Detailed Research & Developmental Project Proposal: (6) Rationale

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Project Proponent: Myka Feliciano
Project Co-proponents:
Agency: Universal College Foundation of Southeast Asia and the Pacific


LGU, DSWD, Lamitan Municipality, Barangay Maganda

(3) SITE(S) OF IMPLPEMENTATION (Municipality / District / Province / Region)

Base Station: Little Cebu, Lamitan City, Basilan Province
Other Site(s) of Implementation: N/A
(4) TYPE OF (5) R&D PRIORITY AREA & PROGRAM (based on HNRDA 2017-
/ Basic Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Sector:
Applied / Health Sector:
Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Sector:
Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
Basic Research Sector:
__/_ Others: (Livelihood)
(6) RATIONALE Universal College Inc., a private tertiary institution which operated
(not to exceed
one page) in 2008, is located at ____________ Lamitan, Basilan Province. As an

institution, the school envisions to reach out communities which are in dire

need of assistance from government or non-governmental organizations in

terms of livelihood programs.

Livelihood programs can be of great help to alleviate the situation

of these poor families. These can help them in sustaining their basic

needs. Programs include cookery and handicraft making. These will train
the mothers how to cook bread and pastries, fish and other preserved

products and do finished products from crafts such as wallet, bracelets,

chokers, necklace, bags, slippers, decorations etc. that can be used as

income generating projects.

Little Cebu, Lamitan in Basilan Province, is one of the depressed

areas dominated by indigent families who suffer from poverty as declared

by DSWD. It has residents whose economic status is in the poverty line as

reflected in the structures of houses they have. The majority of the

residents are Cebuanos. Some of the cultural minorities include the yakans

and Zamboangenios. Majority of the mothers in this area are housekeepers

only who focus in doing household chores. Indeed, the survival of the

family solely depends on the husbands who are engaged in simple daily


This project proposed under the Non-Governmental Organization

will inspire the Universal College Inc. Graduate School to implement an

outreach program in Little Cebu, Lamitan, Basilan Province. The project is

carefully structured to address the needs of the mothers. The project will

focus at training the mothers in the area of livelihood – initiated under the

close guidance and supervision of the livelihood coordinator.

Finally, this project will contribute to the peace-building initiatives

of government through the Universal College Inc. Graduate School

Community Outreach Program. These undertakings will provide

opportunities for sustainable livelihood for the people who suffer from
(7) REVIEW OF LITERATURE (not to exceed three pages)

A- Related Researches

A livelihood is a means of making a living. It encompasses people’s capabilities,

assets, income and activities required to secure the necessities of life. A livelihood is

sustainable when it enables people to cope with and recover from shocks and stresses and

enhance their well-being and that of future generations without undermining the natural

environment or resource base. (Barrera, 2014).

The Philippine Department of Social Welfare and Development has led in the

provision of opportunities for income-generating activities and livelihood development

through the implementation of the Sustainable Livelihood Program since 2011. This

policy note describes the program and reflects on opportunities the program has for

improving and complementing other social protection programs.(The world Bank, 2018).

Garcia (2017) assessed the integration of community services and research through

the livelihood needs assessment of a countryside in the Philippines particularly Sitio

Malanas, Lettac Sur, Santol, La Union as basis of the actions in addressing the needs.

Specifically, the livelihood situation and needs were determined and proposed actions for

the improvement of the livelihood situation of the community.

Creating and maintaining the economic and environmental health, promoting social

equity, and fostering broad-based citizen participation in planning and implementation

greatly influence the sustainability of a community. Moreover, communities that engage

citizens and institutions to develop sustainability principles and a collective vision for the

future and that apply an integrative approach to environmental, economic, and social
goals are generally likely to be more successful. (

Conducting an assessment particularly in a community is imperative for a number of

reasons. First is that the sustainability of the community is determined. Second is on the

residents and local officials becoming alert on the impact of a proposed development on

the community’s social and economic well-being; and third is about the avoidance of the

creation of inequities among the community groups. Thus, assessment encourages the

positive impacts associated with the proposed development.



B. Scientific Basis/Theoretical Framework

The study is anchored on the Community Development Theory by Tan (2009) in

which for him is a framework capable of bridging the micro-macro divide in social work.

The concept on community needs assessments refers to the seeking of truthful information

representative of the needs of a community. It is conducted before an action is done and is

used to determine current situations and identify issues for action, establishing the essential

foundation for vital planning. The process is an invaluable tool for involving the public in

solving problems and developing goals. Furthermore, a needs assessment can be an

excellent way for the public to become involved and contribute to the outcome


The study utilizes the Input-Process-Output framework presented in Figure 1. The

input is comprised of the profile of residents, livelihood situation of the residents and

livelihood needs. The process part is on the analysis of needs assessment. The output of

this study has an implication to the residents as it is about the proposed action plan
sustainable livelihood program for Little Cebu, Lamitan.

Figure 1.

