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Pinoy Life: Classic Filipino Traits and Characteristics

Characteristics of Filipinos
Every country has its differing values and stereotypes, and the Philippines is
no exception. We Filipinos firmly believe that our country has the best values
in the world. Although we have been colonized by several countries, many core
values from our ancestors remained intact and are still honored to this day.
Filipinos are not perfect, but we have great characteristics and qualities every
one of us should be proud of. Below I've listed some of the most well-known
positive and negative traits of Filipinos.

Positive Traits

1. Hospitality
This is one of the most popular qualities of Filipinos. Foreigners who have gone
to the Philippines find themselves falling in love with the warm hospitality they
are shown. It's a different kind of value system, which has existed for
thousands of years. Here are some examples of the hospitality that Filipinos
show, not only to foreigners, but also to their fellow citizens:

 When a person visits a friend's house, the host greets him or her with a
very warm welcome. The host will immediately let their visitor sit down and will
prepare a meal or a snack plus drinks for the visitor. The host will insist that
the friend not leave the house with an empty stomach. A host will always make
sure you had a great time visiting them.
 People offer their guest room to visitors if they're going to spend the
 Meals offered to guests are very special. A host always finds a way to
prepare great tasting food that her visitor wants to eat.

2. Respect
This is often observed—not just by younger people—but also by people of all

 Children respect elders by saying "po" and "opo," which mean "yes,"
when answering their elders.
 Children or young adults also show respect by putting their elders'
hands on their foreheads.
 Filipinos also show respect at work by making a bow to their employers.
3. Strong Family Ties and Religions
Yes. Filipinos value their families so much that they tend to keep families
intact through the generations.
 Families go to church and pray together because their religion is
important and creates a strong bond, marking God as the center of their lives.
 Families make sure to have quality time together especially after a day's
work. Just watching television or eating a family meal will be valued and
prioritized in everybody's schedules.

4. Generosity and Helpfulness

Filipinos are generous people. Even when we have very little, we always share
with those around us.

 During special occasions such as birthdays or "fiestas" —parties when

people from other places visit your home to celebrate with you—there are lots
of foods specially prepared for everyone! Friends, family, friends of friends, and
even strangers can gather and they are always willing to share food and help
 When a neighbor is in trouble, Filipinos are always ready to help them.
5. Strong Work Ethic
Yes, we are hardworking people to the point that we are willing to work almost
the whole day just to feed our families. That's how Filipinos are.

 One example of a hardworking person is a farmer. They earn so little but

they still work very hard for not much compensation.
 Filipinos always find creative ways to earn a living, like creating a small
business from their home where they sell foods or other items for the
convenience of their neighbors.

6. Love and Caring

This is so true! Filipinos are the sweetest and most loving people in the world.
I'm not just saying this because I'm a Filipino; if you know us well, you will
soon figure this out.

 Men are so sweet and romantic when it comes to love. They will send
their beloved flowers, bring her to a very romantic place, text her sweet quotes,
and tell often how special she is to them.
 Filipino women are also romantic and very caring, which often makes
foreigners want to marry them. Women tend to prepare dinner before their
husband comes home. They are loving, and value the relationship, always
staying faithful to their husbands. They love deeply and sincerely.
Negative Traits of Filipinos

I don't want to sound totally arrogant. Awesome as Filipinos are, we are not
perfect. Here are a couple of more negative traits which also really represent

 Fatalism: An attitude of "what goes around, comes around" or "come

what may." We have a tendency to surrender our future to fate. We often
accept bad news or circumstances without trying to stop or change them. This
can sometimes be helpful in adversity, but it can also keep us from finding
ways out of situations. Also, constantly expecting the worst can get pretty
 Crab mentality: This is prevalent in politics where people tend to push
each other down to clear the way for their own gain. Politicians, especially, try
their best to ruin each other, but this can also happen among regular people. I
think it goes to the point of selfishness.

Filipino Values

Filipino Positive Values

Joyful We are known for our smiles that can warmth the hearts of anyone. We have an innate sense
of happiness and we can even find humor in our problems.

Filipinos have cheerful and positive disposition in life even bombarded with problems. We have
positive outlook, a sense of humor, and strong fighting spirit that contribute Filipinos as known to be
happy people.

Respectful Filipinos are taught to be respectful.

We usually use “Po” and “Opo” when addressing someone older than us.

God-Fearing Even though Filipinos sometimes argue to what religion is dominant; they essentially
have God as a center of their lives.

Filipinos have deep faith in God. Our innate religiosity enables us to comprehend and genuinely
accept reality in the context of God’s will and plan.

Tragedy and bad fortune are accepted with optimism and full belief that God is there to help.
Bayanihan System A Filipino community spirit and cooperation wherein a group of individuals
extends a helping hand without expecting any remuneration.

Brave Filipinos are known for showing bravery and prowess most especially when the family and our
lives are threatened by other people.
We are ready to protect and risk our lives just to help our family.

Strong Family Ties Filipino usually belongs to large families of 6 to 12 children. Early on their lives,
children are taught to look after their siblings when parents are working.

Even as they grow into adulthood they choose to live together.

Hospitality Filipino trait of being receptive and generous to guests.

Hardworking Filipinos have the capacity for hard work given proper conditions. The desire to have a
better life makes the Filipinos to and strive and work hard.

With jobs abroad, OFW’s tend to have two or more jobs. The result is productivity and better life for
the family left in the country.

Creativity Filipinos are creative, resourceful, quick learners and have the ability to improvise and
make use of whatever is on hand in order to create and produce.

Filipinos make new inventions out of scraps, capacity to create new things out of old machines and
making new things from nothing. This is also a reason why Filipinos have the ability to adapt life in
any part of the world.

Filipino Negative Values

Laziness It the most common trait in Filipinos today.

It can be manifested seeing “tambays” very early in the morning, gambling, drinking liquors, chatting
with friends and many more despite of low income of the family.

Colonial Mentality The Filipinos’ colonial mentality comes in two dimensions: lack of patriotism or
awareness, appreciation and love for the country and actual preference for foreign things.

Filipino culture is characterized by openness to the output-side, adapting and incorporating the
foreign elements into our image of ourselves. We tend to copy the western culture as to foreign
fashion, music, entertainment, lifestyle, technology and consumer items.

Kanya-Kanya Syndrome (Crab Mentality) Filipinos have a selfish, self-serving attitude that
generates a feeling of envy and competitiveness towards others, particularly one’s peers who seem
to have gained some status and prestige.

Seeing others became successful, we tend to get jealous and make a move to put that person down.

Bahala Na Attitude Filipinos are generally passive and lacking in initiative. One waits to be told what
has to be done. There is strong reliance on others to do things for us.

Filipinos is too patient, long- suffering and too easily resigned to one’s fate.

Ningas-cogon Being enthusiastic only during the start of new undertaking but ends dismally in
accomplishing nothing.
Lack of Self-Analysis There is tendency in the Filipino to be superficial and even somewhat flighty. In
facing serious problems, both personal and social, there is lack of analysis or reflection.

We joke about the most serious matters and this prevents looking deeply into the problem.

Lack of Discipline Filipinos lack of discipline encompasses several related characteristics. We have
a casual and relaxed attitude towards time and space which manifest itself in lack of precision and
compulsiveness, in poor time management (Filipino Time) and in procrastination.

We have an aversion in following strictly a set of procedures and this results in lack of
standardization and quality control. We are impatient towards making decisions resulting to use of

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