Read the conversations in pairs. 2 _ Read Grammar2know. Find two possessive adjectives and ‘three subject pronouns in the conversations in exercise 1. Ent Verb to be singular Ishe/shesitin my class? Yes, he/sheritis. ‘No, he/she/i isn't. What's her name? Her names Anne, Subject pronouns _Possessive adjectives L my. you _ your he his she her it its + a Jam (m) “am not (m not) You are (re) arenot aren't) a student, He/She (5) “isnot isn’t) 7 [short answers ‘Amlin yourclass? Yes, you are/No, you aren't. Are youa student? Yes, lam/No, !m nat. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be. 1 Ellie _ (not) in my class. 2 |___(not)inthe basketball team. 3 you from Poland? 4 It__ my birthday today! 5 She___from London. 6 He (not) a student at my school. @ Circle the correct word. 1 HelHisname is Alex. 2 I/My ama teenager. 3 Is he/hisin the football team? 4 She/Her favourite singer is Beyoncé. 5 sitits your guitar? 6 Whatis you/yourname? 5 Askand answer questions in pairs. 66 ie peor tec What's her narne? © > Gisten and repeat the alphabet. ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ J Ga)listen and write the names 1-5. 1 Janes Ba (5)Listen and repeat the email addresses. 1 2 3 nickclark@webmailinet 4 b Invent an email address. Then ask other students. Use Phrases2know. 6G 075 your ernait acldvess? lot rest ot pink dot ner Match the countries and the nationalities. Em co Countries and nationalities Poland ~ Brazilian Italy \ Irish Brazil Hungarian Scotland | Mexican the UK Argentinian the USA American Mexico British Spain Scottish Ireland Polish Hungary Turkish Argentina Italian Turkey Spanish 10 a G2)Numberthe months in order. Then listen and repeat. oo Be [asss505 Se b Workin groups. Answer the questions. + What month is it now? + When is your birthday? + What is your favourite month? When is your birthday? 111 Read the chat messages. Tick (7) true or cross (X) false. 1 LD Leo is sixteen. 4 (Grace is Mexican. 2 D)His birthday is in September. 5 [1 Grace and Leo are from 3 (Leo isn't American. New York, 16 June (i) My e-friends are Leo and Grace. Leo is 16 - it's his birthday today. | Grace is 15. Luke When is her birthday? Amelia Her birthday is in September. Luke Are they boyfriend and girlfriend? Amelia No, they aren't! They're brother and sister. Luke nNOS Are they American? Amelia Yes, they are. But their parents are Mexican. Luke Where are they from? Amelia They are from New York. Luke 12 Read Grammar2know and complete the sentences 1-5 below. Then read the text in exercise 11 to check. Verb to be plural f es YouNWe/They are (re) British. You/We/They are not (aren't) British 2 - Shortanswers ie ‘Are you/welthey American? Yes, you/we/they are, No, you/we/they aren't. Where are they from? They're from Mexico. How old are they? They're 16. Subject pronouns _Possessive adjectives we our they 1 _Are_ they American? 2 Yes, they 3 parents Mexican. 4 they girlfriend and boyfriend? 5 No, they 13 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about the photos in exercise 11. Invent new information. What are their names? Their Where a Phen from? They're Po ‘School equipment; numbers; reir 1 G® Find the Words2know in the picture. Then listen and check. Batty 3 write aor an. Then write the plural form. 1 2. book 20k: School equipment Pye aruler Canexercise book [7 pens 3 __MP3 player Claneraser Cla pencil sharpener mae Llapencilcase Llacalculator Cipencils i Dlacomputer Cadictionary Ca desk 5 computer Dlacupboard Clabookshelf Cla box ool —— Cian interactive whiteboard 4 a Match the Words2know with the pictures 1-5. @ 2 Read Grammar2know. Then find three words [words Saw] ue) with an and four words with a in the picture. in Clon Clunder Clnextto Cnear Singular nouns + Use aoran with singular nouns. + Use awith nouns starting with a consonant: ruler, a student, a pencil + Use an with nouns starting with a vowel: ‘an eraser, an orange, an exercise Plural nouns + Add stonouns to make plurals: pens, students, desks b Work in pairs. Use the Words2knew to talk + Add -es after nouns ending in -ch, -sh,5,-%,-0: about the picture in exercise 1. watch > watches, box» boxes GO The coleulator rs under the desk and next to the eraser 5 Read Grammar2know and write $ 9 G3) Complete Phrases2know with the words below. (singular) or P (plural) in the boxes. Then listen and check. Em [peter ere exer Gees] What's the time? OOOS Titsnine 2 Isfive 3 Itsten 4 Itsquarter oclock, pastnine. —_pastnine. _past nine. SOO @ 5 l’stwenty 6 Itstwenty- 7 It’shalfpast 8 Its past wine. five nine. toten. nine. HOO 9 I’stwenty 10 Its 11 Itstento 12 Itsfive toten, toten. ten this, that, these, those That'smyschool] Those aremy cats.) G _ inpairs, make sentences about your classroom. Use this, that, these, those. Those are pens. This ie an excrerse book 7 a (19 Complete Words2know with the numbers below. Then listen and check. twenty-two sixteen three ray twelve seven fifteen = Numbers 1-30 Jone 2two 3 fare four 10 (59 Listen and write the times. Sfive 6six 8 1 BIS Qnine 10ten 11eleven 12 1Bthirteen 14fourteen 15 11 G9 Listen and repeat the Words2know. Then write five numbers and dictate them to your partner. 