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Tanauan City, Batangas

Final Examination in Organic Chemistry

Name:Nathaniel Bergado Score:______________

Year and section:BS CRIM 2B Date:JAN 02 2021

I. Identification. Identify the answer and write your answer before each
number. 20 points.
ISOMERISM 1. The existence of 2 or more molecules or ions with identical
composition but different in structure.
HYBRIDIZATION 2. The redistribution of orbitals of different energies in an atom
to form new set equivalent energy orbitals in a molecule.
GRAPHICAL FORMULA3. It shows all the bonds of the of the atoms in the

STRUCTURAL FORMULA 4. Shows the arrangement of the atoms or group of

atoms in the molecules.
GENERAL FORMULA 5. It represents an entire series of the compounds.

OPTICAL ISOMERISM 6. Isomerism consists of mirror images of one another.

SKELETAL OR CHAIN ISOMERISM 7. Isomerism, when the molecules differ only in

the arrangement of the carbon atoms.
GEOMETRIC ISOMERISM 8. Isomerism, which forms an angle upon combination of
SOLID ALKANES 9. Used in the manufactured of candles, home canning and in
waterproofing fabrics.
ETHYLENE 10. Alkenes which are used for artificial ripening of fruits.
II. Identify the name of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes of the hydrocarbon:
10 points.

NONANE__1. C9H20

NONANE__2. CH2= CH(CH2)6 CH3


ETHYNE___4. HC =_ C(CH2)5 CH3

DECYNES__5. CH3 = CH(CH2)7 CH3

III. Explain or discuss the following. 20 points

1. Give and discuss the uses of alkynes.

● The most common use of Ethyne is for making organic compounds like
ethanol, ethanoic acid, acrylic acid, etc.It is also used for making polymers
and its beginning materials. … Ethyne is used for preparing many organic
solvents. Alkynes are commonly used to artificially ripe fruits.

2. From the 5 methods of purification of organic compounds, give 3

and discuss.

● Closed tube test- organic compound When heated with a

reducible oxide or oxideze.The hydrogen in the organic
compound is converted to water which diposits as a mixture
in the cooler side of the closed tube.

● Most organic compound blacken upon heating . Carbonation

results with subsequent disapperance of the black substance
in further heating.

● Blackening of an organic compound when heated with

concentrated sulfuric acid is also due to carbonization.

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