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| c AL Ke (a zs & a united states of amertea moorishe nationall republic federall governmente (& ~societas republitae ea af maucikanos~ mmoorishe Dinpne ande nationall mubemente of the caxthe hocthe meste amexcat + northineste affcica + northe ammevica + the nocthe gate all abdgorning isstanbs, ‘% ~tempel of the moon ande sun~ the tee ande de jute natucall peeples + errs of the Lande PW misLam, > unniversall sovereigne origeneall enndigencous naturall bivpne affidavid uf writtene innitiall unniversall kommerciale kode | phinansinge statemente liene ‘ationale safe harbors programms universal commershal code § 9-521 wherebye nationalls whoo philo written universal ‘Kommereiale code liens can phile universall kommercale kode lines in anye state to dbvers: debtor {Diane Phelps Smalls dba DIANE PHELPS SMALLS} all heires assignes principals agentes devivativsthereut ost Office Box 77618 Uacksonville, Florida 32226) dobier 2 [Him Overion dba DUVAL COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR} ande all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivaivsthereut LIM OVERTON dba Duval County Tax Assessor] ande all heirs assignes principalls agentes ande dervativs thereat 231 Bast Forsyth Sicee, Suite 130 [Uacksonville, FL 32202-3370] 904.255.5700 taxcollector@co}.net ddobier 3 {City of Jacksonville Florida Corporation] ande all heres assignes principalls agentes ande dervativsthereut ICITY OF JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA CORPORATION] ande all heies asignes principalls agentes ande derivativsthereut 117 West Duval Steet, Suite 480 acksonville, FL 32202] 904.255.5100 city@eoj net deter {Leonard Boyd Cunry dba OFFICE OF THE MAYOR} ande all heres assignes principals agentes ande derivatvs thercut Leonard Boyd Curry dba Office of the Mayor] ande all heres assignes principalls agentes ade derivative thevcut 117 Wes: Duval Stee, Suite 400 Uacksonville, FL 32202), www.coj.neVmayor. aspx. dobier § erry Holla dba OFFICE OF DUVAL COUNTY APPRAISER} ande all eiresassignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereut JERRY HOLLAND dba Office of Duval County Appraiser] ande all heiresassignes principalls agentes ande desivativsthercut {Gerald Donald Holland, Holland Homes Ine. Jerry Hollans]ande all eieesassignes principals agentes ande derivaivs thereat [GERALD DONALD HOLLAND dba HOLLAND HOMES INC and JERRY HOLLANS} ande all cies assienes principals ‘agentes ande dervativsthereut 231 East Forsyth Sect, Suite 270 Uacksonville, FL 32202] ‘904.255.5900 pacusiserv@eoj net debtor 6 [STATE OF FLORIDA CORPORATIONS} ande all heires assignes principals agentes ande devivaivsthercut {State of Florida Corporation} ande all heres assignes prinipalls agentes ande derivavs thereat ‘The Capito 400 South Monroe Street (Tallahassee, Plorida 323990001], 850-717-9332 debier 7 [STATE OF GEORGIA CORPORATIONS) ande all heres assignes principalls agentes ande derivative thereat {State of Georgia Corporation} and all heres assignes principals agentes and derivative thercut Tre State Capito! 206 Washington, Siret Suit {Allanta, Georgia 30334] 404-656-1776 203 ober (CITY OF VALDOSTA GEORGIA CORPORATIONS} ande all heres assignes principals agentes ande derivativsthezcut City of Valdosta Georgia} ande all heires assignes princpalls agentes ande derivativsthereut City Hall 216 East Central Avenue [Waldosta, Georgia 31601] 229-242-2600) debier (COUNTY OF LOWNDES CORPORATIONS} ande all heires assignes principalls agentes ande dervativs thercut {County of Lowndes Corporation] ade all heies assignes prinipalls agentes ande derivativs thereat 327 Non Ashley Street, 3" Floor {[Valdosta, Georgia 31601] 229-671-2800 {COUNTY OF DUVAL CORPORATIONS} ande al heitesassignes