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The Gelatt Family

(Micah, Johanna, Josiah, Ethan, Emma, Abigail and Grace)

missionaries with FAMILYLIFE,

March, 2011 a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ

and now for something completely different!

What do we do at FamilyLife? Evangelism and Discipleship! We will continue to do those two

things, but in a different location. To better explain what I mean, let me give you these words
written by our Ministry Team Leader:

“It’s with great excitement that I announce Micah and Johanna Gelatt will be moving
to Kansas City to be our very first Homebuilders Movement Area Directors for Family-
Life! That’s 1 down and 99 to go to meet our 3-yr goal of 100 full-time staff in place as
Homebuilders Movement Area Directors by 12/31/13!

As Homebuilders Movement Area Directors, Micah and Johanna will be responsible for
expanding ministry throughout the Kansas City area utilizing the full extent of the
FamilyLife ministry “Tool box.” The Weekend to Remember marriage getaway will
continue to be a key strategy of the local Homebuilders Movement team as an annual
catalytic event to fuel an ever expanding circle of marriage and family ministry.

Micah and Johanna are targeting an early summer move pending the sale of their
house here in Little Rock. Please join us in celebrating God’s provision for our first
Homebuilders Movement Area Director and pray with us for God’s wisdom, favor, and
blessing as Micah and Johanna help us forge into the next major wave of combat in the
battle for marriages and families!”

That’s it in a nutshell. We are moving to K.C., and Evangelism and Discipleship will continue
to be our focus as we seek to build a movement of marriage and family ministry throughout
the city and beyond. Pray for us as we make plans to move .

As we move to Kansas City, the costs of doing ministry will increase as we establish a home
base there. Please be in prayer as we seek to raise additional support for this new phase that
God has called us to. The amount of additional support that we need is not large, and God
has already provided some of it! Praise Him! We are praying that He supplies the rest, and in-
vite you to pray with us for that!
Fargo Weekend to Remember
Fargo is cold. Very cold. I spent the weekend of March 5-7 at the Weekend to Remember there with
507 husbands and wives. Despite the cold and snow, I saw God warm the hearts of hundreds of cou-
ples, and transform dozens by His power, bringing many to salvation. I met so many couples who felt
so moved to share God’s truths to their neighbors, friends, and family. Absolutely amazing what God is
stirring in Fargo, and I am humbled to have been part of it. May He receive glory!
“always praying joyfully in
family scrapbook every one of my prayers for
all of you because of your
partnership in the gospel
from the first day
until now.”
Philippians 1:4-5

prayer items
Grace Elizabeth 01
Grace mellows out a little
more each day. PTL for
that huge blessing.
Additional support 02
Please join us in prayer as
we seek God’s provision
in our monthly support.
We are required to raise
more monthly support
Yes, Spring is in full bloom in Arkansas! We had fun visiting this 7 acre field of Daffodils! before reporting in
God is certainly creative in the things that He makes in nature! Kansas City.
PTL 03
Birthdays! Ethan turned 6, and Abigail turned 2! Micah had a wonderful
trip to Fargo, North
Dakota. He had the op-
Josiah, the piano maestro, portunity to speak to the
taking lessons from a mis- attendees, and devel-
sionary staff wife. oped many relationships
that he will continue.
Pray as he mentors those
couples via phone and
Grace is
doing so
contact us
settled d much be 1718 Foxrun Road
own trem tter, and
endously has Benton, AR 72019
! Praises!

Micah. 785.231.9478
Johanna. 785.817.3997

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