16 17 seventeen IBeighteen 19nineteen 20 twenty Dewenyone 22 othiry Patt Numbers 10s, 100s, and 1,000s b (iD Listen and circle the numbers 40 forty 50fifty 60 sity 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety you hear. 100 one hundred 101 one hundred and one 12/12/20 47/27/28 200 two hundred 232 two hundred and thirty-two 23/5/13 51/8/11 1,000 one thousand 3,000 three thousand 3 6/16/26 6 3/4/5 45,000 forty-five thousand B G2Listen and write the phone numbers. 1 0207 9236554 12 Look at form 1 on page 144. Complete the information for an imaginary person. Now work in pairs. Ask and Extn answer questions and complete form 2 for your partner. 66 Wror's your name? Write: 0 Write: 44 Fobmvig Dopp. Say: ‘doublea” How do you spelt #2 JOHNNY DEPP. Reading Find the Words2know in Charlie's room. aguitar anMP3 player aTV camera amobile phone skateboard abicycle a pet acomputer agamesconsole a DVD player : Charlie's blog My best friend. eleven. music and I've got a lot of good friends. This is a photo of my best friend, Lily. Lily's sixteen and she’s s from Brighton. She's British but her dad's from Jamaica. Lily's got a brother, Andrew. He's Lily's got two interests, music! She's music mad. Her favourite thing is her MP3 player. She’s got f ’ eee og ee Getting to know people Phrases Look at Charlie's blog below. Read about his friend, Lily. Make a list of her things. MPs ployer Read about Lily again. Tick (¥) true or cross (X) false. 1 CULilyis Jamaican. 2. C)Her favourite thing is her MP3 player. 3. [Her favourite band is The Kooks. 4 CJ lilyisina band. 5 Cyraisher cat 6 [1] Charlie is her boyfriend. Profile Find people Help Sign out AE, 5 500 songs on it and 50 of them are by The Kaiser Chiefs! My favourite band is The Kooks. So we haven’t got the same songs on our MP3 players. She's got an electric guitar and she’s in a band with her classmates. They are all girls! They've got 20 a lot of fans at school, Lily has got a mobile phone and a computer but she hasn't got a games console ~ computer games aren't her thing. Lily's got two pets ~ a cat called Lyra and a goldfish 2s called Moby Dick. Oh and Lily's got a nickname. It’s Lulu. My nickname’s Spider. Lily isn’t my girlfriend - she’s my best friend, Grammar Focus have got A Read Grammar2know and complete these sentences with short forms. 1. I have got a lot of good friends. |__ gota lot of good friends. 2 She has got an electric guitar. She__ got an electric guitar. 3. She has not got a games console. She ____ gota games console. En have got Use have gotto talk about possession. + | WouWerthey have gota camera. _wegot a camera HefSheslt | has got a camera. | | 'sgota camera. = | WouWe/They have not got a camera. haven't got a camera, He/Shestt | has not gota camera hasn't got a camera. Shortanswers 2 Havel/you/we/ Yes, Vyou/we/they have. they gota camera? No, /you/we/they haven't. Has he/she/it got a Yes, he/she/it has. camera? | No, he/she/it hasn't | What has Lily got? She's got a mobile phone. Ee Ca Ce rad Bi Cran ts Look at the table and complete the sentences. Charlie Lily Andrew ‘aDVD player) / x x [atv paca Sea /s bat [atwooat | ~# [x] aguitar Arado | ee 1 Charlie as gor aTV. 2 Lilyand Charlie a guitar. 3 ___Andrew a football? vhe 4 Lilyand Andrew a DVO player. 5 Charlie and Lily atv? , they 6 Andrew aTV,aDVvD player or a guitar. Match the underlined words in sentences 1-3 with the longer forms a-c. 1 LilySsgotamoped. a hasnot got 2 Lilys sixteen. b has got 3 Lilyhasntgota DVD. is (E59 PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat the sentences. + [Ive gota camera. He's got two girlfriends! We've got a new computer. = | They haven't gota guitar. ? [Have you got a skateboard? Yes, | have. | Has she got a pet? No, she hasnt. WRITING Write a list of the things in your bedroom. Use the Words2know and your ownideas. Live got-a conaputen @ In pairs, ask and answer questions about things in your bedroom. Hove you got an MP3 player in your bedroora? Yes, Lhove. It get 300 songs on it Have you got a guitar? No, Lhaventt b Tell the class about your partner. Poutl’s got om MP3 ployer in bis bedroom. 15 got 300 songs on tt He hasnt gor a guitar (MINI WORKBOOK exercise 1 page 104 (IETETTET Gleick Ze rosine tows ame ttctanege Listening In pairs, ask and answer the questions. + Have you gota big family? Have you got brothers or sisters? + What are their names? Put the words in the correct groups. brother parents aunt father husband daughter grandfather uncle sister children grandparents grandmother mother cousin wife son g 2 ag? Listen to Daniel talk about his family. Match the people in the photos with the names. | Flora and Davie aniel CPauland Rachel) Tom and Eve Mark, Sarah and Daisy Look at the photos. Talk about Daniel and his family. 30) Read Daniel's description of the people in his family. Check the words in blue. Find the people in the photo. 1. He's got short fair hair, He's good-looking. 2 She's very shy. She's young, She's only 11 years old. She's got long dark hair. 3. She's short. She's got grey hair and glasses. She's very friendly. 4. He’stall and slim. He's old. He's about 70. He's got grey hair. He's very nice. 5. She's got long hair. She's fun. She's seven 6 He's about 45. He's gota beard anda moustache. 