Input Process Output

 Profile of
 Livelihood Proposed Action
situation of the Analysis of Needs Plan on
residents Assessment Sustainable
 Livelihood livelihood for
needs Little Cebu,

C. Results of Related Researches Conducted

In a similar study of Ma et al (20018), the results showed that (1) livelihood assets exert a

significant impact on community income in tourist areas, with a remarkable spatial difference; (2)

the types of livelihoods and the effective utilization of livelihood assets have a significant impact

on farmers’ incomes; (3) the type and amount of livelihood assets have a certain impact on the

choice of livelihood; and (4) a farmer’s livelihood type determines the utilization method and the

effective utilization of livelihood assets.

Similarly, in the study of Leonar, N. et al (2016) the results also revealed that gender,

age, education level, and occupation significantly affected uptake and sustenance of livelihood

projects. It was thus recommended that in introducing sustainable livelihood projects, community

development interventionist should have in mind the background characteristics of their rural

beneficiaries that make sustainability of the projects achievable

Finally, Garcia (2017) found out in her study that there is a need for a program to
improve their livelihood needs. It is recommended that actions have to be taken for the

improvement of the livelihood situation of the community in cooperation with the local

government unit and the school extending relevant community services based on research.

The above studies, literature and theory are all related to livelihood. Hence, the researchers

found those citations suitable to back up this study.


General Objective:

The general objective of the project is to assess the livelihood needs of the residents in

Little Cebu, Lamitan City, Basilan Province during the pandemic period as basis for a sustainable

livelihood program.

Specific Objectives:

1. To determine the livelihood situation of the respondents of Little Cebu, Lamitan City,


2. To assess the livelihood needs of the households; and

3. To propose for the improvement of the livelihood condition.


Research Design

This is a qualitative research utilizing phenomenological approach. This type of research

according to Calmorin (2007) involves the collection of data to answer questions regarding the

present condition of the research focus. Phenomenology is an approach to qualitative research that

focuses on the commonality of a lived experience within a particular group. The fundamental goal

of the approach is to arrive at a description of the nature of the particular phenomenon (Creswell,

2013).  Typically, interviews are conducted with a group of individuals who have first-hand

knowledge of an event, situation or experience. In this study, the livelihood condition and needs of
a community at Little Cebu, Lamitan City will be presented and analyzed.

Instrumentation & Procedure

A researcher- made questionnaire was used to gather data from the participants. The

questionnaire is a checklist on the respondents’ profile in terms of livelihood situation and need.

An interview guide with the community folks was done after the conduct of a survey in the said

area. Creswell (2007) said that interview guides are important to structure the dialogue and ensure

addressing of critical topics. Furthermore, this was done in order for the questions structured using

the English language which was translated into the language of the community which is Cebuano.’

Coordination with the local government unit of Lamitan City was done .The gathering of data was

facilitated by the project proponent with the assistance of the project Co-proponents. There were

ten (1o) participants involved in the interview. Collation and analysis of the gathered data


Data Analysis

Frequency and Percentage were utilized to determine the profile of the respondents.

Responses of the participants in the interview were counted and converted to percentage as seen in

the discussion of the findings.

Strategies for Implementation

The researchers did the following:

1. Preparation of Communication

The researchers establish a linkage with Barangay Maganda Officials, in addition to

the Community Extension Services Head of Universal College, Inc.

2. Survey Checklist Questionnaire

It was administered to the residents in Little Cebu in order to determine whose

families need help for a Livelihood Program.

3. Key Informant Interview

Interview with the identified ten mothers was conducted after the survey.

4. Documentation

Project proponents are responsible for the documentation and narrative reports before

and after the conduct of the project. Key persons from the stakeholders were involved in

the project proposal.


The proposed Action Plan will engage mothers in the training for a livelihood program.

The ten sessions will equip the mothers to cook. The expected outputs of this project are

products of cookery. The mothers can sell the products to the community, and these will

serve as income generating project that can alleviate their lives from financial difficulties.

The project was delimited to the livelihood situation and needs of the respondents of

Little Cebu, Lamitan City, Basilan. It assessed the livelihood needs of Little Cebu, Lamitan City,

Basilan; for the improvement of the livelihood condition. There were ten participants of the study

who are residents and indigents of Little Cebu, Lamitan City. Data gathering commenced on

March 20, 2021.

In addition to the Community Extension Services Office of Universal College, Inc., the

partner agencies that will be involved in this project are DSWD, LGU, Barangay Maganda and

Lamitan Municipality. Ten sessions will be conducted to train the ten (10) identified mothers who

will be the recipients of this project.

Position Percent Time Responsibilities
Devoted to the
Project Proponent 100% Responsible for the management and
implementation of the project
Project co- 100% Provide intellectual support through translating
Proponent 1 plans into actions
Project co- 100% Provide intellectual support through translating
Proponent 2 plans into actions
Project co- 100% Provide secretarial support to the project. Does the
Proponent 3 documentation and narrative reports regarding and
related to the project.
Project Staff 50% Provide assistance to the projects proponents by
(mother) leading other mothers in the performance of tasks
for 10 sessions.
Site of
Implementatio PS MOOE EO Total
Little Cebu, Php 115,435.95
TOTAL Php 115,435.95


N/A (number)
Total of the Project Funding Agency Involvement in the Project
I hereby certify the truth of the foregoing. Any willful omission/false statement shall be a
basis of disapproval and cancellation of the project.
(18) SUBMITTED BY (Project ENDORSED BY (Head of the
Leader) Agency)
Designation/Title MDM Student
Date June 3, 2021

This portion presents the results yielded in this study, the analysis and

interpretation of the data.