principals agentes ande derivatvs thercut {County of Duval Corporation} ande all heirs assignes princpalls agentes ande derivativsthereut 121 West Forsyth. Stret [acksonville, Florida 32202-4628) 904-630-3181, sdebter LL {Wiliam Stafford Frazicr dba WILLIAM STAFFORD FRAZIER) ande al heiresassignes principals agentes ande derivative thereut 1919-8 Blanding Blvd, Suite 8 acksomvlle Florida 32210), debter Davie F. Sandbach Jr dbs DAVID F. SANDBACH JR] ande all heres assignes prineipalls agentes ande dervativs thereut 1003 North Paterson Street [Valdosia, Georgia 31601] [PO Box 1085, Valdosta, 31603), 229-247-3479 dshicr 13 ISANDBACH’S SALES, LLC #21025603] ande all heres assignes principals agentes ande derivatvs thereat 4328 Autuma Ridge, [Valdosta, GA 31602} {Stephen Crawford Sandbach dba STEPHEN CRAWFORD SANDBACH ande ll ites assignes princi derivativs thereut 4328 Autumn Ridge [Valdosta. Georgia 31602) agentes ande debe 14 [Patrick Flynn dba YELLOWBIRD LLP] ande al heitesassignes pincipalls agentes ande derivativs thercut IYELLOWBIRD LLP] ande all heires assignes principalls agentes ade dexivativsthereut (PATRICK FLYNN dba Yellowbird tip} ande all heirs assignes principalls agentes ande der vatis thereat 13361 Alani Blvd Uacksonville. Florida 32225) 908-372-1300 bier 15 [FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION] ande al heres assignes principals agentes ande desivativs thereat (THE DIVISION OF MOTORIST SERVICE, FLORIDA HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES DEPARTMENT} nde all hetesassignes principals agentes and derivativs thereut (TERRY L. RHODES dba EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR] andé all heies assignes prineipalls agentes ande dervativ thersuf KEVIN J, THIBAULT dbs SECRETARY] ande all heirs assignes prinipalls agentes ane derivaivsthereut {605 Suwannee Surct (Tallahassee, Florida 32399] '850.921-7300 [WELLCARE dba MEDICARE HEALTH PLANS] ande ll beiresassignes principals agentes ande derivaivs thereat IWELLCARE MEMBER #19961 164 dba MEDDADV] ande all hoes assignes principalls agentes ande derivative thercut Post Office Box 31392 (Tampa Florida 33631~ 1-833-444.9089 wwe wellcare com/medicare placed on the pubblie reckorde at ‘moorish american consulate public records page facebook ser com, all other pubblic places as necessarie 392) sovereigne origencall enndigencous naturall divyne de jure kreddtore the peepul whoo ar thee origeneall enndigenenus Sovercigne natural divyne nite states of america moorishe national espublic federal! governmente corishe american konsulate fo 911 southe west 31th plase ‘near [fedherall way washingtone tervatory) lannefente washington disirite tor coluebia ‘unniversll natural! area eode 4s3ww gykes this isan inntialle universal commershial code 1 philing pursuante Lew universal commershial codes ande washingtons istricte Fe columbia sovesigne kodes § 28:9-501. § 28:9-502, §28:9-516a, § 28:9-516b. § 28:9-520c. § 28:9-521 and al other applicabul Kodes konncemning Sovereigne unniversall origeneall enndigencous naturall divyne kreddioresande innit pilings § 28:9-521 universal writtene financinge statementee - a piling eis that accepts writene wreckord may not refuse accept a writenejnnitallfaneinge statemente in this form ande format exxcept fora reason set forth in 289.516) entitled “What Konstitutes philing;effecktiveness uf philing. a) exxcept as wtherwise provided in subseeKtion (B). ‘communication uf a wreckord o a philing offse ande tender uf the piling le or acceptance uf the wreckord by the philing offise konstitues philing § 28:9.501 philing of. ‘exxcept as otherwyse provyded in subsecktion (b) ithe local law uf the dstiete governs perphection uta sox inntereste lene, the offise in whiche to file a financinge staremente