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John Marvin M.

Santoyo ENEN35E

ME – 301 20/07/21

1. what are emerging issues in environment?

These are the five most environmental problems: Ozone Depletion, Greenhouse Effect and Global
Warming, Desertification, Deforestation, Loss of Biodiversity, Disposal of Wastes.

2. which is the best definition of carrying capacity?

Carrying capacity can be characterized as species normal populace size in a specific

environment. The species populace size is restricted by natural components like sufficient food, safe
house, water, and mates. If these requirements are not met, the populace will diminish until the asset
bounce back.

3. how is carrying capacity related to population density?

The relation of this two are they both concerns about the basic needs of species most especially
the food, water, mates, and shelter. The capacity can neither go up or down because of the loss of these

4. why is water scarcity a problem in the world?

Water shortage includes water pressure, water deficiency or shortfalls, and water emergency.
While the idea of water pressure is somewhat new, it is the trouble of acquiring wellsprings of new
water for use during a timeframe and may bring about additional exhaustion and crumbling of
accessible water resources. Water scarcity might be brought about by environmental change, for
example, adjusted climate designs including dry seasons or floods, expanded contamination, and
expanded human interest and abuse of water. A water emergency is a circumstance where the
accessible consumable, unpolluted water inside an area is not exactly that district's interest.

5. why is there a shortage of water in the world?

Water shortage is being driven by two meeting wonders: developing freshwater use and
consumption of usable freshwater assets. Water shortage can be an aftereffect of two components:
physical (outright) water shortage and monetary water shortage, where actual water shortage is a
consequence of deficient normal water assets to supply an area's interest, and financial water shortage
is a consequence of helpless administration of the adequate accessible water assets.
6. which is the best solution to water scarcity?

Best solutions for water scarcity are avoiding the Overuse of Water, and Pollution of Water. In
these ways we can conserve water and think for a better solution like making a machine that can clean
and convert populated water into a drinkable water.

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