Problem 1: To determine the profile and livelihood situation of the respondents of Little
Cebu, Lamitan City, Basilan
Table 1
Profile of the Respondents

Age No. of %
19 and below 1 3.3
20-30 5 16.7
31-40 11 36.7
41-50 8 26.7
51-60 4 13.3
61-70 2 6.7
Number of Children
1-2 4 13.3
3-4 15 46.7
5-6 5 16.7
7 and above 6 20
Occupation of Spouse
Laborer 9 30
Driver 7 23.3
Security Guard 4 13.3
Farmer 5 16.7
Vendor 5 16.7
TOTAL 30 100%

Table 1 shows the profile of the respondents by age, number of children and

occupation of spouse. In terms of age, out of 30 respondents, the majority belong to the

age bracket of 31-40 years old with a number of 11 or 36.7%, followed by 41-50, with 7

or 26.7%. 20-30 with 4 or 16.7%,, 51-60 with 4 or 13.3%, 61-70 with 2 or 5.7% and

the least pf all, 19 and below, with 1 or 3.3%. In terms of number of children, the

majority of the respondents have 3-4 children, with 15 or 46.7%, followed by 7 and

above, with 6 or 2%, 5-6 with 5 or 16.7, and the least is 1-2 with 4 or 13.3%. In terms of

Occupation of Spouse, the majority are laborers with 9 or 20%, followed by drivers, with

7 or 23.3%, farmers and vendors with 5 or 16.7% and the least is Security Guard with 4

13.3%. The finding implies that most of the respondents fall under the middle age.

Below is the table in determining the Livelihood Situation of the Mother-


Table 2
Livelihood Situation of the Mother-respondents

Livelihood Situation No. of %

Tending the children 6 20
Watching the Sari-sari Store 6 20
Buying & Selling products 5 16.7
Working as house helper for 4 13.3
Housewife 4 13.3
Tending animals 2 6.7
Laundering 2 6.7
Farmer 1 3.3
TOTAL 30 100%

Table 2 shows the livelihood situation of the mother-respondents. As shown in

the table, the majority of the respondents out of 30 are tending the children and

watching sari-sari store with 6 respectively or 20%, followed by buying & selling

products, with 5 or 16.7%, working as house helper for others and housewife, with 4 or

13.3%, tending animals and laundering, with 2 respectively or 6.7%, and the least is

farmer, with 1 or 3.3%. The finding implies that none of the respondents is a

professional but they merely do the different kinds of house chores.

Problem 2: To assess the livelihood needs of the households

Below is the table in determining the Livelihood Needs of the Households.

Table 3
Livelihood Needs of the Households

Livelihood Needs No. of %

Food Processing 6 20
Cooking various menu for 13 43
meals & snacks
Bread & Pastry Production 4 13.3
Handicraft making 2 6.7
Tindahan (SariSari Store) 3 10
Fish Processing 2 6.7
TOTAL 30 100%

Table 3 shows the livelihood needs of the households in Little Cebu. As shown in

the table, the majority of the respondents out of 30 prefer Cooking various menu for

meals & snacks with 13 or 43%, followed by Food Processing with 6 or 20%, Bread &

Pastry Production with 4 or 13.3%, Tindahan (Sari-sari Store) with 3 or 10% and the

least are Handicraft making and Fish Processing with 2 respectively or 6.7%. This

shows that Cooking various menu for meals & snacks is the most preferred livelihood

that the respondents want to have. The feel that it is the most accessible and

manageable for them to do.

Problem 3: To propose for the improvement of the livelihood condition.

Below is a proposed Action Plan for the improvement of the livelihood condition

among the households in Little Cebu, Lamitan.

This Action Plan presents the details of the implementation of the project on the

improvement of the livelihood condition, for sustainability of livelihood program of the

chosen households in Little Cebu, Lamitan.

Title: Sustainable Livelihood Program


A livelihood is a means of making a living. It encompasses people’s capabilities,

assets, income and activities required to secure the necessities of life. A livelihood is
sustainable when it enables people to cope with and recover from shocks and stresses

and enhance their well-being and that of future generations without undermining the

natural environment or resource base. (Barrera, 2014).

Livelihood programs can be of great help to alleviate the situation of the poor

families. These can help them in sustaining their basic needs, especially their daily food.

This program will train the mothers how to cook various menus for meals and snacks,

how to process foods and how to cook bread and pastries that can be used as

income generating projects. These are found to be the leading livelihood needs of the

residents based on the results of the survey.

To enhance their cooking skills, the proponents proposed this action plan that

would somehow equip the residents of Little Cebu to cook.


a. To uplift the lives of the residents in Little Cebu, Lamitan from poverty.

b. To train the mothers on how to cook various menus for meals and snacks, how

to process foods and how to cook bread and pastries

c. To enrich the skills of the mothers in the area of sustainable livelihood.