7 She's very pretty. She's about 36, She's got long dark hair. Use the Words2know in exercise 5 to describe Daniel's family. His grandboother hos got grey has and glasses Write the names of four people from your family. Describe your family to your partner. Monika’s rng cousin She's got long hair and glasses. She's Mill WORKBOOK exercises 6-7 page 105 Grammar Focus Possessive ’s 7 Look at Daniel's family tr photos on page 10? BG © Gero : ee aE nO Me and my family tree Dd een Max ius So Laura ic Sarah kanes Flora i David ‘Adam Daniel Daisy = Tom Eve (mel) Read Grammar2know. Then look at Daniel's family tree again and complete the sentences 1-8. Eitan Possessive s Use ‘sto talk about people and possessions. + Add ‘sto singular nouns. ‘My uncle's name is David. + Add ‘to plural nouns. Daisy is my parents’ daughter. + Add ’sto irregular plural nouns. The children’s grandparents are Paul and Rachel. Notice that with two names, ‘s goes with the second name: Tom and Eve are Flora and Davia's children. ‘Adam is Daniel's cousin Flora is Daniel's 7 Max is Daniel's Mark is Sarah's E Sam is Daniel's onnunas Daniel's cousins’ names are and “ Rachel is Paul's 8 Sarah children’s names are and AIRTIME] cetowiek- Zycie radinne itowarayskie » Which people are not in the a 9 Complete the sentences with people in Daniel's family. Sometimes more than one name is possible. 1. Who is Max? a's Carla's husband. 2 Whois Rachel? grandmother. 3 Who is Mark? father. 4 Who are Daniel and Daisy? children. 5 Who is Laura? wife, 6 Who are Flora and Laura? aunts. 10 Add apostrophes to the text about Daniel’ family. Daniel's parents are Sarah and Mark. His fathers parents are Paul and Rachel. His mothers parents are Max and Carla. Daisy is Daniels sister. Daniel and Dai ‘cousins are Tom, Eve and Adam. Adam_ is Sam and Lauras son. Tom and Eves parents names are Flora and David. 11 (21) PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat the sentences. 1. My cousin's name is Jake. 2 Pete's sisterisa student, 3 John’s brother is fun. 4. Myparents’names are Chris and Jane. T2 in pairs, talk about Daniel’ family. Max ts Daisy's grondtatter Max/is/Daisy Paul/is/Eve Tom and Eve/are/Daniel Rachel/is/Tom and Eve Paul/is/Rachel 6 Adam/is/Sam weuna 13 Draw your family tree. Who are the people in your family? Tell the class. 66 Ay parents’ names are Zofo and Marek Live got an aunt and three uncles. Uncle Robert it hay father’s brother He's frome Gdeio. IN! WORKBOOK exercises 2-3 page 104 W Grammar Focus there is/there are; possessive pronouns. 1 @@ Read and listen to the descriptions. Match the bags, A and B, with Rob or Emma. STREET SURVIVAL Look at the photos and find the things in Words2know. There is one extra word. Have you got a bag? What's in it? Rob keys earphones wallet purse mirror and Emma, two students in London, packet of tissues lipsalve hairbrush ID card show us their bags. inhaler sunglasses packet of chewing gum Rob Sane My bag's gota lot of my things in it. * There's my phone. I've got about a hundred contacts! * There's my wallet - butI've never {got money init! + I've got my keys for my house and my moped. + There are two photos of my girlfriend. * There's a notebook and there are three pens and pencils + There's @ packet of chewing gum. + But! haven't got my MP3 player. My brother's got it His is broken. Emma ‘My bag is my life. | am lost without itt * I've gota packet of tissues and my keys. * There's my purse with my ID card init + There's a mirror—itisn't mine, its my sister's — and a hairbrush + And there’s a pen. Its hers, too. + I've got my phone. There are 4 lot of photos on it. + I've got my inhaler — very important. * And there’s my lip salve ~ also very important. * I've got my MP3 player and pink earphones. Read Grammar2know and underline examples of there is/there are in the text. there is/there are + Thereis (There's) apen. There are two photos. = There isn'ta book There aren't two phones. Short answers 2 (there amirror? Are there two pencils? Yes, thereis/No, there isn't. Yes, there are/No, there aren't. Complete the sentences. There are two pens. (/) 1 2 ______apacket of chewing gum. (7) 3 ______an MP3 player? 4 ap. 5 ______ three phones? 6 ___twowallets. (X) 7 ____ five keys? 8 _____appair of sunglasses. (7) ‘@ What's in your bag? In pairs, ask and answer questions. Use the Words2know and your own ideas. What in yout bag? b WRITING What's in your partner's bag? Write a description. In Lisa's bag, there iz 0 mobile phone, there G Read Active Study and complete sentences 1-5. Listening Writing ‘ “*A\. 9 Workin pairs. close your books. Can you Notice plural nouns (orn, remember what's in Rob and Emma's bags? ‘Most plural nouns are formed with s: Stupy | 66 boy-*boys phone + phones Ss There's a .../ The Some plural nouns are irregular: ‘TO 629 Read about Feenlife. Then listen and tick (/) man=+ men Woman + women things on Jason and Holly's desks. child children person + people Notice irregular plural nouns and write them inyour Vocabulary Notebook. On this week's 1 There are alot of eco/e (person)in the Teenlife; we look at aoe your desks. What 2 There are alot of (child) in the park. have you got on 3 There are three (man) in the café. them? Are your 4 Thereare six (woman) in my family. things tidy? Or are 5 Are there two (pen) in your bag? they a complete mess? We ask Jason and Holly. 