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The Video Critique is a 15-minute presentation:

● 4-5-minute video excerpt
● 5-minute presentation per student X 2 in front of the entire class
● each student presents 3 critical incidents based on the video excerpt

If there are 3 students in a group, the Video Critique is a 23-minute presentation:

● 8-minute video excerpt
● 5-minute presentation per student X 3
● each student presents 3 critical incidents based on the video excerpt


Before the presentation, students are expected to work in pairs to:

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● select an English movie/ TV series/ Youtube video (from January 2017 to Dec 2019)
● choose a video excerpt that portrays positive and negative workplace incidents (the
video excerpt may consist of one scene or a few combined scenes)
● ensure that the video excerpt is in English
● show and discuss their selected excerpt starting from week 5

In the introduction of the presentation, students are expected to:

● present a synopsis of the movie/ TV series/ Youtube video
● present a synopsis of the selected excerpt

In the body of the presentation, students are expected to:

● present an analysis of the three critical incidents by:
a) identifying and describing the positive and/or negative communication aspects
of each critical incident
b) explaining each critical incident using the theories learnt
c) explaining the causes and effects of the critical incidents on the participants and
others around them
d) recommending ways to improve the negative aspects and further develop the
positive aspects
e) including examples from the video excerpt to support the analysis

In the conclusion of the presentation, students are expected to:

● include their own thoughts and highlight valuable lessons learnt from the critical
● draw attention to what they have learnt from the three critical incidents which would
be useful for them in their future employment

What is a critical incident?

● Usually it is an incident that has significance to you. It is often an event which makes
you stop and think, or one that raises questions for you.
● It may have made you question an attitude, value or behaviour.
● It might include an incident involving conflict, hostility, criticism, motivation and
● Critical incidents may relate to issues of communication, knowledge, culture,
relationships, beliefs or emotions.

The critical incidents can be discussed in relation to any of the communication

theories taught from weeks 1 to 12.

Sample Content of Video Critique

Movie Title: The Proposal (2009)

Synopsis of the movie:

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This romantic comedy revolves around an unlikely relationship between Andrew (a
personal assistant) and his bossy superior, Margaret. Facing deportation, Margaret plans
a scheme to marry Andrew who agrees to do so only if she promotes him...

Synopsis of the video excerpt:

The scene chosen depicts a situation in which Margaret (played by Sandra Bullock) was
summoned by her bosses who break the news of her deportation …

The following is a sample presentation of a critical incident:

When the boss says, “Isn’t he your secretary?”, Margaret responds with, “It
wouldn’t be the first time one of us fell for our secretaries, would it Edmund?”.
Margaret reveals very poor work ethic and unprofessional behaviour in the
workplace. Based on communication theories, it is inappropriate to make
personal attack during a formal discussion. Margaret’s comment will cause
embarrassment for Edmund; thus, affecting her relationship with him. Her
comment also reflects lack of respect for her superior. Discussion should always
focus on the issue at hand and reflect professionalism……………(Students may
elaborate further)

*This is repeated when presenting the other two critical incidents.

Description of Critical Incident 1: Work Ethic
There is much we can learn from this video excerpt in terms of professional and
unprofessional behaviour in the workplace. This video excerpt highlights the importance of
work ethics, phatic communication, body language and personality in the workplace. We
can conclude that all these aspects of communication do not only impact our relationship
with others but also teach us to communicate effectively. We must remember that when
interacting professionally, we have to show respect by listening attentively and observing
politeness in every aspect of our communication.


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