Table 4
Proposed Training Matrix for Project Implementation

Day TIME DAY 1 Speaker

Day 1 7:30 – 8:00 Registration
8:00 – 9:00 Opening Program and Brgy. Official of Brgy. Maganda
Overview of the Project (Little Cebu)
9:00 – 10:00 Levelling of Expectations Head of UCFSAP Community
Extension Services
10:00-11:00 Orientation on the Project Proponent
Utilization of Facilities and
cooking tools/equipment
11:00-12:00 Briefing on the Project LGU Representative
Monitoring and Expected
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Break
1:00 – 4:00 Training TESDA Representative
Days 8:00-4:00 Training TESDA Representative
Day 8:00-4:00 Closing Program School Representative
Assessment of Products TESDA / LGU & Brgy
and Awarding of Certificate Representatives
of Completion and
Certificate of Recognition

Table 5

Summary of Budgeting Allocation

Items of Expenditure Quantity Costs (PHP)

A. COOKING INGREDIENTS Pls. see detail of 46,129.00
cost by
B. COOKING EQUIPMENT, Pls. see detail of 36,310.00
TOOLS and UTENSILS cost by
C. ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENSES Pls. see detail of 27,500.00
cost by
TOTAL 109,939.00
Contingency Allowance (5%) 5,496.95

Table 6
Detail of Cost by Components

Item Qty. Unit Technical Specification Est. Cost

No. Unit
1 5 Gallon Oil for Doughnuts, Bread, Pies & Pastries, Food 600 3,000.00
2 3 Sack Flour (all purpose) @ 50 kls/sack 2,500.00 7,500.00
2 Sack Bread Flour @ 50 kls/sack 2,000.00 4,000.00
3 200 Kls. White Sugar 50.00 10,000.00
50 Kls. Brown Sugar 45.00 2,250.00
4 50 Kls. Star Margarine/Butter 50.00 2,500.00
5 30 Kls. Lard 50.00 1,500.00
6 10 Kls. Yeast 45.00 450.00
7 10 Kls. Baking Powder 50.00 500.00
8 10 Kls. Baking Soda 40.00 400.00
9 10 Kls. Victoria Chocolate Powder 40.00 400.00
10 10 Tray Eggs (large) 202.00 2,025.00
10 10 box Toothpicks (for canapies) 10.00 100.00
11 20 Loaf Slice Bread 45.00 900.00
12 1 Gallon Mayonaise 500.00 500.00
13 10 Kls. Holiday Hotdogs 90.00 900.00
14 1 Box Evaporated Milk 23.00 690.00
15 10 Can Magnolia Nestle Cream 45.00 450.00
16 10 Kl. Powdered Milk 45.00 450.00
17 10 box Cheese (big box) 100.00 1000.00
18 2 Bag Marshmallow 65.00 130.00
19 5 Kls. Onion 80.00 450.00
20 5 Kls. Tomatoes 35.00 175.00
21 5 Kls. Cucumber 40.00 200.00
22 4 Kls. Bangus (Medium size) 180.00 720.00
23 2 Gallons Soy Sauce (Silver Swan) 140.00 280.00
24 2 Gallons Vinegar (Silver Swan) 140.00 280.00
25 10 Kls. Rock Salt 10.00 100.00
26 10 Kls. Black Pepper 100.00 1000.00
27 10 Kls. Garlic 110.00 1100.00
28 2 Packs Ajinomoto 35.00 70.00
30 30 Pcs. Fresh Pineapple Fruits 50.00 1.500.00
31 30 Kls. Papaya 20.00 600.00
32 15 Kls. Carrots 80.00 1,200.00
33 5 Kls. Fresh Kalamansi 60.00 300.00
Sub-total 46,129.00

Item Qty. Unit Technical Specification Est. Unit Cost

No. Cost
34 3 Unit Gasolito 1,800.00 5,400.00
35 1 unit Gas Range (with oven and burner) 18,000.00 18,000.00
36 1 Tank Refilling (Gasul) @ 13 Klg. 1800.00 1,800.00
37 3 Pc. Frying Pan (Medium) 280.00 840.00
38 3 Pcs Hand Beater (3 D) 1500.00 4,500.00
39 10 Pcs. Small Chopping Board 45.00 450.00
40 10 Pcs. Medium Size Ladles 25.00 250.00
41 10 Pcs. Turner 25.00 250.00
42 10 Pcs. Paring Knives 20.00 200.00
43 10 Pcs. Chef Knives 50.00 500.00
44 10 Pcs. Apron 25.00 250.00
45 10 Pcs. Hair Nets 10.00 100.00
46 10 Pcs. Good Morning Towel 20.00 200.00
47 2 Box Disposable Gloves 135.00 270.00
48 10 Pcs. Forceps 130.00 1300.00
49 2 Pcs. Preparation Tables with Formica 1,000.00 2,000.00
Sub-total 36,310.00

Table 7



Resource Persons’ 4 Speakers at Php 1,000 Php 4,000
10 participants at Php100/days 10 days Php 10,000
Meals and Snacks 5 working committee at P100/day X 10
Php 5000
4 Speakers at Php100 /day x 2 days
Php 800
Miscellaneous Specialty Papers for Certificates, Php 500
Certificate Holders, Bond papers,
Total Php 27,500.00
Table 6 highlights the budgeting allocation for the Training in the Project

Implementation. The funds will be appropriated for the purchase of consumable

cooking ingredients, cooking equipment, tools and utensils, meals, snacks,

certificates of the participants, honoraria of the speakers and other incidental




This portion presents the findings and conclusions of the study based on the data

gathered as meticulously analyzed and objectively interpreted. Likewise, the

recommendations of the study are hereby presented.

