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Chapter Four: Implications for Further Research

Limitations of the Study

 Small Sample Size: There are only 16 participants.

 Demographic data: Data were taken from Great Valley Academy in Salida School

District. The sample size was in one fifth grade classroom and may not show the

population’s ethnicity, income level, and education.

 Lack of classroom artifacts: The previous teacher did not keep good records of students

work. There is a limited number of items to compare with to see progress due to the year

being in a hybrid model and most of the work being done online.

Projected Outcomes

I predict there will be two positive outcomes and one possible negative outcome resulting

from my action research proposal. The first possible positive outcome is an increase in the level

of self-efficacy and engagement of my students. The study examined how using a specific

classroom management plan that focused on components to increase self-efficacy and

engagement in my students. The best outcome is that after implementing the classroom

management strategy, the student’s engagement in lesson and activities increased and their

personal views of their self-efficacy increased. Using Time to Teach will help me to ensure I am

creating a positive classroom environment that works for me and the needs of all the learners in

my classroom. Students will learn about the meaning of self-efficacy and specific tools to help

them change their views of their own self-efficacy when it comes to their academics. Classroom

artifacts will show the changes in levels and student interviews will note the changes in the

students views once the strategy has been implemented for a while.
The second possible positive outcome I predict is that I will have successfully

implemented a classroom management strategy. Classroom management is the biggest threat to

novice teachers if not implemented correctly. The study gives me an opportunity to see which

aspects of the strategy work for my students and which do not. Another positive aspect of this

strategy is that it allows be to create positive relationships with my students in the process.

The one negative possible outcome I could see is that the classroom management strategy

is ineffective and does not have any effect on the engagement or self-efficacy of my students.

This would be the worst outcome possible. Self-efficacy is a major factor in the academic

success of my students. Active engagement allows me to see the areas of my teaching that are

not reaching or interesting my students. If their engagement is next to nothing, I have no way of

knowing if students are grasping the concepts or if they are completely lost.

Implications for Teaching

My teaching will be impacted whether the outcome of the research proposal is negative

or positive. The training on Time to Teach will allow me to study and understand a proven

classroom management strategy. I will be given specific instructions and ideas on how to

incorporate them into my classroom. Once the strategies are implemented, I will be able to see

the affect it has on my students. Students will explain their views on self-efficacy and how they

see themselves. I will have an opportunity to address not only the self-efficacy, but other views

they have about their academic capabilities and what it means to be academically successful.

There will need to be an adjustment period in which the students are learning the new rules of the

classroom and their expectations, as well as, self-efficacy, what it means and how they view it

within themselves. Finally, the research will give me the foundation to create those lasting
relationships with my students. I will set goals for them and help them to achieve them.

Further Research

Using this specific classroom management strategy is something I will focus on in the

coming year with my students. With my class, I am on a loop and I will get an opportunity to

teach them for two full years. Implementing this strategy will allow me to get directions in place

on how the class is expected to perform and set the foundation for the student and teacher

relationship. This study will give me an idea of how students view academic success and the

links they are willing to go to achieve it. To implement this strategy, I would need to get

approval from my principal and then enroll in the course. Once the course is completed, I will

employ the techniques into the classroom and focus on the 5 components of the strategy to help

increase engagement and student’s self-efficacy. Over a course of a year, I will review the

responses of my students and study the quality of their work. I will note and changes in their

responses and classroom artifacts and use those changes to direct the course of the research. I

will document my findings and present them to my administrators. The results of my action

research proposal will greatly influence my teaching and management ideas in the classroom,

and give me opportunities to improve my practice as an educator.

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