7 Read Grammar2know. Circle three examples of possessive pronouns in the text in exercise 1. Possessive pronouns Possessive adjectives | Possessive pronouns ny mine ai ie “Jason Holly his his computer her hers books + 4 its : adictionary | our ours DVDs ba tet pens and pencils their theirs magazines | | ‘ fein chocolate T T Its my sisters pen. ser. say t This is your book. ts yours Samp B Rewrite the sentences using possessive TT in pairs, talk about what's on Jason and Holly's Pronouns, desks. 1 It’s David's MP3 player. 27% fv. con has gota lamp 0 2 They are her pens. ta lane 3 It's Pia and Angela's computer. T2 Write about your desk at home. Is i 4 They are my brother's and my DVDs. amess? 5 It’s my phone. Ay saris Fil Ps peta canepater anal a 6 It’s your notebook, lana. There are three books. There is a diary 7 They are my grandfather's keys. eg eee ene 8 They are your photos. MINI WORKBOOK exercises 4,5 and & pages 104-105 13 (TRTEITA catwalk: 2 odsnneHowaraaio Lena is an exchange student from Poland. Read. her email and answer the questions. What are Lena's favourite things? Where is Jessica's house? Listen to the dialogue. Tick (7) true or cross (X) false. Louise is Jessica's mother. CF George is Jessica's father. Listen again and tick (/) the Phrases2know you hear. ay ri Meeting and greeting Hello! Hil This is my wife, Louise. ImGeorge. Pleased to meet you. Bye. Goodbye. PRONUNCIATION Listen to the Phrases2know and practise the intonation. Practise the dialogue in groups of three. Take it in turns to introduce people. Use your own names. Student A: This is Sarah. Student’ Student C: Hi, Tom. Pleased to meet you. ello, Sarah. rm Tom. To: Jessica From: Lena Subject: Ready for m Date: 3rd Apr oUmeY Hi Jessica, |! hope you're well. I'm ready for my journey! I"ve got a big suitcase with a lot of clothes and books in it. And I've got all my favourite stuff (my camera and my MP3 player) Thanks for the photos of your house in Manchester. z * See you soon! :-) Lena 2) Listen to Part 1 of the conversation. Who is Luke? (29) Read and listen to Part 2, Answer the questions, Why is Lena’s English very good? Has Lena got a sister? How old is Lena's brother? eee J a GadListen again, Give Lena's answers to the questions in Phrases2know. Getting to know people Where are you from (in Poland)? hn From W Have you got brothers or sisters? How old is he?/How old are you? \s this your first time in the UK? What's your favourite football team? PRONUNCIATION Listen to the Phrases2know and practise the intonation. 8 In pairs, practise the dialogue on page 14. "pairs, act out the dialogue below. Use at least five phrases from the Phrases2know in exercises 3 and 7. Uczoti i Uczeh B:Jestescie uczniami 2réznych krajéw. Preebywacie w Angliiw ramach wymiany szkolne). Poznajecie sie na imprezie. ‘h:Praywvtaj sig i praedstaw. Sins pred tawatel amici ‘Mito mi’ # Zapyta 8, sad pochodai << * Tm B: Odpowiedzi zapyta} tosam A: Odpowiedz.Zapytaj,§ S<_° "m0 czy B jest w Anglipo raz pierwszy. B: Odpowiedz. Zapytaj A oulubiona druzyne sportowa lub zespot A: Odpowiedz i zapytaj muzycany. oto samo. B: Odpowiedz AN EMAIL MESSAGE 0 2 Read Lena's email to her parents. Circle the correct answer, 1. Jessica's family is friendly/fun. 2 George's fun/shy. 3. He's got long dark hair/short fair hair. b Match the headings a-d with the parts ofthe email. ‘a main paragraph _b closing © opening d subject To: Mum and Dad From: Lena Subject: (] Greetings from Manchester Date: 7th April Cl Dear Mum and Dad, How are you? I'm fine. I'm here in Manchester! I's great. CO Jessica is great and her family is very friendly. Her parents’ names are Chris and Louise. They are nice. Her brother George is fun. He's nineteen. He's tall and he’s got short fair hair. CO That's all for now. Love, Lena 41 Dothe exam task. Use the Phrases2know below. JesteS za granica w ramach wymiany szkolne| Napisz wiadomos¢ do kolegi/kolezanki ZAngll. Napisz: + gdzie estes, + cosnatemat osoby, u kt6rej mieszkasz, + Kilka stow o jego/jej rodzinie, + co znajduje sig w pokoju, w ktérym mieszkasz. Anemail message Opening Dear... /Hi..., How are you? 'hope you are well. tm fine. here in (Manchester) Closing That’ all for now./See you soon. Love, Present simple affirmative, perenne ferment Peet fel eecctecnunta aed Vocabulary Reading School life 1 Complete the sentences with numbers and times about your school. 1 There are students in my class. _ lessons per day. 2 There are___ 3. The school day is from ___p.m, numbers 50 students sons 40 minutes Losoons per day 7 Lan’s school day ] Lan walks to school but his friends cycle or go by bus. All the students tidy the classroom and lessons start at 8.00 a.m. Students study Chinese, History, Geography, Maths, Science, 5 2 _G3oListen and number the school subjects inthe order you hear them. history ClGeography [Maths nglish ClForeign Languages CjArt [Design andTechnology [| Music -E AROUND THE WORLD ICT information and Communication Technology) Foreign Languages, Citizenshi Elseience Clcitzenship other subjects. Lens fv abfet [IPE (Physical Education) is English! 