Summary of Findings

Based on the results in this study, the following findings were drawn:

1. In terms of age, out of 30 respondents, the majority belong to the age bracket of

31-40 years old with a number of 11 or 36.7%, followed by 41-50, with 7 or

26.7%. 20-30 with 4 or 16.7%,, 51-60 with 4 or 13.3%, 61-70 with 2 or 5.7%

and the least pf all, 19 and below, with 1 or 3.3%. In terms of number of children,

the majority of the respondents have 3-4 children, with 15 or 46.7%, followed by

7 and above, with 6 or 2%, 5-6 with 5 or 16.7, and the least is 1-2 with 4 or

13.3%. In terms of Occupation of Spouse, the majority are laborers with 9 or

20%, followed by drivers, with 7 or 23.3%, farmers and vendors with 5 or 16.7%

and the least is Security Guard with 4 13.3%. The finding implies that most of the
respondents fall under the middle age. In terms of occupation of the spouse,

majority of the respondents are tending the children and watching sari-sari store

with 6 respectively or 20%, followed by buying & selling products, with 5 or

16.7%, working as house helper for others and housewife, with 4 or 13.3%,

tending animals and laundering, with 2 respectively or 6.7%, and the least is

farmer, with 1 or 3.3%. The finding implies that none of the respondents is a

professional but they merely do the different kinds of house chores. The

livelihood situation of the mother-respondents indicates that the majority are

tending the children and watching sari-sari store, with a number of 6 respectively

or 20%; followed by buying & selling products, with 5 or 16.7%; working as house

helper for others and housewife, with 4 or 13.3%; tending animals and

laundering, with 2 respectively or 6.7%; and the least is farmer, with 1 or 3.3%.

The finding implies that none of the respondents is a professional but they merely

do the different kinds of house chores.

2. The livelihood needs of the households in Little Cebu indicate that majority of the

respondents prefer cooking various menu for meals & snacks with 13 or 43%,

followed by Food Processing with 6 or 20%; Bread & Pastry Production with 4 or

13.3%, Tindahan (Sari-sari Store) with 3 or 10%; and the least are Handicraft

making and Fish Processing, with 2 respectively or 6.7%. This shows that

Cooking various menu for meals & snacks is the most preferred livelihood that

the respondents want to have. The feel that it is the most accessible and

manageable for them to do.

3. The proposed Action Plan for the improvement of the livelihood condition among

the households in Little Cebu, Lamitan shows the details of the implementation of

the project on the improvement of the livelihood condition, for sustainability of

livelihood program of the chosen households in Little Cebu, Lamitan. It aims to

uplift the lives of the residents in Little Cebu, Lamitan from poverty; train the

mothers on how to cook various menus for meals and snacks, how to process

foods and how to cook bread and pastries; and enrich the skills of the mothers in

the area of sustainable livelihood.


Based on the findings of the study the researcher concluded that most of the

respondents fall under the middle age. None of the respondents is a professional but

they merely do the different kinds of house chores. Most of the spouses of the mothers

are laborers or daily wage earners. They need a sustainable livelihood program to uplift

them from difficulties. The majority of the mothers agreed to engage in cooking various

foods for meals and snacks. It is the most preferred livelihood program that the

respondents want to have as they feel that it is the most accessible and manageable for

them to do.


The researcher made the following recommendations which were formulated

relative to the results and conclusions on this research:

Local Government Unit (LGU)

The head of LGU has to allocate funds for the implementation of a sustainable

livelihood program in Little Cebu, Lamitan. There must be close monitoring during the

training to ensure the effective implementation of the program.


The head of DSWD has to coordinate with the LGU in the implementation of a

sustainable livelihood program in Little Cebu, Lamitan. DSWD personnel need to

provide financial aid to the proposed livelihood program as a way of uplifting the lives of

the residents from poverty.


TESDA personnel need to coordinate with other agencies in the implementation

of the livelihood program in Little Cebu. They must provide free training on livelihood

programs to the identified mothers in the fields of cooking, bread and pastry production,

food processing, handicraft making, fish processing and the like. Likewise, they need

close monitoring on the products of the mothers to ensure that the mothers gain the

skills necessary for sustainable livelihood for the family.