to perfecte the sovereign inaterst lene 8 (1) the wreckorder uf deeds if () the financinge statement i led asx phisture philing ande the collateral is poods that are ‘oF are to become phixtures: or (2) the mayor i all othor cases, including a casein whiche the collateral is goods that are or arc to become phixtures ane the financinge statement isnot filed 26 a phistue philing (b) the offise in whiche to file a finaneinge statemente to pertect a sovercigne innterest in collateral. inluding phixtres. uf 8 \rannsmiting uiite is the offise uf the mayore. the Nnaneinge stalemente also Konsttutes a pliatare philig as to the collateral! indicated in the nancinge statemente whiche is otis to bekome phixtces § 28:9-515 duratione ande effecktiveness uf financinge statemente: effect u Iepsed Sinancinge stauemerne (1) ita dbtr is a rannsmitting uiltie ande maild innitiall Financing statemente 0 indicates. the inane ngs effective unl aterminasbian statement is filed 289.521 unniversll Kommereale kode | Financinge statemente ‘8. sovereigne origencall enndigencous naturall divyne kreddtore: united states of america jonall eepublic federal governmente ‘moorishe american Konsulate 10 911 southe west 31 4h pase ear [fedherall way washingtone weratory) nciente washingtone disricte fore columbia sion new jerusaleme nae s3wv quke5 moors 'b. emal (optional) ‘&_sende akknowledgemente to: united states of america ‘moorishe national reepublic Federal! govermmente ‘moonishe ameriean konsulate fo 911 southe west 314th plase near (fedherall way washingtone teratory] nciente washingtone districte lore columbia nae 4s3wv qukz5 the abuve space is four philing aise uze onley providde debtersnaim ‘deh (Diane Phetps Smalls dba DIANE PHELPS SMALLS} all hsires assignes principalls agentes derivative thereut Post Office Box 77618 Uacksonville. Florida 32226] [Jim Overton dba PUVAL COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR] ande all hires assignes prinepalls agentes ande derivativs thercut [JIM OVERTON aba Duval County Tax Assessor] ande all heies asignes principals agentes ande dervatis thercut 231 East Forsyth Street, Suite 130 {Uaeksonville, PL 32202-3370), 904-255-5700 ddebwor 2 {City of Jacksonville Florida Corporation} ande all heres assignes principals agentes and derivatvs thevcuf [CITY OF JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA CORPORATION] ande all heres assignes principalls agentes ande desivativsthereut 117 West Duval Suet, Suite 480 (acksonville, FL 32202) 904.255.5100 cty@eojnet sohter + {Leonard Boyd Curry dba OFFICE OF THE MAYOR] ande all heires assignes princpalls agentes ande derivativsthereut [Leonard Boyd Curry dba Ofiice of the Mayor] ande all heirs assignes prinipalls agentes ande dervetivthereut (17 West Duval Stee, Suite 400 Uacksonville, FL 32202) ‘www.coj.neVmayor aspx sdtuers (Uery Holland dba OFFICE OF DUVAL COUNTY APPRAISER] ande all heirs essignesprincpulls agentes ade derivatvs thereut UERRY HOLLAND dha Office of Duval County Appraiser] ande all heiesasignes principals agentes ande drivativsthereut {Gerald Donald Holland, Holland Homes Ic, Jtry Hollans]ande allies asignes principals agentes ande davai herd [GERALD DONALD HOLLAND dba HOLLAND HOMES INC and JERRY HOLLANS} ande ll hes ass prepa ‘agentes ane derivative thereut 231 Eas Forsyth Suet. Suite 270 Uacksoaville, FL 32202] ‘9044255.5960 pocusserv@coj net dobter 6 [STATE OF FLORIDA CORPORATIONS] ande all heies asignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereu! [State of Florida Corporation] ande all Actes assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereut The Capitol 400 South Menroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001] 850-717-9392 debier 7 [STATE OF GEORGIA CORPORATIONS] ande all heies assignes