2 Students wear school uniform — a as fracksuit. Lan likes it! an is happy 10 Ba (7 Listen to Owen, Sophie and Mia. when is 12.00 — lunchtime! Some of Write their favourite subjects. his friends go home for lunch but he has lunch in the school canteen. He has meat or fish with rice. 3 After lunch, Lan usually plays football. 15 He sometimes goes to the library. Afternoon classes star! at 2,00 pm. and finish at 5.30 p.m. He always Owen | Sophie Mia Inpairs, discuss the questions. + What are your school subjects? + What are your favourite subjects: does homework in the afternoon and he often has evening classes at school. 20 4 Look at the Fact file. How is Lan’s school different from your school? 5 t= 33) Check you understand the words in blue in the text. Then read about Lan’s school day and circle the things you do on anormal school day. G Read the Fact file and the text again. Tick (7) true or cross (x) false. 1. [)Lanis from Beijing in China. 2. [There are seven lessons in Lan’ school day. 3. Clan’ favourite subject is History 4. [1Lan’s schoo! uniform isa tracksuit 5. [There are evening classes at the school Wt WORKBOOK exercise 6 page 106 16 ITRTITAA sito 2» one itowaraysbe Ramin es ayang Ponts Grammar Focus IO a 39 PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat. : Practise the third person endiings of these verbs. Present simple affirmative; time expressions [teaches walks does starts tidies. “] 7 Read Grammar2know and underline examples LL talks finishes goes plays washes _| of the present simple affirmative in the text, b (135) Put the verbs in the correct groups. Ey Listen and cheek. Present simple affirmative isl ial fat walk reaches + Use the present simple to talk about routines: Lan walks to school 11 Read Grammar2know.Then complete the pe oe een ereeenoon sentences with time expressions so that they + Use the present simple to talk about facts: are true for you. Lessons start at& 1 |_of¥ee_ have lunch at school WyouWe/They walk to schoo. 21 cycle to school HeShe/lt walks o school 3 1_____ play football at schoo! Notice the spelling ofthe third person singular: atluacliemes |Add -es after verbs ending in -ch, sh, -0: 4 |____my homework in my bedroom. teach-+teaches wash -»washes do-+does 5 |____ have evening classes. With verbs ending in a consonant + y, change-y Time expressions Use these time expressions to say how often you do something: 100% Lan always does his homework in the afternoon. Irregular verbs: have + has S complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. A emi eeales Ve) 0 secct He usually plays football after lunch, ae ee He often has evening classes at school. 3 We (start) school at half past eight. : : a tothe libra 4 Ben (study) Citizenship in his school. fe semnetine? 08: —— ts 5 Lucy (have) lunch in the canteen, ONE = ile Haves. goe porge fer Ln B53 Use the correct form of the verbs below to. complete Samira’s description of her school 12 In pairs, compare your sentences in exercise 11. day. Then listen and check. Then tell the class about your partner. live start (x2) go(x2) finish ado always has lunch at school wear have My school is in Solihull in the UK but | "ze ina village. 1? to school by bus. School at 8.45 a.m. Lessons * at 9.00 a.m, and © at 3.15 p.m. 16___lunch in the canteen with my friends. 17 to the library on Wednesday in the lunch break. My school is great and the teachers are nice. But we & a uniform - | hate it! 7 Vocabulary Reading Routines 1 Which Words2know can you seein the pictures? gotobed havebreakfast_ gotosleep wakeup get dressed watchTV getup havea shower goto schoo! ‘ou get up, you have a shower, you get dressed, Y= have breakfast. It's easy. But it isn't easy for Lauren Miller She's disabled and she's in a ‘wheelchair. She doesn't live alone — she’s got a helper. 5 ‘Kylie helps me with my life’ says Lauren. ‘She's my best friend’ But Kylie doesn't talk to her: Kylie’s a capuchin monkey! ‘The organisation Helping Hands teaches monkeys ‘at a special ‘college’ in Boston, USA. At first, the 1a: monkeys don’t work with disabled people ~ they 18 2 __ What time do you do each activity in Words2know? Compare your answers in pairs. 4 3 SKIMMING Look at the photos. Why has Lauren got amonkey? Read the text quickly and check your ideas. 4 Read the text again and complete the sentences with Lauren or Kylie. Kiglie_ works hard puts discs in the computer. watches animal programmes on TV. ___isdisabled. gets food and drink. isin a wheelchair. 1 2 3 4 5 6 (MINE WORKBOOK exercise 7 page 106 learn how to help them. After two years, they go to their new homes. About a hundred capuchin monkeys live with disabled people and help them. Kylie works hard and doesn’t play during the day. She helps Lauren wash and she gets food and drink for 1s her: She opens books and turns the pages for her. She helps with the phone and puts discs in the computer, But Kylie doesn't help Lauren 24 hours a day. In the evening, she plays. eats snacks and watches TV — animal programmes, of course! 2 TEETTTA seloi-2ylerodenne! tonarzshe foun ayange- fae Grammar Focus Present simple negative; object pronouns Ba Read the sentences from the text on page 18. Then read Grammar2know and circle the correct answers. 1. Lauren fives/doesnt live alone. 