The residents of Little Cebu, Lamitan must participate seriously in the training on

livelihood program to be provided by the cooperating agencies. They must give their all-

out support by undergoing religiously the training sessions. Furthermore, they need to

apply their knowledge and skills after the training so that they will be responsible

enough to continue the livelihood program independently. As a result, it will be an

income generating livelihood that can sustain the family’s daily needs.
School Administrator and Teachers

They have to include a project on livelihood program intended for the adopted

barangay of the school. They need to allocate funds also for the expenditures in the

crafting of the project and implementation of it at the adopted barangay. Teachers, in

coordination with the head of Community Extension services of the school, must be

cooperative and patient enough in helping the school for the realization of the program.

For Other Researchers

A follow-up study on sustainable livelihood program could be developed, which

would strengthen, counter, or illuminate new information relative to findings that have

emerged from this study. Other researchers are encouraged to conduct a similar study

using other variables and involving mothers and fathers as respondents.



Barrera, K. (2014). Research Study About Livelihood Programs.
Programs. (Accessed on March 15, 2021).
Creswell, J.W. (2013). Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among the Five

Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Garcia, R. (2017). Integrating Community Services and Research: A Livelihood Needs

Assessment at the Countryside of the Philippines. Journal of Education and Practice.

Vol.8, No.3, 2017. (Accessed on March 12, 2021).

Leonard, N. et al (2016). Sustenance of the Results of Livelihood Projects: A Case Study of the

Rural Livelihood Program in Uganda.

Livelihood_Projects_A_Case_Study_of_the_Rural_Livelihood_Program_in_Uganda. .

(Accessed on March 12, 2021).

Ma, J. et al (2018). Study on Livelihood Assets-Based Spatial Differentiation of the Income of

Natural Tourism Communities. .

(Accessed on March 12, 2021).

Tan, A. (2009). Community development theory and practice: Bridging the divide between

‘micro’ and ‘macro’ levels of social work.

Publications/Proceedings2009/TanA Community.pdf. (Accessed on March 12, 2021).



Initiation started out by identifying the households who needed livelihood projects
and the projects to be implemented. Conducting a survey (Please see attached Survey)
with the residents of the target barangay followed. It was also an opportunity for the
project proponents to meet the mothers face-to-face and this meeting allowed for the
exploration of the problems in the community.

Next, the proponents crafted a project proposal to be entered into a written contract.

The final step of initiation was a kick-off meeting with the mothers to determine the
next steps.


Data collection & analysis followed the initiation stage. During this stage, we
performed the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, and
collected data. SWOT analysis attempts to identify the strengths and weakness, as well
as the opportunities and threats. Then, the project proponents will collect data through an
interview or Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and do an observation of the residents’
livelihood. Using these diverse methods ensures triangulation–painting a more accurate
picture of what is occurring.

Below is the SWOT analysis of the livelihood of the residents based on the result
of the survey.


Majority of the Most of the Mothers have  Financial
mothers are just households are in sufficient time for constraint
Watching the sari- poverty line which livelihood and have  Economic
sari store, buying & leads the mothers willingness to do instability
selling products, to do laundering cooking various
tending the children and serve as a menu for meals and
and doing household house helper for snacks which is an
chores as plain others income-generating
housewife. project.

Data collection & analysis is, of course, the analysis of the data we’ve collected.
We used the SWOT analysis results to determine areas of success as well as areas of
concern, and we analyzed all data that have been collected.


The third and final phase of the needs assessment is the final product. This
includes a summary of the findings, the strategy detailing which area should be
strengthened and which ones should be limited, and a final report that includes


 Majority of the The project proponents The project proponents
mothers are jobless; will : strongly recommend to the
they take care of their Universal College Extension
children at home. 1. establish a livelihood Services, LGU, DSWD and
 Most of the spouses of program to help Barangay Maganda, to
the mothers are augment the income support the implementation
laborers or daily wage of ten households. of the livelihood program at
earners. Training on how to Little Cebu, Lamitan. They
 They need a cook various foods are recommended to allocate
sustainable livelihood for meals and snacks funds for the successful
program to uplift is mostly agreed by operation of the proposed
them from mothers. livelihood program.
difficulties. 2. establish a linkage
 The mothers with the LGU,
dominantly agreed to DSWD, Barangay
engage in cooking Officials and UC
various foods for Extension Services on
meals and snacks. the implementation of
the livelihood
program at Little
Cebu, Lamitan.

March 17, 2021

Barangay Chairman, Barangay Maganda
Lamitan City, Basilan Province

Dear Sir:

Greetings of peace and solidarity!

We are students of the Graduate School of UCFSAP and we are currently writing our Project
Proposal as part of the requirements for the Degree of Master in Developmental Management.
LITTLE CEBU has the following objectives:

1. To determine the livelihood situation of the respondents of Little Cebu, Lamitan City;
2. To assess the livelihood needs of the households; and
3. To propose for the improvement of the livelihood condition.
In view of the above, we would like to seek permission from your office to allow us to conduct a
survey among the selected households in Little Cebu, Lamitan City. The survey serves as an
initial step to determine the households who will be qualified recipients of the Livelihood
Training to be implemented. Attached is a copy of the Survey for your scrutiny.

We are anticipating for a favorable response. Your approval to this request will surely contribute
to the upliftment of the lives of the residents of the said area.

Thank you very much and more power!

