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Monitoring and Evaluation

Module 1: Monitoring and Evaluation

YAZA Capacity Solutions

Date: May 2019

Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Project Monitoring Project Evaluation

Project Monitoring and Evaluation

What Is Monitoring and Evaluation?
• When you read that the prevalence of low birth weight in a country is 20%,
have you ever wondered how this calculation was derived?
• Or when you hear that the percentage of married women of reproductive
age in a rural area using a modern contraceptive method rose from 52% to
73%, do you wonder how they know this?
• These types of statistics and other similar information result from monitoring
and evaluation" or "M&E" efforts.
• M&E is the process by which data are collected and analysed in order to
provide information to policy makers and others for use in program planning
and project management.
What Is Monitoring?
•Monitoring is the routine process of data collection and
measurement of progress toward program objectives.
• “Monitoring is systematic and continuous collection, analysis and
utilization of information on project achievements as
implementation progresses. It is an on-going activity, taking place
continuously throughout an intervention”
•It involves tracking what is being done and routinely looking at the
types and levels of resources used; the activities conducted; the
products and services generated by these activities, including the
quality of services; and the outcomes of these services and products.
What Is Monitoring? (Continue)

Project Monitoring refers to the process of keeping

track of all project-related metrics including team
performance and task duration, identifying potential
problems and taking corrective actions necessary to
ensure that the project is within scope, on budget
and meets the specified deadlines.
What Is Monitoring? (Continue)
• Monitoring of a program or intervention involves
collection of routine data
track changes in program performance over time.
Its purpose is to permit stakeholders to make informed

• Monitoring is sometimes referred to as Process Evaluation because it

focuses on the implementation process
Rationale of Monitoring

1. To know whether the various activities are undertaken as specified in

the project plan

2. To know whether materials and other inputs are reaching the

specific places in due time

3. To know where the unexpected issues/problems are occurring.

Rationale of Monitoring (Continue)

4. To know whether the outcomes match pre –determined targets, and

if not , why and decide what corrective action to betaken.

5. To know what should be done to change course from the original

plan, if the unexpected happens.

6. To know alternative courses of action, given the new circumstances.

Project Areas That are Monitored
What do you see below?
Why Do We Monitor?
Why Do We Monitor? (Continue)
• To establish or determine the degree of stakeholder understanding of
the program.
• To assess progress in the implementation i.e. input , output deliveries(
materials, financial, personal, activities, equipment) and impact.
• To compare costs and benefits i.e Optimize use of time and resources
• Identify and solve problems
• Allow greater transparency and promote systematic &professional
management. Among others
Why Do We Monitor? (Continue)
• Allow greater transparency and promote systematic &professional
management. Among others
• To learn from experiences to improve practices and activities in the future;
• To have internal and external accountability of the resources
used and the results obtained;
• To take informed decisions on the future of the initiative;
• To promote empowerment of beneficiaries of the initiative
Key Types of Monitoring
Common Types of Monitoring
Results monitoring Process (activity) monitoring
• Tracks effects and impacts. This is • Tracks the use of inputs and
where monitoring merges with resources, the progress of activities
evaluation to determine if the and the delivery of outputs. It
project/programme is on target towards examines how activities are
its intended results (outputs, outcomes, delivered – the efficiency in time and
impact) and whether there may be any resources. It is often conducted in
unintended impact (positive or conjunction with compliance
negative). For example, a psychosocial monitoring and feeds into the
project may monitor that its community evaluation of impact. For example, a
activities achieve the outputs that water and sanitation project may
contribute to community resilience and
monitor that targeted households
receive septic systems according to
ability to recover from a disaster. schedule
Common Types of Monitoring
Compliance monitoring Context (situation) monitoring
• Ensures compliance with donor • Tracks the setting in which the
project/programme operates, especially
regulations and expected results, as it affects identified risks and
assumptions, but also any unexpected
grant and contract requirements, considerations that may arise. It
includes the field as well as the larger
local governmental regulations and political, institutional, funding, and
policy context that affect the
laws, and ethical standards. For project/programme. For example,
example, a shelter project may a project in a conflict-prone area may
monitor that shelters adhere to monitor potential fighting that could
agreed national and international not only affect project success but
endanger project staff and volunteers
safety standards in construction.
Common Types of Monitoring
Financial monitoring Context (situation) monitoring
• Accounts for costs by input and • Tracks the setting in which the
activity within predefined categories of project/programme operates, especially as
expenditure. It is often conducted in it affects identified risks and assumptions,
conjunction with compliance and but also any unexpected considerations
process monitoring. For example, a that may arise. It includes the field as well
livelihoods project implementing a as the larger political, institutional, funding,
and policy context that affect the
series of micro-enterprises may monitor project/programme. For example, a project
the money awarded and repaid, and in a conflict-prone area may monitor
ensure implementation is according to potential fighting that could not only affect
the budget and time frame.
project success but endanger project staff
and volunteers
Thanks for Your

YAZA Capacity Solutions Logistics and Procurement

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