2 Capuchin monkeys live/don't live with disabled people b Underline more examples of the present simple negative in the text. Ean Present simple negative donot Wourwertney Caan PIAY- doesnot He/Shest doesn) PSY Hedoesn'twork. NOT Hedoesett- works © complete the sentences with the verbs below. dontwork doesn'thelp doesnt talk "] doesnitlive/ doesn't play 1 Lauren deceit (ize alone. 2 Kylie__to Lauren. 3. Atfirst, the monkeys 4 5 Kylie inthe day. Kylie Lauren 24 hours a day. 7 Make the sentences negati 1. I get up at six o'clock. L dont get up at six o'clock He lives in Warsaw. We play football on Saturday. They watch TV in the morning. She listens to music in bed. You read a lot of books, aunun B __(.39) Listen and tick (V) the things Lauren does. Cross (x) the things she doesn't do. getup at sir play computer gonnes | [imate breaktnst — CIread books | C90 te more isten to noersic | Dateaty Owotees 7 ge te bed late Disend enaails B Write sentences about Lauren's day. She gets up of sir 0! She doesnt make breakfast TO a Read Grammar2know. Then look at the underlined words below. Who do these words refer to? 1. kylie helps Lauren. She gets food and drink for hex 2. Capuchin monkeys live with disabled people and help them. bb Complete the table in Grammar2know. Then circle more object pronouns in the text. Object pronouns Use object pronouns when you don't want to repeat the name. Kyle lives with Louren. She doesnt talk to her. (her = Lauren) Lauren doesn't make breakfast, Kylie makesit. (it= breakfast) Subject pronouns Object pronouns i me you you he bin she ie ie we us they 11 complete the sentences with object pronouns. 1. like this music. play i all the time. 2. like Adam but he doesn't like __ 3. Timdoesn'teat chips. He doesn't like__. 4. Where is Alice? I want to talk to__ 5. Isthat your new phone? I really ike __. 6 Charles isnt here. Send _a text message. 12 say three things about your daily routines that are not true. Your partner tries to correct them. Use the Words2know on page 18, the ideas from exercise 8, and the time expressions below. inthe evening afterlunch _afterten oclock before breakfast _ in the afternoon GB Lwoten Totter tanch, No, you dont natch TV after lunch. You're at school! You aloieus watch itn the evening. MINE WORKBOOK exercises 1 and 5 pages 105-106 19 Grammar Focus Present simple questions Read Grammar2know. Find the questions for these answers. 1 Atthree o'clock. 2 By bus. 1 Read dialogue A. Who is Katie? eee eeerenr es Ett Seen ary safes Present simple questions pies ba dhe ak Short answers (relly gira ee ana Do tyou/werthey livein Yes, {/you/werthey do. sr snare “_thecity? No, /you/we/they don't oe he Does he/she/it livein _ Yes, he/she/it does. ae a we septs a an thecity? No, he/she/it doesn’t. Caer Use question words to ask for information. Where do Vyou/we/they _ live? eee ero Where does he/shevit five? eee a Perea ete mf When do you have dinner? At half past seven. Jessica: Do you go s Une What time do you finish school? Katie: I don't! Luke hates shops. We go to the What does Libby have for breakfast? Cereal. depts Ta dha aah How do you go to school? Saeibeahnteaian 8 How often do you have English lessons? Every day. Jessica: When do you go dancing with Luk Never, he hates dancing} Time expressions: every day, once a week, at the weekend Pema CS Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Write a short answer for each question. 1 Romeflive/yousin/do/? (x) Do yout live in Renae? No, I don't 2. havea sandwich/Helen/for lunch/does/? (/) 3. play/they/football/do/? (x) 4 Maths/does/like/he/? (/) 5 6 2 @@Read and listen to dialogues A and B. 5 Tick (7) true or cross (X) false. 1. DJessicais Luke’ girlfriend. 2. (Katie doesn't live near the park. 3. [Katie and Luke often go to the cinema together. 4 (J Katie likes dancing. school/by/you/go/do/busito/? (7) 3 GabUsten again and check your answers. play/your/does/tennis/mother/? (x) Do Katie and Luke like the same things? G a Write the questions 1-4 and match them with the answers a-d. 1. Where/you live? Where alo you five? What time/you have dinner? How/you go to school? What/you do in the evening? C1 Istudy and watch TV. live in Oxford, CBy bus, d ClAthalf past seven. awN aoe b In pairs, ask and answer the questions. G6 Were do you lve? Live i Warsors (MIN! WORKBOOK exercise 2 page 105 ITIETITIA setola-2yceoarne toware amin st yao Pout Speaking Match the Words2know in A and B. How many activities can you find? go listen read do help hangout visit B tomusic forawalk athome books with friends tothecinema shopping sport relatives Now listen and check. Which activities in Words2know can you see in the photos A-C? In pairs, talk about when you do these things. G6 shoe 46 Do yo: Complete Jessica's questions with the correct question words. Then listen and check. 