Very sincerely yours,

Lead Researcher/Project Proponent

Noted by:


Research Adviser Dean of Graduate School/VPAA

March 20, 2021

Dear Respondent,
Greetings of Peace!
We are students of the Graduate School of UCFSAP and we are currently writing our Project
Proposal as part of the requirements for the Degree of Master in Developmental Management.
LITTLE CEBU. You are invited to take part in this research. It is our hope that this study will
benefit you. The objectives are:
1. To determine the livelihood situation of the respondents of Little Cebu, Lamitan City;
2. To assess the livelihood needs of the households; and
3. To propose for the improvement of the livelihood condition.
There are no identified risks from participating in this research. There are no costs and no
monetary compensation to you for your participation in this study.
Your participation in this research is completely voluntary and you may refuse to participate
without consequence. The collected data will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
Thank you very much and more power!

Very sincerely yours,

Lead Researcher/Project Proponent

Noted by:


Research Adviser Dean of Graduate School/VPAA


Part 1 Respondent’s Profile

Name: ___________________________________Age:_______________
Number of Children: __________________Work of Spouse:_____________
Part II Livelihood of the Residents
Directions: Please answer the following questions honestly by checking the appropriate
parenthesis: (Palihug tubaga ang mga pangutana pinaagi sa pag check sa parenthesis)

1. What is your present job?

(Unsa’y imong trabaho karon?)
( ) Laundering (Labandera)
( ) Buying and selling products (Palit ug baligya mga produkto)
( ) Farming (mag-uuma)
( ) Tending animals (mag-atiman mga hayop)
( ) Tending my children (nag-atiman sa mga anak)
( ) Watching the Sari-sari Store (Nagbantay sa tindahan)
( ) Working as house helper for others (Nagatabang sa ubang panimalay)
( ) Others (please specify) (uban pa. Palihug isulti)____________________

2. What Livelihood Program do you like to engage in?

(Unsang panginabuhia ang gusto nimong apilan?)
( ) Cooking Various Menu for Meals & snacks (Magalutog klase-klaseng sud-an
o pang snacks)
( ) Bread & Pastry Production (Maghimog pan)
( ) Food Processing (Mag preserbag mga pagkaon)
( ) Fish Processing Mag preserbag mga isda)
( ) Sewing (Magtahi)
( ) Handicraft Making (wallet, sleepers, purse, bracelets, necklace, etc.)
(Maghimog mga pitaka, tsinelas, bagbag, porseras, kwintas ug uban pa)
( ) Others (Please specify) (uban pa. Palihug isulti)____________________

___ ________________
Respondent’s Signature



1. What is your present livelihood? (Unsa ang imong panginabuhi karon?)

2. How do you find your economic status of your family; are you satisfied or not? Why?

(Unsay maingon nimo bahin sa inyong kita sa panginabuhi ninyo sa pamilya, contento

ba ka? Or dili? Ngano man?)

3. Do you want to join in a livelihood program ? (Gusto ba kamg muapil sa livelihood

program namo?)

4. What type of livelihood program do you want to engage in? (Unsang klaseng

panginabuhi nga gusto nimo buhaton?)


Participant 1: Lolita C. Carlos

1. What is your present livelihood? (Unsa ang imong panginabuhi karon?)
- Taga bantay ug tindahan

2. How do you find your economic status of your family; are you satisfied or not?
Why? (Unsay maingon nimo bahin sa inyong kita sa panginabuhi ninyo sa
pamilya, contento ba ka? Or dili? Ngano man?)

- Murag contento na dili. Kulang ang kwarta para sa mga gastos-gastos sa


3. Do you want to join in a livelihood program ? (Gusto ba kamg muapil sa

livelihood program namo?)

- Yes.

4. What type of livelihood program do you want to engage in? (Unsang klaseng
panginabuhi nga gusto nimo buhaton?)

- Magalutog klase-klaseng sud-an o pang snacks

Participant: 2 Cherry Mae O. Dela Cruz

1. What is your present livelihood? (Unsa ang imong panginabuhi karon?)

- Housewife

2. How do you find your economic status of your family; are you satisfied or not?
Why? (Unsay maingon nimo bahin sa inyong kita sa panginabuhi ninyo sa pamilya,
contento ba ka? Or dili? Ngano man?)

- Contento pero gusto ko makatabang sa aku bana.

3. Do you want to join in a livelihood program ? (Gusto ba kamg muapil sa
livelihood program namo?)

- Yes.
4. What type of livelihood program do you want to engage in? (Unsang klaseng
panginabuhi nga gusto nimo buhaton?)

- Maghimog Pan

Participant: 3 Leverisa B. Jimenez

1. What is your present livelihood? (Unsa ang imong panginabuhi karon?)

- Housewife
2. How do you find your economic status of your family; are you satisfied or not?
Why? (Unsay maingon nimo bahin sa inyong kita sa panginabuhi ninyo sa pamilya,
contento ba ka? Or dili? Ngano man?)

- Dili kaayu contento. Kulang ang budget

3. Do you want to join in a livelihood program ? (Gusto ba kamg muapil sa livelihood

program namo?)

- Yes.