principalls agentes ande dervativsthereut {State of Georgia Corporation) ande al heres assignes principals agentes ande derivative hereut ‘The State Capitol 206 Washington, rect Suite 203, {Attanta, Georgia 30334) 403.656-1776 debier 8 [CITY OF VALDOSTA GEORGIA CORPORATIONS} ande all heres essignes principals agentes ande dertvativsthercuf {City of Valdosta Georgia] ande all heies asignes principalls agentes ande dervativsthereut City Halt 216 East Central Avenue Valdosta, Georgia 31601] 229-242-2600) dohier 9 [COUNTY OF LOWNDES CORPORATIONS] ande all heires assignes principalls agentes ande derivative thereut {[Ceuniy of Lowndes Corporation] ande all heires assigns principalls agentes ande derivativsthereut 327 North Ashley Street, 3% Floor [Valdosta, Georgia 31601], 229-671-2400 debrcr 10 [COUNTY OF DUVAL CORPORATIONS] ande all heires assignesprincipalls agentes and derivativsthereut {County of Duval Corporation} ande all eiresassignes principals agentes ande derivaivsthereut 121 West Forsyth, Street [Uacksonville, Flora 32202-4628) 904-630-3181 debiar 11 {William Statford Frazier doa WILLIAM STAFFORD FRAZIER} ande ail heres assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereof 1919-8 Blanding Blvd, Suite 8 Uacksonville, Florida 32210] debicr 12 [David F, Sandbach Jr dbs DAVID F. SANDBACH JR} ange all heies asignes prinipalls agentes ande dervath 1003 North Paterson Street Valdosta, Georgia 31601) [PO Box 1085, Valdosta, 31603], 229-247-3479 therear sdobter 13 ISANDBACH'S SALES, LLC #21025603] ande al hezesassignes principals agentes ande deivatvs thereat 44328 Autumn Ridge. (Valdosta, GA 31602] {Stephen Crawford Sandbach dba STEPHEN CRAWFORD SANDBACH] ande all heies assignes principalls agentes ande erivaivs thereof 4328 Auturnn Ridge (Valdosta, Georgia 31602} debuer 14 {Patrick Flynn dba YELLOWBIRD LLP) ande all heies assignes principalls agentes ande dervativs thereut [YELLOWBIRD LLP] ande all heies assignes principals agentes and desivativs thereat (PATRICK FLYNN dba Yellowbied tip} ande all heirs assigns princpalls agentes ande derivativsthercut 13361 Adantie Blvd [acksonvill, Florida 32225) ‘908-372-1300 ddebwer 15 [FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION] ande all heres assignes princpalls agentes ande dervativsthereut [THE DIVISION OF MOTORIST SERVICE, FLORIDA HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES DEPARTMENT] nde all hetesassignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereut [TERRY L. RHODES dha EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR] ande all eies asignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereof UKEVIN J. THIBAULT cbs SECRETARY] ande all heiresassignes principals agentes ande derivatvs thereat! 605 Sewanee Strt [Tallahassee, Florida 32399] 50.921-7300 debtor 16 (WELLCARE dha MEDICARE HEALTH PLANS] ande al ites assignes principals agentes ande derivatvs thereut [WELLCARE MEMBER #1961164 doa MEDDADV] ande all heres assignes principalls agentes ande derivative thereu! Post Office Box 31392 [Tampa Florida 33631-3392] 1-833-444.9089 11. sovereigne universal origenall enndiencous kreditore united states of america, en eapitis diminutio nolo. en propria persona sui juris, all ightesekxercizel at all xyes ‘moorishe national republic federall governmente 12a. _ennter sovereigne moonsshe american appellashun ll soverigneorigencall enndigencous moorishe ammerican autopraffs fore this ande all sovereigne united states of america government dockumentes are on tee publck wreckord at america, the peeple who are the _sovereigne unniversall ongeneall enndigeneous naturall divyne kredditore en capitis diminutio nolo en propa persona sui juris en proprio solo en proprio heredes all igtesekkserized a ll (nes 2b, mallinge locatione aire