1 Ww often do you go shopping? time do you get up on Sunday? ~ music do you listen to? 2 3 4 ____ magazines do you read? 5 do you play tennis? Listen to Katie and Jessica again, Put Katie's answers in order, a Cll get up late! At about half past nine. b Llinthe park ¢ [listen to dance music. I love Justin Timberlake and Jay-Z. [Every week. On Saturday or Sunday. [il read Seventeen and Cosmo Gil. ao Complete the questions below. Use the Words2knowin exercise 7. Do you ike footbe In groups, ask and answer the questions. Ye teara is A min BOOK exercise 8 page 106 Vocabulary 1 Put the words in the correct groups. Write two more words for each group. diary/ aunt friendly cousin good-looking History slim ICT keys Maths purse Science shy uncle tissues wife Relatives |Wordsto |Thingsin |School | ‘describe yourbag subjects people | | | |atiary 2 a (Listen toa description of Alex. Find Alex in the picture. b In pairs, describe the other two people. i 3 __ Match the words to make collocations. have a up/dressed go |B (school) uniform do \ € football get | d TWafilm \ a tormusie 1 2 3 4 5 wear | 6 watch it home/to school/tosleep/shopping 7 play _\g breakfast/lunch 8 listen _h homework/sport 4 Putthe time expressions in order of frequency. [ote never / sometimes usually aban] olatargs , —__ Write four sentences. Use words and phrases from exercises 3 and 4, Gr ersueity hare lanch of one ottock pare 22 G __ PRONUNCIATION (79) Listen and underline the stressed syllables. Then listen again and repeat. 1. gitlfriend 6 grandmother 2. computer 7 cousin 3 bicycle 8 magazine 4 sometimes 9 sunglasses. 5. before 10 classmate Grammar 7 Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. My sister Liz'_ (es (like) films. There 2 (be) always a lot of DVDs on her desk. She®. (have got) about a hundred DVDs. She* (go) to the cinema twice aweek. Sometimes, she* (not/do) her homework because she (not/have got) the time.” ike) books. I" (have got) a lot of books and 2 (read) every day." {not/go) to the cinema very often but when there " (be) a film from a book, lusually 2 ____ (see) it with my sister. B Putthe words in the correct order to make questions. 1 like/sports/does/Sarah/? Does Sarah like sports? 2. music/listen to/you/in bed/do/? 3. they/got/car/a/have/new/? 4. walk to/schooV/usually/you/do/? 5 bicycle/got/a/sister/has/your!? 6 there/lampyis/desk/Jason's/on/a/? 'B Complete the questions with the words below. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs. How How often What When Where What time 7 ] 1 What thse do you usually get up? At six thirty. 2 __doyou usually have for breakfast? Fruit. do you get to school? By bus. do you do your homework? in the evening. do you go to the cinema? Twice a month, 3 4 5 6 __ does your (aunt) live? In France. (ETI caowiek-soicta-240 zine towareske mits aan Powe Frain sen mb Mien Arey sun TO choose the correct answers, a, b orc. \__favourite relatives are aunt Claire and her husband. They often visit?__.*__children are George and Alice, my cousins. Ilike + __. George is good at tennis and | often play with. *___ sister likes music. We sometimes listen to new songs together on”_ MP3 player. She gives *__ one earphone. She says,'The right earphone is?__, the leftoneis""__! lame @©My cMine 2awe bus cour 3a Their b They c Them 4 athey b their ¢ them Sahe bhim_ chis 6aHis bHim ¢He Taher bhers she Bamy bme ci 9a your byou ¢ yours amy bmine cme 11 Przeczytaj ponizszy tekst. Na podstawie zawartych w nim informacji zdecyduj, ktére z podanych zda sq zgodne z treécia tekstu (TRUE), a ktére - nie (FALSE). My crazy cousin Mics Ron is twenty-six. He's a bit crazy. He hasn't got a car but he’s got a big, old ‘motorbike. Ron rides his motorbike to work every day. Ron lives alone. He hasn't gota girlfriend but he’s got a cat called Yamaha and a lot of friends. His friends often visit him. They listen to music and watch films all night. There are a lot of DVDs in Ron's house. He and his friends also go tothe cinema together. And of course, they all have motorbikes and on Saturdays and Sundays, they usually go for a ride on their motorbikes. 1 C1 Ron's got a big, old car. 2] Ron goes to work by bus. 3 L Ron's got a girlfriend, 4.1] Ron and his friends watch a lot of films. 5 [J Ron and his friends ride motorbikes at weekends. Listening Skills ‘T2 (43)Zapoznaj sie z trescia zadania. Ustyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowe dwojga nastolatkéw. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, bic wybierz wlasciwa, zgodna z trescia nagrania. 1. Who isin the photo? a Nick's brother b Nick's uncle © Nick's cousin 2. When do Nick and Tom play basketball? a attheweekend b inthe evening © every day 3. What does Olivia's boyfriend hate? a. shopping b dancing € football 4 How many CDs has Tom got? a 340 b 413 © 430 13 a (48 Dopasuj zdania a-e do luk 1-5, a nastepnie postuchaj dialogu i sprawd swoje odpowiedzi. Ata party lan: Hi. 