5. What type of livelihood program do you want to engage in? (Unsang klaseng
panginabuhi nga gusto nimo buhaton?)

- Mag preserbag mga pagkaon

Participant 4: Wendelina D.R. Santos

1. What is your present livelihood? (Unsa ang imong panginabuhi karon?)

- House Helper

2. How do you find your economic status of your family; are you satisfied or not?
Why? (Unsay maingon nimo bahin sa inyong kita sa panginabuhi ninyo sa
pamilya, contento ba ka? Or dili? Ngano man?)

- Dili kaayu contento. Kulang ang mga kwarta sa mga bata

3. Do you want to join in a livelihood program ? (Gusto ba kamg muapil sa

livelihood program namo?)

- Yes.

4. What type of livelihood program do you want to engage in? (Unsang klaseng
panginabuhi nga gusto nimo buhaton?)

- Magtahi

Participant 5: Edralyn T. Molina

1. What is your present livelihood? (Unsa ang imong panginabuhi karon?)

- Buy and Sell Products
2. How do you find your economic status of your family; are you satisfied or not?
Why? (Unsay maingon nimo bahin sa inyong kita sa panginabuhi ninyo sa
pamilya, contento ba ka? Or dili? Ngano man?)

- Dili contento. Kulang ang kwarta

3. Do you want to join in a livelihood program ? (Gusto ba kamg muapil sa

livelihood program namo?)

- Yes.

4. What type of livelihood program do you want to engage in? (Unsang klaseng
panginabuhi nga gusto nimo buhaton?)

- Luto klase-klaseng sud-an o pang snacks

Participant 6: Elsa M. Dulap

1. What is your present livelihood? (Unsa ang imong panginabuhi karon?)

- House helper

2. How do you find your economic status of your family; are you satisfied or not?
Why? (Unsay maingon nimo bahin sa inyong kita sa panginabuhi ninyo sa
pamilya, contento ba ka? Or dili? Ngano man?)

- Contento pero gusto ko makatabang sa aku bana.

3. Do you want to join in a livelihood program ? (Gusto ba kamg muapil sa

livelihood program namo?)

- Yes.

4. What type of livelihood program do you want to engage in? (Unsang klaseng
panginabuhi nga gusto nimo buhaton?)

- Magalutog klase-klaseng sud-an o pang snacks

Participant 7: Carmelita C. Garcia

1. What is your present livelihood? (Unsa ang imong panginabuhi karon?)

- Tending Animals
2. How do you find your economic status of your family; are you satisfied or not?
Why? (Unsay maingon nimo bahin sa inyong kita sa panginabuhi ninyo sa
pamilya, contento ba ka? Or dili? Ngano man?)

- Contento. Ingana jud ang buhay.

3. Do you want to join in a livelihood program ? (Gusto ba kamg muapil sa

livelihood program namo?)

- Yes.

4. What type of livelihood program do you want to engage in? (Unsang klaseng
panginabuhi nga gusto nimo buhaton?)

- Handicraft Making

Participant 8: Maribel T. Dela Cruz

1. What is your present livelihood? (Unsa ang imong panginabuhi karon?)

- Buy and Sell Products

2. How do you find your economic status of your family; are you satisfied or not?
Why? (Unsay maingon nimo bahin sa inyong kita sa panginabuhi ninyo sa
pamilya, contento ba ka? Or dili? Ngano man?)

- Contento. Dahil wala choice.

3. Do you want to join in a livelihood program ? (Gusto ba kamg muapil sa

livelihood program namo?)

- Yes.

4. What type of livelihood program do you want to engage in? (Unsang klaseng
panginabuhi nga gusto nimo buhaton?)

- Magalutog klase-klaseng sud-an o pang snacks

Participant 9: Digna V. Arcabado

1. What is your present livelihood? (Unsa ang imong panginabuhi karon?)

- Housewife

2. How do you find your economic status of your family; are you satisfied or not?
Why? (Unsay maingon nimo bahin sa inyong kita sa panginabuhi ninyo sa
pamilya, contento ba ka? Or dili? Ngano man?)

- Contento pero gusto mag tabang sa aku bana.

3. Do you want to join in a livelihood program ? (Gusto ba kamg muapil sa

livelihood program namo?)

- Yes.

4. What type of livelihood program do you want to engage in? (Unsang klaseng
panginabuhi nga gusto nimo buhaton?)

- Magalutog klase-klaseng sud-an o pang snacks

Participant 10: Ma. Eurys R. Aizon

1. What is your present livelihood? (Unsa ang imong panginabuhi karon?)

- Nagbantay sa Tindahan

2. How do you find your economic status of your family; are you satisfied or not?
Why? (Unsay maingon nimo bahin sa inyong kita sa panginabuhi ninyo sa
pamilya, contento ba ka? Or dili? Ngano man?)

- Satisfied but willing to help increase the house budget

3. Do you want to join in a livelihood program ? (Gusto ba kamg muapil sa

livelihood program namo?)

- Yes.

4. What type of livelihood program do you want to engage in? (Unsang klaseng
panginabuhi nga gusto nimo buhaton?)

- Bread and Pastry production


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