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Name: Samuel David Ojeda Gómez

Level: Gateway B2+

Hello, my name is Samuel Ojeda, and I have 75 years, I know, I’m a bit old, but also, I’ve
lived many experiences in my life. First and foremost, I’ve to say that society has changed a
lot, especially with the new technology. Nowadays, all people have a micro-chip with
internet access in their brain, and that's crazy because I still remember when I was studying
for my master's degree and I had to search all in a book and on my computer, evidently at
present is easier to study.
When I was studying my first career, architecture, I had to do mockups and blueprints with
my own hands, but now a machine can do it for me. I also remember when I was a
teenager, I thought I will travel all around the planet and I will live in another country, and I
was right, I've traveled to many countries but I'm still missing many other places, and
because of my age I think it’s time to stop traveling, is so exhausting
I have doing many contributions to the planet by designing self-sustainable buildings, and I
think that will be my legacy when I die, and even though I don't have children I consider
the earth as my child.

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