'm lan, Elena: ‘a lan: Where are you from, Elena? Elena: * Jan: Oh, fm from Bath. Is this your first time in the UK? Blanes tre lan: And do you like it here? late tae ea lan: Yes, am. Are you here alone? Elena: * lan: Pleased to meet you, Alex. No, it isn’t. But it is my first time in Bath. bImfrom Genova, in Italy. And you? € No,!'m not. This is my boyfriend, Alex. d_ Hi,'m Elena, Pleased to meet you. € Yes, it’s very nice. Are youa student, an? b Przecaytajcie dialog w parach, zastepujac ‘wyréinione informacje swoimi pomystami. “STRATEGIE EG2AMINACYINE patra oktadka 23 Shopping malls pai dal-weli-la-miKollol-Y4 In pairs, discuss the questions. When do you go shopping? + Do you go shopping with your friends or with your family? CR eee el Pee Med eet Listen toa street survey. What do Isabel, f EUR VE Mla ee au RRC (perfume [shampoo [cds oo ee SL er er eB Reem | Maybe. But we often meet, eat and hang out with Cjewellery ES our friends ... ina shopping mall! “shopping malls have everything! ee tan Tg are nice and warm, there isn’t any traffic and there ER eum ete. Cee ee ea ones @ great shops - clothes shops, shoe shops, ter eaves aoe ers eo Read Words2know. Guess where Isabel, Lewis, Maddie and Jay buy their things. Then listen and check. Work in pairs. Which shops are in your town centre? pharmacy musicshop bookshop newsagents There’s a - baker's clothesshop _greengrocer’s shoe shop stationer’s sports shop shopping mall Read the article and answer the questions. What can people doin a shopping mall? Why are shopping malls popular? Look at the shopping list. Match the things on the list with the shops in Words2know. What other things can you buy in these shops? Listen to the next part of the survey. Tick (/) true or cross (X) false. 1.) Maddie goes to the shopping mall with paper stationers medicine her parents ‘aCD @ magazine 2. C] Lewis has fast food with his friends. perfarse bread 3. [Isabel goes to the cinema Sen Pasar 4. Cay often meets his girlfriend bananas a Teshirt In pairs, discuss the questions. Do you go to shopping malls? 4 paper, pens and pencils at a + Doyou like them? Why? Why not? What sort of things do you buy? 24 exercise 5 page 107 Read about countable and uncountable nouns in Grammar2know. Complete the gaps with these words from the article on page 25. book ¥ rain park plant shop music | Look at these sentences from the article and read about some and any in Grammar2know. + There isn't any traffic. + There are some great shops. Underline more examples of some and any in the article. Complete the sentences with some or any. 1 Isthere_anuy water in that bottle? 2 There aren't oranges at the greengrocer’s today. 3. There are delicious sweets in this shop. 4 Have you got shampoo? 5. She's got designer T-shirts. 6 There isn't sugar in my coffee. Circle the correct answers. 1. I've got a¢someyany magazines. 2. Have you got a/some/any DVD player? 3. There are a/some/any great new CDs this week, 4 We haven't got a/some/any bread. 5 They've got a/some/any new computer game in the shop. 6 Are there a/any/some cafés in this shopping mall? Countable and uncountable nouns Countable nouns can be singular or plural gift -» gifts, acomputer game -+ computer games, book Uncountable nouns are always singular. perfume, shampoo, traffic, some/any Use some and any with uncountable and plural countable nouns to talk about quantity + Use some in positive sentences. There are some good shops. There is some great musicon this CD. + Use anyin negative sentences. There aren'tany parks. There ist any trafic + Useany in questions, Isthere any music? re there any special events? + Don't use some or any with singular countable want a new computer. haven't got a pen. Work in pairs. Go to page 130. Student A: choose a shopping basket. Student B: ask questions and guess your partner's shopping basket. Aver WORKBOOK exercises 1-2 page 107 E 25 Listening ords 733 WORDBANK 4 Read and listen to the sentences 1-5. Check you understand the words in blue. Which rooms match the photos A-D? We spend a lot of time in the kitchen. |_We chat and eat. | I don't live in a flat. | live in a house with a garden. I / ~~ @ I share my bedroom with my brother. He's very messy! ” I've got a big family, so in the morning | the bathroom is very busy! | ‘We all watch TV in the living room. | 158) Listen, Where are the people? In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Where do you: + do your homework? + read books and magazines? + watch TV? + wash? + listen to music? + play computer games? + have breakfast? ere do you do your homework 26 TIT Za uh Renin st cng rym L Work in pairs. Which Words2know can you find in the photos A-D? sink cupboard cooker sofa. armchair fridge wardrobe bath bed TV basin bookcase toilet washingmachine carpet In pairs, describe the rooms in the photos A-D. a6. Describe your home to your partner. GG civene share hy bedoors with may brother, Le RKBOOK exercise 6 page 108 ain Renrap oto nos Grammar Focus much/many/a lot of 7 Inpairs, look at the photo below and answer the questions. + Do people live on canal boats in your country? + Is canal boat a fun place to live? Why? Why not? B (5a Read and listen to the interview. Choose the correct answers, a, b orc. 1 Melanie's canal boat is in a Oxford. Stratford-upon-Avon, € London, 2 Isa fantastichome for a reading. _ listening to music. € painting. 3 Her canal boat has got a tworooms. b three rooms. ¢ four rooms. 4 She hasn't got much amoney. b time. —_€ space, 5 Melanie has gota lot of a furniture. b clothes. —_€ posters. A home on the water Interviewer: Tell me about your home, Melanie. Melanie: It's a canal boat. It’s in Stratford: : ford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare’ birthplace. But | often travel withthe boat. man artist and the boat isa fantastic place for painting, Interviewer: Isita quiet life? Melanie: Yes, usually there arent many boats on the

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