uf 91 southe weste 314” plase near [federal waye washingione terratory] anneiente washington district fore columbia 13, collateral this financinge statement covers the following collateral: ‘his judishill vordite Isa law full financing statemente that cuvers the followings kollterall: the Kollatrall covvered bye this Financing statemente is 100,000,000 in gold backed sovereigne currency fore eache sovereigne origeeall enndigeneousancente ancestral pareell the debier oecupys on the lande that all soveriegne origleneall enndigeneous moorishe americans whoo we the sovereigne origeneallenndigeneous naturall divyne united states of america. to include the de jure moorishe national reepublic federal governmentc, the moorishe american konsulate, ande the moonshe divyne ande nationall movemente uf the earth are heirs 10, this 1 pursuante to anciente sovereigne suppreme universall naturall divyne lawe, this 1s yustise ande cttemall ‘ennvocatione uf emminente dominione by all moors who possesse all lande, all propper. nde all Kommerce. the moortshe american golde standard haz beene activated. the sovereigne origeneall enndigencous naturall divyne mocnshe ammerican pag shall float a all proppertes on out sovereigne Iande at all iymes nunc pro tune 14. checke onley If applickable ande checke onley ane hos: collaterall is xx helde.en the universal rust u the poepel who are the united states of america ande the moorishe national, eepublic tederall governmente. 15 C being administered by a decedent's personal representative 15a, _ check onley i applickable ande checke onley ane box: {i publiesfinance transaction © manufacturedchome transac xa debters 9 rans yee utile 15b, _checke onley if apphikcable ande checks onley one box, ‘agricultural lien © noa-uce philing 16, alternative designation Gf applicabul); 0 lessee/essor G Konsignee/konsignor 0 sellesuyer O hailerpailor 2 eenseeficensor 17. _opptional filer reference data (maximum principal enndebtedaess) ‘ve, the moorisbe ammericans at norhe america. are the exxecutors, ministar,kredditores, Klauments, rus ‘benephiciaries uy all lande, all natural! roesourees,ande all Komnmesce, ‘en honours. dane peeples el in capitis diminutio nole ande we. thee divynne sovereigne beings affirm that we are thee sovereigne natural ande divyne beings here en proklaimed en capitis diminutio nolo en propria persona sui juris en propria slo ande en proprio heredes andc affirmede byc law full barthrighte being law fullie universallc qualified andc komrpetent affirme this dockumente, we therefour plaice ourrsoversigne handes ande seal hereto ande en favorr ul all moonshe american nationals. ane kpros day!7 = month july — year 1441 [2021] 4 we bo all soverigne origencall ennbigeneous mootishe ammerican autogeatts fore this anbe all sovercigne united states of america governmente bockumentes are on thee publiek Wwreckord at america. justises /visirs/ministars en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes. all sovereigne rightes exxercised at all tpmes. wrth sere north weste alta / sont sei / orth git /sDjtninge stns pee fles ¢ FZ ited states of america oorrsbe national reepubtick federal gabe (/0 911 southe weste SLsthvlase ear fedeall wave wastangtont) ‘washingtonebistrice for columbia ston net ernst jamversall natural arrea cabbe: 4s3wy gvkes Muriel Bowser offise uf chief finanshul ofiser John A. Wilson Building 1350 Penasylvania Ave, NW #203 {Washington. DC 20004] [delivered certfied7020 2450 0000 8002 3843 retumed#9S90 9402 6010 0069 236% 621 copy: offise uf wreckorder Jeffrey Dewitt dba wreckorder 1101 4th StSW #270 { Washington, DC 20004} [delivered certified mail #7020 2450 0000 8002 3829 and returned #9590 9402 6010 0069 2963 48)

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